The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

The Serial Killer is Before You

That song was from 1985.
Talk about nostalgia!
I was still a teenager back then.
- What's the matter?
- Our next song came out
the year I turned 25.
Here's the summer hit from 1993,
"This Dance Never Ends." Enjoy.
You startled me!
Come with me!
- What is it?
- I'm scared!
- I think it's a dead body!
- What?
Come with me!
No! I don't want to go!
I'm too scared to check it out alone!
What do you want? Let go!
- Come with me!
- Let go!
- Come on!
- Let go!
What's going on?
Is she dead?
How should I know?
Be a man!
"This Dance Never Ends."
We're just getting started.
I have fond memories of 1993.
Hey, girl, you're looking hot.
Let's fuck, you guys!
Wow, she's crazy!
It was another year and the same old me.
The day started like any other.
Taeko, where are you?
I called you so many times.
Do you really want to know?
I have something important to tell you.
Don't hang up, okay?
O, Romeo!
Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Juliet! Wherefore art thou Juliet?
- Romeo!
- Juliet!
Taeko, listen.
I've found the love of my life!
Yes? So?
Can you come and meet him? Please--
The exchange of thy love's faithful vow
for mine.
Are you shitting me?
That was complete garbage!
Romeo and Juliet, my ass!
Actually, there's someone
I want you to meet.
- Whatever.
- You see
I got engaged.
Oh, really?
He's waiting outside.
He wants to be introduced to you.
What's the point?
What? Then throw a billion yen at them.
Give me a minute.
May I join you?
Go ahead.
A beer, please.
My name is Joe Murata.
I got engaged to your sister just recently.
Good for you.
You can't just spring this on her like that.
Sorry. But, you see,
I wanted to meet her sister
before meeting her parents.
Whatever. I'm a slut.
Nothing fazes me.
He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard
and now he works for the CIA.
He speaks English sometimes!
That's top secret.
Isn't it amazing? He's CIA!
You'll never guess
where he called me from the other day.
Hey. I'm calling from a Russian submarine.
Orders from above.
It's an undercover mission.
I just tapped the submarine walls
with my phone.
That's amazing.
Hang on.
Did you hear that?
The submarine has finally surfaced.
I'm out of the sea now.
I'll call you later.
They'll kill me if they find me.
Coffee, please.
Lies, all of it.
Come on. A submarine?
Only an idiot
would fall for such an obvious lie.
I've heard so much about you
from your sister.
- What did you tell him?
- Oh, nothing.
I heard you're always seeing different men.
Whatever. I'm just a slut.
Is that right?
There's nothing wrong with that.
You're only human.
We're already engaged.
- That's right.
- I'm going to tell Mom and Dad next week.
Will you support us?
I'm going to the restroom.
What's wrong with you?
He suddenly kissed me. I was so surprised.
But it felt really good.
That's because you're a slut.
I'm a slut, and everyone knows it.
This is such a turn-on.
I think I'm getting a boner.
Me too.
I can't fuck all three of you.
Knock it off.
So a player and a slut.
That's a good match.
Come on, what happens next?
- I'm back.
- Hey.
I'm fine, don't worry.
Taeko is such a good girl.
- I'm glad you like her.
- I do.
He'll be your brother-in-law,
so call him "brother" from now on, okay?
- Okay.
- Why don't we try it now?
- "Brother."
- Go on.
Don't worry.
I'll take good care of the two of you.
Are you okay?
No, stop.
- Everyone can see us.
- It's fine.
Give me your tongue.
Stick it out. Yes, that's right.
I'm going to lick it now.
He doesn't sound dangerous, just perverted.
That was just the beginning.
My sister was walking around town
when she saw him.
He was with a pregnant woman.
What a beautiful day. Isn't this lovely?
Who was that? What a weirdo.
I don't know who she is,
but I'd better go check on her.
- Wait here.
- Okay.
The baby isn't mine.
I'm divorcing my wife.
Your wife? You're married?
I'm giving up everything I have
to marry you!
I love you.
I love you too!
It's so easy to say "I love you."
- Wow.
- Then
after that,
- they came to me
- Here.
with an engagement contract stating
that Murata would divorce his wife
and marry Machiko instead.
They asked me to sign it, so I did.
I want you to put this important document
inside the safe in your room.
Now, this very instant.
- Now?
- Yes, now.
I'll meet your parents tomorrow.
Go on, hurry.
- Hurry!
- Okay!
Let's go to a hotel.
I got caught up in Murata's pace,
and before long,
I had become his lover.
This is so erotic.
- Right out of an erotic novel.
- I'm so turned on.
Hello. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
The next day, my sister and Murata
came home to tell my parents
- that they were getting married.
- He seems like a nice guy.
Please, come in.
Before I knew it, our whole family
had become fans of Murata.
This may come as a surprise to you, sir.
An agent from Muse Records
actually came to me with an offer.
He said I had potential
as a singer-songwriter.
The person who scouted me said,
"Just leave everything to me."
- How old were you then?
- I was only 17.
- Really?
- I was a silly boy, so I turned him down.
I still have his business card, however.
He told me to call him
if I ever changed my mind.
Here, look.
That's incredible.
You don't write songs anymore?
In fact, he still does!
My goodness!
They're amazing songs, too.
- How nice!
- Well
I can't hold a candle
to Paul McCartney, I admit.
Dear Ma'am ♪
What is ♪
Your name? ♪
Your name?
Mrs. Kyoko ♪
You have ♪
Something that shines within you ♪
You're a mother ♪
A real special lady ♪
Your whole family looks up to you ♪
And they're all ♪
In love with you ♪
Hey! ♪
Your husband ♪
He loves you too ♪
Yes! Yes! Yes! ♪
So does Taeko ♪
So does Machiko ♪
Too ♪
You ♪
You're a radiant woman ♪
A special person ♪
Yes! Yes! Yes! ♪
You're a radiant woman ♪
A special ♪
Person ♪
That was unbelievable.
These are the Employee Brothers!
Thank you.
Thank you for doing this for my mother.
I'm going to the restroom.
Me too. I'll walk with you.
Well, he's quite something.
- Machiko, I'm happy for you.
- Thank you.
I need to go to the restroom, too.
from the moment I met you, I
What are you doing?
You can't
No, Kyoko. Allow me to call you Kyoko.
When I saw you, it was love at first sight.
I was such an idiot.
I saw what he did,
but I didn't say anything.
He's really nice.
I didn't tell my dad or my sister.
Even with the store clerks.
How could I? I was sleeping with him, too.
I love him!
- I couldn't say it.
- Yes, I can see that.
What's the matter, Taeko?
What? I'm fine.
I was okay with being his secret lover.
- You heard Murata's song, right?
- I didn't mind.
- But
- He wrote it himself.
- that all changed one day.
- He's an excellent pianist.
He's really smart.
Dad's friend told him that Murata
had been checking our family finances.
Not only that, he'd even been checking
my mom's family finances.
I don't want to see his face.
The wedding is canceled!
Are you listening?
Never see that man again.
What do I do?
What do you think?
Murata called me.
Looks like things blew up.
You did this, you know.
The wedding's off the table.
It'll be fine.
Your dad will forgive me
once I clear things up.
I'll be fine, as long as you're with me.
Let's tackle this
one problem at a time.
Your mom won't take my calls.
Can't you change her mind?
I want to see her again.
Can you arrange that?
I'll try.
I knew I could count on you.
But he disappeared after that.
And now he's found Mitsuko.
Nice! This is a good story.
Wait, I know! Fukami.
- What?
- Let's make a film about this
for the festival.
- Yes!
- Shin, you'll play Murata.
Got it.
Afterward, we can tell Mitsuko the truth
about that guy.
You'll actually tell her that this is
the true story of that Murata guy?
Taeko, I want you to pretend
to bump into Murata by chance.
You'll find him if you follow Mitsuko.
Pretend it's a coincidence.
Let's do it!
Mr. Joe Murata.
Thank you for the other day.
I very much appreciate you thinking of me,
but you still know nothing about me.
My parents are very strict.
Excessively so.
If it weren't for them,
I would have lost my virginity by now.
I was raised to be proper and respectable.
Because of that,
my sister is very free-spirited.
She's almost never home.
She's nothing like me.
- Ami, what's up?
- Long time no see.
Who's that? A cousin?
- My older sister.
- What?
- Pleased to meet you.
- She's so different.
Right? She's so innocent.
I use her as an example of how not to be.
So that's why you're so nuts.
Who are you calling nuts?
Later, Mitsuko!
I was the eldest daughter.
My parents have always kept
a tight leash on me.
Your writing is atrocious!
You're part of the Ozawa family.
You come from an honorable bloodline.
Do better, or you'll be a disappointment
to your father!
You're a whore!
A slut!
What are you looking at?
Go back to your room!
You have to study.
- I'm sorry.
- You have to behave.
- I'm sorry!
- Behave
- I'm sorry!
- or you'll disappoint your father!
Mitsuko, listen!
A neighbor told me you were
walking with some guy.
Who are you?
I'm Kimura. I go to Yamada University.
Did you have sex with Mitsuko?
Excuse me?
No, I'm not dating Mitsuko.
- He's my boyfriend.
- And who are you?
She's my mother.
Don't you dare date someone like him.
Excuse me? Hey!
You have my whore's blood in you.
Do you understand?
He goes to a third-rate college.
You're better than that.
This is nuts.
- My day is ruined. Let's go.
- Hey.
Come on, Aina.
But when she learned
that my father was cheating on her,
everything changed.
My father's mistress was a hostess.
All this time, you've been telling me
to act like a dignified woman.
I'm sorry!
I lost my head.
I wasn't thinking!
You weren't thinking?
You bragged about the purity of your blood.
You said I had whore's blood in me.
I'm sorry!
I get to cheat on you, too.
I deserve it. It's only fair.
No, please!
Please, anything but that!
I'm begging you!
I'm sorry!
Suddenly, she started being nice to me.
I'm so sorry for everything!
Your father called me all those names, too.
Every single time
You're free now.
I'm sorry for everything.
Mitsuko, forgive me.
I've been a terrible mother.
Mr. Murata
Hello, this is Murata.
May I say something bold?
Go ahead.
You're a lovely person.
But you haven't awakened to the idea
of living by your instincts.
You need to bare yourself more.
What do you mean?
Someone as pure as you
You won't have sex until you're married,
I suppose.
It's not that.
I just haven't met anyone good yet.
Tell me more.
My parents have only me
and my younger sister.
No male heir.
- You have a sister?
- Yes.
My parents want me to marry
someone they can adopt as an heir.
My father sometimes brings me
pictures of men to meet.
Tell him I'm willing
to be adopted as his heir.
I mean it.
I want to marry you.
What are you saying?
I've been raised
in a very strict environment
and I still have a curfew at this age.
I have to be home by 9:00 p.m.
So we'll abide by the curfew.
I can't wait
What are you doing?
- Begin with a kiss.
- No.
- A kiss.
- Stop.
- Please, no!
- I want this!
Long time no see.
Want to go to a hotel?
Welcome home.
What's wrong?
Did something happen?
- It's nothing.
- Mitsuko?
What should I do?
Are you my prince?
Your father is worried.
You've been acting strange.
Tell me, is this man, Murata
- Is he hurting you?
- No!
He's not hurting me.
Then why are you crying?
Because I'm so happy
- It's scary.
- What?
He proposed to me.
Listen, you mustn't tell your father.
Do you hear me?
We only have you and your sister, Ami.
You know how Ami is.
So our family's fortunes
rest entirely with you!
Marry a good man and have children.
It's your duty to continue
the Ozawa bloodline!
If he's not respectable, leave him.
- Listen to me!
- No!
- No!
- Mitsuko!
- No!
- Mitsuko!
- Listen to me!
- No!
Get out!
You know the difference
between right and wrong, don't you?
You're a good girl.
Pull yourself together!
- Pick up!
- Think about it!
Yes, hello?
It's me.
Sorry about today.
I was just turned on.
It's okay. It was my fault.
But, you see, I thought you rejected me
so I'm with another woman right now.
Mitsuko, it's me, Taeko.
I'm his woman now.
Hey, what the hell!
Why did you do that?
Leave Mitsuko alone.
What are you talking about?
You're my woman.
I'll stay with you, so let her go.
I don't want to be left behind again!
What are you talking about?
There's no one left.
No one
I'm home.
Dear! Come quick!
- Mitsuko is acting strange!
- What's wrong?
- Do something, please!
- Is she in her room?
- What the hell are you doing?
- Hey!
Damn it, how ungrateful can you be?
Think about our reputation!
You're the eldest daughter
of the Ozawa family!
- I'm sorry.
- I'll call an ambulance.
Tell them to turn off the sirens.
We don't want the neighbors to notice!
Hey, Mitsuko.
I'll disown you if you dare do this again!
Hello, I need an ambulance.
We don't want to upset the neighbors,
so could you turn off the sirens?
Yes, thank you.
Mitsuko, are you in love with someone?
Who is it?
You have to
forget him, Mitsuko.
He doesn't sound like a respectable man.
I'm going back to my dorm.
You should come home sometime.
Yes, okay.
- Hi.
- Can I help you?
You must be Ami.
My name's Joe Murata.
But you can call me Joe.
Subtitle translation by Li Woon Chen
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