The Matchmakers (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

A Bad Feeling Never Turns Out to Be Wrong

(Cho Yi Hyun)
(Writer: Ha Soo Jin)
(Directors: Hwang Seung Ki, Kim Soo Jin)
(The Matchmakers)
(Sim Jung Woo, 25 years old)
(Widowed son-in-law of the king and an inspector)
The reason why I wrote an appeal to marry a princess
is because me not being in government
would be a waste of resources for Joseon.
As stated in the appeal, my lifestyle
is exactly that of a scholar's.
Besides my studies, I am also
diligent in mastering the arts.
How incredible.
Just after six months,
you have caught up with my skills.
We are not exactly equals, though.
You said that the basics of daegeum
are to play it on beat and control your breathing.
The cherry on top
would be to play it with your own colour, right?
That is right.
However, your performance lacks personal colour.
How can you compare yourself to a perfect player like me?
It seems like I have nothing left to learn here.
I will not return again.
It is as if sunlight is peeking through the paper.
Your painting is lively.
You should not sit indoors
and only draw from your imagination.
Try to come outside and portray the light and sights of Joseon.
It will be hard to follow this new paradigm, though.
All the best.
I think it should be lower. Should I give it a go?
He is saved.
Is it not hot?
I am all right.
- Let me cool you down.
- Goodness, I am fine.
Gosh, this is giving me stress.
I taught you for so many years,
and you cannot insert a needle.
How is it that you are so good at dating without being taught?
It cannot be helped.
Dating is for the lowly and foolish
who cannot control their feelings.
Why do you try to learn medicine when it is so lowly?
Could you be trying to find the cause of what happened
eight years ago?
I am not.
There is no physician in Joseon
who can treat my chronic chest pains.
So I am trying to find the cure myself.
(Episode 2: A Bad Feeling Never Turns Out to be Wrong)
Serve this traitor the poison at once!
Yes, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, this is an unfair punishment.
It is unfair.
If you find it so unfair, should I give you another chance?
Getting the crown prince to wed is easy.
The crown prince's marriage
was stopped because of the spinsters and bachelors.
If we get rid of those spinsters, everything will be settled.
I see.
Even the previous king, and the one before him,
as well as the ones way before him could not solve
the spinster-bachelor issue.
I just have to solve it in two months, right?
Why, you
Everyone in Joseon knows
that we cannot solve it right away.
Make an example of model spinsters
by marrying them off to old bachelors.
Through this,
announce the court's interest in the spinster-bachelor issue.
And when you carry out the crown prince's wedding,
no one will be able to stop it.
He is just suggesting window dressing.
Why are you nodding away?
If you show continued care for the matter,
it will not be window dressing.
You will not let the issue go on, will you?
Of course not.
However, the idea of model spinsters
is too abstract, is it not?
Your Majesty!
There are spinsters that come to my mind.
- You do?
- Yes, Your Majesty.
Maeng Sang Chun's three daughters in Mount Nam Valley
are all spinsters.
- All three of Maeng Sang Chun's?
- Yes.
He is The name sounds familiar.
Yes, he was your playmate when you were the crown prince.
I know him.
That is right. He enjoyed studying.
Was it five years ago? I heard he had passed.
How are his three daughters still unwed?
I do not know the details.
But it was unusual for all three sisters to be unwed.
So people called them
the Old Ladies of Mount Nam Valley.
Seeing how the rumour has reached even me,
I think they make the perfect model spinsters
that Lord Gyeongunjae mentioned.
But I am the king of the nation.
If I go out of my way to help those sisters only,
people might criticize my fairness.
Well, that is
- I see.
- You see?
All right.
- Well
- Faith between friends!
This is not just 1, but all 3 of your friend's daughters.
If you let them remain spinsters,
you are going against your morals.
Your Majesty has more than enough reason
to go out of your way to help those ladies.
- He is a smart one.
- Yes.
Then, Jung Woo. You shall marry off all three
of Erudite Maeng's daughters within two months.
Pardon me? How can I marry them off?
I have read all your appeals.
It sounds like in Joseon,
you seem to know best about the meaning and process of marriage.
If you succeed,
I will review this appeal with an open mind.
But if you fail,
I will charge you for contempt against the throne.
You will have to drink this poison.
Keep this poison safe.
(Sim Jung Woo)
My lord!
They named you a traitor?
How can this be?
O Bong.
I finally see the road to getting into government.
Did His Majesty accept your appeal?
Not yet.
But the deal is in the bag.
I am the most outstanding talent in Joseon.
Matchmaking would be a piece of cake.
If he pulls it off,
will you annul Lord Gyeongunjae's marriage?
That is ridiculous.
My daughter is pitiful enough for dying at such a young age.
I cannot leave her as an unmarried ghost.
Knowing that I will not see you after you marry
makes my heart heavy.
My lady.
We can be together forever.
If we drink this,
we will fall into eternal sleep without pain.
All right, young master.
Have you both lost it?
What would have happened if I was not here?
Lady Yeoju?
Please keep it secret from my mother.
For someone who planned to die,
you are afraid of your mother?
I had hoped that your lover
would be a noble.
But he is way too noble.
My lady, who is this?
Young Master Kim Ho, second son of the chief royal secretary.
That is you, correct?
My lady, when you said you could infer someone's significant other,
did you mean you could figure out
the person's family and even their name by their looks?
Of course,
I cannot figure out the person's name.
But he was dressed like a son of a high-ranking official.
Just as I figured he was rich because he casually frequented
the biggest mill in the city,
I caught the identification tag dropped on the floor.
If he is the son of the chief royal secretary,
is he not way beyond that young lady's league?
That is the problem.
No matter how well-off Official Hong's family is,
the chief royal secretary would deem them a classless upstart.
He would not let them marry.
However, I am not the one to give up on marrying
such a handsome couple.
Why do you try so hard?
It is not like you will make more money
by marrying couples that are good for each other.
But you always go at it a little too hard.
Because this is a once-in-a-lifetime event.
A woman from a noble family only gets to marry once.
That is why she needs to marry
someone she is meant to be with.
Marriage is the act of combining strengths of two families
to serve their ancestors
and carry on their family lineage.
Even so, should you not meet the ladies you are to marry?
Dear me! I have written appeals regarding marriage for eight years.
I know everything there is to know about marriage customs.
According to the customs, the marriage process begins
when two families gather with the matchmaker
to see how marriageable the families are.
I can let the matchmakers meet the women.
I will not have to meet
the ladies of Mount Nam Valley
until this wedding happens.
Eyes, nose, and mouth. They are all placed perfectly.
I have never seen such a good-looking man in my life.
Goodness, look at how smooth his skin is.
Did you come to buy makeup for your wife?
You have such beautiful hands for a man.
Goodness gracious!
Enough is enough! Sit back!
He is not someone you can easily taunt!
We are all busy women. Yet, you gathered us here
and have not said a word.
Should I tell them?
No, this is my business.
I need to marry three daughters
of my teacher before May is over.
That was why I asked you to gather.
All three?
Within May? That is quite soon.
It is practically impossible.
You will get paid
twice as much.
- Are you the one who is paying?
- It only seems fair.
If experts like us divide this up and arrange the marriages,
- two months are more than enough.
- You are right.
It is rather a long time.
So? Who are these ladies?
The daughters of Erudite Maeng in Mount Nam Valley.
My lord.
We do not arrange marriages for old ladies.
We wasted our time for nothing.
Good grief!
How can matchmakers refuse to make matches?
It is not that we refuse. We simply cannot, my lord.
Why is that the case?
I do not know where to begin.
When I first took up this job, I did not know any better
and tried to arrange a marriage for his second daughter.
Do not even get me started.
She was the most foul-mouthed person.
It is just my luck to run into a scoundrel like you.
What kind of an idiot would steal just one shoe?
This would all be over as soon as you show me that basket.
Why should I do that?
- Oh, my!
- Goodness!
You are a thief!
Otherwise, why would you hide it so desperately?
Why is there such a big fuss?
Darn it.
The problem with her is not just the foul mouth.
She is also violent with her actions.
Such an aggressive woman.
But the first daughter is a beauty. Why has she not married?
She thought she could afford to be picky, then lost her chance.
Who cares if she is beautiful? She has a thick head.
You can tell how slow she is just by her looks.
Was she slow to get married because she was so slow?
That is an age-old truth.
I heard this rumour recently.
She is possessed by Lady Cho Ok's ghost.
- Really?
- Is that true?
The woman of that rumour
must have been his first daughter.
What was that? You scared me!
Come on!
What are you doing here?
That is so cold!
- Stop it!
- Cut it out!
What? Where is she?
Every night, she sits in the stream
and jumps on any man she can find.
Right, birds of a feather flock together.
Lady Cho Ok used to befriend those old ladies.
The eldest daughter of that family
will never get married with such an indecent rumour.
Tell me about it.
She should have accepted the offer last year
to become the concubine for the minister of defence.
Come on, that does not sound fair.
What about their third daughter?
She is as odd as her sisters.
She was once seen leaving home dressed like a man.
Was she the famous man-woman?
The man-woman!
Goodness, you must be confused, my lord.
Let me summarize this for you.
The first daughter is a beauty, but she is picky,
and she is promiscuous because of a ghost possession.
The second daughter is good at needlework,
but she is aggressive and foul-mouthed.
The third daughter seems to have a different sexual orientation.
You truly are different as a nobleman.
You figured it out at once.
Not one of you wish to take part
in this matchmaking?
My lord.
Lady Yeoju
may be able to find their matches.
Lady Yeoju?
She is a woman who does whatever she can
by all ways and means
for the matchmaking request she has taken up.
Did you say I must shave my head?
I was taught not to cut off anything I was born with.
I cannot do that.
You seem to know cherishing your body is
the first way of showing respect for your parents.
Why do you not realize
it is the worst disgrace to pass away before your parents?
You know your customs well, although you are just a merchant.
You just have to get married
and have children to show your parents.
That will be a true way of fulfilling your filial duty,
and they will forget the small disgrace of your shaved head.
You cannot stop me. I will leave and take this path.
No. You cannot go!
Do not stop him.
How dare you lay a hand on your hair?
You have done well. You can just trust me now.
No, you cannot go!
I know this great lady your son can marry
to forget his religious fervour.
Would you like me to make this match?
By any chance, does this matchmaker, Lady Yeoju
Is she the woman with a mole under her eye?
She is not so good-looking with that mole,
so she could not join our group.
We may not look much,
but we must be above average in many ways to take up this job.
That man over there asked for golden silkworm poison?
Who is he?
I am not so sure.
A bum?
But a rich one.
A rich one?
Are you leaving?
To the men's room.
Lady Yeoju does not come to the inn every single day.
If you are in a hurry, you can visit her at home in Namchon.
My lord!
My lord, take the donkey
They accepted Lady Yeon Hee right away
as soon as he shaved his head and threatened to leave.
They would have accepted any woman of ordinary birth.
(People of ordinary birth did not usually marry up.)
It feels wonderful to think how happy they will be
as a married couple.
This is why I cannot stop making matches.
What about that mama's boy
who was supposed to marry that lady?
(Mama's boy: A son who has not become independent of his mother)
That handsome man?
I called him a mama's boy to break off that marriage.
I would not call him that. He is more like an exemplary man.
Thankfully, I know a lady who can be a good match for him.
Who is that lady?
("The Lady's Private Life")
- This is crazy.
- How evil!
- This is the end?
- It ended here?
("The Lady's Private Life")
She would hit it off very well with her mother-in-law
and even better with that man.
My lady, how could you be so sure that two people
would make such a great match?
Do you want to know my secret of noticing a great match?
I do not share this with everyone, so listen carefully.
Make sure you watch
the single woman and man with warm interest.
That is it?
You can only make a guess
after you watch them with warm interest.
For example, that exemplary man was in his scholar's outfit at home
because his mother loved seeing her son in that outfit.
If he is that thoughtful,
it means he grew up with a father who was affectionate to his mother.
A considerate man like him tends to become a devoted husband
for an independent and strong woman.
Do you still have something to say to me?
I called a litter here.
Please wait and take that home.
What are you saying?
Anybody would have been suspicious of you in that situation.
However, I was rash in my behaviour, although there was no evidence
you were the thief,
and you ended up hurting your ankle.
So please take the litter, my lady.
"My lady," my foot.
Do you not remember how you treated me like a thief?
Also, you continue to insist you did not do anything wrong.
"Anybody would have been suspicious?"
The more I think about it, the angrier I get.
My lady, how can I apologize if you leave like this?
How dare you grab me?
No, it is not that.
How dare you touch each other in the middle of the day?
Men and women are to remain separated!
This behaviour is simply deplorable.
Which family are you from?
What is wrong with that old fossil?
"Old fossil?"
This is exactly why I hate coming to Bukchon.
Please take the litter and get away from that old fossil first.
Follow me.
Goodness, my lord.
I apologize for my suspicion.
Are you in pain again?
Please escort her home.
Yes, young master.
I apologize for making this scene.
Your mistake is not my business.
The problem is
You are not in good health now.
Do you know how scary young people are these days?
Why did you meddle with them?
"Why did you meddle with them?"
Is that your idea of speaking to me with respect?
Goodness, what will happen to this kingdom of Joseon?
Even children of noblemen are in such shallow relationships.
My goodness.
My lady, in the future, will you find my match too?
Of course.
And I will not charge you, Bok Hee.
Please write down what you said on paper
and sign it too.
You raised such a clever daughter.
She will become a wealthy merchant.
That would be wonderful.
I am on my way to the inn to drop something off. Come with me.
What? Well
I will leave a little later.
The weather is too nice for me to go home this early.
All right. Let us go, Bok Hee.
It is such a warm day.
It has been 20 years.
How could she have sat there just as she looked then?
Wait just a little longer.
You will find out the reason once I read you the ending.
I am sorry. I became too curious.
Let me continue reading.
"He saw his bride"
"sitting there just as she had on their consummation 20 years ago."
"He did not feel scared but sorry."
"He began to caress her shoulder."
"At that moment, the bride turned into ashes"
"and crumbled down to pieces."
"The ashes turned into white butterflies"
"and flew around the scholar, then flew away."
The ending of this story is always sad yet beautiful,
no matter how often I read it.
Over there. That must be her house.
I see.
Go bring my donkey.
All of a sudden?
But Lady Yeoju's place is right there.
I cannot walk all the way back.
This was why I asked you to wait a moment.
Also, I can meet Lady Yeoju by myself.
All right.
Why does it feel like
this is not my first time getting abandoned by him?
Lord Sim seems rather excited.
It must be just me, right?
Is anybody home?
Did I wake you?
What is going on?
Is this a dream?
If this is a dream, I want to go back to sleep.
I miss you, my husband.
This feels
too realistic.
What was that?
Oh, my. Goodness.
Are you that lord from the inn?
What are you doing right now?
I did not do anything.
I just caught your bag
because it was falling off.
Why? For what reason?
What did you do while I was dozing off?
You did something to me, not I!
I know you did not learn any better as a merchant,
but the moral principle requires men and women to remain separated.
How can you massage the neck of a strange man?
Then why did you
sneak into this house
where a widow lives alone as if you were a stray cat?
I am not a stray cat, but
Well, I am here
Well Yes. I came to ask you to arrange marriages.
Arrange marriages?
You do not look that old.
Do you have a child who is old enough to marry?
I do not have children!
Then is this for yourself?
I am already married.
Then who is this for?
My goodness, how long was I asleep for?
I wish to marry the three daughters of Erudite Maeng
in Mount Nam Valley within two months.
Did you just say you wish to marry all three daughters, not just one,
the pregnable three ladies of Erudite Maeng?
And in two months?
It's not pregnable,
but impregnable. Unable to penetrate.
I really want to have a go at the daughters of Erudite Maeng.
What should I do?
No, it is too dangerous to get involved with this official.
What is more dangerous is that the sun is setting now.
I am sorry, but I am already working for another family,
so I cannot take another request.
Also, I must be on my way.
The merchants at the inn said you would be able to do this.
Why do you wish to marry the daughters of Erudite Maeng?
I am an inspector,
and mopping up these old maids is a royal command.
What did you just say?
It may be a royal command, but do not feel overwhelmed.
You can do your job as you always have.
No, before that. "Mopping up old maids?"
These ladies are not bandits! Why would you mop them up?
I do not accept a matchmaking request from a man
with such an idea.
I am busy, so please excuse me.
Goodness. Gosh.
This is not my idea. This was a royal command!
My, my. How rude.
How can you take off after you are done talking?
Stop right there.
I am not done talking.
I kept thinking and concluded that you needed to hear this.
Spinsters are still women,
and marriage is also important to them,
just as it is for any other woman.
So do not approach this,
saying you are here to mop them up even if they are spinsters!
Marriage is
a mayor life event!
No, not mayor. Major.
You do not even know the difference between mayor and major.
Who do you think you are to try to teach me?
I do not care who you are. If you are ignorant, learn.
You are the one who is ignorant
Stop right there!
Where are you going? I am not done talking to you!
Move aside, will you?
Watch where you are going.
What? Where did she go?
Where are you?
Am I the only one who cannot see you?
Show up!
Where are you?
You cannot run like that and catch me.
My lord!
Did you have a good talk with that merchant?
Why does everyone do this to me?
I received the royal command and am doing my best
to get rid of spinsters, the deep-rooted evil of our kingdom.
No one up above or down below is living up to their expectations.
There is no use if I am the only one
who lives according to customs and principles!
- What a nice day.
- It is very nice.
It is dangerous. Please take another way.
He is Lord Gyeongunjae!
Do not get caught up in his fury, and please run away!
- It is Man of Anger.
- It is Man of Anger.
I believe I just saw scholars roaming about,
neglecting their duty to study.
No, I did not see anyone.
You did not see them, O Bong?
Please get on the donkey. I will bring it here.
All right.
I can see everything, O Bong.
O Bong, take your time and follow me.
Is it ready?
Not bad.
Geun Seok.
Mommy will come in.
Mother, I will go to school now.
Do not study too hard. You may not grow taller.
What great weather for matchmaking.
Why are you suddenly visiting the Capital District Office?
I did not think this through.
This is not an ordinary marriage arrangement.
I am on an official duty.
Hence, I need to take a proper procedure to carry this out.
Go slowly.
I am walking slowly.
Are you out of your mind?
The only daughter of the left state councillor
not only has as much wealth as you demanded,
but everything else on top of that.
What is the problem?
Are you truly unaware that the left state councillor’s family
and our family are political opponents?
Three years ago, I have made a match
between the worst political enemies, Lord Ha and Lord An's family.
You must remember that those were the only two families
who survived the political feud
of the Year of the Horse.
The left state councillor’s daughter is wise and tough,
so she will put wings on your soft-hearted son,
who took after his father.
What is more important is this.
The left state councillor’s family wanted this marriage first.
Is that true?
Would I dare to lie to you?
They even sent the hour and date of her birth to check compatibility.
Did you already get consent from the bride's family?
Hardly. I have not even talked to them.
Then how did you obtain her birth hour and date?
The lady in question is my sister-in-law,
so I paid someone to put it together.
I see.
You are arranging your sister-in-law's marriage?
That is why I want to ask you
to pretend like you are Lady Yeoju this once.
Actually, you are Lady Yeoju, so you are not even pretending.
People do not recognize me when I put on makeup,
but I cannot act like a matchmaker in front of my mother-in-law.
I cannot do it either.
Please do not say no.
It will not be hard.
What if we get caught?
Will it be okay with you?
We will not get caught.
The lady of the headmaster thinks I am Lady Yeoju,
and my mother thinks you are Lady Yeoju.
In-laws may seem very close,
but it is a rather distant and difficult relationship.
I doubt future in-laws would get together
and compare the looks of the matchmaker.
Whatever it is, I cannot go to your place.
That is final.
Please, Lady Yeoju.
Please? Lady Yeoju.
(Capital District Office)
- Wait here.
- Yes, my lord.
The children of the noble birth are the problem.
They will not listen.
They believe they became the smartest generation
who were only born
in the wrong time period.
Just answer my question.
The problem with spinsters and old bachelors is
under the responsibility of the Capital District Office, right?
That is true.
The daughters of Erudite Maeng, my teacher from Sungkyunkwan,
are getting old as spinsters, not just one, but all three.
How are these women supposed to survive
this harsh world all alone if you neglect them like this?
You really have no idea, do you?
Hanyang is the city of administration and consumption.
If women have a specialized talent
in needlework or cooking,
they will not have a problem
making a living even if they do not marry.
You never rose to power, so you do not know how the world works.
What did you just say?
If you are worried about the livelihood of the old ladies,
you should first look into how they are doing.
Their sick mother
receives treatment every single day in that expensive medicine room.
This means those three ladies are unable to marry
because of their reputation, not their situation.
Chief Magistrate Kim, an official from Haemi wishes to see you.
All right.
I do not know why you are suddenly worried about his daughters,
but feel free to look for someone in this list of old bachelors.
As you can see, I am too busy working for our kingdom.
Excuse me.
"Too busy working for our kingdom, excuse me?"
He holds a lower rank,
yet he continues to speak disrespectfully against me.
And he did much worse than me in the state exam.
How condescending.
("The Lady's Private Life")
("The Lady's Private Life")
"The lady peeked through the openings of her hood."
"She sat mysteriously under the sunlight,"
"shining through a tiny window."
"The lady"
"kept her eyes on the investigator"
"as she took her hood off."
"The fabric was sheer, exposing her skin."
"The lady's long hood dropped from her shoulders"
"to her chest and waist. She, then, crossed her legs."
"And with that, her body line was fully visible."
You will not be able to escape easily today.
I must see your face. Now, take off that long hood.
You will regret it.
(The story will continue in Volume 2.)
(The story will continue in Volume 2.)
How can you end it here?
Is this not too nasty?
What are you sneaking a look at?
Your clothes tell me you are the Capital District Office's officer.
If you do not explain why this promiscuous book
is here in detail,
you will not have that job for long.
Telling me who you are should be first.
I am Sim Jung Woo, living in Gyeongunjae, Bukchon.
Lord Gyeongunjae.
These books are evidence.
What a lame excuse.
Only women read such an erotic romance novel.
So, which case could this be evidence for?
It is evidence to catch the culprit who made Lee Cho Ok
drown to death six months ago.
Did he get this job through connections?
(Hiring sons of meritorious families without exams)
Which family are you from?
I am the eldest son of the ninth-class officer Jung Yeon Mu,
Jung Soon Gu.
Oh, you are the rumoured brother-in-law
of the left state councillor.
If you received your government post after selling your sister off,
should you not study as you work?
The lady threw herself into the water.
So what is this about a culprit?
And for the evidence to be a novel book.
Nothing makes sense. Am I not right?
Nobody in this world
drowns themselves to death for no reason.
A handful of Hwa Rok's novels were found in the dead Cho Ok's room.
It is not strange for women
to read novel books.
Hwa Rok's novels
are mostly nonsensical romances about falling in love
with a nobleman's son disguised as a farmhand
or with the crown prince travelling incognito.
Fascinated by those books, Cho Ok's standard of men
became higher and avoided getting married.
In the end, she became depressed over her status as a spinster
and committed suicide.
Hence, the author Hwa Rok is under investigation
for breaking the law, which led to someone's death.
Do you truly think Lee Cho Ok
took her life because of the novel books?
I am simply following my orders.
I cannot believe you work without giving any thought.
Give me the investigation records of Lee Cho Ok.
This is the investigation records of Lee Cho Ok.
If she had thrown herself into the water,
how come she had this many wounds?
The autopsy report
stated it was due to being swept by the water.
From what I see, these are clearly stab wounds.
The wound is 1.8 pun deep.
It is deep enough to kill someone in an instant.
Do you know how to examine a corpse?
I wrote the footnotes reinforcing
the information in the book of forensic medicine
you are treasuring.
Contrary to the autopsy report,
you wrote that Lee Cho Ok did not take her life by drowning
but was stabbed to death and then thrown into the river
in that paper.
Since you are investigating privately,
you are not as incompetent,
which is a relief.
I heard Erudite Maeng's Lady Cho of Mount Nam Valley was admitted here.
I wish to meet her. Inform her.
Please wait a moment.
When did you find that out?
I just did with my intelligence.
Parents are the most responsible in their children's marriage.
If I inform the spinsters' mother that
I will have them marry suitable old bachelors,
this matter will be settled.
Are you Erudite Maeng's Lady Cho of Mount Nam Valley?
Good grief.
Do I look in any way married to you?
Well, I requested to meet Lady Cho.
I see.
I am Maeng Ha Na, her eldest daughter.
My mother is getting acupuncture in the room.
She is weak, so meeting a guest is not possible.
She told me to listen to what you had to say.
I am a royal secret inspector
with the order from the king to make you ladies get married.
Thus, I came to tell your mother to have her children
get married to sons of great families.
She was touched to get married by the king's order.
She must have wanted to marry really badly.
That ancient list of old bachelors
are sons of great families?
You are quite knowledgeable in Chinese characters
despite being a woman.
There seems to be a misunderstanding.
It is not that we could not get married.
We decided not to get married.
So we do not need unnecessary help.
How could you?
You, a noble's daughter, are being undutiful to your parents.
How appalling.
What do you mean by that?
You are way past the age and yet refusing to get married.
That is being undutiful, no?
I can feel your mother's worries all the way here.
My mother does not wish us to marry, either.
That is plain nonsense.
Every parent in Joseon
wants their child to get married.
Ha Na.
Mother keeps asking for you.
All right. Let us go.
I am still talking to you.
Stop right there!
My lord. Being dutiful
is the only ideology that comes before loyalty in Confucianism.
Rather than going to my mother at once, should I be listening
to a man who does not believe my words?
That is undutiful.
Do you realize you are committing high treason?
According to the law,
if a woman does not wed over the age of 24,
the parents are to get punished
unless the family is in difficulty.
if you want to be dutiful to your parents,
which you think so highly of,
you should marry the man I decide on.
Go ahead and try that.
Let us go.
That foolish woman put her pride before her
and lied.
The chief magistrate in charge of the spinster matter
uses social structural problems to sit by and do nothing.
The current state of Joseon is truly pathetic.
What are we to do now?
Is it not obvious?
I will show them how strict the law is.
- Oh, goodness.
- My lord.
What brings you here?
I need you to come with me.
I see.
What is this?
Is it edible?
Come in quietly. Come on.
- Your Majesty
- Good grief. Really.
I am travelling in disguise.
Come and sit down without a word, all right?
My dear.
Pour me a glass.
I do not like him at all.
Did I not tell you to take care of it quietly?
But you just had to tell it to the chief magistrate.
I simply followed the flow of the job.
How dare you talk back to me?
Why would I have asked you if the chief magistrate
could do it?
I am the king, you hear me?
Just kidding.
The chief magistrate is
like at the left state councillor’s beck and call.
But you showed our hands to the opponent. So what now?
You do not have to worry about him.
They would not imagine
I would move for the crown prince's royal wedding
by defaming them.
Oh, right.
The king's son-in-law of Gyeongunjae came out of the blue
and demanded the old ladies to be wedded off.
I panicked.
(Left State Councillor Jo Young Bae)
Why is he concerned about the old ladies' marriage?
Who are these old ladies?
It is what people call the daughters of Sungkyunkwan's erudite
Maeng Sang Chun, who passed away in the Year of the Rabbit.
All three daughters are spinsters.
So tell me.
Why is he suddenly acting like Maeng Ha Na's matchmaker?
Is there any reason for whatever he does?
He has so much time but so little to do.
Going around government offices and making appeals
is his hobby, no?
So my question is,
why is his target Maeng Ha Na?
I am just simply curious.
If you show off you are an inspector and threaten them with the law,
then yes,
the Maeng family's first daughter could be married off.
What about the other two?
Are you going to wait until they turn 24?
I gave you two months.
From what I heard, a proficient matchmaker
could even make a widow of nobility marry a bachelor.
A wife of a noble family must serve but a single husband.
So how can she get married again?
And what is more, with a bachelor.
It is simply an example, is it not?
But you!
Whose eyes do you think you are looking straight into?
Anyway, he sure is straight-laced.
Nor does he know the ways of the world.
Is he in any way useful?
You Let us say that your appeal gets accepted,
and you become a government official.
Will you be able to survive in this rough political world?
Good grief.
If I ordered you
to drink the deadly poison that night,
brought charges to the left state councillor, and exiled him,
the crown prince could have gotten married.
But had that happened,
I would have lost much more than I gained.
Jung Woo.
You see, politics
is losing the least and gaining what you want.
Bear that in mind.
What weak fire. We need new charcoals.
There is a peddler selling women's items
in Hongwol Inn who is a great matchmaker.
Do not tell me Again?
She is called Lady Yeoju.
She is a professional who helped
my second son, the troublemaker, get married.
A bad feeling never turns out to be wrong.
I have already spoken to her.
Meet her at the inn tomorrow.
- I will take care of it.
- How?
Do as I say this time.
I made a special request even though she was too busy for it.
Pay her extra if you must and hire her.
Come and grill the meat, will you?
Ask for some new charcoals.
Hwa Rok.
I have plans. Tell me quickly.
Or shall I listen to it next time?
Be a matchmaker.
For who?
Have you heard of Mount Nam Valley's old ladies?
I have.
Among them,
help the 1st and 2nd ladies get married.
I wonder what this is.
I got asked several times to act as the old ladies' matchmaker
in the past two days.
You are the third person.
Who else was there?
I need you to help an inspector.
Can a matchmaker like me be of any help to an inspector?
It is to make the Mount Nam Valley's old ladies get married.
You will be of great help.
A bad feeling never turns out to be wrong.
Can you tell me why you are asking me to find them a husband?
Well, I am quite acquainted with Lady Maeng Ha Na.
The man, who was not charmed by you, came,
identified himself as an inspector with the king's order,
and told her to marry whichever old bachelor he chose.
Lady Ha Na said not to worry as no man would marry her.
But my older sister is too oblivious about the world.
"My older sister?"
Hwa Rok.
Are you one of the old ladies?
I knew you were a woman from the beginning.
So you were one of them.
Hwa Rok.
Why are you crying?
guessed it right immediately.
It shocked me. And now, I am worried.
I will not tell anyone that you are Hwa Rok.
Do not worry.
So, to sum it up,
the man who did not fall for me
was to make your sister get married to anyone.
Worried about her,
you are asking me to be her matchmaker, yes?
My lady?
that is not it.
I want to get married, all right?
But my older sisters must get married first for me,
the youngest, to get married.
Despite the inspector's threat, my sisters are not budging.
I am just so frustrated that I have come to see you.
Please help my sisters get married.
And do not tell my family I asked you
to be their matchmaker.
How come?
When I was 16, I wrote a contract stating I would never get married
and live with my sisters forever.
Any young girl would have done that, no?
I do not want to grow old
and die as an old maiden.
Yes. You should get married.
So you are going to be my sisters' matchmaker, right?
I will find a good man for all three of you.
Thank you.
Leave it to me.
Good grief.
She will refuse to do it when she sees me.
You must have been really rude to her.
I should have gone with you that day.
When the matchmaker comes, apologize to her first.
Why should I?
I did nothing wrong!
For once, just do as I say.
You are not aware of things,
but women forgive you if you apologize to them.
Even you to say that I am not aware of things.
Who is the actual one who does not know the principles and limits?
Good. Let me
Let me apologize first. I am sorry for the last time.
I will be the old ladies' matchmaker.
(The Matchmakers)
We have two months.
Everything will be done together with Lord Sim.
Please move away from me, will you?
I came to help your daughters get married.
Your trip has been wasted.
Do you know what an agent of love is?
"Agent of love?"
I must be an agent of love.
Has anyone else asked for golden silkworm poison in the past?
She is one of our people.
But if she turns her back on us,
she will become the most dangerous enemy.
I must search your house.
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