The Edge of Sleep (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

The Elephant

Now I lay me
down to sleep ♪
Okay, Davey.
"A" is for?
Very good!
And "B" is for?
That's right.
"C" is for?
And what does the cat say?
- Meow?
- Meow!
And "D" is for?
And "E" is for?
"E" is for?
Come on, Davey, say it.
say it!
"E" is for?
- Elephant!
- Stop, Momma!
Say hello to the elephant!
Stop it!
Say hello to the elephant.
Say hello to the elephant!
Say hello to the elephant!
Now I lay me down to sleep ♪
The world lies still
as shadows creep ♪
It's okay. It's okay.
Breathe. Just breathe.
When I look up
from my pillow ♪
I dream you are there ♪
With me ♪
Though you are far away ♪
I know you'll always
be near to me ♪
I go to sleep ♪
Sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
I go to sleep, sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
I look around me ♪
And feel you are
ever so close ♪
To me ♪
Though tears that flow ♪
From my eyes ♪
Bring back memories of you ♪
To me ♪
I go to sleep ♪
Sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
I go to sleep, sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
With me ♪
Do you, um
Do you remember
anything about it?
Do you remember
what it was about?
Don't worry, I'm fine.
It's already fading.
But thank you
for saving me.
And as a reward,
you get one kiss.
One is cheap.
I know.
I'm cheap.
Uh uh one.
- Mm-mm.
- One.
- With you.
- You have a meeting.
- You have a meeting.
- I have a meeting.
You have a meeting.
- I have a meeting.
- You have a meeting.
Yeah, yeah. Okay.
You're gonna be super late
for your meeting.
No, 'cause I can sneak in.
Michelle just got her
three-month fob?
She just talks, and talks,
and talks, and talks.
That's pretty mean.
You haven't been
in a room with her.
Something bothering you?
Yeah, actually. Um
You don't have to tell me
everything about your dreams.
I understand that
we all have difficult shit
that we don't wanna share.
Just don't lie to me about them.
About having them.
And-- And--
And talk to someone--
not me, just someone.
Yeah. Yeah, of course.
I will.
I promise.
What'd you mean
she just died in her sleep?
I don't know.
She was fine a minute ago.
Okay, what did she have?
A heart attack? A stroke?
What happened?
I don't know! Okay?
I don't know!
- Hey. Hey.
- You're crazy!
- I'm really sorry--
You're trippin', dog.
What the fuck is going on?
She's gone through
a lot, okay?
Do you have a car?
I need to get
to a police station.
I don't think
what's happening here
is isolated.
No one's responding
to our phone calls--
the CDC, the feds.
Hell no!
Listen, I'm sorry, lady,
but we've been up doing
this Batman shit all night.
This is crazy!
I'm fittin' to go home!
Oh, you've been up
doing "Batman shit"?
We've had kids,
healthy people,
drop dead for no reason.
You think that's normal?
Look, the police station
is just 10 minutes
down the road.
And what are we gonna do
if we get home?
Just go to bed?
This is bullshit, man.
Get the car.
Oh. I'm Dave, by the way.
And this is Matteo.
Nice to meet you.
- Stop the car.
- Wait.
I can't-- Hold on--
No, don't pull over.
Stop the car.
- Let me out.
- Why?
Now! Let me out of the car!
- Whoa.
- Okay, all right.
What's up?
Yo, everything cool?
I don't know, man.
Man, let's leave her.
Let's go.
- Hey.
- Wait.
Where is everyone?
What the hell, man?
Jesus Christ.
It's hit the whole town.
- Whoa! Shit!
Yo, what the fuck?
If anyone's out there,
they'll hear that and come.
You got a strap?
You just out here
busting chops broad day?
What the hell kind
of psycho nurse is this, bro?
Wait, wait, wait!
somebody come.
Anybody home?
Is anybody home?
Any survivors?
I checked every house
on this side of the street.
Were all the victims
lying in bed?
Yeah, mostly.
I mean, some were
on their couches.
Do you have any idea
what's going on here?
Some sort of virus,
a pathogen.
But, whatever it is,
I think it's triggered by sleep.
Excuse me?
Think about it.
Your friends.
Everyone at the hospital.
People we're finding now.
Every single one of them
died in their sleep.
I mean, that's impossible.
This-- This is crazy.
So, what? We're just supposed
to stay awake forever?
Forget going
to the police station.
If it hit the whole town,
we've gotta let people know.
Call anyone you think
might be awake,
tell 'em not to go to sleep.
Hey, you've reached Katie.
Leave a message.
Katie, it's me.
I know you said
you needed some space,
but this isn't about us.
Don't go to sleep.
Whatever you do,
you have to stay awake, okay?
And call me when you get this.
Hey, you've reached Katie.
Leave a message.
Look, we have to warn
anyone who might be awake.
People who work night shifts.
We have to reach out to them
And what do you have in mind?
I don't know.
No one's picking up.
But somewhere local.
Somewhere where
we can get the word out.
Got an idea.
This is live.
Right now.
The radio station?
Late-night Larry--
broadcasts all night
till eight a.m.
It's just up on Montgomery.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Let's go!
Hey, can we swing
by Katie's first?
I just need
to see if she's
- I just need to check on her.
- Of course.
Buckle up, boys and girls.
It's dead.
Can you fix it?
Yeah, I think so,
just give me a minute.
- Come on. Come on.
- Katie, holy shit!
Katie, listen--
Dave, I need you
to listen to me. Okay?
You can't just keep
calling like this.
Please, I--
I really just need
to figure shit out.
Wait. No, Katie,
there's something going on.
Let me explain.
No, Dave. Look, I just
I-- I need space.
No, this is more important.
I need you
to really respect that.
And, when I am ready to talk,
I will let you know.
I'm going to bed.
I am exhausted.
So, please,
respect my privacy.
Look, Katie--
Katie? Katie?
- God!
Matteo, we gotta go!
I've narrowed it down
to the fan or the water pump.
Just give me, like, 20 minutes.
- Dave!
- Dave!
- Man, where you going?
- Katie's!
What? That's, like,
three, four miles away!
You can't run for shit!
Come on.
Come on,
you son of a bitch, unscrew.
Radio station isn't picking up.
- Oh, shit!
- What?
I just
No, what?
Hey, can you
Can you, like, make some
small talk, or something?
You do realize that
we're in the middle
of the end of the world, right?
Yes. I'm aware.
But, you know,
if you want me to fix this car,
a little distraction
might go a long way.
Army, right?
Air Force.
But, yeah.
How'd you know?
We got a lot of veterans
coming into the ICU.
Domestic disturbances.
DUIs. Bar fights.
Uncle Sam's finest.
You know what?
On second thought,
a little quiet might be nice.
Attitude problem.
Must have slept in.
So, we got a long song for you
while ol' Larry takes
a little siesta.
I'm not gonna lie,
I'm still kinda offended
about what you said
about us veterans.
You know,
we're not all assholes.
Just 50%, like everybody else.
Well, since
you're the only one left alive,
I guess that makes it 100%.
Man, that's dark.
I mean, you don't
believe that, do you?
That we're the only ones.
I'm sure that there are
other people out there.
We just need to find them.
Fix the car and go.
Start praying to whatever god
you believe in,
'cause here we go.
And they said we're just
a bunch of dumb grunts.
Not all of you, okay?
All right,
let's get out of here.
Katie? Katie!
Come on!
All right.
Anybody here?
Oh, no.
Oh, shit! Hey!
Larry! Hey, come on, man!
Get up!
Larry, no!
Come on!
This is some bullshit. No!
Matteo, he's dead.
This man
This man was a legend.
I mean, he single-handedly
revolutionized radio.
Okay, I am sorry for your loss,
but can we figure this out?
You're a cold-hearted bitch.
I swear to God.
What the hell
are you doing here?
Something's happening.
It-- It's hit the whole town.
People are dying.
Dave, you're not making sense.
I-- I know I'm not.
It's sleep!
If you go to sleep,
you aren't gonna wake up.
What are you talking about?
Katie, Randy's dead!
Dave, you're not making sense.
I'm just gonna
I'm gonna call 911.
Just don't move.
You can call anybody,
no one's gonna answer!
Hold on. I've done this before,
just give me a moment.
Your call cannot be completed
as dialed.
Please check the number
and dial again.
It's not going through.
Yeah, I know.
- Hey!
- Dave!
- Anybody!
- Dave, stop it!
Fire! Run!
Dave, stop!
Where is everyone?
Where are your neighbors?
Shouldn't someone be coming out
in the hallway by now?
Okay, good luck.
This is an emergency broadcast.
If you are hearing this,
do not go to sleep.
Stay awake.
I repeat, do not go to sleep.
We are in the middle
of a deadly pandemic
that is triggered by sleep.
If you are hearing this,
go to the Santa Mira Hospital.
- This is an emergency
Is it real?
It's real.
People are dying.
Dave, I couldn't sleep.
I took pills.
I took some sleeping pills.
I repeat,
if you are hearing this,
go to the Santa Mira Hospital.
Do not go to sleep,
you will die.
Someday ♪
We will know ♪
Someday ♪
We will go ♪
Traveling ♪
With the aid
of some sweet spirit ♪
As our guide ♪
We'll take a cosmic ride ♪
And reach the other side ♪
Someday ♪
We'll be free ♪
Someday ♪
We will be ♪
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