The Expecting (2020) s01e02 Episode Script


Okay, hon, have you got
your insurance card with you today?
I don't have insurance.
Oh, uh, then we'll need
the 400 up-front.
Cash or check?
Dad, it's me.
VOICE ON TV: New England,
to talk to an actual survivor
of a close encounter
of the fourth kind.
I don't remember much
after the light hit me,
but when I woke up,
they were standing all around me.
They started putting things inside me,
and I just sort of
left my body at that point.
All right, you ready?
Let's go take care of it.
what haunts me is
their shiny eyes
- With you?
- And I couldn't see anything else.
I just need the cash.
No, most of the centers
God and Jesus knows
they're gonna try
to talk you into keeping it.
- I'll find a good one.
- No, I know this guy,
an old friend downtown,
the most important thing is
that you get rid of it,
that's all that matters.
- What if I don't?
- Don't what?
Well, you can't even afford to kill it,
how are you gonna keep it?
Fuck off.
- You gotta get rid of that thing
- No!
You get rid of it,
or you'll end up just like your mother!
I am not like her!
Yeah, well, she was your age
when it started, okay?
You keep that in mind.
Come on!
- Jesus!
- Whoa!
- Can I help you?
- I used to work here.
Oh, are you Emma?
- Yeah.
- Hey.
My replacement.
That's one club,
eighty-six mayo,
two onion rings,
for three all day.
- Steak and eggs, well done.
- Steak and eggs, ruined.
They're gonna need two hash and
Take the grill for me.
TY: How do you know for sure?
'Cause you're my only, right now?
- You knew that.
- I didn't, actually.
What're you gonna do?
I mean, I can barely
take care of myself.
- Right?
- Come on, you do okay.
I lost my job, broke as hell.
If my grandma hadn't left me
the place, I'd be, like,
I don't know
I just keep
thinking maybe
this is the change I need.
TONY: The hell you doing, bro?
Oh, hell, you back already?
- Good to see you too, Tony.
- Just give me a sec?
Mikey's in the weeds
up to his dick in there.
Mikey's got it,
just let me finish.
You got two minutes, man.
You got a doctor you can talk to?
Ty, I don't even have a car that works.
You think I can afford a doctor?
You know, when my sister had her kid,
she saw this woman
private practice, liked her a lot.
She sort of just charged
whatever she could afford.
If you wanted the number.
Yeah thanks.
It's just a phone number.
It's no big deal.
No, I mean, for being understanding.
What was I supposed to be?
NURSE: 98 pounds.
Shouldn't you gain weight
when you're pregnant?
Not always at first.
Have you been puking a lot?
Okay, well, take a seat,
the doctor's gonna be
in with you in a moment.
Hello, Emma.
I'm Dr. Green.
How are you feeling today?
- A little queasy.
- Yes, I'm sure.
And I understand
you've elected to terminate.
Okay, let's just see
what's going on here.
Deep breath.
Now, breathe normally.
Do you have white coat syndrome?
Ahh, fear of doctors.
Your heart rate jumps
every time I touch you.
I don't know.
- This is all just
- A lot, yeah.
I get it. All right.
I'm gonna need you to put your feet
into these bad boys right here, okay?
So, have you told your parents?
My dad, but, um, he's an asshole.
Oh. What about your mother?
She died when I was real young.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I lost my mother real young, too.
Breast cancer.
I barely knew her.
- Sorry.
- Yeah, well, you know, though,
we grow,
and we start families of our own,
and, you know,
we make peace with the past.
- You have kids?
- Yeah.
I have three.
Two are older than you.
All right.
You're gonna feel
just a slight pinch, okay?
- I'm sorry, I know it's so cold.
- Oh, um,
- just give me a sec, okay?
- Of course, dear.
You can take as long as you'd like.
Hey, you wanna hold my hand?
You can squeeze it as hard as you like.
It's gonna be okay.
I'll go real slowly, okay?
Oh, oh, oh, I'm so sorry.
I thought the volume was off.
Was that the heartbeat?
Turn it back on.
Are you sure?
It's a strong one.
Can I see it?
That's your choice, dear.
Yeah, I wanna see it.
All right.
Are you sure you still want to terminate?
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