The Decameron (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Holiday State of Mind

[opening theme music playing]
[music fades]
[Filomena] You don't decide
who gets bread!
- [Licisca roaring]
- [Filomena screaming]
[Filomena panting]
[Filomena screaming]
- [woman grunting]
- [Filomena screaming]
[Filomena groaning]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Filomena grunting]
[Filomena] No! No, no, no, no!
[Filomena screaming]
[suspenseful music swelling]
[woman] Stop!
[man coughing]
[man coughing]
[knocking on door]
[music fades]
I made it.
We aren't hiring at the moment, you gnome.
No, I'm here for the party.
She looks like the plague personified.
[chuckling] And also a whore.
[Licisca chuckling silently]
[Pampinea] Go.
- No, I'm a cousin of Leonardo.
- [Tindaro] Oh no.
You know, such a fraud
is punishable by death, right?
No. No, I'm not a fraud.
I am Filomena
of the house of Eduardo of Firenze.
- [mouthing] Fuck.
- [Pampinea] Okay.
Well, that's impossible, uh,
because we already have one of those.
- [Filomena] What?
- Yeah. Mm-hmm.
[whimsical music playing]
How dare you!
- [Tindaro screaming]
- [Filomena yelling]
[indistinct shouting]
[Filomena] You traitorous bitch!
- [Licisca screaming]
- [Filomena grunting]
Okay. All right. Okay.
- [Licisca gasping]
- Get off!
- [Filomena grunting]
- Enough of this!
My best shoes!
Oh God.
I don't like to hit women,
but that was medically necessary.
If no one will stand up
to this ragamuffin, then I will.
You must never touch
Signora Filomena again.
Toss this impostor out!
She is not Filomena, I am.
[tense music playing]
It seems this impostor woman
is your jealous handmaiden.
Isn't that right?
Alas, yes.
'Tis my jealous handmaiden Licisca.
Uh, no. She
I didn't recognize you at first, Licisca.
I've always taken such good care of you,
and and then you arrive looking
and and acting like this.
How embarrassing for me.
Will you apologize for embarrassing me
so profoundly in front of my friends?
- No.
- [all gasping]
[Filomena quietly] No.
Ah, sad to say she has clearly
lost her faculties on the journey here.
Her laying claim to your name
is unforgivable.
- Best to throw her to the dogs. I'll help.
- Wait.
- As will I.
- Help them.
- [door creaking open]
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- That's it. Come on. Out.
- I won't survive. No.
- No.
- [Panfilo] No. I think you'll be fine.
- [Filomena] No!
- [Licisca] Wait.
she should have bread,
at least, for her journey.
[Tindaro] So kind.
[door creaking]
[crickets chirping]
[Filomena] Give.
You shouldn't have to starve
on your way back.
You have to let me stay.
I actually don't have to do anything,
turns out.
[Filomena] You betrayed me, Licisca.
You left me to die.
You attacked me
for giving a starving person bread.
I'm sorry.
Look, if you really want to stay,
you'll have to be my handmaiden.
Otherwise, I will let them chuck you out
like the deranged peasant
you appear to be.
And what, you pretend to be noble?
With your normal eyes and dull hair?
No. [chuckling]
Your wrists are so thick,
you'll never pull it off.
[Licisca] Kind of already am.
One of the nobles is even courting me.
Padrone Tindaro.
The Marchese Peralto's nephew?
There's no time for courting.
You need a proposal to secure our stay.
I am happy you're here.
Even if your nasty mouth
does make you harder to look at.
Look, I'll keep us both safe,
just keep up your end.
The old you is dead.
- Yes. You pushed her off a bridge.
- [door opening]
[Sirisco] Okay. [grunting]
- Excuse us, Padrona.
- [Licisca] Oh, no worries.
Now for nature's carry.
[Sirisco] All right.
Now, let's [straining]
- Oh my.
- [body thudding]
[Sirisco chuckling]
You got that cardinal good, Padrona.
Saved us all.
Even a few extra stabs.
Was that for good measure, or
No, each one was absolutely necessary.
Just did what I had to do.
I suppose we've all
got to murder occasionally.
[Sirisco] Oh. Wow.
All right.
Well, Dioneo is neutralizing the plague,
and then I will be serving dessert.
Oh, come now.
She's coming too.
Well, the more
- [Dioneo] Pogo of Geneva tells us
- the merrier.
the poison enters the body as a smell.
So if you are forewarned,
avoiding infection is really quite simple.
Licisca here has renounced her wickedness,
and I've graciously forgiven her.
- Right, Licisca?
- Right.
[Licisca scoffing]
You call that a curtsy? [chuckling]
Do it again.
[Filomena clearing throat]
Right. Well, that's that. Thank you.
Continue, doctor.
Thank you. We draw the onion
across the chin and the wrist,
any other high smell points,
as we call them in the medical profession.
You don't need much,
just enough to ward off the miasma.
Follow me. Stinky.
Stinky. We are expelling.
- Stinky.
- Stinky.
[Dioneo] Stinky. Stinky.
[Dioneo] Stinky.
He's a very skilled doctor.
Oh yes.
You're very lucky to have him.
And of course, he's lucky to have you too.
As we all are,
after your impressive,
brave display against the bandits.
- [Tindaro] Yeah, well
- [Dioneo] Stinky.
- [clearing throat] True. I
- [Dioneo] Stinky.
I'm obviously very well-read
in hand-to-hand combat.
We're left with loud noises to break up
the remaining pestilence in the air.
So shout please, everyone, with me.
[all shouting]
- [Neifile shouting]
- [Dioneo] Louder. Thank you.
[Neifile shrieking]
Yes, the air is wonderfully loose now.
Threat neutralized.
How about we open another cask of wine?
[Sirisco] Oh yes.
Red or white? Oh, let's go with white.
Are we choosing to ignore
that a trio of bandits
just breached the gate
and ran amok in our sanctuary?
Yes, are we?
- Are there no guards?
- No guards?
[Pampinea] And where in God's name
is the man of the house?
If we'd had someone properly in charge,
this never would've happened.
And you, you wouldn't have
had to humiliate yourself
with that mannish attack.
I I was protecting everyone. [chuckling]
You seemed out of your senses.
I'm sure Sirisco will do everything he can
to prevent further interlopers.
Yes. Yes, of course. Of course.
- Did you have a suggestion?
- We need to say a prayer for the cardinal.
What about a prayer for me,
whose fiancé's home was just invaded?
- [Tindaro shouting]
- [shouting]
[angelic music playing]
Dear God, why?
Oh, why, God?
- Dear, God, why
- Enough!
- [music stops]
- Let's get it together!
[Tindaro shouting]
We've all suffered great loss
at the hands of the pestilence,
but that is why we deserve this respite
in an idyllic safe haven.
We're on holiday! Remember?
[brush scraping]
Let's get into the holiday
state of mind, okay?
Hear, hear!
Oh, and I know you're all wondering,
"Sirisco, where's dessert?"
Well, good news.
We'll be delivering pastries to your room
to ensure you the sweetest of dreams.
[Tindaro shouting]
[Pampinea] Sirisco,
the quarters are too small.
Yes, signora, but remember,
this is only temporary.
- We'll be moving into the master bedroom
- Sirisco!
There's nowhere to put my Paduan mirror.
There's no space.
What about this free spot?
Or there's this one.
Or I could mount it beautifully
on the door.
- Sirisco!
- [Sirisco] Pastry time.
[chuckling] Now,
the middle is my favorite
Ready my carriage.
Carriage? Oh, are we thinking
a midnight tour through the village?
The piazza is quite a plaza to behold,
but you can't see much in the dark
- Done.
- [Sirisco] Excuse me?
[Pampinea] Done. With this tiny room
- for a pitiful, unmarried maid.
- [Misia grunting] Oh.
- Well
- We're going to Leonardo.
You said he was in
a neighboring town getting wine.
- What town? We're going there now!
- [Sirisco] I said he was a town over?
Gosh, I hope that's true.
I've said a lot of things.
What town?
- Prato.
- Is it Prato?
- You don't know?
- I knew it ended with an "O."
- Is he with another woman?
- Oh no.
If he is in a secret marriage
with a much more beautiful woman
- No.
- I will kill you in your sleep.
- Then I'll kill myself.
- [Sirisco] No.
- Misia, you'll follow suit.
- Of course, right behind you.
Padrona, I swear he's unmarried
and knows nothing of your looks.
Though that would be a check
in the "I should hurry home" column,
because, my God, you are beautiful.
I don't understand
what could keep a man from his bride,
but I intend to close that distance.
Might I suggest that we leave
in the morning when there's light out?
We've just been attacked by bandits.
- Fine.
- [Misia] Oh.
[Pampinea] I need to rest.
Must look as beautiful as possible
for my husband.
When dawn breaks,
we three leave to find him.
- Wonderful.
- Misia my goodnight song.
- What?
- [Misia] Why, indeed, Padrona.
When the falconer sings ♪
What the falconer sings ♪
[whispering] Fuck off.
‘Tis a glorious thing ♪
What the falconer sings ♪
When the falconer sings ♪
I think she's lovely, but there's no way
I'm driving to every town in Tuscana
to find the man we buried
in the front yard.
[shushing] There is another way.
How are you feeling, Padrone?
I feel great.
What a fantastic evening.
Technically, my first military victory.
I mean, you saw them.
Imagine if I hadn't have stepped in,
what they could've done.
They could've raped me.
Have you ever done violence, Dioneo?
I often have to
for the good of my patients.
It really reminds you
what being a man feels like.
Filomena took me aside to congratulate me
on my bravery in the skirmish.
[giggling] This flirtation with a woman
is just the thing I need.
A tonic for what ails me.
Perhaps she is different
to all the others.
I will court Filomena.
Given your understanding of women
and the female nature,
I'm surprised you would undertake
such a perilous endeavor.
You make a good point.
You know, it's almost sad.
I wish I could just like her.
But that would be a disservice to us both.
Indeed. Well, I am glad
you are feeling fortified,
but remember, you need your rest.
And your tea.
I don't need anything
other than what's inside me.
I feel like I can do anything.
I feel great!
[Tindaro exclaiming excitedly]
[Tindaro] Oh no!
Ouch! Yes!
[Tindaro giggling, groaning]
I flew.
[Panfilo] Darling?
Darling, that was
a bit overwhelming, right?
By the by,
I don't think God has abandoned us.
Small conclusion I came to.
But everyone's dying, even the cardinal.
Yes. I'd concede
God might be mad at humanity.
Maybe we didn't build enough cathedrals.
Or we built too many.
He works in mysterious ways, right?
Cardinal Agnolo just forgot that,
and look what happened to him.
Ganked to death by a woman.
Cardinal Agnolo gave me
my first communion.
[Panfilo] Well,
it still counts, doesn't it?
what's in your lap?
[Neifile] The cardinal's toe.
Oh, okay.
what's your plan with that?
I don't know.
It's so small, and I just feel so alone.
I'm here, darling. You're never alone.
I'm gonna get rid of that, okay?
[toe sizzling, screeching]
[both chuckling]
I really am kind of
out of my mind, aren't I?
Hmm. In a
In a great way that I adore.
[dramatic music playing]
[Panfilo snoring]
A cross upon her bedroom wall ♪
From grace she will fall ♪
An image burning in her mind ♪
Oh damn.
And between her thighs ♪
[rock music playing]
[Neifile screaming]
[Neifile gasping]
I'm in a well!
[Neifile moaning]
She'd like to know ♪
[birds chirping]
Get up. Lots to do. [snapping fingers]
[Filomena sighing]
[Stratilia] Sirisco's got business
with Pampinea today, so he'll be away,
as will her Misia.
Lots to do. Just us, Licisca.
I did the chamber pots
and a lot of the upstairs.
I need water.
[Filomena grunting]
Don't let the dipper touch your lips.
It's bad luck and gross.
[Filomena slurping] Mmm.
Okay, come here. Come here!
Soft hands.
Are you
Never mind. Clean yourself up.
We got work to do.
[Stratilia chopping]
Nothing like a day of shoveling
to connect your bones to the earth.
Go to that grassy spot in the field,
about 30 paces or so past the path.
Good, soft ground.
Five feet deep, at least.
Unless you wanna do this again
when the wolves dig him up.
[dramatic music playing]
[Panfilo] Neifile?
Good morning, Sirisco.
Ah. Good morning, Padrone.
I hope the breakfast I set out
was to your liking.
By the by, have you seen
my bride this morning?
Oh, no, I have not.
But not to worry, it's very safe here.
I'll admit that last night's break-in
did not inspire total confidence.
I know. I know. And since then,
I've put my strongest man on security.
And my weakest man. They're one man, so
[birds chirping]
- Might we consider doing something more?
- Hmm?
- Some weapons.
- [Sirisco] Ah. Yes.
An awake person?
Let's not endanger this estate
with inattention to detail.
Yes, yes. Certainly.
But please do not worry about your wife.
Look, our grounds
are beautiful and inviting.
There's plenty for her
to get lost in. Yes?
[horses whinnying]
I'm so tired of waiting, you know?
After last night,
I just need to meet my Leonardo.
When that bandit grabbed me,
my whole long life flashed before my eyes.
Anyway, we cannot return
until we have found my betrothed.
Why are we slowing?
[horses whinnying]
Why are we stopping?
[gasping] Oh God. Misia, if it's bandits
trying to have their way with us,
will you have them?
- Yeah.
- Let them take you.
To make it easier?
[duckling chirping]
Why are you presenting me with a duck?
[Sirisco grunting]
- A duckling, forsooth?
- [Sirisco chuckling]
We thought it might
ease your mind a little.
Ease my mind about what?
We have a bit of news
about Leonardo.
[Pampinea screaming]
But he was my last chance.
- I'll hold the duck. Thank you. Yeah.
- [Pampinea groaning]
The dress and the dowry and everything.
[Sirisco] Oh, oh, oh.
And my father was so happy
to see me go too.
"Finally, your turn," he said.
- It was my turn! [sobbing]
- [Sirisco] Oh, your turn.
Hold the duck, yes. Hold the duck.
Happiness. Happiness.
[Sirisco chuckling]
My dear, my dear ♪
We have a plan ♪
- My dear, my dear ♪
- Dear ♪
[both] We have a plan ♪
[lively orchestral music playing]
What a beautiful day.
Should we walk by the olive trees?
Um, for fun?
Oh. Yes, well
No, I have an agenda.
Breakfast was remarkably good
this morning.
Oh yes, delicious. The flavors were
But of course, it could have been better.
So, what was your childhood like?
Was it great?
Oh, well, that was, of course, very bad.
But one of the benefits
of being a sickly child
is that I had plenty of time
to study history.
Time far better spent learning
than playing willy brigade in the street
or making friends.
Did I mention that
I'm one of the world's leading experts
on the Roman wars in Macedonia?
You heavily implied it.
Today I would like
to continue to regale you
on the unabridged history
of the Aetolian War.
That's very forward of you.
Oh. Uh, my apologies, Tindaro.
My excitement's getting the best of me.
I'm just so desperate
for intellectual sustenance.
What a privilege
to be enlightened by you, Signore.
Yes, well [chortling]
God, who else is gonna do it?
[dramatic orchestral music playing]
- Hello, doctor.
- [Dioneo] Padrona.
- Dioneo, begin.
- [Dioneo playing]
A little music to make the facts
easier to metabolize.
For you.
Rome's relationship with Macedonia
was muddied by the result
of the Second Punic War.
Hannibal, of course, fulfilling
his lifelong pledge to his father
to never forgive the Romans.
Should've killed him
while they had the chance
when he was an infant
in captivity. [chuckling]
Spain, here. No navy required.
Carthage, here.
And if Hannibal sacked Saguntum,
even the fourth
[Neifile] And, dear God, another reason.
You are very almighty and very, very big.
So where would you even go
if you ran away from your flock?
Nowhere to hide.
- Hi.
- [Panfilo] Oh God, you're down the well.
Um, are you all right? Are you hurt?
I'm wet.
I have lots of questions, but first,
let me grab a rope. Darling, hold on.
[Neifile] Oh, I'm fine.
I don't want you to save me.
- What?
- I don't need to be saved by you.
I need to be saved by God.
This isn't gonna be like
when you set that bush on fire, is it?
No. I'm testing God.
If he really has not abandoned me,
he will not let me perish in a well.
He will rescue me somehow,
and that will be a sign.
[Panfilo clearing throat]
what if I'm the sign?
Come on, you're not the sign.
You're my husband, and you love me.
Of course you would try to save me.
That wouldn't prove anything.
So you'll only get out
if it's someone sent by God?
[Neifile] It could also be a miracle.
Like a magic staircase
or a burst of holy wind.
How was the breakfast fare?
[Panfilo] Delicious.
Jams, borage.
I set aside extra honey for you.
I'll fix you a basket.
No, I'm all right.
I got the pig on the way out.
What if he doesn't save you?
Honey, why would you bring that up?
Okay, darling, fingers crossed.
Praying for you. Have a wonderful day.
[birds chirping]
[rock music playing]
You know, my darling
I can't stand to sleep alone ♪
[Filomena crying]
[Filomena grunting]
No sweetheart in the dark
To call my own ♪
[Filomena breathing heavily]
You're my own, you're my own ♪
I can sing it, I can grow ♪
But the darkness is a stanger ♪
And I'm lonely, lonely, lonely, low ♪
Last night's parties
And last night's horror show ♪
[Neifile] And now, a poem for your glory,
in terza rima,
which I'm told is the fashion.
I hang my head and plead
For you to see my pious little life
Lonely, lonely, lonely ♪
Looks about noon.
[Sirisco] Mm-hmm.
Must we wait for the evening hour?
- [Sirisco] Yes.
- [Misia] Yes.
[birds chirping]
[Pampinea chuckling]
What was Leonardo like?
Oh. He was nice.
How nice.
Could you describe him more?
The marriage broker did a bit,
but I stopped listening
after she said he was willing to marry me.
Oh yes, of course.
Um, well, he, uh, loved his villa.
- [Pampinea] Hmm.
- But he loved the Venezia more.
Ooh, did he love Venezia. [chuckles]
That's where I met him.
I was, uh, managing a little place.
A rest home for women.
Oh, really, for men.
The women weren't resting as much. But
[smacking lips] Um,
but then he brought me
to work at Villa Santa,
and, um, when he would travel,
he would always bring me a new book.
- Taught me how to read.
- You can read?
He sounds handsome and rich.
[Sirisco] Yes, he's quite rich.
He inherited the villa when he was young
and he's been building it up ever since.
A good Christian man.
Oh, uh, uh
He was loud.
He was good loud.
[chuckling] He had a booming voice
when he spoke and had a big, wide smile
What was his favorite color?
- Blue.
- Blue! Misia, blue!
- We'd been thinking blue!
- Wow. That's wonderful.
[Misia] Blue.
It's like you were connected
before you even met.
Oh. Blue.
Do you know what else? He loved redheads.
He was hoping you'd have red hair.
I know.
[dramatic music playing]
[Pampinea whispering indistinctly]
[birds cooing]
On to the next activity,
where I will once again perform for you.
I know how fixated women are
on the vanity of the flesh.
I'm happy to indulge you.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what you're referring to.
You're going to want to see my body move.
Dioneo, we will now show Filomena
how exactly Philip V
crumbled under the pressure
of the great Titus Quinctius Flamininus
in Thessaly. [exhaling sharply]
- Yes.
- We'll need sticks.
- My lady.
- [Licisca] Oh yes. Please.
[branches snapping]
Ow. Jesus.
Why did you give it to me pointy-side up?
Both sides are pointy.
Shut up, you Macedonian mongrel,
and take your position.
I'm gonna split you limb from limb.
Oh, good idea. Very virile.
- Yes.
- [Tindaro] Two men full of sperm.
Oh God.
[whimsical music playing]
Yes. [clearing throat]
[Tindaro grunting]
You know, the Macedonians had the Romans
against a rock and a hard place.
But then they struck back.
- [Tindaro grunting]
- [Dioneo yelling]
Yay, Romans!
Boo, Macedonians.
[Neifile] Okay, then, Almighty God,
in whom I trust fully,
let's try something different.
I know you're going to save me,
but I'm going under.
I'm going under!
[birds chirping]
[water burbling]
[Neifile gasping]
[Neifile coughing]
[Neifile gasping]
God, I got close there,
but you are making me stronger. [coughing]
Okay. [grunting]
That's enough.
[Neifile] Another poem.
Would that please you, God?
[both chuckling]
In. Boom.
- [Licisca gagging]
- [Tindaro chuckling]
I've asked you to spend the day with me
because you're the first woman
that I haven't found to be
completely abhorrent.
Aw. Thank you.
You know, it's hard
to be a rich man like me.
Everybody knows that just the smell
of money makes women feral.
But that, of course, is just science.
I can't imagine the position you're in.
We are creatures brimming with avarice.
Apology accepted.
[both chuckling]
[Licisca] But you are so much more
than your money.
You're intelligent, strong, handsome.
Poor you.
You must have so many women's attentions,
you have to beat them off with a stick.
[both chuckling]
No, I don't.
Wh Why would you say that?
No, I only meant
- Are you teasing me?
- No.
Your lying flattery
will not entrance me further.
I I I I'm not lying. I
You're you're handsome.
Your your lovely complexion,
your your waving hair.
My hair isn't waving, it's curly.
[Tindaro breathing heavily]
I knew this would happen.
- Mocking me in the open air.
- [Licisca] I
[Tindaro] I
Dioneo, tell this callous woman
that I cannot withstand mockery.
Once, a man's mockery
made me tip right over.
My tongue's swelling.
It's big as an orange. I can't breathe.
You'll hang for this, woman.
- [Dioneo] Padrone, deep breaths. Okay.
- [Tindaro breathing deeply]
- Tongue, tongue.
- [Tindaro groaning]
[Dioneo] Good. Eyes.
You are going to survive.
- [Tindaro] Are you sure?
- I am positive.
And what of this mockingly cruel creature?
[Tindaro groaning]
This is how women are.
They are blinded by emotion.
She didn't mean to offend.
But she mentioned my hair.
As a friend, 'tis true your hair
is unruly and unattractive.
But as a medical man, I can assure you,
she couldn't mock you even if she tried.
Filomena thinks you are
the most handsome man on Earth
because she has fallen in love with you.
Is that true?
Are you in love with me?
Yes, I I'm in love with you.
As I suspected.
Dioneo, please may you
escort the lady inside
so she can prepare herself for dinner?
I must sit here and process
all that has happened today
in complete silence and solitude.
Also, if you see any more snacks,
will you bring them?
Very well.
Good day, Filomena.
Try not to let your love for me blind you
so much that you can't climb the stairs.
You need to see
in order to climb the stairs.
It's very funny, obviously.
Oh yeah.
Very charming, Signore.
[all chuckling]
[dramatic music playing]
[Licisca exhaling]
As you can see,
I am keeping up my end of the bargain.
So am I.
I hope you know I found that refreshing.
[Filomena sighing]
Love is curious.
Such a trueness to it.
Trueness of body and mind.
How it can just move you from your body
and let you float in the sky.
[cicadas chittering]
Tap your toes on the clouds.
I once had a horse I loved so well.
So well.
I slept in the stables with her
when she was sick.
I didn't want her to ever question
if I was gonna be there for her, you know?
Oh, I was there for hours. Hours.
Forgot to eat. We shared her water.
It'd been a whole day and no food.
I stumbled back to the servants' quarters
to get some bread and ale,
and when I returned, she was gone.
Like she'd wanted
to spare me the moment, perhaps.
Maybe there's no meaning to it.
Just happened.
One day turning into the next.
Life's truest love just gone in an instant
without one last kiss.
[Misia sniffling]
Yes, well, we'll all just
have to get over it, won't we?
Nobody likes an overly dramatic person.
Come, it's time.
[Misia crying]
Wipe my teeth.
[Misia sobbing]
[horses whinnying]
[wind whooshing]
[thunder rumbling]
[magical music playing]
[Neifile] God?
Padrona Neifile, is that you?
[Neifile exhaling]
I see now why God told me to come here.
Take my hand.
[Neifile grunting]
[both grunting]
God sent you?
He certainly did.
He's a rascal.
I knew it.
How did He come to you?
As a pillar, a cloud?
Well, as a voice in my head.
Yes, it said, "Go, Dioneo, to the old well
and rescue the girl in there."
The voice of God.
Was it deep and booming?
Clear and bright as a horn?
How is your temperature?
Still shivering.
[Dioneo] Hmm.
I fear your blood is running cold.
As cold as the water.
I must transfer some of my heat to yours.
- [dramatic music playing]
- Oh!
I see.
Thank you for the sacrifice.
[choir vocalizing]
That feels very warm.
And there?
[Neifile] Mm-hmm.
[Dioneo] And there?
[Neifile] Hmm.
[Dioneo] Here, how does that feel?
[Dioneo] And there?
And there?
[music, vocalizing swelling]
[Neifile moaning]
- Wow. And now I'm overly hot.
- [music stops]
Thank you for helping me.
[door closing]
Lovely wife you have.
I didn't tell you to take off your shirt.
God did.
Darling, did God indeed save you?
He did. He sent Dioneo.
A voice spoke in his head.
I imagine God's voice
is a bit like [deeply]"Hello, Doctor."
But maybe more of a staccato delivery,
"Hello, Doctor."
I can't wait to hear more, darling,
but we're ever so late to dinner.
Dress quickly, and we'll go.
Don't wanna keep the others waiting.
[Neifile exhaling]
[Panfilo] Neifile?
which is why Averroës' commentary
on Aristotle's theory of motion
is of particular interest to me.
[crunching] I also enjoy
his dynamic reflections on cleanliness.
[Licisca] I don't understand
what you're saying at all.
Of course you don't. That's why
you're lucky to have me. [chuckling]
- [door opening]
- Because I do understand what I'm saying.
[both chuckling]
[door closes]
[Sirisco vocalizing]
Oh, announcement, honored guests!
- And now we have the most
- The Visconte Leonardo and I got married!
[Sirisco, Misia laughing]
- [Sirisco] Yes.
- [Pampinea squealing]
[scattered applause]
[Pampinea squealing]
Let's celebrate.
[Sirisco laughing]
- Wine!
- [Sirisco] Yep.
We found him in Prato.
He was helping a group of children
learn how to use a mill.
He has a huge heart.
Just lovely.
And so you just decided in the moment?
How romantic.
How completely irrational.
Our love was so immediate,
he had no choice but to marry me
right then and there.
In a rush of passion and Godly devotion,
we made our union before God
in a small church.
Of course, we then united
as husband and wife, just us.
It was lovely.
Everything I've always wanted.
- Right, Misia?
- Oh, absolutely, it was gorgeous.
It was gorgeous.
And you're not gonna believe this,
he was wearing blue.
He was wearing blue.
Our favorite color. Yes.
Oh, that is perfect. It really is.
So will he be joining us soon?
Oh yes.
He had to buy some glass in Venezia,
but then he'll be by.
But for now, it's just me.
Yeah, just lady of the house.
By myself.
[crickets chirping]
Is everything all right, Pampinea?
Viscontessa, I think you mean.
Oh, it's my my mistake,
Viscontessa. Sorry.
[Pampinea chuckling]
I'm great.
I'm I'm great. Yeah.
I'm My eyes are swollen from crying.
Yes, of course, but they are happy tears.
Just the
Tears of joy. Yeah.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [woman vocalizing]
More wine!
[Sirisco] Please, take your time.
- [Pampinea] Hmm. Mm-hmm.
- [wine sloshing]
[Tindaro] Do it.
No, thanks.
Do it.
Do it, though.
Lean your head back.
Up, higher.
[music, vocalizing swelling]
[music fades]
[knocking on door]
Does the fair maiden
require another rescue?
Padrona, I, uh, wasn't expecting you.
I'll hang for this.
[rock music playing]
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
Got an urge, got a surge
And it's out of control ♪
Got an urge I wanna purge
'Cause I'm losing control ♪
Uncontrollable urge
I want to tell you all about it ♪
Got an uncontrollable urge
It makes me scream and shout ♪
He's got an uncontrollable urge ♪
I've got an uncontrollable urge ♪
He's got an uncontrollable urge ♪
I've got an uncontrollable ♪
It's got style, it's got class ♪
So strong, I can't let it pass
I gotta tell you all about it ♪
I gotta scream and shout it ♪
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
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