The Broken News (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Facts Vs. Accusations

Good morning Radha madam!
Good morning Vishnu!
Any news on India Organix?
Madam, the ball is set rolling and
in no time it will hit the target.
Are farmers ready to
give statement on camera?
If you say I can shoot interview
and face to camera and upload it.
This way you can see stringer
Vishnu's reporting skills as well.
No Vishnu not this time, I am
sending Kamal. He will handle it.
You can do the next one, alright.
-Okay Madam.
Thank you.
You are doing all this as passion?
Why! Haven't you picked
you profession because of your passion?
I don't know about passion,
but Dad was a clerk in PWD.
And mom was a
primary school teacher.
My friends, my relatives and the
society where I was born and grew up,
All of them
All were deaf and dumb.
They never said anything to
anyone in life
nor anybody ever heard them out.
Proverbial silent majority!
"Dumb people"
Today, when a son of those
dumb people speaks on TV,
the entire nation listens.
Of course Dipankar Sanyal!
So, news is your passion.
News is boring. I make stories.
Same here. Life is boring,
so I make fantasies.
By the way thank you for all this.
Hello! -Hello!
Come to the basement.
Wait in the car itself.
Ayesha, I am in the basement.
-Yes I saw you.
Wait there only.
You are working with Kamal sir?
Police has already taken CCTV
footage of that day, this is its backup.
Which floor caught the fire?
-4th floor.
Manjula Nair, Gamdevi.
Thank you. Please don't
tell anybody that we met.
Not even Kamal.
-Thank you.
Let's go.
"Radhe Shyam ji."
Good morning sir.
-Good morning dear.
How are you?
-All well.
I hope I didn't disturb you.
-Not at all sir. I am on my way to office.
Can we meet today Amina?
Of course sir, we are
meeting in party, aren't we?
We have to relax,
not work in party.
Can we meet at 2:30 pm?
-Sure sir.
Sir, what is the agenda?
There is a marketing
proposal from India Organix.
India Organix?
-I wanted to discuss about that.
I am at home. Come home, Okay.
Okay sir, I will come.
-Thank you, bye!
No, Mr. Ketan, I won't do a story on
Anurag Bhatia.
I have already said before
Mr. Ketan, If Anurag Bhatia
wants a story from me
than he has to make ad
spends, as simple as that.
Dipankar, do you know
what's your problem?
You like your own voice so much
that you don't listen to anybody else.
You don't have to hail Anurag Bhatia,
you have to condemn him, tonight.
Good morning. -Good morning sir.
-Good morning sir.
Who is he?
Anurag Bhatia, Sir.
Chairman of Bhatia Secutech.
Bhatia Secutech is the second
largest IT firm after Vectanet.
And sir last month itself
he has secured
state government's digitisation
contract defeating Vectanet.
He is on fire.
-Yeah he will be very soon.
By next week his effigy
must burn at every square.
Sir, people respect him a lot.
He gives employment to people.
He offers charitable hospitals,
education for the poor.
If he gives so much, he must be
taking that much from somewhere.
Praful I have to see his Balance sheet,
black and white both.
Will do something, sir.
-And Sir Anuj you,
Bhatia Secutech's any controversy however
small or old, I want it on my table.
Yes sir.
And you, call Damani.
He must be having real information.
Sir, because of last time,
he is very angry on us. So
He is an expert
player of Dalal street.
He is ought to forget everything
once he sees the profit.
Offer him 20% extra.
-Will do, sir.
I know we are in the business of delivering
fair and unbiased news to the public.
But we won't be in the business
much longer if don't get the damn TRPs
Else we all have to open
a Youtube channel each.
Kamal is working on a big story. If all
goes well, we can break it tonight itself.
Where is Kamal?
-Oh sorry.
I am here Amina,
here on the road,
where a real reporter should be, not
in some comfy AC room like you guys.
Okay Kamal, what is the story?
An Exposé.
India Organix is exploiting
their contract Farmers.
But their claim to fame is their
tag line "Farmer's friends" -Exactly.
That's interesting, isn't it Amina?
Anything else?
-Yeah, 70's hero Vimal Kumar.
He is around?
He has lung cancer and he
does not have money to treat it.
'save our hero' is trending
on Twitter since 2 days and
There is an online
petition going on for it.
We can explore this angle, hmm?
Juhi you..
-Not Juhi, Amina.
She is working on Surecure hospital
story, we are breaking it tomorrow.
Oh, okay then Faisal.
Radha! Radha.. ..
You want Surecure
hospital story till tomorrow?
Yes why?
Any problem?
No, No problem.
There's been a fuck up! I will skip
the Bansal party tonight.
-I was looking for Manjula Nair.
She died in 2020 of covid.
And Prasanna Nair?
Yeah, I haven't seen
him since 8 to 10 days.
Since around 16th?
May be.
-Thank you.
Hello Amina!
-Hello sir.
How are you?
-I am good. I am good.
I thought the meeting
was only with you.
Actually your meeting is with Raghav.
But sir
Sorry I have some urgent
work in office I have to leave.
You sit be comfortable.
I am out of this.
Yes Papaji.
Please. Don't worry, I
won't take much time.
Now who wants to buy news?
-India Organix.
They will pay annually 7 crore.
And in return what will they take?
-Nothing. Zilch!
No Ads, no streamers, no L bands, nothing?
-Hmm hmm.
How is it possible?
You have to drink their brand coffee
on set, their sticker on your laptop
and stories on them
four times in a month.
Obviously, copy of those stories
will be given by their PR agency.
You don't have to even work on it.
You want me to do PR on live TV!
It's called native advertising Amina.
We will write stories in such a way
that people won't feel it as advertisement
but will see as news.
You want me to cheat my
audiences. I should lie to them.
Does Radhe Shyam sir
knows about your plan?
What do you think?
Who has arranged this meeting?
Amina I know,
You think I am some kind of marketing
mercenary, I will sell off everything.
But Awaaz Bharati is running at
loss since 3 years.
Think about Papaji also.
It's either we have to
take this deal or
Cut down.
Shut down.
When do we start?
-From next week.
See this, see this
Barcode! You scan it too.
Come on do it.
It's not a marriage ceremony.
-Praful, Praful.
Sir, he is going to the Bansal's party,
to raise funds for the actor Vimal Kumar.
Fund raising is an excuse.
It's a treasure of TRP, big people's party.
What is the report on Anurag Bhatia?
Sir, that
When is Damani's information arriving?
Sir, I tried his phone many
times, but he is not taking my calls.
And you didn't
bother to inform me.
Anurag Bhatia,
AB Corps anything anyone?
Sir, his balance
sheet is clean but,
he has sponsored a fast
bowling academy in Karachi.
Sir we can blame him as
anti-national. He has office in Karachi.
Sir, an NGO has filed a case on
him because AB Corp's buses
I have a mandate from up
that hire the talented reporters.
I need not say where the untalented people
will go if talented people will come here.
Mr Damani! Wow a video call.
I wanted to see after whatever
happened how could you call me?
Oh you have taken that to your heart,
forget the past.
I want Anurag Bhatia.
This time the amount is double.
Okay, let's make it triple
for you. It's a onetime offer.
I am a share broker, Dipankar.
not a dignity broker.
That is your job, you do it.
Don't call me here next time.
Yes, sir. -Dipankar, normally I
don't watch Josh 24/7 but
Sir, I am in a hurry.
Please come to the point.
The point is tonight at
9 I will watch Josh 24/7.
I hope you will not disappoint me.
I want Anuraag Bhatia.
You all have an hour only.
India Organix buys things from tribal in
Rs 10 and then sells in market for Rs 300.
We have farmer's testimony, Amina.
We have copies of their
contracts with India Organix.
This is a very big and solid story.
Where is the story here?
Is India Organix violating
the contract with farmers
or the farmers are not
getting their agreed amount?
They are getting the same amount as
per agreed contract
but not the amount that they
should be given.
But does this money and
contract were forced on them?
They have been cheated, Amina!
There is a limit to corporate hypocrisy.
India Organix sells their product
with a tag "Farmer's Friends".
That is why they can sell it at high price.
So, why do I have to explain so much.
I am sure you can see what's going on.
You know because.. ..
-Let it be, Radha don't fight it.
Amina will not do a
story on India Organix.
-Check your inbox. You will understand.
India Organix has become
our corporate partner.
Look guys,.. ..
I can explain.
Radha, Kamal..I can explain this to you,
atleast give me a chance.
-Yeah. So..
I am sure you can.
Radha. Radha!
You don't have to hail Anurag Bhatia,
you have to condemn him, tonight.
I hope you will not disappoint me.
Amina will not do a
story on India Organix.
India Organix has become
our corporate partner.
It's either we have to
take this deal or shutdown.
Story was dumped?
It was bound to be dumped,
you don't have full story.
What do you mean?
-Meaning there is one report.
Which can destroy India Organix.
Food testing authorities did some
test in India Organix people farms.
And this was buried deep
inside with the help of lots of money.
And that report?
One second.
But this is your CV?
You get me the job of Reporter,
I will give you all the news. All!
Getting you a job is
not in my hand, friend.
You could have lied to keep my heart.
I would have felt better.
Have a look.
What is this?
-One more story on India Organix.
Corporate ethics angle is not there, Amina.
This is much more serious.
I have given my decision.
Don't make helplessness your
decision Amina. This is not you.
We are not doing
this story, Period.
You know the financial condition
of the channel.
And we all know the country's
media's condition, Amina.
Everybody is being managed by politicians,
industrialists, special group.
All have been sold.
Amongst all of those at least
Awaaz Bharati is trying.
I mean we still believe
in the truth, don't we?
To unveil 100 lies if we can
adjust with one lie
That one lie is equal to 100 lies, Amina.
Please have a look and then it
will be your decision. I trust you.
-We found nothing.
We are leading with
the Anurag Bhatia story.
Sir, did you find anything?
I was sure you will find
something or the other.
Make everything in PCR ready
I'll just be there.
I read this.
We are leading with India Organix
tonight. Damn the consequences.
You will introduce
or shall I call Pankaj?
9, 8, 7, 6,
5, 4, 3, 2
1.. ..
The great showman Raj Kapoor's
song "My shoes are from Japan
this pant is from England, the red
hat is Russian, but my heart is Indian."
Yes it's a very famous song but
today I have another version of it.
"My home is Indian, my loan is Indian,
my business is Indian, but my heart.. ..
is Pakistani"
Neither advertisements are wrong
nor is the business of media wrong.
Nor are the advertising revenues needed
to run the media business wrong.
But lying is wrong.
And if those lies come to you in a shining
advertisement with your favourite
film star or a cricketer in a
garb of truth, that is very wrong.
Yes I am talking about
country's very big capitalist
who earns here but
donates in Pakistan.
His name is Anurag Bhatia.
According to the Food safety
division report we have discovered,
The products of India
Organix have a large amount
of chemical fertilizers
and pesticides traces in them.
Meaning, the word organic in
the brand India Organix is a lie.
But the bigger lie is the India
Organix advertisement claim that
they are the friends of Farmers.
Buying products dirt
cheap from poor farmers,
and selling them in price of
gold and silver in the cities
cannot be farmer friends,
they are their biggest enemies.
Why is Mr. Bhatia funding a
Bowling Academy in Karachi?
Is it a Cricket bowling academy
or it's something else in its name.
Mr. Bhatia is an
Indian or a Pakistani?
We will find and
reveal the truth.
I'm Dipankar Sanyal and you are watching
Josh 24/7
because this is the matter of Country.
Fuck it!
Yes. This was just a trailer.
I hope the movie is better
because the trailer was rubbish.
If you want inspiration,
than watch Awaaz Bharati.
They have destroyed India Organix
in a single story.
-Come in.
Sit please.
Thank You.
It was a good story.
You both are my best Reporters.
-Thank you Amina.
Next time if you raise a doubt on me
or my channel's integrity,
I will sack both of you.
I will personally make sure that you
don't get a job anywhere. Understood?
Finish your fucking drink and
get the fuck out of my office.
That was scary.
-I have some work with you.
I want to meet you tonight.
You owe me one, remember?
Yes sir.
You are late, as always.
Yeah, there was some work
-Work in the office. I know.
Where is Ahana?
Ahana sleeps by 10.
Then why did you call me?
Did you read?
Read it now.
I had asked for few changes,
are they done?
I will not give up Ahana custody.
-Why won't you?
She needs to be settled?
Xerxes is a great man, as you can see,
she likes him already.
Now whether she will
like Lisa or I know.
The man asking my daughter
custody, I should know whom is he dating.
We are not dating.
She takes money weekly.
So she is like us, not
worthy of even emotions.
Because all your emotions and all
the attention is for your work. Right?
Yeah, may be.
It's just It's
just fucking news.
Nobody gives a damn. When are
you going to get that Dipankar?
It can't be more important than
your family, your daughter. Come on.
Correction, News can't
be more important than Ahana but
it is more important than you.
-What is the status of Surecure hospital?
I am in the hospital. But Nobody is
ready to speak up here, Radha.
Speak to Gupte in
admin, give him my reference.
Gupte? He is not in the
hospital today, he is on leave.
He is not well perhaps.
Do one thing, click the photo of
empty desk of Gupte and send me.
Click the photo of empty desk
of Gupte and send me. Now.
Radha actually I am
-You are not in Hospital.
We will talk tomorrow.
Perfect timing, come in.
Did you find what you
were searching in that footage?
Keep watching Awaaz Bharati,
you will get the answer.
Awaaz Bharati?
Does anybody see it nowadays?
Anyways, I think it must have been
very personal for you to reach out to me.
I know, you don't like me much.
Every story is personal for me.
And this is exactly how
you burnout as a journalist.
You see if you treat
news as business, then
You will become a businessman,
just the way you are.
Join me, Radha.
Your place is in Josh 24/7.
You said you have
some work with me.
Anurag Bhatia?
Josh 24/7 does not have
an investigative journalist?
Josh 24/7 does not have Radha.
You know, all good
reporters are like,
hopeless lovers.
If they like any story, they
keep chasing it throughout their life.
And in that list of hopeless lover, the
is me, you Radha Bhargava,
Shirin -Farhad, Heer -Ranjha, Romeo -Juliet
all are standing in the same line.
It's been 9 years since
you have rejected Josh 24/7's offer.
I wanted to do news not fiction.
In 9 years you would have been doing
your own show.
And along with it I would have been
doing fake stories on my bosses’ order.
I am returning the favour.
For the first and the last time.
You know
Every connection begins with
a first time.
-Where are you?
At home.
-You are not coming to party?
Even after today story?
Your story was good but
the timing was wrong.
Let it be, business
talks will keep on going.
You come over, we
all are waiting for you.
Open her Umbrella file.
Find out who is she,
what does she want.
Okay sir.
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