The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Festa no Apê

If the players thought The Circle
would be all fun and games,
reality says otherwise.
Circle, message.
Due to lack of dialogue
and suspicions of catfishing
the blocked person is
I don't want to look.
I hope it's not me. Please.
Oh, boy.
Everybody must be freaking out.
This is so intense, man.
Please, God!
"Ana Carla."
Holy shit! It's not me, thank God!
- Fuck yeah!
- Geez.
Jesus Christ.
The game's still on!
This is so sad.
This is really sad.
Wow, she's not on the screen anymore!
She's been removed already.
She couldn't even defend herself.
Oh, wow.
Such heavy energy.
Ana Carla
is gone.
She was probably a catfish.
Who knows?
I like real people.
Holy cow.
Alert! Another alert!
Things are going wild today!
Things are going wild!
They can't eliminate more people.
- "Before leaving"
- "Ana Carla can meet"
"one player in person."
Oh my God!
Can you imagine if she's not a catfish?
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
who's the fakest of them all?
Who is she going to pick?
Do I wear a hat? My hair is fine.
I'm nervous. What if she comes over?
I think she's going to pick JP.
Is she coming here?
"Ana Carla is on her way
to one of the apartments."
Holy fuck!
What if it's me?
Lord help me!
What am I going to say if she comes here?
That's unbelievable, dude.
Come over, girl.
Stop by, if you want.
Lord have mercy!
Holy mother of God.
Who's a catfish, my love?
Oh, my God!
Look at this apartment!
I can't believe it!
- What's up?
- Girl
I cried so much, my makeup is gone.
Don't say this, girlfriend.
- Let's have a sit.
- Okay.
Wow, your voice, your charisma
You seem so amazing.
I knew right away you weren't a catfish.
- Who do you think is a catfish?
- I think Gaybol is.
- Gaybol?
- Yes, Gaybol. I think.
But my photo was kinda
Yeah, it was.
It looked
- Too much.
- too much.
- Way too much.
- But most of my photos are like that.
Honey, a photo on the beach
would've saved you.
I don't know if I'm relieved or upset.
But unfortunately, she didn't come over.
And why did you come to visit me?
Because I wanted you to see
I'm not a catfish.
I believe you thought I was.
You were the first person
I could relate to when I saw the profiles.
When I saw your photo, I said,
"Wow, I love him.
We're gonna be friends, allies.
We'll go very far in the game."
I want to cry again.
- Honey
- I'm emotional.
- Give me your hand.
- Then I thought
Calm down.
Look at how blessed you are.
For real. This is my dream,
and I know it's a dream for you too.
Honey, I wish you the best
from here on out.
- Thanks.
- Let's be there for each other.
Let's be there for each other!
I loved meeting Dumaresq.
He's a really nice guy.
I'm rooting for you.
- Or JP. He's a northeasterner too.
- Nice.
He's like most of my friends.
Really cheerful,
really nice.
Really jolly.
- You're so pretty!
- Hey, I love this apartment.
- Wow.
- Kisses.
- Kisses.
- Bye.
- All the best to you.
- You too.
He was my competition.
And even so, he was able to comfort me.
I was moved when she said
she wanted me to see
she was not a catfish.
She cared about my opinion.
She cares about my opinion.
He's everything I imagined and more.
This is so emotional.
"Emotional" doesn't even cover it.
But there's nothing like
a good night's sleep to calm things down.
One day down.
It was a long day.
What a long day, guys.
So much happened.
We've been through a lot today.
What a day.
I almost broke the bed.
Let's go to bed and stop thinking.
But remember,
you reap what you sow.
Good night, Circle.
Circle, baby.
For you, it's just "night."
It'd be a "good night"
if you were in bed with me.
I like you.
Good night, baby.
He's so frisky.
Good morning, players.
Ready for the next phase?
Good morning, Circle!
It started all over again.
You sassy Circle.
Thank you, Duma! Thank you, Marina!
You both saved our necks.
I can't wait to see
how it's gonna be from now on.
A lot happened to me yesterday.
Today, I want some peace.
Please. For the love of God.
Get over it, Duma,
and enjoy that crown
because it won't be yours forever.
My strategy from now on is
to hunt down the leaders.
I have to make new connections
because to be popular, you don't have
to talk to the influencers.
You have to be an influencer too.
Let's play. Money doesn't grow on trees.
The definition of "working out"
has been updated.
Here you have to hold on
to your popularity
to win the game.
"Update your status."
What do you mean?
Come on, Duma. Don't pretend
you don't know what that means.
From "single" to "stressed out."
Open profile.
"Lorayne. How are you feeling?"
I'm kidding.
Circle, message. Yesterday was stressful,
I won't deny it. But today is a new day,
so let's have some fun.
Circle, give Marina a like.
I really share this feeling.
Circle, give Marina a like.
They gave me a like!
She knows how to play,
but I think her only problem
is that she likes attention.
The nail that sticks out
shall be hammered down.
Circle, update status.
Still waiting for my heart to calm down.
It's a great day. #OneSleepsOneDreams.
What are these lame hashtags?
I'm starting to feel
a bit annoyed.
We liked his message.
Cool. And he's still our boyfriend.
Circle, give Akel a like.
Circle, message.
I feel grateful for knowing
that my integrity, comma,
my courage to show who I am
and my energy
are pleasing people.
Period. #GoodVibes.
Dude, he has such good energy.
Like a boss.
This queen doesn't have any flaws.
I'm not gonna give it a like.
I'm not gonna encourage him.
Be focused, be strong, have faith.
Circle, update my status.
I think he said it wrong.
It's a basic FFF,
but it brings us some positivity
in this difficult moment.
Circle, message.
Excited, but afraid.
Circle, update my status.
Okay, honey. "Excited
but afraid."
That doesn't mean anything.
What are you afraid of?
Circle, message.
Yesterday was really stressful,
but I feel relieved
and confident in the days ahead.
What the
Jesus Christ.
Circle, message.
"First block.
I almost had a heart attack.
Time for breakfast.
I feel like a zombie."
Man, she's incredible.
She's funny, spontaneous.
Give Lorayne a like.
I'm the only one with no likes.
It's not good.
Torture for millennials.
Are we going to fix the mess we made?
Time to update, Circle.
A long journey
begins with a first step.
"It's only hard for a one-legged man.
We should walk together.
Is it too hard for you?
Come with Auntie."
"A long journey begins with a first step."
That was it. If you had stopped there
That'd be perfect. Then you said,
"It's only hard
for a one-legged man."
God help me.
I don't think
Julia's status is interesting at all.
I'm so over this Auntie hashtag.
It doesn't add anything.
Duma and Marina didn't like our status.
Maybe they saw it and thought,
"Well, I didn't like it."
It could look suspicious.
One of my goals now
is to get Marina to like me,
or shit's gonna hit the fan.
They're gonna destroy us.
Be strong, Julia. Because you're clueless.
You better forget this Auntie thing.
- "The newsfeed has been updated."
- What?
What's going to happen?
Circle, open my newsfeed.
"Before leaving,
Ana Carla left a message."
This is so crazy, dude.
The time has come.
Time to find out the truth.
Circle, open Ana Carla's video.
Hello, everybody. I'm Ana Carla.
That's right, the real Ana Carla.
The model, the DJ.
Yes, Miss Paraíba, baby.
Holy shit!
I'm from Paraíba,
proud to be a northeasterner. Yes, sir!
Whoa, Mouse.
Dude, I'm shocked. It's impossible.
Akel must be in shock!
I'm not a catfish. You were wrong.
I'm in love.
Shit, she really wasn't a catfish.
The girl is so hot, dude!
You guys were so wrong.
I'm really crazy, I'm a mess,
I'm not perfect at all.
If she had used a photo
where she looked natural,
she would still be here. Wow.
Fuck. We were wrong.
I hope you all have lots of fun.
Have a great game.
But I'm rooting
for the northeasterners, okay?
I'm moving to the northeast, for sure.
I think she's rooting for me.
I hope so.
We have to be more careful with what we
think and say about people, right?
It was not your time, girl.
Maybe who I thought was a catfish
is not a catfish?
And who I thought was not a catfish
is a catfish?
I'm even more confused now. Shit.
The game has barely started,
and Gaybol is already stuck.
Yeah, maybe she was sent home too early.
A little too late to be sorry, sis.
The game's still on.
Earth to Gaybol.
Check it out.
We have one less player
in our circle of people.
Where's Ana's scowl?
Not a scowl. She's a beautiful princess.
We're only eight now.
Now, more than ever,
I have to prove to those people
that I'm not a catfish, I'm real.
There were four girls before.
Now, there are only three.
We have to be smart, girls.
The first elimination has showed us
how to behave, what to do
in order to stay longer in the game.
I wonder if it's only eight players now,
or if more people will join.
We can expect anything from The Circle.
Since anything can happen,
you better add everybody as a friend.
Without Ana Carla around,
JP probably needs an ally.
Circle, open private chat with Dumaresq.
Look at that!
"JP has invited you to a private chat."
I think it's important to have this chat
so we can get closer,
and see what we have in common.
I'll get to know his personality better.
Circle, open private chat with JP.
Circle, message.
Good morning, bro.
I want to start by saying I'm glad
I have a chance to talk to you alone.
Honey, are you calling a gay guy "bro?"
Where are your manners?
Circle, message. Look,
I really wanted to talk to you.
I heard you got close to Ana Carla.
"I heard you got close to Ana Carla."
She met him.
Circle, message.
Was she at your apartment? Send.
Circle, message.
Yes, she was.
She told me a lot of stuff,
including her suspicions
on a potential catfish.
"I think he's dangerous.
He said he's only here to play."
Man, that's some juicy information.
Circle, message.
I also suspect Gaybol.
It's time to join forces and be vigilant.
I wouldn't call it that.
I'm not forming an alliance with you
just like that, "bro." Take it slow.
Circle, message.
I agree with an alliance
when it comes to Gaybol.
Very nice, bro.
I agree.
Circle, message.
We should work together
in the next ratings.
Circle, message.
Let's talk to more people about Gaybol.
It was a nice chat.
I've got goosebumps, man.
That was so cute.
I really believe in you, JP.
I got close to Duma.
At least I think I did.
The right move is to socialize
with as many players as possible.
Among everybody here,
Lorayne has strong ideas.
She uses some slang.
She's really funny.
She'd be a nice person
to exchange some ideas with.
Circle, open private chat with Lorayne.
"Gaybol has invited you
to a private chat."
Let's chat.
Circle, open private chat with Gaybol.
Circle, message.
Dude, I think you're very funny.
and we didn't talk much Ellipsis.
Circle, send message.
Circle, message.
What's up, dude, comma,
what about that elimination?
Question mark.
#SoIntense. Send.
I'm gonna say Should I tell her?
Fuck it, I'm gonna say it.
Between us, comma,
I could swear Ana was a catfish.
Send message.
I was positive about it.
I thought she was a catfish.
Circle, message.
Yeah, dude.
I thought she was either a catfish
- or a big fat liar
- "because of the DJ part.
The way JP talks is weird.
I'm watching him.
Do you have any suspicions?"
Dude, I can't believe it.
She thinks like me.
I knew we were going to get along.
We're exchanging information.
I tell you what I think,
and you tell me what you think.
Otherwise, it's not fair.
I also think JP is weird.
Thinking face emoji.
Circle, message.
JP basically writes an essay.
#CantFoolMe. LMAO.
That's amazing.
"#WhatASquare. #CantFoolMe."
He can't fool me, at all.
Dude, comma, I think you're amazing.
Let's join forces, comma, go for it,
and make fun of people. LMAO.
Yeah, dude, comma,
count me in.
#HighEnergy. Let's bring the house down.
Take care, comma,
my dude. #BringItOn.
Bring it on, Lorayne!
We're in this together!
Wow, I feel lighter now.
I was nervous,
I thought she was gonna judge me,
but now everything's fine.
We got along well. Cool.
I think he's being strategic,
but I believe
he really liked talking to me.
Let's see what changed.
She's going to replace Julia,
who was one of my favorites.
Julia is down in the rankings.
Lorayne, dude We have a lot in common.
Time flies in The Circle.
And do you know what time it is?
It's time to find out
what the stars have to say.
It's Akel's time to shine.
He's the astrology know-it-all.
Shit, now I'm in trouble.
What the hell?
The Circle is gonna show
a zodiac temperature chart.
Virgo's in third place.
Even there, I'm in third place.
From the kindest sign
to the most cold-hearted.
Man, Capricorn is in first place.
Makes sense. I'm a Capricorn.
Do they know each other well enough
to guess each other's signs?
"What is Lorayne's sign?"
They're gonna get it right.
It's on her profile.
Circle, Virgo.
We have a good memory.
She looks like a Capricorn.
Only I went with Aries.
People guessed Virgo. Shit, man.
Circle, message.
What the hell?
That was so easy.
It's on my profile.
I'm a Virgo!
Check out my reply.
I know what I'm gonna say.
Circle, message.
I only said Virgo
because it's the sign most compatible
with Aquarius
Not sure if it's true. Ellipsis.
Circle, send.
No comment.
Circle, message.
Well, countryside princess Ellipsis.
Sad face emoji. #Fail.
#MaybeNextTime. Send.
What a fool!
Dude, they're flirting. It's heating up.
It's heating up, bro!
I kicked the ball.
If I score
Let's see what Julia is gonna say.
Circle, message.
Lorayne, I was lost in your beauty
when I saw your photo.
I didn't notice you were a Virgo. LOL.
What? Auntie is messing with me.
She's hitting on everybody.
Julia, you're crazy.
Do you know what Auntie looks like?
Those men who check women out
and say stupid shit to them.
Woman, please,
have some class.
Like my grandfather always said,
"If it's meat, you gotta eat it."
So, that's how it works.
Geez, can we unhear that?
"What is Lucas' sign?"
He doesn't tell dirty jokes,
doesn't talk much.
Maybe Sagittarius?
I think Lucas is a Libra.
He seems to be a stable person.
Circle, message.
They say I look nothing like my sign.
But, from your point of view
and from mine,
I'm much more than fire
and wild passion.
"#ProudScorpio. #Loyalty."
He's a Scorpio, dude!
Circle, message.
Lucas, no way!
I'm feeling all hot right now.
Look at that! Being all flirty, Marina?
Nice. Lucas is really charming.
See? The quiet ones always win.
Trust me, never shoot in every direction.
Aim on the target.
Marina was so direct with Lucas.
Very nice.
"What is Marina's sign?"
people think she's a Leo.
No way!
Circle, message.
I'm screaming! All caps.
Two exclamation marks.
I'm such a Virgo, you guys.
Even my rising sign is Virgo.
Circle, message.
I swear that my vote
was an excuse to compliment your hair.
Period. #WhatAGorgeousMane.
Dumaresq, it's not only her hair
that's beautiful.
Check out that pink tongue, LOL.
Devil emoji, fire emoji,
and knife emoji.
Julia, are you kidding me?
Fucking traitor!
She's hitting on everybody.
What the heck?
Julia is flirting with everybody. Weird.
I'm shocked,
she hits on me just like that.
There's a nymphomaniac
confined in there!
I'm shooketh!
I think Julia is really diving
into the dirty stuff,
being too aggressive.
It's becoming too much.
"Now everybody knows each other's signs.
Good luck in your predictions."
Excellent game. Great game.
Now I might have a chance
to talk to Lolo, man.
Good job, team.
We got to know each other a bit more.
Is it time to start forming cliques?
Circle, create a group chat.
Add Akel,
JP, and Dumaresq.
Wait. There's a guy missing, right, Julia?
"Lucas has invited you
to the Playmakers Chat."
Holy mother of God. I was about to eat.
Men like to team up,
to feel like they belong to a group.
Is this a men's club, Lucas?
I can't believe you put me
among these brutes.
Circle, join the Playmakers chat.
What is the purpose of this group?
What could it be?
How about another topic?
Something that would include me.
But all right, Lucas.
I get along better with girls.
A group chat only for men?
Let's see how it goes.
Look at their photos. Look at mine.
What am I doing there?
Let's see if they are good at talking.
Circle, message.
What's up, my dudes! How's it going?
Sunglasses emoji.
Circle, send.
Yo, Lucas! Exclamation mark.
I'm rocking in the kitchen.
Period. What about you, guys?
Question mark. Rock on emoji.
Circle, send message.
"What's up, my dudes!"
"How's it going, bro?"
Everything's fine, Lucas!
Three exclamation marks.
I love the group's name already.
Circle, send.
He's kinda pushing it
adding me to this group chat.
Is it pronounced "headtag" or "hashtag?"
Because it doesn't make sense.
It doesn't make sense.
Circle, message.
Open quote. "Playmakers?"
Close quote, question mark.
Honey, the only balls I'm familiar with
aren't made for soccer.
But I don't mind managing
the cheerleaders.
I knew he'd come up
with something like this.
Dude, Dumaresq is incredible! My God!
He's too crazy, man.
Dumaresq, you are the captain
of our cheerleading squad.
LOL. Put down the LOL emoji.
Circle, send.
Very well, I'll join them.
Winking emoji, nail polish emoji.
You better train a lot.
We don't want to be embarrassed.
Circle, leave chat.
Hey, Dumaresq left the chat.
Wow, that's bad.
I knew he would leave.
Please, honey.
I don't want to be in a group chat
with a bunch of straight men.
Look at me. For God's sake.
Attitude like that makes us
a little suspicious.
How could he leave like that?
It looks like he didn't want
to bond with the guys.
Group chats are like that.
And nobody's acknowledging what happened.
Circle, message.
Damn, comma,
he could've given it a chance.
Circle, send message.
True, I agree.
Circle, message.
It's fine. Maybe he wasn't
feeling comfortable, but no problem.
Circle, send.
Circle, message.
I think it's weird
that Dumaresq left like that.
He has a strong personality.
Maybe he thought the group was sexist.
I'm glad I wasn't the one who created it.
Circle, message.
I created the group as a way
to have fun and make friends.
The name was just a joke.
Circle, send.
Let's focus, so the team
can be ready to win the match.
#Playmakers. Fist bump emoji.
Circle, send.
What team, dude?
What team should be ready?
You are crazy, man.
There's no team.
Lucas, bro, the group is a great idea.
We're in this together.
Fist bump emoji.
I scored.
I don't agree with it.
It's too early to form a clique like that
and to be in a group.
Okay, dominoes, you won.
Hey, fighter, don't give up.
You're gonna need lots of energy.
- Whoa, party!
- Party!
Thank God! I needed that.
Bust some moves.
I'm gonna move the table.
Party time, party time
I want a party!
"Hello, The Circle community!"
- Hello!
- Let's go!
"Move your feet. Carnival"
"is about to start!"
Holy cow! Let's go!
I'm ready, dude! I'm ready!
It's party time, shake it
What should we call our Carnival group?
Circle Samba?
Circle Joy?
Look at me. See my moves?
Circle United. Go Go Circle.
On creativity, you scored A+.
"Go to the door
and grab the box we left for you."
Oh my God!
Two boxes. Now we're talking.
I can't wait to open them, dude.
I'm scared. I don't want to open them.
I'm scared.
Holy cow, I'm nervous.
What's in the box?
No way!
It's caipirinha!
This word just gives me the chills.
"Ingredients: one lime, four ice cubes"
Holy fuck!
There's a lime.
It looks good, smells great.
Caipirinha is my specialty.
A teeny-tiny cachaça!
Hell yeah!
Cachaça. There's also this thing
to make caipirinha.
Look at this outfit!
It's so you, girlfriend!
I think they gave me the wrong box.
Oh, my God!
I love it.
I've never worn anything like this.
I don't even know how to put it on.
Is this right?
The most beautiful queen
in this entire house
is me.
On the catwalk
The Circle's Drum Queen.
Charming, naked, and sexy.
I'm gonna teach you
how to make caipirinha.
This one is made by a bartender.
It's not those lame-ass caipirinhas
you can buy on the streets.
"Directions: cut the lime in four pieces."
I've already done that.
I'm gonna use this knife.
Between your fingers.
You won't cut yourself,
and the lime won't slip through.
"Smash the lime and the sugar
with the pestle."
I don't drink cachaça,
but there's no alcohol.
Holy shit!
Smash them a little.
I'm gonna shake this cachaça
to try and make it stronger.
Come on, cachaça. You can do it.
One almost fell off. It worked.
It looks great.
I put it all together, now I can't squeeze
the ice cubes and the lime.
Only five steps, and I've managed to fail.
My caipirinha is a little dull.
It's my first time making a drink.
It looks kind of
kind of nice.
I would love to see
what the players are wearing.
I'd give anything to see Julia now,
in an odalisque costume.
If you only knew
Cachaça is like water in the desert.
Let the music play, so we can dance.
No way!
The club lights are on.
Look at me dancing.
A true samba dancer.
Do you think I only play video games?
There are dancing games too.
How's my energy? Up high.
Thank you very much. You're welcome.
Samba and caipirinha, the best duo.
But hold on.
Somebody is late to the party.
What the hell?
Oh, wow.
It's huge.
Can I live here forever?
Yes or absolutely?
I'm ready.
Let's go, brother.
- Wonder Twin powers
- Activate.
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