The Following s01e02 Episode Script

Chapter Two

Previously on The Following Serial killer Joe Carroll has escaped from prison.
Get some help now! Ryan, I know things didn't end well with the Bureau, but you caught Carroll.
No one knows him like you do.
I'm not an agent anymore.
He cut out his victims' eyes as a nod to his favorite works of Poe.
He didn't just eviscerate 14 female students.
He was making art.
Sarah was his unfinished work.
He wanted to get the ending right.
The point of Sarah's death was for you.
He's finding people.
They're his followers.
Prison guard, gay neighbors-- how do they figure into your new plot? We know about the cult.
I like to think of them as my friends.
So what's my sequel about, Joe? We're gonna write this together, Ryan, even though you slept with my wife.
Did she show you the letter? - How does he know? - He doesn't.
No one need to know about this.
- Mom, what's going on? - Yeah.
It's dad, isn't it? - I didn't know what to say.
- Oh, honey.
If this book ends with anything other than your death, you better plan on a rewrite.
Aah! Aah! Joey? Where is he? Joey! Joey, honey, where are you? Where's Denise? Where's my son?! Sorry.
Didn't mean to scare you.
Is everything ok? Extra patrol this evening.
I thought they caught him.
I saw it on the news.
Still, mind if I look around, check your doors and windows? Sure.
Come on in.
I think everyone's asleep.
_ Why don't we start upstairs? Do you want me to wake everyone? No.
We don't want to do that.
Let's start with the room on the end.
This is Jesse's room.
She's out.
Jesse's room.
I know.
I've studied this house a lot.
What is that? I threw this up here earlier.
It's my kit.
It's important to have the right tools.
I've been planning this for a long time.
Convicted serial killer Joe Carroll has been captured and is being held at the Richmond Federal Detention Center.
As of early this morning, Carroll's son Joey Matthews and his nanny Denise Harris have been missing.
An amber alert is in effect, and we ask that anyone with any information as to their whereabouts please contact the FBI.
What's going on, Ryan? Where is my son? We need to talk.
Why is Joe doing this? I don't understand how Denise is involved.
Are they gonna hurt Joey? I think she's your nanny because of Joe.
I think he put her here-- No.
That's impossible.
She's been Joey's nanny for two years.
She lives with me, I know her.
The accomplices, the guys that helped him kill Sarah Fuller, they were there for years, using false identities.
We think that she did, too.
I did a background check, I checked her references, I have records.
Can I see them? Yeah.
Heavy traces of Zolpidem on the kitchen counter.
She drugged the guards.
I bet the kid, too.
Carried him down the back staircase to the garage.
Car was found 10 minutes ago in a parking lot 45 minutes from here.
Denise Harris from Alexandria.
Her address, her references, it's all there.
She talked about her mom a lot.
I guess they were close.
No dad in the picture.
You ever meet any of her friends or overhear a phone conversation? Her friends never came over.
She was shy, she kept to herself.
She read in her room a lot.
I can't be this blind, can I? You cannot afford to think like that, do you understand? Find my son.
Hey! You can't run from me! Ha ha ha! Whee! Err! I got you! Look at this place.
Wow! Whose house is this? Friend of a friend.
And it's ok that we're here? Yeah.
Come on! Let's check it out! Can I call my mom now? Honey, I told you.
Your mom told us not to call.
She doesn't want anyone to know where we are.
You remember what I said? We're on an adventure! Mm-hmm.
Come here.
What's wrong with you? - I hate kids.
- Stop it.
I do.
I hate talking to them, I hate looking at them.
Not this kid, ok? You like this kid.
Just keep saying it over and over again until it sticks.
I'd rather snap his neck.
I'm kidding.
Is there a problem? Nope.
Not here.
We're on an adventure with a kid, and I like kids, especially this kid.
What was that about? It's been a long night, he's tired.
It's good to have you back.
_ More developments from Richmond, Virginia, upon Sarah Fuller's death as the search for young Joey Matthews continues.
Convicted serial killer Joe Carroll's son is believed to have been abducted Ok.
The team over there's covering the ground search, that group is on our prison guard Jordy, and we've got Joey's search right here.
Ryan Hardy, this is Agent Mitchell, Cyberforensics.
She's from our DC office.
She's awesome.
Nice to meet you, sir.
Where are we are on the nanny? I know Denise Harris is not from Alexandria because Denise Harris does not exist.
But we IDed Sarah Fuller's gay or not-so-gay neighbors.
Real names are Jacob Wells and Paul Torres.
Jacob is from Lake Whitehurst, Paul is form El Paso, Texas.
Where he's a computer consultant with a history of fraud, which explains all the fake IDs.
Where's Agent Mason? I'd just get rid of him, send him home.
You can't.
You heard Carroll.
He's part of the story.
Then sideline him before he cracks because he will crack.
You weren't around Well, this is awkward.
Hello, Mr.
I'm Agent Debra Parker.
I'm new the party.
We were just, uh, discussing you.
Agent Parker's in from Quantico.
She's taking the lead.
I want to speak to Mr.
Hardy privately.
Where's Mason? She's on her way back to Quantico.
Apparently she put a former agent alone in a room with Joe Carroll and let him break Turns out that's a no-no.
Marshal Turner thinks I should dismiss you, but he's remembering you for the man you were 10 years ago, not the man you are now.
And there's a difference? I hope so because Joe Carroll has cast you as the main character in his psycho sequel, so I can't just kick you to the curb.
I'm sorry about Sarah Fuller.
I want a gun.
I'm not asking to be an agent again, but you need to deputize me and give me a gun.
When was the last time you had a drink? Director Franklin asked me to be here, and if I'm gonna stay, I want a gun.
I'll take it under advisement.
How's your heart? I see here you suffer from, uh, cardiomyopathy.
Is this really the best use of our time? There's a child missing.
So tell me about Carroll's accomplices.
He used this prison guard to gain access to the internet to create a following, like a cult.
Let's not use that word.
People don't hear it well.
Well, you can call it what you want, but he solicited people to do his bidding.
Carroll mentioned a letter? Claire Matthews received a letter about a week before Carroll's escape.
It was personal.
He questioned my relationship with her.
As did the FBI 8 years ago.
So now you're up to speed.
We got more bodies.
Blood smear.
Jordy was messy.
Left prints everywhere.
Made no attempt to conceal his identity.
Victim number 3-- she tried to run, quick struggle.
Not the case for the others.
There were 9 girls in the house at the time.
Some of them woke up when they heard the screams, and Jordy ran.
He removed the eyes-- Carroll's signature.
Is Jordy playing at Poe's greatest hits? It's paying homage to Carroll.
It's following in the footsteps of his hero, it's ceremonial, the work of an acolyte.
Let's not use that word either.
It implies the other word.
Let's say, "Carroll's accomplices.
" Pick a word, any word, but this is mind control at work.
Why have his son kidnapped? It's an offering, it's biblical.
They think of him as the son of God, something to be worshiped.
Or sacrificed.
Carroll knows where the kid is.
He's not gonna tell us.
But he might tell his wife.
Carroll asked to see her.
He's smarter than that.
He's not gonna tell her anything.
Well, let's find out.
What do I say? Is there anything special I need to ask him? Try to engage him about Joey, speak to his paternal instincts.
Make Joey important to him.
Are you sure you want to do this? I like your new place.
Me, too.
How was court today? Moving fast.
Won't be long now.
I can't go anymore.
I can't look at him.
I don't ever want to see him again.
You don't have to.
My hands are shaking.
My God.
You still have that effect on me.
You're so beautiful always-- Where's my son? Our son, Claire.
Please, Joe.
Where is he? Do you remember when we went to Antigua, we rented that little cottage on the beach? We were only supposed to be there for a few days, but it turned into a whole month.
I don't think we wore clothes the entire time.
He's growing up so fast-- Joey is.
He's so brilliant, reading well beyond his years-- Melville and Twain.
He finished "Robinson Crusoe" last week, but he didn't like it very much.
It must be so hard for you.
You must feel so betrayed.
Come on, Claire.
Hang in there.
So you got my letter.
Is he in danger, Joe? Please just let him be, ok, ok? Please don't let him be hurt.
I'd like some answers to my questions.
Tell me where Joey is first.
I asked you some very specific questions.
I'd like you to answer them.
- Yes.
- "Yes," you what? Ryan and I had an affair for almost two months.
After the trial? And the divorce.
Oh, yes.
Of course.
You waited for the divorce.
Noble Claire.
Only a proper little diddle will do.
Was it good, the sex? Did you body quiver to his every touch? Yes.
It did.
We got to get her out of there.
Not yet.
And the last question? - I don't know.
- Oh, you know the question.
I don't know is my answer.
How could I love anyone after you? You destroyed me.
You son of a bitch! Where's my son? Where is Joey, you bastard? Where is-- ohh! Aah! We need to get in there.
Damn it! I will always love you.
No! Off! You ok? Yes.
I'm sorry about what I said in there.
Don't be.
Got a car waiting to take-- Is there any news on Joey? As soon as I know anything, I promise-- we're gonna find him, Claire.
Which room do I get? I don't know.
Let's see.
Whoa! It's just like my room at home! My ninja warrior! And it's brand-new! How cool is that? Supercool! Can I call mom now? Honey, she asked us not to call.
We have to wait.
Why is my dad such a bad man? Oh, honey.
Come here.
Maybe he's not so bad.
Maybe we just don't understand him.
I'll tell you what, why don't you get settled and check out all your new things? "Good and bad no longer existed.
It was all degrees of evil now.
Gwendolyn held his dying body as the storm raged on.
Death had finally arrived, and it was glorious to the touch.
" - Thank you.
- Thanks.
Thank you for coming, uh Emma.
I loved your book.
So you're the one, Emma.
It's beautiful.
All the imagery's so vivid.
I felt like I was there.
You just made my day.
Uh, may I just, uh-- you have such lovely eyes, Emma.
Don't deprive us of them.
Did she die-- Gwendolyn-- at the end when she went into the sea and started swimming to the horizon? Well, you tell me.
I think she died.
She was swimming toward the horizon, toward the Sun.
In death, she found hope.
Emma, hon.
You almost done? - I'm ready, mom-- - Oh.
So this is the fella you came to see.
My, my.
I thought all writers were big-nosed and mushy.
- Not you.
- Mom, please.
Let's go.
I'm giving the man a compliment.
No, sir.
You do not look like a writer.
Did he sign your book? Oh, yes.
Mustn't forget this.
"Emma, hopefully yours, Joe.
" So which is our room? You mean, your room.
Jacob and I are taking the master.
You can't do that.
Well, you're not gay anymore, remember? We were never gay.
It's just with the kid, is that cool? Don't worry about it.
I tracked her through the prison footage.
She used several aliases very similar to the gay guys.
The guy beside her.
Jacob Wells.
You connected them.
And get this.
I did a search for Jacob Paul Torres.
They signed in together.
You were right.
They're all in on this.
Find the first time the nanny visited Carroll.
Maybe she didn't use an alias.
as Emma Hill.
There's an Emma Hill in Petersburg, Virginia.
I have an address.
Petersburg is too close.
They'd never risk it.
Unless they're hiding under our nose.
Take Weston.
And Ryan.
Call ahead.
Have the local authorities meet you there.
Nobody's home.
This is definitely the place.
Neighbors say they haven't seen anybody in a long time.
You can't do that.
You can't do that.
I'm gonna go check around back, see if I can see through the window.
You shouldn't be here.
You know, you're gonna die.
Only not today.
Unh! Good news-- no dead puppies.
Bad news-- I think it's time to use that word nobody wants to use.
So we have a cult.
You sure this man wasn't Jordy? Height, weight-- nothing matched.
It was someone else.
We weren't supposed to find this place.
This is where they met and planned.
I think Carroll was-- Carroll's using Poe's work as a religion.
He's speaking to people through Gothic Romanticism.
There's a pathology to today's internet techno-bred minds.
It's created a new vacancy in our humanity.
Find the ones with additional disorders-- jackpot.
Enter a handsome, charismatic man who can touch them, let them feel their lives for the first time, conditions them.
The only way to truly live is to kill.
Or some crap like that.
I run the Bureau's alternative religion unit.
Did I not mention that? Cults-- my specialty.
We online? - Yeah.
- Is it secure? It's a little slow, but I got us keyed into the board.
It's untraceable.
You check the news yet? Yeah.
We're everywhere, man.
That's the photo that they pick of me? I hate that picture.
Did you get it running? What's up with Jordy? Well, he hasn't e-mailed yet, but they did find 3 girls at the sorority house.
Score for the village idiot.
Hey, Paul.
Will you go watch Joey for a few minutes? I can do it.
Be a good wingman, Paul.
Are you sure he's straight? Because he is acting like a jealous little bitch.
He just feels like the third wheel.
And for a long time, it was just me and him.
Now everything's changed.
Well, he needs to adjust.
This is what Joe wanted.
What do you think? My mom says that it makes me look like a boy or a girl who doesn't like boys.
Well, your mother doesn't understand you.
She never has.
I like it very much, Emma.
It's beautiful.
What if I told you that I might know someone else who might like it, too? A guy? You want to set me up? I think you'd like each other.
I don't know.
I love our visits.
They mean the world to me, but I think you need to make more friends, you know, go out, have some fun, huh? Heh heh heh.
Emma? Hi.
Joe said you'd be my type.
What's your type? Special.
I've got 8, maybe 9 different handwritings.
I want analysis on each one.
How many prints? Several partial.
Our masked man was living here, too.
Unmade bed, fresh food.
There's internet upstairs.
He took his laptop and server.
_ Is it ok if I'm happy about this? I mean, I know-- I know divorce is not a happy subject, but I'm happy.
Well, it's a new chapter in your life.
I mean, you know, Joe's been sentenced, he's gone.
I think you deserve some happy.
All right.
Well, here's to being a single lady again.
That's depressing.
Ha ha.
Kiss me.
Yeah, yeah.
You heard me.
I'm single, so just Are you sure you want me to kiss you? Uh, yeah.
I'm very sure.
I've been sure for a long time.
Well, if you're sure.
Unless-- are-- but-- are you sure? Because if-- I don't think first kisses are supposed to have this much discussion.
I know.
It takes the spontaneity out of it.
Yeah, it kind of does.
Did I just ruin our first kiss? I think it can be salvaged.
So we got an update from Rick.
FBI found Emma's house.
What do you mean they found Emma's house? Was Jordy there? No.
Rick was, but he got away.
Now he wants Emma to call.
Why? Because she's in charge, remember? I'm not trusted with the important things.
That's not true, all right? She's just been here for longer, that's all.
You guys need to stop this thing that you got going.
It's awkward.
Awkward for whom, man? Look.
I'm fine.
It's just I don't get what you see in her.
You're way out of her league, man.
I think she's amazing.
So tell me, Jacob, what do you do? Uh, currently I am in between jobs.
Well, you're too pretty to work.
Mom! I can't believe you two are dating.
Your daughter is the most amazing woman I know.
So you like the no-fuss plain Janes.
That's sweet.
Most boys don't.
Unh! I watched a change in you it's like you never had wings You did it.
Now you feel so alive I've watched you change You really did it.
It's like you never had wings ahh, ahh, ahh I'm home Who are all these women? They're all names of women in Poe's life and work that died.
A female.
She's been dead a while.
The mother? Buried in the wall.
"The Black Cat," "The Cask Of Amontillado," classic Poe.
Call the Matthews residence.
Make sure Claire Matthews is safe.
She's safe.
The house is secure.
There's no sign of entry.
Anything? Denise's real name is Emma Hill.
She's been visiting Joe in prison.
She is part of this, but, no, we didn't find her.
Hey, fellas.
Eyes up, huh? You're on watch.
Coffee break for God's sake.
All good.
were found.
We matched all our suspects, but, uh, 5 remain unidentified.
ME has confirmed that the dead body is Emma's mother Sharon Cooper.
Still no ID on the masked man.
Jordy, a disorganized killer with a low IQ, how does he just disappear? What are those? Blueprints.
They were on the wall of the nanny's house.
That's the closet they took her through.
That's the garage where the officer was killed.
Wait a minute.
That's Claire's basement! Go, go, go! Cover the back! Don't shoot! I'm unarmed.
It's you.
You know, we've been waiting for you.
Keep them out! Keep everybody out! Get back! Everyone back.
Get back! Ok, Jordy.
They're gone.
Just us.
Ok? Can I shut the door? Yeah.
That's good.
You shut the door.
Take the gun away from her head.
I have to kill her.
No, you don't.
And you have to watch.
Those are the rules, or, uh-- Or what? Or you have to kill me.
I'm not sure I'm ready to die.
Jordy, nobody has to die.
Joe doesn't want her to die.
Yes, he does! And he chose me to do it, not anyone else, me! This is my chapter, and I can write it any way I want to! Ok.
I'll tell you what.
Why don't we call him? We can call him.
We can ask him.
I have his number.
There's a phone right over there by the bed.
Get an ambulance! The storm windows were padlocked.
The man had a key.
The nanny gave it to him.
He was dressed as a cop.
He hid under one of the AC units nobody knew about.
Except the nanny, who gave it to him.
Come on.
How are we supposed to know that? It's your job! Ok.
Listen up.
If you're not a federal agent, I want you out of this house now, you understand? Come on.
Let' go.
What's up? She's a strong woman.
She has to be.
The prison guard's in surgery.
He'll be fine.
We'll question him the second he's conscious.
I want to see Joe.
So you can break his other hand? Don't trust me alone with you.
How's the hand? Have you slept? You look tired.
It's important you take care of yourself, preserve you strength.
I've made a few requests, nothing scandalous, just a couple of books.
Claire almost died tonight.
I like to read before bed.
Calms the mind, helps me sleep.
She almost died, the woman you profess to love.
Yeah, but she didn't.
I was hoping you'd save her.
An heroic victory by the leading man that cements the love story.
What if I hadn't arrived in time? Well, that's what makes the story so unpredictable.
You got to toughen up, Ryan.
You're dealing with depraved minds, sick and twisted.
Jordy was a mere puppy compared to some of the games I have in store for you.
Why you doing this, Joe? The challenge, Ryan.
Accept it.
We've barely even started.
I have so many surprises waiting for you.
And how long do you think you can keep this up behind bars? What's the end game? That's a question the hero must answer.
I'm sorry, Ryan.
You really are gonna have to do some of the work yourself.
Jordy was the first step in your return to form.
You saved the day.
How does it feel to be victorious, to kill the villain? I didn't kill him.
Jordy's alive and well.
He's in a cell right down the hall.
That wasn't part of the plan, was it? No.
It doesn't matter.
He knows nothing.
Man's a halfwit.
Extremely short shelf life, you know? Probably shouldn't tell him that when I speak to him.
Sleep tight.
It's good? Ok.
You don't have to stay here, you know? We could take you someplace else.
Where? You should get some sleep.
Don't go.
I don't trust anyone but you.
I'm not going anywhere.
You are my angel come from way above to bring me to bring me love her eyes, she's on the dark side neutralize everyone in sight to love you, love you, love you, love you love you, love you, love you love you, love you, love you love you, love you, love you love you, love you, love you came from way below came from way below she's on the dark side she's on the dark side come from way below come from way below come from way below Hey!
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