The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e02 Episode Script


[Germán] May I?
I came to tell you I'm leaving.
They've offered me the chance
to train another team.
It's your duty as the club president
to make sure we have a coach.
Enough with the same old story.
I'm sick and tired of it.
If it were up to me, I'd get rid
of the women's team once and for all.
-You're looking good.
[Santi] Emma, aren't you going
to say hi to your sister?
I don't know how we'll manage
without a job.
They've given us the option to go there.
To Budapest? You aren't really
thinking about it, are you?
[Terrats] Anna Ricou, European champion.
-Do you remember?
-Of course, I remember.
-I'm trying to get pregnant.
He wants to shut down
the female division!
[All] We only want
[Enric] and not behind our backs,
while making serious accusations.
So, that's the end of the female division.
They want you to appear as guests
on the programme Tot es mou tomorrow.
We're constantly putting up
with this shit out in the streets.
Too skanky, too fat,
too pretentious,
too prudish!
At least out on the pitch, it's different.
You're staying, but under one condition.
You have to make the cut
for the OK League.
-Let's go.
-What about Emma?
She'll have to come with us.
Are you thinking
about coaching them yourself?
Not me.
I've got someone else in mind.
What are you doing, girls?
I don't see any sweat!
Come on, girls!
That's enough, let's take two.
Enric is head over heels with you.
He's being nicer than usual
-Well, remind him that this is temporary.
-Of course, don't worry.
He's still looking for someone
to take over when you leave for Lisbon.
But for now, you've saved his ass.
He got an earful from Town Hall.
He deserves it.
Oh my god
I've never skated so much in my life.
Fuck You can tell
she's used to competing.
I'm fine with it. It's what I expected
from the Catalonian League.
-Have you heard from Emma?
-No, not a word.
In any case, you better hustle.
They've changed the date for the match.
You're playing this weekend,
not the next.
What? Terrats, there's no way.
The first game was supposed to be--
Get used to these changes.
I have to go, the boys are waiting.
[opening theme Juntes by Kyne playing]
Emma. Emma, can you pause
the game for a moment?
One second.
[video game sounds in background]
Emma, please
What else do you expect me to do
if you won't let me train?
Listen, I've asked you not to go because
I need to talk to you about something.
Can we talk? It won't take long.
I'm not asking for much.
So, which "talk" is it today?
You know that lately,
things haven't been going well
at your father's company, right?
Remember Gabor, from Budapest?
He came to spend
a few days with us here.
-[Emma] Yeah, yeah, your boss.
Well, Gabor has been
running some numbers,
and he's decided to close our branch.
What? He's firing you?
Not exactly.
He's asked us to go work in Budapest.
But, you guys can work there
and live here, right?
No, sweetie.
That's why I'm telling you this.
-Because we've decided to--
-No, Mom, don't say it. Mom, no.
-Honey, I know it's all so sudden, but--
-What do you mean "sudden"?
We'd have to start working
as soon as we possibly can,
so we decided to move this week.
-What? Are you crazy?
-Hey, don't talk to me like that!
How am I supposed to react?
I feel like I'm being kidnapped!
Oh, Emma, please. That's enough.
You're our daughter, and we'll decide
what's best for all of us.
No, I'm not your daughter.
Leave me alone.
You should've thought about it
if you couldn't have any more kids!
[dog barking in the distance]
[music coming from TV]
Mom's not taking it well, Grandma.
[Lorena] She won't even talk to me.
I guess she didn't expect to be fired.
It sucks.
Come on, sweetie, it's not that bad.
If you need money, you know that--
Don't start, Mom. Don't start, okay?
We could move in with Dad
to save money.
What are you saying?
You want to go live in that chaos?
I've never needed help from anyone,
and this time is no exception, okay?
It's not up for discussion, Mom.
I just want to have a lazy afternoon
for once in my fucking life. Is that okay?
As you wish.
What are you doing here?
Did you think we'd let you leave
just like that?
Your sister's obsessed
with making us sweat.
And run, suffer
Anything to tear us down.
"I don't see any sweat!"
"I don't see any sweat!"
-That's exactly how she says it.
-That's it.
Raquel had to pinch her cheeks to make it
look like she had been working hard.
-It wasn't a bad idea.
-Lore did it too.
-Yeah, that's true.
Lore had to stay with her Mom.
I know.
I know that my parents fired her Mom.
Fuck, everything sucks.
What are you doing?
Smile, I want you to look good.
There you go!
Look, it's your online profile.
So you can find a guy to cheer you up.
That's what you've been up to?
Go on, delete it.
Nope. You need you cheer up, Mom.
I'm doing this for you.
How about a cowboy?
[phone dings]
Look, Mom,
you matched on your first try.
All you need to do is start a chat.
Thanks, Lore, but I don't have time
for these things right now.
You could have toast or something,
instead of smoothies.
They're part of the protein diet that
Terrats is making me do to heal faster.
Again with Terrats.
It's always Terrats,
just like when you were a child.
You on the other hand have changed,
haven't you, Mom?
I never thought you'd be such a hypocrite
and not tell Dad anything.
Oh, seriously.
It's impossible to reason with Emma.
There's no way to get her to listen
when she gets like that.
Maybe the change is too much for her.
What do you mean?
Maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves.
No, Núria, we've talked about this.
Don't worry about it. It will be fine.
We just have to wait
for things to calm down, that's it.
Need help?
I might be able to help, you know?
Do you want to come train
one last time with your friends?
What about Mom? She won't stop
nagging me to pack my suitcase,
and make sure
that I don't forget anything.
Leave Mom to me, I'll talk to her.
But if you do come,
you better be on their level.
Can I tell you something, Emma?
Living abroad is cool.
Discovering new cities, and meeting people
who think and talk different than you
To me, living in Gijón and Lisbon
have been the best experiences of my life.
And Gijón and Lisbon
are right around the corner.
Imagine Budapest.
I would do it again a thousand times,
no doubt.
Anna, you can go anywhere
and everyone will think that you're cool.
I'm not cool, Emma.
"Anna lives in Gijón now."
"Anna has moved to Lisbon."
"Anna can do anything, right?"
"Can you believe she's our daughter?"
Anna is perfect and gets good grades.
Yeah, Anna is the best.
Everything is so easy for you.
So easy
Things aren't as easy
as you think, Emma.
Because you injured your knee?
Please, Anna, in two days
you'll be the queen of Lisbon again.
In two days.
And I will be in a city that has
no fucking idea of what roller hockey is.
Let me help you.
Something will come up, you'll see.
I don't know, Youssef.
At my age and without a degree,
you become invisible.
Same with love.
What if it's the same when looking
for a job? What if no one wants me?
Come on, I don't know anyone
with more energy than you.
I don't know, Youssef. I don't know.
I'll make you a coffee.
That will surely wake you up.
No, get me a whiskey.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
-Can you believe it?
I just got a date.
That's great.
My God, I haven't had a date in years.
Are you going?
-I should, right?
-Give it a shot.
Listen, Sílvia Would you like
to work at the bar with me?
Fucking sink.
[tapping on window]
Use it for a few days
until the swelling goes down.
-Are you sure you don't want a coffee?
-No, I stopped drinking coffee.
I'm done with it.
I should do the same,
it's not good for my nerves.
I don't get why you got
hooked on it again.
It's always given you the shakes.
Are you coming up with plays?
Flor is the star of the team.
Have you seen her move that stick?
She's good.
I was thinking about Lorena and Laila.
No, no, no, you need to focus on Flor.
Make the girls pass the puck to her
and she'll take care of the rest.
See? If you put Flor here
This one passes the puck to Berta
I don't know, Terrats, I don't know.
What don't you know?
Coaching is not the same as playing,
and I know that I'm missing something
You're not missing anything.
You've always been a leader.
It's what you do.
You know what you're doing.
[birds chirping]
Anna! Can't you hear me?
Oh, sorry, Uncle. I was just
With your head in the clouds.
So? How are things going?
They're going well.
Are Santi and Núria ready
for their flight to Budapest?
You never know when your life
is going to change, huh?
Tell me about it.
Listen, I wanted to tell you something
about the upcoming match.
Ever since the girls appeared on TV
The point is that there is an organization
which provides aid for local sports,
and they're interested in them.
They want to make a donation.
That's great, right?
It's not much,
but given our situation we can't refuse.
No, of course not.
Anyway, the president wants
to come see the first game.
I don't want to pressure you
because I know you're going to win,
just let the girls know
that they need to crush this, all right?
Okay, I'll see you later.
Good luck!
Okay, girls. Come over here!
All right, girls, remember the play
we talked about.
Always pass the puck to Flor.
We'll never score like that.
Get the puck, pass it to Flor.
Lorena, you're on support,
block their team so that Flor can score.
This is our plan for Saturday.
I don't want a show or anything fancy,
just pass it to Flor and keep scoring.
Is that clear?
Is that clear?
Two minute break.
[sticks hit the ground]
Is Flor the only player here or what?
She wants an easy victory, dude.
If she wins her first game, they'll say
she's as good a trainer as a player.
Yeah, but I can also score,
and Flor doesn't know the team,
she's the new girl.
The new girls has ears, dude.
What a great training session.
We're all becoming best friends.
Is this the first time you've changed it?
Yeah, it's never happened before.
Well, it's lasted for quite a while.
How long ago did we buy the RV?
-It was my graduation present, remember?
-Oh, that's right.
Just before I left for Gijón.
It's got some miles on it.
I'm not surprised everything's busted.
I remember now.
You were scared about driving
by yourself to Gijón,
and now you're driving back and forth
from Lisbon without calling ahead.
It's a good thing you were there,
Mom's plan was terrible.
She wanted to drive me
with all my things in her Mini.
Sometimes I don't know
what goes on in her head
Oh, don't be so hard on her.
No, Dad, you can't be making
excuses for her all the time.
She doesn't deserve you.
Anna, please.
That's enough, all right?
She cheated on you.
I saw them the day I got back.
They were kissing.
I'm sorry, Dad.
We're not forgetting anything, are we?
I'm not. Are you forgetting anything?
No, I've got everything thanks to my list.
Okay, let's sit down to eat.
Emma, dinner!
-The steak looks good, right?
I was getting tired of eating cod
all the time in Lisbon.
I don't want to go.
Come on, Emma, not again.
We've talked about this.
No, Mom, we haven't talked about it.
You decided everything without
including me or what I'd have to say.
Well, that's just the way
things have turned out, okay?
We don't have much say in it.
It's work related.
[Emma] Your work, Mom, your life.
I have nothing to do with that.
She's right.
We never asked her.
Excuse me?
Why are you bringing this up?
We decided this between the two of us.
Thank you,
someone's finally saying it like it is.
Great. Fantastic, Santi,
now we're encouraging her tantrums.
It's not a tantrum, Mom.
You just don't get it.
It's my life.
What I don't know is what we decide
and what you decide by yourself.
Don't be unfair.
We ran the numbers.
We need two incomes
to support this family.
-How else would we pay our mortgage?
-Maybe we'd be able to afford it
if you hadn't insisted
on reforming the entire house.
Why are you bringing this up?
It's what we both want.
What "we" want?
I think you're flying solo these days.
Who's this "us" you're talking about?
Santi, what's going on?
Is there something
you want to talk about?
Yes, there is!
Perhaps we should say it like it is,
don't you think?
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
Nothing, Emma, it's nothing.
Forget it. We're all just nervous.
Anna, let me stay with you, please.
I'm just here for a few days, Emma.
Besides, you've been treating me
like shit since I arrived.
-And now, you want me to take care of you?
-I promise I'll behave.
Anna, you get it, right?
You understand that I can't just
move somewhere else, without my friends,
where I might not be able
to play hockey, right?
Anna, please.
Are you in love with him?
It didn't mean anything.
I swear. Nothing.
What, then?
I don't know.
I guess he made me feel attractive.
I don't know, I felt desired.
-Well, then, go with him.
-No, honey, it's just
It was just physical attraction, I swear.
Besides, lately it feels like
like we're not together anymore.
So, you don't love me anymore?
Yes, I do love you, I swear.
we make love out of habit.
You know it as well as I do.
Our routines and the day to day
has gotten to us
It's this fucking monotony.
Do you still love me?
I've never stopped loving you.
Then let's not throw everything away,
Thank you. We'll get in in a minute.
I'm not happy about this, sweetie.
-Are you sure you'll be all right?
-Yes, Mom.
I'll do what she tells me to do,
and I'll do my homework. I promise.
-Thanks, honey.
-Don't worry about us, okay?
Take care of your sister.
We'll come back for her
when we find a school.
Don't worry about us, we'll be okay.
-My little one.
Take care, Mom.
[door closes]
[door closes]
[engine starts]
I'm staying!
[joyful screaming]
Fuck, Emma, you scared me.
[typing noises]
[Anna] Emma!
Some privacy, dude.
Oh, Anna, we all shit, okay?
You're not special.
-Go to the RV if it bothers you.
-There's no bathroom in the RV.
That sucks.
Besides, I just unpacked
in our parents' bedroom.
Well, we'll be sharing bathroom.
By the way,
the girls are coming over for dinner.
Emma, you need to let me know
these things beforehand.
Mom and Dad let me do it all the time.
I'm sure they do.
Can you stop being so gross?
Stop it! Get out of here already.
You're so boring, Anna.
[water running]
They can come over today,
but that's it, all right?
[phone rings]
Are you for real?
Why so early?
Practicing before a game
is key to winning.
What are you doing here?
Are you here with someone?
You're my date.
You didn't know?
No. No, no, yes, yes
I couldn't recognize your face
with the hat on.
Do you do a lot of online dating?
No, this is my first time.
And you?
Same, first time.
I'm in the middle of dinner, Lorena.
What do you want?
What are you saying?
What happened?
Do you want me to come over?
Yes, don't worry, don't--
[phone starts ringing]
I'm sorry.
It would have been enough
to say you don't like me.
No, no, it's not that. No, no.
It's just that With the stuff
that's going on with the team
If my daughter found out
that I'm with you, she'd be pissed.
You understand, right?
I mean, it would be
the same thing with Nil.
I'm the bad guy in this movie, right?
I'm sorry.
[All yelling]
[All ] Emma is staying!
Emma is staying!
[yelling continues]
[Lorena yells]
[All yell]
Goddammit, you're staying, Emma.
Cheers! Cheers!
[Flor] Get your shots!
What are you doing?
-Come on, come on.
[All] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two, one, zero!
[all cheering]
Keep it down,
my sister's right outside.
[crickets chirp]
[yelling in the distance]
We're here celebrating
David's birthday.
Say hi, José.
Cheers! Cheers!
Twenty years!
We've known each other for 20 years!
[continued yelling in background]
[Lluc] Cheers!
Last one to finish is trash!
[all talking at the same time]
[Lorena] Emma, Emma!
Hey, guys, let's get this party started!
[all yelling]
Hey, ladies ♪
What if one day we stood up? ♪
What if we broke our chains
And made them see it our way? ♪
They would be the one's
Mopping our floors ♪
It's time for them
To stop bossing us around ♪
Equality is something
We must demand ♪
Enough is enough
We need to start over ♪
The patriarchy must be buried ♪
I'm tired of hearing the same story ♪
That he is better than her ♪
It's sickening
And the media punishes us ♪
The world is fantastic
But I'm not made of plastic ♪
So, here I am
I see things clearly now ♪
Poverty is for single mothers
With kids ♪
It's a reflection
I sing this song ♪
And laugh when they talk about
Reconciliation ♪
We are women, women, women ♪
What if one day we stood up? ♪
We are women, women, women ♪
What if one day we all stood up? ♪
I live on the edge
What are we gonna do about it? ♪
We are condemned for life ♪
Follow your path
Live with envy and resentment ♪
Love yourself
You just want a "lady" in your bed ♪
You want a muse that will please
And pin you down ♪
You only want fame ♪
[Lorena cheers]
-Bottoms up!
-Bottoms up!
Hey, girls, why is that girl
with the short hair always with you?
That's Gina. She's my friend.
She does ice skating.
Yeah, and she's our PR.
I just wanted to know.
Sure you do.
You think she's hot, don't you?
It's always the same with you guys.
Let's go dance.
Women, women
What would happen if they had power? ♪
[doorbell rings]
How are you?
I'm okay.
And and you?
I just got here.
I know, Emma told me.
Damn, you look the same.
Back at you.
Do you want to get a drink, or?
Yeah, yeah.
All right.
So? Ready for the game tomorrow?
Don't remind me.
Everyone has high expectations
and I don't know if I
If I'm a good coach.
I've never done it before.
But you're great, Anna.
Yeah, right.
You'll do great.
-Look, it's Anna.
-Hey, Anna.
I heard you were back.
Yeah, how are you? It's a pleasure.
Don't you remember Montse?
Oh, I'm sure she doesn't.
She was a grade above me
and we only met at a party once.
I'm also really bad with faces,
but I won't forget this time.
-What can I get you?
-A beer.
José, a beer.
[moaning and panting]
[Lluc] I'm going to cum.
-Berta, slow down, Berta
-No, wait, wait. Not yet, please.
Not yet.
[Lluc moans]
[sighs and pants]
I always deliver, right?
I'm a "sex captain,"
I'm the sex god from Olympus.
You'll never get a girlfriend
being so childish, Lluc.
Hey, I don't want a girlfriend, okay?
You and I, we're just friends, right?
Yes, Lluc, yes, just friends.
We're good, don't worry.
Here. Throw away the condom.
[muffled music]
[rap music playing loud]
What's going on here?
What are you doing?
Nil, turn off the music.
Anna, we're just
I don't care, Lluc, I don't care.
Get out of here.
Everybody out, now!
Berta, can you get my jacket, please?
Calm down.
Don't worry.
It's okay, Emma.
Laila, Lore, leave.
Do you need some help?
We'll finish faster together.
-Come on, Anna, it's my fault.
-Emma, drop it, seriously.
-Come on, Anna--
-Stop! Drop it, Emma!
You're so selfish!
I gave you a chance, and you blew it.
-No, you did. Yes, you did.
Do you think everything
revolves around you?
Why don't you grow up already?
I don't get it.
I'm trying to, but I just don't get you.
Please. Please
Hi, Dad, good evening.
Everything's fine here.
Yeah, everything's in order.
Sleep well.
We'll talk tomorrow, okay?
Kisses. Good night.
Thank you, thank you.
-I'm gonna
-Yeah, go.
[water running]
[birds chirping]
[Sílvia] Pela!
Stop that, I want to make
a good impression on my first day.
Help me with this.
At your service.
You're the boss now, so
Come on, push.
If you had a say on anything
It's a good thing Youssef
gave me this job
You could come work at the farm.
Yeah, right. Me and the rest
of your concubines.
Concubines, she says
By the way, talking about chicks,
a little bird told me you went on a date.
What? What is it?
Was it that bad, or?
-He wasn't my type. Happy now?
Listen, Sílvia,
online dating isn't that simple.
It's best to stick with people
you know already.
You don't have to tell me!
I saw how you looked
at Ricou at the party.
Pelayo With my boss?
Ex-boss, okay? It's not the same.
Like that makes it any better.
Is there anyone in this town
that you haven't slept with?
Girls, pumpkin juice.
Best thing for a hangover.
See you.
Okay. Nil
[audience cheers]
[audience cheering]
Okay, girls,
remember what we talked about.
[Anna] Are we asleep or what?
Come on, wake up.
Okay, okay, okay.
Good, good, good.
Pass it, pass it!
All right, time out!
Wake up already!
Get over here, now.
Can you please explain
what's going on?
Get your heads in the game.
What are you doing?
[Anna] What's wrong?
-What are you playing at?
-What the hell are you doing?
Is it so hard to score?
You should know the play by memory.
-You're dead out there.
-They know all the plays.
Do they? Yeah?
The woman from the organization is here.
[Terrats] Stop half-assing the game
and wake up!
Yeah? Are you awake now?
Yes or no?
I want to hear you say yes.
Come on, let's go, go, go.
Okay. Emma, Laila, Berta, Flor, in.
Lorena, you're out.
To the bench, now. Now!
What is she doing?
Berta, Flor was wide open. Damn it!
Are you using your heads?
[Anna] Stop playing around!
-No, drop it, Youssef.
-Don't tell me to calm down, goddammit!
Lorena, get in there.
Berta, you're out.
Come on.
Get in there, now.
Anna, are you okay?
[Terrats] Anna!
Anna, open up!
[banging on door]
[Terrats] Anna, open the door right now!
It's okay. We're still in the game.
We can do this, okay?
Girls, girls, come on, concentrate.
We can't give up now.
Let's do it our way.
Like when we're training.
Forget about winning
for a moment, okay?
Yeah, let's do it.
-Let's go.
-Come on, come on.
She's locked herself in the bathroom
and won't come out.
-She's locked herself in the bathroom.
Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
[sounds of skates and sticks
hitting the ground]
[away team's coach yelling]
Come on, come on.
[Berta] Good job, Laila, good job.
That's it.
[Berta] That's it. Good work.
Come on, girls.
You're the best.
Come on. Crush them.
[locker room clutter noises]
How dare you leave us like that?
I'm very sorry
about what happened out there. I
It's the least professional thing
I've ever done, and it won't happen again.
So, you're not leaving the team?
Not if you still want me.
[Anna] Lately, I've been screwing up.
And that includes you.
I was trying to make you
into something you're not,
and that you will never be,
because perfection can't be demanded.
So, you mean that we're shit.
[Anna] No, Lorena, you're not shit.
You're a fighter and courageous,
and you have a strong arm.
I wish I had that.
And you, Raquel,
you're alone at the goalpost,
but you never give up.
[Anna] Every shot you stop is a victory.
You're essential, don't forget it.
you're really good
and you know it. We all know it.
But you won't get anywhere by yourself.
This team needs you, and you need it.
you're creative and intelligent,
you have a good eye for the game,
do you know how hard that is?
as a defense, you're impenetrable.
But do you know what
the most important thing is, Berta?
That you cheer your team up
when they need you.
[Anna] Emma, look at me.
You have passion,
and that can't be taught.
[Anna] And yes, it sucks having
your older sister as your coach, I get it,
but I think we both deserve
a second chance.
To start over.
Until I left that rink, you guys
couldn't show who you truly were.
And you did it together, by yourselves.
Because I didn't do shit for you.
I'm sorry, it's all I know.
[Anna] But I'm convinced
that I can do better with your help.
Hey, hey, one thing.
We can't leave it like this.
You have to pay for making us suffer.
Yes, yes! To the showers!
-I deserve it.
-To the showers! To the showers!
To the showers!
[Lorena] Berta!
Coming! I'm coming!
[All] Berta! Berta!
[all yelling]
Berta! Berta!
-[Berta] We skate
-We play
-We win
[chanting and yelling continues]
Are you okay?
[Putxi] Wait, wait. Open wide.
-[Bernat] Now.
-You have to aim right.
What the hell is going on here?
[Nil] The girls managed
to get Melo Moreno to come.
If you treated them better, they wouldn't
need to go on TV or hire youtubers.
You need to be on top of them.
I haven't been with anyone
since my wife passed away.
So, what was that call about?
I'm getting my in vitro procedure
done tomorrow.
What is that?
These are the club's accounting records.
If the club goes down,
where will Lorena play? And Laila?
So, who are you trying to impress?
Do you have a date?
I'm glad you came back.
Even if it's temporary.
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