The Circle (2020) s01e02 Episode Script


[Michelle] It's been less than a day
in The Circle,
and already one of our eight Players,
Alana, has been blocked
and denied that 100k.
Ooh, it's a jungle in there.
"Before Alana leaves,
she can meet one Player."
No way.
Oh, shit.
Are you kidding me right now?
"Alana is on her way
to meet one of you now."
- What?
- Wow!
I'm scared.
[Joey] I don't even have clothes.
I would have thrown on something.
What do I got?
I got nothing.
Let's see if she knocks on my door.
Alana, I hope you're all you say you are,
'cause I'm not. [laughs]
[door closes]
Are you kidding me?
I'm very mad at you.
You're mad at me?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- You blocked me!
- [both laugh]
Oh, my God. Why me?
- Why did you block me?
- [Sammie] Why didn't you pick Antonio?
Because I didn't talk to him
as much as I talked to you.
How do you guys think I'm fake?
I don't know. It really didn't seem like
it was gonna be you.
Complete, like, 100%,
when I read your bio,
and you were like,
"I'm a professional model,"
so, in my head, I'm like,
"Oh, if she was a professional model
she would be, like, all glitz and glam."
- You know what I'm saying?
- Well I could have done that,
but I wanted to be me.
- Every day as a model, you get judged.
- [Sammie] Right.
All I do is get judged.
So, basically, I was like,
"No, I wanna be
I really want people to see me
for who I am." And it really sucks
because I got blocked,
and I didn't even get to, like,
- say, like, who I am.
- Who you were. No, absolutely, for sure.
I felt so bad. It was tough. It was tough.
And me and Antonio were going back
and forth like, "I'm not doing it."
For me, it was between you and Mercedeze.
For me, I was like, Mercedeze is, like,
- my biggest competition right now.
- [Alana] She is.
- [Sammie] You know, so that
- You should have fought for me more!
And I wanted to message you privately,
actually, because I want to tell you
about somebody
that I think is fake in here.
Who do you think is fake?
When Rebecca said, "Do you like Chris?"
I was like
- When she said that to me?
- And you were like
- Oh, and she was like, "Yeah."
- I was like, "Are you stupid?"
[Sammie] Yeah, she was like, "Do you think
Chris is cute?" And I was like,
"Baby girl, he's gay."
- Yeah, that He's gay.
- And then Mercedeze was like, "Obviously."
I know that Mercedeze likes Antonio.
- She is gonna be your competition.
- No, I know.
- And her and Antonio get along.
- Oh, really?
- I mean, you're still in it, so
- Yeah.
[Alana] My time in The Circle
was cut way too short.
The one thing I would definitely do
would be change my bio
and not put model,
because, as soon as I put model,
boom, everybody kind of judged me.
Sammie knows I'm real now,
and I'm really happy about that.
She hates me.
Well, she didn't come to my house.
No one to play basketball with now.
Everything's one-on-one.
Just me versus me.
Oh, I am so fucking relieved.
[Michelle] That ends the first night
of model behavior in The Circle.
We are here for another day, baby.
[Michelle] Another day can mean anything,
and we are only at the beginning,
so, y'all better get some sleep
because tomorrow gon' be big.
Ooh, yes.
Night, Circle.
I get the chance to fight another day.
[Michelle] Day two in The Circle.
Get your asses up!
You not listening? Come on, now.
[Chris] Good morning, good morning ♪
[Karyn] Good morning.
Now, that's what I'm talkin' about.
Texan model, Alana,
barely got the time to say, "Howdy,"
before she got a big ol' cowgirl boot,
and now everybody's ready to ride.
I want to become an Influencer.
That way,
I could chop somebody's head off.
[Michelle] But before Chris goes medieval,
each Player needs
to do something monumental
we can all relate to.
Update their profiles for the first time.
I'm sorry, is he wearing a onesie? Okay.
- [alert chimes]
- [Shubham] "Please update your status."
"Please update your status."
Okay, okay. Let me think.
[Sammie] Let's get it on!
Here we go.
Circle, I have this amazing Bible verse
that just fits this perfectly.
It basically says,
"Let us run with endurance
the race that lies before us,
exclamation point."
Let us do a hashtag. Little amen,
and then let's do the little angel
with the little halo. And, honey,
it ain't my words, it's God's words.
Circle, please update my status.
"We're all alive to see another day.
Rest in peace to our dead homie.
Respect to our Influencers
for their hard decision.
What will today bring?"
Obviously, Alana's not dead,
but she's gone.
[Sammie] Circle, take me to my news feed.
"We're all alive to see another day,
RIP to our dead homie, Alana."
Jesus Christ.
Oh, my God, Joey. Ugh.
Joey is an asshole. [chuckles]
Let's put, "About to chef it up.
Any suggestions for Chef Antonio?
Burger emoji, hot dog emoji,
and the cupcake emoji."
[Michelle] What kind of pro baller
has cupcakes for breakfast?
Antonio didn't even bring up
anything about last night.
And he's just, oh not oblivious,
but he's totally just going over
what happened last night.
Joey's making a joke out of it,
and Antonio didn't even comment on it.
They're jerks.
Like, that's a that's a real jerk move.
I'm gonna say
"Woke up this morning with a stomachache.
Not sure if it's
from last night's decision
or the food I ate.
Sad face emoji."
[Karyn] "Woke up this morning
with a stomachache."
[scoffs] That's not a stomachache,
that's karma!
Update to the status.
"The first impression doesn't matter,
the real one does."
Uh, "Let's please chat." I love it.
Their first impressions of me
don't matter.
The real one does of who I am.
How can you say
the first impression doesn't matter?
You were literally willing
to throw yourself off a bridge last night.
Yo, Shooby's my guy.
Circle, like Shooby's profile.
Can I see who liked mine?
Oh, wow. I got three.
That's sick. [chuckles]
I feel like my authenticity's coming out,
which is great.
- [alert chimes]
- [Shubham] Oh, I got four, yes!
Whoo-hoo! Wow, four people.
I didn't even think I had four friends
in this game.
That's crazy.
[Michelle] Shooby, by the way,
I'm now calling him Shooby,
might be a newby to social media,
but now he's chasing those likes
like Kylie Jenner. He's turned the corner.
And while he basks in the glory
of four likes,
Chris has his sights on a bigger prize,
gossip with an Influencer.
Message. "All righty! Hey there, Sammie.
How are you holding up
after last night, girl, question mark."
Circle, let's use the little lipstick.
Fabulous. Send.
[Sammie] Message.
"Honestly, last night was so difficult,
it made my stomach hurt.
It was nice being an Influencer,
but kinda scary having all that power."
So, message. "I feel you, girl."
He definitely is nice
for reaching out to me.
"So, comma,
did Alana come visit you last night
after being blocked?"
[Sammie] Message.
"Oh, my God. Yes.
I almost died when she walked in."
Oh, my God. She did.
"How was she feeling?
Was she butt-ass sad?"
"She was mad."
I know Sammie's gonna get that reference.
That is hilarious.
"Laugh my ass off, exclamation point."
Ah, she said, "Laugh my ass off."
"It's so funny you reached out
to me and asked"
"'Cause you were the first person
I was thinking about contacting
and spilling the tea to." All right, honey.
It's time to form an alliance, bitch.
[Chris] Message. "Amen, sis.
I wish I could stay and chat longer,
but I got to go
and freshen up my coochie."
"Freshen up my coochie." [chuckles]
"I guess I'll do the same."
Circle, leave private chat with Chris.
That ended really well.
And I'm glad it ended when it did.
Now he knows he can message me whenever,
and I can message him whenever,
and we can just talk about shit,
no matter what the, like, topic is.
Now I know, and now he knows
that we're on that level with each other.
[Chris] That was so much fun.
I love a good ol' private chat.
And, you know,
I love hanging out with the girls.
I've been doin' it
since I was on the playground.
Chris loves hanging with the girls.
Meanwhile, Shooby's ready
to private chat one of the boys.
He's really learning the ropes in here.
Uh, message. "Hey, brother,
crazy last 24 hours.
How are you holding up?"
- Send.
- [Joey] Message.
"I'm doin' fine, bro.
Whatever happened,
I was ready to live with.
Real question, how are you holding up?
Looked like you were buggin' last night."
"Looked like you were bugging last night."
[laughs] He's right, I was.
So, now what we're getting ready to do
is a very special thing.
This is a deep pore black charcoal
peel-off mask.
[Shubham] Message, um "I was
I was shitting myself,
but I was at peace
with how the events unfolded." Send.
[Joey] Yes, sir.
Oh, yes, indeedy, feed the needy.
Message. "What are you up to
right now, [chuckles] man?"
What's this kid sayin'?
Or get rid of the man, sounds weird. Send.
[Joey chuckles]
"What are you up to right now?"
Oh, buddy, if you only knew.
He's a frat guy,
so he probably loves to exercise,
so I would guess
he's probably exercising right now.
"Currently standing
in front of the bathroom mirror
like a girl.
Doing my skin care routine.
And proud of it."
You know,
multitasking's a hard thing to do.
I'm trying to rub this in,
talk to Shubham. There's a lot going on.
[Shubham chuckles] Maybe Bro-ey Joey
can teach me something about skin care.
Who would have thought?
Who would have thought?
[Michelle] It's morning in The Circle,
and while Antonio works out
on that child's treadmill,
Mercedeze, aka Karyn,
is carefully preparing one half a shallot
unaware she's about to be private messaged
by the most in-shape Player up in here.
- Circle, open private chat with Mercedeze.
- [alert chimes]
Message. "Last night was nerve-wracking."
Send message.
I think I'm gonna tell her
that I basically saved her last night.
Think I'm gonna tell her that. Message.
"When I'm an Influencer, trust me,
you have nothing to worry about.
Smiley face emoji, winky face emoji."
[Karyn] You're full of shit, bro.
"I had your back in there.
That's what friends are for,
right, question mark."
[laughs] Yo, guys are so predictable.
God damn it, guys are predictable.
All right. Message. "Had my back,
question mark.
I don't know how to take that.
I appreciate knowing I have an inside man.
Wink emoji."
Send that message.
"Well, honestly,
the final two was between you and Alana,
and I chose Alana, not you.
Praying hand emoji."
Send. I think she'll like it.
She'll know that she was this close
to getting voted off.
But I saved her.
It's just good for me, so
I'm not gonna be the one voted off.
[Karyn] He did exactly what
I kinda wanted him to do just now,
because if the final two
was between Alana and me,
and he chose Alana that not me,
that means Sammie set me up
to be blocked.
Message, "#KnightInFreshJordans.
Uh, laugh out loud."
Send message.
I don't even wear Jordans.
Circle, message.
"I had your back, and if it comes to it,
I hope I get the same treatment.
Praying hands emoji."
Ah, so you only tr I'm telling you,
bro, you're trying to make an ally
out the wrong person.
I'm gonna give you what you want,
but I'm not gonna give you the ratings.
I can't do it, Antonio,
'cause you already made it
to the Influencers,
so, that means you already have
a good little ally
with some of the people in The Circle.
I don't have that.
That That's just not gonna happen.
"A true lady never divulges
everything on the first night.
However, maybe for the right person,
I could open up a little more."
Send message.
I like that. I like that. Leave chat.
Oh, Mercedeze left the chat.
I didn't think he was gonna hit me
that early, but I just knew
that he was gonna be the one to be, like,
"Hey, you know, I saved you last night."
Antonio, I'm watching you, bro.
You on my radar
and not for good reasons.
[Michelle] Elsewhere in The Circle,
Shooby is being targeted by Rebecca,
aka Seaburn, after their
friendship-forming chat yesterday,
and uh, oh, my God,
he's still wearing that onesie, though.
I think it would be a good time
to actually check in with my ally
to see how he's feeling
and to see where his head's at,
so, Circle, take me to the private chat
with Shubham.
[alert chimes]
Oh, wow.
I'm gonna pull this bad boy in.
Reel it in, baby. [imitates train whistle]
Message. "Good morning.
How are you feeling after last night?"
Message Rebecca. "Morning to you also.
I really thought I was going home,
but Antonio and Sammie
made a brilliant move.
I'm feeling pretty vulnerable,
to be honest, though."
Aw, Shubham.
I definitely have to remember
that, as Rebecca,
me showing that I am very supportive,
that is important.
Rebecca is caring, kind.
I just have to make sure
that it's translating properly.
"I feel so bad that you are vulnerable
at the moment. Hugs."
[chuckling] That's really nice.
Okay, message Rebecca.
"I really appreciate the hug,
exclamation mark, exclamation mark.
I knew the first impression rankings
were gonna be crazy,
so I wasn't actually surprised
I ended up number eight."
[Seaburn] "It's so wonderful to be able
to come and work with you in this game."
"I completely feel the same way,
and I feel that having
an alliance with you
is definitely reassuring,
because I can be myself." Send.
"Because I can be myself."
Oh, that's nice.
Yeah, oh, that's awesome.
[Michelle] Yeah,
Rebecca's really being herself, Shooby.
That was perfect, yeah.
[Michelle] Five, six, seven, eight.
[Seaburn] Whoo.
[Michelle] Wow, Rebecca, aka Seaburn,
is really committing,
'cause that's how I had actually imagined
a catfish would dance.
Sammie's not letting being number one
go to her head,
Chris is not getting how pans work,
and, Mercedeze, aka Karyn,
is not about to react to this alert well.
[alarm blares]
Oh, shit.
[alarm continues blaring]
Oh! Red alert!
While I'm over here making chicken.
"Alana has left a video message
for The Circle."
Oh! Oh, shit.
Wait. What?
Oh, my God, I'm scared.
I hope she doesn't say anything bad.
[Joey] Oh, my God.
What is the message?
What if it's like some 50-year-old guy
who's like, "Hey, I was Alana."
I wouldn't be surprised.
I think she was a catfish.
Circle, play Alana's video message.
[over TV] Hey, everybody, it's Alana here.
It's gotta be a guy. It has to be a guy.
- Um, I'm definitely who I said I was.
- Oh, shit!
I just wanted to showcase who I really am
and my humble self.
Oh, shit, she's who she says she is.
Oh, my God.
Yo, come on, what is happening right now?
They say don't judge a book by its cover,
but I did get judged
how I always get judged
in the model industry.
She says don't judge a book by the cover,
and that's exactly what happened.
Oh, man. This has got me feeling bad.
At the end of the day, it is a game,
and I understand.
I'm definitely sad to be leaving,
but I wish all of you the best.
Yo, I knew she wasn't gonna go out
like that. That's right, Alana!
You talk your shit. That's right!
Man, that sucks, because, like,
she was herself,
and she got voted out first.
She might have been
a genuinely cool person,
and we've sent her home.
[Joey] I believed in you.
God damn it, and we were vibing.
My instincts are always right.
Not always, 25% of the time,
but this is that 25%. Come on.
[Sammie] Whatever the case may be,
it's never gonna be easy
making these decisions.
And it's never gonna be easy
being the one that gets blocked
because you're like,
"Well, what the fuck did I do?"
The cards played how they wanted to play
and I'm happy that we are still here,
right, Promise? Right.
[Michelle] Day two,
and there's already a Player talking
to a stuffed turtle.
Way to go, Circle. Meanwhile,
Joey's got something on his mind,
and it's not,
"Why am I wearing sunglasses inside?
'Cause I'm not on The Matrix."
Circle, I'd like to open a private chat
with Antonio.
[alert chimes]
"So, Antonio, tell me,
are you feeling
like a complete fucking dick right now?"
"I don't feel like a dick,
but I feel, like, a little guilty."
Ah. Feels a little guilty.
I don't feel guilty at all, actually.
"Now you gotta live with knowing
you sent a real person home
for no reason besides your own judgment."
See what you've got to say now, Antonio.
You're ballsy for someone
who's not an Influencer.
Shoulda sent his ass home.
"That must be hard to deal with.
[chuckling] I'm here for you
if you need to talk about it."
Joey's acting like a sucker.
Not knowing that this is a whole game.
I'm throwing a little fuel on the fire,
but I'm also trying to make this kid
feel like I'm his friend.
"Oh, my gosh, thanks, bro.
I'm glad I have someone to talk to."
"But you do know I'm not the only one
who made this decision, though, right?"
"Yes I do know that, but two things.
Dot, dot, dot." Send.
"One, it's hard for me
'cause I had a connection with that girl."
Brah, it's only been a day,
what kind of connection
can you possibly have?
"Two, I haven't felt like I've trusted you
or had a connection with you
from the start.
That's why
I'm reaching out to you now.
Let's fix that."
I got him right where I want him.
[Joey] You know what they say,
keep your friends close
and your enemies closer.
[Antonio] He's definitely threatened
by me. He's scared.
Joey might definitely have to go next.
After that alpha-on-alpha action,
it's time for a chat with a real girl,
a real fake girl,
and a straight-up fake girl.
Hopefully, they can keep their peace,
right, Seaburn? Uh, I'm sorry, Rebecca.
Circle, I'd like to start a group chat
with Sammie and Mercedeze.
[alert chimes]
"Rebecca has invited you to a group chat."
[Seaburn] I definitely wanna see where
where the other girls' heads are at.
It's definitely gonna be
freaking interesting.
Message. "Hey, guys, how are you doing?"
What do you have to say, Rebecca?
"What did you think of Alana's video?
I was in shock.
Mind-blown emoji."
Message, send.
This is nerve-racking.
My chest is pounding.
It's like my heart is going,
"Ba-boom, ba-boom."
"I am still not sure how I feel, period.
What I do know is,
Sammie, I would not have wanted
to be in your shoes, girl.
Laugh out loud." Send message.
Yeah, I like the way that sounds.
[Sammie] Message.
LOL. Imagine how I felt when
she walked into my apartment last night.
Mind-blown emoji." Send.
"She walked right up in my apartment
and told me how mad she was." Send.
Oh, shit! Yes, Alana!
That's what I'm talking about!
Ooh, karma's a bitch!
Mercedeze is typing.
"I kind of figured
she would go to Antonio
or your place
over anyone else's.
Because, Sammie,
honestly, it would have been on sight."
"Girl, no shade."
"Girl, no shade." Ooh.
I kinda wanna stir the pot and be, like,
"Antonio was the first one
to bring you up.
He said you weren't trustworthy
because your filter
your picture's so filtered."
Message. "@Mercedeze. So, just towards me,
and nothing towards Antonio?"
This is gettin' good. Hey, girl.
Message. "Sammie, I honestly thought
you were gonna put me out."
but what would give you the idea that
you would even be on my mind?"
because I'm used to females being catty.
Antonio isn't even a factor, period."
Like, Mercedeze is kinda gunning
for Sammie right now.
Message. "@Mercedeze,
Antonio did play a factor." Send.
[Sammie] "Antonio did play a factor."
Thank you, Rebecca.
Alana walked up in here
like it was just my decision.
She decided to come and see me.
And now Mercedeze is saying that
basically Antonio's not even a factor.
How not?
It feels very catty right now.
it was just a hard decision, and
I don't think anyone really understands
what it feels like
until you're in that position."
That was really heated with Sammie
and Mercedeze, like, oh, my gosh.
[Michelle] In here,
it's not just savage ratings,
awkward group chats,
and whatever that is.
There's also games.
- "Who Dis?"
- What does that mean, "Who Dis?"
I don't know who this is.
[Michelle] It's "Who Dis," Joey,
pay attention.
"Welcome to Who Dis."
"You'll each be shown a picture
of a celebrity.
You must describe the celebrity
to the rest of The Circle
without saying their name."
Don't say their name.
"All other Players must try
to guess the identity of the celebrity."
"You are playing for a prize
later tonight.
The better you do in the game,
the better the prize.
Good luck."
Let's go!
[Michelle] First for Who Dis? Here Chris.
Awesome. Let's play.
[Michelle] Remember, only Chris can see
who he's describing, and us, obviously.
Oh, my gosh, Circle, you see,
I knew you was on my side.
"She is known as the Queen of Rock." Send.
The Queen of Rock?
Who the hell is the Queen of Rock?
Y'all better get this, kids.
If y'all don't know this,
I don't know about y'all.
"Christina Aguilera."
What the hell, Shubham?
Christina Aguilera?
She's not rock.
That's the Queen of Pop. Ah
Pink is not rock.
Oh, I forgot, these kids are 24 years old.
Oh, my goodness, but that's no excuse.
Let's see if this next clue gets them.
Her legs are the most famous in the world.
Ah, message. "Tina Turner."
"Tina Turner!" Tina Turner!
Let's go! Tina Turner!
I think it's Tina Turner, then.
"Tina Turner." Send.
"The correct answer is
Tina Turner."
Bing, bing, bing!
You get a car, you get a car,
you get a bus ticket.
Tina Turner isn't rock!
[Michelle] Well, that round
was simply the best. Next up, Sammie.
[panting] Put me in, coach.
Meghan. Okay.
So the first clue I wanna say
Message. "She was married
in Windsor Castle in London."
Oh, shit. I don't remember her name.
Shawty that's married to the Harry guy.
The Queen of England? I don't know.
"Margot Robbie." Send.
Message. "Scary Spice."
"Margot Robbie." No. "Scary Spice." Who?
[Seaburn] Um [claps]
Ooh. Ooh!
- [Antonio] "Meghan Markle."
- "Meghan Markle." Send.
[squeals] Thank you, Joey!
Fuck yeah!
Let's go!
Thank god I read TMZ.
I would have no idea who that was.
Come on, give me someone good.
Got it.
[hums fanfare]
"The role that Tobey Maguire made famous."
Isn't that the name of a movie?
Tobey Maguire?
Jerry Maguire?
"The role that Spider-Man.
[stammers] Send. Spider-Man." Send.
Shooby got it!
Wow, Shubham got that.
I live to fight another day!
Yes, come on! Yes!
That's it, Shooby. "You're my boy, blue!"
Message Joey. "I got you, man,
the best Spider-Man
out of the three by far."
"Bro, it's crazy how in sync we are.
Yes, yes, yes."
Give it up for the amazing Shubha-Man!
[Shubham] Yes!
[Michelle] Next is Rebecca,
aka Seaburn, man.
Show me that celebrity.
Ah, let's go. Message.
- "He has gorgeous blue eyes."
- [Michelle] Seaburn,
you are channeling Rebecca
right now, girl.
Gorgeous blue eyes? Okay.
Gorgeous blue eyes.
Gorgeous blue eyes.
That's a terrible description.
That was a trash clue.
Oh, they about to trash me.
Message. "Leonardo DiCaprio."
"Frank Sinatra, question mark."
Um, who else has gorgeous blue eyes?
Uh "Jesus."
Yo! [continues laughing]
Oh, snap!
Those are fire-ass guesses,
and I can't think of one.
"Chris Hemsworth." Send.
He got it!
Oh, Chris Hemsworth.
Wow. Look at Shooby.
Yes! Come on!
[laughing] Oh, my God, yes!
Shooby gets all of the right answers.
How do you get that
out of what she just said?
"Thanks, everyone. I just love Marvel."
[Michelle] Go, Shooby.
This is Revenge of the Nerds in real time.
Okay, next Player
up to the plate is Mercedeze,
- [exclaims, chuckles]
- aka Karyn.
Oh, God.
Let's see, Mercedeze.
[takes a deep breath]
All right, Mercedeze, who do you have?
"He's one of the most influential leaders
of the pack from our past."
[Michelle] Okay, if Shooby gets it
from that, he is officially a psychic.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
He's that guy. The really big guy.
Message. "Barack Obama."
- "Martin Luther King."
- "Tupac."
"Known for an awesome smile.
And Happy Days."
Uh, "Fonzie.
Henry Winkler."
Yes! Come on, baby! What up?
"Thank God my dad
used to make me watch Happy Days." See?
you have successfully completed Who Dis?
Your prize will be a party later to"
Bow! Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm!
"To get yourself in the party spirit,
you can now add
one new picture to your profile!" Whoo!
[Joey] Come on!
About to party
Add another picture to the profile ♪
Circle, open my albums.
Ooh, do I wanna put another selfie up?
This is gonna be really tricky.
I definitely have to play this properly,
because I can't put something
that's too risky out there
'cause then it won't match my profile.
I don't wanna use the first picture
with the pants and the all black
simply because it's too casual.
I don't wanna use the picture
in the middle on the top
because it's just showing too much.
Circle, since tonight's theme is party,
maybe costume party?
[gasps] Yes!
Circle, take me to
"Blood is Thicker Than Water."
And the photo on the top right,
it's another part of me.
That's expanding upon who I am.
Showing people another side of me.
[Shubham] I guess I'm relatively innocent.
I'm happy all the time.
You see my trophies on the right.
May we open the photo of me
with the margarita? [chuckles]
This one gives more of a Bad Girls Club.
She has the whole posture
with the hand on the hip
and the "look away" thing.
So, final answer, Circle,
use this photo as my profile picture
for tonight's party. Please.
Circle, open the picture bottom right.
Picture with my two sisters.
I don't wanna put that on there.
I think the girls will get jealous.
That looks freakin' B-E-A-U-tiful.
I'm just gonna full-force go all out
and show them what my body looks like
and see what they have to say about it.
It's introducing
this new version of myself
with all the makeup, 'cause, you know,
I love to put the whole caboodle
on this face.
Circle, I choose this one. Let's get loud.
The guys are gonna be droolin'.
This is a perfect picture
because it shows me.
This is me all the way.
[Michelle] As the Players get ready
for tonight's festivities,
Shubham has a universally-accepted
party truth.
Good breath, always good for parties.
- You can never go wrong with glitter.
- [Antonio] Ooh.
Man, dude,
I'm looking like the Indian James Bond.
[Michelle] And because it's The Circle,
we've got another surprise.
[Joey] Who is it?
[Shubham] Oh shit, what up?
Oh, wow.
[Antonio] Party time. Let's go.
Oh, my God.
We got pizza. Yeah, buddy!
Yes, what is this?
I don't know what this is.
[Joey] Someone robbed Elton John's house
and took his glasses.
Good to know.
I look like the fucking
a black-ass leprechaun.
[Michelle] Double-fisting?
This ain't Shubham's first rodeo.
[Michelle] Okay,
who's ready for a party crasher?
[gasps] Oh, my God. [laughs]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
This is crazy.
Me, myself, and I ♪
My name's Miranda. I'm 26 years old,
and I live
in South Lake Tahoe, California.
I would describe myself as a free spirit
because I am very open, I am honest,
and I just love to be spontaneous.
Take chances.
Growing up, for me, was a bit tough.
I moved around a lot
and didn't really have a stable family,
so, kinda been a lone wolf.
But my whole past doesn't define me.
I definitely fall in love too easily.
It's happened all my life.
It happens hard,
it happens fast,
and it hasn't worked out so far.
I am open to a love connection
on The Circle with a man or a woman.
I am very confident
that I'll win being me.
My motivation is to show people
that there are genuinely honest,
loyal, nice people out there.
The Circle of seven is back to eight,
and it's time for Miranda
to get in it to win it.
Okay, Circle, take me to my profile.
Let's set this up.
Okay, so, let's pick out a profile photo.
All right. So, let's see.
Circle, please take me to my "Fun" album.
I do not wanna show off my tattoos,
I want to keep a much more genuine,
innocent look.
So, I definitely want to find something
where I'm not showing my tattoos,
but I still look like me
because I change my hair a lot.
So, Circle, let's view
this photo in the bottom right
where I do have short hair.
See, I don't have any tattoos in this one,
and I'm not wearing any makeup,
but I like this photo of me.
Circle, let's set this
as my profile photo.
I feel confident.
Now I have to choose
a second photo to have.
Circle, let's open up "Adventure" album.
I really do love that photo
with my knee up on the rock,
so let's go ahead and choose that
as my second photo.
Okay. My relationship status.
Very single."
Let's make sure
make sure they know that.
And let's see, "Tell us about yourself."
Well, so, "Most people call me Randi.
I try and wake up and look at each new day
like it's the best day of my life.
I'm excited to get to know you."
That looks great.
I'm glad they have emojis. That's awesome.
[Michelle] While Miranda secretly settles
into The Circle,
the others are having a party.
Well, Rebecca, aka Seaburn,
is playing with himself herself. Mm-hmm.
[in high-pitched voice]
No, he's coming! [grunts]
[in gruff voice] Get that marinara. Oh!
You're so delicious to eat.
[in high-pitched voice]
Well, I don't wanna be eaten. No
- Won't stop ♪
- Won't stop the beat and go ♪
["Move Your Feet" playing]
- Oh, we lit!
- Everybody ♪
- Oh, shit!
- Move your feet ♪
- And feel united ♪
- We got some music!
I told you aliens were real.
No one believed me.
- Everybody, move your feet ♪
- Yes!
- And feel united, oh, oh, oh ♪
- Oh!
Come on, let me see what you got, kid.
- Let me see what you got!
- Yeah ♪
- I fuckin' love this.
- We're goin' downtown ♪
- Hey!
- Don't, don't, don't stop the beat ♪
- Ah, ah, ah!
- I can't control my feet ♪
- Take it slow, slow.
- People in the street ♪
- No, no.
- Won't stop the beat, go ♪
Come on!
Everybody ♪
- Whoo!
- Move your feet and feel united ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Everybody ♪
- Yeah!
- Move your feet and feel united ♪
[Shubham] Oh, oh, oh ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh.
- Yeah ♪
And that's the wayyou do it.
[Michelle] After Chris has a disco nap
to cope with all that excitement
[Michelle] it's time for this party
to get poppin' with some profile pics.
I'm so excited to see
what my good Judy, Miss Mercedeze,
- has put out.
- [Michelle] Let the judgment begin.
[Chris] Damn!
She's got the legs and that tiny waist.
I knew you was a bad bitch.
She's got a slammin' body.
I love it.
And there's no filter. Boom!
Circle, open Shooby's profile.
He is so cute!
Oh, this is adorable.
[Joey] Ah, Shooby.
Sweet guy.
Circle, open Rebecca's profile.
Jesus Christ, Miss Rebecca.
God damn it, Rebecca, yes.
Rebecca's showing more now.
I think that's cool.
Circle, take me to Joey's profile.
My gosh.
See, if I was at that gay bar he works at,
I'd be like How are you? ♪
[Karyn] This picture is adorable.
It's, like, showing him
that he's like a family man.
Circle, open Antonio's profile.
Whoo! Wow!
Everything in me said that
this picture was gonna look like this.
He looks, like, more mature.
He looks like he, like, you know,
knows what's going on.
Still has no emotion.
All right, I've had enough of you.
Circle, take me to Chris's profile.
Oh, wow!
Yes, bitch!
You are fabulous.
I think Chris is trying to show
his other side.
This is almost like an alter ego.
You get some fist pumps for that one.
You get two fist pumps.
Let's finish it off.
Can I see Sammie's profile, Circle?
My goodness, this is off the chain.
Girl, where your clothes?
All right, I'm in with Sammie. I'm in.
I'm in, she's got a nice body.
Let's call it like it is.
This all could be a part
of her master plan.
And, unfortunately, I'm a weak man.
I'm buying into it. I was skeptical
I hope she's real too.
[Michelle] Now Joey's seen
Shubham's smoking new pic,
he can't wait to get to know him more.
I'm obviously joking. Of course
he's about to private chat Sammie.
"Joey has invited you to a private chat."
Okay, Joey.
[Michelle] And Antonio, Player by name
and player by nature,
is about to get to know Rebecca
a little more intimately.
[in French accent] Ooh-la-la.
I have to turn on my charm.
Message. "Out of all of your photos,
what made you go with
the one that you chose?"
Let's see what Miss Influencer has to say.
[Sammie] Here we go.
Message, "I wanted the picture
on my profile to show how confident I am,
versus my profile picture,
which shows the sweet side of me.
The cute little emoji." Send.
[Joey] Message.
"Your first photo, you look cute as hell.
Your second photo would mostly give 92%
of men a heart attack right on the spot."
[Sammie] "Your second photo
would most likely give 92% of men
a heart attack right on the spot."
I think I'm gonna let him just flirt,
do what he has to do,
get it out of his system.
"Let me get to know that devilish side."
"Let me get to know that devilish side"?
Message. "LOL,
be careful what you wish for."
"Don't worry, sweetheart,
I'm not afraid of getting a burn or two."
Right now, I feel like I have Chris,
Antonio, and now I feel like
I'm gonna get Joey to be on my side.
[Michelle] And now Antonio is shooting
his shot with Rebecca, aka Seaburn.
Ooh, good luck, everybody.
Message. "Hey, just wanted to talk to you
since we haven't had a chance
to get acquainted yet.
But, I have to ask you something.
Dot, dot, dot."
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Oh, man. I don't know what he's gonna ask,
but hopefully it's nothing flirtatious
because Mercedeze
is definitely going to be a little
"I just wanted to ask you
about your picture.
You look so innocent
in the profile picture.
Your new picture is a complete 180, LOL.
What's your story?
It looks nice, though,
exclamation point." Send.
Girls respond very well
to compliments from guys
they might have an interest in.
[chuckles] Oh,
you are buttering my biscuits.
"Thank you. I like your cheetah shirt.
I have cheetah shoes
I thought about wearing,
but I decided to change them
last minute."
See, she gave a compliment,
and then she kept going on.
This is a good sign.
This is a good sign.
"LOL, you should have worn them.
We could have matched."
All right, message.
"LOL, we would have almost looked like
a couple,
but unfortunately,
I don't know too much about you."
I got her right where I want her.
Message. "I am from Delaware,
and I play professional basketball.
I live in Barcelona.
You have to come sometime.
You would love it."
Oh, man, to have somebody flirt with me
because of my girlfriend's pictures
is fuckin' disgusting.
I got Rebecca where I want her.
I got Sammie where I want her.
I got Shubham where I want him.
I got Mercedeze.
I think I'm killing it.
[Michelle] You got that right, Antonio.
And there's a brand-new Player
you can try those amazing skills on.
But not before she has a secret snoop
on absolutely everything
everyone is saying.
- [alarm blares]
- [gasps] "Alert."
"The Players are enjoying a party
this evening.
You can secretly watchin The Circle Chat
to decide which one Player you will invite
to your Circle after-party."
I'm so nervous.
I have no idea what to expect.
Circle, let's open up Circle Chat.
I'm a spy!
And 00-Miranda has a lot to take in,
'cause Joey's got his game glasses on.
Message. "Never have I ever
had sex in public."
For real? Joey is not shy at all.
Ooh, Joey went right for the jugular.
Message. "I have, exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
Message. "Nope, not me." Send.
I'm surprised on that one.
A girl that looks like her
has gotta have sex everywhere.
There's no way.
Message. [chuckling] "Not yet, LOL."
Shubham said, "Not yet."
Message Shooby.
"Bro, that's 'cause we haven't partied
in Santa Monica yet.
Yeah, bungalow!
Message. "Never have I ever had sex
with the same gender."
"Never have I ever had sex
with the same gender."
Message. "Guilty as charged."
[sighs] Sammie's Lord.
Message. "@Sammie,
no comment. Winky emoji."
That's a winky face?
Oh. That changes the game.
Message. "@Mercedeze, honey,
would you ever dip your toes
in the rainbow pond, LOL?"
Message. "@Chris,
my rainbow has a little pink in it."
Oh, my gosh.
Definitely interesting.
She seems like she's bisexual.
I feel like Mercedeze's personality
is very honest and true, though.
For some reason, I'm enjoying her a lot,
more than I thought I would other people,
so, that's funny. Now I'm like,
"Oh, my gosh, who do I wanna talk to?
I didn't know Mercedeze was dipping
her toes in the rainbow pond.
That is off the chain.
Oh, okay, I actually know what that means,
I think
Wait, I don't get it, actually.
God, this is like alien lingo.
Message Sammie and Mercedeze.
"I love the honesty.
Be you, girls, be you."
This is why I was sitting in a corner.
I played this exactly how I needed to.
I feel like I could joke around
with Mercedeze.
That, or Antonio doesn't seem like
he has much to say, but
And I really just wanna know
more about him.
Because he is super sexy.
[alarm blares]
- Alert. Whoa!
- Alert!
- Alert, alert, already an alert.
- What do you got for me?
"The Circle party is about to end."
[Seaburn] Why does it have to end?
It was so much fun.
"Except for one lucky Player."
[both] What does that mean?
[Karyn] God damn it.
"A new Player has entered The Circle."
Oh, wow!
Are you serious?
"And has been secretly snooping
on your party"?
They were watching our conversation?
Holy shit.
I don't know if I should invite Sammie,
because I wanna get to know her.
Joey does look very charming.
He's like the life of the party.
What is happening?
Mercedeze, I did enjoy her personality.
Oh, I really hope it's not another girl.
Oh, shit!
[theme music playing]
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