The Fortress (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Infected from Outside

A suspected outbreak of redmouth
disease at Pantogena's fish farm.
Our fish have been
infected. From the outside.
The situation is dire.
I'll be there. I just have to
drop Lux off at Mum's first.
Can you bring some drinks?
Okay, see you at the party. Bye.
Oh, what a good boy.
Such a good boy.
Secretary of Health, Odd Seljestad,
how will you solve the food crisis?
We're facing a challenge
with our salmon right now.
Norwegian food is in
general very healthy.
The bacteria that afflicted the
salmon came with the ocean currents.
So, the source of the problem
lies outside our borders.
If other countries solved the issue,
could a vaccine come from outside?
To ask for outside help would
create even bigger problems.
Norway is safer on its own,
history has proved that repeatedly.
So, to ask for example the WHO
for help is out of the question
even if we risk food shortages?
We have very skilled
working around the clock to bring
our fine salmon back to full health.
10,000 new farms and greenhouses
have been opened in ten years.
Like I said: 11,239 new farms
and greenhouses. That's good.
"Our Way". Putting Norway first.
We've looked into increasing chicken
production. But we need incubators.
It would take minimum five
months to get started.
And that's two months longer than
our frozen salmon stock will last.
Then there's meat. It takes one year
to get a calf ready for slaughter.
We are able to triple vegetable
production in a short time.
Alfalfa sprouts, spinach,
Chinese cabbage, green cabbage,
cauliflower, broccoli, they're
all jam-packed with proteins.
And we can grow it indoors.
Yeah. We just have to go
about this the right way.
Arman? Would you review all the
milestones we have to set up
to salvage this
in the right way?
Absolutely, my pleasure.
Fancy a cig?
- That bad.
- I need some air.
- What's happened?
- She's been throwing up all night.
I've tried to get her to drink,
but she doesn't want anything.
- Get well soon, Hilde.
- Thanks.
Let's go.
I hope she'll be okay.
- Aren't you in Oslo?
- No, my leave got cancelled.
Because of the salmon disease.
They should have built a wall
around the entire North Sea too.
Then we wouldn't have been infected.
Could have kept this shit out.
Help me with my theory,
you with your young brain.
If the redmouth disease
infected us from outside,
where can we find the bacteria?
In the sea. It doesn't take a
young brain to understand that.
Do you have a rain jacket?
60.16.08 North.
04.39.49 East.
Surely the Public Health Institute
or Infection Control should do this?
Yes, but it's nice to get out of the
hamster wheel on a day like this.
So, there are no redmouth bacteria
in the sea. What does that mean?
That there's no
Yersinia ruckeri. Okay.
That means my theory is wrong.
- Hi. Welcome.
- Thank you.
- Who am I meeting?
- The prime minister and his deputy.
- Wait here, they'll be here shortly.
- Thank you.
Amund is a bit late. It's his weekly
free hour, so we cut him some slack.
- Ingvild Kamfjord.
- Ariel Mowinkel.
Are you related to the politician
Johan Ludwig Mowinckel?
No, but my great-great-grandfather
worked for him for years.
So, when Mowinckel died, my
great-great-grandfather chose
to change his name from Karlsen
to Mowinckel to honour him.
But my great-great-grandmother said
they couldn't spell it the same way.
So, we spell Mowinkel
without the C.
Fun fact.
- Do you want something to drink?
- No thanks.
So, Ariel What did you
think when you were taken here?
I thought maybe someone
at the PM's office
had seen a speech I had
written for Odd Seljestad.
Right. And why would we talk to
you about a speech you've written?
Because the PM's regular
speechwriter is retiring.
And it's an election year.
There's no shame in
having ambitions.
So you're the first Mowinkel without
a C with political ambitions?
I've always been a supporter
of Heyerdahl and Our Way.
That's a great starting point,
but let's speak practically first.
If you accept the position,
you have to move in here.
We'll need access 24/7, no
weekends off. You have a boyfriend?
- No.
- Good.
- The campaign means a lot of travel.
- I like a bit of stress actually.
- I hope you like your own company.
- Yes, of course.
Have you thought of a speech
for the prime minister?
- Yes.
- Okay. The floor is yours.
I'm more used to writing
speeches, not holding them.
All speechwriters read aloud to
themselves when they're alone.
Pretend that you're alone.
Sometimes I think about
how things were before.
Before all the crises, before
we had to build the wall.
And I catch myself
longing for such a world.
And I know I'm not the only
one with such longings.
But when I think about it, I know
that they caught themselves like me
asking themselves the question:
Why is Norway as a nation
at any cost subject to
decisions made by a regime so
distant from our own values?
So, what I really long for
The first thing I think
about when I wake up
What I work for every day
is to strengthen
Norwegian values.
What Norway consists of.
To make the present applicable.
And to look ahead, we have
to turn our gaze backwards.
Turn our gaze backwards.
Maybe I'll work on that a bit.
Grieg Amund Heyerdahl.
- Ariel Mowinkel.
- Yes, I know.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How is Hilde?
She's being monitored in
the intensive care unit.
I'm just here to quickly pick up
some clothes and things for her.
- I can't water your plants.
- Don't even think about that.
But have the doctors
found out what it is?
They fear that it's meningitis.
Some of the others who were at
the party have also gotten sick.
Oh, Tora.
Best not. In case
it's contagious.
- Well, bye.
- Bye.
- Let me know if I can do anything.
- Will do! Bye!
- You want coffee? Real coffee.
- I'd love some.
Do you know how many beans it takes
to make one kilo of roasted coffee?
About 8,000.
Wow. Are you interested
in botanics too?
I wouldn't say so, but I had to
read up on it for a speech I wrote.
What do you think? Will
I win the election?
Our Way is ahead
in all the polls.
Yeah, that's true, but the
election is still some time away.
And I'm dependent on
well, your boss and
You know Odd well. Does he
have any sinister plans?
That was a joke.
No, Odd is nice,
he's a good man.
What's important to me is that,
if you start working here,
it's because you want to. I won't
steal you from someone else.
No, I would like some
new challenges myself.
That's great.
Why do you think I
became prime minister?
And that I still
am, 12 years later?
Because you're an
accomplished politician.
Ingvild here is a better
horse trader than I am.
Because you have a
clear vision for Norway.
- I like her.
- You like everyone who likes you.
Yeah, that is true. I'm
very simple that way.
You guys carry on without
me. I have another meeting.
- Do you want more coffee?
- Yes, please.
Good, isn't it?
Ariel, I'll be completely
honest with you.
The upcoming election is the
most important ever for Our Way.
I'm no longer a fresh new face, but
I still have a lot to accomplish.
And it's you and your flock
who will inherit this country.
You're the ones I
have to convince.
I need you.
Norway needs you.
- Did you say yes to the PM?
- Of course I did.
You can't work for Heyerdahl!
You'll become The Power.
- Don't start all that.
- You're young.
You should be radical. To work for
the prime minister is so conformist.
And writing speeches for the Health
Ministry about potatoes isn't?
At least it's real
and down to earth.
Don't waste your talent on
getting Heyerdahl re-elected.
Then you have to
invite me to Oslo.
And I can do an inside story
on how The Power rules.
I have to go. Speak soon.
Every time I have a bit
of success, what happens?
Amund's vultures swoop in,
tear the flesh off my
bones and leave me to die.
I thought no one would find you.
In the smallest cleaning cupboard
in the known universe. Dammit!
- Just a little
- Thank you.
I remember your first day
here. You were so nervous.
- I still am.
- You're good. And you know it.
I'm going to miss you a lot.
What, are you kidding me?
Glad you got here so fast.
- It's just you guys here?
- Yeah.
No one else has
been in the area?
We found two of the refugees dead.
One in the sea, one by a fish farm.
- And the others on the boat?
- We're still searching.
- Should we get an autopsy?
- Yeah, but not in a hospital.
Mobilise defence personnel.
This is top priority.
Yes, we've located two.
Amund will speak in a news broadcast
today. I've written a briefing.
It's classified, so you
only get a paper copy.
Your copy has your name on it,
so don't try to make a copy.
Could you tell me something
about the style, form, length?
The calming father of the nation
is the key value to put across.
The content decides the length.
- So, you do have a boyfriend?
- No, that's my brother.
- I see.
- Vigleik.
I'm glad you weren't scared off.
Getting ready to
stream in three, two
Two people have been found
dead in the sea outside Bergen.
It appears to be yet
another tragic attempt
by refugees to
cross our borders.
Even though Norway has made it
clear in all international fora
that our borders
are unbreachable.
When the bodies were
routinely autopsied
by specialists at the defence
department for biological warfare,
an infection, a bacterium,
was found within their bodies.
We don't yet know whether this
bacterium caused their deaths.
But the way this happened
The way this infection came here
by boat from another country
demonstrates yet again that
we can only trust ourselves.
Until we know exactly what
danger this bacterium poses,
limitations on transport to and
from Bergen will be put into effect.
Anyone who wants to leave Bergen
must submit an application
stating their reason.
How is it possible that two
refugees brought this bacterium?
Well, we have made
ourselves vulnerable.
Sorry, you can't come in.
There's been an incident.
- I just want to see Stefan.
- It was him who had the incident.
- What happened to him?
- He was up in the office.
We found him on the floor.
We thought that he'd had an acc
that he'd suddenly gotten ill.
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