The Boyfriend (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Getting to Know the Real You

He's here.
-Thank you for joining us.
-Thank you for coming.
-Thanks for having me.
-Thank you.
-I'm Usak.
-I had fun last night.
-I enjoyed it.
-Thanks for having me.
What were you doing?
-Our morning routine.
-Your morning routine?
Is this even a routine?
Just chatting.
Let's have lunch together later.
Can he eat the same dishes as us?
Can you?
I'd like to make a chicken smoothie.
I see.
I brought chicken breast.
How many kilos is that?
Around 1,700 grams.
I see.
I'll put all this in a pot.
Is this for one day?
Wow, does that taste good?
So it's boiled chicken?
-Boiled chicken? That's quite
-Too intense.
That's how disciplined he is.
For his job.
He may have been pursuing
his own path in solitude,
so maybe he hasn't had
a serious relationship.
If you date Usak,
you almost have to be
like an athlete's partner, right?
Yeah, that's right.
Look, there it is.
That's amazing.
Wow, that's cute!
-It's stylish.
-And the logo is cute.
The logo looks great.
What? Cool!
-It's mint green.
-This mint is cute.
That's cute. So awesome.
Looks great.
-I like the contrast.
-I know.
-This is so amazing.
-I like the color.
-The boys are photogenic.
-This is great.
They're living their youth.
If you were to do an illustration here,
what would you draw?
Can you draw?
I enjoy drawing.
That's good.
What a wonderful side to him.
The teacher said
to stop it in front of our body.
I don't have any muscle.
What am I gonna do? I don't work out.
Try the other way around. You'll be fine.
Turn it four or five times and squeeze.
Then maybe you can think,
"I want to make it for that person."
The desire to make delicious coffee
for the customer will come across.
Hey, Gensei
-Is that how it is?
-His expression
We got a message.
"You will start running
the coffee truck tomorrow."
"From now on, you will be required
to live off a budget of 200,000 yen."
-Got it.
-I see.
If we calculate for a month,
that's 6,600 yen per day.
That sounds doable.
Who wants to manage the budget?
-Can two of us do it?
-Two works.
I think two is better.
Then I'd be happy to.
Okay. Do you wanna try accounting, Dai?
Totally. I just have to calculate, right?
Budget and calculate?
Oh, I'm impressed.
He's using a face mask.
As expected.
He's working out.
There's even a gym there.
-Our names are written there.
There it is.
-"This is a notice for you."
"It will be Ryota's shift today."
I'll do my best.
What is it?
"Ryota, please choose one person
you would like to work with."
So that's how it is.
"This is also a chance for you
to talk to the person alone."
Yeah, that's very important.
This is crazy!
This is so fun!
"After you pick a person,
turn over their nameplate."
I have to choose, right? I got it.
Anyone in mind?
-Oh, you do.
Do you just want to work with him,
or do you want to get to know him?
Maybe both.
I see.
This is intense.
It'll spice things up.
Who will he pick?
You know, it's almost a confession.
It means "I'm interested in you."
-Hey, look.
Will you work with me?
Me? Oh, I'm happy to work with you.
Our historic inaugural day.
Have fun.
Drive safe, Ryo.
-Drive safe.
-Drive safe.
Wow, amazing.
-It's huge.
It's quite a big van.
Wow. What an amazing view.
It couldn't be better.
We've arrived.
It'll be perfect if it's sunny.
Shall we get ready?
The apron fires me up.
-That's true.
That looks good.
Yeah, it's cute.
Very cute.
Usak's drawing is amazing.
-I like the color too.
-Cute. He did a good job.
Are you ready to open the shop?
The shop is open.
We're open.
Let's do it.
Let's have fun.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
It's very tasty.
Our shop opened today.
You're our first customers.
A small latte, please?
Thank you.
Hot, please.
-Same for me.
Do you usually drink coffee?
One cup per day.
Do you drink lattes or black coffee?
The first cup is ready.
Here's the first one.
It's so cute.
We added our hearts.
Oh, they said it was delicious.
I'm relieved.
-You heard?
This one is strong since it has
a double shot of espresso on top.
The beans are from Ethiopia,
Brazil, and El Salvador.
Thank you very much.
You're impressive.
Thank you.
You were so good.
I like these two.
They're a good match.
They're calm.
They look cute looking out
the window, don't they?
So cute.
We have to go.
We have to work on coffee.
I have a headache.
Maybe you're not getting enough sleep.
I'm coming in.
Here's water and medicine.
For real? Sorry.
It's all right. Just take this for now.
-Thank you.
I'll try to get back soon. Thanks.
Don't worry. Don't push yourself.
Thank you.
See you. Get some rest.
It was really fun.
I had fun too.
It'd be nice
if we could work together again.
I really think so.
Today, you unexpectedly
had to choose someone
But you're the one
I've been wanting to work with you.
Oh, really?
So I turned over your name right away.
I'm happy.
I didn't really have to mull it over.
They'll still be like this
30 years from now.
Yes, still running the shop here.
-They spent quite some time together.
They've been working hard since morning.
-We're home.
-Welcome back!
How did it go?
It was fun, actually.
It was fun.
We had good teamwork.
Yes, there was a lot of teamwork.
-That's necessary.
We took notes on things
that caught our attention.
-Yes, we did.
-Thank you so much.
We'd like everyone
to write your notes here every time.
Today's sales
were 1,700 yen.
What? Great!
-Nice work.
-Good job. Thank you.
They made 1,700 yen.
That's like them.
What were they doing?
Honestly, I was at a loss for words.
1,700 yen? Really?
-There were few customers.
-It's the same as the chicken
-There weren't many people there.
-I see.
-Good job.
-Thank you for today.
Thank you very much.
I have big news.
At the end of the day, we were asked
to write messages to each other.
Ryota mentioned
The handwriting may give away
who wrote the letters.
I think it was probably Ryota
who gave me the letter.
I checked the letter,
and I think his handwriting
was the same as the previous letter.
Is he interested in me?
That's what it means, right?
I see. So he's interested in me.
It's surprising.
-That's good.
I wrote the letter to Dai. Yes.
-Huh? Wait a minute.
A misunderstanding.
-No way. What?
-Huh? Wait.
He saw the handwriting
They're not the same at all.
-You're right.
-I was surprised.
When we compare them, they aren't similar.
Misunderstanding could lead to love.
-That's it.
Love needs a bit of misunderstanding
to make progress.
Good morning.
Good morning.
"Dai will have today's shift."
This is nerve-wracking.
Yeah, it really is.
Are your eyes closed?
Please work with me.
My pleasure.
I'm so glad.
Right. That's what I expected.
-If not, it'd be wrong.
An iced latte.
Iced latte.
And a black coffee.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Pour it slowly.
Sorry for the wait.
-Thank you.
-Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
We look forward to seeing you again.
I enjoyed myself the whole time.
In the coffee truck,
we were so close
we could've kissed 100 times.
When I looked up,
Shun's lips were right there.
I probably could've gone for it.
Is he into me or not?
I'm not sure how he really feels.
I've never seen such muscle this close.
I can't help but stare.
Are both of you
your true selves on the show,
in this house?
I'm very much my true self.
Are you?
Are you okay?
Tell me if something's wrong.
I'm totally fine.
Totally fine.
I think everyone
mostly shows their true colors.
You know how you guys
play games together at night?
I haven't been able to join in.
No need to worry about that
I need to work out.
I also often keep to my room.
I'm hoping I can be comfortable
doing my own thing.
Please don't worry.
Feel free to be yourself.
At times, I'm not sure
what my true self is.
I know what you mean.
Is this the real me,
or am I trying to be considerate?
I understand.
Is being considerate my true self?
I'm not sure who I am sometimes, you know?
Thoughts like that
pop into our heads at times.
In my past relationships,
there were many times
when things would end
with me being unable to express
my true feelings.
Exposing my inner self to others
I've never had that experience.
During my stay here,
I'm hoping to be able to honestly express
my feelings to others.
Since he is famous,
it's hard to be yourself.
Those in the public eye
have images of themselves
that people expect.
When subject to that expectation,
they feel they have to live up to it.
It sometimes becomes even harder
to show your true self.
I'm certain Usak
is a very considerate person.
-9,000 yen?
How many people have you seriously dated?
Were they all older?
The first was 30, the second was 28,
and the third was 23.
-The third one was the same age?
He was from New York.
You met in Japan?
Yeah, I met him in Japan.
It was love at first sight.
For him.
He really loved me.
But what I got out of the relationship
wasn't enough.
I wanted more.
I started having lofty ideals.
That's okay.
You were able to avoid wasting time.
I still can't grasp his feelings.
Maybe I'm enjoying wondering
whether he likes me or not.
What happened to Shun with the New Yorker?
What sort of painful breakup did he have?
He knew his ex loved him,
but something happened
to make him this timid about love.
Something must have happened.
Assuming you like each other,
when a crush tells you
about his past big relationship,
would that fire you up more?
Or would it throw a bucket
of cold water on your feelings?
I would've been fired up in my youth,
but now I'd be like, "Okay, I'm done."
-But Dai
-We stop trying as we age.
-Dai will get fired up.
-Of course, he will.
-He'll go for it.
-It won't matter to him.
He's acting like he's listening,
but he's not.
He only sees himself.
And when he meets
with his opinionated friends,
they'll say, "Who cares? Just go for it!"
Why don't we try Jenga?
The loser has to say the name
of the person they're interested in.
We can't lose.
It's a battle we can't lose.
Is there anyone you like?
-I'm interested in someone.
I am interested in someone.
-You mean the person next to you?
-Oh dear.
Have you said something to him?
I haven't yet.
-He won't know otherwise.
-You're right, but I haven't done it yet.
There's no way I can say it.
He's right in front of me.
There's no way.
It's Shun.
-Huh? Wait a sec.
It's Shun?
Shun is someone who does funny things.
He's quirky and offbeat.
He's interesting.
I want to get to know him.
I like him.
I already know he has feelings for me.
So he could be more physical,
more touchy-feely with me.
I wouldn't mind that.
I'd be okay with him being more forward.
See, Gensei misunderstands.
You're good, Shun.
You're weak!
Gensei, wanna join in?
He's taking pictures.
From that angle, Ryota should know
he's taking pictures of him.
And he's zooming in on Ryota.
I mentioned this last night,
but I wanted to chat about
our budget of 6,000 yen per day.
What should we do about the chicken?
How much is it?
One pack costs about 800 yen,
and I need three of them.
So we need 2,000 yen?
Gensei and I discussed it last night
while doing the finances.
It's 6,000 yen per day for seven of us.
That's about 800-something-yen
per person per day.
I'm sure many of us will find that tight.
The seven of us need to make do
with 6,000 yen, right?
These are the expenses from yesterday.
One-third is chicken.
Half went on dinner.
We couldn't afford breakfast or lunch.
Only two bunches of bananas.
Oh no. Usak's chicken
is a strain on the family budget.
But it's vital for Usak.
We understand you feel you need
to maintain your routine for your job,
but since we live together,
we'd like to be fair to all the cast.
This is what I'm thinking.
-Don't do that. I feel so bad for him.
-Oh, Usak!
What if the 2,000 yen
we spend on the chicken
could be reduced to 1,000 yen?
Then 1,000 yen will be for the chicken,
and the remainder could go toward
food for seven people.
Can I even buy chicken for 1,000 yen?
Please keep in mind
that this 1,000 yen would normally be
for everyone to share,
but everyone is willing to compromise.
I would appreciate it
if you could keep that in mind.
The youngest is warning the oldest.
I didn't expect chicken
to pull me back to reality like this.
The weather is nice today.
"Taeheon will take the shift today."
Who is Taeheon going to choose?
I can't predict it.
Please work with me.
I'm kind of happy.
"Kind of happy"?
Not "kind of." You should just be happy.
I'm happy.
-I'm happy for you.
-Do you have a latte?
-Latte? Yes.
-One latte and one iced coffee, black.
-Black, please.
What size would you like?
There are two size
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Please don't worry about it.
How much is a hot coffee?
-I'm fine with the smaller one.
-The S-size.
I want the smaller hot coffee too.
Hot black coffee?
-With sugar and milk.
-How much?
-For me, I mean.
-Please hold on a moment.
So you'd like a latte with sugar and milk.
Am I correct? Thank you very much.
I should've picked this one.
-Hurry up.
-Yes, I'll get it to you quick.
Are you okay, Taeheon?
Can you trim and thin it out a little?
Sure, okay.
Were you pretty nervous
when you picked your shift partner?
Yeah, I was very nervous.
My heart was pounding,
but I had already decided.
I just had to flip the name.
You're so talented!
Thank you.
While you were in the coffee truck,
did you feel anything?
When a customer
or third party gets involved,
I get to see a different side of Shun
we don't usually see.
He's the type of person
to take work seriously.
The moment you chose Shun
he couldn't stop smiling.
Really? Are you serious?
He was blushing.
For real?
When you become the truck leader,
do you know who you'll pick?
I do.
-You've decided already?
I've decided.
I'm looking forward to it.
I didn't expect you to choose me.
One of the reasons I chose you
It's kind of rude to say this,
but you have an unfounded confidence.
I admire people like that.
No one else will believe in you
if you don't believe in yourself.
It felt like that was important.
You're someone who doesn't
hate yourself, right?
-That's what your confidence means.
If anything, you love yourself
That means you're ready
to be loved by someone.
Makes sense.
That was a bit philosophical.
Shun lives life at his own pace.
"It's painful. It's fun. I'm happy."
He's surprisingly expressive.
Yes, that's right.
He doesn't force himself to fit in.
He doesn't.
People who adjust to others are popular,
but people who don't are also popular.
Especially when they're young.
Oh, they're hunting for chicken.
Affordable chicken.
It's 75 yen per 100 grams.
So two kilos for 1,500 yen.
I'd like to get this one.
But we had this talk already.
That's not right.
That's a little
He doesn't get it, does he?
What he's asking is beside the point.
You're right.
Today's main dish is
trumpet mushrooms wrapped with pork.
-We can make a side with what we have.
-You're right.
It says, "We got it!"
Good! He bought the 850 yen one.
-You did a good job.
-I shouldn't be proud of it, but I am.
Sorry for the long wait.
-Welcome back.
-Thank you for waiting.
Look at this.
You found affordable chicken.
850 yen.
It's under budget!
-He's so happy. That's cute.
-He's celebrating with a chicken cheer.
He's incredibly disciplined.
-What is this scene?
-What was that cut?
-Why does only Usak get this section?
What's the penalty?
Let's continue the game
we played at the club.
Tell the person you trust
who you're interested in.
-All right.
-We're playing for real.
-For real? All ready?
Here we go.
The lowest card loses.
The one with the lowest number loses.
Is it me?
You should exchange cards.
You're in danger.
-Seeing that, you think you'd win?
-Dai is also in danger.
Let's do this at the same time.
-On three?
-Yeah, I wanna see.
Ready? Go.
That was close!
No one was even my type.
He did say that.
Tell the person you trust the most.
I don't have one.
I'll tell Ryo, then.
What game should we play?
-What should we play?
Do you have a crush on anyone?
-I am interested in someone.
-Oh, I see.
I'm interested in someone.
It's Shun.
I like him.
We should be talking
so we can't hear them.
-What should we do?
-We can still
Uno for our last game.
It'll be fun if we play
with this many people.
Still playing?
I told him the person
at the top of the nameplates.
-This is the worst.
-That is pretty
-How Ryota must feel after that
Ryo, sorry, but how was it?
I was happy
"Happy"? No way.
to know.
-That's good.
-You're glad to know?
That's heart-wrenching!
Now that the members are starting
to know what they feel,
that game is a form of violence.
It's painful
because now Ryota knows the truth.
Right. And he said he was happy.
-It's heartbreaking.
-It must have been so difficult to say.
I couldn't have said "I'm happy"
or anything like that.
Did Dai's attentiveness
when Shun was sick work, then?
-Oh, you mean Dai's?
-If he chose Dai.
Ever since the beginning,
when Dai said he liked him
Shun may be the type of person who tends
to like the person who already likes him.
He may be someone
who places importance on feeling loved.
Everyone's feelings are in motion!
Dai is working it.
-He is making it happen.
"Gensei will take the shift today."
Now, huh?
-Who will he pick?
-What are you gonna do, Gensei?
I'll look after he flips.
I know.
Please work with me.
Thank you for choosing me.
Good luck.
I'm excited.
Let's have fun.
I wanted to go with Dai
and make lots of money with him.
We're like the best of friends.
No, I can't yet.
That would mean we both like each other.
It's not the right time.
What's going to happen?
-I don't want him to get hurt.
He thinks he won't be able
to stop himself.
I just sent you a funny picture.
-Look at his face.
-Funny, right?
Ever since you told me
I realized you see him that way.
It just suddenly hit me.
Yeah, maybe three days ago.
At first, he was the least likely.
You know how he overreacts at times.
That's true.
"It's so good!"
-Yeah, exactly!
-"It's delicious."
I didn't like that part of him at first,
but I realized
that's probably part of his charm.
He's sincere
and kind.
Yeah, that's right.
Once I started to realize my feelings,
he seemed better and better.
I see!
The shift from "dislike" to "like"
can be powerful.
It's unshakable.
-Shun told Ryota who his crush is, right?
-I know.
Do you wonder?
Well, of course I do, but
Yeah, I thought so.
I feel like it's going well.
When we were playing games yesterday,
he rested his head here the whole time.
Oh yeah, that's right.
My heart was pounding the whole time.
I feel like I'm finally
getting closer to him emotionally.
So you both feel the same?
I don't know.
-I'm still not ready for that.
I'm afraid.
I want him to show me
that it has to be me.
Otherwise, I can't.
I can't help but wonder
what he likes about me.
I want to confess my feelings to Shun.
I hope to at some point.
Seeing Shun today,
it didn't feel like the right time
to tell him how I felt.
I felt it would be too much
for Shun emotionally.
He's so kind.
This is so painful.
-Ryota's taken on the listening role.
I can't narrow it down from these three.
No, they aren't good.
All of them?
Yeah, I found a better one.
Are you serious?
Yup. Hey!
Wait, sorry.
-What's going on?
Was it a picture?
Inappropriate ones? Is he okay?
Did he swipe to other pictures?
I happened to open his photo folder.
I found pictures
that could be used for dating apps.
Like, totally naked.
Really extreme ones.
It made me think, "Oh, he's a player."
It was something I didn't want to see.
With what happened earlier,
I feel like maybe I destroyed everything
we had built up to this point.
in my past relationships,
there were
many player types.
Those never worked out.
They're a cause for concern.
Photos like that, I mean.
I'm sorry.
It made me remember things.
The surfer I broke up with was horrible.
I had become dependent on that person,
and I couldn't get out of it.
But I had decided that from then on
I would avoid those kinds of people.
I want to live a happy life.
I want to find someone I could be with.
I was kind of hoping to find
the right person here.
I want to reset my life
and start all over again.
From what I saw of your reaction earlier,
it's natural to imagine
all kinds of things on your own.
But I'm so attracted to you,
and I want to know you more.
I know that I'll be able to reassure you,
to prove to you, through my actions,
that you'll be safe with me.
So I hope that you don't worry.
Won't this make Shun aware
of his own feelings for Dai instead?
I think it will.
The photos perfectly fit into the scenario
he was already worried about.
The worst case.
It came out more negatively.
But it tends to be difficult
to meet people
in ordinary places like work.
So it's quite natural
to use such apps to meet people.
And taking some risqué photos
for apps like that is totally
So I don't want Shun
to get upset over that.
I thought so too.
-I don't like that.
I don't like it.
Shun has been hurt by players before.
If he's going to be on the show,
he wants to choose the opposite.
He's trying to find someone
who will really care about him.
I think he's pushing away.
But his pushing away means
"I love you," right?
-Yes, that's right.
-You think so?
I agree with him too.
Shun likes him, but
There it is.
"Kazuto will be taking the shift today."
Finally, you can go.
I have to leave again
for about three days for my work.
Starting when?
Starting tomorrow.
So I'll do my best today.
How do you feel about everyone?
What sort of move will he make?
Who will he choose?
Who is it?
Ryota, please work with me.
Have fun.
I will.
Have a good day!
Do your best!
They left.
-So beautiful.
This is nice.
Are you originally from Tokyo?
No, I'm from Shimane Prefecture.
-Oh, Shimane.
-It's very rural.
You came
after you graduated from high school?
No, I came here at about 22 or 23.
Are you originally from Tokyo?
-I'm from Niigata.
So everyone is from
relatively rural areas.
Usak said he's from Gifu.
Speaking of Usak,
you know how he usually eats around
1.5 kilograms of chicken breast?
You know what?
I tried making it at my restaurant.
The chicken smoothie.
-How was it?
-It was so disgusting.
I felt so sick after drinking it.
It's funny you actually made it.
I grossed out my staff.
No matter how gross,
Usak keeps drinking it.
-It must taste bad, obviously.
-It must take a lot of effort.
Usak is admirable.
Hello, how are you?
We have iced coffee.
Three? Thank you very much.
We also have incredibly delicious cookies.
-Did you climb up here?
-Yes, we did.
-That's nice. It's a beautiful day.
-Exactly. It was perfect.
This is the iced latte,
and this is the iced coffee.
-Good luck.
-Thank you very much.
Kazuto, you're amazing.
I really like your customer service.
We're doing great. What time is it?
-It's 2:15 p.m.
-2:00 p.m.
Very good!
-They sold 14 cookies!
Can I ask you about
your past relationships?
When was your last one?
Less than two years ago.
How about you?
I had someone I was dating
for about five years.
Quite long.
Anyone else?
So that was the second one.
The first one
I dated was when I was 19,
and that was the first time.
Yeah, but at that time, I hadn't yet
I hadn't completely admitted
that I was totally this way.
-Not "admitted," but
-I understand.
I didn't see the point of a relationship
when you couldn't even marry.
I know.
There was no one else like that
in my hometown.
The accepted idea is that a man and
a woman date, get married, and have kids.
That's the general path of life.
Yes, that track is already laid out.
I was confused about what it meant
for two men to date.
I really
"Why was I born this way?" In our world,
everyone wondered about that.
Everyone has thought that at least once.
My parents are rice farmers.
I'm the eldest son,
so I was supposed to take over the farm.
But when I realized my sexuality,
I found it difficult.
Taking over my parents' business
meant there were expectations
from my parents and others around me.
But I betrayed those expectations.
I feel guilt and shame about it.
In an effort to dispel those feelings,
I want to use the rice
from my parent's farm
and the produce from my hometown
and open my own restaurant.
That's my driving force or dream now.
That's so nice.
He's admirable.
He's trying to repay his parents
in his own way.
Everyone opens up to Ryota.
-They open up?
-A lot.
They're able to speak openly to him.
He must give off that vibe.
He must!
Is seeing a movie
on a first date good or bad?
We were discussing that.
I wouldn't do it for the first date.
You wouldn't, right?
For a first date, I would go to a café
or some other place we could chat.
Then suggest it
for the second or third date.
Like, "Let's go see this next time."
Shun, can you please join us?
No opinions?
I didn't want to talk to him.
I can't even make eye contact with him.
What should I do?
But you talked to him yesterday, right?
Yes, and a lot happened.
I couldn't hang out with him anymore.
But he told me he wanted to make peace.
-So you talked?
-We talked.
But after thinking it over again
I mean, we talked about it last night.
And you calmed down?
We were able to settle things, but
I see.
I'm not really sure.
He's still fretting over it.
He's a worrier.
"Shun will be taking the shift today."
All right.
Please go ahead.
Here I go.
-Let's see.
What's he gonna do?
Who will it be?
How dramatic.
I said the person
at the top of the nameplates.
It was something I didn't want to see.
What the heck?
-What was that?
-They left us hanging!
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