The Devil Judge (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

The Yellow Porsche

Judge Kim. What are you doing?
Good work today, Judge Kim.
Thank you for your hard work today.
-Good work.
-Please, I didn't do much.
Thank you for your hard work.
Since you worked so hard,
how about I treat you to dinner?
I'd love that.
If you'd rather not, that's fine with me.
Yes, sir.
Now I can finally breathe.
I almost peed my pants
because I was that nervous.
Judge Kim. Were you not nervous at all?
I mean, there were lights everywhere,
and all the cameras were pointing at us.
I felt like I was stripped bare,
in the middle of the street.
-Judge Oh.
Is it normal to have tears when yawning?
My eyes do water when I yawn.
Why do you ask?
It's nothing.
wasn't that kind of thrilling?
You know,
to have the entire nation watching you?
Of course, they were probably
looking at Judge Kang,
and not me.
Judge Oh?
I meant I'm so relieved
they weren't looking at me.
If they were, I bet you I'd have caused
trouble from the nervousness.
By the way, aren't you excited?
Judge Kang said he'll treat us to dinner.
I hear Judge Kang
is the heir of a large fortune.
He must be a gourmet, then.
Judge Kang,
what do you do in your pastime?
Do you play golf or tennis, maybe?
As in, bang! With the gun
to catch rabbits and such?
Oh no, they're too boring.
The bigger ones are more entertaining.
This looks delicious.
What is this?
Wild boar.
A very big one too.
-They have a hunting license.
It's extremely thrilling.
To fire a bullet
right between its two eyes
as they charge at me, baring their fangs.
-How are you finding it?
-This boar, I mean.
-It's very distinct but with rich flavors.
I envy you. I have a poor palate.
To me, food is… Well, how should I put it?
It's more for the texture.
Biting it into bits with your incisors,
grinding with your molars,
and tearing at it with your fangs.
It's like feeling the flesh
with your teeth.
"Fangs" are for animals, not humans.
-But aren't humans also animals?
-It's "teeth" for humans.
Fangs, teeth. Same thing.
Anyway, what do you mean
you have a poor palate?
Maybe you had fine delicacies since young
and it desensitized your palate?
Since I was young?
You were a young master, weren't you?
Born into a wealthy family.
Born into a wealthy family…
Did I make a faux pas?
No, not at all. I was born
with a silver spoon in my mouth.
But you know what?
My late father
was a loan shark.
Second-generation, and quite notorious.
For being merciless?
Judge Kim!
So you know the crux of private loans.
I take it you grew up
in a debt-ridden family?
Do you do background checks on us?
We're one judiciary panel,
so we should know each other.
Your father took his own life
after losing his entire savings
to a fraud, didn't he?
Oh, my bad.
I shouldn't have said that.
Pretending to have a heart
when you're merciless…
-Isn't that the crux of private loans?
-Judge Kim, you know he didn't mean--
So you know very well.
It's all about selling hope
and receiving it back through fear.
My father would regularly
go to confession,
whenever his debtors took their own lives.
I acknowledged my sin to you,
and I did not cover my iniquity.
I said, "I will confess
my transgressions to the Lord,"
and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.
Can't you imagine me growing up
under such a man?
-Now, if you'll excuse me
-Judge Kim.
I'm not feeling too well.
I have a weak stomach.
Where are you?
-I'm on a safari.
Just get over here, man.
I've set it all up.
Let me have some more fun.
Those pathetic tramps.
Are you all right?
Oh, dear.
I'm so sorry.
You should've been more careful.
To protect the underprivileged,
the Social Responsibility Foundation…
This Court imposes a cumulative punishment
for each of the 47 victims!
I sentence you to 235 years in prison.
Do they think trials are a joke?
Two hundred and thirty-five years?
Was this your plan all along?
Kang Yo-han and the way he had tears
in his eyes as he called out--
Oh that? That's actually quite difficult.
I've done it a lot in my days as an actor.
Crying at the right moment?
That's some skills, you know.
I wonder how he did it
without turning to eye drops?
Did he use tear sticks?
I was fine with pretty much
everything else when I was an actor,
but the crying scenes…
That was my weakness,
and what held me back from lead roles.
But you've realized your long-term wish,
have you not? The lead role, I mean.
Am I really the lead?
With all these powerful figures
lined up beside me,
I'm still not sure where I stand exactly.
But you should be very aware.
Isn't it obvious already?
You are the master
of this precarious country.
So, Minister Cha.
I see that the loss of President Joo
was a heavy blow for you.
I mean, you wouldn't bat an eye
locking up other conglomerates,
but seeing you get overly worked up
over President Joo's demise
is making me wonder
if there's something else.
Just saying.
As you know, I do have a wild imagination.
I'm a former actor. An artist, remember?
the first trial was your big picture.
Was it not?
I don't think the foundation
would be too pleased either.
-They just lost one of their most--
Chairman Seo seemed unaffected by it.
Is Chairman Seo in?
He's in meditation.
To turn up unannounced like this
is a little…
Step aside.
How dare a secretary like you
stand in my way?
You're putting us
in a difficult situation, Minister.
Don't you think
you've got on your high horse?
With the President being nice to you,
do you think
you can advise on state affairs?
Very well.
Can we talk?
Can't you hear me?
Livid, are you?
That it didn't go as you wished?
What did you say?
Why come here
and raise a commotion?
That should be my line.
Who was it that threw
a monkey in the works again?
How dare you stab me in the back
with Kang Yo-han?
I'm really not sure what you're on about.
Oh, so you'll feign ignorance?
I'm sure Judge Kang had his reasons.
Winning over the public
with a case of this size
is not so bad
when you look at it in the long run.
Then are you saying it was Heo Jung-se
who coaxed him into this?
I wouldn't come to a hasty conclusion.
Think wisely.
Will it really be to your benefit
to have betrayed me
to take Heo Jung-se's hand?
I won't just sit and watch, you know.
If you're done, I suggest you leave.
That old weasel.
Do you really think the recent trial
came with just the negative consequences?
What did you say?
An opinion poll
was just published with 17%.
The ruling party saw
as much as a 17% increase in support.
And aren't you the next favorite candidate
for the presidency?
And I'm sure there are many conglomerates
wishing to build connections with you.
Conglomerates of bigger scale
than JU Chemicals.
What did you say?
Oh, my apologies. I stepped out of line.
After all, I'm just a secretary.
How many times has it been already?
Are you all right?
I can't believe this.
How could you cheat your own student?
You, Justice Min!
It was a fakeout, not cheating.
I still don't get it.
I thought this trial was all for show,
but instead…
I'm having a harder time
deciphering their intentions.
The approval ratings have shot up
for the incumbent president too.
There must be some secret dealing
which we're not aware of just yet.
Still, I think
it worked out well in the end.
Work out well?
Is that how a trial should be?
As long as it ends well, it's fine?
No, of course not.
A trial is not a child's game.
Let me look into it further
about what really went on.
I'm sorry, Judge Kim.
I don't really mind, but…
"Judge Kim."
That just gave me goosebumps.
"You damned punk, you want a piece of me?"
That's more like it.
Well, that was for the Kim Ga-on
back in his delinquent days.
You mean
when you were a hooligan professor.
What was it that you said?
"You liked the smell of the earth?
Should I bury you in it?"
Was that something to say to a poor kid?
How dare you slander a justice
with false information?
Is it all ready?
Did you meet with that Doc?
My colleagues call me "Dr. Safety."
What if he'd been referring to
Jang Gi-hyeon and not Yoo Jong-baek?
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
Judge Kim.
I'm here to return this.
I see you came during the day this time.
There's something that's been bugging me.
Really? We can't have that now,
not when you're my precious stooge
who sits on my left.
-What did you just say?
-Sit down, and let's talk.
So what is it about?
It's about Mr. Jang,
the witness at the recent trial.
-Yes, you mean Dr. Safety?
What about him?
-Can he be trusted?
-What do you mean?
I've never seen a witness who overturns
such an important testimony
on his own free will.
-He must've felt a pang of conscience.
-A pang of conscience?
Why? I take it you don't believe in
such a thing as human conscience?
Well, I couldn't be touched
because I could see where this was going.
See what?
Didn't he accuse
the defendant of willful murder?
-And you'd agree enthusiastically.
That's when you began
to be assertive in your actions.
You kept a passive stance before that.
I asked what if something happens
to the elderly in the village.
President Joo said, "Those old geezers
lived long enough, so who cares?"
Did you really say such a thing?
Deep down I thought, "Isn't this murder?"
You were looking at me
the entire time, weren't you?
-Did we find the murder to be intentional?
-No, but--
-Then what's the problem?
Because of that,
the Defendant modified his statement
-to contend professional negligence.
-Then isn't it all for the better?
-Does only the result matter?
-The proceedings should be just also?
Of course. That's what a trial
and the rule of law is.
Rule of law, you say… Judge Kim.
-Is justice the real purpose of a trial?
-If it's not for justice, then what?
A trial is a game.
Fail to serve evidence, and you lose.
But it's not a fair game to start with.
Manipulating, hiding the truth,
bribing investigative authorities…
The powerful will do
whatever they need to.
On the other side is just the public,
angry and lamenting in fury.
How could you accuse
a patriotic businessman
of being a murderer?
Do you know how many people
are able to make a living thanks to me?
It's sad, but there is no justice
in the real world.
Only a game exists.
A game that's terribly unfair.
He's just like him.
Too much like him.
Hey, Ga-on.
No, it's okay. Go on.
You want to see me?
I'm a little busy right now.
No, there's no need.
I'll try and make time for you.
All right.
Off on a date, are you?
You just be quiet.
Yes, ma'am.
And did you meet with that Doc?
Yes, good work.
I'll meet with his attorney tonight.
-So you wanted to see me about this?
-Are you on a stakeout?
-I'm off to catch a mean criminal. Why?
-It suits you.
What wouldn't suit me?
Anyway, so this cheating girlfriend
of yours is your boss, is it?
Talk about taste.
-Do you really have to?
-That's the excuse you used.
Anyway, eavesdropping on some guy's call…
I already told you
why I found him suspicious.
Didn't you think it's odd too?
About that site manager.
You've interviewed many victims too.
What usually drives people
to suddenly confess their secrets?
I just want to die, Your Honor.
Well, you know human beings.
Sometimes they do listen
to what their conscience has to say.
Stop fooling around.
I guess to save their ass.
You know that already, so why ask?
What if this "Doc" he mentioned
is really that witness?
Are you saying your boss
tampered with the witness?
Well, anything is possible with him.
Hey, he's a national hero right now.
He's the people's favorite judge.
Don't you go around saying such a thing.
You might get attacked.
Darn it, out of my way.
Thank you.
Your warm helping hand
will bring hope to many.
It's because you do things
that annoy Ji-yeon.
That's why she's picking a fight.
How many times has it been already?
Practice defensive driving, will you?
Hey, you! Drive properly!
Are you all right?
I've seen that car before.
That's why you shouldn't hold up
everyone on the road!
Hey! That crazy…
Be careful!
Just a little faster.
-I think we'll lose him.
-We can't catch up to him, no way.
Hey, what is that?
What the…
Crazy bastard.
That crazy psycho.
Hey, you psycho!
Get lost!
Hey, you psycho!
Do you have a death wish or something?
-There he is. Pull over.
I said, do you have a death wish?
This guy's a complete nutcase!
That crazy…
Who the hell are you, bastard? Hey!
-Hey! You bastard…
-That's him, isn't it?
-Kang Yo-han.
Look at this bastard. He's gone nuts!
What the hell are you doing?
What the…
Hey, who the hell are you?
Don't come any closer.
Put that down.
Don't come near me! Hey!
You bastard… Who the hell are you?
That crazy psycho…
You're that judge
who was on TV, aren't you?
Why the hell are you doing this to me?
Because you were in my way.
Darn it.
You're just a mere judge. How dare you!
Do you know who I am?
I won't let you get away with this.
Just you wait!
Hey, you…
This isn't mine. Where did you get this?
I swear this isn't mine.
What matters is
that I found this in your car.
With your fingerprint on it too.
I'm confiscating this. And…
If you haven't earned this,
take the subway.
What the…
What did I just see?
Now will you believe me?
Welcome home.
-Did you stay up all night?
What I lack in skills,
I have to make up with effort.
Don't say that.
I know it too, you know.
That I was picked for my looks.
Still, people are expecting
something from me.
So I really want to do this well.
-I'm on my way to Mr. Jang's place.
We'll have to see what was behind
that testimony of his.
It's not your business.
I can take care of it.
Look at you, giving me the cold shoulder.
Hey, I'm Yoon Su-hyeon,
the ace in our team.
And I won't put up with judges who cheat.
I'm onto him,
Kang Yo-han.
Who are you?
I'm Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon,
from the WAIS.
Are you here to help me look for a job
now that I got fired for whistleblowing?
-If not, please leave.
My entire family's left to starve
thanks to my conscience.
Mr. Jang Gi-hyeon!
They paid a visit to Jang Gi-hyeon,
as you expected.
Judge Kim had come to me,
saying he finds Jang Gi-hyeon suspicious.
But I understand.
Who knew there's still a witness
out there in this world,
who's so courageous?
Honestly, I was surprised myself.
Yes, there definitely was
something in that water.
I started to cough like crazy
and felt dizzy.
I almost crashed my car thanks to that.
But you're saying now you're just fine?
After a while, I was back to normal.
But just in case, I took a blood test
but they found nothing.
It really is bizarre.
The witnesses?
We all have our positions.
There's nothing to worry about.
It's Joo Il-do
who laid down his cards in fear.
We have to do something, don't we?
When our playing ground
is tilted against us.
I see. Thanks, Su-hyeon.
Hey, what is this?
-Thanks for meeting all those witnesses.
-I didn't know you could cook these too.
Stews and stir-fried pork
were all you could make.
-Fine, don't have any.
-There's coffee and everything.
You'll make the perfect husband, Ga-on.
So, who are you going to marry?
Come on, let's go up.
-Who are you going to--
-It's going to get cold.
Anyway, this really is suspicious.
Maybe I should do some more digging
on Kang Yo-han.
I've been looking up
all that I could, but…
There were these people
I bumped into by coincidence,
and all of them would hold my hands tight.
Thanking me for this recent trial.
Saying they're happy
to have someone they can trust.
But that doesn't mean a judge is allowed
to do crazy things like Kang Yo-han.
What you heard and saw were odd enough.
And cheating is cheating.
That's a crime too.
Yes, you're right.
-Let me know if you have anything.
I should do my worth for this coffee.
But Ga-on.
Leave the background research to me,
and stay back.
-Why else?
You went through so much to get here.
Yes, Professor Min is your savior.
I won't deny that.
Still, I think he's gone too far
making you do all these.
A judge is wiretapping calls
and digging around people. What's that?
This isn't just for Professor Min.
Is this really…
the best you could do?
Yes, sir.
We even poached
the best talents risking lawsuits…
So you're telling me
you even risked lawsuits
to scout the best talents
and whatever for just this?
I'm sorry, sir.
-I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry.
Well, I can't taste it.
Those exact flavors
from that store I go to!
Why can't you manage something
so simple splurging on my money?
You think we can dominate
the market like this?
Our opinion is that it's extremely close--
Extremely close?
I told you numerous times
that these cakes are all about detail.
How many times must I say it?
Darn it.
Hey, bring it in.
Here you are, sir.
I said, eat.
Finish it. Your team came up with it.
Who else should eat it then?
But sir, Director Yoon has diabetes…
Then leave.
Leave, and starve to death.
No, sir. I'll eat them.
Make sure to shove them all down.
Damn it!
That crazy judge is giving me a headache!
Shit, those imbecile twits.
This isn't mine.
Yes, Vice President.
Where is Mom?
She's just stepped out of office.
But I can't even tell her this.
Damn it.
Honestly, you…
Hey, why did you have to
slap her like that?
She's given me something drinkable.
I mean, this is just foul.
Yes, Vice President.
Come closer.
Closer, come on. A little more. Yes.
Give me something drinkable, damn it.
-How have you been training your staffs?
-I'm sorry, sir.
How can she run out like that?
Making money is easy, right?
No, sir. I'll bring you
another bartender right away.
Save it.
You shove this down your throat.
That just killed my vibe.
Out of my way.
-Have a good night, sir.
-Oh, and…
That girl just now. Fire her.
Yes, sir.
Where are you going?
-Hey, I'm sorry.
-It's okay, sir.
What the hell is it this time?
Hey, open up.
What happened to the subway card?
Have you been following me?
I must be your prey,
but I'm not that easy, you know.
I won't stay put
if you try and mess with me.
So let's not see
each other again, all right?
I better not see you again.
Crazy psycho.
You're just bait.
A fresh one at that.
How strange.
What is it?
Our next trial was a case
on an economic crime, remember?
-Judge Kang suggested
that we leave it to the general court
and take this one instead.
And I'd stayed up all night
reviewing it too.
-What case?
-Well, it's about…
A case that's to do
with a measly one million won fine.
One million won?
He's a petty criminal and the prosecution
requested a summary indictment.
He got into a fistfight after a drink.
Simple assault, with no injuries.
Who is it? May I take a look?
He's 28 years old and unemployed.
Nothing much, really.
Since it's a simple case,
the prosecution
requested a summary indictment.
So why is Judge Kang
so hung up on this case?
There's something odd here. Look.
He's a first-time offender, but he's been
called into the station many times.
That means he settled it privately
with the victims each time.
You're right.
So he's an expert on simple assault.
I guess his fist is quite delicate.
How could he assault just enough
to get out of it?
Let's see…
But this time, he didn't settle.
-Maybe this time, he couldn't.
For example, maybe he couldn't
get a hold of the victim.
It also doesn't make sense
that he's unemployed too.
I mean, all these settlements
must have cost him some money.
You're right.
Then again,
if the police are ready to excuse him…
They don't normally
make a note of his profession.
Still, at the end of the day,
it's just simple assault.
I mean, we have pride.
So should we, or shouldn't we
take on a case like this?
Honestly, I'm disappointed in Judge Kang.
I didn't know he was the timid type.
How could he lower his tail with just one…
I'm sorry. Let me take this call.
What did you say you found?
Kang Yo-han's traces.
What are you on about?
I went through all the articles
on Kang Yo-han,
and everyone's praising him.
He's almost become some leader of a sect.
Anyway, I saw this one comment
on some online community,
and he claims he knows him quite well.
So I sent him a DM and got his contacts.
Why, what did he write?
"That man, Kang Yo-han…
is a devil."
Judge Kim. What are you doing?
Judge Kang wants to see you.
-Did you call for me, sir?
Hello, Judges.
Hello, Producer.
It's been crazy ever since the first show!
Well, Judge Kang over there
was famous to start with,
but you two have now taken off too.
-Us two?
When the verdict was being delivered,
your eyes were red with tears
so you wiped them off, didn't you?
That was the highlight of our show!
Everyone was commenting
about how we have a humane judge at last.
Oh, you caught that on camera?
I thought people would criticize me,
so I wiped them off discreetly.
See? I'm telling you
that you have a natural talent for this.
What brings you here today?
And as for Judge Kim,
the girls go crazy about you saying
that you're so cool and awesome.
What brings you here today?
He said he'd like to invite us.
Invite us? To where?
To a charity fashion show
co-hosted by our channel
and the Social Responsibility Foundation.
-A fashion show?
-Yes. You know.
-The circle of people who donate millions.
-Yes, I know them.
Their chairman is super famous.
-A philosopher, right?
-A senator of our nation.
I decline.
Why should a judge attend such an event?
But there's what you call
the social atmosphere.
We need events like this
that instill hope.
If you'd honor us with your presence,
I'm sure that'll cheer up our viewers.
I'd love to go
if it's for a good cause as you say.
But what should I wear?
I don't really have
anything suitable for it.
Leave that to me.
If you don't mind.
I'd love that.
What about you, Judge Kim?
Let's go.
I'm fine, thank you.
I have things to do, anyway.
Fine, as you wish.
I feel like Cinderella.
Even celebs go on a waiting list
to wear something by this designer.
Thank you so much.
I'll be careful with it
and return it in mint condition.
There's no need to.
-No need to return it.
But this is super expensive.
There's no one else to wear it anyway.
So have fun in it.
Still, how can I…
-Or you can just throw it away.
A ray of light in darkness!
The red carpet has been laid out
for the charity fashion show
co-hosted by the People Media Group
and the SRF.
Many VIPs have turned up
for tonight's event.
And now…
Oh! I see the man who has the eyes
of the entire nation upon him.
Judge Kang Yo-han
is now making his entrance.
Judge Kang Yo-han!
-Please look this way.
-This way!
You're so awesome.
-Now how about a wave?
-You look great together.
Let's meet with our star judges
of the Live Court Show.
May I ask you to turn to the camera?
Wow, Judge Oh Jin-ju.
I must say, what a transformation!
But is it really all right
for me to be here?
May I ask you to pose?
Please look this way too.
Wow, you are a celebrity already!
I guess we won't need to
worry about Judge Oh.
Let me ask Judge Kang this time.
You have the support of many
of our citizens, as well as their eyes.
So, how about a comment
for all those who are watching?
Thank you
for your support and encouragement.
I am with you in every way.
Whatever wall we come to face,
we'll tackle it head on
for a world where justice lives.
I, for instance,
will fight with all I have.
That was Judge Kang Yo-han.
Take a look around.
-I have to go say hello.
-Hello, Judge Kang.
Yes, hello.
Hello, and welcome.
My name is Jung Seon-a,
and I work for the SRF.
Oh, yes. Hello.
Thank you for joining us in our event.
Gosh, you look
like a greek goddess tonight.
Goddess? Please.
They'll hurl stones at me.
In the Live Court Show I watched,
you were the one who shined the most.
No way.
Why don't you say hello to our chairman?
Director Jung.
Chairman, this is Judge Oh
from the Live Court Show.
-This is Chairman Seo Jeong-hak.
-Hello, it's an honor to meet you.
Not a bad physiognomy, I must say.
She's a judge.
I watched that trial myself too.
In these turbulent times,
the rule by law prevails.
But that's only short-lived.
In the end, it is virtue and benevolence
that tames the people.
I will remember that, Chairman.
You'll do well.
Yo-han was very different
from the other children.
Ever since his first day at school.
Different? How?
His face was gloomy,
and he kept to himself.
Is there anything you'd like to say?
I'm sure your friends would like
to know more about you.
All right, then.
Who wants Yo-han to sit next to them?
Se-in, how about you?
Sure, Miss.
This time, we'll calculate
the perimeter of a rectangle.
Pay attention and write it down.
First, let's add the width
of this side and the other side,
and the height of this side and this side.
-Hey, it's a bird!
After that, add them and…
Quiet, guys.
Guys, be quiet!
Be quiet, and sit down.
Are you crazy? Why did you kill it?
What did you just do?
-Did you just see that?
-Are you crazy? What was that?
Why did you kill it?
Ever since then,
the children called him a monster.
Nobody talked to him.
They treated him as if he were invisible.
I see.
Is that why you left such a comment?
-That he's a devil?
That was nothing compared to
what would happen much later.
At that time, our school
saw two groups of students,
children from uptown
and children from downtown.
The children from uptown were affluent,
and the children from downtown were poor.
Still, they shared something in common.
In that they treated Yo-han
as if he were a monster.
You should get his head. His head!
Hey, let's get his eyes next time.
Nice one!
Hey, did you see his face?
That looks exactly like him!
Congratulations, Judge Kang.
Thank you for coming.
You have shown
that justice still lives on this land.
It was very commendable.
Thank you.
I must say
I was a little startled, however.
-Could you pose for us?
So, will you do that again?
No way.
-This way, please.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a special event
planned for this evening.
I think it's begun already.
Well, have fun.
-Sure, I will see you later.
The people and virtue…
It's been a while, Chairman.
Please excuse me.
Hold my hand like this,
and place your thumb here.
As for this hand…
Yes, that's right.
You're doing great.
May I?
Director Jung.
Then one day…
that happened.
Where did it go?
Hey, have you seen my pencil case?
I wouldn't know.
My dad bought it for me from the States.
Where did it go?
We didn't think much of it at first.
But what triggered it was
that the children from downtown
and the children from uptown
were often paired up.
I guess the teachers
wanted them to all get along.
What is it?
Why are you looking at me?
Why are you crying?
Soon, only the uptown children
who were paired up
with the downtown children started
to see their belongings go missing.
That's right, I got new shoes!
Wait. It's got a tear.
Darn it.
Hey! You did this, didn't you?
-It wasn't me.
-Don't lie.
It really wasn't me!
But you sit next to him.
That doesn't mean I did that.
And then, that day finally arrived.
I enjoyed your first trial, Judge Kang.
Did you enjoy it?
Did I enjoy it?
You got the genre wrong.
I found it very touching.
I even teared up a bit.
I'm glad you found it
to your liking, Director Jung.
But you know what?
What our benefactors hate the most
is a story with a twist.
You know the old weasels.
They like cliches.
Stories that are predictable.
The more they have, that is.
We can't cater to
everyone's preferences, can we?
A man who has all the fun
by himself is not so charming.
And pretty useless too.
I'm disappointed to hear that.
Because I'm…
having so much fun right now.
Where did it go?
Where is my gaming device?
-Why are you looking at me?
-Hey, let me take a look in your bag.
I said, let me see.
Give it!
-I said, give it!
-Let go!
It wasn't me. It really wasn't me.
This is why I didn't want
to sit next to beggars.
Hey, you put this in my bag,
didn't you? On purpose?
-Let me see your bag too.
-I said, it's not me!
Judge Kang.
My family is here too. Why not say hello?
Goodness, Judge Kang.
Good to see you here,
President Lee Jae-kyeong.
My son's here too. Yeong-min!
Come say hello.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Vice President Lee Yeong-min.
That child was a devil.
My late father
was a loan shark.
Second-generation, and quite notorious.
Ever since then,
the children called him a monster.
Why? Can't you imagine me
growing up under such a man?
Chairman Seo.
Maybe he hasn't been fully tamed.
Are you looking for this?
So you knew it.
Why are you doing this?
Why am I doing this?
-Because I can.
The possibility is like ecstasy.
Step back!
You, my fellow Koreans, are the only ones
who can protect us.
This was why.
There are those
who fail to understand the warnings
and regret it later.
The bomb exploded from the wall painting.
Maybe it was pre-installed
in the painting?
We need to get to them before the police.
The same goes for me. No hard feelings.
Go tell your master
that they better come see me themselves.
Looks like we'll need to meet, Judge Kang.
It's Kang Yo-han whom I'm suspecting.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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