The Envoys (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

El diablo apoyó la cola

My boy. Metzi. Open your eyes.
It's OK.
I'm here.
Badi, I'm scared.
Don't be afraid, my boy.
You were in one
of your absences,
but I'm here now.
Open your eyes.
I don't want those dreams.
Turn on the light.
- Will you stay with me?
- Yes.
Here, lie down.
Lie down here.
That's it.
My boy
- Thank you, Badi.
- You're welcome.
Mrs. Lety.
What's wrong?
Can you believe the boy had
an episode against last night?
I've already told you
not to encourage him
in those things again, Badi.
If you pay attention to him,
he's going to keep doing it.
But But ma'am, look,
the boy sees things.
He drew the fire
in the factory six months ago,
way before it happened.
Badi, please.
There are fires every day.
The boy isn't seeing things.
He just has
too much imagination.
And it doesn't help
that you spend all day
telling him stories
about Boquia, Yosipa
o Bimazofo either.
The boy absorbs everything
like a sponge.
- But look at what he drew
- I said it's enough.
Stop it. Stop playing
along with the boy.
I don't want to see these
drawings in my house again.
Is that clear?
Badi, what is this?
Those are your absences, boy.
I save them
because I'm trying to
What did I tell you, Badi?
Again with the same thing?
I can't believe it.
Come, darling. Wait here.
- I was very clear, Badi.
- I'm just trying to help, ma'am.
Well, you're doing the opposite.
I'm sorry,
but I can't tolerate this.
You have to go.
- I need
- I'm sorry. Forgive me.
Yes, unfortunately, we managed
to find him inside the house.
Right now, he's being moved.
Yes, affirmative.
All the required
investigations were conducted.
So be it.
We proceed to the removal.
R10. Fathers!
It's good to see you!
Before you leave,
can you explain to me
what are you doing here?
Who authorized you?
We just came here to see
I would like to ask you
what are you doing, officer?
How is it possible
that two priests
found the missing woman dead
in her home and not the police?
I thought that,
since you are Mexican,
you were going to understand
the language more clearly.
I don't know how to tell
you anymore. Stay out of this!
Well, I'm so sorry,
we have a mission to carry out.
- No
- Yes, I'm a doctor
and I demand to be present
in Elena's autopsy.
Be careful, Father.
- Why?
- Commissioner
Don't tell me
you're threatening a priest.
What a coincidence
that when the Vatican
sends two little priests
to do an interview,
the saint disappears
and the girlfriend
kills herself, isn't it?
Well, look, maybe we're just two
little priests, as you say,
but I guarantee you we're here
to carry out a mission
and we're not interested
in causing you trouble
- in the least.
- Commissioner, please.
What if we start over?
I imagine you've had a very
complicated day and
How are you?
Don't intrude
in the investigation again.
Your robes
aren't worth anything here.
Well Good, right?
Not on Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, Google, Youtube.
It's alright, sister.
Calm down, please.
Calm down?
They're deleting
all the videos from the Internet
and I have to be calm?
Do you hear me?
But who is deleting the videos?
As if I knew.
I have to go, sister.
We'll speak soon. Bye.
OK, it's done.
I rented it for a week.
If we need it for a longer time,
we just call.
It doesn't have a radio
or heating,
but well,
this is all there is, right?
Nothing has heating
in this town.
I like that coherency.
Well Thank you.
Who were you talking to?
With my assistant in Rome.
Just mindless chattering.
This is the weirdest case
you've seen, right?
Or do they all end up
with mysterious disappearances
and suicides?
I've seen some cases
you cannot imagine, but
a homicide
Dismiss the suicide then.
No, I'm not dismissing it.
This is so weird.
We call her on the phone,
she tells us she's coming,
and suddenly,
we find her hanged.
OK, you don't cause
a better effect in people,
but it seems
a bit extreme to me.
Good job, Salinas.
Connecting the dots
that took us to Elena.
I can't stop thinking
about this cop
who wants to kick us
out of the town.
With what credentials?
I wanted
to talk to you about that.
Precisely because there
might have been a homicide,
we should deal with the police
with more elegance.
With elegance, you say?
Please, Father, this is
This is Mexico.
You can tell from miles away
that cop is incompetent.
We have to keep going.
I've been thinking about this.
If we continue
with the investigation
on the healings, right?
And we discover
that Quintana is legit,
that he's telling the truth.
So, somebody
definitely hurt him.
We're helping him.
If, on the other hand,
we discover that Quintana
is a liar,
the church uncovered a scammer.
It's a win-win situation.
OK. However,
we need to be more careful.
That coming from the priest
who breaks into houses.
- Without anyone realizing it!
- OK.
It's very different.
Father, we have
to emulate the Lord.
This coffee?
His fruit. The table.
The coffee shop. The town.
You. Me.
All the Lord's creations,
isn't that right?
And where is the Lord?
You've seen Him?
I haven't seen Him.
No one has seen Him.
Look at everything
He was capable of doing
without anyone looking.
Without making a noise.
Smooth. That's how we gotta be.
Why can't go up front
with the truth
Because no Lord
can protect this town.
Get it into your head.
We've come here to find out
who Quintana is,
and while we're at it,
to get out alive,
if you go against the police
here in this town
and you can say bye to Quintana.
And who says bye to us?
It's a bye-bye situation.
I don't like
your working method.
If you excuse me
I thought you were happy
with my work.
No I can explain if you want.
What are you going to explain?
It's very clear,
isn't it, Father?
You can't stand
losing authority.
You can't stand
not being number one.
- No.
- You're very upset
that I found Elena and for
being upfront with the officer.
- That's it.
- What did I
That! That! Everything has to be
in the shadows with you!
Everything has to be
behind the scenes, right?
Lying, negotiating, seducing.
How can a priest be
such a hypocrite?
Explain to me how do you
manage to be a priest like this
because I couldn't do it.
It's a disgrace for the robe
you are wearing.
Hypocrite and arrogant.
I'll get to the bottom
of this, Father.
And I'll show you
who has the authority here.
And if you don't like it,
then you leave.
I'm the local here.
Let me explain, please.
How about we speak for a moment
to smooth out the wrinkles,
Guadalupe, good morning.
it's so nice to see you.
We weren't expecting you.
We would like to speak to
the director if that's possible.
He's giving mass to the interns.
- You don't say.
- Here in the chapel.
Thank you.
Well, I think it's better
if I speak with him.
And actually, I think it would
be better if you wait outside.
I don't know if you've noticed,
but there's something about you
that irritates people.
Why have we descended
from Heaven?
Not to do as we please,
but to carry out the Will
of who sent us.
And even though the death
of our esteemed collaborator,
Santiago Balam,
seems premature,
who are we to question it?
All we have left
is to trust and pray.
And we also have to pray
for the prompt return
of our brother Father Quintana.
Ask the Lord to do His Will.
And to give us the hope
of getting good news
or the wisdom
to understand the bad ones.
How can I help you, Father?
I don't know if you've
heard about Elena.
I've already asked
for intervention
in her eternal rest.
These are too many blows,
even for this town.
That's precisely
why I'm here, Father.
I'm only here to be
at your command.
And obviously, to apologize
for my partner's behavior.
I hear he interviewed
one of your patients
without permission.
Yes, your partner, the Spaniard.
He thought he could come
here to do as he pleased.
Like every Spaniard,
he thinks we're all his Indians
and nobody told him
he was a free country.
That's right, Father.
You look like you were educated.
Thank you very much.
I should also apologize.
There's no need.
Santiago's death
This whole business
about Quintana,
your investigation,
it was a lot to digest.
Don't worry.
It's totally understandable.
- Take a seat, please.
- Thank you.
Tell me,
how can I help you, Father?
Look, despite what happened,
we have orders to continue
with the investigation
on Father Quintana's healings,
and we decided to start
with Valentina
since she was
the first alleged healed person.
Yes, I assume your partner
informed you
that Valentina is very ill,
the poor thing.
You saw when she escaped,
didn't you?
It wasn't the first time.
She's done it plenty of times.
And one of them
died in a dam nearby.
Fortunately, Quintana came here
and the rest is history.
Who kept the record of that day?
Was there an ambulance?
An officer?
Someone who might have done
an official report.
I ask you this because
that type of documentation
is very useful to us
in backing up
a miraculous event.
No, nothing.
Quintana acted when there
was nothing else to be done.
She was already dead.
And do you really believe
that he brought her back?
That he intervened for her?
I'm just a simple
servant of the Lord.
I'm no one to question things.
I don't know if Quintana
performed a miracle
or if the Lord acted through him
or if it was all
a mere coincidence.
Luckily, for everybody,
Valentina is still with us.
Blessed be the Lord.
One last question, Father.
Who pronounced Valentina dead?
Adriana Cortés.
The same doctor
that pronounced Balam dead.
What kind of business
have they set up here?
They grab the most
naive person in town,
they tell him a story
and the poor man believes it.
The doctor arrives,
confirms the death.
The priest arrives,
revives her, we have a saint,
we have a booming business,
come on, man, please.
OK. According to your theory,
that's why Quintana ran away.
I don't have
any theories, Pedro.
I have points, little threads
that I pull little by little
until I reach the heart
of the issue.
Good afternoon.
A little thread tells me
that Quintana killed his lover
so she couldn't tell on him.
And another that the
lover killed herself
so she wouldn't be found.
I can't rule out anything.
OK. Then we shouldn't rule
out that it may be all
a coincidence, right?
That is also a possibility.
That it doesn't have
a rational explanation.
That is, in fact, a miracle that
doesn't have an explanation.
Yes, it does, Pedro.
Yes, it does. For real.
Son, put that out.
You're going to end up
like your dad.
OK, mom.
Esteban, please,
I can't say anything to you.
Neither to you.
At least turn around
when I'm speaking to you.
- Son!
- Stop it, mom!
- Fathers, what a surprise.
- Good afternoon.
- Want to come in?
- Can we?
If it's no problem
Yes, thank you.
Come in.
I'm sorry to trouble you
in your home, Adriana.
We don't want
to inconvenience you.
No, not at all. Come in.
You're in your house.
Take a seat.
- I'll be right back.
- Thank you.
What are you doing?
Stop it with that music.
We have visitors.
The priests from the Vatican.
Since my husband died, the house
has been too much to handle.
We're very sorry. Was it recent?
Lung cancer with a very
aggressive metastasis.
There wasn't much left to do.
Wow, I'm very sorry, Adriana,
but we don't want to steal
much of your time,
we just want to ask you
some questions
about Father Quintana.
Have you heard from him?
Well, this town being so small,
I imagine you must have
already found out.
- About Elena?
- Yes.
My God, so much tragedy
in this town.
To the madness
that seems endemic
now you have to add this.
I still don't know
whether the cruxes
that they erected in the hills
were set up to protect us
or to keep us away
from everything.
Anyways, what do you want
to know about Rafael?
He and I practically
grew up together.
We didn't know that.
I'm truly sorry, Adriana,
We can come another time.
We don't want to
No, it's alright. It's alright.
Are you sure?
Adriana, I think we can
help each other a lot.
Right. You, as a doctor,
were the person who pronounced
Valentina's death,
and then Father Quintana
revived her.
- His first healing.
- Yes. Valentina.
Can you tell us what you
remember about that day?
Well, it was a long time ago.
She doesn't have a pulse.
She's dead.
Wait. Wait, no!
Our father who art thou
in Heaven.
You who rose from death
on the third day,
I commend you the soul
of this poor servant.
I don't know how long
he prayed for.
Or maybe it was only
for mere seconds.
But it felt like an eternity.
No, not yet
Yes, yes.
He's a wonderful man.
Yes, but as a doctor?
I tell you
that as a doctor, Father.
I can't tell you any other way.
He's a wonderful man.
He and I are like siblings.
Nothing but siblings.
Valentina died
in the early hours, right?
It's very cold
in the morning here.
Almost icy.
Advanced hypothermia
could've hidden her pulse,
made it almost imperceptible.
She was dead, Father.
- Yes.
- I'm a doctor.
Yes, well Father Salinas
here, as you see him,
is not only a priest,
he is also a doctor.
- Well
- He's also one of the best of
As a doctor then he might
know when a patient is dead.
- Yes. Without a doubt.
- Valentina was dead.
And Balam as well
in case you had doubts.
No, we were
not talking about Balam.
Yes, I know.
But that's your job, right?
Being suspicious, I assume.
- Well
- And mine is saving lives
even if I'm not successful
And in those two cases,
I wasn't.
Is there someone else we
can corroborate this story with?
Prado, of course.
Geronimo, who found her.
Although he doesn't
work with us anymore,
he asked for a transfer.
Is Geronimo a priest?
No, not yet. He's a seminarian.
He was doing a sort
of internship.
And where is he now?
Do you know
his current location?
I didn't hear from him again.
- Nothing?
- Nothing.
Of course.
Well, thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you for your time.
You're welcome.
I'll walk you.
Thank you.
Good luck with the teenager.
- Adriana.
- Yes?
One last question and I'm sorry
if I make you uncomfortable.
You don't have to answer.
But knowing that Quintana
had resurrected people,
that he had healed them, how did
you not take your husband?
Yes, I did, Father,
but sometimes not even science
and faith are enough.
It didn't
look like she was lying.
I don't know.
She knows that this Geronimo guy
was transferred
to another town,
but she doesn't know where.
This town isn't so big not
to know.
The lion
thinks everyone is like him.
Hey, if you have a problem,
let's be straightforward.
For parables
we already have Christ.
I tell you straightforwardly,
you already know.
You asked prefect Sulini
to fire me.
Do you think
that's a small thing?
- I was protecting you.
- From whom?
From you.
- Of course. Don't be ridiculous.
- Of course?
For God's sake.
You speak like an old man,
with the authority
of the boss of Stanfield,
- and you can't do that.
- I am a priest.
I speak with the authority
of the Holy Spirit, that's all.
What Holy Spirit? The ones who
hanged Elena weren't spirits.
They were bodies,
and very motivated, by the way.
We are not going to win
by going upfront
or reciting parables or verses.
Christ already said it.
Cesar must be defeated
with Cesar's weapons.
Christ never said that, Father.
He did.
What do you suggest?
That you trust me.
The entry sheet is missing.
Father Prado!
Here again?
Yes, I know.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience,
but the truth is that
I had some unfinished business
the last time we saw each other.
Do you mind? Shall we walk?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
I couldn't help noticing
your ring
the last time we saw each other.
My family always had a strong
relationship with the Opus Dei.
In fact, I had the opportunity
to be acquainted
with monsignor Ocáriz Braña
for a few years at the see.
- Really?
- Yes, yes.
Very briefly,
but it was very moving.
Are you in the order?
No. My family has always
been close to it.
I consider myself close to it,
but that's it.
You have good examples
to follow, Father.
And do you remember what prayer
Quintana used to say exactly?
No, they weren't prayers
Just words.
I don't remember well,
to be honest.
- It was so long ago.
- I can imagine.
- And it was so fast.
- Don't worry about it.
Let's have a cup of coffee
in my study.
I'm fine without coffee.
If I have coffee now,
I won't fall asleep
even after five rosaries.
I'll give you some hot milk.
Come with me, please.
Of course.
No, not yet.
It's so weird,
I left the door open.
I don't know what time
I closed it.
Come in, please.
Are you sure you don't
want a cup of coffee?
A cup of coffee?
No. I've been very
anxious lately, Father.
I don't know why.
Sister, I need you
to help me with something.
What a miracle.
I'm going to send you
some files from a man
called Geronimo Rodriguez,
he's a seminarian.
We think he was ordained
in the Huejutla seminary.
Please, check the files to see
if you can find the address.
Would that be a problem for you?
- It's not legal per se.
- Is that a sin?
No, it isn't.
Well, I wouldn't ask you
to commit a sin for me, sister.
Please, help me with this.
OK? It's urgent. Thank you.
You could've held him up
a little longer.
- That was the idea.
- Well, forgive me
for not being a master
of deceit like you.
For God's sake, it's not like
I asked you to stab him!
Just to distract him a bit.
To distract him.
I'm sorry, Father,
I just don't understand
why we can't just ask him for
the documentation and that's it.
Because we don't know
who we can trust.
You go ask him,
"Do you have the documentation?"
Do you know what he's
going to say? "I don't have it."
And he's going to burn it.
That's what's going to happen.
Did you find anything?
No. I'm going to send
the pictures to Emilia
and pray that she gives us
an address.
Well, we'll pray.
It was a saying, Father,
for God's sake.
I thought your curriculum
was very interesting, Father.
- Is that right?
- Yeah.
What a shame I don't have
a criminal record, isn't it?
Maybe you would have more
faith in me that way.
Are you still mad?
From the capital sins,
wrath is one I like the least.
You must like pride.
No, not at all.
I'll confess something to you.
I get along with gluttony.
Now, with sloth
I'm very fond of it.
I just thought it was
very interesting
that besides studying medicine,
you also had time
to study philosophy
and Mesoamerican mythology,
You're so interested
in my studies all of a sudden.
It's not the lack of interest,
it's the lack of time, Pedro.
Do you mind if I use
your first name?
It's fine.
- Good evening.
- Father Geronimo.
Good evening.
Do you have a few minutes?
I'm very sorry you had to
go through so much trouble
to find me,
but I can't help you.
I was just a seminarian
and I didn't make decisions.
We're not asking for a lot
or making you responsible
for anything.
The truth is we just want you to
tell us what you saw that day.
I don't remember much of what
happened that day, to be honest.
It was a long time ago.
It's understandable
to be forgetful.
The most traumatic things
are the ones we want to forget.
And well sometimes
it's good to remember them.
When did you stop
collaborating in the asylum?
It was around that time.
A little after what happened.
I returned to Huejutla
and I finished the seminary.
When I was ordained,
I felt that there were
other places where I was needed.
I didn't have to go back
to the asylum.
There wasn't another reason?
Father, we don't want
to inconvenience you.
We would like you to tell us
if Valentina was dead
before you arrived, that's all.
I don't have anything
else to say.
I'm sorry for wasting your time.
Don't worry.
Father, if you give us
your phone number,
we will call you if you
remember something
No, Father, please.
I'd rather you didn't call me.
Don't contact me.
Don't mention me
in your investigation.
I don't want anything
to do with it.
I just think there's something
you're not getting.
We're on your side. And we
can protect you institutionally.
Our superiors,
who are your superiors,
have given us the order
to get to the truth.
It's pointless to hide
what you know from us.
We work for the same boss.
And there are
no secrets before Him.
I understand
what you are saying, Father,
but I can't help you.
I'm sorry.
Father, would you be
willing to speak
under the secrecy of confession?
Do you want me to confess?
I want to reconcile you
with God.
Alright. But with him.
OK. I'll wait outside.
Hail Mary.
Full of grace.
Bless me, Father,
for I have sinned.
When was your last confession?
I confess every week, Father,
but I've been carrying this
for ten years.
What are your sins?
Keeping a secret for many years.
I lied when I told you
I didn't know anything.
That I don't remember anything.
I escaped from all of that.
I succeeded for a long time.
What did you escape from?
I was afraid to go back
after what I saw.
You came to ask me
if Valentina was dead.
Yes, she was dead. I'm certain.
Because Valentina
didn't have an accident.
Valentina didn't drown.
Valentina was murdered.
How was she murdered?
She was
She was killed in pain.
What does that mean?
If you had seen her, Father
you would know what I mean.
Who killed her?
I absolve you from all your sins
in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I'm going to feel better,
right, Father?
I just want there to be justice.
Do you know what I mean?
There will be.
- What?
- What did he say?
What did he say, Father?
Tell me. Tell me.
You're an expert
in Canon Law, Father.
- OK?
- You know perfectly well
that the secrecy
of confession is inviolable.
It upsets me a lot that you're
asking me these questions, OK?
You're kidding.
You're not being serious, right?
You're not being serious, right?
- Father, for God's sake
- This isn't possible.
Our investigation is above
the secrecy of confession.
You determine those things?
We can't cover up criminals due
to the secrecy of confession.
In Australia, the law forces us
to denounce sexual abuse,
as well as in Chile,
California, it's the same.
Do you want to have a debate
on canonical jurisprudence?
I won't have a debate
with you on anything.
The Holy Father has always
been very clear with this.
I won't expose myself
to an excommunication.
For God's sake!
The idea of the confession was
mine, why did you intrude?
- I didn't intrude!
- Yes, you did.
He chose me.
Sometimes you don't have
to wear a clerical collar
to be a priest,
did you think about that?
This is more incredible
than the Unburnt Bush.
Jesus, my Lord,
grant me grace to keep being
your priest.
Grant me the grace.
At 1 in the morning, Father?
- May I?
- Sure.
Lord, open my lips
And my mouth
will proclaim your praise.
And my mouth
will proclaim your praise.
The Lord has risen from
the tomb on the last day.
It's just a psalm,
you just have to repeat it.
Yes, I'm sorry.
I have other stuff in my mind.
Continue, Father.
I don't want to bother you.
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I place my trust in you.
Immaculate Heart of Mary,
grant my soul salvation.
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I place my trust in you.
I just
I agree with you
not wanting to break
the secrecy of confession,
- For real.
- Thank you.
That's why I'm praying, Father,
I'm asking God to guide me,
to enlighten me
because I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do
with the information
that Geronimo gave me,
and even if
Even if I could use it,
I can't say it.
Yes, you can, Father.
You could confess with me.
That's right.
It would be like
the professional secrecy
between psychoanalysts.
They also can't reveal the
information from their patients,
but if they're
being psychoanalyzed,
and they've stopped with
the professional secrecy
If you confessed to me, Father,
I wouldn't be breaking
the secrecy of confession,
but at least we would both know
the same thing.
What a perfect idea, right?
It doesn't have any holes.
I'm not sure it works that way.
- Do you realize what I'm saying?
- What, Father?
And then you get offended when I
want to get you out of the way,
but you are not made
for this job.
You point with a close look,
you walk straight,
and you're incapable of
deviating half a millimeter.
You're incapable of peeing
outside the flowerpot.
And this job
is a lot more complex
than all of that, alright?
This is dirty work.
It's devious. It's messy.
But of course,
you're not like that.
You're a spoiled kid.
You're a ranch boss.
That's why I want you to leave
because you're in my way.
It's your rigidity,
it's your adherence to norms,
your adherence to protocol
They not only hinder me
but they're going to end
with our lives.
So, Father, start considering
that if you really want
to be useful,
if you really want to help
a man who is missing
and do the Lord's work
Hear, the Lord's work.
You'll have to close your eyes,
breathe deeply
and trust me a little.
Or the bus will be waiting
for you.
You decide.
- Good morning.
- Come on in.
Here you go, Commissioner.
You tell me. I'm a slow reader.
The cause of death is
asphyxiation by strangulation.
Yes, of course.
She was found hanged.
Strangulation, not hanging.
That means
there was asphyxiation,
but it wasn't self-inflicted.
The victim shows a fracture
in the hyoid bone,
as well as lacerations
in both forearms and nails.
But besides, we didn't find
an asthmatic leak in the mark.
Look, I know I have
a scientist's face,
but appearances can deceive.
Very well, Captain,
when a person is strangled,
the hyoid bone is fractured,
which is halfway up the throat,
which doesn't happen in hangings
because the injury
is close to the jaw.
She has two injuries here.
The mark from the rope and
the one from strangulation.
Besides, we noticed that the
hanging happened post-mortem.
when a person hangs themselves,
we find blood fluid
around the mark
and there's nothing here,
which means that,
when she was hanged,
the blood wasn't circulating
anymore, Captain.
How long had she been dead for?
Between 24 and 36 hours.
Thank you.
Good luck, Molina.
Hail Mary.
Full of grace.
In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Forgive me, Father,
for I have sinned.
Tell me what are your sins.
The sin of pride.
Don't worry about that.
I've also gotten mad before.
Tell me.
I've kept secrets that might be
of great use to the congregation
because they also put
other people's lives in danger.
Tell me. Tell me.
I've been informed
that Valentina didn't drown.
She didn't die by drowning
before Father Quintana
resurrected her.
- Of course, she was alive.
- No. Geronimo said that
Damn it, what Geronimo
told me was that
Valentina didn't drown.
Valentina was murdered.
She was killed in pain.
What does that mean?
What is that?
Those are the words
that Father Geronimo said.
OK, but what would that be?
I don't know.
Those are the words that I said.
- OK, but
- He was very nervous.
Father Geronimo was very
fragile, but it doesn't matter.
What matters is that afterward,
with some help,
he told me that Father Prado
- Prado?
- Yeah.
Father Prado with other people
that he didn't want to identify
took advantage
of Valentina's mental fragility
until she was dead.
- Sons of bitches.
- Yeah.
- Did she die from pain?
- No, no.
She didn't die in pain,
that's what he said.
And how does he know what?
I don't know.
I don't know. He said
that he was very fragile,
very upset,
and I didn't want
to pressure him to break him
or make him regret it.
- How could you not ask him more?
- Well
- How could you not ask him
- Father, don't make me
Hey! Damn it!
Don't make me regret telling
you things, alright?
Look, suspicion is not enough
to act on. Right?
But if what Geronimo
said is true,
we could detain Prado
and possibly save lives.
Now, if I say it,
I would be excommunicated
Father, I don't think you're
not OK. You're not
Let's see.
Moses gave us the commandment
of "You won't kill."
And a little later,
he wrote in Deuteronomy
20 instructions for war
where he said:
"You will kill every man,
woman, and child,
and you will take the ship
as bounty
because that's God sacrament."
But Jesus Christ refuted
that in the Gospel.
But those are issues
between Father and Son,
family business,
we shouldn't intervene.
Our mission here
is to find the truth.
The big truth.
What is a little lie? Nothing.
To find the big truth is
a cost-benefit relation, Father.
Christ sacrificed his Son
for the good of mankind,
I don't think
He's going to be severe
with your confessional secret.
You're saying that the death
of Our Lord Jesus Christ
was motivated
by a cost-benefit relation.
It's not me saying it,
the Bible says it.
Let's close, Father.
- Yes. Salinas.
- Let's close.
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I place my trust in you.
This helps us, above all,
to avoid infections,
but also to contain the wound,
so I can't remove it.
Try to rest, OK?
What are you doing here?
You can't be here.
We're looking for Father Prado.
These patients
are susceptible to infection,
I need you to get out, please.
Can you tell us where he is,
please, and we won't
- bother you anymore?
- He must be in the chapel.
- Please, get out.
- I'm sorry. Sorry.
Look, Valentina.
There, too.
Do you know need anything,
Guadalupe, joyful be the eyes
that gaze at you. How are you?
We're looking for Father Prado.
He's not here.
He went out early.
Don't you say?
Haven't you heard?
We don't need to be told
every time he goes out.
- What?
- No
Valentina escaped again.
The director is with
Commander Molina Reyes.
OK. A quick question. Is she
Valentina when she was younger?
she used to help all the time.
What was that? A camp?
- Yes.
- They found her in the dam.
- Excuse me, Fathers.
- Yes, of course.
Let's go.
I was fishing like any other day
that we come here,
and suddenly,
I see that thing there.
It was unbelievable, really.
Did you see someone around here?
The expected appearance
of the transfer unit for the L4.
It was just me and my partner.
It was ugly because
she was very beaten up.
What are you doing here?
What happened?
What happened is that
since you two came here,
I have three dead
and a missing person.
Either you're very jinxed
and have an alibi,
or you have a lot to explain.
The prosecution is going
to take your statements.
I need the velocity
of the transfer.
Father, are you OK?
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