The Convict (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

- The court finds the defendant guilty
- Will you marry me?
- Please don't marry him.
- What are you doing? Who are you?!
The previous groom
is now turning and turning in his grave.
I'll be waiting in the restroom.
For your family's sake, please come.
- finds the defendant guilty
- The ruling is not final.
- We'll appeal.
- No!
I can't be here.
- You killed my pal.
- I prosecuted in this area.
You'll get out of here, I promise.
There will be an appeal.
I believe in justice after all.
Court is down!
You have to
You have to be patient and
Excuse me.
I'm so sorry, Ala.
I don't know what to say.
It doesn't matter.
How are you doing?
I can't handle this. I just can't do it.
- I just can't.
- You have to.
Look, I've already prepared an appeal.
It was sent to the court,
so they should be reviewing it soon.
- All we can do now is be patient and wait.
- How long?
As long as it takes.
We will prove that the court was biased.
That the judge decided on the verdict
at the beginning of the proceedings.
Of course he did.
He didn't even let me speak.
I wasn't able to defend myself.
Besides, the verdict was too strict
and based on circumstantial evidence.
- It was only circumstantial.
- You see? We do have a chance.
Just be positive.
What? You're gonna snitch on me
for cheesecake too?
- I apologized.
- I don't give a shit about that!
I'll get you a straightener, I promise.
- Hey, look
- Where are you going?
There's no more
fucking special treatment for you!
This cell is divided into zones.
Yours and mine.
Yours is at most your bunk
and path to the bars.
Better pray your smell doesn't reach me
'cause things will get so damn ugly
if they do that I may not be able
to control myself.
I saw a brunette woman
with pink highlights in the yard.
- Do you know who she is?
- Well, maybe I do, maybe I don't.
You want a shampoo?
- Here?
- Yup.
- Well, what do you wanna know?
- Who is she?
Just a regular slut.
When we were in a cell together,
she was pretty cool,
but then your Shiv showed up,
the one you sent here
- And she has changed since then.
- I wanna talk to her.
No chance, we are in lock-up,
and she's on half-open.
She's helping the doctor lady
with the patients.
Hey, what was that?
What? Hit me. Come on, punch me.
- Come on.
- Hey. Gimme a break. You're joking, right?
Hit me.
Do it.
- That's her mother!
- Look!
Look at her struggling. That's her mother.
- What are you talking about?
- Look how she's struggling.
Oh man.
- Hey.
- What a circus.
She can't do shit to us.
She's a lowlife, like her mom.
- For what?
- For what you just said.
- That your mother is a fucked up bitch?
- What did you say?
Have you seen this?
Your house is a circus.
She's really fucked up. See?
- What are you staring at?
- Bitch, you broke my fucking phone!
I did? I didn't notice.
You're fucking lowlife!
Tha'ts enough. That's enough!
- Hi, doctor.
- What happened?
What happened? Come on in.
First day here and already a busted nose?
- Mrs. Mazur claims that she just tripped.
- Because I did.
Luckily, it's not broken.
Iced compress will do.
She'll be ready in 30 minutes.
Sara, please bring a gel compress.
Put your head down.
Like that.
As a painkiller you can get
Chinese soup or a cigarette.
You were working at my wedding
when it happened. I saw you.
- I was on a pass, I wanted to make money.
- You were walking around the whole place.
- Did you notice anything suspicious?
- Are you kidding?
- I'm not very observant.
- Listen.
I didn't kill that Ludmiła girl.
Someone is trying to frame me.
- If you can help me with this
- Look, I don't want any trouble, okay?
- I'm out in a month. I'm not fucking up.
- But I may spend 15 years here.
My daughter will be 32 when I'm out.
I'm begging you.
I'll make it worth it for you.
I'll pay you.
During my break I went for a smoke,
and she ran into me.
- Ludmiła?
- Yeah.
She was nervous.
She handed me a phone
and told me to hide it somewhere.
Where is it?
It looked new, so I sold it right away.
But the SIM card was left in the phone.
So you know it wasn't me.
What was on it?
Who am I seeing with my beautiful eyes?
What's up, girls?
Are you gossiping a lot?
- I wanted to see what it's like here.
- What it's like?
Well, it's like
Like home!
You know there are no cameras here?
Don't be afraid.
Shiv won't let anybody hurt you.
Mrs. Mazur, we need to go.
To your cell now.
- You're not done yet?
- We're finishing up.
I'll be back to get you in five minutes.
You bitch.
I'm sure you understand
we can't tolerate this kind of behavior.
Of course, but you have to admit
that recent events in Hannah's life
are a bit too much for a 17-year-old girl.
There is no excuse for violence.
Unfortunately, we'll have to..
expel the student.
You're going to expel me
in the middle of the school year?
Don't worry, Hania.
No one's expelling you.
Could you please wait
in the hallway, sweetie?
She's a good girl.
That's not good enough for us.
I'm sorry, but no matter what you say,
my decision is made.
Allow me to try regardless.
I like to know who I'm dealing with,
that's why I've asked around about you.
.I have nothing to hide.
And the hobby you participate in
with the local organist?
I also have pictures to illustrate it.
Those don't leave much room
for imagination.
I need you to leave.
Right now.
I had a feeling that you were a good man.
It feels so good.
- Hey Shiv?
- What?
I swear I didn't tell her anything.
Don't stop the massage.
Don't stop.
But tell me you believe me.
- You need to relax.
- Exactly, you just need to relax, child.
Of course I believe you.
You don't ever betray your family, right?
You don't, and we are a family.
A real family.
- The only family I have.
- Exactly.
Now massage the other one.
Oh, yeah. A little harder.
- What, you don't like Amfisa's massage?
- I do.
And how about that? You like it?
I might even take off my pants too.
- He really changed his mind?
- He did.
- What did you do to him?
- I didn't do anything.
We just talked. I simply appealed
to a more sensitive part of his nature.
- Does he have it?
- Yeah. Music.
He's an active member
of the music club at the local church.
I don't understand any of this,
but thank you.
Mom wouldn't be too happy if she knew
that I was expelled from school.
Mom doesn't need to know.
She has a lot on her plate.
And we don't need to add to that.
What do you think?
I agree.
What counts is that you weren't expelled,
so let's go celebrate.
A pill for a beating. I really like that.
- So, what's between Sara and Shiv?
- Why, you're trying to be a snitch again?
- No, I need to find evidence.
- Listen.
Everyone knows you're the one
who put Shiv in here.
It's very easy to get in trouble with her.
If I were you, I'd stay away from her.
- Sara told me in the infirmary that
- What don't you understand, huh?
Leave her alone!
You wanna make it here,
you have to be transparent, get it?
Invisible. But also indestructible
like a tardigrade.
Get it?
And walk around quietly, so she won't
notice you and she may forget about you.
- Same as usual, boss?
- Yup.
And a virgin one
for the lady here, please.
- Are you hungry?
- No.
Are you okay?
I'd just like everything
to be back to normal again.
Me too.
Promise me you'll get her out of there.
I'll do all I can to make it happen.
All I can.
Do you know why
I named this club "Amnesia"?
No, why?
'Cause you forget all your problems here.
To a happy ending.
- Who?
- She's my friend from school.
- What is she doing here?
- It's impossible, Hania.
- This place is for adults only.
- What about me?
You're the boss's family.
We have to notify the boss.
It's the last thing we needed.
- What What is this?
- Are you kidding me?
Fucking Mozart again.
- It's Beethoven.
- Same shit.
Hide all your valuables.
They'll even squeeze your toothpaste
out of the tube on the floor.
Okay, all clear.
Oh, and Krystyna.
- What is this?
- Wake up!
- Is that yours?
- Wake up!
- No. Is it yours?
- No!
It was in the mattress.
- I told you, don't mess with Shiv!
- What am I supposed to do with this?
- I dunno. Hide it.
- But where?
- Idon't know! Hide it somewhere!
- But where?
- I don't know!
- Wake up now!
- What are you doing?
- Maybe here?
They'll check that hole first!
- So what do I do?
- I have no idea!
Get up!
Wake up!
We kindly ask you ladies to get
the fuck out of your cells now.
- Come on out.
- Get out of the cells!
- Is there anything wrong, Marika?
- Everything's okay except for the tune.
Hurry up, we're not gonna wait!
In my pants.
Don't put it in your pants!
That's the worst part!
Get out now!
- I wanted to report
- Okay, come on!
Is there a problem?
No, it's just
I wanted to take my daughter's picture.
We're waiting!
Stay calm!
This will happen every night,
until the person responsible
for Sara Krawczyk's death
confesses the crime.
Or until someone turns her in.
Be quiet.
Calm down.
Ms. Amfisa, do ten squats please.
But my knees hurt.
Unless there's something in your ass
and you're afraid it will fall out.
Here you go.
- Two.
- Just loosen up. I'll help you, hear me?
Three. Am I doing it right?
Great job, Amfa!
But I don't do anything for free.
You'll write me a nice courty document
'cause I can't afford an attorney.
- Four.
- Sure.
- Just calm down.
- Five!
Okay, let's do this: I count to three,
and on three we change positions, okay?
- Six!
- Six and a half!
I did six, right?
- Keep going!
- Six, seven, eight,
- nine, ten!
- Now.
- Don't look at him.
- Nice!
- Did I pass?
- Super. It was great.
I'm telling you to look away.
One, two, three.
- Leave it!
- Ms. Patrycja.
You're not gonna
feel me for free, I told you!
- I can tell Pati's in shape.
- And not my epic boobs!
Leave me the fuck alone!
I don't want fucking bruises. Here look!
Hey! Calm down!
And that's the end of the performance.
Ladies, please go to your chambers.
Who did It?
- I see you're done eating, so let's go.
- I'm not finished eating yet.
When I say you're done, then you're done.
- And where are we going?
- To work.
- What kind of work?
- Not brain work, that's for sure.
- Ladies, come outside, please.
- You're pissed again?
None of your business.
Hey, beauties, calm down! Calm down!
Well, let's go.
I'm going with you.
Are you sure?
Your mom will understand
if it's too much for you.
No, this time I'll go in.
I have to, she needs me.
- Take it, please.
- Why does she need a hair straightener?
I have no idea, but it seemed
like a matter of life and death to her.
- Come on, ladies, hurry.
- One moment. I'm coming.
- You're letting them shower here?
- We only have one bathroom here.
There's just one bathroom here.
One gets her period
and next thing you know, all do.
It's like summer camp. And try
telling them they can't take a shower.
Six stab wounds and there's still
no murder weapon and no perpetrator yet?
We're still looking.
And you know, it's not summer camp.
Every other one's convicted of homicide,
so anyone could've done it.
She had coke and heroin in her blood.
That's not a poor woman's mix?
No, no. There aren't any
drugs in my prison, okay?
Yes, I see that. Of course.
- If you say so.
- Do you know why I quit the police?
- No, you haven't told me.
- To have peace and quiet.
Now you have me and the prosecutor
breathing down your neck.
If I wanted to have peace and quiet,
I'd be working as a night guard.
You should consider applying.
Someone is framing me.
Please look through the evidence again.
I'm begging you. Please do it
This is a high-security prison,
not a city park.
You eat, piss and talk
only when we allow it.
Is that understood, inmate?
Am I being punished
because I didn't wanna snitch?
No, of course not.
You just didn't know her.
You won't get emotional when cleaning.
How did she die?
Why are you so curious?
I hear someone shived her.
Oh my, oh my, oh my
Okay, ladies, so get to work.
It won't just disappear. Swieta?
Were you good friends?
Just go grab the rag. You whore.
Here you go.
- I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait.
- For how long?
I'm not a fortune teller.
I'm a prison guard.
You can't take that in without
permission from the boss.
So what do I do with it?
I don't know. Straighten your hair, maybe?
I'm done.
Okay, I'm done!
I'm done.
- Wonderful. Good job, ladies.
- Sure thing.
Inmate Mazur has visitors.
Well, you can go.
Escort her, please.
Do I smell smoke?
No physical contact is allowed, please.
It's good to see you.
They didn't let us bring the straightener,
so it's in their deposit.
Never mind.
Are they treating you well?
It's better than it looks.
Anyway, tell me.
How's school?
It's okay.
Are they picking on you because of me?
No. They don't really know how to act,
so they don't say anything to me.
Mom, I need to ask you.
You didn't do it, right?
- So when are you coming home then?
- Very soon, I'm sure.
Honey, do you want
anything from the canteen?
Hania. Could you buy a pack of coffee?
She wanted to come here,
but you can see it's too hard for her.
I had to see her, I just had to.
It's terrible in here, I'm scared.
I have to have eyes
in the back of my head.
Listen to me.
They killed a girl in here yesterday.
She was a waitress at our reception.
- And she was in this prison?
- Yes, Sara.
- She had dark hair and pink highlights.
- I don't remember.
She said that Ludmiła
came to her that day,
gave her a phone and told her to hide it.
She sold the phone,
and only the SIM card was left.
She didn't to tell me where it is
but we have to find it
because there must me something on it.
Paweł, we have to. This is terrible.
The price will be going up next month.
I have many mouths to feed
and I'm risking a lot.
Come on, hurry up!
I don't wanna be here till springtime.
Okay, leave it, it's okay.
Fuck, that's not mine.
- It's not mine, I swear!
- Hands on the wall!
That whore Mazur framed me, I swear.
- It's Mazur. She framed me, I swear!
- Drugs are just drugs, Shiv.
But you fucking killed Sara.
- Stop!
- Cunt!
Go hang yourself, you slut,
or I'll go get you!
You're dead, bitch!
You're a fucking corpse!
- Shut up!
- You're a fucking whore!
- Shut the hell up!
- I'll get you!
Get back!
We have to talk.
- Right now I'm meditating, sir.
- Well, now you're done.
Or I'll have the guards hose you down.
- Sara. You used to be cellmates.
- Yup, but that was a long time ago.
- Who did she hang with?
- Everyone here knows that with Shiv.
That bitch likes to adopt lost puppies
and and then degrade them,
and they'd still do anything for her
as long as she's friendly with them.
- Anyone threatened her?
- No way.
No way. Everyone liked her, sir.
Even those sluts that don't like anyone.
If I were you, sir, I'd start surveillance
and searching for the whore who did this
instead of talking to innocent people.
Okay, okay. Tell me.
Where did she get drugs?
And how am I supposed to know?
I swear on everything I love, I dunno.
Was she dealing? That's why she died?
- Who brings the drugs in and how?
- I don't know!
And if I'm lying,
may this ceiling fall on my head.
Jesus, I'm really not lying.
End of visiting hours! Inmates to cells!
Let's go, inmates! Right now!
Let's go! Quickly!
Open up!
Visitors this way! Come this way!
Evacuate now! Let's go!
Go down the stairs!
Come on, let's go! Don't panic!
Hurry up, hurry up! Let's go!
Hurry up, ladies and gentlemen!
Inmates, please stay calm!
Go to the common room!
to turn into dust
everything He created before
And God sent to Earth the angel of death,
to turn into dust
everything he created before!
- This one or take the other entrance!
- Hurry!
This one or take the other entrance!
Someone's on the ground!
Somebody help me!
Help me!
Somebody help me!
Marika, come on!
Marika, come on! Marika!
And God sent to Earth the angel of death
to turn into dust
everything He created before!
Fuck me, and they say karma
doesn't come back to you.
Help me!
No. We're gonna leave her here.
She deserves it.
Help me!
Come on!
We can't leave her there.
We have to get her out somehow.
What do you wanna do?
They have their own procedures here.
- What was it anyway?
- I don't know, some explosion.
- But your mom is safe, you saw her.
- Bullshit. I can see what's happening.
Please stop, wait.
- You're all acting as if nothing happened!
- We don't act as if nothing's happened.
- She should be home with me.
- I know.
- I need my mom.
- Everything will be okay.
No, it won't be okay
- Let's go.
- Come on.
- Doctor!
- Out of the way!
Take her to the office. Now, now.
Here, on the table.
Make room, move! Make room!
Okay, okay.
You did the bandaging, Mazur? Great job.
I told you.
We should've just left her there.
We now know that a few weeks ago
renovations started at the facility.
A propane tank explosion was a likely
cause of the partial roof collapse.
Apparently, the construction workers
failed to secure it properly.
Soon we should learn more details
about the extent of the damages
and if the facility in Zabrze
will continue to operate normally.
- Where is she?
- I can't tell you that.
- Why not?
- Your attention please!
- Leave me alone!
- Your attention please!
Quiet. Be quiet!
- Quiet.
- Listen, inmates!
Ladies, we had some bad luck,
but we'll take care of it.
And that's why all of you
will be spending the night here.
Quiet, inmates!
Inmates, be quiet!
This is a temporary solution,
until we evaluate the situation.
- Are there any questions?
- Yes.
Since we're all together here, can we
Can we have a moment of silence
to honor inmate Sara?
I gotta use the john.
- Can't hold it till the morning?
- No, I feel I'm about to lose it.
Oh fuck! Oh fuck, ladies, fire!
Hey, main guard! Hurry up, fire!
Her head's on fire!
Main guard, come on!
Help, help to the common room now.
Calm down.
You must've really pissed someone off.
Once again.
The skin is burnt,
but it's only superficial.
At this point it's hard to say
if there will be permanent scarring.
We'll have to wait till the morning.
Please get some rest.
They burnt your mug?
You're never going to let if go, right?
You bitch.
You're just like me.
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