The Condemned (2010) s01e02 Episode Script

Andra fallet

Are you still following her?
- I'm interested in her.
- So, you still follow her.
- She's my daughter.
- But she isn't, right?
- No.
- And she has a father.
If you're realistic, Sebastian
You know how she will react, right?
- Maybe I need her.
- Maybe.
That's something new.
That makes me vulnerable.
I used to feel nothing.
But now it's not just about you
and your life.
This is someone who also has needs.
A young woman whose life you are likely
to disrupt.
It's a miracle you still
have your license.
You mustn't be handled too gently,
too many do that.
But not you.
I see it like this:
You lost your daughter in a tsunami.
Before you make new plans,
you must first accept that.
Say goodbye to her and forgive yourself
for not being able to save her.
I'll try, Agnes.
It's just
for the first time since then
my life has some meaning at all.
Vanja doesn't give meaning
to your life.
- No.
- She already has a father?
I also have weekly group sessions.
I can ask if you can sit in
a few times.
- Are you serious?
- It would do you good.
Me, in group therapy?
For various reasons, some people
find it difficult to move forward.
- Did you know that already?
- Known and boring.
Last week I said I'll finally
clean out the garage
to park the car again.
But doing the dishes and waste disposal,
I still think is an impossible thing.
The lack of energy is a symptom
your depression.
That's not surprising.
How are you finding the pills?
I don't like to swallow pills.
But if you are coming here
you have to take them anyway.
Can I have a say about it.
Accept it.
Thank you.
- My name is Sebastian.
- I know.
- Agnes introduced you. I'm Anette.
- Hello.
- You haven't said much.
- No, I'm better at listening.
- You looked bored.
- Touche.
I must work on that.
How long have you been coming here?
Approximately half a year.
I lost my job, got divorced
my son met the love of his life
and went to Canada.
- And why are you here? -Agnes thought
this could do something for me.
Why? What happened to you?
There is nothing
- in our relationship.
- No?
But maybe it will come.
- Do you want to reform me?
- A little.
Do you mind?
- People don't come here to reform
anyone. -Fine.
I'll have less competition.
Sorry. If you think I'm going too far,
I could just leave you alone.
No, it's okay.
- And if this is the third victim?
- We'll know later on.
- Is this the third victim?
- Let me consider. No, no comment.
What do we know?
Katarina Granlund, 45 years.
She was recovering after surgery.
Her husband found her.
He's sitting in the kitchen.
- She's lying in the bedroom.
- What's his name?
- Richard Granlund.
- Thank you.
What is your name?
As in the movie director.
My name is Wilen.
What do you do?
I'm trying to sleep.
No, what do you do?
Now I'm only concerned with
falling asleep.
That is Skutte.
Good night, Skutte.
- The same MO?
- Looks that way.
How long has she been dead?
Hard to say. The legs aren't
stiff, but there is no autolysis.
They truly do get spots. So I guess
between 5 and 10 hours ago.
Her husband went to work at
about 8 o'clock this morning.
This is the third. Unfortunately
- Sorry I'm late. Physiotherapy.
- How's your shoulder?
Fine. Things are getting better.
Is this what I think it is?
Victim number three.
Tied up, raped and murdered.
- Same killer?
- Absolutely.
Look for a link. Look for the victims
having something in common.
He can have met her on Facebook or
something like that.
Sure, but with luck there's a link.
We can use a fluke.
He needs to get going.
I know, but we found
a third one tonight.
We work so late.
That's right.
No, I can sleep for a few hours
on the desk.
Good night. I love you too.
How's Micke?
- You shouldn't ask.
- I'm curious.
No, you're not.
- That's why we're here, huh?
- No.
It's about time. I have an appointment,
but hopefully you'll have time for me.
- But don't tell where you've been.
- I hardly know you.
- Would you like more coffee?
- No, I need to work.
- I can't just give you work.
- Sure can. You said you need me.
- But I don't need you.
- Cut it out.
Here we have the team we had in
- Torkel, we have
- Hello.
Nice to see you. How are you?
- Billy is there. We're waiting for you.
- Is Ursula there already?
- She has the autopsy report.
- Give me two minutes.
Autopsy Report. Torkel
I got to go.
You'll figure it out, huh?
- I met Vanja today.
- Really? What did she say?
- What are you doing here?
- The deal was no contact.
- I was looking for work.
- Does it have to be an investigation?
Hey, I want to work.
I need to bring more structure
into my life.
- Exactly, like group therapy.
- I told you it wasn't for me.
People who had break downs
because their dogs died.
And because the house burned down
with the dogs in it.
- I'm not going there tonight.
- Really?
You don't want to try it again?
I slept with Anette last night.
That was wrong.
It was nice.
Soon she going to pose questions
and expect more.
The woman has struggled through
six months in therapy.
By your behavior she won't really
feel any better.
- I told you it was wrong.
- It wasn't wrong.
You're sorry
and now you just want to avoid her.
That's the plan. Usually it works.
Yes, it's been a while.
I've been working on a lecture and
I want to tour the country with it.
Remember that?
I'll give you my number
if something happens.
Is that so?
That is unfortunate for you.
Good day.
The murders are related to each other.
Torkel Höglund from the National Police
was unwilling to comment.
But according to our police sources
the MO was the same as in Husby
and the murder was identical
to the other two.
It would be the third murder
of a woman in three weeks.
Is it true?
Is it a serial killer?
- Join me there.
- We can't, Sebastian.
I don't need to be part of the team.
Hire me as a consultant. Whatever you want.
Good, I was problematic last time.
But it's about a serial killer.
It is negligent not to involve me.
Torkel, give me another chance.
I need it.
- Good morning.
- Tomorrow.
No, damn it.
Our suspicions are confirmed,
there is a serial killer.
And Sebastian Bergman is back.
Hello, may I
Good day.
Too bad the victims are women, otherwise
you'd be able to comfort the widows.
We need to talk about what happened
in Västerköping.
Maria Lie from Enskede. Single.
A friend got concerned when she didn't
answer and didn't show up at work.
Tied with nylon stockings on
her belly in bed. Raped.
Both carotid arteries and her trachea
cut with a sharp knife.
No sign of forced entry,
but she tried to fight back.
There were no other traces except
for some pubic hairs and semen.
Jeanette Jansson-Nyberg, in Nynäshamn.
Her husband and son came home from
a soccer tournament and found her so.
Jeanette posted on her blog
she would be alone all weekend.
And I quote: "It would be easy to do."
End quote.
The murderer may have known
he could attack.
- Did the other victim also post on a blog?
- No, but she was on Facebook.
She had "isolated" checked
off for relationships.
We found footprints on the garden stairs.
That didn't match her husband or son.
The semen is from the same person
as Jansson-Nyberg.
And this is the last:
Katarina Granlund.
Data on the recent murder
isn't ready yet.
But the MO is the same.
The same nightgown.
- Can it be Hinde?
- No, he's still in custody.
- A copycat?
- Possibly.
- Hinde? That sounds familiar.
- Edward Hinde is a serial killer.
Sebastian became famous because of
him and even wrote a book about him.
Two books actually.
I must see the crime scene.
In any case, the most recent.
We have searched thoroughly.
If you want to know something, just ask.
If it really is a copycat,
then you've missed something.
- What then?
- Let me see the crime scene.
Vanja, take him to Husby.
- Must I?
- Yes.
- Are you a masochist?
- What?
- Well?
- No.
Why are you back?
Why do you insist on pestering
people who don't like you?
- Billy likes me.
- He doesn't show how he feels.
Nothing changes, eh?
Are you use to people not
liking you?
I think so.
If you weren't such a jerk
I'd almost feel sorry for you.
Forget it.
Don't look at me like that.
- What do you mean?
- Exactly.
I don't even know your thoughts.
- You'd never guess.
- No, but don't look at me.
You know there's a reason
for everything.
- It's not always what you think.
- Sebastian
I really don't care.
- It is important to you, huh?
- What?
To always have the last word.
Up stairs. What have we missed?
- What have we missed?
- A small room or cupboard.
There is a slot.
One that you can open from the outside.
- What will we find there?
- Food.
- Sebastian?
- What?
Come on.
Look. This is the only one that
can be opened from outside.
- Have you looked?
- No.
He is.
He is.
Edward Hinde
killed four women between the autumn
of 1995 and the summer of 1996.
Everything works: the nightgown,
the nylons, the rape
the victims lie on their abdomen,
the food, everything.
Food and drink was also
found at the other places.
Edward was raised alone by his mother.
She abused him sexually.
It began when Edward was six and
continued until his mother's death.
Every time Edward was forced
to satisfy her sexually
He was subsequently punished.
He was unclean, dirty.
His mother couldn't bear to see him,
So she locked him up in the basement.
Sometimes for hours, sometimes
for several days.
No food and no toilet.
So Edward began to hide food
in the basement.
In preparation, so he was safe,
In the fall of 1994 Edward's mother died.
A year later, Edward went out
looking for other women.
He brought the nightdress and nylons.
The victim had to put on the nightgown.
She was raped then she tied
on her stomach.
To avoid punishment, he killed her.
- But he put the foods there.
- Always.
In this case he is still waiting
to be punished.
But he had his stash but
never even had to use it.
It's all in here.
Our killer tries to copy Hinde
as much as possible.
- He admires him.
- Could be. He remains a copycat.
Another person with different motives.
He knows things about Hinde that
indicates personal contact.
- Maybe he read your book.
- Not everything was in the book.
See this photo again.
This was 15 years ago
at home of Edward's last victim.
It was never published.
- Torkel Höglund.
- Does he sound familiar?
We gotta go.
Come on, Sebastian.
Torkel, I need to talk to you.
- What is it?
- I know her.
I know her.
Her name is Anette Wilen.
- How do you know her?
- I know her from group therapy.
I was there once, but I
went home with her.
I slept with her.
- When?
- The day before yesterday.
- What should I do?
- Go right back to the office.
I'm sorry, Torkel.
This is no ordinary copycat
This is against me.
I think I already
know these women.
Marie Lie was called Marie Erlandson
when she was young.
There was something between us
when we were at college.
Then we have Katarina Granlund.
She was at a signing of my book.
She was already married.
But Jeanette Jansson didn't
ring a bell.
I searched the Internet and saw
her nickname was JoJo.
I slept with a JoJo
right after I graduated.
This is incredible.
And you are already aware of
Anette Wilen.
Everything indicates that someone
wants to implicate Sebastian.
Why now?
It's been more than 15 years.
We'll find out.
Edward Hinde is still confined
in Lövhaga prison.
- How do you know he's involved?
- We don't know for sure.
Someone copies Edward's murders
and points in my direction
But it's very unlikely,
Hinde is involved.
Sebastian, you go to question Edward.
Vanja, you go with him.
Torkel, shouldn't we issue some
There are probably more women
in the danger zone.
What should we do?
Publish a photo?
"Have you slept with this guy?"
Two of the three recall him.
How many are there? 100, 200?
- 500?
- I don't stop there.
How does the killer find them?
I understand your old relationships
can offer a clue if we go looking.
But Anette Wilen?
That was just three days ago.
How did he know her?
You may have been followed?
Did you notice anything?
It never occurred to me.
Sebastian, what's wrong?
Hello. What are you doing?
Thanks. Later.
Four women are dead
because they went to bed with you.
- You should wear a warning sign.
- Maybe.
- But now just keep your mouth shut.
- You're not the victim.
- What is Edward's attraction to someone?
- Read my books.
Okay, but you've met him.
You too, in a moment.
Sebastian Bergman.
Vanja. Vanja Lithner.
What do I owe this visit
after all these years?
Think of a trilogy?
He has written books about me.
Two of them.
First he caches me
Then he reveals the mechanisms
behind the monster.
We topped the bestseller lists.
Signings, lectures all over Europe
He is quiet.
We don't like uncomfortable
silences in this country.
That's why we fill them with chatter.
Revealing babble. Right?
I am also a psychologist. I
granduated two years before Sebastian.
- Did he tell you?
- No, he didn't say.
He won't admit
how much we are alike.
Psychologists, middle-aged,
with complex relationships with women.
That's us, eh Sebastian?
What do you think of the women
in my life?
There are a lot.
At least, there were many.
I don't know what it is today.
Four women were killed.
Nightgown, nylon stockings
something to eat
strapped on their stomachs and
then raped. Sounds very familiar.
- Someone I am looking for.
- Another proposal.
It looks like you are a little
bit angry and jealous.
Can people no longer
think up anything original?
No one invents anything.
Only you invent it.
How do you find them?
No, Sebastian, what the hell is this?
Straightforward, no finesse.
You bore me, and that's unusual.
You were always a more
stimulating challenge.
What happened?
I've had enough of playng
with a psychopath.
I haven't only helped the police
I also arrested you.
Can I touch your hair?
- Stop it.
- It looks so soft.
It smells very nice and solid.
- Would you tell me about these women?
- No.
If you bend
And put down your head
Don't you listen?
No more games, you said.
Well, you just lost.
Edward has access to newspapers
and limited Internet access.
What does that mean?
He can visit approved sites
in the library of the prison.
He has a laptop in his cell.
But he can't go on-line.
Can he access Facebook in the library?
No, all social networking sites are
He can't possibly make contact
with the outside world.
What about phone calls and letters?
He has no phone privileges
and his letters are all the same.
They come from women
who can heal him with their love.
I say this so you understand
how serious this is.
Edward is involved in several murders
we are investigating.
How can that be?
The way the victims are
selected points to Edward.
Were any of his friends just
Edward has no friends.
Roland Johansson is the only one
you could imagine as his friend.
But he was released,
two years ago.
- Anyone else?
- Maybe Jonathan Rodriguez.
They eloped together.
But he has been released six months ago.
Roland Johansson was imprisoned
from 2001 to 2008.
Two attempted murders and serious
abuse. Drug Abuse.
After his release he went back
to Gothenburg.
I spoke to his parole officer
and they were out of town together when
the first two women were killed.
A bus trip to Österlen.
Part of his rehabilitation.
According to probation, Johansson has
had no relapse, and doesn't use drugs.
Number two: Jonathan Rodriguez.
28 years, in Lövhaga prison
from 2003.
Aggrevated assault and rape.
He lives in Södertälje.
- There was the stolen Toyota.
- Exactly.
I asked the police in Södertälje
to question Rodriguez.
He has no concept of time and place.
He is constantly intoxicated.
- I'll deal with it.
- Good.
- Jonathan Rodriguez?
- That's me.
Good day, Ursula. Tell Rodriguez
I have to interrogate him
Billy said he drank, but not
that he was in a damned wheelchair.
Be positive,
You've seen beautiful Södertälje.
No, not Södertälje. It is another
city you must see before you die.
According to Sebastian, Sundbyberg.
Are you coming here today?
Well. Good day.
That was Vanja. She sends
her greetings.
No, she didn't.
We can cross off Rodriguez.
He's in a wheelchair.
if it is true the four victims
had a link to me
a sexual relationship
It means that
- I can take care of myself.
- I know.
But I don't want something to
happen to you because of me.
That's nice of you.
It would have more meaning
if you had ment it.
What happened to you, Sebastian?
You were selfish all the time
and arrogant
but now it seems like everything
and everyone is your enemy.
Including yourself.
You know I lost my family?
In the tsunami.
My wife and daughter.
Sabine, my daughter
I held her hand.
But I let go of her.
She slippedaway from me.
That haunts me. That time.
Again and again, every day.
And then, in Västerköping
during cleanup
of my mother's house
- I found
- What did you find?
Well, it was
My life had meaning again then.
A little bit.
Under no circumstances tell
anyone about us.
I would never forgive you. Never.
- Did Ursula just leave?
- Yes.
You know she's married, right?
And will she be next?
Have you ever seen Sebastian
talking to Vanya's parents?
No, he follows her all the time.
But he does nothing. He just looks.
Her mother, Petra Andersson,
attended the university
when Sebastian taught there.
She became pregnant.
She married Valdemar Lithner
one year after Vanja's birth.
That happens often.
- But is she next?
- No.
There is no next.
What do you mean? You mean never?
Not at the moment. But we will
continue our cooperation.
I promise. Say
Do you pass a mailbox on the way home?
- Yes, I'm going.
- Good.
The autopsy report on Anette Wilen
just arrived.
There are no surprises.
Stabbed in the throat, and carotid
arteries and windpipe severed.
She choked before she bled to death.
Excuse me, Vanya phone on line two.
It's important.
- We're in a meeting.
- He's calling from Lövhaga.
Hi, Vanja.
Edward Hinde.
- Remember me?
- Yes, I remember you.
How are you?
- What do you want?
- Yes
I have no phone privileges, this is
my first conversation in a long time.
They have now made an exception.
- Why is that?
- I have important information for you.
- Well, I listen.
- Only you can hear it.
I assume the others
are also listening.
Yes, they do.
What I have to say,
I want to tell just to you.
- But that is only if you can visit me.
- Why couldn't I?
Sebastian seems to be very worried
about you.
Is he there?
- I am here.
- You'll let Vanja visit me anyway.
Why this?
- If you have something to say, tell me.
- No.
Only to her, and in private.
No, no
- Why not? -If he says something,
he wants something in return.
It's a chance.
Should we just drop it?
- No, go.
- Take a microphone with you.
No, maybe he'll notice.
Don't play his game.
Listen to me.
Don't go.
- Lend me a car.
- Vanja, I think
Lend me your car.
Lend me your fucking car.
I'm so glad you're here.
What do you want?
I know who killed the women.
- You know nothing.
- Well
I know that.
Thank you.
This is for you.
- I said that you had to follow me.
- Yes.
- But you're not interested.
- You shouldn't do what he wants.
- You have to lay low.
- Wait a minute.
He gave me the name of the killer.
Ralph Svensson,
a janitor in Lövhaga.
- Do you believe him?
- Torkel charged him.
So Edward had nothing to do with it?
Welcome to the press conference.
At half past twelve we arrested
the man we suspect
the brutal murders of four women
in the Stockholm area.
He was arrested in his home
we found evidence
such as blood, the murder weapon
and other effects of the victims.
We also have also secured DNA samples
from the crime scenes
which will be compared to the suspect.
Edward Hinde seems to be involved.
I can not prejudge the case,
but it looks like
he is a person who has
inspired by Edward's murders.
Did you let him trick you.
Ralph Svensson confessed.
We are waiting for the DNA results
so we can also prove it technically.
I'm not saying he didn't murder them.
He matches the profile.
He was in contact with Edward
and is obsessed by him.
- Do you know what bothers me?
- You haven't solved it.
No, you don't see what Hinde's role was.
Why would he stop to betray Ralph?
I have no idea.
But Hinde is in no hurry.
He has a plan.
- Prove it then.
- I am sure we have the killer.
Then everything is top notch.
Until something happens.
We already have Edward under the
highest level of security.
- Don't you understand? He isn't ready.
- He's been here for fourteen years.
He has never violated a rule
or caused problems.
That's just it.
You think you know him.
- Yes, we really know him.
- I know him.
And I know where he belongs.
So listen to me.
I have and I spoke to your supervisor.
He agrees with me the security
for Edward Hinde is sufficient.
But as a sign of good will
I decided to institute
certain measures.
- Edward?
- Yes.
- You're going to the isolation cell.
- Why?
Given the circumstances we will limit
your contact with the outside world.
Come on.
Roland, it's time.
- Still here?
- Hello.
- Why? It is solved.
- Not quite.
- Sit down.
- No.
Ralph's DNA matches the semen
of the perpetrator.
- Clearly it can't.
- I know.
- Sit down.
- No.
What did Edward say?
- What has he done?
- Let it go.
Tell me and I will do it. I promise.
He fondled my hair.
- What?
- I let him touch my hair.
I can live with it if we can
catch a serial killer.
Sorry, but I need to get started.
You should go.
Good day.
We'll check everything again because of
the incident with Ralph and Edward.
Ralph managed to obtain three passes.
One was used.
Six minutes ago.
Room A6.
In case of fire, all doors open
- What are you going to do now?
- Harass you until you do what I say.
We can provide protection,
but why is it so important?
- Do you trust me?
- The murders were directed against you.
What is the connection with Vanja?
This remains between you and me.
Vanja's my
Hello, Billy.
Edward has disappeared.
He got help from outside.
He could be anywhere.
- Where is Vanja?
- We can't reach her.
- Ursula?
- Come here.
We are now searching for a friend of Hinde.
Roland Johansson has also disappeared.
- Vanja, here.
- Hey, where are you?
It's Edward.
He wants to see you.
When will you tell her the truth?
The similarity isn't so apparant.
But I will investigate further.
Shut up. I've had enough of
your games. Don't touch her.
I am very glad you have
proposed. She's really my type.
But of course you knew that already
Don't you think it is almost poetic
you stopped me after four murders
Ralph and I, after four murders.
- We are very similar.
- I don't kill women.
No, you only fuck them.
But they are as interchangeable
as mine.
They're just objects.
Sick bastard.
Do you still have a daughter to lose?
Why did he kidnap Vanja?
You didn't
- No, what are you thinking?
- This isn't right.
- Not where you were involved.
- We were there together.
He thought we had something.
I don't know.
- Let me think.
- Do it quickly.
- How long have you known?
- What?
Edward would escape
and continue doing it?
Is that so?
I didn't know.
But he said you were coming
to ask for my help.
- Do you know now?
- No.
I have nothing more to say.
How does it feel to be a pawn
in Edward's game?
Very good. Better than just
being Ralph.
- How do you feel?
- Should I be honest?
Yes, that's good.
I have studied you.
I've read all about you.
- You don't think I'm crazy.
- Is that so?
- You know you were betrayed
- Yes.
He told me.
It must be weird to be betrayed
by someone you trust.
If Edward has a plan
that I'm a part of
I just try to follow in the footsteps
of a much bigger man.
Not so humble, you're more than that.
Why did he betray you.
I have to thank Edward for everything.
And you too. Your books
based on his words,
his actions. He created your success.
He raised us both
and showed us to our advantage.
And you and I are only small fish?
Isn't that annoying? Well?
Not at all.
You think you can measure up to him.
But I don't.
He wants to give us our rightful
place in this hell.
But you left your place.
You have evolved.
Don't you find it strange he betrays you
just when you are catching up with him?
- So I don't see it.
- But I do.
Edward sees it that way.
He betrayed you
because he was terrified
you would become bigger than him.
- No, I don't believe it.
- Think about it.
Who was I scared of?
Of you or Edward?
Who was in my head day and night?
That was you.
And now you're here.
And he's out to finish
what you started.
He takes your power for himself.
Your strength hits me.
You were the star. You hurt me.
You gave me sleepless nights. Right?
That's what you wanted, huh?
My attention?
That I still
A few more minutes.
You are here, Edward is out
and gets the glory.
I can't do anything,
if you release me.
That's a bit difficult.
You can still keep your strength.
By helping you?
By taking the lead.
By doing the same to Edward as
he did to you, betrayed him.
The circle is closed,
The student is the master.
Do that, be like him.
You are good
Edward said you are
a worthy opponent.
You are a worthy adversary.
I'm going
If you want leadership, speak up
before I reach the door.
Or you'll be just a footnote,
while Edward lives on.
What do you want me to do?
Answer a question.
If Edward wasn't in the house
of the victim
if he had somewhere else,
where would he go?
Don't you know?
It's in your book.
Remember that?
You wrote it yourself.
- What did he say?
- Hold on.
"For serial killers such as Edward
the location is very important.
That is part of the fantasy
and has symbolic value.
The attack in the victim's home
increases the sense of control.
An alternative is to recreate
a place that means a lot to them.
As the place where the fantasy begins,
or the first murder took place."
He does it at his mother's home.
- Are you sure?
- It's there the abuse began.
I know where it is, in Märsta.
What do you do?
On your belly.
On your belly, I say.
Stand up.
We await orders.
Put it on.
- We go inside.
- And then Vanja? He'll see us.
- We have no choice.
- He wants to get me.
- I'm going.
- No way. You stay here.
Damn. Wait.
- It still isn't secure.
- So what?
There is no one. There is no one.
Now you and I just wait quietly.
Children of the Divine Father
My mother loved them.
I hope you too.
Are you kidding me?
- Wasn't he there?
- Maybe you don't know Edward so well.
Or you're lying.
- Where did you go?
- Märsta.
It hasn't started.
So who really knows Edward?
The abuse began when he was six
at his mother at home in Märsta.
No, it started somewhere else.
I know exactly where it started.
Help me out of here.
I want to be there.
You said I was, like Edward, right?
He would never help without getting
something in return.
So I want to be there.
You're not going anywhere.
Then I can't help you.
Open the door.
And give me a pair of handcuffs.
Where are we going?
Where are we going? What's going on?
This is illegal
Edward may be good
but he's been in prison 14 years,
because of me, so I'm better.
There I noticed something
in your home.
All the lights were on.
No blinds on the windows.
Flashlights everywhere.
What happens in the dark, Ralph?
Who comes then?
This room has no windows.
Only this very small slit here.
And of course the lights.
But we can turn them off.
- No, no.
- We will see if she finds you, Ralph.
- Ralph, we'll see if she finds you.
- No.
- Don't be scared. Edward was
never afraid. -No.
That's enough. Turn on the lights,
please. Do it.
Sebastian, enough.
I want to go back to my cell.
Turn on the lights.
Do it.
Where has Edward taken her?
Where did it start?
- Off
- No.
On, off, on, off
- Stop it.
- What do you want?
Damn, damn
I don't want.
Where did it start?
Where did he put her?
Can I have a pen and paper?
Please give this to Torkel Höglund
in about 45 minutes.
I will do something more enjoyable
for you and me.
- Yes.
- Damn, where's Ralph?
Quiet. He is in the basement.
Go turn on the lights.
- Where are you?
- In the car, but I'm not saying where.
- Do you know where Edward is?
- Yes.
We have to work together as a team.
Sorry, Torkel. Not this time.
Torkel, Sebastian left this behind.
If you only knew how I have
longed for this.
15 years.
Where is she?
We didn't start without you.
She is beautiful, very beautiful.
Look, look. Look.
What should I look at?
Where is she?
What should I look at?
Where is she, Edward?
What is it? Have you become
Well, where is she?
- Bastard.
- Where do I look?
Well, what's going on? Do you
Now I improvise a bit
and for the final go.
Get an ambulance.
- Have you got problems?
- Somewhat.
I'll survive it.
- Do you want a lift?
- No, I'll stay a bit.
Good. Improvement.
We'll talk.
I want to thank you.
Thank you.
I hadn't thought of you.
We won't make it a habit, huh?
Hey, I'd like to work with you again.
But it need not always
be serial killers.
Thank you.
Why do you want to work with us?
I love a quiet life.
I must answer it, it's my dad.
Hi, Dad.
No, in the hospital with Sebastian.
Exactly, Sebastian.
I don't know.
Can we discuss it later?
I'd rather not. OK.
I love you too.
He must be pleased to have such
a daughter, your father.
I'm glad I got him.
He's great.
I'm going.
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