The Catch (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

RYAN: It's pretty clear
you don't like me, Ed.
But I've fallen for your daughter.
And I think it's important
that we get along.
Saltwater in the diesel.
What, in the tank?
I followed you last night, Ryan.
Station Road,
it's a red-light district.
I don't know
what you think you heard, Ed.
But all I was trying to do
was help someone in need.
You've completely humiliated her!
Did you get my message?
They can do the refit this afternoon
for cash.
Oh, that's good.
I, er
I heard about what happened
at the restaurant.
What have you done to your hands?
The anti-fishing lot, you reckon?
This was left here as well
last night.
That's you in the Navy.
Why would someone leave you this?
I don't want porridge!
You asked for porridge!
I asked you for cornflakes!
Why are we staying in this hotel,
anyway? It's an awful hotel.
Mum, it's OK.
Oh, dear
There you are.
Has Dad come back yet?
Not yet.
He's a coward!
Anything from Ryan?
I tried him at the hotel, at work.
I really don't know
where else he could be.
Cerrig Point.
His dad's favourite place.
Is that what he said?
You are brilliant.
So are you.
Mwah! Thank you.
Do you want cornflakes?
I want cornflakes.
And I want black pudding, please.
On top of your cornflakes?
On top of the cornflakes.
Yes, Mum.
BOB: What kind of things did you
get up to in Gibraltar, then?
Stupid, drunken, crazy stuff.
Here, give me that.
And you think one of them did this?
Well, I can't think
it was the Pendricks.
Well, I presume
you didn't actually kill anyone.
Besides, with saltwater
in the engine, and now this,
I don't reckon
this is about you and your mates
pissing up Gibraltar
on a Friday night.
Well, what, then?
Who do you blame
for what happened to Josh?
You, you blame yourself.
Someone's pushing your buttons.
I saw him in the pub security camera
walking down to the boat
with a bucket in his hand.
You can't do what my dad does.
Just disappear.
If we have a future together
You made it clear
what you think of me.
You lied to me, Ryan!
You said we couldn't meet
because you had to work late.
I told you what happened.
Yeah, after the event.
I should have told you.
I'm sorry.
And I should have trusted you.
Your dad matter what he says or does
..he's never going to stop me
loving you.
It's because of Josh.
It's like he's got PTSD
or something.
I've seen it first-hand.
Normal men, paranoid, obsessive.
Dangerous, even.
ED: You were seen
on a security camera
walking towards our boat.
Why would I wreck your boat?
Cos of what happened
with you and Abbie.
I'm just trying to look out for her.
I never asked you to!
For all the bloody good it's caused!
All right, blame George.
Look, I followed Ryan all the way
into town down to Station Road.
What, he picked up a hooker?
This is the woman he served with
in Afghanistan.
She saved his life.
Now, I know you want
to get back together with Abbie,
but it's just not going to happen.
Ed, listen to me.
He said he's got
a first-class honours degree.
I don't think
he even went to university.
..where's Ed?
You just missed him.
I offered to give him a lift, but
Was he here all night?
It looks like it.
Did he say anything about Ryan?
Well, you know what he's like.
No-one's good enough for Abbie.
She was so upset with him.
He's going to lose her.
I'll make us a cup of tea, hey?
I've got Mum in the car.
See you later.
See you later.
So after everything that happened
Oh, my phone just
Why didn't you come home?
Here you are, you dirty so-and-so.
No, I slept out on the boat.
Mum, please
Excuse me, it's my house.
Please, Mum
It's my house.
Not now!
You followed Ryan.
You phoned him.
You got your daughter to believe
I was trying to protect her.
Ed, you did the same thing
with George.
Oh, that was different.
Why are you trying to control
our daughter?
It's not just weird,
it's potentially damaging.
You have to stop.
I know!
I will.
I have. I have.
Have you spoken to her?
No, I tried to phone her, but
She went to Cerrig Point
to find Ryan.
They're on their way over.
What are you going to say?
I'm going to tell them I'm sorry.
MAN: CJ Pasarrello,
building and gardening.
Leave a message.
This is Ed. Erm
It's Ed Collier.
I think we knew each other
back in the day.
Er, sorry if this isn't you.
But if it is,
could you give me a call, please?
Well, it's not going to read itself.
They're taking you to court?!
Only if I don't pay the fine.
4,600 for quota violations?
How are we going to pay that?
First the net.
Then the engine.
And now this!
Someone must've been spying on me.
Tracking me.
Who the hell is doing this?
They're here.
PHYLLIS: You found him, then.
RYAN: Thanks to you.
We'll talk about it later.
I owe you both an apology.
I got it wrong.
I think we both
got each other wrong.
I just need you to know that I would
never do anything to hurt Abbie.
That's very generous of you, Ryan.
He doesn't deserve it, mind.
Well, we all deserve
a second chance.
He's well past his second chance.
What can I get you? Tea, coffee?
Let me help.
Thank you.
How did you find out all that stuff
about him in the first place?
George said that he could help.
How can you believe George
and not Ryan?
Look, I made a mistake.
But it
It wasn't just what George told me.
Didn't you hear what Ryan just said?
You got him wrong, Dad.
What are you doing?
Your drawings.
Don't you want to take them?
You don't want them?
Of course I want them.
I'm just trying to help.
If you'd let me.
Oh, it's nothing.
Say it, Dad.
What else did George find out?
..something about Ryan
not going to university.
Look, it doesn't matter, just
RYAN: Abbie?
Your mum's got something
to show you.
She'll be OK.
It's a lot of money.
This doesn't excuse what he's done.
But what with the Pendricks
and everything
What are you going to do?
I don't know.
RYAN: Can I help?
Erm, thank you.
We can get through this.
It's not someone local, is it?
Why not?
I don't know.
Did we really go over the quota?
Well, that's what it says.
There's so few fish out there.
If the sea gets any warmer,
they'll be ready-fried!
They must have worked out that
we were bringing in extra fish
to sell to the restaurants.
The MMO will need real evidence,
not just hearsay.
Abbie was working on the boat
during that time.
Maybe she said something to George.
Well, he denies he was on the boat.
He's not going to admit it, is he?
It's Craig Pasarrello.
What are you calling me for?
Craig, someone left a photo
of the four of us on my boat.
Arthur's wife called me.
And now you.
We said no contact.
What did she want?
I don't know.
Something about him going walkabout.
I didn't call her back.
She'll be calling you.
..someone painted the word "killer"
on the deck of my boat.
Yeah, but
Ryan's happy with all this stuff
coming his way, is he?
That's Josh's knife.
Josh loved this so much.
He begged us for weeks.
He was so happy
when he opened it up.
Mum wasn't.
Nearly cut his fingers off.
If you need money to pay off
the fine, I can take out a loan.
Oh, no, no, thank you.
We're going to fight it.
Go to court, you mean?
It won't come to that.
Did you say anything to George?
About what?
About us going over the quota.
Do you think George dobbed you in?
Well, he blames me
for you dumping him.
I was going to finish it anyway.
..he's clearly not over it.
Oh, hello, is that Sue Grady?
Yeah, it's Ed Collier.
I served with Arthur.
I hear he's gone missing.
Yeah, I just wondered
if there's anything I can do or
Yeah, OK. OK, yeah.
Listen, good luck. Good luck.
Let's keep in touch.
Yeah. Bye.
Are you all right?
Yeah, it's just, er, the wife
of one of my mates from the Navy.
I thought you didn't keep in touch
with that lot.
Apparently, he received a photo,
Does he know who sent it?
You see, Craig here,
he told me that this guy,
always a bit of a loaner,
he went to see Des,
the joker in the pack,
and now sadly dying of cancer.
Arthur went to see him and
..he never came home.
What do you mean?
It seems he's been missing
for three weeks.
Listen, mate,
this is going to do your head in.
You need to find out
who's doing this, and sharp.
See anyone you fancy?
Come on, I'm not like that, Abbie.
I was just talking to that girl,
you know.
The girl in the bikini
my dad saw you kissing.
Your dad got it wrong. He just
said that so you'd break-up with me.
Why did you tell him
Ryan didn't go to university?
Do you not think it's a bit mad?
If he's lying about this, then
He's not lying.
I'm only looking out for you, Abbie.
I don't need you to do that.
It's over between us.
We had our time together,
but I've moved on.
I think it's time
you did the same, OK?
Mr Collier!
Pauline Davies.
You're early.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I prefer meeting out here.
I understand you want me
to locate some men you served with.
Er, yes, sorry.
Do you understand how much
that might cost you?
I think you said
it's about £50 an hour.
Plus expenses.
I will require £500
as a down payment.
Well, there's only three men I need
you to look into. One of them's
Mr Collier,
I take my job very seriously.
Investigations like this
can run into thousands.
This sounds expensive.
I don't know, er
Well, when you do know, call me.
Pauline Davies.
How can I help you?
We're back in business!
We're going to need to pay off
our debts. Where will we get a loan?
Yeah, well
..we should make George pay for it.
The little shit. We should pay
his stupid camper van a visit.
What's that?
It's Des.
You know, the one who's got cancer.
..died last night.
I was planning to go and see him,
Is he the one who's missing?
No. Er
Really, you're offering me
your old knickers?
I'm taking them to be recycled.
You went to Glasto in this.
Mm, I know.
Smell it.
It still stinks of weed.
This is more like it.
"Tuesday 4th."
"Mark Griffiths walked me back
from Laura's party."
You dirty cow. I never knew
you got off with Mark Griffiths.
It's better than Greg whatshisname.
Oh, Perkins.
He's the one who turned me.
And you never looked back.
Oh, here we go!
You know, it's not too late
to change your mind about Australia.
I have to go.
Ryan's waiting for me.
All yours.
I put a tracker on Ryan's car.
I told you to stop.
Why's he going up to Carrig Point
at three in the morning?
It's none of your business.
Just stay out of it.
I can't find nothing
on his Army life.
So, if you see anything,
photos, regimental stuff
I told you, stop!
You've already lost one kid
cos you couldn't be bothered.
You come near me
or my daughter again,
there'll be serious
fucking consequences!
That's it.
You'll send us a postcard,
won't you?
She's going to Ryan's,
not Australia.
She's not going to Australia?
No, Mum.
That wouldn't be right, no.
We're here
..if you ever
I know.
For doing this.
Oh, no, that's what
It's what dads are for.
All right?
Let's get this inside.
The office?
To the left.
More books.
First-class honours there.
Just like Abbie.
Yeah, mine's just in business
and management, not biology.
I'll get the next box.
I'm going to miss you.
I bet I see you more now
than I did at home.
Oh, I do hope so.
Promise me you'll come and visit.
Well, I was thinking that you and I
might spend some time together
on the boat.
Aw, I would love that.
But I've already taken
too much time off work.
Why don't you ask Ryan?
Ask Ryan what?
Dad was thinking
you two could go out on the boat.
Well, you're a busy man,
what with your work
When were you thinking?
Oh, I don't know.
Well, I'm free tomorrow,
as it happens. Any good?
Love you.
You, too.
What is it?
Something's gone missing.
What's happened?
Abbie phoned.
Ryan's medal seems to be missing.
You took it.
Didn't you?
Why would I take his medal?
I don't believe you.
I swear, I
If I find out you're lying
I'm not lying.
You're risking everything, Ed.
Now, one of these
was left on my boat.
And the word "killer"
was painted in red paint.
The other was left
under my windscreen wiper there
just after I'd spoken to you.
Which suggests
you were followed here.
And if you look on the back
Now, as I told you,
Arthur Grady's missing.
No-one seems to know how or why.
And Des, well, he
He's since died.
And Craig Pasarrello,
well, I've spoken to him.
He thinks I'm behind it all.
And there's no-one else you can
think of who might have left these?
Maybe Craig's toying with me.
All I know is
someone is trying
to ruin my business,
me, and my family.
And I need to know who it is.
Well look the part.
Go on, pop down there.
Just go round the front.
Thanks for doing this.
Oh, that's all right.
I, erm I don't suppose
you've seen Ryan's medal?
It was in the office and
it seems to have just disappeared.
No, no.
It really means a lot to him.
Right, see you later.
All right,
don't touch anything, yeah?
Let's do a bit of gutting.
Have you ever done it before?
I didn't think so.
There you go.
Cut away from you.
Sorry if it smells of fish.
Do you know how intimidated I was?
What, of me?
The way that Abbie
was talking about you.
Well, look at that, hey?
I'll make a fisherman of you yet.
Do you miss the Navy?
I like to feel a part of something,
you know, the camaraderie.
Why did you leave?
Oh, Claire.
You know,
she wanted to start a family.
How about you?
I got shot.
I didn't have much choice.
Is that when, er
..Sergeant, erm?
Slater, yeah.
Was that when, er,
she saved your life?
Yeah, erm
..I saved the unit, but then, er
Abbie said that you a medal for bravery.
You know, one of the first things
that she pulled out
when we got to the house
was a photo of Josh?
I'm sorry, Ed.
You must miss him.
How old was he?
He was 12.
He insisted on taking a dinghy out.
And, er
I told him,
I said it was too rough.
The sea was too hungry.
But he went out anyway?
We used to live in the harbour
back then, and
I thought he was in his room.
I should have known.
I should have checked.
If I had,
then he'd still be alive today.
What the fuck do you want?
GEORGE: I know you don't want to
talk to me, but as far as I can see,
there were five Ryan Wilsons
who graduated from
Fellows University Manchester
at the time Ryan was there.
I thought I told you
Look, one of them Ryan Wilsons
is the one going out with Abbie.
What does it matter, George?
Wait, wait, wait.
I'm getting to it, Ed.
Hear me out.
He said he was a major, right?
Well, if Major Ryan Wilson
doesn't have a degree,
then there's no way he could have
been promoted that fast.
Ed, listen to me,
there were no Major Ryan Wilsons
serving in Afghanistan
at the time Ryan says he was there.
He's made it all up.
It's a complete lie.
Ah, shit!
What have you done?
I just caught it.
Bloody hell.
I slipped.
Here, just wrap that round it,
just cover that up. That's it.
Sorry, I just
OK, we'll head back.
What's happened?
He had an accident
with a gutting knife.
I'm fine.
It looks worse than what it is.
I've patched him up.
He shouldn't need any stitches, but
it could do with a good clean-up.
The pub's got
a very good medical kit.
You weren't wrong when you said that
fishing's one of
the most dangerous jobs.
Let's go.
Oh, and could you take my car
back to my home?
It's in the car park.
It's just, that, you know,
Abbie will need to get back to work
and I don't know how
I'm going to drive with this.
Oh, yeah, sure, sure, yeah.
You just stay there
and have a brandy.
Just put them in the letterbox.
Thanks, Dad.
Ed, what happened?
He just cut his hand.
It looks like you've seen a ghost.
No, no, it's just
I'll follow you,
give you a lift back.
No. No, no, I'll, er
I could do with a walk.
CLAIRE: How did it go?
ED: Oh, it was fine.
Except, Ryan cut himself.
Erm, not too badly.
Abbie's taken him to get cleaned up.
What do you mean?
Well, one minute he was OK.
And the next minute,
there was, like, blood everywhere.
It was just an accident.
Well, I'll see you in a bit.
Hey, listen, Ryan asked me
to drop his car back to their place.
What about our appointment?
Our counselling?
Well, no, I'll
I'll be there.
You promised me, Ed.
Yeah, I'll just drop his car off
and then I'll walk down.
I'll be there before you.
Yeah, erm
I'd better go.
What did he say?
He didn't.
You didn't even ask him?
Ryan told me everything
about his military career.
What am I supposed to say to him,
"It's all bollocks
cos George says so"?
I've seen his medal.
Yeah, and what?
I can get one of them on eBay
for a tenner.
He got shot saving people's life.
No, listen.
Listen, I can't find nothing
on his Army record.
But I can find out who he was
before he changed his name.
All I need is a passport,
a driver's license,
even a national insurance number.
You're good at this.
You've still not told me
what happened.
It was just a stupid accident.
I thought you didn't have accidents
like that.
Are we done?
Hold still.
You and my dad didn't
..get in a fight, did you?
You think your dad
pulled a knife on me?
He's under a lot of stress
at the moment.
I was fine.
And then a big wave
knocked me back.
And the knife
Thank you.
This is Ed. Leave a message.
I thought you were going to be here
before me.
But you're not.
Why am I not surprised?
You'd better be on your way, Ed.
I knew it was you.
What's in the past
stays in the past.
You hate me giving my attention
to anyone but you.
You and I both know that's not true.
An incident occurred in Gibraltar.
What exactly are you hiding?
I know what I did
and what I've had to hide.
Mr Collier,
Detective Inspector Knott.
Don't go too far
because I need to talk to you.
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