The Ex-Wife (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

I'm so sorry, I didn't see you.
Is that your wife?
[JACK] Yep that's Jen.
Jen's agreed to a trial separation.
[TASHA] I'm pregnant with
a married man's child.
We all know what you did to get here.
[TASHA] Jen's running around
like she's still your wife.
It's not yours Sam.
[JEN] If there is something
going on with him, be careful,
Jack'll find out.
[TASHA] She was in my house, drunk.
She showed up at our
supermarket the other week.
Have you seen a woman?
I left my baby with her.
You left your baby?
Have you been to see
her since your chat?
- [JACK] No.
- [TASHA] It needs to stop.
[JACK] Tasha.
Tasha, please.
Would you wait?
Tasha, wait. Tasha.
- Stop it Tasha, stop it.
- You fuck.
- Stop it.
- You fuck!
- Fuck!
- Stop it, stop it!
It's not what you think.
Whatever you're thinking,
don't, because it's not that.
I'll explain if you let me, all right?
[TASHA] Thank you so much.
You're welcome. Anytime.
- Is that her?
- No.
- Are you sleeping with her?
- No.
I said no. I'm not sleeping with her.
You followed me tonight.
How long have you been doing that?
I didn't follow you.
I used the phone finder app.
Okay, okay.
All right, here's the truth.
Do you wanna sit down or
You can't spend that much
of your life with someone
then suddenly feel nothing.
I'm sorry, you can't.
Now you told me to
speak to her and I did.
But one phone call after twenty years,
one phone call, that's not good enough.
Now it appears as though
there's no way to prove to you
that I choose you over her
unless I never see her again.
And I needed to see her again.
So you forced me into a
pretty impossible situation.
Are you fucking with me right now?
I don't want you going for
date nights with your ex-wife.
I don't think that's unreasonable,
- do you?
- It was dinner. It was dinner!
She's got a new contract,
she needed someone.
Tasha, I didn't want to let her down.
I didn't want to.
Cause it's fucking difficult,
but I'm trying to do this gently.
All right?
And it's different when you're older.
- Fuck off!
- It is different!
She's got all of her friends,
but all of them have families.
All of them.
They're all doing their own thing.
It used to be just me and her.
And now what?
I just abandon her.
Is that what you want?
I don't want anything.
You do what you want
and I'll do what I want.
Oh, for fuck sake. Well,
- can I ask where you're going?
- [TASHA] I'm taking Emily away from this shit show.
You're taking her? No
you're not taking
Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean that.
I'm sorry. Okay, sorry.
Fuck, I haven't been
listening, but I am now.
I promise you I'm listening now.
All right? I'm listening.
No more Jen.
And your family have to be nicer.
Yeah, I agree with that.
I will definitely talk to my family.
And I promise you that
things will get better.
I promise.
You're my priority.
Come on, tell me.
It's this house. It's
I'm here all the time.
And I miss my life, my job.
Okay, right.
Right, this is what we'll do,
Emily's old enough for
nursery now, so let's
let's start three days a week.
You get your space.
I can't lose you.
[TASHA] Go on
- Say it.
- [SAM] I've got nothing to say.
I told you how I felt
about this from the start.
So don't make out like I'm holding back.
Yeah, but this is different.
This is new information.
Well, the point is, do you believe him?
- I do.
- Okay.
Well you know how I feel,
but there's no way of knowing
what they gettin' up to in there.
I mean, they weren't going at
it when you called him, right?
- Sam.
- I'm just saying for balance.
I don't trust him but
you didn't catch him doing
anything wrong, did you?
- No.
- Right.
And now it's all over and Jen's
not coming back, ever again.
So it is a good thing.
Great news about the nursery though.
- Yeah.
- Get some time back.
So it's mandatory for companies
to have a pumping room.
- Lush.
- But there is no universal signage yet
so I thought I'd give
it a go for my portfolio.
There she is.
I love it.
I'm here for you. You know
whenever you need.
Oi, seriously.
Last time I told you
how I felt about Jack,
we didn't speak for a year.
A year! I'm not risking that again.
If you're happy, I'm happy.
- Yeah, right.
- For real.
Can I use your bathroom
quickly before I go?
Yeah just be quiet
because Emily's sleeping.
All right, sweet.
Who's gonna go to bed? Me?
Later, after our sleep.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Gonna sleep long?
- Who's that?
Who's there?
Is that Daddy?
It's not Daddy.
I come in peace, bearing gifts.
I know I'm an awful witch
but I've driven three hours
and I'm gasping for a coffee.
And I promise I'm on
absolute best behavior.
Yeah, come in.
I'm just putting her upstairs.
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it,
Jack really went to town on us.
Even Mum and Dad didn't
come out unscathed
and we'd given up on them years ago.
They probably need water.
It's a long drive and I
had the heating blasting.
He must really love you, Jack.
He's not done anything like
that before, so, good for you.
God this is good.
This is the one he gets
from Guatemala, right?
He told us how unhappy you've been.
It's hard that first year
with a new baby, isn't it?
Yeah, it's bloody hard.
It's uncanny
how much she looks like him.
You're in there, of
course, the chin maybe,
but his eyes, cheeks, dimples.
Yeah, kids are hard.
Can't imagine what
it's been like for you.
No support network.
Hadn't occurred to
me until Jack said it.
He said you'd been brilliant, of course.
I've been awful to you.
Not a literal or a
figurative sister, but
I'm here now and I'm sorry.
I really appreciate you saying that.
It's been a little
harder than I expected.
But worth it, of course. I mean,
I wouldn't change it
for the world, but
It's funny how we can
create a person in our minds.
You're not who I
thought you were at all.
I didn't think somebody like you
would care what we thought of you.
I didn't realize you'd
be quite so fragile.
Don't get me wrong, I could
do with a touch more fragility
or I could of course completely change
but that might run the risk
of a full character implosion.
Well, please don't implode,
our cleaner's not here until next week.
Come here.
- Okay?
- Yeah, good.
Is Jen okay?
Jack really loves you.
Okay? He'd do anything
to make you happy.
But you said jump, he jumped.
No one's said a word to her.
Cold turkey after twenty years.
I'm not blaming you
no contact means no contact.
You asked.
The answer is no, she's not really okay.
I have to go.
Take care. See you soon.
Right, well he said
specifically no purple.
He didn't say anything
about mauve, did he?
So let's get the swatches
- and mail them across.
Okay, one second.
I'm sorry to barge in, it's
just, Hayley came by yesterday.
She told me Jack had
stopped talking to you
and hadn't explained why.
That's my fault.
So I thought I should come and explain.
apologize, I don't know.
I don't know what I'm doing, Jen.
And, up until now, I've
been behaving as though
I'm still this laid back,
easygoing Gen Z or whatever.
But the truth is, I'm not.
You're a lovely person
but the lovelier you
are, the more it frankly
scares the shit out of me.
You should hate me.
I stole your husband.
I don't hate you, Tasha.
I hate what happened to me and Jack.
But that happened long
before you arrived.
Jack needed a fresh start
and you were exactly that.
And, if I'm honest,
I'm not sure I would
be doing any different
if the tables were turned.
[TASHA] It's okay, I'm right here.
God, she's just hungry.
Oh, hi darling. Hello.
Hi. How's my girl?
Beginner's luck.
I've actually forgotten her food
- so I have to go.
- Oh, in the kitchen.
The cupboard on the right?
Yes. Oh, it's a ducky.
Quack, quack. Quack, quack.
Oh look, ba ba ba
- Did you find it?
- Yep.
What's this?
Everything okay?
Yeah, everything's fine.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
Jack brought her here.
A few times actually.
Or I should say he dropped
by and she was with him.
No, no. When she was younger.
Come in for weekend days for a coffee
or we'd all go for a walk, wouldn't we?
And you thought you'd buy food
for her, just on the off chance
that Jack would pop by with my daughter?
No, of course not.
Jack must have left
them here by accident.
No, I probably should have
binned them actually
[JEN] All right, here they are.
You should probably have
them, or it's just a waste.
I'm sorry Jen.
No, no don't be silly.
I understand. Like I said
if the tables were turned.
[SAM] Tasha, finally.
[TASHA] Hey, sorry I missed
your calls, are you okay?
[SAM] Yes. I've been trying to
get hold of you. Where are you?
[TASHA] I know, I know, I was busy.
What's up?
[SAM] I did something.
What? What'd you do?
I needed to talk to you earlier
so I went to the house
and Jack was there.
- Jack was there?
- Yes.
- In the middle of the day?
- He was being weird.
He was making even less of an effort
to disguise the fact that
he didn't want me there.
So he left and I
followed him.
You followed Jack?
But I think he saw me.
Sam, you idiot.
He saw you?
Why the fuck were you following Jack?
Because I could I wanted
to get hold of you and
he was acting strange.
I'm looking out for you.
He was acting strange? Sam,
this isn't looking out for me,
this is crazy behavior.
Are you sure he saw you?
Yeah, I think so.
I drove off.
Oh my God Sam,
if he didn't think that something
was going on between us before,
I'd say he might now, don't you think?
I think a certain someone dropped this.
I'll let you get back to Sam.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Oh, I forgot to say, I forgot to
say I have to go to New York again.
- Oh.
- It was a last minute thing, I'm sorry.
- Oh right.
- Oh, that's a good one.
It is.
Yeah, I was gonna get you a ticket, but
I figured the timing's
still off. Beautiful.
Look, we're nearly at the front.
- We're nearly at the front.
- Yeah.
So lookout, fellow drivers,
because my dad's got a
previous for speeding.
It's fine, here.
- Who is it?
- It's Johnny.
Sorry, it's a work thing. I
- Yeah, yeah you go.
- Have fun.
Sorry, what is it?
Up we go!
Where are we going?
Look at you!
Where's your dada?
I don't know where your dada is.
Would you mind watching her?
Thank you. Thank you.
Have you seen there was a
little girl here, just there.
Just a second ago.
[JACK] Tasha? Tash!
- What's happened?
- It's Emily.
She was there and then she's
What the hell do you think
you are doing with my child?
Oh my God. Oh my God.
No. I'm so sorry.
I'm her mother, I'm her
mother. I'm so sorry.
You left her alone,
I was looking for you.
I know, there was an emergency.
Thank you so much looking after her.
[CARER] It's a busy place, you
shouldn't just leave her alone.
Thank you, thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- I'm glad to help.
It's okay, come on.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention.
- It's okay.
- Oh,
I won't leave you ever again, I promise.
- Never.
- It's okay. There's no harm.
I promise I won't ever do that again.
It's okay. It's fine.
- It's okay. It's okay.
- No, it's not okay.
It's not okay. You were arguing
with Johnny and then I
I saw
You thought you saw Jen?
- Yeah, I heard.
- Yeah.
I think half of the soft play heard.
Tash, you know she's not here, right?
- Tash.
- Of course.
I'm so sorry.
All right, okay.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
[TASHA] And she had
Emily's food in her house.
- [JACK] What do you mean?
- Pouches of toddler food.
In her cupboard.
It was
She claims that you left them there,
accidentally, the last
time you went around.
- Did you?
- Well
I guess I must have if she says so.
I don't know.
It was weird.
What did you expect?
A broken woman?
Well, she's not like you.
Not like me how?
She doesn't express emotions like this.
It's just not what she does.
No, that's not a criticism
of you. It's just
her whole world could be
crumbling and you'd never know.
You'd think she was fine or joking?
Whereas I?
Tash, I'm not starting anything.
She's just older and she's
been through lots of things.
Don't do that.
Do what?
I get it, I'm
You're the wise elders and
I'm this footloose chancer
- who's lucky to be here.
- No
The thing is, Jack, I
know who I am.
I've been a grown up since I turned 16
and started working to
fund my own education.
I supported my mother
and then after she died,
I supported myself, so
you're gonna have to find another angle
if you wanna justify
all of this bullshit.
'Cause the truth is that
The truth is
You left your wife but you
didn't leave her, did you?
She's here right now.
She may as well be
having dinner with us.
That's a really unfair thing to say.
Jack, can we Can you
come back so we can
It's totally unfair and you know it is.
This isn't gonna change, is it?
You said things would change but
I can't do this anymore.
If I don't leave
I feel like I'm gonna disappear.
Are you not speaking to me now?
I'm gonna go check on Emily.
Look, you're my wife.
There's no one else here,
it's just you and me.
[JACK] We could renew our vows.
We'll move somewhere.
Let's move somewhere.
We might have to if the glass bursts.
Oh, yeah.
I'll get it fixed.
You know what you said earlier,
about me being a wise
old elder and you
You know I don't think that, don't you?
It's been such a weird day.
I saw Sam earlier, your Sam,
Hanging around outside the house.
And then again at work. It was
It was really unsettling.
Something's definitely up with him.
I dunno what it
Do you think he has feelings for you?
He was at the house?
No, he doesn't.
I don't know.
What happened?
Did you speak?
Do you want me to say something to him?
We spoke briefly, it was weird.
But no, don't cause a
problem on my account.
I just don't trust him, that's all.
It was probably a
coincidence him being in town.
He's a cabby, isn't he?
Yeah, weird.
You should be careful around him.
Good morning.
[TASHA] I love you.
Are you packed?
Have you got everything?
Except you.
I'm right here.
Now listen,
I'm gonna be gone for three nights
so that gives you three
glorious days to relax
and be creative, find a job.
Generally have a lovely time.
And I'll see you when I'm back.
Right. Driver's downstairs.
I've got Emily up and
dressed for nursery
so I'll drop her off on
the way to the airport.
- Oh, that's okay I can
- No, it's fine, it's fine.
She'll be fine.
I packed her nursery bag
with all of her things.
A garrot, mace, cleaver, usual stuff.
I am a pretty hands on dad, I
don't know if you've noticed.
I trust you.
Well, at least someone does.
Thank you.
What for?
Changing my life, kiddo.
You too, old man.
[JACK] Old, old, old.
- Hello?
- [JOHNNY] Oh hey, it's Natasha,
It's Johnny. We met at Jack's
hearing, the driving ban.
I'm sorry to bother you at home,
I'm just trying to track Jack down.
He's not there, is he?
Hi, yeah, Johnny, I remember.
He's actually just left for
New York on a business trip.
Oh, okay. Right.
Has he?
My mistake then. I'll
just try him again later.
Thanks, Natasha.
[OPERATOR] The number you have
called is not being recognized.
Hello, stranger.
[SAM] There she is.
- Back in the game.
- It's just an interview.
It's in the bag.
I've got a good feeling about it.
But listen, I need to speak
to you about something.
- Sorry hang on.
- You're here for?
- Emily Warrington.
- Great, I'll go get her.
- [TASHA] Sorry, are you still there?
- Always.
How's my princess doing?
Well, good, I think.
The algebra's coming along nicely.
Oh, and she speaks Spanish now.
Well, no one needs
to learn algebra ever.
But listen, I really
need to talk to you.
Is everything okay?
Sorry, Sam, I'll call you back.
Hi. Sorry, just to clarify,
you're here for ?
Emily Warrington.
- I'm her mum.
- Yes, yes.
Emily's already been collected.
W What do you mean collected?
By who?
Who collected Emily earlier?
- Emily's mum.
- I'm her mum.
Who the hell did you give my child to?
She was in the pickup book.
No, no, no, no, no
this can't be happening.
What did she look like?
The woman who took my child!
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