The Hijacking of Flight 601 (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Death at Her Heels

[Marisol whimpers] My fate line
has a crack in it.
Like I said, positive thoughts
from now on until we reach Cuba.
Get her a drink.
[grave music playing]
My fortune teller said,
"Don't board the plane,"
but I wouldn't listen!
The minute we land in Havana,
we'll pay a visit to a healer
who can straighten up that line!
- It's cracked, not crooked.
- No, you need to chill out.
Bottoms up, you're paler than a zombie.
[Marisol exclaims]
[crying] I've never even seen the beach,
this can't be it
[angrily] You either calm down now
or they'll murder all of us!
[Marisol coughing]
What are you two doing?
I'm just helping her to the bathroom
because she's extremely unwell,
but we won't be long, okay?
[Toro] Make it quick.
- [whispers] You shouldn't be in here!
- [crying] Please don't. I beg you.
[Toro] What is it now?
I just remembered
that restroom has no running water.
It's not working, so I'm taking her up to
first class because I'm worried about her.
- I mean, look at her, she's very sick.
- No, stay here.
Hold it for 30 minutes until we land.
Thirty minutes?
But it's gonna take
two hours to get to Cuba.
And two seconds for you to get murdered!
Sit down, right now! Now!
I'm not sitting down
until you tell us where we're going.
I said sit the fuck down!
[man] My friend.
I think we, as passengers,
have the right to know
what is really happening here.
- Listen to me
- [all arguing loudly]
- Shut up! Shut the fuck up!
- [man] Am I right, or am I right?
- [all clamoring]
- [Toro] Sit down!
You're all hostages
of the Revolutionary People's Front!
- Now quiet down!
- [all muttering in disbelief]
This plane's going to Aruba,
where we'll negotiate so the government
of the oppressive minority
starts working for the oppressed majority!
We are using you all
as leverage in our negotiation.
If the president is unwilling
to provide what we're demanding,
you'll die
and be deemed martyrs of the revolution.
- [Marisol whimpers] No, no, no
- [all muttering anxiously]
[anxious muttering continues]
- Revolution or death!
- Revolution or death!
Go to your goddamn seat!
Everyone, heads down and put your hands
on the seat in front of you! Let's go!
Hands where I can see them, come on!
[grave music continues]
- [softly] Okay.
- [Toro] Silence!
[Toro] Heads down! Heads down!
Head down! Everyone! Now!
[sobbing] We're all about to be killed!
[hijacker on tape] Pay attention.
You have six hours to meet our demands,
or a passenger will pay with their life.
We received this message an hour ago.
Vice Minister Esguerra said the government
will act on the prisoners
only once they start releasing hostages.
And that the $200,000
should come from Aerobolívar, so I
- [door opens]
- Doctor!
How nice of you to join us!
I was just explaining that my proposal
I'm informed, Aristides, I appreciate it.
Gentlemen, what I propose is that
we muddle through this absolute fucking
shitshow of a situation,
because the burden
rightfully belongs to Misael Pastrana.
All in favor?
Very well, I'm calling Misael
to bring him up to speed on our decision.
Now, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me,
I have a debutante ball
to attend for my daughter, Raquel.
Everybody stay seated, if you would.
Sir, the issue with your proposal
is that if the government screws up
and in five hours
a passenger gets murdered,
our logo doesn't say "Pastrana,"
it says "Aerobolívar"
in a font bigger than you.
[chuckles] My proposal as director
is we negotiate
a decent ransom with the hijackers.
Before the media dub us
"Aerobolívar, the Airline of Massacres."
Take a note,
that motion needs an absolute majority!
Duly noted.
All in favor
of selling 10% of the doctor's shares
so that our powerful legal team
can negotiate a nice ransom?
Have you been
smoking turbine fumes, Pirateque?
"Powerful legal team"? Those two idiots?
- Same team that allowed a mechanic
- Engineer.
A trade unionist,
Álvaro Aristides Pirateque Usuga,
to become director.
Next time you try to steal my airline,
at least clean your hands.
I'd hate to get grease on anything.
This airline will not pay a single cent!
- [slaps table]
- I've spoken!
And I say,
"Should we leave the future of Aerobolívar
in Pastrana's hands?"
A guy whose only achievement
is committing electoral fraud?
- Or perhaps
- [Manchola] Gentlemen
The airline's future
looks a little more promising in my hands.
[Manchola] Gentlemen, I
A man whose words managed to get
all of you distinguished gentlemen
to meet in one room.
[Manchola] 601 is about to land in Aruba.
- What the hell are they doing in Aruba?
- Ever heard of the Aruban Special Forces?
- No.
- So take notes.
Go down in flames
or not go down in flames?
That is the question!
So are we all in favor
of selling 10% of his shares
so I, as Head Manager,
can lead the negotiations,
and the doctor can go to his ball tonight?
[Wilches on radio] Attention, cabin.
Ten thousand feet. Prepare for landing.
[dark music continues]
["En dónde estás"
by Elia y Elizabeth playing]
Well done, Captain!
[hijacker] Go on, go on, do as I say!
End of the runway, keep going! Go!
["En dónde estás" continues playing]
Put on your handcuffs.
Put on the damn handcuffs!
- [Wilches] What if I need to pee?
- Piss yourself.
Come on, engine off.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- The curtains! Close the curtains, now!
[passengers muttering]
All curtains closed!
[suspenseful music continues]
[static on phone]
Put me in touch with El Dorado.
[Lequerica on phone] El Dorado Tower,
Aerobolívar 601, do you copy?
El Dorado Tower,
Aerobolívar 601, do you copy?
Not one bottle left in the office
per your instruction, sir.
I'd never make you
do something as stupid as that.
[Manchola] Despite your infinite wisdom,
you have no idea
how many stupid things you say
that you don't remember later on.
However, today, I'll let you have
one drink.
Only if you tell Chavarriaga
that what you had was a lapse,
that stupidity
is a genetic condition in your family,
that you will not lead that negotiation!
Don't speak to me like I'm an idiot.
The only thing passed down to me was joy.
I know I can do this.
I'm speaking to you like you're an idiot
because you're being absurdly idiotic!
You're destroying
your life's work in seconds!
Take a note.
First off, there's
there's a 50% possibility
I succeed in this negotiation,
and there's a 50% possibility I fail.
- Do you know what my secret is?
- What?
If I even have a 1% chance of succeeding
[blows raspberry]
I dive in headfirst.
1% is all I need.
And 1% after 1%
is how I made it into this office.
And another 1% after 1%,
we'll bind ourselves
to this office.
When Bolívar rose, he rose with
- Mancholita Sáenz.
- Mmm.
- [tapping on window]
- [Pirateque] And with our 2%,
we can remove
that snob doctor permanently.
And we can take over
this airline together.
- [glasses clink]
- [tapping on window]
We're in communication with 601.
- [expectant music playing]
- Let the show begin.
- [man] How may
- Wait!
Put the radio over there
so everyone can listen!
All right. Uh, Manchola
- Yes, sir?
- The recorder!
- Yes, one second, hang on.
- Carolina, block that area!
Orlando, bring me the maps.
The maps! One voice only, am I clear?
Eyes and ears here.
Our mission is to save our friends.
The maps! What happened with the
Place it here!
- [Manchola] Here?
- Right here. Make a little room, please.
Just one voice! Just one voice!
Come on, everyone, united. Come on.
- [Manchola] What? No, no, no
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Pirateque] Shh! Hey! Hey!
- [chatter subsides]
[radio chirps]
Aerobolívar Base to 601, do you copy?
601, do you copy?
This is Álvaro Aristides Pirateque,
Director of Aerobolívar.
Who am I speaking to?
I want to speak with someone
from Pastrana's illegitimate government.
[Pirateque] Vice Minister Esguerra
informed me
that the president will manifest himself
once you start releasing hostages.
Nobody is getting released,
much less for nothing.
Put a government representative
on the line.
Demonstrating that you are a man
of your word means more than nothing.
The president needs a definitive guarantee
that once your demands are satisfied,
you will liberate every single passenger.
You speak of a supposed man of his word?
A man who's willing to die
for his own people?
Or a man who murdered 30 students
instead of acknowledging
he committed electoral fraud?
$200,000, and they're free to go.
Well, the president hasn't authorized
the treasury to pay any money,
but I have.
The airline will be paying.
But you have to trust me.
I don't even know you.
I am divorced. We, uh
We had disagreements. The usual.
Now, there's someone I'm interested in.
Yes, I'm interested, but not
Well, I'm, uh, you know, a free spirit.
Taurus, you know.
- What sign are you?
- [Manchola] Huh?
What the fuck are you talking about?
That's bullshit.
But I assure you that,
if necessary, I can be a Cancer.
Well, Cancer's the most trustworthy sign.
Were you, uh, were you baptized?
What's your name? What should I call you?
Ulises, please know
that I'm here to help you.
And I'm willing to pay you,
but I need you to release a hostage.
Man, woman, anyone.
And I guarantee that,
in four hours, you will have at least
Fifty thousand dollars.
I don't have time for this bullshit.
Gun's pointed at the captain.
Hear me, clown?
Did you just call me a clown?
I said I want my money, clown!
Fifty thousand dollars
is no funny business.
Two hundred thousand dollars,
that's damn funny.
Stop screwing around,
put a real terrorist on.
You sound like a Hollywood villain.
Look here, this is not a fucking movie.
You got four hours to pay
and for the president to show up
or I'm shooting a passenger!
No, no, no, this
No, this This is not a movie!
This illegitimate president
has me legitimately up against the wall!
Release who whoever the fuck you want,
but release someone now!
[sputtering] Or this Or this
Or this fucking negotiation is over!
[radio crackling]
The fucker hung up.
I volunteer to be set free!
No one is being set free
until they pay us!
Uh, all due respect, sir,
there is a way to do this properly,
and it'd be to release the children and
The way to do this
is you don't speak unless spoken to.
No one's getting off this plane.
Was there a medic on the manifesto?
What for? This is a bad time
to look for a husband, Edie.
I'm looking for an emergency exit.
We must be ready to release someone
if we want to get back today.
Someone like who?
- [door opens]
- Oh no!
- Don't make me leave, please, I don't
- Take it easy.
[whimpers] Don't make me
Listen to me, I need to make it look
like you're pregnant.
- I'm not pregnant, just very scared.
- I know that.
But the government
won't allow negotiations to begin
unless someone is released.
Well, there's a family with a little girl.
Why not let them go?
The hijackers are refusing
to release anyone.
But even the most cruel person
wouldn't refuse releasing a woman
who's going into labor.
You might just save all of us.
[crying] I don't want to sound selfish,
but if I see those bastards,
I might burst into a panic, you know?
How about this? How about this?
Don't look at them.
- Close your eyes.
- [cries] No
Take my hand,
and I'll get you out of here.
- [cries] No
- Can you tell me your name?
- Amparo.
- Amparo, I'm gonna tell you the truth.
In this moment,
I have three very hungry young kids
waiting for me
and with no one to help out.
They're all alone because their father
skipped out years ago.
They don't don't have any grandparents,
and the woman in front of you
is the only mother they have.
They don't have anybody else.
And my children,
they're all that I have too.
Okay, but you have to promise
you won't let go of my hand.
Not for a second!
Then let's make a baby.
[sniffs] Holy fuck.
You shit yourself, brother?
Jesús, where'd you get that fucking tamal?
- Move, dude, I'm gonna shit my pants.
- Whoa!
- [Toro] Hey!
- Sir, please, let me go to the bathroom.
I won't be long. I'll be quick, I promise.
I am gonna shit my pants!
- [Toro] Okay, okay, just go. Fine.
- [wincing]
[door shakes]
- [Bárbara] You can't go in now.
- [Toro] What's going on?
This bathroom's leaking. He'll have to use
the first-class bathroom.
Sir, please. The mole is peeking its head.
Let me use the bathroom, please.
- [Bárbara] Feel free to take him yourself.
- Please.
- [Toro] All right. Go.
- Thank you.
The back toilet is out of service.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
[woman] Excuse me, girl.
First-class bathrooms
are exclusively for those of us
who paid for first-class tickets.
Yes, I apologize for that.
[sighs heavily]
[man pooping violently]
[woman] Girl?
Make sure you leave that bathroom
in pristine condition
when that young man is finished in there.
- [laughs dryly] Of course!
- Thank you.
["Esos ojitos negros"
by Dúo Dinámico playing]
[on PA] We implore our very exclusive,
first-class cabin passengers
to remain in absolute silence
to abstain from attracting
the unwanted attention
of armed revolutionaries
who might just kill them
to help their cause.
Thank you.
["Esos ojitos negros" continues playing]
- Is there a doctor on board? A medic?
- A doctor?
Anyone? A medic or doctor?
- Do we have a doctor?
- [woman] Sorry.
- Medic? I need a medic or a doctor.
- [man] No.
Is there a medic on board
[Toro] This is the last time
I'm telling you to sit down!
There's a woman about to give birth.
I need a doctor. I'll talk to your boss.
He and I are equals. I won't be
bossed around, especially by a woman.
- [passengers clamoring]
- I need a doctor! Is there a doctor?
- Do you want me to kill you right now?
- I'm trying to save a life!
[grunts angrily] Let go of me!
Come on, show me.
[Toro] What?
- What?
- [Edilma] Amparo, they want to see you.
They won't harm you.
No one will touch you.
They'll find you a doctor
to take you to the hospital.
[dire music playing]
[Edilma] Breathe. Breathe.
Is anyone here a doctor?
- Do we have a doctor?
- Look, there is no doctor!
She needs a hospital!
She'll lose her baby!
[Lequerica] Me.
Me, me, I can examine her.
[Toro] Don't move.
Are you a doctor?
[nervously] No, but I did
four semesters of medical school
- [Toro] Perfect, go examine her. Go.
- Yes, yes.
[Amparo whimpering]
[cries] No!
[tense music playing]
Excuse me.
- Uh
- [whimpers] No, please don't touch me.
[Edilma] Mmm-hmm.
No, my dear, please, look, I
I don't bite, I
Think of me as a little teddy bear
who's here to assist.
Just like a teddy bear, okay?
Just, please, no touching.
Please, no touching.
[Lequerica] No, no, no. Relax, relax.
Look, I won't
- [slaps hand]
- Ow! Come on!
[angrily] She doesn't want anyone
to touch her, so don't touch her!
- [Lequerica] Okay.
- [Ulises] Get her out.
- Huh?
- Sit her somewhere else! Do it!
No! No, she looks pretty bad.
Let me speak to her.
Let him examine you.
[emphatically] Please.
[tense music continues]
[tense music building]
Oh my God! No, no, no!
We need to get her to a hospital
immediately, or that bun's gonna overbake!
Yes, yes, sir!
- You guys can't let that baby die.
- [Jesús] She needs to go to a hospital.
[passengers clamoring angrily]
- [Toro] That's enough.
- [angry clamoring continues]
[Toro] Hey, I said that's enough!
Be quiet!
[clamoring subsides]
One more?
[Ulises on radio] Pirateque!
Pirateque, pick up!
Aerobolívar Base. Copy.
[Ulises] Pirateque!
So, who are we bringing
off the plane? Ulises?
[Edilma] Pirateque, this is Edilma Pérez.
[Pirateque] Music to my ears. How are you?
Well, I'm okay,
but there's a pregnant woman
who needs to go to a hospital
or her baby will die.
I'm dispatching an ambulance.
They'll take care of her.
Who else are they releasing?
[laughs softly]
Nobody is getting off until I say so.
And the pregnant lady?
[Ulises] The pregnant lady
raises the ransom to $400,000.
[dramatic note plays]
You can't be this cruel to a woman!
How can you do this to a baby?
Amparo must go! You can't keep her here!
Amparo can't be on this
fucking plane any longer!
[yelps] Not for one more minute!
[Edilma hysterically] Pirateque,
you need to send help!
- [Ulises] Stay still!
- [Edilma] Ahh! No! Pirateque!
[sobbing] Pirateque
[Ulises] Are you gonna let a baby die,
[tense music playing]
Bring the woman out,
and I promise I'll send an aircraft
and a hundred grand.
[Ulises] Keep pissing me off
and this baby's death
will become the nightmare
of those who get in the way of our dream!
[Pirateque] Ulises, you're very eloquent.
You're a thinking man.
You ever think about
putting your mind to good use
and working instead of robbing?
[Ulises laughs] "Working."
Slave away wondering
how I'll pay for my next meal
while my master grows fatter and richer?
I'm hungry, Pirateque.
My partner is hungry.
Latin America is hungry!
You're a slave,
in case you haven't realized that.
No, you know what I realized?
You're fucking crazy
and belong in a nuthouse.
That's what.
[menacing music playing]
You have three hours.
Four hundred thousand dollars.
- Or you'll have a dead baby!
- No one will pay you that.
- Don't be a
- [radio clatters]
Revolution or death!
[Toro] Revolution or death!
[both yelling] Revolution or death!
[soft choral music playing]
[soft music continues]
- [crying]
- [music fades]
Do me a favor,
next time I have a brilliant idea,
as a friend,
strangle me.
I completely fucked up in there.
What am I doing?
I shouldn't be here.
You shouldn't be here, either.
I should be with my children.
[softly] I'm a disaster. I'm a disaster.
You're not a disaster.
- Say it back.
- [breathes deeply] I'm not a disaster.
I am the worst mother.
["Concerto No. 4 in F Minor, Winter"
by Vivaldi playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [rousing classical music continues]
[Chavarriaga] Pirateque!
[rousing classical music continues]
- [Pirateque] Hey, Doctor, this is quite
- Who let you in here?
My unwavering optimism.
Well, sir, I, uh, bring good news
and bad news.
Good news is that we've negotiated
a fair dollar amount.
And the bad news?
There's a pregnant woman on board, sir.
- [sighs]
- And she's about to push it out.
They said they'd release her,
but once we pay them. [chuckles]
Please tell me exactly what this
so-called "fair dollar amount" is.
Yes, uh, 400 grand.
[laughing heartily]
Brilliant negotiation!
You started at 200
and closed at 400!
You know, I still can't decide
if you're plain useless
or just a complete idiot!
Doctor. Doctor Alberto.
If you put this whole mess on a scale,
a pregnant woman whose baby is in danger,
$400,000 is more than a fair amount.
And, of course, in this way,
we avoid being labeled as
the airline that assassinates babies."
I can hardly understand you
when your words are separated,
and then when you start compounding words,
you don't make fucking sense!
All I want to say, doctor,
is I'd like to extend an olive branch
to Dr. Alberto Chavarriaga.
Let's make peace.
Bury the hatchet. Do what's right.
You gotta pay.
You must call the president
and start begging
so he can scare those students.
Take a note,
gravity drops things into place.
And considering the size of you,
we're gonna hear a bang
when you hit the ground.
Sir, I don't understand
how your hatred of me
is bigger than the life of a baby.
I didn't hijack a plane
or foolishly begin negotiating
with a guerrilla,
and I don't hate you.
I actually pity you.
If the victims don't concern you,
maybe you should think about your company.
Though once this gets to the media,
they'll tear apart your airline.
- [chuckles]
- What media? Aruba is a dump!
I bet they can't even afford butter!
Not butter and not
televisions, or not even whores.
Seriously, thank you
for your pearls of wisdom.
You're welcome, Aristides.
And put the goddamn drink down!
You're not even on the guest list!
Get out!
- [phone ringing]
- [cartoons playing on TV]
[ringing continues]
- [Pirateque] Mr. Marulanda, sir.
- You called me, sir.
I just called you "sir."
Did you hear me?
Tss, tss, tss!
Pirateque, brother, stop insisting.
I'm not gonna take you
to another damn festival.
[Pirateque laughing] You son of a bitch.
Who said anything about a festival?
What do you want, then?
Give you the scoop of the year.
Okay, go on.
[intriguing choral music playing]
God, I'm done smelling this commoner shit.
It's just disgusting!
[intriguing choral music continues]
[intriguing choral music continues]
[Bárbara] Pardon.
[intriguing choral music continues]
Cold milk.
No, my darling.
Milk gives me heartburn, thank you.
To keep you cool. We're out of cold water.
Uh Ah!
Uh, all right.
- How's the girl feeling?
- She's finally falling asleep.
We ran out of water, but the milk is cold.
[groans] Sorry, lady.
Lady, please help me.
I think that tamal that we ate
before this whole thing happened was bad.
I need to take a shit.
[Bárbara sighs]
Come with me.
Look, man, I need to use the bathroom.
Please, sir.
Help me.
[Jesús groans]
["Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, Summer"
by Vivaldi playing]
I told you this bathroom's
for first class only.
[Jesús] Ma'am, please let me through.
This is an emergency. Please?
[Bárbara] Please, ma'am, he needs to go.
Over my cold, dead body.
Leave them alone. Let 'em cause chaos.
What do you want,
for me to take a shit here?
Look, lady, would you please sit down?
[woman] Make me.
Don't touch me, you filthy Black girl.
Or what, you arrogant, old bitch?
Want to know how poor people shit smells?
Is that it?
You're not just poor,
you're an exhibitionist!
[all arguing loudly]
- [woman] How dare you!
- [all clamoring]
- ["Concerto No. 2, Summer" continues]
- Bárbara!
- ["Concerto No. 2, Summer" continues]
- [all arguing and clamoring]
[Toro] Partner!
- That's enough! Stop it!
- [man] You know what?
You are an ugly Black bitch
and I'm pressing charges.
- Quiet!
- You, too, you anarchist piece of shit!
- [groans]
- [passenger yelps]
[Toro] Get up.
Get up!
Get on your feet!
["Concerto No. 2, Summer"
grows to a crescendo]
- [Ulises] Get up.
- ["Concerto No. 2, Summer" fades]
- [man] Gross!
- [passengers coughing]
- [Ulises] Go to the bathroom.
- [Jesús] Aw, man.
- [passengers coughing]
- [Ulises] Get in.
Back to your seats! Now!
[Edilma] You can't touch a passenger
or talk to them like that!
So, what? They can treat me
like I'm scum, then, huh?
You are a stewardess!
No matter what they say,
you smile, and that's that.
But I don't want
to continue to do that, Edie.
I'm sick of smiling.
It's exhausting to act like everything's
okay around all these motherfuckers.
It's all fake.
Well, then, just quit.
Go work somewhere else because there are
many jobs where smiling isn't required.
Things aren't like that where I come from.
If you want to get out,
there's only two options.
Work as a maid cleaning houses
or work the streets at night for money,
that's it.
No, that wasn't your case. You got out.
You were a hometown beauty queen,
so I would say smiling's gotten you far.
You don't know what I had to do
to be able to wear
this goddamn uniform, Edie.
[voice breaking] It wasn't all smiles.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Why haven't you told me this before?
Well, there are many things
about me that you don't know.
My name isn't actually "Bárbara."
So what's your name then?
María Eugenia.
Why'd you pick "Bárbara"?
Don't know.
Same reason I put on
fake lashes every morning
or why I put chemicals in my hair.
It makes me wear this uniform every day.
Because one day
I might actually feel like smiling
not just as a way to survive.
[plane approaching]
[Toro] Partner! A plane's coming.
[plane idling]
- [gun cocks]
- [passengers whimper]
- Hmm?
- [inaudible]
[clears throat]
What are we waiting for?
- [man 1] Recording.
- [man 2] Rolling.
Pleasant evening, Tokyo. Morning, Bogotá.
Live on the scene, this is
Francisco "El Flaco" Marulanda.
I find myself under this Aruban sun
in the Dutch Antilles,
historically a refuge for buccaneers,
filibusters, and corsairs,
where, today, news repeats itself.
A story of violence,
a story of piracy in the skies,
because inside that aircraft,
just a few feet away from where I stand,
the souls of 51 passengers
are at the mercy
of a subversive command of the EPR.
Although the authorities and the airline
have maintained impermeable silence
worthy of a monastery
hiding the going-ons
of this serious hijacking,
fear not, disciples.
Because if the story is true,
El Flaco's got the scoop for you.
[Toro] Hey!
Attention, Canberra. Attention, Buga.
I'm seeing movement inside the aircraft.
We're going to try to get
a little bit closer.
Cut it! Cut it, dumbass!
- [man exclaims]
- [Flaco] Hugo!
We're press! We're press!
Hurry up, you idiot! Hugo!
[loudly] We're press!
Relax, we're just press! We're unarmed!
[quietly] Start filming, start filming.
It's all right!
We've come for
an "El Flaco" Marulanda exclusive.
Why have you hijacked this aircraft?
What are you demanding
from the government?
Isn't violence
the demise of all ideologies?
[Ulises] If you're so curious,
come on board.
[dark music playing]
[ladder rattling]
Bippity-boppity, bippity-boppity,
bippity-boppity, bippity-boppity.
We're transmitting live on radio
for all five continents and beyond.
In an unprecedented act of bravery,
El Flaco Marulanda
When Bolívar fell,
did Manchola fall as well?
Why would you ask such a thing?
[Flaco on radio] Yes, you, my listeners,
firsthand information
on all events as they unfold,
putting my own life at risk.
- Can't let my wife see me with you.
- What do you mean?
- I mean, you get it.
- [Flaco continues in background]
Join me as I step into the main cabin,
step into the unknown.
- [dark music continues]
- Ugh. The odor in here is unbearable.
This is what uncertainty
and fear smell like.
The very archetypal scent of agony.
The bucolic scent of demise.
- The faces.
- Help us. We need help.
- [Flaco] The faces say it all.
- Please
[Flaco] Each face, a tragedy.
Every tragedy, a story.
Each story, a tale.
And this reminds me of the tale
[camera whirring]
There it is. There it is.
That right there
is the true face of the revolution.
[Flaco] Get a little closer!
A little more! A little more!
[Ulises] Hey! Hey!
[dark music continues]
[Ulises] This curtain is a symbol
of the oppression
and segregation
the few exert over the many!
This flight has passengers who eat
and shit better than the rest.
In our beloved country,
ladies and gentlemen, the same happens!
This is why we have decided to take arms
and quell our hunger
while we walk the path of revolution!
Our demands are simple,
the immediate release
of the prisoners at El Socorro,
and $400,000 to fund the revolution.
Do you have a message
for the government or the airline?
Since they have not yet
taken a stance on the matter.
[Ulises] That there is
no line we won't cross.
We're willing to kill and be killed
if it takes down every fucking curtain
like this one in Colombia.
[Ulises and Toro] Revolution or death!
Revolution or death!
"Revolution or death. No more curtains."
You heard it here.
That's their message to the world.
Now, we'd like to talk to the passengers.
The common man. The common man right here.
Sir, a message for those listening?
The only thing I'd like to say is
is that I do not wish
this forced detainment
in this agonizing heat
with this foul scent
and inhumane conditions
upon my worst enemy!
Appreciate it, Flaco.
- It's an honor to have you with us.
- My pleasure.
This isn't gonna work.
They're gonna end up killing us.
- No. You just have to do as I say.
- No, no, no. I can't do it.
- [groaning]
- Wait, what are you doing?
- [groaning] Making contractions!
- No, please! I'm not pretending anymore!
That's how a pregnant woman sounds.
Amparo, imagine you're in the worst pain.
- Almost like shitting daggers! [groans]
- Please, I beg you. I can't.
In here, modesty's not an option.
In here, there's no dignity.
In here, there is only despair.
Sir, are you here alone?
[nervously] No, we are
This here's my family.
My little girl hasn't eaten anything.
If you can, contact my mom in Cali.
- Her phone is six, one, two, one
- [Edilma] Over here!
A woman's water broke,
she's going into labor!
[Flaco] Attention, Paris.
Attention, Medellín. It seems
Amparo, I'll be right here with you.
I won't leave you.
- [Flaco] Move, move!
- [Marisol yelps]
[dark music playing]
- [Flaco] How are you feeling?
- Um, I can't breathe.
Someone get me out of here, please, sir.
We need to get out of here.
This woman needs to be set free.
The hijackers refuse to free
a woman in labor,
soon to be a newborn's mother,
until the government
agrees to a fair and open dialogue.
And Flaco Marulanda asks himself humbly,
"What is the government waiting for?"
What more does the airline need
to pull a mother and newborn child
out of this hellhole?
- What exactly will it take?
- [Ulises] Hey!
- What are they waiting for, a tragedy?
- Hey! Turn it off! Turn it off!
[dark music continues]
[Ulises on radio] Pirateque! Pirateque!
[radio crackling]
[Ulises] Pirateque!
Pirateque, do you copy?
[radio crackling]
[Ulises] Pirateque!
You have 18 minutes to pay $400,000
or I'm killing a passenger
and letting the baby die!
Are you familiar with the story
of the old lady who swallowed the fly?
[Ulises] Do you
still think this is a joke?
[Pirateque] Turns out the old lady
swallows a spider,
so the spider can prey
on the fly she swallowed.
But it doesn't work.
- So
- Eighteen minutes, Pirateque!
Eighteen minutes!
So then she
decides to swallow a big dog,
a big dog,
to prey on the spider that she swallowed.
- But it doesn't work.
- [Ulises] Is this all a joke to you?
Hang on, here comes the punchline.
So then she gets herself a wolf,
a wolf,
betting it preys
on the big dog she swallowed.
And guess what, Ulises?
The wolf swallowed her.
I don't want the wolf to swallow you.
Seventeen minutes, Pirateque!
I want the pregnant lady.
Release the kids, the women on live TV,
on Flaco's transmission.
And I promise,
I'm getting a charter
to deliver $200,000 to you.
The board and owner
of Aerobolívar authorized it.
We're paying you.
You were right. You were right.
This isn't a fucking Hollywood movie
with a ridiculous happy ending.
We'll start killing people in 17 minutes
if you don't meet our demands!
On live TV?
You want all of Colombia
to see that your cause is death
and not famine?
'Cause if that's the case
The wolf will come,
Ulises, and it'll devour you.
Do you want to die
as a stubborn freedom fighter
who swallowed a fly?
Or do you want to live on as the rebel
that spit in the government's face
and took home $200,000?
Say whatever you want,
but I'm not buying your promises
until I have the money in my hands.
I'm about to give a press conference.
We'll be telling all of Colombia
that we're paying you.
That's worth more than my promise, or not?
[tense music playing]
Tell them right now
that you'll be sending us $200,000,
a fueled-up,
small aircraft with five parachutes,
and then you've got yourself a deal.
The aircraft, the parachutes,
and everything else is at the airport,
but I need a minimum of three hours
to bring that money
straight to your hands.
Do we have a deal, Ulises?
[tense music building]
We have a deal.
But let me be clear, Pirateque.
If we release these hostages
and I don't have that money
in my hands in three hours,
we'll start dumping corpses on the tarmac.
[Toro] The corpse thing
[nervously] Are we really doing that?
Because I'm ready to kill.
Revolution or death.
Revolution or death, brother.
Bolívar said that all social dissonance
originated with
the two most copious sources
of public calamity
[on radio] ignorance and weakness.
Aerobolívar is the airline
that Bolívar would have hoped for.
An airline for all.
It's because of this
that we have decided to prioritize
the safety of the people
over any dissonance.
With a unanimous vote
led by Mr. Chavarriaga,
Aerobolívar has decided
to pay $200,000 to the hijackers
so our people can come back home.
And we hope that
the government pulls its weight
and honors
the legacy of our liberator, and, uh
We're releasing women and children!
Nobody else! Women and children!
[all applauding and cheering]
[Manchola] Silence!
may this serve as a lesson
that perseverance pays off.
- Let's give a round of applause.
- [all applauding]
["Ya se va" by Los Solitarios playing]
["Ya se va" continues playing]
First passengers to be released.
Hallelujah, Kyrie eleison,
dona nobis pacem.
[man] Honey, listen,
it's gonna be over soon.
- It's okay.
- [woman sniffling]
[man] It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
This will be over soon.
It'll be over soon.
It will be over soon, okay?
We'll be released soon.
[woman] I'm not getting off.
I would never abandon my dear husband.
Grab the suitcase.
Okay, my love, it's time.
Come on, or you won't get off.
[Flaco] Inside the aircraft,
there is an air of happiness,
and some distress, and, naturally,
there are feelings of hatred,
anger, envy, and resentment.
- [Bárbara] Let's get you out, honey. Come.
- Yeah?
[indistinct chatter]
[man] Miss, please.
It's the most important race of our lives.
We've been training
and preparing our whole lives.
- [passengers begging]
- [man] Let us out. Please.
- [Bárbara] Come on. Come on.
- [begging continues]
[Bárbara] Sorry, I can't.
- [passengers begging]
- ["Ya se va" continues playing]
I have 426 chicks incubating below us.
I need someone to set those chicks free,
or set me free and my chicks!
[Marisol muttering]
[song continues]
- [man] Lady. Hey, lady.
- Hmm?
You can disembark.
Cali really smells like shit, hmm?
[woman sighs]
- ["Ya se va" continues playing]
- [safe opening]
- [Manchola] Come on!
- Hold on, hold on!
[Ulises] Go! Go!
["Ya se va" continues playing]
[Amparo] If it's a girl,
I'll name her Edilma.
[Edilma] That'd be a mistake.
- You're a warrior, Edie. Come with me.
- They're about to release the rest.
[Amparo] But you've already
done for them everything you can.
[Edilma] I can't leave my partner
and the other passengers.
[Amparo] Think about yourself, Edie.
Your children need you.
Come with us.
The president's on TV!
Turn on the damn thing!
- Come on, everyone! Gather around!
- [man singing on TV]
- [man] Hey! He's starting!
- [singing continues]
[singing continues]
[Pastrana on TV] My fellow Colombians,
this morning,
the hijacking of Flight 601 of Aerobolívar
carrying 51 souls took place.
Our message
to the hijackers is unequivocal.
Colombia does not cower
to violence and terror!
There will be no negotiating
with those who insist on breaking the law!
anyone who negotiates with these criminals
will be considered an accomplice!
I have requested authorization
from the Dutch government to perform
a military intervention on Flight 601.
If these criminals refuse to cooperate,
we will respond with the necessary force.
[dark music playing]
Come on.
[Edilma] Do you have a pen? Thank you.
Ask for Manchola.
Please tell her
that my children are home all alone.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
["Vertueuse Reveus" by Tele Music playing]
[women crying]
[crying] No! No! No! No! No!
["Vertueuse Reveus" continues playing]
[Flaco] And here she is,
the woman of the hour,
the real heroine of this story,
Edilma Pérez,
just a few steps away from freedom.
What makes you want to willingly
come back to hell?
Is anybody waiting for you at home?
[Flaco] Edilma, every citizen
has the same question for you.
This is live on the radio,
and listeners are awaiting your answer.
It's my responsibility
to make sure that my passengers
and my crew
safely reach their final destination.
- Thank you very much, Edilma Pérez.
- Um, thank you. Yes.
Flight attendant. By her own will,
back into the heart of darkness.
Wonder Woman or Joanna the Mad?
You decide.
[man] Wait for me!
Wait, I'm leaving with you!
[Flaco] What the hell are you doing?
["Vertueuse Reveus" continues playing]
["Vertueuse Reveus" continues playing]
- [music stops]
- [objects clatter]
[Manchola] What happened?
Back off, back off, back off.
- You're drunk!
- I'm not drunk. I don't feel well.
[radio crackles]
[Ulises] Pirateque. Pirateque, come in.
Pirateque, come in! Where's my money?
We don't [grunts]
The army is on its way.
The president was just on TV.
There'll be no negotiation.
Get on the plane and fly to Cuba.
Run before
before all hell breaks loose!
[dire music playing]
The army's coming. Did you hear the radio?
[Ulises] Shut up.
[Wilches grunts]
- Look, I will fly you wherever you want.
- Shut it, Captain!
I just don't want
to see anyone here get hurt.
- Shut up!
- [groans]
I don't need you or anybody
to make my revolution happen!
Captain, you okay?
- You. You started all this.
- [Edilma] No.
You're gonna choose
which passenger we murder first.
- [Edilma whimpering] No!
- Choose. Choose our first victim.
- Come on! This old hag?
- No! No!
- This fucking old hag, huh?
- [Toro] Quiet!
- [Edilma] No!
- [Toro] Shut up! Shut up!
- Or this son of a bitch?
- No!
This son of a bitch, huh?
Or this piece of shit?
- [man whimpers] No.
- Choose! Choose our first victim!
- Go on, choose.
- [crying]
Choose the first victim. Come on!
- That one? This fucker?
- [man] No!
- [Edilma] No. He has a daughter.
- [Ulises] This motherfucker? You take her.
- Take her to the front.
- He has a daughter! He has a daughter!
- [sobbing] No! He has a daughter.
- [man] No!
- [Toro] Start walking! Now!
- No! No, sir, please!
- [Ulises] Get up!
- No, I have a daughter.
On your feet, now!
- [man] No. I have a daughter.
- [Ulises] On your feet!
- No!
- Get up!
[sobbing] No! No! No!
[passengers] No! Don't shoot him!
[passengers protesting]
[man] Please, sir. Please, no.
Let's go, you son of a bitch! Let's go!
Get me Pirateque!
That motherfucker needs to hear this!
- Get the fuck up!
- [man] Help me!
- [Toro] Listen, Pirateque.
- [Edilma sobbing]
[man sobbing] Do something!
I don't want to die!
Do something! Please!
- [crying] Please, don't shoot me! Please!
- [Toro] Do you hear that?
- [man] No!
- [Ulises] Come on, motherfucker!
- [man] Sir, I have a daughter, please!
- [Ulises] Shut your mouth! Get in!
- [man] No!
- Get in.
- Get in!
- [man sobs] No! No!
- [Ulises] Get in! Get in!
- [man sobs] No!
Let's see if you can hear this, Pirateque!
- [dire music building]
- [static crackling]
[man whimpering] Oh no
- [gun fires]
- [dark music playing]
- [gun fires]
- [dark music continues]
[gun fires]
- [music stops]
- [crickets chirping softly]
Even though it's inspired
by real facts and people,
some characters, incidents, places,
dialogues and names are fictitious.
Any similarity to reality
is for dramatic purposes.
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