The Boy's Word: Blood on the Asphalt (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

A completely different disco

Yeah, thanks.
Turn that off, it's not for you.
- You'll pay 30 kopecks.
- For what?
For the haircut, "for what". Smart aleck.
He came like that. Confirm it.
Yeah, I've had this
since childhood, that's all.
- Are you guys crazy or what?
- You just wait a bit more.
Lyuda! Lyuda, make
a call. It's them again.
- These devils.
- Who did you just call devils, hey!
- Let's go, let's go.
- Where to go! Let her answer for her words!
I'll take it out now.
- You're really a clown, Nikulin.
- What?
Look at you - a weakling
through and through.
This lousy outfit.
- When's your birthday?
- April 22nd. Like Lenin.
In two months.
Here, happy birthday!
- No, don't need it.
- It's a gift.
You can't say no, take it.
This coat, damn.
Turn around, let's see.
A groom!
Make it shorter.
If Aigul comes, and she definitely will,
- you disappear, got it?
- Got it, why are you yelling.
Oh, the inspector.
Well, hello.
Alright, lead the way, you invited me.
- Did you get the tickets?
- Not yet.
Hurry up, you're not the only one in line.
Excuse me, can I pay for one now and
bring the money for the other one tomorrow?
It's okay, I have enough.
Let's go. I'll treat you to ice cream.
I don't eat ice cream.
- Are you sick?
- I just don't like it.
Okay. Let's do this.
I'm treating you today,
and next time it's your turn.
- Okay.
- Such a gentleman! Wow!
You should take it off indoors, really.
It suits you.
No, really, it looks good.
Your head shape is perfect.
A Greek.
But it's probably cold, isn't it?
Don't you want to talk?
No, why?
What music do you listen to?
"Kino" and "Alice".
See, we found something in common.
What songs from "Alice" have you heard?
"Energy". I just traded
it recently for Vysotsky.
- Did you watch "Assa"?
- Of course, it's awesome.
Our hearts demand.
Our eyes demand.
In our laughter and in our
- hearts
- Tears.
And in the pulse of veins.
Changes, we're waiting for changes.
Hey, what's this rubbish?
Turn on a film, something erotic!
No, put on "Yeralash"
about the mandarins!
Oh, guys, Kazan!
The city is restless.
Yard against yard. Street against street.
District against district.
They beat each other, beat
those who think differently.
Beat for being in the wrong territory.
For having hair too long.
Or wearing a foreign T-shirt.
To fight, in the language of teenagers,
means to "scrap".
To hang out with your gang is "to roam".
Shelukha, skorlupa, super a -
all from the same jargon.
Somehow, unnoticed, the concept of "gang"
entered our life.
We filmed these shots on May 9th
in the reception department
of the 15th city hospital.
Every day, they bring here boys
maimed in street clashes.
Their friends, the so-called
kings of Kazan's courtyards,
leave their autographs
on the hospital wall.
- Were you beaten?
- Very often, almost every day.
It even got to the point
where I often left classes.
At first, I kept silent, afraid, thinking
if they find out, they could kill me.
Because they can't even be called human.
Sometimes, they corner you,
some stretch your arms, hit.
They hit, mock,
they mock severely Mocked.
Well, our opinion, I speak for everyone -
it's better to live like us.
Who are they?
Those whom Alyosha denies the right
to be called human.
These were caught. The police will
figure out who's right, who's to blame.
Did you run?
- No, we walked calmly.
- We didn't run at all, just walked
What do you think, why were you detained?
Their own circle, their own territory.
Where strangers are forbidden to enter.
This is not a dance anymore - it's a ritual.
This is the 21st century
walking our streets.
What will they bring
with them into the future?
Now we have just watched
a film about our city.
- About our problems.
- Where did she come from? Turn the movie back on!
- Don't worry, the film will be on.
- But first, let's have a talk.
It will be a short discussion,
it won't take much time.
My name is Irina Sergeevna.
I'm not going to judge anyone.
You know, I would like,
that today we hear both sides.
And as one of them,
today we have the leader
of the Dzerzhinsky Komsomol
operational squad, Denis Konevich.
And opposing him,
to present the viewpoint
of the so-called 'string-pullers',
we will have someone who has only recently
decided to become a gang member.
Andrey, if you would,
please come up on stage.
They have no position.
What, will they say "we are beasts"?
I can say that for them.
Andrey, please come out to the people.
Let them see, you're not some villain.
Wait a moment, please!
- Hi.
- Hi.
So, I was the one who called
you, the Komsomol leader.
Well, come in,
Comrade Komsomol leader.
- I thought maybe you'd come out to the hallway.
- Cartoons are on now.
Thirteenth, what should
the devil do with a friend?
And no problems!
Who are you?
Well, I You see
My dad got transferred here.
So, me too, just like that.
Hello! Marat.
We don't know the rules, huh?
First, we shake hands with the eldest?
What a bunch of lousy suitors.
- He's our Komsomol leader.
- Yes, I called your wife.
Ayguul does not
participate in the squad's life.
But now she will, we've worked that out.
Okay, let's finish watching - and then tea.
No-no, I need to go
finish the wall newspaper.
Tomorrow we'll discuss
the waste paper collection, okay?
Came from America on an air bike!
The bike broke, and I stayed here!
Raisa Gorbacheva
and Alla Pugacheva will play!
Twirling around, want to confuse you,
a prize for good vision!
Uncle, uncle, let me play.
Watch carefully, we'll definitely win.
German roulette, also known as Tatar lotto,
you can win a sweater, or even a coat.
- Three rubles, uncle.
- Whoa!
If you try hard, you can win back,
but those who just stand there gaping -
won't get anything.
Guess where the ball is -
I'll pay a reward! One! Two!
- Where? -In this one.
- Here?
- No.
- Definitely in this one.
- For sure?
- For sure.
So Whoa! Well done, congratulations!
You earned it, here you go.
Well, look at that, three
rubles out of nowhere.
I'll give these to my mom.
Who's next? Oh!
Me, I'm next!
- So
- Can I put in 100 rubles?
Can't refuse, madam. So
That You don't need to.
- So, kid, get out of here.
- You won, let others play.
So, watch carefully, guess diligently!
Whoa! Can you guess where the ball is?
- Where?
- Right here.
- Come on!
- 100 rubles -Wow
- It was right there.
- It was, but it's gone, can't bring it back.
- Well, nothing, you'll win back.
- Go away, I want to lose three rubles.
Can I bet the hat?
- That's our mom's, from Universam.
- Get out of here, you're blowing our cover.
Hat? Well, I don't know.
Okay, let's bet your hat.
But it's clearly not worth fifty against it.
Follow the ball, enrich with cash!
And - one! We accept everything: Gold,
earrings, bracelets, and ladies' pistols!
One! Well?
In the middle. I was a sniper.
No way, it's in the left one, for sure.
Well, no luck - go fill your stomach.
Lady, let others have a chance at luck.
- No, I still have my coat.
- Don't, lady!
- Is it a good one?
- It's good.
Alright, give me your coat and ten rubles.
Cops! Alert, cops!
- Shush! Run!
- Wait!
- Wait!
- Hurry-hurry-hurry!
Hand it over here!
- What's up, did she fall behind?
- Yeah.
But there's nobody there.
There were two cops there.
Honestly, guys.
Give your word as a guy?
I didn't see any cops there.
False alarm.
- The boy is training us.
- Yeah.
So? Felt sorry for the lady, huh?
Feeling compassionate?
That's Andrey's mom.
What do you think? Are we not human?
Or what, she would have
been left without a coat?
And you, Marat, betrayed your own guys.
If your buddy had betrayed you,
what would you have done?
Look me in the eye.
Stand up!
We're here.
This is uncle Ildar.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hello.
What happened, Mom?
They insulted your mom, deceived her.
But it's okay, we'll handle it.
You'll grow up and protect her.
- No one will dare to approach her, right?
- I'll try.
I'll put Yulia to bed,
Uncle Ildar will tell you everything.
Just got involved?
Alright, don't worry, everything's fine.
I grew up in Teplocontrol myself.
We trained in the basement with iron.
Not like you guys back then.
Okay, let's figure out what to do next.
They took all the money
from my mom, even her hat.
Some guy with tattoos. I think we'll
find him, but you know - it's a process.
And there's something
needed by tomorrow, right?
You've got a little sister too.
Here's the deal. Come to my work tomorrow.
I'm not exactly flush with cash either.
Relatives sent me some small things
from the village, I'll share with you.
It'll be enough for the time being,
and we'll see later, okay?
Take care of your mom, Andrey.
Try to
be home more often.
It's hard for her now.
Come tomorrow and play something,
something you're good at.
And she'll smile.
You'll remember that
smile for the rest of your life.
- Alright.
- I don't have a piano.
Svet, I'm off.
Where were you? Dad's home.
Project submitted.
He asked about you three times already.
- Where?
- In the kitchen. I'll put some food out for you.
Maratik! Oh
Come in, sit down. Sit down.
- Fine.
- "Fine".
And I love you.
- Understood.
- "Understood".
He understands everything.
Understood - and that's it?
Me Marat
I don't know
Such a grandfather, such a mother
Well, I'm not even talking about myself.
And you
Want to become a thug, right?
- I want to sleep.
- Answer my question first, then go.
What question?
Kiryush, let him go.
What a scoundrel you are.
No, where are you going?
Start all over again, all over.
What is this we have here?
What, are these fingers?
You're going to the recital
with these wooden sticks?
- They will heal.
- "They will heal"!
And what about your
head? Do you have lice?
Why? It's just hot under the cap.
Fool, hot he says!
Start over again.
Get out! Out!
We don't need gang members in our school!
- I've prepared everything.
- Hello.
Onions, potatoes, a
pack of vermicelli, butter.
Sausages, tea.
Not deluxe, but we make do.
Thank you.
Are you in a hurry?
- Kind of.
- Got a job. Take off your coat.
- Il'dar Yunusovich, I just sat down.
- Don't you have work? Caught everyone?
Better bring me some echpochmak.
Ah, wait. Turn on that kung-fu.
You'll go crazy watching this.
- Excuse me.
- Boys don't apologize. And there's no need.
You did your job.
Were you in school? In music class?
- Yes.
- You have an hour of fun.
So, watch. Move with the arrows, yeah.
And the long one is the jump.
You'll figure out the rest.
How's it going?
Wow, reached the third level?
You're a coal hero for the country.
Yeah, there's this fat guy, Seppi
Turn it off.
Uncle Il'dar, can I play again tomorrow?
We'll see, Andrey,
I'm swamped with work here.
Can't rely on anyone.
Help me?
Yes, let's do it.
Sit down.
- Write.
- But what to write?
- Gathering times, names of the leaders.
- Write everything you know, Andrey.
You'll really help out, Andrey. Let's go.
Well, there.
Maybe you'll play again tomorrow.
Wrote about me already? Know what
they call those who cooperate with cops?
- I'm not with cops.
- Goats! Know how they deal with goats?
Slaughtered, like in a meat factory.
- I was playing on the computer.
- Don't give me that.
You were there with the cop
lady. This and that, ice cream.
She bought it herself.
What did she suggest to write?
Names, gathering places?
No, she didn't suggest.
Look, this is your final warning. If anyone
sees you - they'll deal with you harshly.
Extinguished so that even weaklings
will stop saying hello.
- Understood?
- Yes.
Vovan's back!
- Hi, guys!
- Hi!
- And I thought you'd be back next time.
- So you finally joined, I see?
- What, you didn't write anything?
- I thought they read your letters.
Who needs you besides me, Maratik!
- What, turned American?
- No.
You know these bastards
supplied "Stingers" to the mujahideen?
Get rid of them.
Why are we standing, guys?
- Shall we play?
- Yes!
- Let's go, Maratik, we'll be captains.
- We'll pick one by one.
- Who's with me?
- Me!
- Goal!
- Goal!
He's yawning, huh!
Caught you!
I forgive you, runts.
So, guys, tell me.
What's happening on the streets?
Hi, guys!
- Adidas!
- Hi, guys!
Hi everyone. Hi.
Welcome back.
You've really gotten
healthier on prison food.
Face like a machine gun!
- Yeah, something like that.
- So, what are your plans?
- What are you going to do with your life now?
- We'll see.
I see things have changed
a lot here in two years.
Oh come on! What's changed?
What do you mean? Before, it was shameful
to mess with one of our own guys.
Now I see you guys stripped a kid's mom.
Which kid?
- Come here, come here.
- Who?
Oh, you?
Why didn't you say it was your mom, huh?
Is it written on her or what? Huh?
Now you know.
That wasn't cool, Kaschey.
We need to fix this.
What are you accusing me of? Huh?
You better take it up
with your own brother.
You worked together, right? Huh?
- I told you that was our guy's mom.
- Yeah.
- You worked together, right?
- What?
- I told them it was our guy's mom.
- Yeah.
And what you whistled to the guys,
didn't you explain to your brother? No?
He said it was his mom.
What you said about the mom,
that's great.
You think we don't understand
that it's sacred?
But if she lost a hundred, what
should I do? Take it back from the guys?
What if it was a setup?
And how do you expect
me to return the money?
In the next game,
I would've lost half back to her,
if not for your jerk, who brought the cops.
- I didn't bring them!
- How didn't you, if you yelled: "Cops!"
- Where's your armband, Okodovec?
- Calm down.
- Take it out! -He
- I said, calm down. Are you at the market?
- You blew the whole cover, scum, didn't mention that?
- Quiet!
Vova, enough.
You started off wrong, little brother.
Just got back,
immediately starting to blame the elders.
Maybe you should go home, to your family?
Eat porridge, gain some strength?
- I'll figure it out.
- You'll figure it out?
Listen! Did you lose your skills, fighter?
Remember how he used
to throw everyone around?
By the way, we have a new kid here. Demid.
Remember, I told you? Vovan.
Maybe we should have a light sparring?
Like in the good old days.
It clears any nonsense from the head.
If you win - I promise: I'll reimburse
the boy's debt from my pocket.
- How much did your mom lose?
- A hundred rubles.
Well, a hundred or so,
but I'll return 30. Okay?
Is 30 okay?
Huh? Or are you scared?
You know, not everyone's comfortable
going up against Demid.
I'm comfortable, let's do it.
Let's support the guys!
Okay, okay, that's enough, calm down.
Let's go, move forward. Go!
Stand in the corner! I
said, stand in the corner!
Good! Well done, worthy.
- How are you, little brother?
- I'm fine.
- Fine?
- Let's continue.
Nothing to continue,
you boxed honorably.
Demid, come here. Alright, guys,
in this fair fight, Demid won!
I tell you, if they stripped your mom,
what would you do?
- I'd step up.
- Exactly.
Kashchey has totally lost it,
can't see the edges anymore.
- Don't talk like that in front of the runts.
- What's wrong with that?
Everything's right, just right.
Kashchey did a five-year stretch for a hat
in Kazakhstan.
Sat with the thieves - and
that's it, came out a king.
- Annoying with his principles.
- He's constantly drinking.
Yeah, and shooting up with black.
- Really?
- Rumors are going around.
- Don't they get shunned for drugs?
- Go on, try shunning Koschei.
Who's going to confront him, you?
Or Eralash? Guys, understand.
Things are going to change a lot here.
Heard what Gorbachev said?
In a year, America will be here.
Maybe even better.
And you're still dividing the asphalt.
Who needs it?
So what to do?
Need to hustle, look for options.
Just not with these blues, they're rotten.
Need new options.
- We need to earn.
- Where to earn here?
Only if we become dealers ourselves.
We should go to the drivers.
They drive on our land, right? They do.
- So let them pay.
- How do we approach them?
Truckers stand in groups over there.
- We don't need groups.
- We'll be smart about it.
So, guys, listen.
Let's meet on the
highway tomorrow at 6 am.
And we'll take the weakling with us.
We need to compensate for the cap somehow.
Thanks, guys.
To business.
To business.
- Hey, just so you know, I stood up for your mom.
- Get lost.
- Hello, sorry if it's late.
- Can I talk to Andrey?
What did he do? I want the truth, please,
right here, right now.
- I have the right to know.
- Mom, what happened?
Tell me. Speak in my presence.
The neighbors are already looking
at me sideways. Did he rob again?
- Please, he hasn't done anything.
- It's just a routine visit.
I visit all my charges. Can we talk?
Excuse me.
Sorry. I shouldn't have
treated you that way.
Did they say something
unpleasant at the meeting?
Not without that.
I realized later. At that moment, it seemed
great if we talked in front of everyone.
Stupid, of course, I understand.
Didn't help, and I put you in a bad spot.
I feel guilty
that you got in trouble because of me.
- It's okay.
- You know what?
I have a kind of party on Thursday.
Our local musicians will be there.
They call it a session. They'll play live.
Come around eight or nine.
Here's the address.
Thank you.
Will you be there in uniform?
Svetlana Mikhailovna, I'm going, goodbye.
- What?
- Need to pay for the road.
- For what?
- Three rubles for a car, it's our road.
Go to hell.
- What the hell are you doing!
- Who did you tell to go to hell?
No need for excess. Welcome to Kazan.
Six rubles for the ride.
So, not paying?
All? Pass.
Another one coming.
Marat! What's going on?
It doesn't work out.
Road toll, three rubles.
- Road toll, our road.
- Come on, come on!
Let it go, I'll call the police.
Can you push?
We'll help, guys.
- Where did you serve?
- Border patrol. 71st.
Drive, drive.
Where? Stop!
What? We split it partner-style? Cool!
- And how much does an iron cost, guys?
- You're annoying, Eralash, with your iron. Go home!
Go home!
So. For all this mess with the cap,
we'll give the kid 25 rubles.
But this is for his mom. For now.
- Oh, Overcoat!
- The rest we'll split evenly.
So, how about hitting the club? Haven't
been there in ages. Let's go, Marat?
Yeah, you guys go,
I'll pick up a girl and join you.
- Here.
- Alright, let's go.
What do you need an iron for?
I said I'd buy it.
- God! Where from?
- Won it in a lottery.
- That was quick.
- It even has temperature control.
- And steam comes out.
- How so?
- I don't know, but they said it has steam.
- The one without steam is cheaper.
And it's so light!
Oh, you're so good to me!
My clever boy!
- Andrey, is that you?
- Mom, hi.
I made some fried potatoes, sit down.
Don't forget to thank Uncle Ildar again. They
chipped in from the mutual aid fund at work.
It's okay, we'll survive somehow.
Nothing, we'll manage.
Yulia, hi!
Mom, so there's no money left, right?
Don't even joke, where from?
They stripped a mother. Stood up, like a
crow. Some guy was playing - and I followed.
Shame, Andrey.
- And those from "Main Reed," are they gone too?
- What "Main Reed"? In Pushkin?
- No, long gone.
- You said there were some there, if needed.
"Main Reed" I think. Maybe
you hid them elsewhere?
Only from you, if at all.
I'll check now.
Exactly, Andrey, look!
- I completely forgot
- Super. How much is there?
Did you put this?
What did they make you do for them?
What did they make
you do for them, tell me!
Return it, Andrey,
return it, wherever you took it from!
Enough, alright! This
is for you. I earned it.
Is this what I taught you?
Is this what I taught you?
You can't steal!
Mom, don't cry, mom!
There's something to catch, there is.
Why so late?
For you. A gift.
- Another one for you.
- Thank you.
And one more for you.
- Many more?
- No, that was the last one.
Well, I kept one on the way.
- I can give you the insert.
- Give it.
Aigul, who's there?
- It's for me.
- Watch the time.
- Go to the disco?
- What, are you crazy? They won't let me in.
How did you get here?
You'll see.
- Overcoat!
- I'll give you my jacket.
Where! I'll rip your legs off!
- Stealing a bride?
- Yep, two meters, commander!
What a youth these days.
Look, be in our circle -
the supermarket circle.
Don't go into others', if you're
with me. They'll steal you away.
Maybe I won't go at all.
And who are they?
Those are the crossroads
guys. Further there - "Panels."
And then "Teapots."
- Funny name.
- Be quieter with your laughter.
I've also heard of "Film Roll."
They won't be here tonight. We have a conflict
with them. They dance in another culture house.
Over there last week under the speaker
"Hadi Taktash" they were resting.
Ah, yes, we need to live freely.
Our heroic strength,
The strength of spirit and will.
The next song Alexey List
dedicates to his girlfriend Lena.
Especially for her - Igor Talkov.
Hey! Enough chatting, turn it on already!
Oh, look who's here.
May I?
- What?
- To dance.
Thank you for the offer.
But I need to watch.
Well, watch then, if you need to.
Summer rain, summer rain,
Whispers to me easily and simply,
That you will come, you will come,
You will come, but it will be
Guys! Guys, I'm holding it!
Wait, don't close the
doors, ours are coming!
- Not ours.
- Yes, ours, supermarket ones. Guys!
- From where?
- "Supermarket."
On business?
On business.
What are you staring at?
What, got cocky?
They're beating our guys!
Here, hold this. Stay here, I'll be back!
- Alert, cops!
- Cops!
Let's go!
- And you?
- Yes, with you, with you.
Thank you.
I won't write anything later,
don't expect it.
I'm not forcing you.
If you don't like something,
you can leave right now.
I'm just warning.
And I'm explaining clearly.
Want to earn yourself another compulsory
summons to the authorities? Feel free to leave.
What are you, huh?
- She's alright, really.
- Nobody alright would go into the police.
- Marat!
- What am I saying wrong?
Logically speaking.
I finished pedagogical studies.
Wanted to be a geography teacher.
Then got into the police
through distribution.
Teachers are the same as cops,
in essence. If you think about it.
- And what should I have become?
- Go study to be a gangster?
Or whatever your 'concepts' say?
To be a human.
Oh, yes.
In your world, one is
more human than the other.
Silly youngsters.
Watched 'The Three Musketeers' and think,
everyone's for one.
You think the guys will save you,
when you're drowning?
They will save me. They will, understand?
Of course, they will save you.
We are the street. We are the only
real people in this city, not wimps.
I'm respected, and I respect my guys.
Because they have spirit.
And we always have order
because we look out for each other.
And we take care of our women.
Sorry, I've seen enough of that nobility.
Your so-called nobility.
- You just don't believe in anything.
- And what do you believe in? Lenin?
- In justice.
- I see.
Open up!
Open up, you freak,
or you'll be the one hanging later.
- Or how many of you are there?
- Ildar Yunusovich, it's me.
- Irish?
- I'll come back later, sorry.
Open it!
Just open it, that's all.
Let's not do this, okay?
It's okay, it's Uncle Ildar, I know him.
Don't need to
I brought them here.
For a preventive talk.
Right place.
Hi, Uncle Ildar.
He's a good guy.
I know, excellent.
Girl, go home.
You, come with me.
To the exit.
Stay a moment.
What are we going to do with you? You're
a good guy, a humorist like Petrosyan.
I mean, with these nicknames
I actually fell for it at first.
Okay, Rocky, Rambo, Cobra -
fine, I thought, happens.
But when it's Robocop and Tom and Jerry -
ah, I think, funny kid.
Whoever you saw, you named, right?
- Come in.
- I don't want to.
Come on, come on.
Look here.
personally, me
my father used to spank
me in my childhood.
And I got angry at him every time.
I was furiously angry.
But now I think - he was right.
If he were alive, I would thank him.
Because some connection appeared
between crime and punishment.
every time I remember,
what it was for.
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