The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

(Jung Ryeo Won)
(Wi Ha Jun)
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
Are you in university? Working part-time?
- Starting today, we'll
- What year?
Year three.
Can I call you by your name?
Can you read?
You can be honest.
No need to feel embarrassed.
What the heck?
You won't feel as embarrassed as your parents.
Knowing the alphabet doesn't mean you can read.
Open your textbook.
I'll teach you how to read.
call me "Ms. Seo."
Ms. Seo.
Address me the same way.
Refer to me as an instructor too.
I bet it'll feel amazing.
There's no way.
(Episode 2)
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
(Daechi Chase)
Send the test lecture notice
to those who passed the written test.
Ms. Seo, you're here early.
What's this for?
You're working so hard.
Thanks a lot.
Can I see the resume of one of the applicants?
Sure. What's the name?
- Lee Jun Ho.
- Lee Jun Ho
(1st Round, Resumes)
(Lee Jun Ho, Korean)
Isn't it him? On the Wall of Fame?
Good for him.
Here you go.
- Hello.
- Hey.
What was this for?
She wanted the resume of one of the applicants.
Seo Hye Jin's interested in an applicant?
Is she going to give extra points?
No. He was a student here. Lee Jun Ho.
Lee Jun Ho.
His name is on a plaque in the lobby.
Let me see the resume too.
Why would you need to see that for?
Come on. I'll just see the photo.
- Just the photo?
- Yes. Come on.
My gosh.
I'm not late, am I?
You're not. Sorry for making you come in early.
Private chats are always welcome.
Is this for me? Thanks.
What's up? Why did you want to meet here?
I had all sorts of ideas on the way.
Including if you're moving elsewhere.
Do you remember Jun Ho?
Jun Ho? What Jun Ho?
Lee Jun Ho. From my early days.
Back when our office was above a hair salon?
I remember him. I taught him English.
What about him?
He came by yesterday.
Did he? Doesn't he usually visit on Teachers' Day?
He took the test.
- He took what?
- The test.
Part of our hiring process.
This punk. He's serious.
I think he did pretty well in the written exam.
He might get called in for a test lecture.
I was hoping you'd reject him.
Why should I do that?
He says he can get the job.
He takes it lightly and he's so arrogant.
You said it's best to be fair.
This sounds like a very unfair request.
Don't you regret quitting your previous job?
How can I let my student throw a childish tantrum?
Does it mean anything if we don't hire him?
With his qualifications, he can teach anywhere else.
I want to earn the time to dissuade him.
Help me out.
I get what you want.
Even if he happens to show promise.
You said yourself that test lectures
make even a veteran tremble.
How well could an inexperienced guy do?
I passed the written exam.
You won't want to know,
but I have a habit of telling my tutor my exam results.
He seems to think differently.
- Hi.
- You weirdo.
Come along.
You need a large lecture room?
Why didn't you call the admin and ask?
The smallest room will do.
It's a personal thing. Not official business.
Why would you personally need a classroom?
You don't need to know.
So what? You're going to practice teaching?
Yes. How long can I have this room for?
My gosh
Keep your mouth shut. I'll tell my parents.
- My gosh.
- Why won't this work?
Don't tell me that's what you meant by the vein of gold
that never runs dry.
- Lee Jun Ho.
- I'm short on time. Get out.
Hey. It's not even a large academy.
You need experience in this field
to be offered a hefty salary.
Hey. Will you film for me?
Then I'll let you stay for my lecture.
- Are you insane?
- Take the camera.
- Forget it.
- Come on.
Leave me out of this.
That darn punk.
Let's see.
Fifteen Korean teacher applicants made it to the test lecture round.
Ten from English and three from Social Studies.
They all got full marks in the written exam.
The written exam was a formality.
This is the real test.
What's the matter?
What? Jun Ho's here?
Oh, you don't know him.
Before our two academies merged,
at the beginning of Daechi Chase
was Lee Jun Ho.
("Spring, Spring" by Kim Yu Jeong)
(Characters: Father-in-law, Me)
(Gu Jang, Jeom Soon)
(Incident, Background)
(In order, Against order)
(Conclusion in order of incidents)
(Actual conclusion)
(Conflict, Humour)
Today, we'll learn about
"Spring, Spring" by Kim Yu Jeong.
First, we need to know the characters.
There's the main character and narrator, that's "me."
Then there's the father-in-law who I'm in conflict with.
The father-in-law is Jeom Soon's dad,
a cunning tenant farm supervisor.
Me, the narrator, is a very dull-witted man
who's being exploited
by the father-in-law under the impression
he'll let me marry Jeom Soon.
Between these two
Thanks a lot.
(Lee Jun Ho)
Take care. Bye.
See you.
Thank you.
How short do you want it?
- About
- Do you want this?
- A natural look?
- Do I need a perm?
Not really.
The main character is too slow to notice
his contradictory reality.
That's the core part of the humour.
The story switches between past and present,
and that gives us
more dimensions to view the story through.
(Daechi Chase)
(Room S403)
(Waiting Room for English Test Lecture Applicants)
(Waiting Room for Social Studies Test Lecture Applicants)
(Daechi Chase)
Let me see.
Check the contents.
- Did you put them all up?
- Yes.
Can you take a look at the score card?
We need that in the extra room downstairs.
- Go down that way.
- Okay.
Come with me.
Handle the rest for me.
What's taking so long?
- I brought
- Hello.
- Thanks.
- Sure.
- Bye.
- Take care.
(Room S401)
(Daechi Chase Instructor Audition)
Hello? One, two, three. Mic test.
(Judge, Seo Hye Jin, Korean 1 Team Leader)
(Daechi Chase Instructor Audition)
- Jung Soo got it wrong again.
- Okay.
Ask him again during the Q and A session.
What was I going to do?
The commentary for today's lecture.
- You said you'd give it to me.
- I did.
You've been acting weird today.
Sorry. I'll send it right away.
Can you give me a moment?
(Waiting Room for Korean Test Lecture Applicants)
Who are you looking for?
I wasn't looking for anyone.
Thanks for the support.
- Hey.
- I knew I'd see you here.
I knew you'd be here too.
What did you prepare?
I'll teach a classic poem for kids in the first year with second class.
I'll teach a contemporary story for kids with fifth class and below.
Fifth class and below?
I guess that makes sense.
Daechi-dong's fifth class might be in the upper class somewhere else.
Not all of them.
You must have some experience.
Well, you could say so.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
(Daechi Chase Instructor Audition)
The test lecture will last for ten minutes.
Using the score cards given, grade them
for each section such as affinity,
board-writing, delivery, and focus.
As you know,
test lectures are so stressful that many people give up halfway through.
Help the applicants out by creating
a friendly atmosphere so they can
do their best.
We'll start with the Korean teacher applicants,
then we'll move on to the English teachers.
Let's not keep them waiting.
Shall we begin?
Ms. Choi?
Don't glare.
You look angry.
Do you want them to cry?
State your name and subject, then start right away.
I'm Nam Chung Mi and I applied to teach Korean.
You can begin.
The lecture I prepared today is
a classic poem
for first-year students with a class two grade.
("Song of Green Mountains")
"Song of Green Mountains."
I'll start.
Classic literature.
It's so darn hard.
(Year 1, Class 2 and above, "Song of Green Mountains")
When I was in high school,
I thought this was the stupidest part.
Goryeo poetry's not at all like K-pop.
Why on earth do we need to study this?
Am I right?
Am I right or not?
- You're right.
- Thanks.
I know so very well how you feel.
It's hot in here.
I get how you feel so darn well.
So I wore this.
what can we do?
School teachers and textbook makers
love this poem so much.
We have no choice, so pretend you're listening to a friend.
"Song of Green Mountains."
There are some basic points you must memorize about the poem.
It's a Goryeo poem.
It's about grief and escaping reality.
And it follows a set rhythm. Stuff like that.
("Good Korean Grades")
What are you doing?
I was looking at the after-school class list.
Most of the classes get cancelled.
Yes. Students go to academies.
Sogang University's mock essay commentary is in your inbox.
- Take a look.
- Okay.
Affricate and fricative sounds
are very sharp and strong.
S, double S, G, double G.
What do these sounds have in common?
Cussing. Curse words.
We have a lot of curse words that start with these sounds.
You know which I'm talking about, right?
I'll say it again.
We humans have an elaborately designed mouth,
and if you remember just a few sound categories,
you can automatically understand this table right here.
Oh, the English test lecture starts a bit later?
Yes. We still have some time left.
I see. I'm done, so I'm heading out.
We must've met for a reason. I wish you the best of luck.
Excuse me, then.
Mr. Lee Jun Ho.
(Waiting Room for Korean Test Lecture Applicants)
(Daechi Chase Instructor Audition)
(Test Lecture and Evaluation)
I'm Lee Jun Ho and I applied to teach Korean.
You can relax. No need to be nervous.
I'm not nervous.
I like that. Shall we start?
Leave my classroom.
You're not interested. I'll give you a refund.
Jun Ho, seriously?
Leave it.
You sit here, which is appropriate for you.
That will put your parents appropriately at ease.
And I get paid appropriately.
Do you think that'll be it?
I have no intention of wasting time appropriately.
If you won't listen, give your seat to someone who wants it.
Think of your parents'
money, efforts, and hope that you're wasting.
Returning it to them is the best you can do.
You have just ten minutes.
Mr. Lee?
We're short on time. Shall we start the lecture?
You lot sitting here.
I'll be direct.
You're at the bottom of your class.
You use this fancy term "no base,"
but you're just losers.
Sometimes you wonder.
"Is my life ruined?"
How do I know that?
I was there.
I'll tell you this up-front.
My first mock exam in high school.
I came second.
From the bottom end.
The guy
with the worst score? I'd never seen him,
because he never came to school.
That's why
I know what you fear so very well.
The guys sitting around you
dash ahead at break-neck speed, leaving you in the dust.
Someone in your class might even be reading Hegel.
The feeling of loss and fear that crashes over you then.
I knew it and felt it to the bone.
But you have three years to study to get into university.
It's a surprisingly long marathon.
It's not too late to start now.
You can catch up.
You just don't know how to study.
Don't feel intimidated.
I'll run alongside you.
Today, together, we'll learn about
"Spring, Spring"
by Kim Yu Jeong.
("Spring, Spring" by Kim Yu Jeong)
the first line in your textbook will hit you like a brick wall.
"This is a contemporary novel"
"full of humour, describing incidents"
"from the countryside in the 1930s."
"Focus on the way it depicts a chain of events"
"as you read and appreciate it."
What a scary couple of sentences.
Listen up.
What does "appreciate" mean?
The dictionary says it's when you enjoy,
understand, and criticize a work of art.
Can you enjoy this?
Can you?
You can. How?
By learning how to read it.
I have
a great teacher that I respect.
The day we met
was the best moment of my life.
That teacher had just one requirement.
You just don't know how to read it.
Let's read just one paragraph, then go home.
Read it over and over again,
and eventually, you're able to read it.
And then, between each word, between each line,
a new world opens up.
That's the charm of Korean literature.
If you're able to read, you think.
If you're able to think, you get curious.
If you get curious,
you'll end up studying on your own.
Starting today, that's what I'll teach you.
Every sentence and every space in between.
I won't leave it untouched.
Literature, reading, even grammar.
That's the basis of them all.
He's doing fine.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What are you doing home this early, Seung Kyu?
Why are you at home?
I cancelled my consultations because there's a special event.
I'll head out later. What about you?
- An event?
- Yes.
The professor and undergrads.
They're on a field trip, so I left early.
I need a nap.
I said I'd nap.
Take a seat.
I'm tired.
Did Jun Ho tell you anything?
Like what?
He did, then.
He didn't say much.
How shocked will his mom be?
Why would that shock her?
It's a risk, but a worthwhile one.
Unlike his older brother, he upset his parents so much.
They spent a fortune on him.
Oh, well.
What's the point in sending them to a good university?
Everyone at that academy goes to a good university.
With my degree, I can't even do what he does.
Why would you say that?
I know it's your lifelong regret
that I never beat Jun Ho.
But don't you take this to mean
you beat his mom, okay?
Why do you
become a little nasty each day?
A boy who commits a crime goes to juvenile hall,
and a university student who commits a crime goes to grad school.
Is that where I'm learning all the bad stuff?
It's not like
he'll get the job.
(Judging in progress, Enter only in case of emergency)
We're left with
Korean teacher applicant Lee Jun Ho.
He practised a great deal,
- and set a good target.
- Yes.
Applicants rarely talk directly to a judge.
That opening of his
Even if it was a performance,
I quite liked his guts.
Affinity, board-writing, delivery.
I liked him overall.
He didn't have long to prepare, but he's a fast learner.
If we're ignoring experience
and focusing only on promise and potential,
- doesn't that suit this audition?
- Yes.
Some people just have the right talent for the job.
I have doubts as to whether he'll do us any good.
We don't have that many "no base" students with low grades.
You don't have to worry about that.
Mr. Yoon, didn't you teach him English?
Yes. I did.
He went from eighth class to first class.
He experienced the whole grade spectrum.
That makes him an all-round player.
What do you think, Ms. Seo?
Since he graduated from high school,
the education system has shuffled twice.
I think we should ignore his prior experience
of going from eighth to first.
He used his affinity to cover up his poorly prepared lecture.
More than anything, I think the chance
that he'll last is very low.
What do you mean he won't last?
To train up a fledgling instructor,
the academy must put in a lot of time and effort.
Until the teacher can manage on their own,
the academy invests in them.
Of course, at the end of all that, if they were to stay
and be an asset, that would be great.
But to be honest,
that he'll learn and grow enough to be of any good to us,
I'm not convinced.
I see. So you think he'll just dine and dash?
He didn't even stay for three years at his last job before he quit.
But the academy will be covering the losses,
not you.
So I don't have to train him?
Will you train him then?
Our team doesn't have resources to train a rookie.
My plate is already full with my classes, consultations,
and student management.
I'm against the idea of hiring an unreliable rookie
because I don't want to waste my energy unnecessarily
when we have a list of capable and talented teachers.
I can see that.
As you are the teacher in charge, your opinion must matter the most.
- Thank you.
- I see.
Then I will give you more time, Ms. Seo.
No. I already
The directors usually have the final say
in the recruitment process at many academies.
Don't they?
But I still listen to your advice
and gather your opinions in a democratic manner.
Let's all think about this.
I understand.
With the increased average lifespan, ageing has become a problem.
This problem not only pertains to the elderly,
but also to people in their 30s and 40s which I mentioned earlier.
The rate of ageing for people in their 30s and 40s has gone up.
Lately, there has been
Honey, could you help me?
Help you how?
Pat me on the back.
Gosh. Do I have indigestion?
You have indigestion because you don't do anything all day.
What are you talking about?
I made side dishes for Young Ho and left them at his house.
You need to do something more productive.
You should learn something.
What could be more productive than helping our son?
What's gotten into you? Why are you yelling at me?
- Gosh. Seriously.
- Goodness.
- I'm home.
- Hey, welcome back.
Did you have dinner?
- Yes, I did.
- Then wash up.
- Okay.
- Do you want some fruits?
I'm good with fruits.
Well, I need to talk to you.
All of these will accumulate.
That will contribute to your ageing process.
As our world is changing, there are many environmental changes.
Okay. What's this about?
This news might shock you.
But please let me finish.
Go on.
I handed in my resignation.
And they accepted it.
Please respect my decision.
- What?
- What?
Hey. Why?
You did that
without discussing that with us? Not even running it by us?
You would have been against it if I discussed it with you.
I would have made the same decision even if you opposed it.
I just skipped all the unnecessary hassle.
We're asking you why you quit.
Answer us already.
Do you want me to die out of frustration?
I'm going to teach kids at an academy.
I took the exam today.
I did well.
Even if it doesn't work out,
I'll keep applying to other academies.
You want to do what?
I can be the most famous teacher in Korea within three years.
- Then my salary
- Are you out of your mind?
Hey, those two careers are on different levels.
They aren't. The world started to change a long time ago.
Hey, do you think your job is a joke?
I worked harder and more diligently than any of my colleagues.
The office job wasn't that important to me.
You didn't even work there for a long time!
I chose this path because I didn't think
I would have a long career there.
The social position?
Yes, I understand that you're concerned about that.
I'll prove it to you by how much I make and where
Stop it!
How dare you talk to me about such a vulgar thing?
Gosh, come on.
You were born in a lucky era.
Thanks to that,
our family could live as locals, born and raised in Daechi-dong.
But my brothers and I
will end up in the outskirts of Seoul
if we stay as mere office workers.
I really don't want that to happen.
I can succeed as an academy teacher faster than anyone.
Think of it
as becoming a celebrity. Please?
You're way too young.
Stay at the company for a bit longer.
If you really don't see a future there,
you can try it out then.
My value will go down if I try it out later.
A product must be sold at the peak price.
Mom, are you okay?
Get out.
Get out of here. Tell your dad to come here.
Get up.
Come on. Just get out of here!
Get up.
Gosh. Oh, dear.
Stay there.
- Did you have to wait long?
- No.
I wouldn't have minded waiting for a bit longer.
The view here is amazing.
You're right.
I was surprised to get your text message last night.
What's going on?
Is this about the recruitment result?
Do you remember this place?
You brought me here every weekend.
I still remember the bus number. Bus 402.
How about a walk?
Sounds good.
You won't be able to work at Daechi Chase.
What? Why not?
Wait. Are you joking right now?
Wait. But wasn't I pretty good?
I'm not joking. You can't join Daechi Chase.
I didn't know the entry barrier was that high.
I need to check something with you.
What is it?
I'm feeling devastated right now.
Did you look into getting a job at other academies?
No, not yet.
But I'm checking postings on the Teachers' World.
I want you to have
a wider, deeper, and more insightful perspective of the world,
surrounded by people, wiser than you.
A bit more expensive apartment unit than that. Okay?
A bigger house on a higher floor.
Don't make them your goals.
That's so cliche.
Well, you didn't have to apologize.
I lied.
I said my job was fantastic.
It was a lie.
I boasted because I make decent money,
Teachers like me are a dime a dozen in Daechi-dong.
When I practised for my test lecture,
I became interested in teaching.
I was also lying when I said
getting you into the university was the best moment of my life.
Forget about earning money for tuition. I started this job
because I didn't even have money for food.
I was happy that you got into a nice university.
Your success wasn't the only reason.
I got a huge bonus after that.
So I could pay tuition with that.
You said you respected me as a teacher.
Hey, every time I brought you to this library,
I was so annoyed.
- I
- Okay. I got it.
That's enough. Let's stop here.
I got it.
I understand how you feel.
Don't you think you're crossing the line?
So you helped me get into a nice university.
Thanks to that, you got a huge bonus.
Yes. They're all facts.
Should I learn about your personal opinion of this job?
I didn't ask you how meaningful this job was.
I told you I wanted to help the kids
bring up their grades and get paid accordingly.
Why are you telling me things I didn't ask for?
Everything you told me didn't affect me in any way.
On top of that,
I took the exam as an applicant
because I wanted to be evaluated based on my skill set.
But taking this so personally like this
is a bit odd.
There's nothing odd about this. I just want you
Then it won't matter to you
if the academy finds out what you're doing right now.
Can I tell the academy that you're meeting an applicant in private
to pressure him to drop out?
I'll get going first.
Come on. We're not done yet. Where are you going?
Your classes start in the evening.
I have a meeting.
Ms. Seo!
I'll drive.
You're shocked. Let me drive you.
Sorry. You're on your own.
Take Bus 402.
Gosh. That was embarrassing.
The payment is processed.
(Phonological Variation)
Let me emphasize this again.
The questions on the exam will only be based on the textbook.
The exam questions won't go beyond our textbook.
Our curriculum and multiple choices will be based on our textbook.
I won't use any linked works on the exam.
However, I will increase the ratio for essay questions.
- What?
- What? Seriously?
What essay questions?
I will teach you the materials
you must learn in your Korean classes
as tenth graders.
Only focus on the materials
I teach you and emphasize.
I am
only doing my job as your school teacher.
Then will the Korean teacher for the other classes
go over the same materials?
I can't intervene with the other Korean teacher's classes.
However, the other Korean teacher can't come up with exam questions
about materials you didn't learn.
I won't stop you from finding your own way of studying for this.
You can keep studying at the academy you've been going.
Or you can study with the EBS lectures.
However, I will create a supplementary class after school.
I plan to give an intensive course based on our regular class.
You can apply for it just as usual.
Any questions?
All right then.
What's wrong with that geezer?
What was that all about? Our final exam is coming up soon.
I have no idea. I should ask my mom.
Yes, Mr. Kim. I'm in the parking lot.
(Daechi Chase)
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Hello.
(Daechi Chase)
Gosh. Director Shim.
How could you say this is Ms. Seo's fault?
The school teacher just made a courageous decision.
Come on in.
What do you mean by "crisis?"
Don't you think you're being too harsh?
Gosh. Why should she ask for his forgiveness?
Sir, you know what? Let's meet tonight.
I'll buy you a drink.
Gosh. You can tell me the rest of your complaint in person.
Gosh. Just listen to him talk.
No wonder why his academy can't grow.
He's got no charisma.
What's this about?
The problematic school teacher
at Chanyoung High School made a declaration.
He said all of his exam questions for the final
would come from the textbook.
He increased the ratio for essay questions.
He will hold an after-school intensive course.
The students are completely confused.
The academies are in shock.
So I should go to him and ask for his forgiveness?
Gosh. Oh, my.
I'll stop you even if you want to do it.
If need be, I'll do it.
I'm good at kneeling down.
Even so,
we should still prepare ourselves for this.
I don't think the kids will drop out of our academy
because of the direction the schoolteacher is taking.
As this is new to them,
they will have no choice but to rely on us.
Right. Yes.
The levels of students can't be assessed with this exam.
Then students in the low to mid-tiers
will see this as a chance.
The students in the high tier
will do their best to maintain their grades.
Right. That's true.
To have an optimistic view on this, some people are feeling scared.
We're already getting many calls about the consultations.
Of course, there will be confusion.
But it will be the same case for other academies.
I'll see if I can hold more classes,
targeting students in the low to mid-tier.
If we can get a few students whose grades go up drastically
So that should be enough to continue our momentum until next year?
Middle school students planning to enter Chanyoung High
won't be able to choose another teacher other than me.
I'm just worried that it might take a toll on you.
Protecting you is more important
than getting a few more students.
Gosh. Thank you for saying so.
- Take
- Precautions!
- Let's stay
- Safe!
(Pork Sirloin, Sea Eels)
Let me do it.
Use the tongs.
You should eat. I'll do it.
The prices for international raw materials
are skyrocketing.
If the interest rates keep going up in the US like this,
the export industry will take a hit.
Gosh, you should slow down.
It may seem boring and suffocating at first.
But you ought to live like them just like the others.
If you don't want that, you should study more.
I'll support you.
I understand why you did it.
I'll move out.
"Maybe, I can do something for him."
"There must be a solution."
Don't look for that.
- Lee Jun Ho.
- You know,
I'll come back with a bank account
that receives tens of thousands of dollars every month.
And I'll also bring a contract for a new apartment unit in Gangnam.
You never had those, did you?
Social life at a major company can be hard.
You can look into successful mid-sized companies.
Was your social life in the office hard?
It wasn't for me.
Shall I take out the charcoal?
- No.
- All right.
(Fixing the House)
(Lee Kyu Bo)
Don't you think you're crossing the line?
How did it go with Director Shim? Did you calm him down?
It was a mess, you know?
Well, I was on my way home
when the office lights were on.
I knew it would be you, Seo Hye Jin.
Drinking like this brings back memories.
When we were both broke,
we used to drink bottles of soju at that corner.
You taught me how to drink.
Gosh. When I joined the academy
after the movie I made with the money
from my friend flopped,
little did I know such a day would come.
You were quite cool back then.
A moviemaker seeking to make a comeback.
- Really?
- Yes.
I love your movies,
though I can't recommend them to others.
You little
There used to be a theatre called Piccadilly in Jongno.
I know it.
Remember there were handprints
on the pavement before the theatre?
My dream was to take my actors
and have them make handprints.
Now, my life is devoted
to the student's college entrance exam results alone.
"College entrance exam results alone?"
That's a very meaningful life.
Do you really think like that?
Of course.
why do you act like a teacher?
I mean to Jun Ho.
I can't bring myself to refer to you as a teacher.
Don't you think you're crossing the line?
But why do you act like a teacher?
(Daechi Chase)
(Daechi Chase)
You made the right decision.
Thanks for changing your mind.
You're willing to invest in a new talent.
I should be supportive.
Here's something I'm curious about.
Had I been against it until the end,
what were you going to do?
Who knows? I haven't thought about it.
How come?
I knew Lee Jun Ho was going to become mine.
It was a gut feeling.
I have a favour to ask, Director.
This right here.
Draw a picture in your mind.
An elder comes running from the ridge between rice paddies
and grabs my pants tightly.
Who is this? He's handsome.
Look at how he writes, not his looks.
- In that mess
- My handwriting looks better, no?
You can tell he practised a lot.
His handwriting is neat, and the colours are distinguishable.
You're right. He could aim for a contractual online lecture.
Gosh, he looks good on camera.
That could be his goal.
Don't memorize it.
Ms. Seo. Is Mr. Lee Jun Ho getting dropped for real?
What a waste.
No, he got in. He'll be coming to work here.
The author, indicating himself
as "I", is in the room.
That means this work is written
in the first person.
I might have overdone it.
You didn't. It was indeed shocking.
So what if I sent him to college?
I acted like an outstanding teacher or whatnot.
There's no need to go that far.
With Chanyoung High School's matter,
my hands are full.
I don't have time for Jun Ho.
He's not a kid anymore.
You're right.
He's not.
How about some drinks after work?
It'll be on me.
I have plans today.
Oh, right. Here.
This is for Hee Sun.
Give it to her friend, not the reception.
And pass on my apology.
This envelope is packed.
You'll be her most grateful guest, not the worst.
- It's a disguise.
- What?
I felt bad for not attending, so I wrote a letter.
There's not much money inside.
A letter is quite dangerous, Hye Jin.
- Sorry?
- On our honeymoon,
she cried on the plane for two hours
because of your letter.
But you didn't have to write one.
Everyone knows you even work on the weekends.
You shouldn't use your wrist.
Right, my wrist.
- So Young.
- Yes?
I'm sorry. Give me a moment with him.
Take your time.
Did you talk with your parents?
I did.
You won't give up, right?
Since I'm job hunting, I'll apply to a bigger academy
to teach for the entrance exam.
It's hard without work experience or connection,
but I meet the qualifications.
First off, let me apologize.
For what?
I'm sorry for crossing the line.
I hurt you.
How cool of you.
I accept your apology.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Listen carefully to what I'm about to say.
It won't be a bed of roses from now on.
Teamwork and loyalty between coworkers.
Don't expect those.
Teaching 3 hours on the weekday and 12 hours on the weekend
isn't everything.
The hours after that will be much harder.
No one will help you achieve the goal
of online lectures from a bigger academy.
You're to improve by yourself.
Wait. Are you hiring me?
All teachers are your competition.
But there are a limited number of students.
We're sharing a limited amount of pie.
Everyone besides yourself will attack
or use you.
It will be either of the two.
- In other words
- You'll do that, too, right?
Don't you have words of hope or anything like that?
You'll cry and laugh over a student quitting.
Students quit when their grades rise or drop.
They take credit for their grades rising.
But they blame the teacher for their grades dropping.
Students quit when the lecture is easy or hard.
They think they're too good for the easy lecture.
But they think the teacher is incompetent if it's hard.
You should be grateful if the student quits without a word.
They could make up a wicked rumour
or mess up the class
by making their friends quit together.
Rebuilding that class?
Nobody knows how long it'll take.
In the meantime, you'll earn nothing.
In the worst-case scenario, you'll get fired.
Did something happen?
You can tell your teacher anything.
Mr. Lee.
Let me tell you one last thing.
What? Ms. Seo?
I've been teaching in Daechi-dong for 14 years.
Countless of my students have ranked first in school because of me.
As you know, I'm a pro at improving students' classes.
What's wrong?
The teacher hired with you is 32 years old
with eight years of experience at academies.
She taught students without a month's break
in Dongtan, Mapo, Mok-dong, and Junggye-dong.
She even wrote a textbook
and has experience in all small, medium,
and large-sized online lectures.
She, too, is talented, having made
many students nearby top their school every year.
Even I'm tensing up.
In short, you won't have time to tease me from now on.
You may leave now, Mr. Lee.
(Night Flight)
Why were you enraged?
You went all out on him.
No, I didn't. I just gave him advice.
Who was he?
The first student I taught after taking time off from college.
Oh, you mean that knucklehead?
He's not a knucklehead.
(Daechi Station)
(Daechi Chase)
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
You've introduced yourselves, yes?
- Yes.
- Yes, we're done.
Ms. Kim and Ms. Jung. I know you're both busy.
But please help the new teachers adjust well.
- I will.
- Okay.
As for the new teachers,
decide which school students you want to start teaching.
The finals will start soon.
Soon-to-be sophomores will rush in.
You must prepare the parent information session yourself.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Let me inform you of the schedule and classroom for Korean.
First off, there are no Korean classes on Monday.
We've gathered since it's your first day of work today.
But you don't have to come in on Mondays.
And Ms. Kim?
Oh, right.
You told me to look into it, so I did.
(Meeting Room 1)
Let's head to the teacher's room now.
Oh, hi.
I should call you Mr. Lee now, right?
I'm in your care.
Work hard, okay?
She was very upset.
Go ahead. We'll talk again later.
All right.
Great. Let's go.
Focus more on creating your textbook, Mr. Lee.
To become successful as an academy teacher,
you must have your own textbook.
Got it.
Here are your desks.
Discuss and pick a desk.
- Should I take this desk?
- Okay.
Ms. Seo. The director is asking for Mr. Lee.
I see. You may go, Mr. Lee.
Come to the director's office.
How does it feel?
You're a teacher now.
It's still awkward, but I'm having fun.
- Did you tell your parents?
- Yes.
What did they say? They must've been shocked.
They're still processing it.
It did give them quite a shock.
So it's become a fact now.
You can drop the honorifics.
No way. I can't do that.
You're a real teacher now.
I'm deeply moved, you know?
You were once our academy's treasure,
and identity as a student.
And you've returned as a teacher.
Thank you.
Speaking of which,
I have an offer to make.
What is it?
It's not a chance everyone gets.
I'd like to promote
our academy by using you as the face.
What do you think?
Isn't Ms. Seo the face of this academy?
Am I qualified for it?
Your story is the qualification.
It'll be a great stepping stone for a newbie teacher.
Lee Jun Ho's story?
I'm in.
I love how cool you are.
Promotion isn't everything.
Don't forget the best promotion is lecture skills and word of mouth.
Understood. I'll do my best.
Thank you.
How about this?
A teacher and student sally forth.
A miraculous teacher and student.
Isn't it a more touching story?
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
You're getting on my nerves.
I can say the same to you.
Become my partner.
Are you asleep, Seo Hye Jin?
I can't do it.
There's an unexpected issue.
Choiseon Academy's director is holding an in-person lecture.
- Ms. Seo.
- Ms. Seo is indeed outstanding.
Everyone is taking the challenge.
Did Mr. Pyo Sang Sub of Korean
transfer schools?
Will the teacher and student concept
bring an impact?
- I found it.
- Lecture skills.
It's a great business trade for a teacher.
Is anyone here?
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