The Machinery (2020) s01e02 Episode Script


What are you doing?
Sorry. I just heard
I had a terrible dream.
I felt it. Goodness, darling
Where's Lilly?
I took her to school.
So we're all alone here.
How long did I sleep for?
Long. I don't know. Too long.
So it's time for little Olle to
rise. Or, I mean this big one.
Will you call the policewoman
from yesterday?
She left her card.
Maybe it's to do with that
robbery. Didn't you hear about it?
They got away with 30 million.
30 million!
Do you know how much that is?
I mean, it was on the news
all day yesterday.
Will you call her?
Seriously. Maybe you witnessed
something important.
-Or maybe you're the robber.
Are you the robber?
Is that why you were away?
Will I have to arrest you?
Can you pick Lilly up later?
I want to go to the hairdresser.
You can buy a present then.
For my dad.
Of course.
I just need to go home after work,
then I'll sort out the present.
It's nice how you Norwegians
wear the ring on the right.
It's nice
when you hold hands like this,
seeing them together.
My God, how I love you.
I wish you could feel just a bit of
what I feel now.
I'm so lucky.
I love you too, a lot.
And so will Viggo.
Or Greta.
You're christening our child
seven minutes after intercourse.
And so what?
I like that you're
so keen on having another one.
-We're going to have another one.
-You'll have another one.
It took us five months
to decide on Lilly.
Can't we start now?
We can just start, no problem.
We must teach her to tidy up.
You're starting to earn well.
Can't we just get a cleaner?
What's this?
This is a big misunderstanding,
believe me.
You brought guns and money from
a robbery in Norway to our house.
Do you understand
what you've done?
I wasn't myself yesterday.
And you keep lying to me!
Lying all the time!
Josefin, why would I
It's as if I don't know you at all.
This is me.
This is Olle.
I I don't know what happened.
That wasn't me.
The choices I made yesterday
I don't know what happened.
Were you in that robbery, Olle?
How can you know
if you don't remember?
Why the hell would I do it?
When I woke up,
the bag was just there.
Listen. I have everything I want.
I have a family and a good job.
I don't even know how to handle guns.
Look at me. This is me.
This is Olle.
Oh, that's kind of you.
I also fixed the ice machine.
What would I do without you?
I also wonder sometimes.
You're doing a great job.
Speaking of which,
I haven't received my wages.
That's too bad.
I'm glad you told me.
I'll chase it up.
-Do you promise?
-I promise.
-Hi, sweetie.
I brought dessert.
You shouldn't have.
You only have frozen desserts.
-You made it look nice.
-It's not quite ready yet.
Leave that, Mum.
It will keep blowing away.
I thought you could sit in the
or do you want to sit
somewhere else, Dad.
No, that's fine.
Has something happened?
It was Håkan who called.
The police have been asking
about that robbery in Sandefjord.
The robbers used some of
Laholmens payloaders. Our loaders.
They killed someone.
-I have to go to the office.
-No, let Olle handle this.
He's not answering his mobile.
I can do it. I'm on the board.
I'll fix it.
I'll go and find out what happened.
Let him do it.
Let him help you, Henrik.
You can't do everything
Olle? Come on.
Move, damn it.
Hand over the bag.
He's going to the cops.
No, I'll handle this my way.
Hi, Olle.
Are you looking for Daniel?
Daniel, Olle Hultén is here.
I'm coming.
Hi. Did Nina call you?
What was that about?
Norwegian police?
What's up?
She called and asked about you.
She asked if you were in
Sandefjord two days ago.
Yeah, I was there. Working.
She wanted to talk about the
But why? I mean I was there,
but it was for the conference.
I'll text you her number, then
you can explain why you were there.
I'm getting fucking nervous here.
Talk to you later.
See you.
I have some stuff to do.
Can I leave this with you?
Are you working out in secret?
I have to look after my family.
I have to look out for you
What do you want?
Yeah. Are we on for Thursday?
Sure, Thursday. Okay.
-Stick that in the back.
So? What did they say?
I handed over the bag.
They said they have to call
the Norwegian police. That's it.
So they just believed you?
Maybe I have to be interviewed later.
I don't know.
You're not a suspect
or anything?
No, I'm not a suspect.
Daniel just stood there laughing.
But why didn't you
go to the police immediately?
I don't know.
It was stupid of me.
Just say you love me.
I need to hear it right now.
I love you.
We're just going to listen to
some music.
This song is really nice.
This is chaotic.
We've secured blood traces
on the outside and inside.
We found this.
A witness saw one of the robbers
wearing a black boiler suit.
So we assume it's a piece of that.
-Send it to the lab as a priority.
-Will do.
We'll expand the search
by five kilometres.
We need more than that.
Someone could have picked him up.
Okay, National Crime Squad boss.
-Hey, Olle.
There he is.
Where were you? We've been
looking all over Sandefjord for you.
I'm so bloody hungover today.
Who isn't?
But tell me, what was she like?
We saw you go off with that girl.
And you weren't in your room.
It wasn't like that at all. I passed
out in a corridor or something.
Oh, come on.
Olle, can I have a word?
The vodka's on you.
Catch you later.
When can you check the new alarm?
I would have come today,
but I'm busier than I thought I'd be.
What's Palle doing here?
Henrik sent him.
He obviously doesn't trust me.
I've been trying
to call you all day.
I lost my mobile in Norway.
Where did you go yesterday?
-What do you mean?
-With her.
There wasn't any "her." I
-I slept in my own room.
The police paid us a visit.
The equipment used in the
robbery in Sandefjord came from us.
angle grinders and stuff.
Was it stolen?
Somebody picked it up
from machinery.
Do you understand?
It's impossible.
What about signing off for it?
You work with the machinery.
Do you know anything about this?
Of course not. Why would I know?
So you know, Henrik has asked me
to turn the place upside down
to help the police.
What the hell?
Hi. I forgot something.
Will you give this
to Henrik tonight?
I'll do that. Thanks.
I'm not invited.
I think only close family
are invited.
Yeah. Give my regards.
I will. Thanks.
Hi, Olle.
Say hello to Henrik from me tonight.
Imagine, he's turning 65.
-He's no spring chicken anymore.
Neither are we.
No, we're not.
Daniel left a bag for me.
Yeah, that's right.
There you go.
Have a fantastic evening.
I'll do my best.
-Take care.
-See you.
Now, relax.
It's not dangerous.
I just need you to calm down.
There. Just a little prick.
There, there.
When the truth is known,
everybody will understand
why you killed yourself.
You bastard.
Have you seen Lilly?
Hi. Hi there, you.
Just look at you.
No, no, it's not dangerous.
Daddy just fell off a ladder
and got hurt a bit.
It's not dangerous.
Let's go home.
You're here already.
I'm okay. I just had an accident.
I'm very clumsy
I'll get her bag.
We'll get it tomorrow.
-Bye bye.
Let's go home.
I'll be back soon.
Come on!
Come on!
No, don't touch it.
Dad, look. There's blood.
Is it wounded?
He's bleeding.
-What's going on?
-I don't know. This sheep is wounded.
It's not from the sheep.
It's probably one of Arthur's sheep.
But he's not answering his phone.
Do you know where he lives?
Hello, I'm Nina Berge
from the Crime Squad.
-Is this your sheep?
-Yes, it's Robert. What happened?
I found him at the petrol station.
He must have been injured there.
That's what's weird.
I checked and it's not injured.
Thank you.
Your gate was open.
Yeah, it blows open.
We're looking for a man who was
hurt in a traffic accident yesterday.
Around 180 tall, short hair.
He spoke Swedish.
No, I haven't seen him.
-Do you think he's been here?
Did he do anything serious,
this fellow?
He's in the gang that robbed the
deposit in Sandefjord yesterday.
Would you like a coffee?
This is Josef. He's nice.
That's probably the cats.
They get in here.
-Hello, this is
Daniel Aiobi, Strömstad Police.
You asked me to look up Olle Hultén.
He used to be called Terje Mørk.
Is he Norwegian?
He became a Swedish citizen
six years ago.
Do you think Olle was involved
in the robbery?
I'll check out Terje Mørk
and get back to you.
Thanks a lot.
Are you excited about tonight?
-We haven't been paid?
-Haven't you?
I'll chase it up.
It's the third time
you've said that.
Look, I'll go to the bank
first thing tomorrow.
We can't work without getting paid.
But we have to focus
on the party right now.
Or we say, "No money, no party."
Do you think I can't pay you?
Actually, yes.
And we called the union.
Okay. Here's what we'll do.
I'll sort out the money now,
then we don't have that problem.
Can you manage for a while,
Bella, so that
-Is that okay?
Let's give him a chance.
He's figured it out it before.
Here are some pills and food.
Can you sit down?
It's brown cheese.
I thought you'd like it.
Your leg doesn't look too good.
Don't you need to see a doctor?
No, I'm fine.
I just need a bit of rest.
30 million, they said on the news.
That's a nice loot.
I already gave you money.
If you try anything,
I'll kill all your fucking sheep.
I thought we'd digitalised it.
The guys don't like using computers.
What did you say?
Tuesday or Wednesday?
Let's see.
2:35 PM on Tuesday.
A payloader and an angle grinder
were picked up.
Do you have a signature?
Not on the delivery order.
Finance may have a copy
of the purchase order.
Thank you.
You gave me a fright.
I couldn't really let go
of the orders
and thought somebody
forgot to check the safe.
Right, but they wouldn't be
likely to be there.
I didn't think so, either,
but Dad said to check anyway.
Bloody hell.
What's up?
Now I know who took the machines.
First, I drew an elephant.
Then we had lunch.
And then Micke thought
that my green hair was ugly.
I don't like him. He's not nice.
What are you doing
with that knife?
How nice. You showered. Super.
Hey, kiddo!
What happened to your forehead?
It was the yellow ladder
in the house.
I hit it.
-I told you we need a new one.
-We do.
What should Lilly wear?
Come, I'll do it.
I thought maybe you'd like
your flowery dress.
Hello, it's Nina.
It's Magnus here.
Did you see the report?
I saw it.
Terje Olav Mørk.
When Olle changed name six years ago,
there were five Terje Mørk in Norway.
Three were over 70,
one was 62, and one was ten.
None of them are Olle Hultén.
I'm getting another call, Magnus.
Okay, take care.
Hello, this is Nina.
Hi, it's Håkan from Laholmen.
I found out who ordered
the equipment. It was Olle Hultén.
Are you sure?
I'm sure. You should come.
I'm coming.
I'm really sorry about this.
But I'll have to
I'll have to change bank.
I mean We can't work like this.
There you go.
Let's give it our all.
There you go.
You're pretty. Thanks.
Look! That looks good.
Can I get some help here?
How's your tummy?
Feeling nauseous?
I didn't get top marks in biology,
but I don't think it happens
that quickly.
I don't know. I went for it
pretty hard. I think I got it.
Oh, yeah? I didn't feel anything.
No! I've got lipstick on.
Come in, come in.
It turned out so well.
Thanks. It feels good.
I'm going to the car.
-Has Dad arrived?
-Had Dad arrived?
-Yeah, he's over there.
My God, it's Sofie and Nader.
Hello! What are you doing?
I'm coming.
Come on. They're waiting.
Very nice. You know me well.
Olle, can I have a word?
Do you think any of our staff
could be involved in this robbery?
I find it difficult to believe.
They must have had someone
inside. Isn't that how they operate?
We just have to be careful
until we're sure, that's all.
You just take it easy.
Try to have fun.
You too. Thanks a lot.
I have an incredible lot
to be grateful for.
Without you, I'd be nothing.
I was going to say
a lot at this point,
but I'll just Damn it.
I love you so much.
Palle, you know that I sometimes
not you, but
your sometimes
far too grandiose plans.
Forgive me.
You're a trooper, Palle.
This restaurant,
the party you organised
From the bottom of my heart:
And Jossan
"I can do it myself", she said
when she was little, and it's true.
You've lived up to it.
I'm so incredibly proud of you.
You've also given Mum and me one
of the best things there is:
a grandchild.
Granddad will stop speaking soon.
And there's Olle.
You made me see that the world
wouldn't end without me at the helm.
I also see how happy you make
Jossan and Lilly.
So, this old ticker can keep beating.
Cheers, everyone.
What is this?
Fucking idiots.
What the hell?
-Can you walk by yourself?
-Let go of me!
Let go of me!
I'll burn down this building
and all of fucking Strömstad!
You can do that tomorrow.
-I'm Nina Berge from Oslo.
-Daniel Aiobi. Nice to meet you.
Do you need help?
No, we can manage.
So Olle never called you?
No. I tried to call him,
but I only got his voicemail.
Olle isn't at home.
He's at Skagerrak.
The Hulténs are having
a big party there.
She knows everything that
happens in Strömstad.
-How did it go?
-That bloody Simon.
This is Göran.
-I'm Nina. Hi.
-Are we ready?
Petterson, follow me.
We'd better take
the unmarked car today.
How can I help you?
I had a chat with Håkan today.
I saw you in the office.
I haven't told Dad because
I don't want to ruin his birthday.
I know you ordered
the tools for the robbery.
What are you talking about?
I saw your signature
on the purchase orders.
Listen. I sign papers every day.
It's your dad's birthday,
don't ruin it.
Why was your signature
on the orders?
It's your turn. Come on.
You mustn't
My speech won't be long.
But I
But I want to speak.
As you may know,
I lost my family when I was young.
But I've had the incredible luck
to get a new family.
Even a mum and dad.
And a brother.
I love you very much.
Thanks for letting me
be part of your family.
Let's make a toast.
I'm sorry, Olle.
You'll have to come with us.
-What's going on?
-We need to talk to your husband.
You can do it tomorrow, Daniel.
We're having
-Relax. It'll be fine.
He's already been
to talk to you about the bag.
-Which bag?
-The bag with the money in it.
What's this about?
We just need to talk to Olle.
He has some information we need.
-Right now?
-I'm sorry.
It'll be fine. Talk to you later.
Olle, Olle
Mum, go away.
-Jossan, what is
-It's alright. We'll sort it out.
-Sorry, Dad.
-But Jossan
Daniel, I don't understand.
Don't make me repeat myself.
We just need to talk to him.
-Have you got anything to say?
You mentioned a bag full of money.
Okay. You'll hear from us
when we've finished with him.
We probably need to
talk to you too.
Don't leave Strömstad.
Why didn't you make that call
like you said you would?
Then we wouldn't have to do this.
Who are you?
Olle Hultén.
But you had another name before,
didn't you?
Terje Mørk?
I know that's not your real name.
But I wonder why you changed
your name in the first place.
What else have you done?
One thing has always puzzled me
about your kind.
Two guards are dead
and you guys got 30 million.
Is it worth it?
Killing people for money?
You have to live with it
for the rest of your life.
I've done many stupid things.
But I had nothing to do
with that robbery.
If you're innocent
you can tell the truth.
I always find the truth, Olle.
I want you to know that.
Those bloody cruisers are everywhere.
What the hell is this now?
They're spreading out.
Watch out!
You can't stop there, do you get it?
It's the fucking cops, guys.
Come on!
What the hell are you
It's the fucking cunt
who nicked Simon.
-Come on, then.
-Get away from the car.
Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!
Daniel! Wake up!
Get in and help them,
for fuck's sake!
Fucking get them out.
Bloody hell, I'm sorry.
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