The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Guy Time

I've never been happier.
Being here with you
is everything to me.
‐ Me too.
We've got each other,
the sunset, a waterfall‐‐
Wait, waterfall.
Water. Fish.
I'm supposed to be fishing
with Dawn right now!
Gotta go!
‐ Okay, I'll wait here.
‐ Dawn, I'm so sorry I'm late.
I was‐‐
‐ With Guy.
I know. It happens.
It also happened yesterday.
And the day before that.
Oh, and the day before that.
But it's okay.
I guess that's just how friendship works?
‐ No. Friends make time for each other,
and I haven't been making
enough time for you.
So tomorrow we're going on a picnic.
Just you and me.
‐ A picnic? Yes!
But what about Guy?
‐ Oh, he'll understand.
I bet he won't even miss me.
‐ I wonder when Eep's coming back.
‐ I'm all packed for our picnic!
I got bowls, a blanket, fire.
‐ Maybe we make the fire
when we get there.
‐ Aah!
Right, right. This is gonna be a blast.
It's just the two of us.
And I am so pumped for our picnic!
‐ Picnic? Just the three of us?
Sounds great!
I'll make pigators in a blanket.
Whoo! I am pumped for our picnic!
‐ Don't worry.
I'll go tell Guy
the picnic is just you and me.
‐ No, it's okay.
We'll still be together.
That's what matters.
‐ Greetings, potential unpaid labor.
Who among you craves the satisfaction
of a job well done
and a life well lived?
‐ Ooh! I want those things,
whatever they are.
‐ And you can have them
if you are able to rise to the challenge
of helping me dig our new well.
‐ Digging, dirt, darkness? Done!
‐ Excellent. Who else wants a slice
of subterranean glory?
Hope? Ugga?
‐ Nope. I remember the last well.
Phil! Get me out of here!
‐ Of course, dear.
As soon as we're done digging.
‐ But this is a brave new well.
For water. The source of all life.
‐ Sorry, Phil. I'm teaching Ugga
how to meditate instead.
‐ You are?
‐ Better than digging. Go with it.
‐ Very well. Gran? Sandy?
Okay. Thunk?
‐ Ow!
Ugh. Never mind.
Guess it's you and me,
you mouth‐breathing mountain of muscle.
‐ Or it's just me.
I'll dig the well alone.
I know holes.
‐ Oh, no. I'll be with you
every step of the way.
‐ Yeah, no, thanks.
I dig alone.
‐ As I supervise.
Dig it or leave it.
‐ Fine! But I'm digging my way.
‐ As long as your way is my way.
‐ So you've never raced chicken seals?
‐ Race a chicken seal?
You've met my parents, right?
‐ Well, then we just won't tell them.
‐ It'll be our little secret.
Unless your parents torture me.
I'll hold out as long as I can
but we all have our breaking point.
Sorry, you were saying?
‐ I'm starving.
But I can't decide what to eat first,
berrynut sandwich
or nutberry sandwich.
‐ That's easy.
We start with dessert,
your mom's dessert.
‐ But she said,
"Don't take my dessert!"
‐ Ohh!
All I heard was,
"Take my dessert!"
‐ Or we start with pigators
in a blanket.
‐ Ah! Aah.
‐ Dessert it is!
Grug, you're not a burrowing beast!
You're a man!
In theory.
Use a shovel!
‐ I use hands! You use a shovel!
‐ Very well.
I'll show you how a man digs
while you tend the vine up here.
I'm coming down.
‐ Down? You got it!
‐ Favorite sound.
Ooh. I know.
Birds chirping in the morning.
‐ Nice!
Mine is the first thundercrack of a storm.
‐ Mine is‐‐ Whoa!
A branch breaking my fall. I'm good.
You've never seen a volcano erupt?
‐ No, we always ran for our lives.
Got room for more?
‐ Oops.
Too heavy. Sorry.
Chunky, off the tight vine.
‐ No, wait‐‐
‐ Oops. Heh.
Sorry again.
‐ Can I tell you something
I've never told anyone else before?
‐ Yes, please! Spill it.
‐ Okay.
‐ Catch? I'm in. Toss it here.
Hmm? Hmm?
‐ Uh, Guy, can I talk to you?
Sometimes people who like each other
spend all their time together.
‐ Right.
‐ But, sometimes, those same people
wanna spend time with other people
who also like each other.
‐ Right.
‐ So you get what I'm saying?
‐ Yes.
The three of us
going on this picnic was a great idea.
‐ No.
I'm saying, sometimes,
I wanna hang out with Dawn.
‐ Right. Alone. Just the three of us.
‐ No. Just the two of us.
‐ You and me?
Wait, but what about Dawn?
‐ Guy, you're not hearing me.
This picnic was supposed to be
just Dawn and me.
We're trying to get to know
each other better.
So I'm asking you to leave.
‐ Totally get it.
Couldn't agree with you more.
You need time with your new friend
and I need time to make new friends.
I'm glad you said something.
This is healthy and healthy.
‐ So we're good?
‐ Good? We're better than good.
Never been better.
I wish I could stay and keep talking
about how great we are,
but, whew, I gotta go and hang with
someone else.
‐ That went great.
Hey, Dawn, ball! And spill it!
‐ Okay, I know you and I don't know
each other that well,
but I'd like to change that.
So, wanna hang out?
And you have other plans.
Grug, pay attention.
Push, scoop, throw.
Push, scoop, throw!
And that's how you dig.
Throw, scoop, whatever.
No, that's all wrong!
Pull me up so I can properly berate you.
Steady the vine, you human boulder!
‐ Steady?
You mean like this?
‐ No!
Not like that!
‐ Hey, Grug.
‐ Not busy at all.
Grug, be less useless.
‐ Okay, this is a new one, but, um,
wanna hang out?
As, uh, friends?
I know it's‐‐
‐ Yes!
‐ Really? Are you sure?
‐ Sure. Why wouldn't I be sure?
‐ Uh, 'cause I'm dating your daughter
and you hate it?
‐ Boop.
Stop growling and start learning!
‐ If hanging out with you
means I'm not listening to Phil, I'm in.
‐ Great.
So, uh, you like rocks?
‐ Rocks?
I‐I guess.
And you?
You‐you like rocks?
‐ Uh, sure.
Rocks are good.
‐ Yeah.
Why aren't you gently pulling me up?
Is your primitive mind
unable to hear my thoughts?
‐ Whew, saved by the well. Heh.
‐ I said gently!
More useless shiny rocks.
Oh. Hey, Guy.
Change your mind
about helping with the well?
All's well that digs well.
‐ Ooh! Guy, you want a friend,
so, how about Phil?
He can teach you about shovels
while I dig. Here.
Guy really got some air.
Repeat after me.
Push, scoop, throw!
‐ Just empty your mind
and think of your happy place.
‐ Okay, which one?
Empty my mind or think?
Whoa. Guy. Are you okay?
‐ Yeah. Yeah.
That‐that landing was less painful
than trying to hang out with Grug.
‐ Beats digging a well with Phil.
Now, if you don't mind,
you're interrupting our meditation.
‐ Empty mind, happy place, Hope.
And, Guy, why were you
hanging out with Grug?
I thought you were on a picnic
with Eep and Dawn.
‐ Yeah, I was.
But you know what they say,
two's company, three's also company.
So wanna hang out?
I mean, Eep and Dawn are new friends.
They need time to get to know each other.
And I don't wanna spoil that.
Friendship is like a flower.
It's beautiful.
But it needs time to grow and blossom.
Sometimes it has thorns,
like one of those‐those thor‐‐
‐ Empty your mind!
‐ Oh, there's Gran and Sandy.
I'm just gonna‐‐
Gran? Sandy?
‐ Easy, Sandy.
He's a friendly.
What're you doing in the hot zone, Guy?
We're on the hunt.
You almost got your head taken off.
‐ Well, I‐I was in the area,
and I thought you might wanna hang out.
‐ What's your angle?
‐ Friendship?
‐ Friendship, huh?
Normally, I'd say
friends are for the weak!
But prey is a little light today,
so how'd you like to train with us?
‐ Really? Sure.
I'd love to.
Um, when you said training,
this isn't what I had in mind.
I was thinking push‐ups,
maybe squats, you know.
So, I'm just gonna go!
Last chance, Guy.
Make it count.
Hey, Thunk. Watching window, huh?
Yeah. So, I was thinking
maybe you and I could hang out.
What do you say?
‐ Oh!
Hey, Guy.
I'm watching Rhimotheros on window.
It's riveting.
Wanna watch?
‐ Uh sure.
What are we watching again?
‐ Rhimotheros.
This is the build up to the big ending.
‐ I'm not seeing anything.
‐ Watch the cocoon.
‐ Or we can go have some fun outside.
‐ Outside? Why?
‐ Fresh air, adventure, even danger.
Come on, buddy, you'll love it.
Danger? Why would I love danger?
‐ I see the term "gently" has finally
penetrated your rock‐hard skull.
But I'm not sure
you're quite ready to dig just yet.
You did that on purpose.
Now if you're done
with your juvenile ant‐‐
Don't you ever‐‐
Cease your vine‐foolery at once!
‐ Hey, you got it.
'Cause I can dig anywhere. Alone.
‐ As you wish.
But don't release the‐‐
‐ Eep and I love doing this.
Makes that thing in your chest thump
in a good way, huh, Thunk?
‐ No, no, this is bad thumping! Bad!
‐ Just wait till we reach the top, bud.
‐ The top?
‐ Thunk, you're still on the ground.
Ready to jump?
‐ Jump? I'm not gonna‐‐
‐ That's it, buddy.
Sweet jump! Whoo!
You feeling better, Thunk?
‐ Yeah. I'm‐I'm better than
when the waterfall you took me to
almost killed me.
‐ Great! So I can put you down now?
‐ Hmm, not yet.
You can't be too careful.
‐ Ah! I won!
‐ Because I let you win.
‐ Or did I let you lose?
‐ What?
‐ Oh, hey, Guy.
Uh, is Thunk okay?
‐ You mean my good buddy Thunk?
He's better than okay.
He's the best!
‐ Yes! I love that
you and Thunk are hanging out.
But why are you carrying him?
‐ Uh, we're just playing buddy carry.
It's a fun game that's real.
That buddies play.
That I didn't just make up right now.
‐ Really? I thought you were carrying me
because I fell off a waterfall.
‐ Ha! That‐‐ Uh‐‐
That's a good one, uh, T‐Bone.
Yeah, we're always joking around,
giving each other nicknames.
The‐the way buddies do.
‐ Who's T‐Bone?
Guy, uh, do you not
know my name? It's Thunk.
‐ Love it.
The‐the fun never stops with T‐Bone.
In fact, we were just about
to race chicken seals.
‐ Ooh! Really?
Awesome! It's like you're making
a whole new Thunk.
‐ No, he's not, and no, I'm not!
‐ Sure, I am, and sure you are!
Oh, no.
‐ Wow!
He's racing backwards!
Did you teach him that, Guy?
‐ No. That's all T‐Bone.
Anything for a laugh.
Wait up, T‐Bone!
I'm right behind you!
‐ Okay, that was an echo,
not a voice in my head.
Easy, Phil. Keep it together.
‐ Couch sweet couch.
‐ Yeah. Sorry I dragged you outside
to do stuff I wanted to do.
That's not a good hang.
Anyway, I'm gonna go
and let you get back to your window.
‐ What? No way, Guy.
I'm bad at nicknames.
Uh, grab some couch
for the big Rhimotheros ending.
‐ You sure?
‐ Sure as the world is flat.
‐ Sure. Great. Let's do this!
Whoa. Did that cocoon just move?
‐ Oh‐ho! Strap in.
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
Banana chip?
‐ A friendship crown for you.
‐ And here's mine for you.
Sorry, I'm not very good at crafts.
‐ What, are you kidding? This is the best!
‐ Yeah. But watching Thunk
ride a chicken seal was a close second.
You know, I'm glad
Thunk and Guy are hanging out.
They make a good pair.
‐ Do they? They're so different.
Not as different as Guy and your Dad.
Guy took a swing at that today, too.
‐ Really? 'Cause Dad's usually
taking a swing at Guy.
Dad, drop the club!
‐ Guy's been trying to find
a new friend all day.
Thunk's the only one that stuck.
‐ So that's why
Guy and Thunk are hanging out.
I mean, Guy and Thunk go together
like Thunk and running.
‐ Or Thunk and walking.
‐ Or Thunk and standing up.
‐ But why was Guy so eager
to find a new friend?
‐ I don't know. All Eep did was tell him
to get lost and leave us alone.
‐ That's not what I said.
‐ Right, I'm sure you said it nicely.
‐ Eep, Guy didn't have anyone
till he met you.
‐ But now you have Dawn
and he's back to having no one.
‐ Ooh. What about Thunk?
‐ Thunk's not you.
‐ Yeah. Guy didn't give
his heart to Thunk.
He gave it to you.
I wanted us to hang out.
But I didn't want Guy to get hurt.
‐ Well, I didn't mean to hurt him!
But I did.
Because I wasn't honest with him
about my picnic with Dawn from the start.
‐ Maybe you should tell him that.
‐ If it's not too late.
‐ But Dawn and I are hanging out.
‐ Don't worry about me, Eep.
Go to him. Go to Guy.
‐ I will. I will!
I'm coming for you, Guy!
You were right.
Rhimotheros is amazing.
I can't stop watching.
‐ Pace yourself.
The good stuff starts at sunset.
‐ Good stuff? Like what?
‐ Oh, no, no. No spoilers.
You just have to watch.
Hey, uh, want some more banana chips?
‐ Sure.
‐ Heh, heh. Cool.
Go grab some for us, G‐Man.
‐ You got me, T‐Bone.
‐ Aw. I always got ya.
'Cause that's what best friends do.
‐ Hey, Guy‐Baby. I like your song.
‐ Song? Uh, I wasn't singing to myself
'cause I thought I was alone.
No. But you liked it?
‐ Loved it.
So, about this morning‐‐
‐ Forget it.
You and Dawn hanging out
means more Thunk and Guy time.
We're basically inseparable.
‐ Oh, good.
Well, maybe we can
get together to talk later.
‐ I'm in!
‐ Great!
And Thunk won't mind?
‐ T‐bone? Nah.
T‐bone's cool.
‐ Perfect. So, waterfall? Sunset?
‐ The good stuff starts at sunset.
Sunset. Sunset.
‐ Sunset's wide open. See you then.
‐ Great.
‐ 'Cause that's what best friends do.
Do. Do.
All is not lost.
You'll get outta here, Phil.
Just need to keep your wits about you.
No reason to descend
into madness or anything.
I agree, real Phil.
If you start hallucinating,
you're finished.
‐ Stupid screaming wells.
‐ Huh?
‐ Push.
‐ Huh?
‐ Scoop.
‐ So, how much longer
until the good stuff happens?
Soon to very soon?
‐ Why? Do you have somewhere to go?
‐ What? Me? Go?
Somewhere? To meet Eep?
That's crazy.
Why would you even say that?
‐ I, uh, I didn't.
‐ Yeah, no, I know that.
Be right back, T‐Bone.
The banana chips are running low.
‐ Wait. What do you mean?
The‐the bowl is full.
‐ Right. Right.
Oh, are these pillows lumpy?
I'll go to the chicken seal coop
and get some more fresh feathers.
‐ Forget the pillows.
You'll miss the good stuff.
‐ Oh, there it is. The good stuff!
You were right. That was quite a ride.
Well, see you later, T‐Bone.
‐ Hey, hey. That's not the good stuff.
That was a leaf.
Eep's waiting. I need an excuse.
Wait. Leaf. Tree.
Trees need water.
Water comes from a well.
The well!
I just remembered I told Phil
I'd help with the well at sunset. Bye.
‐ But you'll miss everything.
‐ It's water. It's the source of all life.
It can't wait.
Forgot to grab these.
You know, for the for the well.
Friendship crown for a friend?
‐ How is it that everyone
can make these things except me?
‐ It's okay. You made this picnic.
‐ Just making up for our last picnic.
I'm sorry, Guy.
I should have told you
Dawn and I had plans.
And I shouldn't have been rude to you.
You deserved better.
‐ Eh! I get it.
Friends gotta friend.
‐ Yeah, but there's no good reason
to hurt a friend.
Banana chip?
‐ Grab some for us, G‐Man.
‐ I'm a bad friend!
‐ What? What do you mean?
‐ I ditched Thunk
so I could be here with you.
I'm sorry, Thunk.
I'm sorry!
‐ It's cool, G‐man.
‐ No, it's not!
It's not cool at all!
‐ Who are you talking to?
‐ Uh, myself? Definitely myself.
‐ Go to him. Go to Thunk.
‐ I will.
I will.
I'm coming for you, T‐Bone!
It's happening!
Thank the stars!
I'm saved!
Is anyone there?
‐ Oh, no, you're crying.
I'm sorry, Thunk. So sorry!
I‐I left you so I could hang out with Eep.
I'm a monster.
‐ It's breathtaking.
Isn't it?
‐ Wait, you're crying about Rhimotheros?
‐ Uh‐huh.
And you're blocking the window.
If if you don't mind.
‐ So you forgive me for leaving?
‐ You left?
Oh, yeah, you left.
Welcome back, buddy.
‐ Buddy? I‐I just told you
I betrayed our friendship!
‐ Hey, heh, it happens.
Anyway, have a seat, G‐Man,
you're missing it.
You were right, T‐Bone.
This is the good stuff.
‐ Nah, that's not the good stuff.
Ooh, this is the good stuff, G‐Man!
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