The Longest Promise (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 2=
(It seems that Bell of Cleansing)
(requires very refined techniques.)
(I still need to practice diligently.)
(So that I can give this item to Mother)
(before her birthday.)
(Extreme Wind City)
(Crimson Residence)
Princess, you travel
further and further away.
This time you've been away
from home for ten days.
We've had to hide it so well.
Fortunately, you returned in time today.
we wouldn't be able to
cover up for you this time.
I wonder why Mother
sought me out today?
Could it be that another young mister
has come to propose marriage again?
In the current Extreme Wind City,
who dares to come
and propose marriage to you now?
You keep wanting to
compete with every suitor who comes.
They haven't even finished
healing from their injuries.
I heard that this time,
it seems to be someone from Jialan.
It seems they are planning
to invite you to participate in
an event called
the Grand Ceremony of Worship.
Is it the Grand Ceremony of Worship
at Jiuyi Mountain that takes place
only once every ten years?
I'm not sure though.
Where are you going again?
Granny, please have some tea.
Thank you, Your Highness.
I heard that the Princess
has reached adulthood now.
So I made this trip specifically.
(Zhu Changxiang, Crimson Clan's Consort)
I'm sure you know that
according to ancestral customs,
the eldest daughter of the Bai family
will become the lead dancer
at the Grand Ceremony of Worship.
But if the other Saintesses
who are dancing
perform exceptionally well,
it can bring honor
to the family as well.
The influential figures from
the Six Ministries are all gathered here,
it's also a good
opportunity to select a husband.
I'm afraid Yan'er has already
neglected her dancing.
I'm going.
I want to participate
in the Grand Ceremony of Worship.
But if your dancing skills
are not up to par,
you won't be able to go.
Give me three days.
I will definitely sharpen my skills.
(Star Gazing Plaza, Jiuyi Mountain)
Jiuyi Mountain
welcomes all lords and princesses.
Come on.
Slow down.
Are these the offerings you prepared
for the Star-gazing Ceremony?
It seems that in these years,
Ye City hasn't been doing well.
These few years,
Qingzhou has been greatly
benefited from the Dragon's grace.
I can completely provide
some assistance to you.
On this trip,
I brought two daughters with me.
One of them
is a candidate for Star Gazer.
A box of fine pearls
from the Bai Residence.
Although we brought fewer offerings,
the purpose is
to ease the future
Consort of Crown Prince.
Don't you agree?
You're mistaken.
The Crown Prince doesn't exist yet,
so there's no Crown Princess yet.
Once there's an Crown Princess,
there will be an Crown Prince.
I haven't seen you for three days only.
What an impressive progress!
Let me test your skills.
Chong Ming.
(Divine Bird Chong Ming, Jiuyi Mountain)
I haven't seen you for just a few days,
and yet you've developed a pig's habit
of crashing into trees.
How dare you say that I'm a pig?
Did I ruin my appearance?
Did I?
Did I?
Oh no.
It's alright.
It's not a big deal.
Do you know how difficult it is
for me to have this appearance?
I'm Chong Ming,
the King of Hundred Birds.
I've cultivated for thousands of years
and now have finally
transformed into a human.
But I
haven't finished my cultivation yet.
I haven't shown
this beautiful face to others.
I must protect this face well.
I indulged too much in my own beauty
and forgot about the important matter.
As they say, beauty brings disaster.
The ancient bird was right.
What's the matter?
Don't you know about
the Jiuyi Grand Ceremony?
Come with me and see the excitement.
The Jiuyi Mountain only has this event
once every ten years.
Even the Four Grand Marshals
are itching to go up the mountain.
I won't go.
Are you afraid of being seen by others?
Although you cannot leave the valley
before you turn 18,
I have already prepared
the attire of a divine servant for you.
We just need to
quietly go up the mountain
and take a quick look.
No one will notice.
I won't go.
You called me a pig just now.
If you hadn't moved away,
how would I've possibly
crashed into the tree?
why would I hit you?
It was to distract
your attention,
so you could rest well.
But you didn't appreciate
my good intentions at all.
I know the reason you trained tirelessly
is that you can go out
and bring back your mother.
But because of that prophecy,
you cannot see any women
before you turn 18,
and can only stay
within the Emperor Valley
of Jiuyi Mountain.
But there's still plenty of time left.
Don't be in a rush for results.
Take it slowly.
Return this to me.
That's all you have to say?
If I had known you were so boring,
I wouldn't have followed you
three years ago
when you saved me.
It's too late.
You little Grand Minister.
I'll go back and find a way.
I'll definitely make you go.
Chong Ming.
Thank you.
Lord Immortal Official.
I have a question.
Within this Jiuyi Mountain,
which divine official
has the highest magical abilities?
Within this Jiuyi Mountain,
there are distinctions between
immortal officials and divine servants.
I am only a divine servant.
Only immortal officials can study magic.
The immortal officials are divided
into four ranks
according to their abilities.
They are Grand Minister, Grand General,
Grand Marshal, and Grand Preceptor.
The one with the
highest magical power is naturally
the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
who presides over
the Grand Ceremony of Worship.
How powerful is the High Priest
of Grand Preceptor's cultivation?
No one has ever seen it.
Rumor has it that he can command
the Yunhuang Compendium.
Command the Yunhuang Compendium?
That's so amazing.
Then does he know
Primordial Spirit-Gathering Spell?
I've never heard of it.
How could such
a world-defying spell exist?
(Mansion on Jiuyi Mountain)
My Lord, here's the accommodation
for you and the Princess these few days.
Thank you.
Chi Song.
Tell them to move all the things in.
Sure, My Lord.
Lord Immortal Official.
I would like to ask
about this Jiuyi Mountain.
It has stood for
thousands of years without falling.
Could there be some
ancient secret techniques
that can transcend
the boundary of Yin and Yang?
Seeing that you cultivate here,
have you heard of it before?
There's one saying that goes
"Life and death are predestined."
which says that
the life and death of humans
are predestined by fate.
Good day to you,
High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
You may leave first.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
If one forcibly breaks through
the boundary of Yin and Yang,
it goes against the natural order
and is a taboo for cultivators.
How could there be anyone in the world
who has learned such a technique?
Yes, High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Why are you so sure?
Just because you don't know,
how can you say so for the others too?
Young Lady
Can't you be a bit more modest?
Because of such questions,
I have answered them countless times.
It seems that
Princess Zhu Yan is a curious person.
So let me remind you.
Jiuyi Mountain is dangerous.
Apart from the places
where guests reside
and the places of worship,
do not trespass elsewhere.
the Emperor Valley beyond the mountain
which is the tomb of
Emperors throughout history.
It is a forbidden area.
Empress Bai Wei's
Ring of Houtu is guarding it.
Not only that, Chong Ming,
the ancient mythical beast,
is guarding inner valley as well.
Those who trespass will not return.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
My Lord, I came to see
how you're doing here.
Are you getting used to it?
This way, please.
Young Lady.
Just forget it. Give up.
Is what the High Priest
of Grand Preceptor said true?
No, no.
The cultivators with
the highest magical abilities
are always in seclusion.
Although the High Priest of
Grand Preceptor is known as
the foremost expert in magic,
I think
there may be others who
are more formidable than him.
Young Lady.
Why don't you listen to what others say?
Surely this Jiuyi Mountain
must have other
extraordinary individuals.
I will definitely find them.
I see.
Although the water
is without any origin,
if I want to succeed in this technique,
I must trace it back to the source.
Please deliver this item
to the Kunyuan Palace in Jialan
and hand it to Empress Bai Yan.
Mother only needs to consume this item
to restore her voice
that was hoarse from the fire that day
and it will become clear again.
I really miss you.
I will bring you back
when I turn 18.
Something terrible has happened!
Something terrible has happened!
Something terrible has happened!
I've ruined my face. Look!
Chong Ming, your face
Is it very serious?
If we don't treat it, it will heal.
Young man.
What kind of attitude is this?
Don't you know that
for thousands of years,
how many people
have envied my youthful appearance?
Throughout history,
has any mythical creature
been written about by the Heavenly God?
Or has any mythical creature
been sung about by Yue Chan?
None at all.
this heavenly bestowed beauty
cannot have any flaws.
Then what should I do?
Well, my wound
was scratched by a tree branch.
So, you need to bring me
two qian of Danbai ginseng,
one inch of Zixia vine,
half a catty of Banhe grass,
and half a piece of Mingchan peel.
Then, I'll boil and consume them
to invigorate my blood circulation.
Understood. I'll go
Hold on!
Additionally, I need three Zihan leaves,
and two Ruyi flowers.
Then, I'll just grind and apply them
to promote skin regeneration.
Zihan leaves and Ruyi flowers?
All of them can only be found on
Medicine God Peak.
Then let's go to
the top of Medicine God Peak.
We'll pick a few leaves,
pluck a few flowers and come back.
I'm not asking you out
just because it's lively
on the mountain now.
They have their fun,
what does it have to do with us?
After I disfigured myself,
it's been two hours
that I haven't had
the mood to look in the mirror.
I just want to restore
my youthful appearance.
I never want to transform back
into my true form to carry you again.
After all, this human form of mine
possesses the beauty
that can captivate a nation.
Even in my fledgling bird form,
I am delicate and exquisite.
It's just that my original form
is big and ferocious.
It's not cute at all.
Young Lady.
The 'Star Gazer' leading this dance
is Princess Xueying from the Bai family.
You two have been close since childhood.
This time, you can use this opportunity
to have a chat.
Quick, look!
Look, there's the Ancient Divine Bird.
That's the legendary Chong Ming.
Chong Ming
It looks like there's also a person
on Chong Ming's back!
A person?
The person who can control Chong Ming
must be a formidable expert.
I'm going to take a closer look!
It's almost time for the performance!
That area is restricted.
We can't go there!
Young Lady, come back here!
Young Lady!
I'll be waiting
for you at the gathering!
Hurry back!
(I clearly saw it flying around here.)
(Where could it have gone?)
Both Chong Ming
and the expert are nowhere to be seen.
It's just you, a little white bird.
Little white bird.
You're so cute.
Oh! You're hurt!
Let me help you.
Don't be afraid.
I've saved countless
little white birds like you.
I've helped at least hundreds of them.
They can even survive
in the Western Desert.
You're now in Jiuyi Mountain.
You have to be strong.
Come on.
(What are you doing)
(to this venerable face of mine?)
Hey! Come back!
Where are you going?
So, you're not
a little white bird after all.
You are the Divine Bird Chong Ming.
(Someone like you
would know that I am Chong Ming.)
(You have a good eye.)
Divine Bird Chong Ming.
You must be over 9,000 years old.
According to the Yunhuang Compendium,
Chong Ming has two pupils,
so it is also known as
the Twin-eyed Divine Beast.
It resembles a dancing phoenix
yet sounds like a roaring dragon.
It can fly up to the Ninth Heaven
and descend into the Five Oceans.
Its literary skills are so superb
that it can list a hundred herbs of the world.
They say that it can
breathe back life with just a touch.
Its martial skills are superior to those of
tigers, leopards, bears, and fiends,
and can easily
drive away all sorts of evil spirits.
An ancient creature
that mere divine beasts couldn't even compare.
Chong Ming is at the top of the pyramid.
Lord Chong Ming,
may I ask if you have a master?
(Master? I do not have a master!)
Lord Chong Ming.
Please pardon my blunder.
What I meant was,
do you have an immortal friend
you cultivate with?
If you do, may I ask if
you can introduce me to that person?
(You truly have no self-awareness.)
(I've only given you
the slightest bit of courtesy.)
(Yet, you took
an inch and ask for a mile!)
(How can my immortal friend)
(meet someone like you)
(just because you asked for it?)
Lord Chong Ming.
You truly are straightforward.
Lord Chong Ming.
Did you just use
your noble and beautiful feathers
to whack me earlier?
According to the records
in the Yunhuang Compendium,
these feathers could ward off
evil spirits and are antidotes to poisons.
New ones replace
the old ones every three years.
It is considered a top-grade tribute.
I am truly fortunate
to come in close contact
with such wondrous feathers.
Where are you?
I'm here!
Princess, please come quickly.
The court maid at the music house said
that if she doesn't see you
within an hour,
your qualification
as a dancer will be revoked!
If that happens,
it won't look good for His Lordship.
Lord Chong Ming.
I'll take my leave, then.
I hope we can meet again next time.
That little girl.
She speaks so eloquently.
I've just given her a test,
yet she disappeared.
She lacks sincerity indeed.
Who are you talking about?
A naive little girl
with no knowledge of the world.
By the way,
she even asked me about you.
Asked about me?
She looks really beautiful.
(Bai Xuelu, Princess of White Clan)
Like a celestial being.
She dances so well.
Princess Xuelu dances so well.
She should be the Star Gazer.
(Zi Qianqian, Princess of Purple Clan)
Star Gazer, Star Gazer!
(Xuan Shuang, Princess of Dark Clan)
Star Gazer, Star Gazer!
Star Gazer, Star Gazer!
Star Gazer, Star Gazer!
(Bai Xueying, Princess of White Clan)
Oh my, it's so beautiful.
Yes, it is.
So beautiful.
Young Lady.
Young Lady.
This is a once-in-a-decade performance.
The princesses from other families
are all dressed to the nails!
They're practically
dripping with jewelry.
But, you
The 'Star Gazer'
is always
the Bai family's legitimate daughter.
Xueying is the only
legitimate daughter of the Bai family.
So, why do they
call Bai Xuelu the Star Gazer?
Although Princess Xuelu
is a low-born daughter,
everyone praises her
for her exceptional dancing skills.
They want her to perform
before Princess Xueying.
And now that Princess Xuelu is dancing,
everyone is amazed by her skills.
Amazed? By what?
I think
Bai Xuelu must have bribed them
and deliberately created a scene
to embarrass Xueying.
Xueying is my friend,
and she shouldn't be treated unfairly
in matters like this.
She shouldn't
be bullied by her sister.
I have to intervene.
Where is Xueying?
So beautiful.
Star Gazer, Star Gazer.
Xueying is the Star Gazer.
Star Gazer.
Why are you here?
Xueying is the true Star Gazere.
Young Lady.
The Star Gazer
you have been eagerly awaiting
has heard your enthusiastic cheers!
Thank you, Bai Xuelu,
for an opening for Princess Xueying.
Come here.
Listen to me.
I can't do it.
It's okay.
Xueying, don't be afraid.
You can do it.
I believe in you.
Go for it.
Princess Xueying is so beautiful.
She's so lovely.
The two princesses of the Bai family
have their own strengths.
The Dance of the Star Gazer
is a ceremonial dance
intended to pay respects to the gods.
So, one should be
sincere and humble while performing,
communicating only with the divine forces
of heaven and earth,
without excessive interaction
with other factors.
It is only with such intentions
that the dance could flow
as naturally as water.
Princess Xueying,
you truly understand
the meaning behind this dance.
The Star Gazer is Xueying!
that's great!
Thank you.
Xueying, you are the Star Gazer.
That's fantastic!
(Ice Clan Hall, Western Sea Glacier)
Kongsang has fallen into such a state,
(Sage, Ice Clan)
yet they still extravagantly prepare
(Sage, Ice Clan)
for the Star-gazing Ceremony.
(Wu Xian, Chief Sorcerer of Ice Clan)
Reporting to your excellency,
(Wu Xian, Chief Sorcerer of Ice Clan)
the people are ready.
Very good.
The Jiuyi Mountain
has the weakest security
due to the ceremony.
We must take advantage of this opportunity
and infiltrate the Emperor Valley.
Find the Ring of Houtu for me.
As long as I obtain
the blessing of the Ring of Houtu,
this will be
your final ceremony.
After ten years,
there will be no more Kongsang.
Take a look.
It's so beautiful.
When my mother was still alive,
she specially hired skilled craftsmen
and spent three whole months
sewing it for me.
The purpose was that one day
I could wear it
and become a Star Gazer.
Indeed, it's magnificent.
Finally, your mother's wish
has been fulfilled.
That's right.
Little sister's dress alone
could easily overshadow me.
Bai Xuelu,
what are you up to?
don't be so stingy.
You can play
with my sister's dress,
but even though
I'm her elder sister,
I can't even touch it.
Princess Xuelu,
please don't call me Yan.
We're not that familiar.
Fine, Zhu Yan.
There's no need for you
to be so hostile toward me.
When I was watching
Xueying's performance,
I realized
I'm not as good as Xueying
in terms of background and skill.
I just wanted to see your dress.
I just wanted to imagine
how I would look wearing it.
Is that not allowed?
I'd be happy to oblige, elder sister.
I heard that this kind of silk
will produce a colorful haze
when it's illuminated by sunlight.
Elder sister!
Princess Xuelu! Princess Xuelu!
Are you okay?
The dress.
My dress.
The dress.
What do we do now?
What do we do now?
Bai Xuelu,
you did it on purpose!
How could I do it on purpose?
I almost fell myself.
She didn't mean to.
In the end, it's all my fault
for not taking good care of the dress.
This area below the mountain is
the forbidden land of the Emperor Valley.
Intruders will be killed.
If the dress has fallen down there,
it is lost forever.
The Star Gazer has lost her own dress.
What will she wear for the dance?
The dress
cannot be completed in a short time.
She can't just randomly pick a garment!
That will only make people mock her.
isn't it a grave mistake
now that the Star Gazer
has lost her dress?
She can't even
take care of her own dress.
How can we trust her as the lead dancer?
Princess Xueying.
According to the ancestral rules,
you are indeed the Star Gazer.
However, they also have a good point.
Based on past precedents,
if the sacred dress is lost,
your qualification as the lead performer
will also be forfeited.
If you can't
come up with a solution
before the ritual ceremony begins,
then the position of the lead dancer
will have to be given to someone else.
(I must help Xueying)
(retrieve the dancing dress.)
The Star Gazer is
already within our grasp,
and attracting Prince Shi Yu
is also easily achievable.
Why isn't Young Lady happy?
Xueying is such a fool.
She really risked her life back there
to pull me up.
Are you feeling bad for her, Young Lady?
Before going up the mountain,
we were determined to succeed.
She is the legitimate daughter
of the Bai family,
she is born to be
the first choice of
the Crown Princess.
But you, Princess
Please forgive me, Princess.
I spoke out of turn.
I won't feel bad for her.
Stand up.
That person
doesn't have much time left in the palace.
The throne of Kongsang
has been empty for a long time,
and Father is deeply concerned
about the future of the Bai family.
If one day
I become the Crown Princess
and ascend to the throne,
let's see then
who would dare to question my background
and point fingers at me.
This knockout ink is indeed useful.
(Nameless Mountain Abode, The Emperor Valley)
She says one thing but means another,
and she has a honeyed tongue,
but she just talks
without any action.
Truly despicable.
Is that so?
But I think she's quite capable.
She managed to keep you occupied
from noon until now.
does that mean
you admire her?
It's burnt.
My beauty lotion!
Oh no.
(The Emperor Valley)
(The Emperor Valley.)
(The High Priest of Grand Preceptor
has talked)
(about the Emperor Valley.)
(It is the tomb of the emperors
and empresses throughout history.)
(It is guarded by Empress Bai Wei's)
(Ring of Houtu.)
(It is strictly forbidden to trespass.)
(Those who dare
to enter will never return.)
I've seen Chong Ming,
it's not that scary.
isn't the Ring of Houtu
just guarding Kongsang?
How could it kill people?
All places in this world
that have names are accessible to all.
I don't believe
that trespassers will die.
Please, please,
please, my lords.
Who's there?
You can't see me. You can't see me.
Such beautiful flowers.
It is said that in the Emperor Valley,
there is the most brilliant
suspended lake in the world,
the Starry Lake.
Could it be that
I unintentionally
came to the shore of the lake?
It's mist-filled here.
Where is the Starry Lake?
The dancing dress.
this is Starry Lake.
Just now,
that was the wind-manipulating technique.
Lord Immortal Official.
Do you live in the Emperor Valley?
You are Chong Ming's
divine friend, right?
I finally found you.
(So she is)
(the woman Chong Ming mentioned.)
I am Zhu Yan,
the Princess of the Crimson Clan.
I am also a practitioner of magic,
and I am honored to be
in the same field as you.
(Zhu Yan?)
(Isn't her
the Crimson Clan's princess I met)
(back in the Helu Garden?)
I want to ask
if there is really a spell
in this world
to gather the primordial spirit?
(Her passion for magic)
(hasn't changed a bit.)
Why aren't you speaking?
Could it be that
you can't speak?
Oh my,
he can't hear me too.
What a pity.
He looks so beautiful,
and his aura is quite extraordinary.
But Crown Prince is different.
They say he is
blessed by the divine spirit.
He is radiant like the sun and the moon.
He will surely understand my thoughts.
(Her personality hasn't changed either.)
Divine Bird Chong Ming?
You can transform into a human?
You really met a woman.
Could she be your
What am I to him?
Why are you not killing her?
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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