The Following Events Are Based on a Pack of Lies (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

("It's My Life" by Talk Talk)
JD, this is Red Fox
reporting for duty.
Are you on a clean line?
Operation Goose Status update.
Phase two is complete.
Repeat, phase two is complete.
Phase three will commence shortly.
Stand by for phase three.
("It's My Life"
by Talk Talk continues)
# Commit yourself #
# It's my life #
# Don't you forget #
# It's my life #
# Don't you forget #
# Caught in the crowd #
("It's My Life" fades)
(Alice in hoarse voice)
I knew it!
-(Goblin whines)
Who are you?
Who are you?
(Alice) Goblin.
-He tried to kill a dog?
-(Alice over phone) Yeah!
Robbie? Robbie tried to kill a dog?
(Alice) He's shown his true
colours now, hasn't he?
The bastard!
What are you gonna do then?
What I'm gonna do is
sort this car out,
so Juno doesn't kill me.
Should take a few hours.
Then I'm gonna take this dog home
and talk to his owner, CR Harker.
Tell her who I am,
tell her who Robbie is,
tell her exactly what he's done
and get her to tell the police!
CR Harker?
-A As in the book lady?
-Yes, why?
Well, she's famous, isn't she?
Exactly, so she can get them
to investigate!
(Bill over phone)
Oh, l don't know, love.
Is she gonna want to listen
to the likes of you?
N No offence.
I It's just, what if she thinks
you're some kinda stalker, or
She dumped him, Dad.
She obviously sees through him.
Be careful love, that's all.
-(Alice) Juno, not again.
(suspenseful music)
No, I just got back to the house.
I'm hoping he found his way back.
(breathes heavily)
(Cheryl) Who's there?
-You scared me!
Hilary, let me in.
I was hoping to get in and out
without bothering you.
I thought I'd save you the trouble
of posting my Dad's cufflinks
Is he here?
-Goblin. Have you seen him?
Goblin? Er, no.
-(Rob) Are you all right?
(Cheryl yells)
(Danni sighs)
Why isn't she answering her phone?
Oh, what's she gonna do
if she's lost him?
You know what she's like
about that dog!
It doesn't bear thinking about.
(doorbell rings)
(thunder rumbles)
(Rob) Hey. Hi.
(Regina) Oh, hello.
(Rob) Can I help you?
Er, we're here to see Cheryl.
(Rob) Oh, I'm so sorry.
She's resting at the moment.
She doesn't want any visitors.
Can you come back later?
(Danni) I'm meant to be at work.
Oh, is that for her?
Shall I, erm
(Danni) I'm sorry, who are you?
(Regina) He is Dr Robert Chance.
We met at your talk.
I'm Regina Winters, Cheryl's editor
and this is Danni,
her stepdaughter.
Ah, ha.
Has she found Goblin?
Ah, erm I'm afraid not.
But we'll let you know
if there's any news.
And thank you so much.
(Danni) That's Dr Chance?
Oh, God.
I thought she broke up with him.
(car door closes)
(Goblin barks)
(Alice gasps)
(tense music)
-I'm really sorry.
-(dog whines)
Come on. I'll be back.
(object thuds)
(indistinct chatter)
I'm going to search in the wood!
I'm taking your car!
(Goblin barks)
(Alice panting)
It's okay, it's okay, oh.
(Goblin barks)
I don't believe it!
Oh, I thought I'd lost you.
Where on earth did you find him?
You can't just stay out there.
Will you come in?
I want to hear everything, come in,
come in!
(Cheryl) Hey darling! Goblin!
(thunder rumbles)
I can't find my phone.
I was going to, er
call my friend Rob.
Your friend?
(Cheryl) He's gone out searching.
Poor Rob.
I was in such a state,
he must think I'm completely mad.
I'm so sorry. I'm Cheryl,
by the way, Harker.
-(Cheryl) And you are?
(Rob) Don't listen to her,
she doolally.
Juno Fish.
Come through. Come through.
I'll get you some dry socks.
There we are, come on.
Time to get dry. There we go.
So, tell me everything.
Where was he?
The dog? Where did you find him?
He was in the lake.
What do you mean
he was in the lake?
Well, he
He was sort of drowning
in Botley Lake, so, I jumped in.
-You jumped into the lake?
And I I got him out and I saw
I saw Arathdoon on his collar.
You silly boy!
You do not go into the water ever!
Do you hear me? Oh.
(thunder rumbles)
Thank you.
I don't know what to say.
You write those books. Dragons.
Oh, for my sins.
You want a signed copy? Here.
You know, actually your name
sounds familiar.
We've met.
Your husband's a lawyer.
He was at Gideon.
My late husband was the dean.
Lance Harker.
Lance! Yes, of course.
Thank you!
One minute he was in the shop
and the next he just disappeared.
-The dog.
Right. Oh, sorry.
-Are you okay? You look a bit
-I'm so sorry.
I I think I need to
Here, here, sit.
-(heavy breaths)
-(water trickles)
Glass of water.
I hate to say it, Juno,
but there must be
all sorts in that lake.
How about a real drink?
Never runs off.
Doesn't bother me when I'm working.
-Did you always wanna be a writer?
It never occurred to me
till I married Lance.
His daughter, Danni,
my stepdaughter,
she came to live with us
after her mother died.
She was into all these books,
dragons and elves.
And the more I read,
the more I realised
there were never any characters
she could identify with.
So, I started writing my own.
(Cheryl) And Danni's still a fan.
But she's very busy,
I'm not sure she has time to read.
What does she do?
She's a cameraperson
on a TV hospital drama.
She works very hard.
It's her way of coping, you know?
And I'm the same,
or I was before I finished
my last book.
Now I'm a bit
Do you miss him? Your husband?
Sorry, it's a stupid question.
I do. I mean
He was ill for a few years.
So, for me,
he's been gone a long time.
Not the same, but
When I was eighteen,
my dad had what they call
a life-altering accident.
Hurt his spine.
(Alice) He went from this cheerful,
strong, funny,
to someone who struggled to walk,
needed help to go to the toilet.
And he got very depressed.
Were you close?
Oh, yeah. I'm an only child, see,
so I was his pride and joy
and he was my hero.
So when he changed like that,
overnight really,
it was like, I'd lost my best pal.
Anyway, sorry, I didn't mean to
Have you started seeing anyone new?
Or does it feel too soon?
Well, okay.
-(Cheryl) Can I trust you?
-Oh, yes.
(Cheryl) I met a man recently, Rob.
It was just a fling. I ended it.
And then tonight,
he came by to pick up some stuff
and he just
(Cheryl sighs)
He postponed his flight
to stick around
to help me look for Goblin.
(Cheryl) Isn't that something?
Not a lot of people would do
something like that, would they?
In fact, I need to find my phone
to let him know.
Poor man!
He's out searching in the woods.
Do you want me to phone it?
Great! Let me give you my number.
(Lauren over radio)
by Marvin Gaye. Cheryl Harker,
you've described the origins
of the Harker Scholarship
founded in 2007,
but it's changed recently.
(Cheryl over radio) Yes.
After I became a long-term carer
for my husband, Lance,
I decided to offer
the scholarship
exclusively to young carers.
(line rings)
It's ringing.
(Cheryl) It might be on silent.
That coat. Is it one of yours?
Cape. Yes.
It's from our new
Busy Bee Mums line.
I love it! I always think
of your stuff as more
-Not in a bad way.
Well, I'm changing direction.
I just do all that cutesy shit
'cause it sells,
but I've got to a point now
where I'm like, fuck it,
enough fried egg aprons,
I wanna design stuff
I'm passionate about!
(exhales sharply)
Must be fun being able
to make what you want.
(Cheryl) Where's that phone?
I have ideas for clothes,
but I wouldn't know where to start!
That's Rob's. It won't be in there.
(Cheryl) He must have been
in my study.
(Cheryl exhales deeply)
(line ringing)
(Cheryl sighs deeply)
(Cheryl) That's Rob's too.
Just pop it on the side.
Thanks, Juno.
I can hear it.
What the
I'm losing my marbles!
A thousand missed calls! Hang on.
(tense music)
Ally Cat.
Abortion. Crash. Johnson, Marie.
Melsbury, Hertfordshire.
Kelly C, Abington, Junkie.
863 03 92.
863 03 92.
Newman, Alice.
(Rob) Harker, Cheryl. Arathdoon,
Oxford. Recent widow to
(Lauren over radio) So, tell me
more about this fantasy ball
that you're going to be hosting
in Oxford this year?
(Cheryl over radio)
Well, when I agreed, Lance and I
were meant to be hosting together,
but, er
I decided to brave it alone
as it's such a good cause.
(Lauren over radio)
Time for some more music.
-What's your
-(phone rings)
(paper rustles)
I'll tell you when you get here.
I want to see the look
on your face.
Where are you now?
(Rob over phone)
Just round the corner in the woods.
I'll be with you shortly.
Hope you didn't get too wet.
See you soon.
(Alice) Thank you so much
for the drink. Erm
-I'm gonna get out of your hair.
-Oh, okay.
Are you sure I can't give you
anything for
(Cheryl) Wait! Your book!
-(Alice) Thank you!
-(Cheryl) Okay, bye!
I'm gonna get you!
(tense music)
That lady, look, she saved him
from drowning! It's a miracle.
(Goblin barks)
Guess we won't be needing these.
Oh, God.
You went to so much trouble.
All that matters is that he's safe.
And you're smiling again.
Oh, you've been so kind.
You went out of your way
to help me.
No, I didn't.
-Yes, you did.
You gave me hope!
(clicks tongue)
I'm sorry I was so mad.
You were delightful.
Even in your darkest hour.
I should
(inhales deeply)
get out of your hair.
(chuckles, clears throat)
You've probably
got somewhere to be.
-Do you?
-(Rob) Actually,
I'm not even sure
where I'm sleeping tonight.
I should be halfway
to Kangerlussuaq.
-Oh, no. No, don't be silly.
Do you want to
I was thinking we could have
a celebratory drink or
I don't want to complicate.
(Rob) No, no, I mean,
we're mates. Right?
I mean if you want me to stay,
I'll stay.
It's not complicated.
(both chortling)
I still can't believe
he tried to kill a dog!
This is the man I married, Dad!
When did he get like this?
Er, you don't think it's worth
another go at the police?
(Alice) They won't believe me.
It's still our word against his.
What's he playing at?
I mean, other than
persecuting this poor lady.
Whatever it is, it's a long way
from dodgy property scams, Dad.
Oxford University. C.R Harker.
Sir Ralph Unwin.
(Alice) Head of the Saattut
Climate Academy, whatever that is.
Should we not warn this Mrs Harker?
(Alice) I was going to Dad, but
(Alice inhales sharply)
what if she doesn't believe me?
She'll tell him. Then what?
I don't know.
Then he'll start, won't he?
Saying I'm crazy!
Calling me a liar!
Get me arrested for stalking
and then everyone will turn on me
and we'll have to move again.
He doesn't know we're onto him.
We're still ahead.
(Alice) She's obviously
a very wealthy woman.
We need evidence
of a pattern and proof
of what he's up to now.
Okay, love,
but how do we get that?
What if
letting him do whatever
he's gonna do to her,
is how we catch him?
-Sounds wrong.
-I know it does.
But we've tried to do
the right thing and no one cares!
The police are doing nothing.
So, it's up to us.
You wanna let him get away with it?
Do you wanna walk away?
(ominous music)
Then for a little while longer,
we carry on.
(Rob) No, mate,
what's the earliest?
Seven forty-five out of where?
(Rob) See, I'll be at Saattut
by lunchtime.
Yeah, it'll be fine.
All right. Okay.
-(sighs deeply)
-(Cheryl) Everything okay?
Oh, he'll get over it.
He knows
how much I love animals, so.
What was he doing by Botley Lake?
That's what I can't get over.
How did he get there?
Are we sure it's the same dog?
(Cheryl) What? Yes!
Why'd you say that?
Oh, no reason. Just me being weird.
Oh, put him down,
he doesn't like it.
-He doesn't like, me you mean.
-Come on.
The other one liked me.
Rob, I know my dog.
Anyway, he was wearing his collar.
(Cheryl) That's how Juno
knew where to find me.
Ah, yes. The mysterious Juno.
(Rob) The hooded woman.
What was she like?
Nice. Interesting. A bit odd.
All right.
(exhales sharply)
are always honest
with each other, aren't we?
So, I am just gonna say
my weird thought.
(Rob) We don't know
this Juno woman, do we?
Are we sure
she didn't kidnap the dog
just so she could rescue it
to get in with you?
Or trick you
into giving her a reward?
No! She's not that odd.
And who on earth
would think of such a thing?
(phone vibrates)
Oh, it's Danni, I better
(Rob) Erm, I'll get another bottle.
Danni says she came over.
Is that
(light music playing)
Hang, on, I'm sorry, I just
Did Danni come by today
with Regina?
-(Rob) Danni?
-She's a bit upset.
She says they came by
and you sent them away.
-Oh, God.
-(Cheryl) What?
Two women did come round
when you were upstairs,
erm, sort of screaming.
Oh, God.
-Did they hear?
-No! No, no, no, no, no.
Erm, one of them did say
she was your publisher, editor.
-(Rob) Yes.
So, I thought
they were people from work.
That was Danni? Oh, God!
It's fine, I'll explain.
I did ask if they could come back
but she said she was busy.
I thought she was some junior.
The last thing I wanted to do
was upset your friends and family.
Don't worry about it.
She'll be fine.
It's been a tough few years.
You've done amazingly, okay?
Looking after a loved one
like you did
is the hardest thing anyone can do.
But you know what you deserve now?
Some fun. Some laughs.
Someone to look after you
for a change.
And maybe
a little bit of dancing.
-# Wearing white #
# As you're walking #
# Down the street #
# Of my soul #
-# You take my self #
-# You take my self #
-(Rob) # You take my self control #
-# You take my self control #
-# You got me living #
- # You got me living
-# Only for the night #
-# Only for the night #
-# Before the morning comes #
-# The story's told #
-# The story's told #
-# You take my self #
-# You take my self #
-# You take my self control #
-# You take my self control #
(both laughing)
# Another night
Another day goes by #
# I never stop myself
To wonder why #
Oh, no.
-# You help me to #
# Forget to play my role #
-What have you done to me?
-# You take my self #
# You take my self control #
# I #
# I live among the creatures
Of the night #
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(soft chuckle)
Operation Goose Status update.
Phase two is complete.
Repeat, phase two complete.
Phase three will commence shortly.
Stand by for phase three.
(inhales deeply)
(faint opera music playing)
(Goblin whines)
("O Mio Babbino Caro" playing)
Okay, so I had planned to slip out,
leave you wanting more,
wondering when
and if I'm going to call,
but I woke up late
and I missed my flight!
So I thought that maybe
if it wasn't too awful,
you might allow me to hang around
like a bad smell,
and we could share
a delicious breakfast
from my favourite boulangerie.
What do you think?
I mean
(Rob) You've got plans?
No, no.
-No plans or no pastries?
-No plans!
I'll book the next flight
and I will be
out of your hair by this evening.
Okay, sure.
-Or you could
Stay a bit longer. No!
-You probably need to
-No, no, no, no, no.
I mean I could.
And I'd love to.
If I'm not encroaching
on your mind space.
(both chuckle)
(Cheryl) I'm sorry I said that.
It's all so new. I was feeling
No, no, you don't have
to apologise. I get it.
(Rob) We don't have
to label anything.
We can just have fun.
And then when you're sick of me
you can kick me back up
to the North Pole.
(Alice) So, we know
what we're doing?
And you sure you're up to this?
(Bill) Don't you worry
about me, love.
Never felt better!
(Bill) I'll deal with Unwin,
you call Harker.
(phone rings)
-Lionel's raging!
He wants your head on a stick!
(Juno) Poppy was waiting
at school for four hours!
The car's a write-off!
You'll have to pay the excess.
I can't afford that! Juno.
Is this about your designs?
-Sour grapes. Are you punishing me?
Well, what then?
What is this about?
You can't just abandon Poppy
and drive my car into a tree!
No, and you're not supposed to
What? What am I not supposed to do?
(sighs sharply)
Please don't take advantage
of my good nature, Alice.
I know there's a lot going on
in your personal life.
But if you bring your problems
into work again,
it will be the last time.
And can you please
get the Busy Bee marketing bumph
across to Colin ASAP!
(exhales nervously)
Have you never
wanted to get married?
I mean, I wanted to.
I just never met the right woman.
At heart, I'm such a romantic.
Well, probably watched
too many movies as a kid,
I just never met
the one.
Now talking of my work,
and I know it's a cliche,
but I've been so dedicated
these past few years,
I just haven't had a chance
to meet anyone.
Now I'm getting older,
I need to reassess my priorities.
And yeah, I mean, there's still
so much to be done, but
I'd also like to settle down.
(Rob) Find happiness.
I hope I deserve it.
Of course, you do.
It's just a matter
of finding the right person,
isn't it?
(phone vibrates)
-Unknown number.
-No, no, no. Take it.
-(Cheryl) No, it's ok.
-Mm, no, it's fine.
(Alice) Cheryl. It's Juno Fish!
I kept your number.
I hope you don't mind.
Oh! Er, no,
of course, I don't mind.
(Alice over phone)
How's Goblin doing?
He's fine! No ill effects
from his little adventure.
How about you?
Oh, I'm fine. What did your friend
say when he saw Goblin?
Bet he was surprised, wasn't he?
Oh, he was! He's here now actually.
Oh, erm, what you up to?
Ah, not much. Just relaxing.
So, excitingly,
I have a proposition for you.
I know you said you have ideas
for clothes.
But you don't know
what to do with them.
-Did I?
-(Alice over phone) So,
I thought
why don't I make you an outfit.
You imagine it. I'll design it.
And in case you're thinking that
this sounds like some
weird offer
erm, I was thinking
why don't you wear it to an event.
Promote my brand?
I mean
that's very kind of you, Juno,
but I don't really do
-events as such.
-But but hang on
I just thought, you know, because
of what happened with Goblin
me saving his life and all.
I thought you'd be willing
to do me a favour.
But that's okay.
No, no, I am very grateful,
if I'd be doing you
a favour, then
Really? It wouldn't take
much of your time.
And I'd really appreciate it.
Oh, thinking about it,
I do have an event coming up.
-It's low key,
but it's very important to me.
I've got a space
in the design studio
in about an hour.
Oh, I see.
Well, I suppose I could.
I'll text you the address!
(exhales sharply)
Oh, God. Why, why, why?
What did she want?
-She wants to make me an outfit.
-She what?
(both chuckling)
To promote her brand.
I told you!
She stole your dog so she could
turn you into her fashion mule.
(Cheryl) Hilary?
What's happened to Lance's chair?
It's just vanished!
I haven't moved the chair.
Chairs have legs, maybe it walked.
Here we are then. Do come in.
(Alice) Welcome to Juno Fish.
Sorry, the place is a bit
of a mess, renovations.
(narrator) about the future.
Enabling bright young carers
to study at Oxford.
We pay for the additional care
of your loved ones
so that you have time to study.
(suspenseful music)
(bell rings)
(narrator) Founded in 2015
by Lance and Cheryl Harker.
The Harker Scholarship trust.
Ah! Ah, oh.
You are Sir Ralph Unwin?
Yeah, I am. Can I help you?
Good god, man.
I haven't seen you since,
oh, er, when was it?
-I'm sorry?
-Boat race, '76, was it?
-Was it?
-The dark blues beat
the light blues by a whisker
and, er, you and big chap, er
son of Lord
(Bill) You, me and him
had far too much port.
Ended up at the Head of a River.
Anyway, anyway.
He was there last night.
Who was where?
At the club. Dr Robert Chance.
Says he's got some Academy
I might like to invest in.
You must be in good shape, old boy.
-I can't even get up the stairs!
Now, well, between you and me,
that is what they call Photoshop.
-How d'you mean?
-Well, they take your picture
from somewhere else altogether
and then drop you into that image.
(Ralph) Not that I couldn't,
you understand.
I mean,
I was up Snowden only last week
for Osprey conservation.
I did ask Rob whether it was normal
to cheat such things,
but he assured me
it was all above board.
But you you have been there?
Greenland, the Academy?
Yeah, well, you see,
it's funny you should ask.
It's a bit of a running joke
with Rob and I.
Every time I'm due to visit
there's some crisis.
Bad weather.
Gas leak. So in the end,
we just decided
to plop me into here,
until we could take
some shots for real.
It is amazing what they can do
these days, isn't it?
(Alice) I mean,
I do love skiing in Italy,
but give me a city
mini break any day.
Do you know what I mean?
Head straight.
So, helpful friend.
What's the latest? Elbows up!
Last night.
Your friend, Rob, is it?
Oh, right. Yeah.
I see that look. Go on,
tell me everything. What happened?
I see the twinkle in your eye!
Good for you!
I love the exciting early stage,
where everything's new.
We're just having fun.
Is he, erm staying at yours?
For now.
Ooh, he must be keen. Lucky you.
(Cheryl) Well, he's very energetic.
Everything's a new exciting plan
or adventure.
Oh, spontaneous. Love that.
Yeah, and he doesn't care
what anyone thinks.
(Cheryl) And I am so in my head
the whole time.
Oh, yeah. Me too.
(Cheryl) And he's funny.
Always dancing around
like a lunatic.
And he knows all the words
to cheesy pop songs.
And after the past few years,
I suppose it feels exciting and
And like anything's possible.
Plus, he's stopped all the chat
about me meeting his mother.
So that's a relief!
(Cheryl gasps, mumbles)
Would you like dragons
down both sides?
Or just one?
-Er, both. Why not?
-(both chuckling)
(Alice) How'd you get on
with Unwin?
Sir Ralph gave you this?
He told me the photos weren't real.
Then he handed me that.
(Bill) That's what he's giving
to potential investors.
Said it was the opportunity
of a lifetime.
-"There's no time
to go into details
but look at 'the aggregate'!
People are making a fortune.
Florida property's booming!"
So it's the same!
Oh, he's acting all "la-di-da,
I'm a boffin."
But it's the same
shitty basic scam!
Do you think Cheryl's
already invested?
How does Unwin fit in?
Maybe Unwin's
the expertise this time.
Either way the point is,
have we got enough proof?
This is a paper trail, right?
Except we could've
made these ourselves.
How do we prove they're his?
And where's the evidence
anyone's actually invested?
(Alice) Do you remember
Robbie's weird Filofax?
I saw it at Cheryl's.
I know, I know.
Please don't look at me like that.
She said he's using her study.
I could go
Oh, I don't know
about all this, love.
I think we might be getting
in over our heads.
We need to stay focused.
That Filofax
could be essential evidence.
As soon as we have enough proof,
we will make sure
Cheryl knows everything.
-She will be fine.
We won't let anything bad
happen to her.
(Rob) So, your last scholarship
interview tomorrow.
What's this candidate like? Do you
think she's a potential winner?
(Cheryl) Mm, what's that?
Are you all set for tomorrow?
Just getting my head in gear.
(Rob) Well, she sounds impressive.
It's "Kee-oma", right?
Chioma. Ah.
(Cheryl) She's a brilliant student,
caring for her mother.
Do you think everybody has got
the capacity for care like that?
(Rob) Do all parents and kids
have that bond?
Well, I
Well, the reason we support them
is because
of the situations they're in,
it's not because
they actually care more.
(clears throat)
I was thinking
maybe Phew
Well, I would love to come
with you tomorrow
to meet one of them
see what she's like.
I don't think
that would be appropriate.
It's quite a personal interview,
and her mother will be there.
It's a sensitive situation.
(soft chuckle)
Is there
If there's something
you want to talk about
(sighs sharply)
Sorry, I'm such an idiot.
You're not an idiot.
There is something
I'd like to tell you.
-But I'm not expecting pity.
I mean, I won't. Tell me.
Look, it's not a big deal.
It's just, erm
When I was a child,
my mother struggled with her nerves
as she called them.
(Rob) And there was
I wouldn't call it violence,
it was a different time,
and she said
I was a difficult child, so.
And it led me into some problems
with relationships later on,
yada yada, I don't want
to get into details, but
The idea
of someone like you,
reaching out to kids
in difficult situations,
I find that very moving.
And I get why you don't want me
to come tomorrow, it's just
I hope you know
how much it matters
to me.
If I still had a few minutes
to chat with her in private
(Chioma) Other universities
teach you computer languages
whereas at Oxford they teach you
why you should focus
on each language,
and you also learn programming.
And so
And you have no other family
nearby, is that right?
Just me and my mum.
Always has been.
That's why this scholarship
is ideal for my situation
cause you cover the cost
of additional care, right?
Yes. So that you're free to study.
But with the understanding
of flexibility from the college.
Thank you so much, Ms Harker.
I really appreciate
this opportunity.
You are an extraordinary
young woman.
We'll be in touch soon.
-(Rob chortling)
(sighing sharply)
(Rob chortles)
You can't make it up, can you?
(both laughing)
She's the one, surely?
Gotta be she's a superstar.
Trouble is, so's the other one.
Sandrine's been caring
for both parents
since she was nine.
She's predicted top grades
and she wants to go into medicine.
-How on earth am I going to choose?
-Why'd you have to?
There's only enough money for one!
Is there, though?
I just think we're succumbing
to limiting beliefs!
Why can't we sponsor two?
It's a matter of time
not to mention
securing the funding.
Thank you, Priana.
I hoped you'd say that.
(Cheryl) I have received
a very generous offer
from a pioneering academic
institution in Greenland,
at the forefront
of climate research.
The Saattut Academy.
If Gideon College
can bring 50 percent
of the funding
for the second student,
they will come on board
as a co-sponsor
and match your generous donation.
I'm confident we can do this.
(Cheryl) We just have to believe
in the vision.
As my board,
I'm asking you to trust me.
("Barcarolle" playing)
Are you sure about this?
I am so sure, my darling.
(Rob) I've already done this.
To Chioma and Sandrine.
Terry's business was called
The Moonlight Emporium
of Eternal Youth.
He had this huge warehouse
out in the desert full of
Okay, to the untrained eye,
they looked like standard sunbeds.
But Terry assured us
they were full of nano-technology.
And in combination
with a specially developed formula,
which you drank
two to three times a day,
spending time under this light
was scientifically proven
to not only combat
but actively reverse
the ageing process.
I was dubious at first,
but then Mom showed me the website.
Terry had all
this official research.
Peer-reviewed medical papers.
Countless testimonials.
This thing seemed not just legit.
But world-changing.
And, yeah,
we thought Mom's 2 million dollars
would soon turn into 50.
("Under No Nation"
radio edit by GOAT)
Saattut Climate Academy,
how can I help?
(Rob) Ah, yes!
The Saattut Academy's thrilled
to be partnering
with the Harker Scholarship Trust.
# Straight past the dogs #
# Be my friend #
# If you want to #
# No transportations #
# No complications #
# No killing fields #
# Under No Nation #
# Stop the time #
# No revelations #
# Do it right #
And now, thanks to Rob,
my scholarship has the funding
to support both of them.
He just gave you the money?
He's given me half and the college
have agreed to put in the rest.
(Cheryl chuckles)
-He sounds incredible!
-Oh, he's such a force of nature.
You know for the first time
in a long time,
I can look into the future and feel
optimistic about what's coming.
That must be very nice.
Actually, it's nice to be able
to talk about him
without feeling judged.
Hmm, are people
not being supportive?
No, it's not that. It's just
I think I feel guilty.
It's so fast.
And I'm a widow.
Well, how does
your stepdaughter feel?
I think she's suspicious.
And I understand why. Rob's not
Under his brash exterior,
actually he's very kind-hearted.
He's got these terrible scars
on his back from his childhood.
-What kind of scars?
-I think they're burns.
Something to do with his mother.
Anyway, Danni and Regina
are coming over on Wednesday night,
and they've made it clear
that under no circumstances
is Rob allowed to be there.
(Cheryl scoffs)
(Danni) Hmm.
Scott Maran is a huge deal,
I mean, he makes
good quality stuff.
-What have you got to lose?
-(Cheryl) My integrity.
You know what the fans are like
about TV adaptations.
However much Regina loves money,
I'm sure she wouldn't
want you to sacrifice
your integrity, darling!
He's already sending over
a suggested deal,
you should at least take a look.
Make sure you read the small print!
Excuse me?
I'm kidding.
We'll talk about it later.
Oh, Danni!
Talk to Rob about Yakutsk!
-Danni worked on a travel show
before she got her big gig
on Medical.
Ah! Yakutsk! Oh, what a place.
(inhales deeply)
(speaking in Russian)
So beautiful.
-It's beautiful, isn't it?
-(Rob) Mm.
How long were you there?
-About two months.
-Oh, that's a shame.
(clears throat)
Takes a while
to really immerse yourself
in the language and culture.
Oh, I did Russian at A-level, so.
Mm, well, it's not quite
the same thing.
(Danni) Well, you must have seen
the woolly mammoths.
-They're amazing.
-(Rob) Yeah, yeah. No, actually
(clears throat)
I was asked to advise
on the impact of climate change
on their preservation.
Oh, I'm pretty sure they're safe
while they're in a museum, no?
(Rob coughs)
Ladies, I must be off.
(clearing throat)
I'm taking Ralph to see
Jonathan Powell
do Rachmaninoff at St Hilda's, so.
My darling.
(Rob) Hilary. Danni. Regina.
One morning he said to his father,
"I'm goin
to the neighbouring market"
to buy myself a jacket,
a cap and a pair of shoes.
When I return, he added, laughing,
I shall be so well dressed
that you will take me
for a fine gentleman.
And leaving the house he began
to run merrily and happily along.
And all at once he heard himself
called by name
and turning round
he saw a big snail
crawling out from the hedge!"
The end.
You look nice.
I'm late! Can I take the van?
Just a few people from work, is it?
(Alice) Oh, I'm not sure.
To be honest, you know what
Juno's like with her birthday.
-What's that?
-This? Oh, it's just
something I'm working on.
I'm gonna drop it off
in the office on my way.
Don't wait up!
(door closes)
(Benjy sighs)
(van engine starts)
We're just having fun. Why do I
have to keep justifying it?
We're not asking you to justify it.
(Danni) We we just think
it's a bit weird.
First, you broke up.
-And now he's living here?
-He's not living here!
And we didn't break up,
I just took a step back
because it was it was
-Moving too fast? Wasn't that it?
-(doorbell rings)
-Who on earth?
-(Danni) Oh, he better not be back.
-(Cheryl) Juno?
-Sorry to drop by unannounced.
It's just that it's ready!
Do you wanna try it on?
Look at the sleeves!
-Do you like it?
-I love it!
(Danni) What's all this then?
-What do you think?
-Oh, It's fabulous, darling!
What's the occasion?
I thought I could wear it
to my scholarship
announcement dinner.
Might just pop to the loo.
Let me see.
(Danni giggles)
(ominous music)
(Danni) I just think first,
that impressions count.
See, and I'm sorry
but he made a bad one!
(shouting in distance)
I know what this is really about.
It is about your father.
(foreboding music)
(heavy breaths)
(foreboding music continues)
(Alice murmurs)
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I I just realised I'm actually
gonna have to go.
-Are you okay, Juno?
I'm fine, it's just
I've forgotten, er, there's, er
I should be at a work thing,
I'm really sorry.
Here, this way.
(Cheryl) I'll show you out.
Are you sure everything's okay?
Oh, yeah, sorry about this.
(Rob) Sorry! Sorry!
(Cheryl) Rob, I thought you'd gone!
I really am going now.
I forgot my phone.
Oh, sorry, Juno!
This is Rob. Rob
Juno! How wonderful to meet you!
(tense music)
("Self Control"
by Laura Branigan plays)
# Oh, the night is my world #
# City light painted girl #
# In the day nothing matters #
# It's the night
Time that flatters #
# In the night, no control #
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