The End (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Toxic Shock Syndrome

They call me Doctor Worm
Good morning, how are you?
I'm Doctor Worm
I'm interested in things
I'm not a real doctor
But I am a real worm
I am an actual worm
I live like a worm
I like to play the drums
I think I'm getting good
But I can handle criticism
I'll show you what I know. ♪
I'm only calling
to say I'm still here.
Good, Mum.
Excellent effort.
Yeah. For the moment.
How anyone can choose
to endure like this.
Yeah, it's going to be a hot one.
You should probably
turn on the air-con.
Oh, should I?
I hadn't thought of that.
If you can find it
within yourself
to pop by for five minutes,
I would appreciate
Has the coroner been in yet?
Later today.
It's pretty self-explanatory.
Jesus, Beth.
I'm still here.
"We will neither hasten
nor prolong death."
I need to talk to you.
Now, that is the underpinning,
the central tenet,
the heartbeat of Palliative Care.
Now, anyone know actually
what the fuck it means?
It had to happen to one of us first.
It just happened to be me.
But you're not, like,
super developed.
My sister, she got hair before
I can show you the blood
if you need evidence.
You should all take a few,
in case we're in sync.
Ladies, I can't be any clearer.
If you don't have a note
from your parent or guardian,
you're getting in the water.
We're menstruating.
Then you're all on detention.
You're punishing us?
We will not apologise for our bodies.
We can bleed!
We can
PSA - there was an accident
in there this morning.
It's not always this empty.
I'm Pamela, by the way.
How're you finding the place?
Heaven on earth.
With cockroaches
that want to kill you.
I suppose they could
if you swallowed one of them?
Crawled in to your mouth
while you were sleeping?
Bit of extra protein
Oh god. This bloody country.
No offence.
Oh, we are but convicts and savages.
You homesick?
Well, there are some quality people
if you wade through the crap.
Dawn, Queen Bee
of the pearl necklace set.
She'll put you through your paces
but if you want it badly enough
Personally, I'd rather be stung
by actual bees
but the allure
of gated community power.
I didn't mean to scare you off.
No, it'sthe sun.
Are you worried about skin cancer?
I shouldn't have confiscated it.
I mean, legally it's their property.
Don't fixate on the Nembutal.
The family is not gonna sue for that.
They're gonna sue you
for not ordering a Psych Eval.
Yes, I know, I know.
I should have.
So, how did you write it up?
Uh, ideation.
Some emotional distress.
I just kept it
Vague is good.
The coroner is gonna be good.
It's all good.
Why don't I come this afternoon
and stop the little pricks
from burning you at the stake?
That would be great, thanks.
So, am I taking you to lunch?
You've got your ducklings.
Oh, I'm at serious risk
of shagging an undergraduate,
which you're not allowed
to do anymore.
But, no, seriously.
Look at the pics that they send me.
I don't want to see that.
Alright, so soon then, yeah?
It's gonna be OK.
You got a little too close this time.
Kate speaking.
The maintenance guy's
still scooping.
It would have shot
the filter system.
And I will pay for any
and all damage.
So if that's it?
I think Mr Cutler,
you found this confronting?
Look, Mrs Brennan.
Doctor Brennan. Or Kate.
Look, I'm not squeamish.
The fact is,
your daughter's a bully.
I know your husband
has got his own issues
but she needs discipline.
Thank you, Mr Cutler.
No, no, no, I appreciate the insight
into what my daughter needs.
And if we ever need someone
to come over and be a man,
I will keep you in mind.
I remember grazing my knee
at Little Aths.
I might've gotten confused
with some of the blood there.
Or do you think I'm acting out
because Dad's in jail
and you're pretending
he never existed?
Seph, I need you to work with me.
I can't afford therapy
for both of you.
I know that's unfair
but it's just the way it is.
If that finger so much
as touches that nose.
Oh good, you're here.
I need to talk to a solicitor.
We got to get the money
back on this place.
Ew Nanna.
You're all gross and sticky.
I thought you two
could dress a tree?
You're not listening.
It's five star, Mum,
it's a resort.
It's not just the place,
it's the people.
Well, a chance to branch out.
Listen, I'm going to be back
in a couple of hours.
Oh, free babysitting. I see.
That's the point of me.
Yes, that is my ulterior motive,
to exploit you. Elder abuse.
I don't want the girls
relying on me.
For their sakes.
Because you're not long
for this world?
I'm serious,
I don't want them to get attached.
I have to go to work now.
You need to take the Zoloft.
It only works if you take it.
Please don't go. Don't go.
Don't leave me alone with her.
Oh god, I'm not asking you
to bake scones.
Just be a fucking grandmother.
Why is it so hot in here?
Leave that.
It doesn't work.
Got him.
We have now arrived at
Beth's advice from beyond the grave.
Life lesson number one.
Wear a bikini now.
This is as good as you'll ever look.
How could it all fall in one day? ♪
Life lesson number two.
Nah, that's all of it.
Just wear a bikini.
Were we too sure of the sun?
If you need to
Keep time on me
If you need to
Keep time on me. ♪
Why do you keep it in there?
I like it cold.
Doesn't water freeze?
Nanna, when did you start
Nice girls don't talk
about things like that.
Oberon was 11.
That's when he started
cutting himself
and wearing cardigans in the summer.
We would've put him on the
puberty-blocking hormones back then
but Mum really dropped the ball.
Persephone, would you go out
and play, please?
But I have to look after you.
Out! I have a headache.
Look. Bless.
"I'm just a fattie
looking for love."
No. Wedding ring. Four kids.
Always the ones in the closet, babe,
adorably pre-Grindr vintage.
And hello there Tiny Gaysian.
Right on time.
That's three for three.
You have a gift.
You're Nostradamus.
I have a sick sense.
And I sense that it's time for
Where did you get those?
Mark has a friend.
Hi honey. So, just checking, um,
did you take your pill?
Yeah, Kate, I took them.
Oh good. You sound good.
Is it a good day today?
Yeah, but I gotta go.
Gotta learn big things.
What happened to it?
Dismal failure.
I'm an arranger of skin.
It's a passion.
I was defrosting
andmust've forgot.
Left him in the sun too long.
My dog kills possums
to assert dominance.
Smart dog.
The Ancient Egyptians believed
a soul could live forever
if only it could find
its body after death.
So embalming became essential
in order to live forever.
This is the best room I've ever seen.
Do you have to wait for them to die
of natural causes?
Of course. Taxidermists
are animal lovers, not murderers.
Must take a lot of patience.
Go on and close the curtains
'Cause all we need is candlelight
You and me and a bottle of wine
To hold you tonight
Oh yeah
Well we know I'm going away
And how I wish,
I wish it weren't so
So take this wine and drink with me
And let's delay our misery
Save tonight
And fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow,
tomorrow I'll be gone
Save tonight
And fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow,
tomorrow I'll be gone. ♪
As long as it's attached,
I don't care.
OK, no, if you can design it,
you have a duty.
OK, I'm thinking eight inches
straight with a slight curvature
Yes! OK, you're having a black cock.
And I'm donating my womb
to a woman in need.
OK, fuck off with the women in need.
Donate it to me. Then you and I
could have a baby together.
With my black cock and your womb!
We would be the greatest parents.
Mark wants to see me.
Am I too fucked?
Or just fucked enough?
OK, listen, listen, listen,
there will be a bus here
in 12.5 minutes.
You should keep your womb.
Twink World is brutal.
Lesbians are way more forgiving.
There's something burning
in your chest
Hand on the knife
when there's nothing left
For you to aim for your heart ♪
You need a top-up?
Oh, no, I'm driving.
Oh, well, you can have one.
I don't drink.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That's alright.
How do you know our Elizabeth?
I was one of her doctors.
Of course. But we've met.
I'm the grandmother.
Oh, hello.
Oh, she loves you.
Beth spoke so highly of you.
She said you were one
of the great ones.
Oh. She was one
of the great patients.
Get out.
I just came to pay my respects.
No. Fuck off.
I'm sorry.
I'm just so incredibly sorry.
Best be leaving now, love.
I'll just be a sec.
Why the fuck would you come here?
I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
She died alone. On the floor.
You did that.
Welcome Basket.
All the essentials
to survive your stay.
We've got champagne,
we've got gin, bug spray, Xanax
They go on about this
being a five-star establishment
but who gives a fuck really
about the aqua aerobics, right?
What kind of gin?
Sorry, I got held up.
Oh, you're good.
You won't be on for a while.
Sorry, sorry.
Suck it up, OK?
These pricks smell fear.
You've called Dr Kate Brennan.
I'm unavailable to take your call
right now but
Find the sternum.
Nice incision.
Where's Mum?
Peel it back like a banana skin.
She's not answering
and I need a lift.
Mum's at work.
So get a taxi.
I'm clawing off my fucking skin
here, Seph.
It's really bad.
OK, breathe and drop-pin me
your address. I'll come get you.
You don't need to.
Do it.
Thanks heaps for the lesson.
Jesus, you are the one
I'll sing for you
We travel on
Jesus, just stay with me. ♪
If you won't take me, I'll Uber.
No one's Ubering anywhere.
It's my granddaughter, Titania.
She's nearly 16.
She'll be fine.
He won't be.
You don't know.
I've got a car. I can drive.
Does Oberon often need your help?
She's very emotional.
She's like my daughter.
Some people are just wired that way.
Last year I had to call an ambulance.
Oh, that must've been scary.
I had to keep a tea towel
on his wrist
so it meant dialling with one hand.
Your mother never told me that.
She re-did the ensuite.
It's yellow now.
Persephone, do you have
your seatbelt on?
Excuse me.
Excuse me, please.
Excuse me.
I can't believe
everyone's just standing around.
Has anyone called
the fire department?
It's not a cat up a tree.
She says she can't move.
Of course, he can move.
Oberon, you're choosing not to move.
What's the specific issue?
"Pain demands to be felt."
I'm sorry?
It's a 'Fault In Our Stars' quote.
Such a good movie.
Well, it's rubbish.
Pain is far better ignored,
believe me.
You got yourself up there,
so you can get yourself down.
Am I missing something?
Why wouldn't you request visual obs?
I have a long history
with the patient.
I didn't think she was at risk.
Obviously, this was a mistake
in judgment on my part.
Or outside of your expertise
given you are not
a mental health professional.
Show me an MND patient
in Palliative Care
who doesn't ideate
from time to time.
She'd done more than ideate.
Mrs Carlisle
had procured a substance,
presumably at expense
and difficulty
Which Dr Brennan had disposed of.
But didn't report.
This is not a story anyone needs,
"Come to hospital and hang yourself,
we can't manage your pain."
Sorry. I have an urgent page
for Dr Brennan.
You're needed in ED.
I don't think we're finished here.
It's a family emergency.
I'm sorry, I have to, um,
will you excuse me?
Of course.
This way.
Guys, what happened?
Kathy, you made it.
Oberon fell out of the Surfers sign.
Relax. It's only fractured.
Five stitches.
I think this is psilocybin
but who can tell?
Everything's so
pharmaceutical these days.
Hallucinogens? Seriously?
This is what you're doing?
Did I not say
she would catastrophise?
You know you don't have
the brain chemistry
that can handle any alteration.
Jesus. It wasn't like an attempt.
Persephone, why don't we check out
the vending machine?
It's not like I was trying
to kill myself.
Yeah, but you could've, sweetheart.
A girl came in here the other day.
She took one E,
bam, stroke, dead.
It's that easy.
It's not easy.
Dying isn't easy.
I've tried.
Edie tried.
She threw herself
off a freaking window.
Can we talk about that, please?
Yeah, we can. Uh, Nanna?
Would you care to shed some light?
What is it that you want to ask me?
Did it hurt?
Not much.
Were you scared?
Mainly of it not working.
And then
..what I'd look like
when people found me.
I was scared of that, too.
I didn't want Mum
to have to clean up.
It's different for me.
Because it is.
You've got your whole, big life.
She is not a role model.
The real issue that needs addressing
is those children
are not being parented.
Oh, my god.
You've been here five minutes.
And I can see that they are lost.
Say what you will, but I was there
every night for you and your sister.
Look, this is who you get.
You'll notice
that Charlotte isn't here.
I'm the daughter who actually
Your sister's got her own struggles.
Great, fine,
and I will look after you
but Mum, I moved
to the other side of the world
to get away from your toxic shit,
so, yeah, fine,
you don't have to babysit anymore
because I don't want that shit
anywhere near my kids.
How can a generation be so entitled?
I never had parents
offering to babysit.
I never even had a car.
I need some of these for my
Welcome Baskets.
Bit of micro-dosing.
Aren't they terribly dangerous?
No thanks.
The science is sound.
Grow your own neural pathways.
Change your brain.
What are they meant to do to you?
They make everything beautiful.
I'm entitled to privacy!
Everyone's had too much privacy.
I want visual obs.
And you can wipe that smile
because your door
is coming off next.
Oh yeah.
It's starting.
I missed the 70s.
I never came to Surrey.
I always regretted that.
It was fun.
It was great much fun.
I had the best tits in Melbourne.
Well, South Yarra.
Leave behind
Just to delicate to ♪
Oh god.
The time we had discovered it
Things, they seem ♪
So pretty.
In my mind, we were experimenting
Passes on the right
Still life
Takes you for a ride ♪
Hey, Katie.
Yeah, the fat fucks,
they've asked you to go on leave,
just while it's under investigation.
But, hey, we're gonna fight it, OK?
We're gonna fight it.
I promise you that.
I'm a mermaid.
I'm a glow-worm.
Watch me glow.
Captioned by Ai-Media
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