The Legacy (2014) s01e02 Episode Script

Afsnit 2

- I need the other moulds.
- But everything is ready!
They're at the casting shop in Copenhagen.
Get Gro to bring them.
It's me.
I need the old moulds now.
But mum,
I have a journalist here. I can't.
- Drop the journalist, this is important.
- OK.
Have you seen the prospectus
for the museum?
to be converted into workshops
and there'll be
alternating exhibitions.
No, I'll have a look later.
It's as if he doesn't realise
things are changing.
He will.
I missed you.
I can see why you're mad about him
but you'll never have him.
Go to bed, mum.
I loved all my men.
And I had children, Gro.
Yes. You had me,
your little secretary.
And Emil,
who's settled in Thailand
and who only phones home
when he wants more money.
And Frederik, who refuses
to set foot in this house!
Frederik, can't you see
she is making an effort?
And a daughter
who has no idea who you are.
Do you see who it is?
I delivered some flowers for her
and she just gave it me.
I have something for you.
- Your house is not for me.
- Yes, it is yours.
You were born here.
Aren't you my mother?
Why didn't you tell me?
How could we tell you
your own mother didn't want you?
The world-famous Danish artist Veronika
at Svendborg Hospital.
and she leaves three grown-up children.
- Emil.
- Yes.
Can I get you something to drink?
It's really weird.
I haven't been home
for three years
and now I'm going home
to bury my mother.
Did you get it?
- I got all they had.
- That's great. Cool.
- Those. - There's plenty.
- Those are the lanterns.
Fantastic. That's perfect. Thanks.
- Yes. Bye.
- Thank you.
- Bon voyage.
- Same to you.
Veronika's last New Year's Eve party.
It's kind of crazy of them to bury her
on New Year's Eve.
What does it say?
"The funeral today
will take place at her home.
She leaves two sons, Frederik and Emil,
and a daughter, Gro, from her marriage
to avant-garde composer Thomas Faber. "
- Gro. That must be the woman I met.
- OK.
I have three siblings.
I have no idea
if they even know I exist.
- Hoist them all the way up. Rene?
- Yes.
Pull in that direction. Hey!
- But how high do you want them?
- All the way up so they touch.
- A bit more too?
- Done? - Yes.
Now you can tie them off
at the sides.
Have you sat down at all today?
No, there is a whole load
of guests coming
and I haven't even thought
about my speech.
You are a superb speaker.
I don't know whether I should
mention the museum. Should I?
Yes, of course, you should.
We are burying Veronika
but she will live on in this house.
The museum matters to us all.
- Frederik doesn't think so.
- Why is he so upset?
He doesn't know yet.
But you're going to have to tell him.
Because the museum means there'll be
nothing for him in her will either.
Hey, where is the coffin?
It was due here half an hour ago.
Why hasn't it arrived?
It should be on its way.
Are you coping, Gro?
The coffin hasn't arrived and I can't get
through to them however hard I try.
- Really.
- I'll get onto them.
Hi. I'm Robert.
I am Veronika's gallerist in Germany.
Yes, we've met before.
I'm Veronika's lawyer.
- Gro, have you a moment?
- Not right now! Not now!
Hey, that's no good. Put them
in glass bowls. One each.
- I really need a word.
- Not now, Lone.
- It's important.
- What did they say?
I left a message.
I think they're on their break.
- Break?
- Go on.
It's about the trust papers,
and I know it's a bad moment.
I was going to send them in
but then I realized that Veronika
- hadn't returned them to me.
- What do you mean?
I never got them back. So I was hoping
you knew where they were.
I have been through all my post
and I haven't received them.
Lone, you are her lawyer, damn it.
Why didn't you check up earlier?
Gro, let's just find them now.
What if we don't find them?
There'll be no museum!
But you will find them, they are somewhere
around here. They must be here somewhere.
- Gro.
- Just find that coffin!
Hey, careful!
Get out of the way.
Hey, careful! I was just rolling myself
a little something.
What are you doing?
Looking for some documents
in a red cover.
- Move, will you?
- For goodness' sake!
- Here's another one.
- Also for Veronika? - Yes.
"We are in Reykjavik
and think of you whenever we walk
past the park with your works in.
You live on in your art. "
Shall I do it?
It is just so weird, standing here when
I am not even sending one myself.
Shall I do it?
- Hi.
- Hi.
I understand from Andreas that
you don't have time to drop in.
Never mind,
but you have got to have this.
- There is enough for all of you.
- Thanks.
You had better put it in the fridge.
It looks really delicious.
I can't wait to taste it!
- Anyway, have a lovely party.
- Yes, same to you.
And give my love
to dad and the others.
- I certainly will.
- This one is for you.
Thank you.
- Happy New Year.
- Yes, Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year.
- Bye.
- Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year.
This place smells worse
than a French knocking shop.
Now, have a look at this.
That's you done.
Have a great New Year's Eve.
Thanks, you too.
I showed that letter you gave me.
The letter from Veronika.
I showed it to Ole,
- the club's lawyer.
- Right?
He says there's something
they call a deathbed will.
It was just a letter.
But for a deathbed will
a letter can be enough.
You can write one on anything.
Say you were on a plane about to crash
and you know you've got two minutes left,
you could write it on a cigarette packet.
It'd still be valid.
So it's Signe's house.
But it's a bloody enormous,
great place.
Ole says it's worth about 10 million.
And there is no outstanding mortgage.
So she'll be a millionaire.
A multi-millionaire more like.
You'll be able to do whatever you want.
You can travel,
go wherever you want
if that's what you want to do.
Ole says he'll be happy to talk to you
about what to do if needs be.
What brought that on?
- I don't know.
- I think you've ruined my mascara.
You look just fine.
- We shouldn't let so much time pass,
should we? - No.
- Should we?
- No.
What's that?
It's just I was thinking of
saying a couple of words.
- You were?
- Yes. I mean, it's Gro's show, but
- May I see?
- Sure.
I don't think I know even
half of the people who'll be there
but I am her eldest son, aren't I?
It's lovely that you want to say
something for your mum.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How lovely!
- What are you doing?
- Getting dressed.
What are you doing?
We'll be along in a jiffy, all right?
Just think, kids,
this is where we are going to live.
When I was small I had that room
looking out onto the woods.
- Maybe you'll be able to have it.
- Is that where the weather vane was?
Yes, that's where it was.
We'll put it up again.
And you can have
Uncle Emil's room, Hannah.
come here a moment.
Is this the trust stuff
you were looking for?
- Yes. Where did you find it?
- It was right here.
- Have you talked to Emil?
- No, no, his phone is still off.
You haven't been here
since she rebuilt.
Is there a glass of wine?
- I need to talk to you about the house.
- You know what?
Today I think we'll just bury
our mother, all right?
- Yes.
- I will happily deal with the legalities.
We've got an inheritance specialist
at the office
- who would like to be brought in to have
a look and the technical aspects. - I see.
I was actually thinking of saying
a few words during dinner,
so you could say something
more about her too.
- Yes, I'd just like to
- Excuse me.
to the guests when they arrive?
For goodness' sake! Does anything actually
go on inside that head of yours at all?
Look, there is white wine for the food,
so what do they get when they arrive?
I am super-stressed.
There is such a lot to see to.
- Is there a glass of wine?
- Yes, there's whisky.
I'll pop over with the flowers
if you'll shut up shop.
- Katja?
- Yes.
I can drive the flowers
They don't know who I am.
I can just hand them over
and then leave again.
Shall I do that?
- Good to see you.
- Hi, I am so pleased you're here.
- Hi, bro.
- Hi.
- Are things going well in Thailand?
- Oh, they are going fine.
- They are going fine.
- We have er
We have made a bed up for you at home,
so you can stay with us.
You can just sleep here.
There are loads of beds.
We'll sort it out later, OK?
How many people are coming?
- Fifty-odd.
- I see, right.
And that's just the very closest.
I have tried to make it kind of festive.
After all, it's New Year's Eve. I think
mummy would have wanted it like that.
- It is ages since we last celebrated
New Year's Eve together. - It certainly is.
- Hi.
- Hi there. Hi. Emil. - Robert.
- Did you get hold of them?
- I got hold of the office.
The coffin left half an hour ago. They
don't know why it hasn't got here yet.
You'll just have to get hold of whoever
is driving around with it then.
- They can't get through to the driver.
- It's completely mad.
The coffin has got lost.
- How the devil can it get lost?
- They can't locate the driver.
They'll have to send out search parties.
Can't they call the police?
They'll find him, all right?
- Who was that?
- That is Robert, mummy's gallerist.
I see.
I think, mummy's gallerist
seems like a real sweetie.
- A very sweet man.
- You two are awful!
- A good looking fellow, eh?
- Totally cute.
- You two are such morons!
- Don't you agree?
- No, Emil!
- Thomas!
Hey! Good to see you!
- No!
- You are looking great, man.
Yes, you too!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi, good to see you.
- Likewise.
Oh, there it is.
Listen, I have something
you've got to hear. It'll freak you out.
Something a bit of Biphonal
Like I did at Copenhagen
Jazzhouse with a sub orchestra.
That "huun huur tu" thing?
- No, well, yes, the same.
- The same.
But with a woman
singing incredibly deep.
I sampled her
and I can make her sound like Earl Bostic.
- Wow, how cool!
- Has anyone seen Robert?
- No.
- Who?
Robert, the Norwegian roaming
about the place. I can't find him.
There are some cables, too.
Do you mind, Emil?
- What are there?
- Some cables to bring in.
- Are they out in the barn or what?
- Yes.
Fyns Undertakers. We cannot
answer the phone right now.
- Please leave a message.
- The answering machine, dammit.
- Coming?
- Hmm.
Was this where Grandad shot himself?
- Who told you that?
- Hannah.
- How does she know?
- Mummy told her.
Why did he shoot himself?
Because he was in pain
and because he was ill.
- Would you ever shoot yourself?
- No, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't either.
Hasn't she said anything?
It was Sunshine who found her.
our kid sister.
When did they start
seeing each other again?
Mummy phoned her
just before she died.
But have you met her?
What's she like now?
Oh, I only saw her
for a second or two.
- Is she coming today?
- No, she isn't.
I thought it'd be a rather awkward way
of meeting each other.
No, it would be a very natural way.
Anyway, I'll pop out
to see to that coffin.
It's a bit muddy.
Excuse me, do you mind carrying
these flowers into the house for me?
- Isn't that your job?
- Yes, but I am a bit pushed, so.
Thank you.
Thanks ever so.
Yes, I have been appointed
florist's boy.
Would you pop them
onto the dais?
They are trying to get
hold of the driver.
How dare you?
I want my mother right now!
Tell you what. If she's not here
in five minutes, I'll sue.
Shouting won't help.
What the hell is it that you don't
understand? Let the driver phone me NOW!
- Camilla?
- Yes?
- Yes, of course.
Thank you.
Hello. Yes, it is she.
Where are you?
I'll go outside.
See, it did help.
Emil, Frederik
If you're coming from the south, it is
straight ahead. If so, just call again.
For goodness' sake!
His Satnav broke, the cretin.
- Who is that?
- That's Signe.
She hasn't been left anything.
I hope she knows that.
- Go down and ask her in.
- You expect me to?
Yes, or would you rather help
with mum's coffin?
Everything under control?
There's some kind of idiot of a driver
floundering around in the woods.
- Hello. - Hi.
- Frederik.
- You must be Sunshine.
- My name is Signe.
- Is this Sunshine? - Yes.
- Would you like to come in? - Yes.
- Really I just came to deliver
some flowers. - OK, that's fine.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi there.
- Hi.
I'll go and see to the kids.
Yes, excuse me, my name is Emil.
I am your big brother.
I see.
- What the heck brings you here?
- I just came to deliver the flowers.
Won't you come inside?
- Will it be all right?
- Come on. You've got to see the house.
- Really?
- Yes, of course.
We must make sure
it doesn't tip over.
Oh, careful!
- It's pitching a bit up front.
- Do you think it'll be all right?
Will it, Thomas?
You're underneath it again!
Claudia. I am Robert's wife.
- Welcome.
- My condolences. - Thank you.
I'll get back to you in a moment.
Excuse me.
Yes, Veronika is a genuine diva.
Even from her coffin she creates drama,
but now she is here.
Oh, no!
- You look fine, Sunshine.
- I came straight from work.
That's quite all right, Sunshine.
We are really thrilled you've come.
This is Signe. Sunshine.
This is my wife Solveig.
- Hi.
- Hi Signe. Hi.
Our children. That's Hannah
and Villads. They're over there.
She looks exactly like Veronika.
- Oh, come off it. No, she doesn't.
- Yes, can't you see the likeness?
Thank you for coming, all of you.
We really appreciate it.
Thomas will say a few words first.
This house has always been
full of music.
Veronika really liked music
and it's been hard to choose
just one song.
We've picked this one,
which has certainly been sung
many, many times in this house.
We also sang the kids to sleep with it.
Now, it'll be a lullaby for Veronika.
Be gone, night
And get on home
Before your wits begin to roam
I know that on your way
You'll be led astray
Be gone, night
And get on home
Be gone, night
Some just leave their doors ajar.
Take mine off
its hinges.
Now get on home
We have sung, we've cried
And we have hurt
For hours we have been on full alert
There's been plenty of food for thought
Now the hours are getting small
And it's time to go
Be gone, night
And get on home.
Veronika was
was full of paradoxes.
You couldn't really pin her down
or understand her.
But in her art it all fused;
The most vulnerable
with the most brutal.
She welcomed life and other people.
Nobody here today has not lived or worked
or slept in this house at some point.
Veronika set up a trust to turn
the house into a museum.
A museum with mum's art
and with new art.
- It was her last wish
- What museum is this?
- this place
- I have no idea.
which meant so much to her,
will continue in the generous,
receptive spirit that imbued
the house while she was alive.
Veronika is dead,
but her spirit will live on with us.
Oh, no! Excuse me
Are you OK?
- That was some entrance!
- I am so sorry!
I am terribly, terribly sorry.
I hope no harm was done.
Not at all. Are you OK, though?
Would you like to stay for supper?
No, thanks, I'll be on my way.
We've got people coming round.
But it was good you came.
And I never did thank you
for the other day.
Well, she phoned me.
How was she?
Was she angry? Cross?
No, I don't think so.
- No, she wasn't cross.
- Did she mention me?
It's just that we'd had a row
and I said some really awful things.
No, we didn't talk about you.
Not at all.
Suddenly there they are.
The two sisters.
It's fantastic.
I had better check on the food.
Talk to you later.
- Is there any beer?
- There is wine.
No, that's not quite what I
Hey, I have something to show you.
If you have a moment, that is?
I am really sorry I didn't tell you
about the museum.
I am sorry about it too.
I didn't mean to mention it at all.
But as I stood there it wasn't
It wasn't my decision. Mum decided
she wanted to turn it into a museum.
It's my father's house.
I know that's how you feel.
- But it's mum's house.
- How dare you
have the temerity to announce it before
we've even looked at the documents?
You'll get to see them. We didn't expect
her to die like that, now, did we?
You know very well the will says
I have first refusal on the house.
Really. How long ago
was that will written, Frederik?
It was written ages ago,
and now what has happened is
- that she has given the house to a trust.
- I am meant to have the house!
Shall we go into dinner?
Let's go in.
Hey, hey, hey.
I know it's come as a shock
But you will both have to wait
until later to talk about it. Yes, do try.
Now we're saying goodbye
to your mother.
You go on in.
Take a look at these.
Is that Veronika?
She was so beautiful.
There's Frederik
with his first joint.
And beer.
That's you.
No. It can't be me.
Of course, it is! You can see
it's on your second birthday.
Two candles on the cake.
But I was with John and Lise by then.
No, look.
"Sunshine 2 years old. "
Oh, no
I thought I'd been with John and Lise
from when I was a baby.
You were always coming here.
Till you were almost three, I think.
That cart, right. I made it.
It was big, enough for all
of you to ride in it at once.
- Is that me?
- It certainly is.
See That's Emil pulling you along.
- Looking at old photos?
- That's Emil.
Look, he is in his silly cap.
- That was my favourite cap, that one.
- Indeed it was.
I had no idea I knew you.
- I missed you terribly after
you disappeared. - Yes, you did.
And you kept riding over there
and coming back completely
- Over where?
- Over to John and Lise's.
Did you really?
Yes. The first time I had cocoa.
But then Lise told me
you needed to be left in peace.
- How many times did you go?
- Quite a few.
Yes, but in the end
she said it'd be best
if we didn't see you.
Just look at those teeth!
How weird she isn't answering
her phone, isn't it?
She'll be here in a moment.
- Yes. - There.
- Yes.
At this point Veronika would have said:
"Cheers!" So I'll say it. Cheers!
- Cheers!
- Happy New Year!
- Hello.
- Hi.
Where has Frederik gone?
I don't know where he is.
- Sunshine, I'll go and get my brother.
- OK, I think I'll be getting along then.
Stick around for five minutes.
It'll only take five minutes.
Go on, talk to each other, all right?
- Hi.
- Hi, Camilla.
- Hi. - Hi.
- At last. - Yes.
Hi, it is great seeing you again.
Good to see you.
Are you doing OK?
- Yes, I think so, apart from
- Yes, it's awful about your mum.
- I am really sorry.
- It's as if something has - Yes.
- It still has to sink in, I think.
- I missed you terribly.
- Do you want to meet up?
- Sure. - Have a cup of tea.
Yes, er
- I'd really love to
- In the next few days.
Can I give you a bell
in the next few days?
Yes, I've still got
the same number as always.
- Yes, I'll give you a bell. - Yes.
- Right? Ding, I'll give you a bell.
- Yes. Great seeing you.
- Likewise.
I thought this was
where you'd be hiding.
I didn't think you smoked.
I don't smoke.
Didn't you know anything
about that museum thing?
Can they just do that?
I hope not.
She can't grab the house
and the works just like that.
I certainly haven't seen
anything on paper yet.
And there must be
something for us. Right?
She is absolutely unbelievable.
- She is an unfeeling bitch.
- So ice cold. What's got into her?
Mummy's little terrier.
I have talked to Kim.
He is really enthusiastic.
It sounds as if
we'll get the whole grant.
- Lovely.
- Yes.
I don't understand why she is still here.
She just said she was about to go home.
- Hi.
- Hi. Hi, darling.
I must have phoned you
seven times or something.
Let's go home now.
- Hi.
- This is my boyfriend Andreas.
- Hi there. - Hi.
- Emil. - Hello.
Hello, Frederik.
We're pretty much on our way home now,
because we've got people round.
- It's been really nice. - Yes.
- It was good to see you. - Yes.
See you again, soon.
- OK?
- Hmm.
- Bye. - Bye. Happy New Year.
- Yes, Happy New Year. - Same to you.
That was Andreas Baggesen.
Who he?
Andreas Baggesen!
Plays right back for SHK.
Really. Wow, eh, Frederik?
- You bugger!
- Big time, eh? Andreas Baggesen!
So all the works and the house
will be part of the museum
all the works and the house
will be part of the museum.
I just don't quite understand,
because she'd promised a grant.
She had promised
to invest in the resort.
Her bank accounts have all been frozen
until the estate has been wound up.
But we had a clear agreement.
Yes, but it is the required procedure
for them to freeze all assets
until the estate has been settled.
And how long does that take?
- My condolences.
- Yes, of course. Thank you.
My name is Kim Halland. I am
the chairman of the Jakobsen Foundation.
I expect we'll be working
together on this.
I am a great admirer
of the museum idea.
I expect to be closely involved
in setting up and running it.
What the hell is that?
- What is this? - What do you mean?
- I mean this!
Oh, it was part of an art video.
- What is it now, five years ago?
- Yes.
- Yeah.
- It's a family portrait.
- It captures the times and customs
of the day. - No, it's my grandfather!
Tell you what, let's not discuss art now!
Let's go and get a drink.
- May I?
- Yes.
It was in the university canteen. He was
standing there with his lunch on a tray.
- Yes, right.
- Piled up high.
And I did this to him.
Right on the schnozzle.
- So you got him then.
- I sure did.
Very romantic.
Hi. I was just describing
how we met.
- I grabbed you like this. Remember?
- Very romantic, Frederik.
Right on the schnozzle.
We're going.
- No, Frederik, we can't go now!
- What's up? Frederik? What's up?
I want you to come with me.
- We haven't toasted yet. - We're going.
- What's the time? - It's not that late.
- We haven't toasted the New Year in yet.
- We're going. - Frederik, stop it!
We're going.
Where are the children?
Villads! Come on.
We're going home.
- Villads!
- Don't shove!
I'm not shoving,
I'm holding you upright.
- Frederik. Don't make a scene now.
- I am not making a scene.
- Hannah! Hannah!
- I'm up here.
- Hannah!
- Yes, dad! Up here!
Come downstairs.
We're going home.
- Now?
- Yes.
- Goodbye for now. - Bye.
- Watch out, there is no handrail.
Get a grip, will you?
I am not fucking going home to celebrate
New Year's Eve with you people.
Get your coat!
- Are you going?
- No, we are bloody not.
Hannah can stay here if she wants.
- Come on.
- Frederik.
You can't just take it with you.
- She killed him in his own home.
- Are you coming? - Stop it, Frederik!
Are you going to put up
a brass plaque in the barn too?
- Frederik - "This is where
- I bet you arty types would just love it.
- Frederik, come on.
- In you get.
- I am staying here.
I'll come tomorrow when I've given Gro
a hand with the cleaning up.
I lost my father last year.
- Really?
- Yes.
I couldn't do a thing.
Without Robert,
I would never have coped.
You are alone with all this.
You are like your mother, so
strong and independent.
Her send-off was meant to be a party.
And now here I stand
- Well, your mother has just died.
- Frederik is furious.
People are drunk.
I am so tired.
I am sorry Claudia had to come.
I didn't know what to tell her.
She's the one
who introduced me to Veronika.
Yeah. It's New Year's Eve,
of course, your wife should be here.
The two of you are straight out
of a lifestyle magazine.
When this is over
you'll have more time.
If only she'd told me she was ill.
- Yes.
- She called Signe.
Gro, nobody can take away
what you and your mother had together.
Lise and John said they had you
from when you were a baby.
I think I just want to party.
I can't think anymore.
I think
I've sussed that the house is yours.
John talked to Ole, that lawyer
from the club, about the letter you got.
John? What's that got to do
with the matter?
- He just wants to help.
- Why bring my father into it?
All I'm doing is trying
to make it easier for you.
I have no intention
of taking their house.
- It's got nothing to do with taking.
- It's got everything to do with taking.
- She gave it you and it's probably
worth a few million. - Just let it go!
Come on, let's go party.
- Signe!
- Hi.
What did they say? Were they nice?
I don't want to talk about it.
Can I have a shot?
- Hi. Hi.
- Hi.
- Did I wake you?
- No, no.
I happened to see you
talking to Signe downstairs.
- Did she say anything?
- About what?
- No, forget it.
- Lone, about what?
It's just that
I was chatting to Lisbeth,
you know, Ole's secretary,
the lawyer on the square.
She said that Sunshine
had approached Ole about a letter.
What letter?
A letter Veronika wrote
on her deathbed
leaving the house to Signe.
But why would she leave
the house to her?
She wanted to have a museum.
It sounds most unlikely to me.
No, and anyway,
she couldn't give it to Signe anyway.
She's given it to the trust.
She can't give it away twice.
What if we can't find
those trust documents?
They must be here.
What if they haven't been signed?
Oh, I think they have, Gro.
- Are you coming back to the party?
- Yes, I'll be in in a moment.
It's time to send her off.
- You can't work now!
- No, I'm not working now.
Dress up warmly.
- Are you high?
- Not high enough.
Signe, Signe!
Come on!
It's 5 to midnight!
Have you got the champagne?
- Happy New Year, friends!
- Happy New Year!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
That looks really good, actually.
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