The Liberator (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

One Word: Anzio

No. I didn't see anything.
Keep moving.
Let's go! Let's go!
Field Marshal Kesselring is here, General.
A problem, Eberhard?
No, Field Marshal.
Thank God you're a better general
than you are a liar.
I have six kilometers
of open ground to cover.
Six kilometers under enemy artillery.
But only two to reach his lines.
And he's proven a timid foe, Eberhard.
One who's been sitting there for weeks,
unwilling to attack.
Reach his lines
and he will not sacrifice himself
to stop you.
Son of a bitch.
Let's go! Let's go!
Let's go!
Get the wounded!
There is only one company left
on the Via Anziate, Herr General.
They are down to quarter strength
and there is nothing between them
and Anzio.
Prepare your men, Colonel.
I saw you talking with their commander.
Yes, sir, Herr General.
I offered him the opportunity
to surrender.
And what was his response?
He asked
if I knew anything about Oklahoma.
When I said no,
he said I was about to learn a lot.
Be brave, boys!
We can do it!
With me! Forward!
Good. Good.
It's okay. It's okay.
Attention! Enemy!
Come on! Hands up!
Hey, are you okay?
Do you need help?
You are bleeding.
Let me help you!
Get up! Get up!
Armin, Armin! Over there!
He's so heavy. Help me, please!
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