The Empress (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

The Arrival

Please make it stop,
If Satan will devour me ♪
Oh, let all the angels sing ♪
This child shall not be harmed ♪
Today is an important day.
Come. Rise, Your Highness.
Your Majesty, it's the Countess.
Shall I take care of it?
No, admit her.
Your Majesty.
This is not a good time.
You left me no choice.
You've ignored all my letters.
Our situation has been resolved.
And you think you can just cast me off?
I made you a generous offer, Countess.
You said you needed me.
Your Majesty?
The Imperial bride will arrive imminently.
It's over.
Well, the great day is upon us.
Duchess Elisabeth
will arrive any moment, ladies.
The entire world
will be watching tomorrow's ceremony.
And you are here
to ensure that our future Empress's
every need is satisfied.
What on earth are you thinking?
We are in Vienna, not in Versailles.
I always start off
with more of you than I need.
The next few weeks
will determine who is up to the task.
She will be given whatever she needs,
so we in turn, are given what we need.
A radiant empress.
I want to know everything.
What she eats, drinks, thinks.
And when she bleeds. Everything.
The Empress-in-waiting is due presently.
So, my ladies,
welcome to the Viennese Court.
Franz wrote her 44 letters.
Can you imagine?
How it goes remains to be seen.
How so? They love each other.
Don't they?
Love on its own is never enough, Luzi.
Does Franz know that's what you think?
Well, we all have things that we hide.
Do we not, Luziwuzi?
In a line, quickly!
The coaches are arriving.
She comes!
Only the most attractive people
at the front. All must be perfect.
There will be no surprises, Highness.
There's no such thing as surprises,
just a lack of foresight.
Elisabeth, a word of advice.
Here at court,
do not speak your mind all the time.
I can look after myself.
And Franz loves me as I am.
And this here is you?
At last, you're here.
The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness.
We have an awful lot to do.
The people can barely wait to see you.
Tomorrow you will ride to the wedding
in the glass coach. It's tradition.
In two hours, you'll have
a dancing lesson with the Emperor.
Johann Strauss
has composed a waltz for you.
But first, we need to change your attire.
Here we are.
Be so kind as to take Their Highnesses
for a walk in our new rose garden.
Certainly. This way, please.
Helene, please wait.
She will not talk to me.
Not a single word.
Only God
could offer us forgiveness, Elisabeth.
The rest is vanity.
And a waste of time.
These are your chambers.
Chief Court Mistress,
Countess Esterhazy.
She knows the protocol
and the court better than I.
She will run your royal household
and see to everything.
It is my honour, Your Royal Highness.
May I introduce you to your court ladies?
Chosen from the best families in the realm
to engage your mind and spirit.
They will grant your every wish.
Countess Amalia von Salm-Reifferscheidt.
She speaks six languages and is skilled
at embroidery and portraiture.
She has served here for many years.
It is my great honour,
Your Royal Highness.
I have greatly longed for this moment.
Countess Charlotte von Stubenberg.
She is the most exquisite harpist.
Your Highness!
You're prettier than in your portrait.
Forgive me, I'm very excited.
Countess Leontine von Apafi.
From the distant land of Siebenbürgen.
Her French is excellent.
She is most skilled at reading aloud.
I brought my favourite books for you.
Do you know Werther?
Your Highness.
I'm Elisabeth.
No! No touching!
And, please, no first names,
Your Royal Highness.
Please, if you would.
These are the latest styles.
Paris, Milan, Saint Petersburg.
I picked them all out for you myself.
So many shoes.
Alas, they're not your size, Leontine.
An Empress may not wear
the same pair of shoes twice.
At the end of each day, they're discarded.
That's such a waste.
This is Schönbrunn.
How strange that the chest
with your shoes is still yet to come.
Today, we must try on
your ensemble for the dance,
tonight's dinner,
and, of course, for the wedding.
There is much to do,
but with a little discipline,
we shall succeed.
Do you like it?
It has been in our family
for hundreds of years.
Mama, come here!
Catch me!
Your Imperial Highness.
Your Highness,
the cabinet is waiting for you
in the conference room.
It's urgent.
Well, then
I'll leave you for a time.
I do hope this is important.
France and England
have entered the war against Russia.
Since yesterday, the Russian army
has been under fire near Odessa.
Your Majesty must choose a side,
or else a side will surely choose us.
It is absolutely imperative
we consolidate our forces.
If I may.
This year's expenses for the military
have put our budget
under considerable strain.
Were we to enter this war,
it would leave no funds for anything else.
- I expected nothing less from you, Bach.
- Von Bach.
What on earth do you need funds for?
A home for orphaned women?
What could be more crucial right now
than the defence of our soil?
This is not about defence,
it's an offensive.
I recommend waiting.
- The situation is far too complicated.
- Complicated?
Oh please.
May I?
Here is the French Navy
with at least ten ships
with three or four decks.
Off the Crimean coast, the British.
Nine steamers,
six gunboats and one frigate.
And here
The grapes, if you would.
The Russian infantry and fleet.
The Tsar will be destroyed by the French,
no question. With or without us.
And if you ask me, Majesty,
looking to the West is the way.
We can learn from the English
and also the French.
We should not upset Tsar Nicholas.
Our alliance with Russia
ensures our position in Europe.
We must take a stand against the West.
We will not enter this war.
That is the Habsburg stance.
Getting involved on either side
is a waste of money and lives.
I have other plans for our empire.
The ambassadors
from Paris and St. Petersburg
are here in Vienna for the wedding.
They will want to know
what side Habsburg will take.
I ask you to think again, Your Highness.
You must reconsider your stance.
You have my answer.
Now excuse me.
Your mother hates me.
Don't flatter yourself.
You're one of many voices.
When should we inform the cabinet
and the Archduchess of our plans?
We will not say a word until all is set.
Is the meeting in place?
He can only see you this evening.
I said it was the night
before your wedding.
We'll see him.
Every morning, every evening,
the Empress must have a two-hour bath.
Her hair must be combed
and braided every day.
Three hairdressers
are retained around the clock
expressly for that purpose.
Maintaining well-groomed
and radiant hair is vital,
which is why you will bathe exclusively
in a mixture of donkey's milk
and vital chaste tree,
which incidentally bolsters fertility.
Please clean
her fingernails thoroughly as well.
You have such divine skin. Like moonlight.
I'd wager the Emperor fell in love
with her eyes first.
Or her lips.
I wish I had hair as long as yours.
Leontine, what means this?
That's a task for the maids.
Of course.
Perhaps all the hair should go,
and we'll see how a wig suits her.
What is she doing?
Too tight.
Please stop now. I can't breathe.
Then it's just right.
I need to pause.
I'd like to see Franz, His Majesty.
It's not time for that yet.
Then I'll go outside. I
I need air.
Only if dressed in appropriate attire.
What's she doing?
Where she goes, we go.
Is it true
some of us will be dismissed?
the Empress has six attendees.
There are ten of us.
Some will be weeded out.
Who will stay then?
Indispensable ones.
What is she doing?
Have you ever seen
such a creature?
He's looking at you.
I'm new here.
Not the bird. The Archduke.
He's terribly good-looking, isn't he?
It is nice to see you again.
Why, thank you.
You've changed
since the engagement.
You've burst open like a little almond.
- How do you do that?
- Do what?
Give a compliment,
which is, in fact, really an insult.
- I'd be pleased to teach you.
- Thank you, but I like insults to be open.
It's divine here.
Well, at first glance, yes.
- Trying to scare me?
- Just giving you the facts.
How is the delightful baroness from Italy?
Wonderful, I hear.
She has now got herself engaged.
And you?
And I'm not.
If I may offer some advice
While you're here, stay close to me,
and you'll be all right.
I have a suspicion
that the opposite is true.
Highness, your dance lesson.
You must excuse me.
"The river with its savage course.
The tempest is my vital force."
She's going to be a lot of work.
The poetry's not the problem.
What else is there?
These books are banned in our realm.
I loathe to have to say it,
but the girl lacks
all understanding and discipline.
I heard
how she greeted the Emperor.
And just now,
she even abandoned a fitting.
So what to do then?
This young lady needs a hard hand.
Then she will fit in.
Do not, Countess, scare her off.
Your Imperial Highness. Your husband.
He's here?
- Your highness.
- Karl! How nice.
Here already.
Our son only has one wedding day.
And how is life at Castle Auhof?
Good, good.
In March, I shot a twelve-point stag.
And we had new stables built.
Even a toilet.
How nice.
And here? With you in Vienna?
A little trouble with the Russian war,
but don't let that concern you.
You'll do what's for the best.
Can I do anything else for you?
I thought that we might spend
some time together tonight.
You will meet the Imperial bride.
I meant later.
Let me know then.
I'll get some rest.
Please forgive my tardiness, gentlemen.
Your Royal Highness,
if I may introduce myself.
Johann Strauss, composer.
I composed a waltz in your honour.
For the dance after the wedding.
Mr. Strauss looks like
he has a stomach ache.
Something's troubling you.
Everyone wants me
to choose a side in the war.
As quickly as possible.
But you don't want to.
I have other plans.
I'll tell you later.
Where does that door lead?
Your Majesty, I
I beg Your Highness forgiveness.
The Imperial bride
must continue to prepare.
Of course.
If you would kindly come with me.
My dear Countess.
- Good day.
- Do you have the shoes with you?
They're hard to come by. It cost.
I need them by tonight at the latest.
Amalia is sticking to me like a fly.
I'll get some for you.
I swear.
What's it like?
They all want to be close to her.
And a place for themselves at court
like a flock of birds.
You're cold.
It's so warm.
I have a chill.
They do not wear undergarments here.
How they survive, I have no idea.
They'll all die.
You haven't told me what she's like.
The Empress.
What do you think she is?
She's scum.
Like they all are.
She needs to trust you
more than the others.
She will.
What is still to be done?
Follow me.
- Wait. You've dropped
- Your Royal Highness.
If you please.
You can keep the dress on.
This won't take long.
What won't take long?
Dr. Fritsch will confirm
the Imperial bride's purity
and her ability to produce an heir.
- It is my honour, Your Royal Highness.
- The final decision rests with our lord.
He alone decides
who has a seat on the throne.
As of tomorrow,
you are a vessel of His will.
His Excellency,
the Archbishop Rauscher.
If you would be kind enough to lie down.
Position her legs.
The doctor is nearly finished.
Everything looks healthy.
Evidence of chastity
is the most important thing.
Get off me!
I'm unsullied.
The doctor needs to confirm that.
I couldn't see it.
It is there.
You ride, do you not?
Do you understand what that means?
- That is indeed possible.
- No proof of chastity, no marriage.
I believe in the bride's purity.
Although, her hymen is not fully intact.
May kings issue from your loins
and make all the world your subjects.
Your Majesty, your brother.
You wanted to see me?
Let me work the diplomats tomorrow.
- They do not know what you're planning.
- Are you an earnest?
Company, left!
What are you saying?
For weeks,
I've been at your side advising you,
but you keep listening
to that weasel von Bach.
And halt!
First Lieutenant Krall gave his arm
to the Empire during the revolution.
How nice.
He has two daughters,
Agnes and Emilie.
Agnes was impregnated
by a young man
who had no intention of marrying her.
She died in childbirth.
Emilie fell prey to the same young man.
Overcome with despair,
she fell from her roof
and is now in a sanatorium.
As we don't know the identity
of the young man, all we can do is ensure
the First Lieutenant
and his family are taken care of.
A title and an annual pension.
That way, the First Lieutenant
can forget all of this.
And no longer feel compelled
to talk about it.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
- Franz, I had no idea they were sisters.
- You must adhere to the rules.
Or you'll destroy us.
There she is.
You look most enchanting.
We haven't had the pleasure.
Karl, your future father-in-law.
Delighted. It is an honour to meet you.
She only lets me be seen
on certain occasions.
I spend most of my time in the country.
That sounds familiar.
You look beautiful.
How was your day?
Helene not here?
She sends her regrets.
I didn't recognize you.
Is that a good thing?
You tell me.
why don't you come and join us?
Well, of course,
war can be quiet meaningful.
And get the rabble off the streets.
War is a last resort, not a distraction.
And we'll give
the people meaning tomorrow, won't we?
Have you met the Imperial bride,
Your Excellency?
I've already had the honour.
I had the duty
of assessing the young lady's virtue.
And it gives me great pleasure
to say, Your Majesty,
when it comes to an heir,
you have nothing to fear.
At least there was one of us
who got some pleasure from it.
His Excellency was doing his duty.
I'm sorry that the sacred ritual
made you uncomfortable.
So it was a sacred ritual?
How foolish of me. It felt like two men
looking under my frock.
Pardon me, Maman. Sorry.
You seem upset, my child.
I am not at all.
Is everything all right, Elisabeth?
Perhaps the bride needs some rest.
I'm sure that's not necessary.
- I
- Franz.
It's been a long day for her.
And we all want everything to go well,
do we not?
A bit of repose
would do you good, Elisabeth.
No. Please, I
Perhaps it's better you get your rest.
- But
- I must insist.
If I may permit myself an observation.
Countess Esterhazy
has left me in charge of your court
as I am particularly adept.
I know the tricks,
what can be said, and to whom.
I will always be here to help you.
I thank you.
Highness, some other ladies at court
They're only really here
to find a husband.
They come and go.
I live for this life.
I am here purely to serve.
Whatever you need, just say it.
Can you tell me what this is?
I found it on the floor in the palace.
I'm sure it's nothing really.
Shall I dispose of it for you?
I'll go and see what's going on.
You really ought to rest now,
Your Royal Highness.
Where I come from,
we set fire to those straw dummies
as symbols of mortality.
So that the Lord will protect them.
Your Royal Highness,
your teeth.
I'll do it. Thank you.
You shouldn't do that.
It'll lead to more talk.
Then you do it, please.
Definitely not.
The night before the wedding.
It is irresponsible.
Perhaps we could go anyway.
She's already asleep.
What is that?
Archduke Maximilian is having a soirée.
Here's your invitation.
And us. We're invited too.
Countess Esterhazy said
the bride should not leave her chambers
the night before the wedding.
We should leave.
That's Franz!
They say when he plays,
it's like you're taken to heaven.
Absinthe, milady?
What is this?
Perhaps you'd rather a tea, Your Highness.
Enjoying yourself?
Do not mind.
Rauscher the lech is not lurking.
Is Franz here?
Not as far as I know.
- Is that a reason to go?
- No.
I'd like you to meet my good friend.
Just arrived from Weimar.
Maestro, the Empress-in-waiting.
For you, Your Highness.
Are we too late?
Well, he said he'd be here at midnight.
I am here.
Mr. Stephenson.
His Majesty, the Emperor.
It's an honour.
And get back now
before they notice anything.
I want you to build a major railway.
Like you built in England.
And Egypt,
and the one you're building in Norway.
I want to connect the people of my empire.
Bring prosperity.
This is not enough.
Austria needs this railway.
The whole wide world needs a railway.
That is sure to cost.
Give me three days.
You'll get the entire sum.
I hear you're planning to get involved
in the war for the Ottoman Empire.
That's sure to be of great cost.
We're not going to war.
I will get more money before you depart.
Sit down.
Do you like it?
Your mother gave it to me.
It belonged
to my great-aunt Maria Antonia.
Marie Antoinette?
She was still wearing it
when the guillotine cut off her head.
My family has a talent
for using pretty things for ugly purposes.
Why are you still here
if you hate this court so much?
I have often tried to leave.
The first time that we met, I thought
a life like this would suit you better.
That I would suit you better.
I marry tomorrow.
It is not too late.
You should see your face.
Did you believe that?
You've never been in love, have you?
I love your brother.
And yet somehow you're here.
Will you never speak to me again?
How many times must I apologize?
I'm sorry.
- You know I'm sorry.
- You're drunk.
I am.
That's not the behaviour
of an empress-to-be.
Today has been very hard.
I am sorry that you thought
it would be easier.
You always do this.
When life gets difficult, you run away.
You are a child, Sisi.
Do you know who you've become?
Our mother.
I give their newfound love three months.
What do you think?
I'm not second prize.
I told my husband I want to be alone.
It is not Karl.
It is a Prince von Vasa?
Your Imperial Highness,
what should I say to him?
Who is he?
Tell him to come in.
Your Imperial Highness.
Prince von Vasa.
How long has it been? Ten years?
And you're still wearing that fox.
I do not discard old things
as hastily as you.
The last man who spoke
to me like that was hanged.
Something to drink?
Does he love her?
As the sparrow loves daybreak.
A marriage born of love.
Is that allowed?
We're trying something new.
So why exactly did you invite me
to this wedding?
The whole of Europe is invited.
Is it perhaps because it's my son
who is to be married in the morning?
So many questions, Prince von Vasa.
You should take a breath.
Your Imperial Highness.
I bid you goodnight.
Will I see you tomorrow?
Will I get an answer?
What do you mean
she's not in her bed?
This is dereliction of duty.
What is that?
No, surely not.
Get her out of here.
- They're all waiting.
- I don't care.
Good grief.
Please leave us for a moment alone.
You must be enjoying all this.
I thought I would.
But I don't.
Mmm. You smell like old champagne!
You too.
I like your short hair.
You look gorgeous.
I'm sorry for what I said.
Me too.
Please tell me I'm not like Mother.
You're not.
I hope he's worth all this.
You'll get used to the circus.
I meant losing you.
You have not lost me.
Do you have to return to Bayern?
Will you stay here at court for a while?
I don't know who to trust here.
What is it, Theo?
It would appear that the Imperial bride
had an argument with your brother.
My brother?
She was quite distraught.
My ladies, wonderful.
my congratulations.
Please, will you take care of her?
Elisabeth! Elisabeth!
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