The Green Glove Gang (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Mother of god.
Standard safety footwear.
New. Well almost new.
Wrote down the brand name for you.
Might have trouble with the size,
it's only a partial.
- So they're showing this new
- Yeah?
If you'd like to
Enjoy yourself.
Excuse me. Head office?
Up the stairs.
Come in.
Hello. Sergeant Gujska.
I don't suppose you recall which
of your employees wears these shoes?
Yeah, I do actually.
So do I.
Come with me.
One hundred and seventeen
people from the morning shift.
Has anyone switched theirs recently,
for a new pair?
One hundred and seventeen people.
Look sir, if you had to think about it,
really rack your brains,
who'd have a motive to rob the Brykalskis?
Anyone in financial trouble?
Everyone here is happy.
- Got a band-aid?
- What happened?
No no, it's nothing.
- It's not nothing, you're bleeding.
- Nothing's wrong, it's fine.
- It's fine you don't need to worry.
- Press this on the wound.
Trust me,
it's fine. It's okay.
- Grab a first aid kit, now!
- It's fine. He'll be okay.
Really, it's nothing. It-it-it's
It's absolutely fine, I'm fine.
- I'm sure you are.
- Yeah yeah.
Uh, it's just a scrape.
- You need a hospital.
- I can't go to the hospital.
What do you mean?
I don't have insurance and
and I'd lose the day's wage.
If somebody gets sick, then
well then they don't get paid.
I I've got three kids,
I just can't.
I'm going to end up starving to death
and then I'll be laying right next to her.
Do you think Jadwiga would've wanted that?
Józef I don't really give a damn.
There's a problem with the pool.
There's no water.
- The pool is closed until further notice.
- Meaning?
Meaning go to room four,
so go downstairs then turn left.
Madam Director
I cannot afford the Eden fees.
And they don't want
to release my sister from the morgue.
How can this be? Jadwiga
was here for so many years
and and it wasn't even me
who called them.
Nothing I can do.
We've always used Eden and we've never
had any problems whatsoever.
You're the first person to complain.
Good day.
Yes, it won't be cheap
and it won't be easy.
But we are the best.
- Hi.
- Where's the tattoo parlor?
- Have you ever seen this tattoo?
- No.
- This tattoo seen it before?
- No.
Have you seen this tattoo?
If you happen to remember something
here's my number. Gujska.
Uh, friends We're gonna take a break now,
so why not pour yourself a little drink
for that pick-me-up, and in the meantime,
I'm going to invite
our little ones up here!
- break, stay tuned
- This is for you, here you go!
Santa decided to come
at a funny time of year, in August,
so as well as toys, we also have vouchers!
Um. Vouchers for two hundred zlotys.
- What the?
- No, 300 zlotys!
- What?
- For a school starter pack!
Here, this is for you!
Mr Chairman! We're really grateful
and the kids are so happy.
We truly have no words to express
Chairman you honestly surprised us,
we didn't expect you to be decent.
Stop, stop, stop.
And our chairman is actually
with us, Mr Brykalski, what a guy!
How about a few words
for the microphone, Mr. Chairman?
- Just a few words, here we are.
- Wonderful!
- Bravo!
- Woo! Yeah!
What the actual fuck
is going on here?
Mr. Chairman!
because for me
the most critical thing is the worker.
The workers and their wellbeing.
Brykalski is without
a doubt the best boss.
100 years,
100 years may he live
100 years, 100 years may he live
Just wanna say how grateful we are. Uh
I Halinka, my wife, and Oskarek.
Perhaps it
wasn't that obvious before
because personally I prefer
well, modesty.
- Staying in the shadows.
- Modesty!
Staying in the shadows!
A good atmosphere
on the factory floor means good results.
And better organization, means
better production. Thank you!
100 years, 100 years may he live!
Find me the fucker who paid for all this.
It wasn't you?
Lemme get this straight
We're in hiding.
I'm making sacrifices
I'm drinking hideous coffee, I bring the
average age down to a hundred and three
The only topic
of conversation in here
is urinary incontinence.
And you're leaving.
You're the one in hiding.
We're very kindly keeping you company.
Besides, we've got
urgent business to attend to.
When I wanted to leave,
that witch goddamn drugged me!
Kinga would you just sit up?
I mean, you're the reason we're here.
And you're complaining the most!
I'll stay here. Doing nothing.
Excuse me!
Can you help me?
I promised to take my friend to Eden,
but I'm not feeling well.
Could you help me?
To Eden?
That's where I'm headed.
I wouldn't go if I were you.
I really wouldn't.
Uh, you can tell her
about it on the journey there,
just make sure you speak
very slowly, clearly
Oh, and repeat everything
twice or even three times.
I've said this before,
we can't do it any cheaper.
I'm already doing it at cost.
Besides, you don't have a plot
at the cemetery yet, so
What do you mean I don't have a plot?
Both my parents' grave are here.
A sunny spot under the linden trees,
with a small bench.
And there's enough room there
for my sister and for me.
Would you mind telling
me the plot number?
Let me see.
They're in the first row.
Why don't you check under
the Majewskis.
Somebody else is there.
Somebody else!?
Thirty years I have been coming here.
And I paid the fees, every year.
Where will I put her? Jadwiga?
Wha what about my parents?
I'm sorry sir but you're
gonna need to buy a plot.
How can I help you ma'am?
Józef, why don't you show him
where your parents are,
I'm sure this can be cleared up.
Yes, I'll show you.
I'll wait, I don't mind.
Mm. Wh Okay.
Fuck me
There they are, thanks.
Uh they're for.. my um
He's down at the cemetery.
Will you take me to him?
- Are you coming?
- I'm coming, I'm coming.
A sunny spot,
under the linden trees,
with a small bench.
There has to be a linden linden
Mr. Rawski,
it's time to give up the act.
Mr Józef's looking for his parents' grave,
but we both know he won't find it.
- Because it was never there.
- It was.
But then you went
and dug it up two months ago.
And you got a lot of money for it too.
That's just bullshit.
Mayor Karwowski's mother rests there.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
In place of the Jackowski's, Raks, Jopa,
Kujawska and Szymánska,
we have in order: Dudkiewicz, Chief
of the local fire department,
Nowacki the manufacturer giant,
Professor Olewicz
director of the Forest Ministry,
That chain of pharmacies,
that's him, isn't it?
Shall I keep reading?
Think I'm having a heart attack.
Under the linden trees.
With a small bench.
Mr. Józef!
Mr. Józef, we're we're going to fix this.
- Where are my parents?
- In heaven I'm sure.
Mr Józef, we have truly exceptional
accommodation for you.
Might I suggest here
under the birch tree.
It's very close to the gate,
sheltered from the wind
And we'll add a bench.
Obviously, everything will be included
in the cost of the allow
And there'll be a trumpeter.
- What?
- Oh good! She really liked the trumpet.
Uh, that'll be
on the house as well.
Um we were very fond of Ms. Jadwi
Nevertheless to say, I mean
- Mrs Jadwiga was our favorite cli
- Mr Józef I must get going.
I just wanted to look around. In advance.
Well, she's very nice.
And she tries really hard. But there's
just nothing going on up there.
See just how happy Józef is?
Jadwiga's happier.
Well, Madam Director will pay.
Two thousand.
For labor, let's say
Let's say ten thousand.
Father, add four for hazard pay.
Mister Rawski.
Why're you still
listening to that Rawski?
Six three, two, one.
Got anything for me?
I can report the investigation
of the robbery is moving forward.
Right, and?
The footprints
didn't provide a breakthrough.
no remarkable characteristics,
the dogs didn't follow the trail.
Besides, there are no witnesses,
the Brykalski's testimony
is contradictory, but the anthropologist
thinks it's a female forearm.
Oh right a woman then.
- Alright but she won't've been on her own.
- A woman is not a dog.
They can be perfectly
successful without a pack.
- Anyway I don't think I need to
- You don't.
remind you.
Is this from the last break-in?
The guy with the hooves
doesn't really do it for me but
those puppies are
well painted, am I right?
There's puppies?
Kinga's tattoo isn't our
biggest problem at the moment.
More coffee?
You've gotta be kidding me.
They're trying to pin Marczewski on us.
It was stolen
from a private collection at night.
Do you know who did it?
- The Chariot.
- The Chariot?
The Chariot.
You said you wanted to leave,
so go. Change.
What, Zuza?
She got a Chariot.
All right, get changed.
God that's good.
Just divine.
Have you ever wondered
what paradise is like?
You know, that eternal
happiness after death.
Alicja, not now. We're working.
The priest says there's been a mix up and
on Tuesday there are two funeral
masses scheduled for 1 o'clock.
He can't split himself in two.
Excuse me ladies.
Sister, would you put the flowers there?
Right then, whose husband was it?
Uh, one after the other.
Staś was a nasty character.
It was a relief when he left.
Uh, you mean when he died.
No, when he left me for her.
But now he's dead.
Yes, he's kicked the bucket
and finally freed us both.
Yeah. At first we held
a bit of a mutual grudge,
but in the end, we decided
that we wanted to to bury
our hatchet together.
that we wanted to bury
Staś in the proper way.
The Christian way, of course.
Hold on a moment, I thought
we said we were gonna burn him.
Incineration is permitted,
in the Catholic religion.
May I ask what decision you have come to?
I.. don't mean to rush you but we're
extremely we're extremely busy, so
A coffin. And put
him safely in the ground.
Incinerate him.
And we'll dump his ashes in the river or
Forgive me for interrupting, but
your husband was baptized, yes?
the first baptism didn't take.
In that case,
i have a proposal for you ladies.
I invite you to take the steps over there,
down to the basement, where we have
an exhibition of coffins, and maybe
you ladies can choose something and
in the meantime, I can conduct my business
with the sister here.
Of course, yes.
It's supposed to be quilted,
but it's hard.
It's terribly uncomfortable here.
Are you really hot too?
You'll be way
cooler next door. On the pull-out tray.
For god's sakes,
he's coming.
- Have you ladies chosen?
- Uh, we're trying them on.
Beautiful coffins.
Thanks to them,
you'll soon be able to send a package,
take photos, find a lost item,
and even move around.
Drones are the future.
They say drones are the future.
Their charge will last
up to 24 hours, depending on size.
Bon appétit.
- Wanna play "Corpses"?
- Mother of God, why?
So it goes like this:
someone reads out an obituary,
but importantly,
they omit the age of the deceased.
Whoever guesses
how old they were wins!
Hmm, Teresa,
would you be a doll and help me out,
because as you can see,
I have a hard time reading.
And on top of that, you also
have trouble with your eyesight.
There's only one
access road to the Brykalskis.
Assuming the paramedics didn't rob them
at the critical time, that leaves us with
five cars.
Not many.
Out in the sticks at night.
During the weekend.
No traffic.
Let's check the owners of those cars!
- Whose go is it?
- Stefan's.
Uh, yeah.
So "On August twelfth, Jerzy Mencel
very tragically passed away,
reported the devastated,
and also completely grief stricken,
national Polish hunting association.
How are all of you betting?
I say forty-eight.
Sixty at most for a tragic hunter.
I'll wager sixty seven.
Thirty-six and a half.
Well I'm gonna say eighty-nine.
The old bastard was 89 years old.
- Oh!
- Bravo.
And d'you know that
Zuza once had a
she had a 62-year-old,
who was taken to
his grave by his great-grandchildren!
And do you remember
you got Jan's unfortunate accident?
Which was announced
by the "poor grieving fiancée."
- And the guy was ninety years old.
- Well I respect that.
So listen up guys,
I'm afraid Alicja won!
Eight points in total.
In second place we have Zuza
with only three points less,
and in third place, Zofia!
I came in bottom,
still buying you some
cognac for your tea!
That sounds great!
- Bravo, bravo!
- Cool!
Wanna take a walk?
Would my obituary
somehow increase uh your chances
in that game? In Corpses.
Well how old are you?
I'm eighty-one.
I got a PhD in philosophy
in the year '62.
Got my post-doctoral
ten years after that.
I'm very sorry.
And what about your family?
I've been a widower for the past
30-I-don't-know something years.
No kids, or grandkids.
Well I'm sorry.
It won't get
that many points though, that's for sure.
Maybe if your mother posted your obituary.
Cheers to the deceased.
You're an astronomer.
Fighter pilot, actually.
Oh. A job like that
- requires many sacrifices.
- Mm.
And who will post your obituary?
My friends.
No family?
They are my family.
It's been a long time since
I've seen my son, unfortunately.
And it's not his fault.
And why did you study philosophy?
Well, I'd always wanted to be
a proper tradesman.
It's very, very, very quiet
The sun warms naked bodies ♪
The sea and the sky shine brightly
I'm good oh, I'm so comfortable ♪
I eat sweet, sweet grapes ♪
Do you know darling
- that it's been eight years?
- What are you doing here?
Cicadas on Cyclades ♪
In the night the stars fall ♪
And the disco plays ♪
What do you want?
I wanted to say thanks for all
of those packages that you sent me.
What packages?
I was kidding.
Now let's get serious.
Give me back my money.
Don't have it. You're not getting shit.
You do have it.
You can fuck off.
Cicadas on Cyclades ♪
There's no need for that.
Come on, you know that they're not gonna
imprison me twice for the same thing.
In the night the stars fall ♪
All I'm doing is making
an honest business proposition.
And seeing as in the end it turned out
that we were just business partners
And you'll leave?
What the fuck is going on down there?
I'll get in touch.
Cicadas on Cyclades ♪
In the night the stars fall ♪
And the disco plays ♪
Cicadas on Cyclades ♪
Cicadas on Cyclades ♪
In the night the stars fall ♪
And the disco plays ♪
Subtitle translation by Kel Barksdale
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