The Interest of Love (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Large, dazzling, and unfamiliar.
That was my first impression of Seoul.
A place full of strangers, who lead lives…
that I know nothing about.
It's a bit run-down, but that's the house.
Strangely, though,
being at a loss actually gave me hope.
Come on in.
This house
is over 40 years old, so it's pretty old.
The sink needs to be fixed.
But the rent is cheap.
You can move in right away.
Old houses
have ridiculously wide balconies.
The fully furnished,
one-bedroom studio was better, right?
No, I'll take this.
What about your family?
Will you live here alone?
It's just me.
In the cold,
and worn-out house
that resembled me,
I felt relieved.
I believed that I could achieve anything
if I tried hard enough.
It's freezing. Hurry up.
I had to work like a dog
in order to just get by.
Are you here?
-Come on up.
-But I desperately wanted…
to live a better life.
I thought that…
…working at the bank was my opportunity.
But then I realized…
Number 17, how may I help you?
-…that people drew lines.
How may I help you?
-At times, it was subtle.
-It's about inheritance.
He can help you with inheritance affairs.
She's only in charge
of deposits and withdrawals.
-This way, please.
Other times, it was obvious.
And they see nothing wrong with that…
…'cause we come
from different backgrounds.
Some opportunities may seem fair…
… but they are
subtly discriminatory as well.
The questions were so unfair.
They practically want us to fail.
No wonder the acceptance rate
is less than 10%.
-Those outside the line…
-This is so annoying.
…can't easily cross over it.
There seems to be a gap
after you graduated high school.
I worked part-time, sir.
Your performance evaluation is excellent.
I did my best, sir.
Why do you want to switch job positions?
I want my hard work
to be acknowledged, sir.
How is it unfair?
It's anything but.
Why bother going to college
only to be treated the same way
as high school graduates?
To be honest,
I think service reps should get paid
much less than regular workers.
I agree. The result can't be
the same for both groups.
Now that's what I call unfair.
The only way not to get hurt
was to accept the truth.
Did you get home okay yesterday?
I think I drank too much.
And at this place,
I am definitely
on the other side of the line.
I'm afraid I have bad news.
They were right. I'm dating Mr. Jeong.
Are you serious?
Are you two really in a relationship?
Then what about us?
-What do you mean?
-I mean…
Then what will happen to us?
Did we have something special?
You said you liked things
to be clear and defined.
I thought you said that
to clarify our relationship.
You had feelings for me too.
-And that day--
-You're the one who didn't show up.
It wasn't intentional.
I'm sorry.
I'm truly sorry
-that I couldn't make it that day.
-Do you mean that?
Are you really apologizing
because you made me wait?
Are you really dating…
This isn't the Olympics.
This is a friendly game
among club members. Take it easy.
Must I
Despise you?
Or should I blame myself?
Where are you?
Come rescue me!
Seok-hyeon won't let me go home!
I'm at the hockey rink.
I just want…
You have the energy
after the dinner gathering?
Just go home. He's doing that
because he knows you won't.
You're a heartless jerk.
It's okay to drink
and embarrass yourself when you're sad.
How would doing that change anything?
I can't understand people
who drink and become a mess.
What is this?
You said she was your new girlfriend.
I miss you. I'm sorry, Jeong-eun…
I really don't ask much from you guys.
But can at least one of you
sober up, please?
Sang-su, you stole that cardboard cutout
and said she was your girlfriend.
And Seok-hyeon,
you're the one who dumped her!
-But you're bawling every day.
I thought you said
drinking didn't solve anything
and that you didn't understand
people like him.
Gosh, I miss my mom.
-Drink this.
I'm not drunk.
-Let's have some hangover soup.
-We just did.
Then how about
we go for a third round
and catch the last subway?
This was our fifth round,
and the first subway will arrive soon.
-Wake up!
-I'm sorry, Jeong-eun.
Why did you drink so much?
You scare me more than he does.
I can't believe how sober you look
while completely intoxicated.
What's the matter with you?
Is it because of Su-yeong?
Are you serious?
Are you two really in a relationship?
Then what about us?
-What do you mean?
-Then what will happen to us?
What's he doing?
I'd like a cup of coffee, please.
-Who wants some snacks?
-Thank you.
-Aren't they tasty?
-Thank you.
-Do you want some?
Good morning.
-Have some coffee.
What a nice surprise!
-What's gotten into you?
-Thank you.
-This isn't spiked, right?
-Good morning.
-Hello, sir.
-Good morning, sir.
-How about a morning coffee?
-Thanks, Mr. Ma.
Let me add a shot of love in it.
Actually, let me double that.
-That's great.
It's herbal tea.
Thank you.
Excuse me, Ms. Ahn.
About yesterday, I--
Yesterday? What do you mean?
-HR posted an announcement.
Let me check.
Isn't it about time Mr. Ha left?
And Ms. Ahn, hasn't it been
three years for you?
Ms. Park Mi-gyeong from the Seocho branch
-is joining our PB Team.
-And you're not leaving?
I was looking forward to not seeing you.
I guess that won't happen. Darn it.
You're beautiful, miss.
How was today's massage?
Yes, it was good.
You have good skin to begin with.
So tell me.
-Will you keep working there?
You went to a top university
and got a job on your own. That's enough.
Why on earth do you want
to handle other people's money?
Nobody will say anything
if you get married and take it easy.
You have everything
that others could only wish for.
Refusing your parents' help
doesn't make you
a good daughter, you know.
Don't you agree, Ms. Han?
I'll bring out the tea.
How's this place?
It may look shabby,
but it's popular with my friends.
Everyone with skin problems comes here.
You should come here too.
If you want to get massages,
take Pilates classes,
and hang out with me,
you should quit the bank--
Mom, stop talking to me.
My facial mask is stretching out.
Raise your hand if you know why
your performance is the same
despite working like a dog.
Who came in last
in the General Consultation Team?
Is it Mr. Ha?
Is it you again?
I'm sorry, sir.
Mr. Ha.
I'd like a word with you.
Go on.
I won't see you out.
Open up.
I said open up.
Suck on it.
Squeeze out every last drop.
All of it. Don't waste any.
All the way. Good.
-Do you know
what happens if I don't become
a branch manager in two years?
Yes, sir.
Our branch manager only tends to VIPs
and boosts his performance.
As for me, I just tend to small fry
and that reflects on my performance.
And that's not all.
You know how much
Mr. Lee looks down on me.
These days, he doesn't even bother
to run things by me.
He reports directly to the branch manager.
People wouldn't question it if he ended up
becoming a branch manager next year.
I'm sorry, sir.
If this is my final position
during my 20 years here,
my wife will divorce me.
I'm barely keeping my head above water.
My kids saved up
to buy me this on Father's Day
in the hopes it would help me
become a branch manager.
I don't share them with anyone.
-But you can have them.
-No, sir.
-You get me, right?
-I don't need them.
-Just take them.
You'd better not share them
with those sly guys,
Mr. Lee or Mr. Ma.
Have one whenever you feel tired
from raising your performance.
Tell me if you need more.
Yes, sir.
Actually, can you give me one?
That's it. The other side too.
Do you not know
how to change a light bulb?
Hey, my parents didn't
make me do stuff like this.
What if I get electrocuted?
That would be painful.
Hey, you're done.
You could've zapped me.
Impressive skills, Ms. Ahn.
-All done.
-Thank you.
Are you sure this is okay?
Of course. I'll be back.
Thank you.
Please have some rice cakes.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-It's still hot.
The new oyster gukbap place, right?
Come by for lunch.
I'll give bank employees a discount.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Come by for lunch.
I only tended to five customers,
and it's already lunchtime.
Mortgage, house lease,
credit, mortgage, and credit.
Quite a variety, right?
How's the hangover?
I'm dying.
This is on the house.
Thank you, Uncle.
Is it okay if I call you "uncle"?
Of course. Eat up.
-Thank you.
-Come again.
-Come often.
-Thank you.
I really love Tongyeong oysters.
I like them raw,
and I like oyster gukbap too.
And oyster jeon--
I actually hate oysters.
Are you mad at the oyster?
Why are you picking at it?
What do you know about Mr. Jeong?
-Why, all of a sudden?
-Just because.
He's been here for about a month, right?
I'm not sure. I'm not that interested
in our security guard.
Do you think they're really dating?
It doesn't seem like it
based on their reactions.
If having lunch together
means you're dating,
then I'd have 100 exes by now.
Are you going to tell him?
"I like her."
"I like Su-yeong."
Just shut up and eat.
Give me that.
They're for our customers.
Thank you.
Mr. Ha.
Here. I forgot to give this back.
Thank you.
You must be tired from studying.
Have one of these.
-Thank you.
How about we each have one right now?
It must be stressful
preparing for the state exam.
Do you also study on the weekends?
I'm sure you're too busy
to do anything else, but study.
I work out early in the morning
to prepare for the fitness test.
-Of course, working out is important.
Then I guess
you don't have time to date anyone, right?
Yes, that's right.
I'm rooting for you. I'm sure you'll pass.
-Good luck.
-Thank you.
What are you talking about?
I was never told that!
I don't want to talk to you!
Call your boss!
-What's going on?
-I'll be here.
He's Ms. Bae's client.
It's about the principal loss.
-How much?
-Call your boss!
-Three million won.
-Bring me my money.
-You can't--
-Don't touch me!
-He's saying, "You never told me that."
-Don't touch me.
-"You'd better pay me back."
-Call your boss. I was never told that.
-Where's Mr. Noh?
-I want my three million won!
Both he and the branch manager are out.
Don't play dumb!
He insists on acting that way
-until they come.
-I don't care. Call your boss.
-I can't talk to you.
I told you not to touch me!
The camera is recording this.
Don't touch me, or I'll report you.
I guess we won't be clocking out on time.
I want my three million won back.
How dare you ignore your customer?
Are you just going to watch?
Should we call the police?
And let word of this get out?
Of course not.
What if he posts about his arrest
on the Financial Supervisory Service site?
Then what should we do?
We can't stay here all night.
When can I clock out?
I have plans tonight.
What kind of answer are you expecting?
-That you can go ahead and leave?
The balance is correct.
Who are you? Are you the boss here?
I'm going to kneel here until you get up.
What? I don't want that!
I just want my money back!
You know that's not possible,
and that's why you're furious.
I'll stay here until you feel better.
Stop this nonsense!
I won't leave
without my three million won.
Bring it to me.
I won't get up until you do.
Is this funny to you?
Just give me back my money!
Do whatever you want,
and I'll do the same.
So is it possible or not?
I'm sorry, ma'am. Please wait a moment.
I'm sorry. It's his probation period,
so he must've made a mistake.
This won't take long, so let me help.
-Excuse me.
I'm sorry, Ms. Ahn.
These are the list of mistakes I made
when I first started working here
and their solutions.
I made tons of mistakes too.
They say it's a given for clerks to make
mistakes for the first three years.
Don't take it to heart.
Thank you.
Ms. Seo?
Come on. Let's go.
Seriously? Look at you all.
What a beautiful sight.
I knew Su-yeong was tenacious.
But that was still impressive.
How was that impressive?
I had to kneel because of her.
We get to go home, thanks to you.
Thanks, Su-yeong.
You didn't have to do that, you know.
I wanted to go home too.
Anyway, thank you. This was all my fault.
I'm leaving now. See you tomorrow.
-Good job today.
-Thank goodness.
How about a blind date, Su-yeong?
My ex and I got back together,
so I can't go.
I mean, it has nothing
to do with what you did for me today.
He works at Samjeon,
and he's good-looking.
I can't go because he and my ex
have mutual friends.
Are you interested?
A blind date?
No, that's okay.
What? Why not?
Why not go?
She said he works at Samjeon.
Is there a reason why you can't go?
Are you already taken?
Or are you casually seeing someone?
What? Have you been seeing someone?
Who is he? A colleague?
When is it?
Next weekend.
-I'll go.
I'll go on the blind date.
That's great.
That's great.
Good shot, Sang-su.
But it's not good for me.
Gosh, that went far.
You need to practice how to lose
without making it look obvious.
Beating the branch manager
will do you no good.
Why are you dressed like that?
Should I just quit the bank
and open up a driving range?
Should I go on a blind date?
Did you get an offer?
No, it's not that.
Then whom will you go
on a blind date with?
Instead of that,
how about we go on a date
with pork belly and soju?
I'm sick of drinking.
It's not just any pork.
It's Jeju pork belly.
I don't care. I'll take a rain check.
I have a high school reunion.
You usually don't go. What gives?
I'm going there to raise my performance.
In that case, leave it with me.
Right here.
Yank out your pride and leave it behind.
Shut up. You're not making any sense.
Sang-su, remember who we are.
We're just bank clerks.
We don't need any pride. Come on.
You look good.
Is it because you're getting married?
Or could it be
thanks to your future father-in-law?
What do you mean?
Does he have his own business?
He owns some interior designing companies.
His mom-in-law is a vice principal,
his sister-in-law practices law.
That family has both wealth and honor.
Hey, I said she's only in law school.
-Come on.
-They're just an average family.
Hey, being average is the best.
-I agree.
Hey, you should get
your home loan from Sang-su.
-Are you interested?
-Go on.
Should I?
Hey. Since we're on the topic,
take a look at this.
Let me see that.
This is a pretty good product.
The rate of return is not bad at all.
An investment trust?
-What is this?
-Beats me.
Come on. We're all friends.
Help me out here.
-All right.
-Take a good look at it.
How much do you get
in commission for this?
I'm constructing a new building.
It's the place where you used to live.
I'm going to demolish it
and put up a new one.
That's right.
-You two lived in the same building.
That's right.
That's right.
It was pretty much underground.
This is only temporary.
We won't be living here for long.
We lived on the first floor
that got no sun.
The address read "Gangnam,"
but it was anything but fancy.
My mom repeatedly told me
that it was temporary,
but we lived there
for more than five years.
And thanks to that experience,
I became a top student.
I didn't fit in with the other kids
who were born wealthy.
That's why I studied.
And I promised myself
to never live that poor again.
You know what?
I'll move our company
and employees' accounts to your bank.
Really? Thanks.
It's nothing. Friends should
help each other out.
But hey, are you thinking about
getting married at all?
Of course. I want to marry
a nice, average woman.
-Average is the best.
Let's drink.
-Let's meet up more often.
Everyone! Attention!
Mr. Ha, right here,
finally did something terrific.
Applause, please.
I heard you went to an elite school.
Your friends sure are different.
Well done.
When is the new assistant manager coming?
She's going to show up exactly on time.
How do we feel about that?
Don't be mean now.
Getting a new PB Team worker
will take a burden off your shoulders.
No way. Check this out.
-This is the new employee.
-What is it?
-Let me see.
-Let me see.
-No way.
-Look at her.
She has a different vibe
than our Goddess of Youngpo.
-She looks like me.
-Don't irritate me like that.
-Someone this hot is coming here?
-Are you excited?
She's seriously coming here?
Good morning.
My name is Park Mi-gyeong,
and this is my first day
at the Youngpo branch.
I'll greet you officially
after I get changed.
-Okay then.
Where's the locker room?
That way.
Assistant Manager Park Mi-gyeong
is from the Seocho branch.
She'll be joining me in the PB Team.
-Why don't you introduce yourself?
My name is Park Mi-gyeong.
I'm the newest member to join Youngpo.
It's nice to meet everyone.
Applause, please.
Thank you.
-Let's work hard.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Nice to meet you.
Did you see?
Thank you for the meal.
It was expensive and delicious.
I'll treat everyone often.
Is that a custom-made handbag?
This? It's called marquage.
I like to draw pretty designs.
Doodling on luxury bags
must be your hobby.
You have great skin, by the way.
Do you go to spas and get facials done?
I go with my mom every now and then.
I'm too lazy to go often.
With your mom?
Let us help you in any way we can.
All you have to do is ask.
How are the employees at this branch?
Our branch manager is like a king.
And he married a wealthy woman,
so he's been jumping up the ladder.
Mr. Noh is anxious
as he has to voluntarily resign
if he doesn't become
a branch manager in two years.
He's had to struggle a lot
after marrying his dirt-poor wife.
But he's a good person.
Just watch out for TOM.
It's short for "Two Obnoxious Men."
One of them is Mr. Lee.
He takes credit for good
and blames others for the bad.
Mr. Noh has no shame.
I planned out everything myself.
You saw me do that, right?
The other one is Mr. Ma.
-He's not evil, but he's an opportunist.
-Calm down. You're too tense.
And these three are the most popular.
They made so many mistakes as rookies…
…they were called the Three Idiots.
Hey, is this supposed to be 80%?
Let's see…
Hey, does this mean 80%?
-Where did you get this?
-From him.
-I gave this to you.
-And I gave it to you.
-It was originally from me.
You idiots.
So is it 80%?
I'm sure it is.
And lastly--
That's Senior Clerk Ahn Su-yeong.
She's a service rep, just like me
-and is called the Goddess of Youngpo.
-Goddess? That's stretching it a bit.
Guys fall for her
every now and then, but that's it.
You get it, right?
Are you jealous, Ji-yun?
Our banking app will be modified.
The president wants the employees
to come up with suggestions.
And the branch manager wants you two
to be in charge of this project.
But didn't you say we should focus
on achieving high performance?
Yes, but that's a given.
Didn't you want to move up to HQ?
This is worth many points.
And the president
will present the reward himself.
Is it still a no? Should I do it?
-I'll do it.
Sir. If we're going
to be at the center twice a week,
what about our main duties?
Then someone will have
to substitute for you.
Let's see. Sang-su, ask Seok-hyeon--
Ask Mr. Ma to take over for you.
As for you, ask Ms. Ahn to take over.
She used to help the PB Team.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead and talk things over.
Hi, honey.
No, I answered as soon as it rang.
Should we read up
and talk again after work?
Don't you remember me? It's Mi-gyeong.
I majored in business administration.
Hey, Gyeong-pil.
Ms. Park, here, went
to the same school as us.
You're So Gyeong-pil, right?
-Hi there.
-Since it's been a while,
how about we have dinner together?
Sure. You're free, right?
I have a memorial service today.
Let me take a rain check.
What do you like to eat?
Why don't you choose?
-See you later.
-See you.
Ms. Park, the handover files
are on your desk.
Thank you, Ms. Ahn.
And this is yours.
Thank you, Su-yeong.
Did you like her too?
Ms. Ahn.
I hear she's the Goddess of Youngpo.
What do you mean?
She's pretty, though.
You changed your style, didn't you?
That's why I didn't recognize you.
Back then, I was rebellious.
Toward whom?
Just someone.
I haven't had this in a while.
I feel nostalgic.
Why haven't you?
There weren't many opportunities
after graduation.
So don't eat a lot. Let me have the rest.
Fine. You can have it all.
Have some more.
My scholarship was at stake,
and he wasn't picking up.
So I went to his place.
With a toothpick in his mouth,
he said, "You deserve a B minus,
not a B plus."
And he threatened to lower my grade.
That professor was notorious
for lowering your grade if you complained.
What? You knew that?
Of course.
Then you should've told me!
It's all your fault.
How is that my fault?
You should have told me.
That's the branch manager's spot.
I know.
The branch managers had a meeting at HQ.
I'll park in the public lot tomorrow.
Hop in. I'll drop you off.
This is a nice car.
I'm paying it off over a hundred years.
I think it's the same model
as our branch manager's.
But his is black.
Seriously? That's so annoying.
I'm going to get a new car, then.
Gosh, you're so considerate.
I felt hurt when you didn't recognize me.
We were in the same major, after all.
When I returned to school later,
you had already graduated,
so it was only natural.
What did you do after graduating?
I went on a trip abroad.
Gosh, Türkiye is a lovely country.
Did you see the sunset from Hagia Sophia?
-Have you been to Türkiye?
I went to Italy afterward.
I've never been to Italy.
You should go next time.
But the pasta here is better.
Right, so any ideas on what to write
for the app improvement proposal?
I can't think of anything right now.
I think HQ has an ulterior motive
for this competition.
Like what?
I don't think modifying
or evaluating the app
is what they really want from us.
Then I'll write up a draft.
We can talk afterward.
Sounds good.
Good to see you again.
Thanks for dropping me off.
I look forward to working with you.
I should be saying that to you, Ms. Park.
Right then. See you tomorrow, Mr. Ha.
-See you tomorrow.
Just got home. Today was fun.
I'd like to take out a housing loan.
A housing loan?
Normally, you can get up to 80%
of the down payment,
but you have to speak to
the Loan Team about the details.
Can't you just do it instead?
I'm sorry, but I'm only in charge
of deposits and withdrawals.
Let's see.
Mr. Ha?
This customer wants a housing loan.
Can you speak with him?
This way, please.
Number 312, how may I help you?
How much money do you need, sir?
-About 250 million won.
-Okay, got it.
-Can I see your ID, please?
My mom was thrilled
when I became a bank clerk.
But I bet she never knew
I'd be so busy that I'd skip meals.
Up until recently,
my mom thought bank employees
clocked out at 4 p.m.
Four is actually an unlucky number for us
because that's when our job really begins.
The position transfer notice
will be up soon. Are you doing it?
You have to have worked
at least three years. I'm a bit short.
What about you, Su-yeong?
I'm going to pass.
You'll soon be
a section chief anyway, right?
If you transfer, you'll have to start
from the bottom again.
You should apply for it.
If not, you'll be stuck
and won't know what to do.
What do you mean? I don't agree.
I love being a teller.
Still, you should know how to manage
loan applications as a clerk.
She's also helping
the General Consultation Team.
This is just her main job.
Mr. Noh wants you
to help out with the PB Team.
Yes, I heard.
Let's talk more about that later.
Give me your number.
Mr. Ha!
Come and join us.
-Come here.
-No, thank you.
-Come on. Hurry up.
-It's okay.
Come join us.
Just come in. Hurry up.
Come and sit.
-This is good.
-It is.
It's really tasty.
-Your chopsticks.
You didn't forget this weekend, right?
This weekend? What's happening?
I'm setting her up on a blind date.
He works at Samjeon.
I sent him your photo,
and he's dying to date you already.
I didn't forget.
Are you finally going to get married?
What was that?
What's going on between you guys?
I know you've been
preparing for the competition,
and now, you're handing her tissues.
It's not like that.
Don't lie. I can see through you.
I can see that you're dating.
Tell me. Do you think
we'll be happily married?
-You suit each other.
-You really do.
You should just date.
-Come on.
-Excuse me.
-I can't believe this.
Eat up.
Eat up.
-Eat up.
Please have some.
Thank you.
It's not true. Mi-gyeong is…
There's nothing between Ms. Park and me.
Are you really going on that blind date?
You said you were dating Mr. Jeong.
But now, you're going on a blind date.
It just doesn't make sense.
This is none of your business.
Why are you…
Is there another reason?
Is there a reason that I'm not aware of?
No, there isn't.
So, good luck with Ms. Park.
Do you mean that?
Do you really want me
to date Ms. Park?
You two look good together.
A blind date?
Mr. Ha, I know you're in there. Open up.
If you don't come out, I'll barge in.
Why do you keep showing up here?
Let's drink our loneliness away.
Hey, let's do this.
Let's drink until we drop.
I'm not drinking.
Why not?
Don't be a party pooper.
What's the problem?
You can tell me anything.
It's nothing.
I can see the torment in your eyes.
-What's Seok-hyeon doing?
-He's on a blind date.
A blind date?
People should try to meet others naturally
instead of going on blind dates.
He met his ex naturally,
and look what happened.
He wants to meet a well-off woman.
Her father is the vice president of FSS.
Is that right, though?
Should two people
from similar backgrounds get married
just to maintain
the lifestyles they're used to
even though they're not in love?
Who said there's no love?
Those people can fall in love too.
Love can't conquer all
in this awful world.
Money is more powerful than you think.
Sure, there are people who try to raise
their status through marriage.
I heard Su-yeong's blind date
works at Samjeon.
How did you find out?
There are no secrets at work.
So that's why you're depressed.
If it works out, then good for her.
If he falls for her, that is.
She really is pretty, that's for sure.
After coming to Youngpo,
guess what the other trainees
asked me about?
"Is Ahn Su-yeong pretty?"
And yes, she was.
But the problem is
even dating someone in college
could end in a four-year headache.
I didn't want to be reckless
and weighed my options.
Am I not allowed to like her?
How serious do you feel about her?
Would you consider marrying her?
People at the bank even gossip
about those who dated
back at the training institute.
What if you two break up?
They'll say you're the guy who seduced
a cute teller and then dumped her.
Will you be able to handle that?
So just forget about her.
If you keep this up,
it won't help Su-yeong, either.
Ms. Ahn Su-yeong?
Please sit down.
You're here early.
But you came even earlier.
I didn't want you to wait.
Sang-su, I sent you the draft.
Let me serve you.
Am I not allowed to like her?
How serious do you feel about her?
And what if we do?
I don't like undefined relationships.
It's obvious that you majored in fashion
from the way you dress.
That's not me.
Ms. Kim Ji-yun was the one
who was supposed to be here today.
That was her major.
My apologies.
That's okay.
Then what was your major?
I didn't go to college.
I only have a high school diploma.
I'm in front of your house right now.
I need to tell you something.
Sir, can you please drive faster?
Yes, ma'am.
This woman told this man
who confessed his feelings for her,
she's dating someone else.
That means she has a boyfriend, right?
I made it
because I knew you were opening today.
What's with the look?
I just think you're cool.
If you want to thank me,
then let's be friends.
It's because I like you, Ms. Ahn.
Why here?
You could've gone anywhere else.
Why'd you have to come here of all places?
So what have you been up to?
You were like that in college.
Why don't you ever date?
Is it fun?
Toying with my emotions, that is.
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