The Famous Five (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Peril on the Night Train

(theme music playing)
And after the breeze
Of another shore
The only moment I found
Higher peaks to climb with
Deeper seas to dive in ♪
(theme song concludes)
(crows cawing)
- (clock ticking)
- (church bell tolling in distance)
(ominous music playing)
(clock ticking stops)
- (ominous music playing)
- (yelps)
(whispering) George.
(chains rattling in distance)
(floorboard creaking)
(tense music playing)
(lock clicking)
(chains rattling)
(breathes shakily)
(clock ticking in distance)
(Julian) Anne?
Wake up, Anne.
You missed breakfast.
We've got class today.
- (Anne grunts softly)
- Are you all right?
I had a really weird dream.
At least
I think it was a dream.
Is Mr Roland here?
He'll be here in ten minutes
so you'd better get up.
Ugh, another day listening
to the most boring man on Earth
warbling on about
some Victorian history.
I thought he made some pretty
stimulating points
on the division of labour.
This is ridiculous!
It's the summer holidays,
you guys have been here
three weeks,
and we haven't
even gone camping yet.
Maybe we should just sneak off.
We can't, George,
your parents would kill us.
They wouldn't even notice.
And it's not like
your parents would care,
they went on holiday without you.
They work for the British
They went to spy
on the King of Egypt.
They're not spies, Dick.
And we're not running away.
We're going to class.
The Corn Laws of 1815
proved to be
deeply divisive.
Introduced by Lord Liverpool,
they placed tariffs
on cereal grains
from other countries
such as maize and wheat
in favour (chuckles)
of domestic agriculture.
These restrictions confirmed
- a deep division
- (mellow music playing)
between the land-owning class
in the countryside
and the merchants and manufacturers
based in the towns.
The effect was to hamper
economic growth
- Hey!
- and to depress
What was that for?
the cost of grain rose
to 80 shillings a quarter.
is confiscated.
I will not have students wielding
an offensive weapon in class.
It's a ruler, sir.
Hardly an offensive weapon.
That rather depends
on who's wielding it.
What do I do
if I need to draw a straight line?
- You you
- (barks)
- Bad dog! Sit, please.
- (Timmy barking)
He isn't a bad dog,
he just doesn't like your tone.
That animal is evidently
a disruptive influence.
Please move him
to the other side of the room
where he can't be a distraction.
Either that, or you can remove him
from the classroom altogether.
Mum said it was okay
for Timmy to be here.
On the proviso
that he doesn't interfere
- with your studies.
- (Timmy barking)
I am the one who decides
whether his presence
is a distraction,
and I would like you to move him
to the other side of the room.
Come here, Timmy.
(Roland) Thank you.
- (Timmy whines)
- (George) Come here, come here.
Good boy.
You shouldn't take it out on Timmy.
He didn't do anything wrong.
Maybe not,
but now you're being impertinent.
Please return to your seat,
- That's not my name.
- I said sit down!
What on earth is going on in here?
I have a deadline
and I can't concentrate
with all this noise.
- Are you okay?
- She threw a rubber at Anne.
I was trying to help!
- That's not exactly true.
- I'm sorry,
I can't be an accomplice
in you disobeying your tutor.
The whole reason
we enlisted Mr Roland
is to keep you kids out of trouble.
(clock chiming)
Well, that's all for today.
All right, children, tea is ready.
And after that, your uncle
will be making a presentation.
- He's making progress then?
- Well, we live in hope.
(footsteps receding)
(suspenseful music playing)
(birds chirping)
(Quentin) Now, essentially
what you're looking at
is a portable brain.
A machine that's capable
of translating a problem,
potentially any problem,
into a solution. Now
its applications are limitless,
but for its maiden voyage
I'd like ask one of you to ask it
a simple mathematical question.
What's the square root
of minus one?
(clicks tongue) Good one.
Let's give it a try.
(machine whirring)
(machine rumbling)
- Is it supposed to
- (machine squelches)
- Dad, I think you might want to
- Er, I might
I might just, erm
(machine whirrs)
That's certainly not what
I learnt in maths club.
No, no, no! No! No, no
I know it didn't work
- (sighs)
- but it almost did.
It will. It will.
I think Uncle Quentin's gone
back to the drawing board.
It's okay if you were scared.
I think we all were.
I wasn't scared
of that stupid machine.
(Julian) What's wrong then?
Are you missing Mum and Dad?
(Anne) It's not that.
What is it then?
You wouldn't believe me.
I think the house is haunted.
(ominous music playing)
I never said
it was definitely a ghost.
It could have been a spectre.
a ghoul?
I'm sure it's nothing
to worry about.
Most so-called paranormal activity
can be explained by science.
Maybe you should tell them
what you saw.
It wasn't just what I saw.
It was what I heard as well.
This kind of rattling, like chains.
And scraping.
Three nights in a row.
And then, last night
I was at the top of the stairs
and I saw this
- thing.
- (Timmy whines)
What kind of thing?
It walked across the lower landing
and then it was gone.
Things don't just vanish.
It's scientifically impossible.
The point is
(grunts softly) we don't know
what it is that Anne saw.
And the only way
we're going to figure it out
is by getting proof.
And how are we going to do that?
We're gonna stay up.
All night.
- (tense music playing)
- (crows cawing)
If it was a ghost,
who do you think it might be?
Maybe Granny or Grandpa?
What about Auntie Annie?
(owl hooting)
Or maybe the ghost
of some pirates that lived here
hundreds of years ago.
- (Timmy barks)
- What is it, Timmy?
(Timmy howls softly)
Is there something there?
(ominous music playing)
(chain rattling)
(Dick) Rats maybe?
(metal scraping)
That's not rats.
- Hello? Is anyone there?
- (chains rattling)
(Timmy growls, barks)
- (Timmy barks)
- (George) Hey, wait! Hey!
(Timmy whining, barking)
- What was that?
- I don't know,
but it was definitely human
and now it's in the living room.
(chains rattling)
(Julian) There's nobody here.
(scoffs) That's not possible.
People can't just walk
through walls.
You know who can
walk through walls?
- Anne.
- It wasn't a ghost.
It was a real person
and they were standing right here.
Well, they're not here now.
How does an intruder
who's definitely
not a ghost just vanish?
(Timmy whining)
The repeal of the Corn Laws
in 1846 caused a major rift
within the Conservative Party
and ultimately led to the, er,
end of Robert Peel's
tenure as Prime Minister.
It was a result of the pressure
applied by the activities
of the Anti-Corn Law League
- that was
- (Quentin yelling) Yes! Yes!
- (Timmy barks)
- (Quentin) It works, it works!
Fanny, it works!
It works, it works!
- (laughing)
- He must have fixed it.
- Come here, it works, it works!
- (squeals)
(Anne) I don't see
why he's so excited about it.
- It's only a machine.
- (Quentin continues cheering)
Television's a machine.
You like television.
(Anne) If he'd invented television,
then I'd be excited.
I think we might wrap things up
a few minutes early today
since you've all been so attentive.
Have a pleasant afternoon,
and I'll see you tomorrow.
(Quentin laughing)
- (door closing)
- (tense music playing)
Mr Roland's definitely
up to something.
What are you talking about?
He's our tutor.
It's the perfect cover
to try and steal the machine.
My parents had never met him
a couple of weeks ago,
- he could be anyone.
- That's pure speculation.
You haven't got
a single fact to back it up.
The last time we saw the intruder
he stepped into this room.
- We need to focus on where he went.
- I say we start with the chimney.
That's how
Father Christmas does it.
But wouldn't we have seen soot?
He probably entered and exited
through one of these windows.
I thought
they didn't open properly.
- Good boy.
- (Timmy whines)
(Dick grunts softly) There's a gap.
I'm sorry, but there's no way
a non-ghost could fit
- through a gap that small.
- Good boy.
That's why I said the fireplace.
(Timmy whines)
(George) Look at this.
I distinctly remember placing this
basket right next to the clock,
but it's moved,
which is weird enough
but look at these scuff marks
(Dick) They seem to come
from beneath the clock.
As if the clock has been
pushed aside perhaps.
Help me.
(grunts softly) How do we open it?
Your uncle's had
a bit of a breakthrough.
After six years of false starts.
I'm going to crack open some cider.
- Oh, yes.
- Maybe a couple of bottles
of ginger beer as well.
Congratulations, Uncle Quentin.
We'll join you in a bit.
Thank you.
- (sighs)
- (sighs)
(clock ticking)
(Anne) We could try
turning the hands back.
Maybe it only opens at midnight.
Worth a try.
(pensive music playing)
- (clock whirring)
- (Dick) Wait a minute.
Keep going.
- (clock continues whirring)
- (Dick) Hmm.
The weights aren't moving.
- (cog whirrs)
- (lock clicks)
Maybe we should
tell your parents first.
Not happening. Pass me a torch.
(Timmy barking)
(water dripping)
(George) Are you guys coming?
We need to check this out.
How long does it go on for?
Let's find out.
Does anyone know the fatality rate
for mining accidents?
Why would anyone know that?
Don't know, just thought
it'd be something useful to know.
The less time we're down here,
the less time the roof has
to fall on our heads.
That's actually
a pretty good point.
Who would want to build
this in the first place?
My theory,
it's an old smugglers' tunnel
from the 18th century,
possibly earlier.
How come no-one knew it was here?
It's hardly something
you put on the deeds of your house
when you come to sell it.
Where do you think it's taking us?
Looks like we're about to find out.
(birds chirping)
Who lives down there?
It's a local guesthouse.
It's just been taken over
by Mrs Sassoon.
She rents them out to walkers
and holiday-makers.
You'll never guess
who's staying there.
(indistinct chatter)
That's the owner.
She can't be the intruder
- can she?
- She's not.
- How do you know?
- Cos it's one of her guests.
(tense music playing)
(Julian) Mr Roland.
I told you there was
something funny about him.
We have to tell your parents.
(Dick) What are we gonna say?
We show them the tunnel.
Tell them about the intruder.
- They'll have to believe us.
- He'll talk his way out of it.
You've seen what he's like.
I say we confront him
right here, right now.
This is a really bad idea.
(indistinct chatter)
We're on to you, Mr Roland.
What on earth are you doing here?
We know you've been trying
to steal my father's machine.
We stopped you last night,
and we'll stop you
again if you try.
I'm sorry.
Is this some kind of joke?
We found a tunnel.
We've been through it,
and it led us straight here to you.
Would anyone like a biscuit?
You should be more careful
about who you let into your house.
(Mrs Sassoon) Oh,
I'm extremely careful,
I assure you.
If you don't want a biscuit,
perhaps you could leave
my guest alone
so he can enjoy his tea.
I'd like a biscuit.
Sorry, Mrs Sassoon.
I seem to be the victim
of some sort of prank.
Or is it a game, perhaps?
It's no game, Mr Roland,
or whatever your real name is.
Come on, George. We should go.
Yes, that sounds
like a sensible idea.
I should telephone your mother
and explain her
the misunderstanding.
What about the biscuits?
Of course. Take two.
It's all true, Mum.
You have to believe us.
Mr Roland's an impostor.
He's just pretending
to be our tutor
when all he really wants to do
is steal Dad's machine.
Just come and look.
I'll show you the secret
- passage
- Stop it, George!
I'm at a loss for words,
at you making up outlandish stories
to make excuses for your behaviour.
Insulting your tutor,
breaking into people's homes.
Technically, the door was open.
(birds chirping)
And you know full well
that your actions reflect
back on your father and me.
- I know, but if you just let
- And dragging your cousins
into it, too.
Do you know
how embarrassing it will be
when I have to tell
Jack and Gillian?
You're not listening to me!
If you
(Fanny) We were supposed to be
celebrating your father,
and you ruined it.
(door closes)
(brooding music playing)
(owl hooting)
(door knocking, creaking)
(Julian) We brought you some cake.
Can we come in?
We were talking, and we agree.
Mr Roland seemed suspicious.
But without any evidence,
it's just that.
A suspicion.
(Anne) What does he even want
from Uncle Quentin's
machine, anyway?
If he's invented a machine
that could do decimal arithmetic,
it could be worth a fortune.
Isn't that just
an electrical abacus?
An abacus is for simple sums.
His machine looks
for patterns in numbers.
It's a way to decode
everything in existence.
If it fell into the wrong hands,
it could change the world
as we know it.
(Anne) I still don't get it.
The point is, it's valuable.
And Mr Roland is clearly
willing to go to great lengths
to get his hands on it.
But the only way
we're going to stop him
is by finding some evidence
so we can persuade
the adults to listen.
We need to catch him in the act.
Get proof.
Undeniable proof.
Looks like it's gonna be
another late one.
- (George) Treacle?
- (Dick) Check.
- (Julian) Feathers?
- (Anne) Check.
- (George) Marbles?
- (Julian) Got it.
(clock ticking)
- Torches off, Dick.
- How am I supposed to read?
Maybe just don't.
But I'm at a really exciting bit.
- This is exciting.
- (sighs)
what are we supposed to do now?
Well, now we wait.
(Dick sighs)
(birds chirping)
(owl hooting)
(clock ticking)
(metal scraping)
(Timmy whines softly)
(whispering) Oh, no.
How long have we been asleep?
(Julian) Dick, you were
supposed to stay awake.
I am awake.
(George) Good, cos he's here.
- Did we
- (shushes)
- (door opening in distance)
- (whispering) That.
That sounds like the front door.
Quick, grab your things.
(suspenseful music playing)
(lock clicking)
(floor creaking)
(pulley wheels squeak)
- Now!
- Get him!
- (Roland yelps)
- (The Five grunting)
- (Anne) Keep going! (grunts)
- (George) Julian, get the net on!
- (Julian) I am!
- (Anne coughs)
(Roland splutters)
- (Timmy barks)
- (Roland) Get that animal
- away from me.
- (George) It is Mr Roland!
(Roland) What on earth
do you think you're doing?
Making citizen's arrests.
- We caught you red-handed.
- (Roland) You have no idea.
Julian (breathes heavily)
you're a sensible boy
Be warned, I am armed
and I'm dangerous!
What on earth is going on here?
Mr Roland?
(Roland) Mrs Barnard,
Professor, thank goodness.
- There's been a terrible mistake.
- (glass shattering)
- What?
- (intruder panting)
- (thrilling music playing)
- (George) Come on
he's got the machine!
- (Julian) What about Mr Roland?
- (George) Leave him!
Quick, come on!
(Timmy barking)
(Timmy barks)
This way, into the woods.
- Who are we chasing?
- The intruder.
- I thought that was Mr Roland.
- So did we.
- (Anne) Come on, Julian!
- (Mr Roland) Wait!
(Julian) Mr Roland?
Sorry about the feathers.
The name's not Roland, it's Keats.
Agent Keats.
(tense music playing)
- Which way did he go?
- This way.
(Timmy barking)
(Timmy barks)
Wait, he's headed for the road.
It's quicker this way.
Agent Keats!
George knows a short cut.
(motorcycle engine revving)
- (gunshots)
- (intruder grunts)
The British Government
monitors all kinds
of technological innovations,
particularly ones
that could be dangerous
were they to fall into enemy hands.
- So, that means you're a spy?
- Not exactly.
You'd better
have a very good reason
for weaselling your way in here
and putting my family in danger.
I've been sent here to keep
an eye on your husband's progress
and requisition the device
if and when it was completed.
- Steal it for yourself, you mean?
- We have reason to believe
that war is on the horizon.
A world war.
And your contraption
could be critical
to the country's
counter-intelligence efforts.
Which means we must transport
this to a military facility
in Scotland.
(Quentin) I'm sorry, "we"?
Pack your things please, Professor.
- You've got some nerve.
- (Agent Keats) Excuse me?
As if commandeering his life's work
isn't bad enough,
you want him to show
you Neanderthals
how to warp
it into some war machine?
And did you for one minute
stop to think about
what happens to us?
She does make a good point.
My instructions were to bring
your husband and his device.
No provision was made
for women and children.
(Fanny) I don't care
what your instructions were.
Whoever these criminals are,
they're not going to just give up.
That was another very good point.
What if they try again?
(Fanny) You can't just
leave us here like sitting ducks.
No way.
Either we all go, or none of us do.
That's non-negotiable, I'm afraid.
(whispering) Does that mean
we're going to Scotland?
- Maybe.
- Yes!
But let me make something
absolutely clear,
we are dealing
with a team of highly motivated,
ruthless enemy agents
with international connections,
who will stop at nothing
to get what they are after.
I may have wounded one of them,
but they will strike again.
If it was my wife,
and my children
I would definitely want them
to stay here.
We appreciate your concern,
Agent Keats,
but if we're going to make
that Highland Sleeper,
we should probably get packing.
Very well.
(inspiring music playing)
(train whistling)
(train horn blaring)
(station master) The train
departing from platform two
is the sleeper train to Aberdeen.
- (Dick) Do you know our father?
- Excuse me?
Jack Barnard. Special Intelligence.
Currently posted in Cairo, I think.
(indistinct chatter)
- Never heard of him.
- (Dick) Huh.
Fair enough.
Quentin Barnard?
Well, I'll be
It is you!
Of all the trains in all the world,
what are the chances
we'd be taking the same one?
- Do you know this man?
- Er, well, I
Where are my manners?
Name's Maxwell.
- Maxwell Endicott Jr.
- (suspenseful music playing)
We met at your presentation
at the Royal Society last year.
- (Quentin) Oh, I'm so sorry.
- Not at all.
Caused quite a stir,
if you don't mind me saying so.
Ruffled a few feathers.
But I
I was hooked from the get-go.
Well, I'm sad to say that you were
very much in the minority that day.
We really must board this train.
Is that it?
The Algebra Engine?
Listen, I'd be keener than ketchup
to talk to you about licensing
You've made a terrible mistake.
- Come along, Professor.
- Er (clears throat) Excuse me.
(Timmy barks)
(train horn blaring)
- (whistle blowing)
- (train conductor) All aboard!
(train horn blaring)
(Fanny) Okay, great.
(train conductor) All aboard!
- (Fanny) Okay
- (Quentin) What do we think? Nice?
- Wood panelling.
- Uh-huh.
Ooh, nice pillows.
Tartan blankets.
So soft.
(chuckles) Well,
we're two doors along,
so come through
if you need anything.
- And try and stay out of trouble.
- We will.
- We promise.
- Mm.
(indistinct chatter)
(train conductor)
The train is ready to depart.
All aboard!
Excuse me, is this
the direction for the restaurant?
We booked a table, you see,
only we don't know which way it is.
Is it, er Is it fore or aft?
Thanks very much.
Strange fellow.
Can't be easy, delivering drinks
when your arm's crook.
(train conductor blowing whistle)
The train is ready to depart!
(dubious music playing)
(whistle blows)
I'm pretty sure
he works with Dad, by the way.
Agent Keats.
I had a word with him earlier.
- Dad isn't a spy, Dick.
- (Dick) He really is, Julian.
And the fact that
you don't realise it
just proves he's good at his job.
Looks like he's gonna stand
guard out there all night.
Do you really think they might try
and steal it on the train?
He pretty much said they would.
Maybe we should have dinner
in our compartment then.
Just in case.
But the à la carte menu's
only available in the restaurant.
It wouldn't hurt to have
a bit of a snoop around.
We got a better view
of the intruders
than everyone else.
Agent Keats told us to stay put.
But Agent Keats also lied to us.
He let them slip right
through his fingers.
Plus, he's not much
use as a tutor either.
I don't see why
we should do what he says.
(sighs) Your parents are hardly
going to let us loose
in the restaurant.
(mellow music playing)
Leave them to me.
First of all, dinner's included
for first-class ticket holders,
so it would be a waste not to.
Secondly, I just found out
that George hasn't been
to a restaurant for two years,
which is unbelievable.
We have fish and chips
every Thursday night,
- doesn't that count?
- (Anne) Fish and chips
definitely does not count.
Third and finally,
Julian left the picnic in the taxi.
(Fanny) Julian?
I'm sorry, Aunt Fanny.
Must have just slipped my mind.
Need I remind you
of the severity of the situation?
I'm sorry,
what were your orders again?
They made no provisions for women
and children. Apparently.
So, maybe this doesn't concern you.
(Anne) We'll be impeccably behaved,
I promise.
And it's a first-class
establishment, after all.
And if you want us to stay
out of trouble then, technically,
the further we are
from that machine the better,
(Fanny) What do you say, darling?
Might as well make the most of it.
(Agent Keats) I strongly recommend
that they stay put.
Thankfully, there are limits
to the reach
of your authority, Mr Keats.
Now, whilst my wife
and I will happily take dinner
in our compartment so that we can
keep an eye on things here,
if your department
is generous enough
to provide a slap-up dinner
for the children,
then I'm not going
to stand in their way.
- Yes!
- Thanks, Dad.
(mellow music playing)
(indistinct chatter)
(Timmy barks)
No dogs allowed.
- (Timmy barking)
- (George) What's wrong?
(head waiter) No dogs.
- Says who?
- (head waiter) Says me.
I'm the head waiter and I say
no animals in the dining car.
(Sabrina) Excuse me, waiter?
Vous pouvez faire une
exception cette fois? Non?
Désolé Madame,
mais les règles sont les règles.
(cutlery clinking)
(in English) What if the young lady
and her canine companion
were to sit with me?
I'll take full responsibility
for their behaviour.
Bien sur.
(in English)
The rest of you, follow me.
(Anne) Thank you very much.
Sabrina Grover,
pleased to make your acquaintance.
- George.
- (Timmy whines softly)
I like it.
Do you think George
is going to be all right?
She'll be fine, she's got Timmy.
(gasps) I wonder
what the soup of the day is.
(Frank) I know
you're getting handsomely paid
for this assignment,
but it's daylight robbery
if you ask me.
If this machine is as revolutionary
as it's purported to be,
it will pay for itself
in a matter of months.
Here you are, gentlemen.
You are extremely fortunate
that you ran into me when you did.
The Featherington 3000.
Far and away the best type-writing
machine in Europe.
Made out of lightweight,
cold-rolled steel,
its compact design features
the patent-pending soft space bar
and the smoothest carriage
return on the market.
Pretty nifty, isn't it?
(Gene) What a remarkable
piece of engineering.
Can't you just imagine us
sitting by the side of the loch?
You with your pipe,
me drawing Nessie to the surface
with the gentle
click-clack of the keys?
(suspenseful music playing)
Why would you go abroad
when you've got Scotland
on your doorstep?
That's why we're going
Inverness, you see?
No messing around with ferries
or anything like that.
You close your eyes,
before you know it, bosh
you're in the Highlands.
- Barman.
- (barman) Yes, sir?
Can I get three Coca Colas, please?
Send them to those kids over there.
What about you?
What brings you
this side of the Atlantic?
Is it business or pleasure?
Big business, my friend.
The biggest business there is.
Ooh, tell me more.
I love a bit of business, me.
The fish is supposed
to be really good.
It's a Dover sole,
imported fresh this morning.
- I'll have that then, thank you.
- (waiter) Yes, mademoiselle.
What about your companion?
Erm, Timmy will be fine
with a couple
of shortbread biscuits,
- if you have them.
- (waiter) Very good.
I like his style.
So, where are your parents, George?
I mean, if
if you don't mind my asking.
No, they decided to stay
in their compartment.
They let me do pretty much
whatever I want.
Mm, very sensible of them.
My parents,
they were much more controlling.
That didn't end well.
Are you here on holiday?
More like a work thing of my dad's.
Where are you going?
(Sabrina) Well, I'm a firm believer
that the journey is more important
than the destination,
so I'm gonna spend some time
in the Highlands,
then I might take
a boat to the Hebrides.
Norway, Finland.
Who knows?
Don't you ever go home?
(Sabrina) I don't have one.
Everything I own folds
into two neat little suitcases.
That's so cool.
So, what do you do for a living?
It's the 20th century, George.
You can do anything you want
and be whoever you want to be.
I think
I think I like to consider myself
an adventurer.
That's what I want to be.
Best job there is.
(Frank) Well, I must say
it's remarkably quiet.
- (Frau chuckles)
- You see? Look at the young man go.
At 87 pounds, it's a snip.
A snip, I tell you.
Well, perhaps we can consider
it an early birthday present.
You won't regret it.
It works like a dream.
(Frau) The little boy knows
what he's talking about.
- (chuckles)
- Eighty-five pounds, you say?
Eighty-seven pounds.
I suppose you take cheques?
(Frau) Certainly.
I'll fetch you a receipt.
Where did you learn
to type like that?
I'm trying to get my speed
up to 50 words per minute
by the time I go to Oxford.
Well, keep it up and you can make
a good journalist,
like this venerable old hack.
I don't want to be a journalist.
I want to be a secret agent,
like my father. No offence.
(cheque rips)
Oh, I'm sorry,
but we didn't order these.
(head waiter) They were sent over
by the American gentleman
at the bar.
I thought you might enjoy
a taste of the land of opportunity.
(Julian) That's very kind of you,
but we couldn't possibly accept.
(Anne slurping)
Sorry. It's really yummy. Thanks.
I can understand your reluctance
to trust a stranger bearing gifts.
But I already met your dad,
so, technically,
I'm not a stranger.
And the truth is, it all depends
on what type of gifts are on offer.
Professor Barnard
isn't our father, he's our uncle.
Uncle, father, you'd still benefit
though, wouldn't you,
if he suddenly became
a very wealthy man?
You see, I'm prepared to offer him
a life-changing amount of money.
I think our uncle made it
pretty clear he wasn't interested.
Yeah, but he didn't give me
a chance to hear my pitch
before his minder got in the way.
All I'm looking for
is the opportunity
to have a word with him.
Just cos you bought us drinks,
it doesn't mean
we're gonna tell you
which compartment he's in.
You're young, I get that.
When you're a little older
you'll realise
everyone has a price.
Take this note
to Professor Barnard.
I'm not sure what cabin he's in,
but I'm pretty sure
you can find out.
(Weiss) Very well, sir.
Much obliged.
Well, enjoy your drinks, kids.
I'll be sure to catch up
with your uncle soon, huh?
At the risk of stating the obvious,
that American seemed deeply
He's certainly
got motive and means.
(Dick) And he's about to have
an opportunity.
Not as suspicious as that
waiter, though.
What waiter?
The one with the bandaged arm
that the American
just handed a note to.
He's got an injury
in the exact spot
that Agent Keats shot the intruder.
Why didn't you tell us?
I just did.
(laughs) And that's how I learned
never to leave home
without a good length of rope
and a half dozen hairpins.
Sorry to interrupt. We just need
to discuss something with George.
- Urgently.
- Of course.
(indistinct chatter)
The intruder's on the train,
Anne saw him.
And he's headed for the machine
right now.
(suspenseful music playing)
(Timmy barking)
(Petula) Next time you want
to talk to that ghastly American,
- I'll bring a book.
- Impressive man. Very impressive.
Excuse me, sir,
can I get through please?
Hold your horses.
I'm sorry, sir,
I just need to get past.
Hey, you don't want
to start ordering me about.
You want to respect your elders.
Let them through, Roger,
they're only kids.
Thank you very much.
(Timmy barking)
- Is that the
- (shushes)
(George) Mama? Mama, wake up.
- What's wrong with them?
- Drugged, probably.
Some kind of sedative maybe?
They'll be fine, just, you know,
unconscious for bit.
It must have been that waiter.
- (Timmy whimpering, barking)
- (men grunting)
- (gunshot)
- (glass shatters)
That sounded like
- (gunshot)
- Agent Keats!
(both grunt)
It's him!
(both grunt)
(groans, screams)
Can't get the staff these days.
I just hope his drinks are better
than his skills in unarmed combat.
- Stop!
- Wait!
- Don't do it!
- No!
Your drink,
it's been tampered with.
I suddenly feel
terribly light-headed.
Oh, I am sorry.
- We should call the guard.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Trust no one.
- But, sir, you're
- (Agent Keats) You're good kids
Protect the device.
(yawns, snores)
The trolley!
We have a problem here.
(gasps) It's gone.
- The machine, it's been
- Stolen.
(train horn honks)
- (snores)
- (Julian) This is not good.
They're out for the count,
we're all on our own
and the device is missing.
A device that can apparently
threaten the security
of the whole country.
- So, what do we do now?
- We do what Keats said.
We stay put and we wait until
one of the grown-ups wake up.
(George) Except he didn't say that.
He told you to trust no one
and to protect the device.
- It's already been stolen!
- So, we get it back.
You said it yourself,
we're all that's left.
And in the wrong hands,
Dad's device is dangerous,
so we have to get it back.
Well, what do we do?
Run around
and knock on everyone's door
and accuse them of theft?
We only need to knock on one door.
- The American?
- I found this.
It's the note
he gave to the waiter.
"I insist you meet me tonight.
Coach C, compartment six".
"If you don't come,
you'll regret it".
So, the waiter was following
Maxwell's orders?
They've probably been working
together this whole time.
He's definitely rich enough to have
set up the whole thing.
And clearly obsessed
with the machine.
- Maybe, but
- Whatever we do,
we need to do it quickly.
Next stop is Hebburndale, at 11:24.
If the American gets off,
the device could disappear forever.
We're not going to let that happen.
(train tracks rattling)
- (Julian) Do we knock?
- (George) No way.
(door opens)
(George coughs)
(mysterious music playing)
(Maxwell) Daddy? Is that you?
(George) No.
We know you've got the machine.
- What are you talking about?
- (George) You stole it.
The Algebra Engine's been stolen?
Just give it back to us
and there won't be any trouble.
You think (chuckles)
you think I'd be here
licking my wounds
if I had Barnard's machine?
I am a man of good standing,
not a thief.
- Maybe he's telling the truth.
- He's lying.
We saw the note you sent
with that waiter.
(Julian) The one threatening
Uncle Quentin if he didn't sell.
(George) You said if he didn't
come and see you, he'd regret it.
Well, of course he'll regret it,
I could make us
both obscenely wealthy.
It wasn't meant
as a threat, though.
In any case, I came straight here
after dinner to smoke my cigar.
And it's just been me
and this Casa San Coba
Numero Four ever since.
Just look at this
if you don't believe me.
(George) Excuse me?
(Maxwell) This ain't no
walking-around cigar.
Look at that ash,
a sign of premium,
Cuban quality, that is.
Takes time to build it up.
Burns slow, holds the flavour.
Look here.
Took me the best part
of the past half-hour
to build this up.
I wouldn't be able
to leave the compartment
without dislodging it.
Much less steal a ground-breaking
piece of technology.
(train lurches)
Hebburndale. The station.
(train horn honks)
(Petula) What we getting off
here for? It isn't our stop.
That's it, he's got it!
(Petula) What about the rest
of my things?
(Roger) Petula, please!
Can we just
Excuse me, that case.
It looks just like one
we're missing.
No, it doesn't.
What you doing? Get off.
(Petula) Little girl,
you can't just take
This belongs to my father.
Give it back!
- Julian!
- Sorry about this.
Get off! I found it first!
Finders keepers, it's mine!
Why don't you get back
on the train? Go on!
- (Petula) What you doing, Roger?
- You heard that American.
This thing's worth a fortune.
Yeah, but it isn't ours, is it?
Don't you know what this is?
This is the first piece
of good luck
I've had my whole life.
What about me?
Give the suitcase back, sir.
(gun cocks)
Don't let its compact size
mislead you.
This is a .22 calibre Derringer
and it packs quite a punch.
(tense music playing)
(Sabrina) There's a good chap.
- (train conductor) All aboard!
- Go.
Next train will be along
soon enough.
(train horn honking)
So, we're due to stop
at Gleneagles at 5:25.
We should be able to get a couple
of police officers
to board the train then,
so they can keep an eye on things
for the rest of the journey.
Could I have a look?
- (Sabrina) Yes.
- Thanks.
Until then, would you like
to return to your compartment
or would you rather stay here?
- Stay here.
- Er, we should go back.
(exhales) How about a reviving cup
of tea while you make up your mind?
Tea would be great.
How did you know that calamity
of a couple were the thieves?
We didn't, really.
Not until we actually saw them
getting off the train.
We thought whoever stole it
might try to make a run for it
- first chance they could get.
- Smart girl.
Finders keepers.
That's what the man said.
The thief, he said
he found the Algebra Engine.
That's a weird thing
for a mastermind thief to say.
Well, it's certainly not
evoking mastermind.
He said something to his wife
about the American telling him
that it'd make him rich,
but that must mean
that he found out
about Dad's device today,
on this train.
(Dick) So
he couldn't have been working
with the waiter from the start.
The waiter had to be working
with someone.
So, there must still be another
thief on the train.
Can I have a biscuit, please?
Of course. Take two.
Of course. Take two.
- (cup shatters)
- Hey!
- No one drink the tea.
- What are you talking about?
It's her. She's the thief.
And Mrs Sassoon,
from the guesthouse.
I knew I'd smelt that
perfume before.
Vol de Nuit, by Jacques Guerlain.
I smelt it back
in the guesthouse in Dorset
and I can smell it again now.
You're quite the little detectives,
aren't you, er?
I spent weeks
setting up that operation,
researching the smugglers' tunnel,
purchasing the guesthouse,
biding my time.
I thought the Algebra Engine
was mine, but no.
I must admit, I was more
than a little frustrated
with your interference.
Still, once my colleague managed
to neutralise your parents
and the British agent,
it wasn't too hard for me
to get what I wanted.
You're not keeping the device.
(tense music playing)
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
We're leaving
and we're taking that with us.
We can do this the easy way
or the hard way.
- (perfume squirts)
- (Sabrina groans)
(chuckles softly)
Hard way it is, then.
terrible trouble
getting a man out
I hate to say it, but we're going
to run out of train pretty quickly.
- Any better ideas?
- Yeah, hide.
(indistinct chatter)
(Sabrina) George?
Are you here?
Oh, hello, Timmy.
Who's a good boy, huh?
- Who's a good boy?
- (whimpers)
I know you're in here, George.
You wouldn't leave Timmy behind.
Come out.
I just want to chat.
(Timmy whimpers)
You don't care about talking,
you just want the Algebra Engine.
(Sabrina) Oh, la, la, la, la.
Put it down.
Why should I?
What do you even want it for?
I'm not the villain here, George.
I'm a mere player
in a much bigger game.
You can't just run around lying
and stealing things
that don't belong to you.
(laughs) Sweet boy,
you just described
the British Empire.
Smart girl.
Thank you, George.
This has been fun.
(metallic clanking)
(laughs evilly)
(soft music playing)
(Anne) Do you think
anyone knows we're missing?
(Dick) Definitely.
The train will be in Edinburgh now.
Aunt Fanny and Uncle Quentin
would have woken up.
(Julian) Maybe they'll speak
to Agent Keats.
He knows what happened.
How much further?
Erm, if we keep up
our current speed, maybe
a little under five hours.
Give or take.
I can't walk for five hours!
I'm tired and hungry.
- And I'm eight years old.
- We're all tired and hungry.
I'm not. I'm angry!
She thinks she's so important
and different
and not exactly like
every other adult
that underestimates us
just 'cause we're not old.
We need a plan, something epic.
Something that will make her
regret lying and stealing.
And threatening Timmy.
Oh, just stop already! Please!
We can't just let her
get away with it.
Look around, George.
We're in the middle of nowhere.
She already
has gotten away with it.
Maybe if you'd
No, go on. Maybe if I'd what?
Listened to me. To Keats.
Maybe if we left with the device
when we had the chance,
we wouldn't be in this mess.
So, you think it's all my fault?
See, why do you do that?
You act like you don't care
what people think,
but you do,
just like everyone else.
You want people to like you.
You wanted Sabrina to like you,
so you trusted her,
even though Keats said
not to trust anyone,
and she took the advice,
and now I don't like you!
- (car approaches)
- (Dick) Look!
(Anne) Are they goodies or baddies?
(Julian) Goodies. Definitely.
Barnard children?
I'm Brigadier Hollingsbrooke.
Get in.
Where are you taking us?
To your parents
at the new special ops training
No, that information
is highly classified, Private.
Yeah. Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.
All you need to know
is that you'll be staying
at the Cairngorms Garrison
at His Majesty's pleasure.
Come along.
(suspenseful music playing)
(Anne) What's your name?
(Private Craig)
Private Craig, Miss.
(Anne) Can I ask,
are our aunt and uncle all right?
(Private Craig)
I'm not supposed to say, Miss,
but, yes, they are.
And is Agent Keats with them?
(Private Craig) He certainly is.
(Brigadier Hollingsbrooke)
Private Craig,
do not give her
any more information.
(officer shouting indistinctly)
Right, follow me.
- (Timmy barks)
- (Fanny) Timmy! Oh, thank God.
- (kisses)
- Oh, Mum, stop!
- Thank goodness you're okay.
- (George) We lost the engine.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Doesn't matter.
So long as you're safe.
Lina Martine. Is that her?
(mysterious music playing)
We've been monitoring her movements
for years.
- Who have?
- Special Intelligence.
Well, not very successfully,
it seems.
What will she do with my machine?
Sell it to the highest bidder,
Which could be any one
of a number of hostile nations.
The Germans, most likely.
We've got to stop her.
I'm sorry, did you say something?
The only "we" here
is the British Armed Forces.
We will be the ones to decide
on the appropriate
course of action.
If my men hadn't wasted
so much time
tracking you children down,
we might have had a shot.
She'll be long gone by now.
Which is why Special Intelligence
have decided to concentrate
our efforts on helping you
construct a duplicate machine.
And by "Special Intelligence",
you mean my brother Jack.
(Agent Keats) I'm not at liberty
to discuss the chain of command.
(Brigadier Hollingsbrooke)
Private Craig,
can you please escort
the children to the barracks?
Give them whatever they want,
just keep them occupied and away.
It's irrelevant anyway.
The whole thing is impossible.
(Agent Keats) You'll be given
whatever resources you need
and, of course, free rein
of the laboratory here.
It would take months.
Even then, there's no guarantee.
(Agent Keats) In all likelihood,
your machine is halfway
to Berlin by now.
A war is coming, Professor.
And we cannot allow the Germans
any technological advantage.
So, I'm sorry if it sounded
like a request, because it isn't.
You will build a new Algebra Engine
and you will remain here,
under the supervision
of Brigadier Hollingsbrooke,
until it's complete.
You can do it, darling.
You've done it before,
you can do it again.
(officer shouting indistinctly)
The Major said that we were
"guests at His Majesty's pleasure".
But I doubt that His Majesty
would be particularly pleased
with this slop.
He's a Brigadier, not a Major.
Even a Brigadier should be able
to put together a meal
that comes
with some kind of pudding.
(joyful music playing)
(indistinct chatter)
No matter how bad things get,
they're always better
with plum pudding.
(soft music playing)
I'm sorry, George.
Obviously, I do like you.
I'm sorry too.
You were right,
I should have listened to you.
Instead, I trusted Sabrina.
Now, we're stuck in this place.
And Dad has to build
a whole new engine.
It's not your fault.
You were right
about a lot of things.
You're the reason we recovered
the device twice before.
(Dick) And maybe
we can do it again?
We do make a pretty good team
when we work together.
We've got nothing to go on, though.
We've got this,
Sabrina's timetable.
Look at the numbers scribbled
on the corner.
(Anne) Maybe they're
measurements for her tailor?
That doesn't make any sense.
Maybe it's a telephone number.
There are too many numbers.
I know what it is,
it's a short-wave radio frequency.
- It's how I listen to the Test.
- (mysterious music playing)
Maybe maybe that's how
she receives her instructions.
Only one way to find out.
- Private Craig?
- Er
(garbled radio chatter
through headphones)
(morse code beeps)
- Is it working?
- (shushes)
(morse code continues, loops)
(morse code plays over speaker)
What is that?
It's Morse code recorded on a loop.
(mysterious music playing)
(Dick) It says today's date
Loch Ness
goose and
Loch Ness must be
the meeting point.
And 1800 is six o'clock
this evening.
What about the goose
and the cuckoo?
What have they got to do
with anything?
Don't know. But we have less
than two hours to find out.
Loch Ness is miles away.
We'd never make it, even if we ran.
Private Craig?
(dramatic music playing)
(Private Craig) Do you really think
you'll catch a glimpse of Nessie?
(Anne) Almost certainly,
Private Craig.
(George) There's been a spate
of sightings,
ever since that picture
was published
in the papers last week.
That photograph
has been widely discredited.
It could just as easily
have been an upturned boat.
(Julian) But we believe it's real,
don't we?
Well, you won't get a better view
of the Loch Ness Monster
than from up here.
(Anne) Thank you, Private Craig.
Can we borrow your binoculars,
Yes, of course.
(birds chirping)
Less than an hour.
Loch Ness, 1800.
But no geese or cuckoos.
Wait a minute.
You can stay here, Private Craig,
keep your eyes peeled
for the monster.
(mysterious music playing)
We're going to the pub.
(laughs) er
Thank you. Erm
Er fine. The pub.
No kids allowed!
Unless you're looking
to purchase a souvenir?
I've got Nessie hats,
Nessie scarves,
- Nessie doilies, very popular.
- (Julian) No, thank you.
We're actually looking
for one of your guests.
Her name is Sabrina Grover.
Or Mrs Sassoon.
Possibly Lina Martine.
Got a lot of names,
this lady you're looking for.
(Anne) Well, I call her Mummy.
I've lost her.
And if you don't help me find her,
I'll scream.
(Dick sighs)
We'll happily buy a scarf.
(coins rattling)
(indistinct chatter)
I'm sorry,
but I can't possibly disclose
the personal details of my guests,
whether close family members
or not.
(suspenseful music playing)
Oh, come on.
You've got time for one.
Something to warm us up.
Fine. One pint of mild,
and then I'm heading up to write.
You're obsessed
with that typewriter,
and you can't drink mild
in the Highlands.
I'll get us a couple of whiskies.
Ah! Hello, young sirs.
Didn't expect to see you here.
We're looking for the lady
from the train.
You know the one, walks into
every room like she owns it.
Extraordinarily well-dressed.
Oh, you mean the one
who was rather outlandishly dressed
in the periwinkle getup.
It was peacock blue,
as a matter of fact.
A wonderfully
stylish woman like her
wouldn't be seen dead
in an establishment like this.
Now, that's how wrong you can be.
You see, while you've been bashing
on that new typewriter of yours
morning, noon and night,
she was staying in the room
next door to us all along.
Not that she's there anymore.
Do you have any idea
where she's gone?
Well, she was standing,
looking rather forlorn,
at the end of the pier
last time I saw her.
Probably looking out for Nessie,
no doubt. Huh?
Was she carrying anything,
like a large case?
I recall a fox-fur stole.
- No case, though.
- Right.
- Now, whisky.
- Well
And, no, no ice. It's insulting.
If you insist,
you can have it with water.
We haven't got long.
How much money have you got?
A couple of pounds.
What do you want it for?
(Anne) But we've already
got souvenirs.
I'm aware of that.
I'm going to need you
to order some more.
- (indistinct chatter)
- (coins clink)
Thank you.
You know, I really like my scarf.
A lot.
But what I want more than anything
is another one in mauve.
Might have some purple wool
in the back.
Sounds perfect.
All right. Stay there.
- (water rippling)
- (birds chirping)
(tense music playing)
That's not a monster.
Your country's reputation
for good timekeeping
is clearly well-deserved.
I only hope you will be able
to match such efficiency.
Of course.
I trust you had a pleasant trip.
(chuckles) U-boat conditions
are hardly pleasant,
and, er, navigating our way
from the Atlantic
was no small feat.
But I hope we'll be able to provide
you with a level of, er
comfort on your trip
back to Germany.
- Key?
- (keys jingle)
Are we going to get away with this?
Let's find out.
- (Timmy barking)
- (groans)
- (Hans-Peter) Something wrong?
- Nothing I can't handle.
(stairs creaking)
You really don't know
when to give up, do you?
(speaks German)
Et voila.
(in English) The device, gentlemen.
Hand it over, George.
At least tell me why.
You said you could be anyone.
Why be one of the bad guys?
(door opening)
Do you have a telephone?
I need to make a call
most urgently.
We have a telephone, yes, indeed.
Can you tell the operator to put me
through to Brigadier Hollingsbrooke
at the Cairngorm Garrison?
Could I have a quiet word, Private?
Not right now. I've just seen
a U-boat in the middle of the loch.
Perhaps you could've been mistaken.
Listen to the lady.
You've obviously made a mistake.
Putting you through now.
- (Brigadier Hollingsbrooke) Hello?
- Er, I suppose I
(Brigadier Hollingsbrooke)
Private Craig?
It could have been a trick
of the light or something.
(Brigadier Hollingsbrooke)
Speak up, for pity's sake!
Is there some kind of problem here?
(Gene) Frank, for goodness' sake,
be careful.
(mysterious music playing)
I'll have you know
that I'm a member
of the Territorial Army.
And if you're taking
this here private prisoner
then you're going to have to make
a prisoner out of me, too.
There'll be no shooting
in my pub
unless I'm the one doin' it!
(Brigadier Hollingsbrooke)
Private Craig?
- What the devil's going on?
- Sorry to disturb you, sir.
We've got something
of a situation.
(Brigadier Hollingsbrooke)
A situation?
(Sabrina) Maybe you should put
the phone down, Private Craig.
(Brigadier Hollingsbrooke)
What kind of situation?
- Private Craig
- (phone receiver clattering)
(Sabrina) Now, why doesn't everyone
put their weapons down, too?
She's right.
Maybe we should let them go
before anyone gets hurt.
(Sabrina laughs)
Wow, you really
are quite remarkable, George.
- Why don't you come with us?
- That wasn't part of the deal.
Just to see us off
at the end of the pier,
to make sure no one here decides
to do something they might regret.
It's fine.
I'll go.
(George) You never answered
my question.
- (water rippling)
- (birds chirping)
What was so wrong with Lina Martine
that you're choosing to be this?
(scoffs) Lina Martine.
Lina Martine was trained
by British Intelligence.
She was excited to work
for an organisation who
who told her, who tell themselves,
that they're the good guys.
What changed?
Why choose the bad side?
I learned the truth.
It's not as simple
as good guys and bad guys,
nobody is the villain
of their own story, George.
Everyone has their reasons
of great ideas,
of self-importance
of righteousness.
The simple fact is everyone,
every one of them,
is just in it for themselves.
I didn't pick a side.
I just realised that if I don't
look out for me, who will?
(introspective music playing)
Seems like you did pick a side.
Helping bad people do bad things
makes you bad, too.
It seems simple to me.
If I didn't get them the device,
they'd just send someone else,
and someone else after that.
You're an extraordinary person,
and I'm an extraordinary shot.
You will stay here
until we're safely away
won't you?
- (slurps)
- (door opening)
- What the devil was all that about?
- (Private Craig) Sorry, sir.
Where's my daughter?
Where's George?
(mysterious music playing)
(Timmy barking)
- (Fanny) George!
- (George) Timmy!
- (barks)
- George!
- Oh, thank goodness!
- (George) Who's a good boy?
About the device
(Fanny) Never mind
about the device.
There's no U-boat.
What are you talking about?
You just missed it.
Do you think this
is some kind of joke, child?
I thank you not to talk
to my daughter that way.
What happened to the engine?
You mean this engine?
(soft music playing)
- I thought
- You weren't the only one.
I wasn't sure it was going to work.
Neither was I.
(Quentin chuckling)
I'm not saying I condone
taking those types of risks,
but swapping out the typewriter
for the device,
deliberately getting caught to make
her feel like she's in control?
It's a clever plan.
Dangerous, so don't you ever
scare me like that again.
(laughs) But clever!
- All's well that ends well, eh?
- (laughing) Yes.
Thanks to these
remarkable children.
I assume we're free to go,
now that you have my machine.
We could use a mind like yours
in our division.
Well, that's my brother's world,
not mine.
- I'd rather be home with my family.
- (mouths) Told you.
Suit yourself. Private Craig!
- Sir.
- Hmm. Hold this.
You understand that this is now
the government's
proprietary technology, right?
You are not to make a replica
of this device.
Scout's honour.
Very well.
What exactly is
"haggis, neeps, and tatties"?
Ah. Turnips is neeps,
and haggis is made from sh Hmm.
Sheep's stomachs with other
sheep organs stuffed inside.
Please tell me he's lying.
- He's not lying. Hmm.
- (kids) He's not lying.
(all laugh)
Why send a U-boat
to steal a typewriter?
I mean, it was good,
but it wasn't that good.
The whole thing's absurd,
if you ask me.
By the way, Dad,
you might owe that man some money
for his typewriter.
- What?
- (theme music playing)
- How much was it?
- (Dick) Only 87 pounds.
Oh, hey, what, how much?
Hang on a second
(indistinct chatter)
(waves lapping)
(theme music concludes)
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