The Minions of Midas (2020) s01e02 Episode Script


- [people yelling]
- [banging]
[gun shot]
[newscaster] In Madrid tonight, riots
have once again exploded across the city.
We have confirmed reports of attacks
against the Banco Industrial
in Madrid's offices.
The bank has yet to release
any statement about the attacks,
but the continued unrest
has many seeking answers.
Two separate political parties
have issued statements
demanding an explanation.
These demands are joined by
the Entrepreneurs' Association
and the Bank Association.
[man 1] You think this won't have
any consequences?
And Banco Industrial
is just gonna thank us?
I don't know what the old man was thinking
when he gave this job to you.
And I don't want to.
Maybe whatever was causing his depression
also made his brain malfunction.
- I don't know.
- [man 2] Enrique!
This is unnecessary.
Sabino, you know this company
would be much better off
if Víctor was still in Galicia,
looking after his father's orchards.
Without your support,
he wouldn't be here.
This socialist ideology you preach
is complete bullshit!
You're pissing money away
trying to breathe life into
that old newspaper, the fucking Observer.
It's hemorrhaging cash.
That relic is an anchor on this company
and will end up sinking the whole group.
This is the end for you.
I don't know how, but I'm getting you out
of that fucking chair.
Are you all done?
Enrique, every front page today
is talking about our headlines
from yesterday.
I realize you have trouble seeing anything
further than the next dividend.
And that for you makes no sense,
to maintain a good image,
to plant seeds for the future,
think long-term.
And I understand,
after your uncle died,
you expected to be sitting where I am
and you would be CEO
But that's not the case.
Planning for the future is precisely why
I'm at the head of this table.
So try and take me down.
Until then, I would like some civility.
Speak and get up,
but do it from your own chair.
The one who walks
around the table in here is me.
[Víctor] Thanks for your support.
[Sabino] You don't have to thank me.
Although, between you and me,
you should have warned us.
Between you and me,
am I in the clear?
Come on.
Víctor, I hoped when you called this
would be just a friendly conversation.
And it is.
I just want to be sure.
I've been more faithful to Antonio Malvar
than my own wife.
- [Víctor grunts]
- And it'll stay that way.
Better pray Rosa doesn't hear you.
How is she?
She's okay.
She asked about you the other day.
I'll have to drop by and say hello.
Anytime you want. Of course.
Thank you, my friend.
Talk soon.
[Conte] There's only four days left.
Four short days
before the Minions of Midas
murder again.
Only four days…
to stop them from killing again.
That's why you're here.
Welcome and thank you.
Inspector Natalia García
will coordinate your assignments
as most of you already know.
And even though I'm in charge
of the investigation,
the deputy chef from Homicide,
Raúl Núñez,
will be available for additional support
so let him know what you need.
Since many of you have been
transferred here from other departments,
I'm gonna give you a guiding principle
we learned in
Kidnapping and Extortion.
It's something we're told
the first day we come in.
We are not here to catch the bad guys.
Obviously, catching them would be ideal.
but that isn't our priority.
Our priority is preventing more victims.
And remember this,
time isn't on our side.
So don't get distracted.
Let's get to work.
[Mónica] No, the morning isn't possible,
I don't have time.
Yes, a quarter past three is fine,
but just for ten minutes.
Okay, if you want you can record it.
That sounds perfect.
Top journalist in the city needs an agent!
Any takers?
[Víctor] Morning, everyone.
[Luis] See, you are the top journalist.
The official statement from Industrial,
I just received it.
Within an hour it's gonna go public.
Should we start clearing out our desks?
"In light of the article published by
The National Observer,
The Banco Industrial of Madrid
hereby notifies
their shareholders and clients…
blah, blah, blah.
And as of today an investigation
will take place
to find any wrongdoing
and identify responsible parties,
that is if the news reports
are indeed true… blah, blah, blah, blah.
We're proud to say that we'll continue
to finance the Malvar Group.
We'll stand by them.
In particular, we appreciate
the continuity of The National Observer,
a beacon of independent press
in our country.
- Yes! Come here!
- [all cheering]
[Luis laughs]
Calls for a celebration.
[cheering continues]
[pop music playing]
[indistinct conversations]
Well, I'm gonna head out.
- No.
- [Luis] Yes, yes.
Come on, have one more for the road.
Well, uh…
One more round?
Depends. What are we actually celebrating?
The statement from Industrial.
You think I'm naive?
That I think they won't retaliate?
I just wanted a drink
with Madrid's top journalist
but I didn't know how else to do it.
Maybe just ask me for a drink.
[laughs] Of course.
Why didn't I think of that?
What I don't know
is what your colleagues would think
if you had a drink with…
with, um… what do you call me?
What's my nickname?
So, I do have a nickname.
So you wanted to have drinks
so you could
pry some information out of me?
To exchange information.
Please, ask me whatever you want.
Do you actually care about Syria,
or was it just to show you have big balls?
Is it important?
To me, yes.
I do care about it.
But don't tell the shareholders.
Some board members call me
a "liberal communist."
My boy calls me "Philanthro-papa."
- [Mónica laughs]
- Yeah.
Now for the scoop. What's the nickname?
Your turn.
One more round?
I mean, uh, it's getting late.
Tomorrow I have back-to-back interviews…
and a debate.
Yeah, it's probably for the best.
We'll have a drink another day.
Of course, another time.
[both gasping]
[breathes heavily]
Don't go.
Sleep here tonight.
We'll see each other in a couple hours.
[Mónica] I'll see you in a couple hours.
[Laura] Since I can't have your time,
I want your money.
The fact is, ever since your inheritance,
I'm the only one watching Marcos.
We should think about it.
Laura is right.
Circumstances have changed.
[man] You're trying to create a scandal
where there just isn't one.
In Europe there are so many…
so many businesses
selling weapons to countries in conflict.
That is simply the reality we live in.
It's very hypocritical too,
with the fact that Alfaad
has a very comfortable life
and he owes that mainly
to the regime he now reports on.
But Alfaad stood up against the regime
knowing they might kill him for it.
In my opinion, he's a hero.
[Merlos] And heroes sell newspapers,
is that right?
A lot less papers than I'd like.
He knew he'd pay with his life.
His family knows he's going to die.
And only for telling the truth.
And that truth is
there were horrendous dealings.
They were hidden behind
a complex financial architecture.
All so shareholders of Banco Industrial
could earn a few more euros.
Which only stopped
after we made the information public.
The problem we have is precisely that…
it's not seen as a scandal.
That earning money
with other people's death
is simply nothing more
than the reality we live in.
That went well, right?
You think so?
They painted us
as hypocritical and selfish.
- And demagogues.
- And cynical.
But don't forget, it went very well!
[laughs] Yeah.
Last night and today.
That's what we call you in the newsroom.
Because of the…
- [scoffs]
- [chuckles]
It's not everyone,
only some of us do it.
You. You do it.
Can I buy you dinner?
Better not to.
That's my taxi.
Another night?
Bye, Víctor.
[seat belt clicks]
[Víctor] Is something wrong, Diego?
Good evening.
- I brought what you asked for.
- That quick?
It's not as difficult as people think.
I probably won't use it.
I need one at home, just in case.
Don't worry. I understand. It's important
that nobody knows about this.
I didn't give this to you.
Don't take it out
until you're inside your house.
Take it.
I assume you don't know how to use it.
But it's very simple. You'll see.
Good night, Mr. Genovés.
- [door opens]
- [Víctor] Yeah, you too.
[door closes]
[knocking on door]
Not too bad.
You've upgraded since Boston.
Without forfeiting my plebeian soul.
Is that where you sit?
Can I see?
I like it.
It's an offer well above market price…
even when you factor in the market spike
from the Industrial story.
It's for you.
Because if you accept,
you'll remain here as CEO.
It's almost irresistible, isn't it?
And very flattering.
I know how you think, Víctor…
I could almost predict
your response exactly.
But you shouldn't say it.
Think it over.
Take your time.
Meanwhile Dopa sweeps Spain
and poaches all your subscribers,
and Banco Industrial plots its revenge.
It's the perfect moment to sell.
Tell me what I'll say?
you're a magnificent woman and I love you.
But we have different ways
of seeing business and the world.
You're interested in the brand,
mainstream content,
making money.
And what's important to me is the people,
the newspaper,
fighting for truth and justice."
People guess what I'm about to say.
A lot of times they're right.
And I mean this as no offense to you,
but my thoughts…
it's like they're empty words,
worthless to all of you.
All of us? I didn't mean any offense.
But they aren't empty words to me!
And that's why I'm here.
It matters what this company stands for.
I don't give two fucks
how much it's worth.
Now, more than ever, we need to resist.
Precisely because
it's the best moment to sell.
It's just a friendly offer.
Just thank me
and tell me you'll think it over.
Thank you.
I'll mull it over.
Are you all right?
Did something happen?
Let's go have lunch.
I promise I'll be less moody.
[Conte] Any reason María José Alva
would want to blackmail Genovés?
[Natalia] None that we can think of.
[Conte] Does she have ties
with any of his friends or family?
[Natalia] She worked for Banco Industrial
in the US for a few years.
Leave a copy of the report on my desk.
Anything from Ballistics, Tucho?
We got confirmation the weapon was stolen
from the Almería army barracks
last summer.
But there was a pretty big investigation,
and they got nowhere.
Anything new
on the whereabouts of the family?
There's no reliable evidence
to pinpoint their exact location.
We've been checking passengers
from over 1,500 flights.
There's also a possibility
they didn't fly at all. We're on it.
[Conte] And the car
that ran down Susana Ruiz?
[Tucho] We're working on that too.
We have it narrowed down to 2,200 vehicles
in five neighborhoods.
Unfortunately, finding over 2,000 cars
and inspecting them
takes a lot of time and money.
[car horn honks]
[video game noises]
[Víctor] Hey, Marcos.
You realize Sonia isn't here today?
Can you take a break
from the game, please.
Yeah, I realized it.
phone's on silent.
I've cleared the afternoon
to spend some time with you.
What should we do?
[gunfire on console]
Have any suggestions?
I don't care.
Hey! I wasn't done yet!
I'm speaking with you.
You can't tell me what to do
because you're nothing!
- Maybe. But it's my car.
- No, Dad!
[Marcos] It's not fair! You can't do that!
I'm just saying that these riots
are happening for a reason.
And we have to begin taking meaningful
steps to restore social justice.
Listen to yourself, Mónica,
when you say there's a reason for rioting
you're condoning violence.
[Mónica] No…
They pay him,
for him to spew that nonsense.
Or does he believe that?
The sad thing is
he doesn't need to paid to say that, but…
Yeah, he gets paid.
You really were great, honey. Very good.
Were you invited back for more debates?
You don't seem very excited.
What happened?
I like my boss.
Too much.
Who? The newspaper's editor?
No, the big boss.
- He's really rich.
- Yeah.
- Is that a problem?
- No, the problem is you like him.
The problem is
he owns the paper I work for.
I learned that lesson already with Carlos.
You seeing each other?
And he messaged me a couple times today.
But I haven't responded.
It's serious.
Oh, yeah, I'm sure…
All of those bastards are unpredictable
because they can buy anything they want.
Including their women.
Thanks, Mom…
I'm starting to understand
where I got these lovely prejudices.
I say what I think.
- He seems like a decent man.
- Mmm.
With the story I did,
I can get a job at almost any newspaper.
Do it as soon as possible.
That pussy of yours can't be trusted.
[both laugh]
Tomorrow around six.
We'll get the rest out.
Sounds good. Thanks, sweetie.
[door shuts]
[footsteps descending stairs]
[Conte] The chauffeur.
[Natalia] This was half an hour ago.
[Conte] We ID the other guy?
No, but I've got people working on it.
[Conte] Did you see
what was in the envelope?
[Natalia] It was too far away.
The Minions of Midas
could use someone like him
being so close to Genovés.
Are we gonna tell him?
Not yet. No.
Well, if you find anything new
on this guy, let me know. Hmm?
And keep an eye on the chauffeur.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
[cell phone vibrating]
- Thank you, Diego.
- See you tomorrow, sir.
[line ringing]
[elevator dings]
[Conte] Mr. Genovés?
The deadline is tomorrow.
We're aware.
Do you have anything? Any clues?
Nothing I can tell you, in any case.
I'm sorry.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
If you need to talk or need help
or support in some way…
No, I appreciate it.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Talk to you tomorrow.
[elevator dings]
[cell phone chimes]
[girl] I am going to have a, um…
- An extraction.
- Yeah, an extraction.
With anesthesia.
Sp that means I'm getting an operation.
- Hey.
- You didn't even hear.
I did! You're talking about the tooth?
It's just a baby tooth.
[grunts] It's no big deal. What?
[elevator dings]
[Diego] Good morning, sir.
Good morning, Diego.
But that'd require the American operator
to adjust the fee.
Because if not, our numbers are off.
[cell phone vibrates]
And they need to know
it's not what we agreed upon.
Make a counteroffer. I'll call you back.
[line ringing]
You got it?
We have it. Issue a warning, Natalia.
- Call the officers close by.
- [Natalia] We're leaving in one minute!
[man reading] Dear Mr. Genovés,
As we promised you five days ago,
another person will die today.
It'll take place in the Calero
in just a few minutes.
[Natalia] Calling all units
in the surrounding area.
Report to the center of
Lavapiés Square immediately.
You'll soon realize
that once this is set into motion
it can't be stopped.
- [tires screech]
- [siren blares]
And any attempt to prevent it
will not only be useless,
but also disastrous.
[Natalia] Let's go!
[man] What's about to happen
is inevitable, Mr. Genovés.
This is the essence of our message.
Together we are like millstones
around the neck of another life
that will be extinguished today.
The circumstances and plans of that life
no longer matter.
It's also of little importance what you
choose to do reading this message.
Because this crime is the result
of a decision you made
and have continued to make every minute
since you received our first letter.
So let's leave it to fate.
And what happens
will serve as an example,
a warning of what will continue
to happen every five days
if you don't pay the amount
we have demanded.
Nothing more, nothing less.
So without further ado…
cordially yours,
The Minions of Midas.
[cell phone ringing]
What's up?
Yeah, I was pretty nervous,
put rehearsal went better than I thought.
Oh, yeah? I should be there in like
[loud crashing]
[helicopter blades whirring]
- Everything okay?
- Yeah.
I want you to make a donation
to these people.
Donation? How much?
The amount is in there as well.
It's very important they don't know
who made that donation. Understand?
[Raúl] Tell us as many times as we ask,
for fuck's sake. Say it again.
I checked on it three days ago.
I'm telling the truth!
Yesterday that scaffolding was perfect.
- I swear to you on my life.
- Okay.
Calm down. I need the names
of everybody that came to the worksite.
[Natalia] See you tomorrow.
Why not?
Anything from the bank?
I checked everything.
There's no way of knowing
who destroyed all the cameras.
Any luck?
There's a ton of rotation.
In the last month
they had seven new workers, six quit.
One guy threw punches.
- And all the ones that quit…
- Mmm.
We're looking for them.
This is a horrible working environment.
No wonder people are so pissed off.
Seems everyone is pissed off lately.
Well, how about
we burn some trash cans tonight?
So, are you going to tell me
the reason for the invitation?
Or will I have to wait till after dessert?
I won't keep you waiting, Sabino.
You know what you're going to order?
[camera shutter clicking]
[Tucho] They're meeting with none other
than the President of Banco Industrial.
- [Natalia] Alicia Arana-Vélez?
- That's right.
The court is conspiring against the king.
Should we inform Genovés?
We stick to the plan.
Silvia, report.
[Silvia] Nothing we don't know already.
She's leaving with her boyfriend
in his car.
[Natalia] Follow them.
[man] Confirmed: the chauffeur
is going to Genovés' house.
[Natalia] Okay, stay put
until he comes out.
Do we know why Genovés
gave him a free afternoon?
[man 2] Mónica Báez is leaving the TV set.
[camera shutter clicking]
- Hey
- Hi.
I thought you might need a new phone.
It seems that yours
isn't getting any of my messages.
I'm sorry, things have been really busy.
With the television appearances
and the newspaper…
I'm a disaster.
I'm stuck with this phone.
Come with me to return it?
I have plans.
Maybe next time?
Mónica, wait!
I've never done this.
- Sometimes you gotta take risks
- Víctor.
If there's somebody else…
or something keeping you away,
I get it.
But I know for me
the other night was more than just a fuck.
At least you know how I felt.
How I still feel
about you.
I'm sorry.
I really like you.
But the other night
was absolutely a mistake.
There's no one else, but I'm not
having a relationship with my boss.
I just can't do it.
You serious?
It's only that?
I'm serious.
And "that" is my work.
And my passion, I'm committed to it.
- It gives me freedom.
- I'm sorry, I meant no offense.
- But I know we can figure
- Víctor, I don't want to see you.
I hope you understand.
I hope you can respect that.
[video game sounds]
[Conte] These are Elisa's parents.
This is her boyfriend.
And these are some of her close friends.
Yeah, I seen pictures on the Internet and…
no, I don't know her.
Elisa was working nights in a bar
that you've been going to recently.
El Borne.
Are you sure you don't remember
ever talking to her?
How significant an amount
is the money they've requested
when compared
to your net worth, Mr. Genovés?
Do you know a lot of people
with 50 million euros?
That's a lot of money.
It's a lot of money, yeah.
Extortion for the lives of people
you don't know.
Haven't you ever thought
about why they're employing
such an ineffective blackmail?
'Cause it's harder to get caught
if they kill random people, right?
You need to be very talented to commit
crime after crime and not be caught.
I don't know. You tell me.
For me, this question
presents another question, which is:
Why have they chosen you?
That's why it's of vital importance
that we need to know of any links
connecting you to the victims,
no matter how small.
If there is one.
One more question before I go,
Mr. Genovés.
Does your chauffeur
have the keys to your house?
Yeah, he's also my bodyguard.
- Have you told him anything?
- No.
It'd probably be for the best
if you didn't.
- At least for the time being.
- Why?
He was in your house yesterday.
- Do you know what he was doing?
- Yesterday?
Around four yesterday evening.
He was inside for nearly 50 minutes.
I don't know.
Maybe he was in the garage
doing some work on the car.
- Want me to ask him?
- No.
It's best not to.
Well, if you notice anything strange,
just tell me about it. Please.
Thank you.
[line ringing]
[Diego] Good evening, Mr. Genovés.
Good evening, Diego. I need a ride.
Can you be here soon?
Of course. I'll be there in 20 minutes.
Everything okay, sir?
Good, thanks.
My neighbor told me she saw you
yesterday at the house.
Yeah. I picked up the reports
you asked me to bring to Daniel.
Ah, right.
I forgot about that.
Any trouble finding them?
No, they were on the table.
[Conte] And that's all he said?
He didn't elaborate?
[Víctor]That was it.
You shouldn't have asked him.
I told you.
If Diego has ties to The Minions of Midas
and he suspects something,
the trail ends.
It's important from now on you behave
as if we never had that conversation.
Can you do that for me?
Yeah, I will.
Great. Thanks for letting me know.
Good night.
Good night.
God damn prick..
[soft jazz music playing]
[indistinct conversation]
[Víctor breathing heavily]
Are you all right, sir?
I hope you've enjoyed it.
Meaning your short-lived time
as the media's hero.
I'll be in shortly.
What's wrong, Enrique?
You need anything?
Some help understanding you.
That'll be difficult for you.
Enjoy the board meeting, Víctor.
It's going to be your last one.
Don't worry, I know my way around.
Hey, Rosa. You look well.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
Hello, Victor,
I didn't know you were coming by.
[Víctor] Hey, Sabino.
- You've been insisting I come visit.
- Yeah.
How much?
It was sufficient.
I didn't know you were so petty.
What about loyalty to the old man?
I'm a businessman, Víctor.
So you throw me to the lions?
No, no, no.
You did that yourself with the story,
publishing the Syria article
without our approval.
I just took advantage of an opportunity.
I have until tomorrow to fix it.
How much?
You said yourself it's business
and I'm here to negotiate.
Here's the number the Group can afford.
For you.
Let me fix this.
Don't do this.
Take it, Sabino.
Let's prevent a war.
You were revered by Malvar,
so please don't make me destroy you.
There won't be a war, Víctor.
I've accepted Wilson's money,
but you're wrong if you think
I took it without having good reason.
You shouldn't be the one
in charge of this company.
You're not driven by interest,
you're not driven by money.
You're not driven by business. No…
You're driven by your pride.
By your exaggerated ego
you disguise as progressiveness.
That's how I came to
the decision I made.
I tell you this with a heavy heart.
Because I honestly do care for you.
[door opens]
[woman] Is everything okay?
Rosa, apologies I can't stay any longer.
- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.
Thanks for your time.
[door shuts]
[telephone ringing]
- [knocking on door]
- [Luis] Come in.
I don't like that face.
Open the medicine cabinet.
Oh, for fuck's sake, Víctor.
Then it's for real. They've done it.
[Víctor] Yeah.
They vote me out tomorrow.
Is there something I can do?
They have a majority. No.
I'm finished. So the reign
of Víctor Genovés has concluded.
And a very short reign it was.
I really didn't expect
Banco Industrial to be so brazen.
I didn't expect a moron like Wilson
to dethrone me.
Honestly, I'm more pissed about the paper.
No one cares about
newspapers anymore, darling.
You shouldn't be so attached, Víctor.
Not to companies, not to titles…
Go with the flow.
And be happy for me.
[laughs] Now you can swallow up the Group
without my permission.
Why not join me
and we can swallow it up together?
Thank you,
I'd like to keep you close,
but as my rival, not my boss.
[Jose laughs]
Come on, get out of that office
and have a drink with that journalist.
Mónica, isn't that what you said?
I think that might be over, as well.
it really isn't your week, huh?
I liked her, too.
my door is always open
if you need anything.
Thank you, Jose.
- Night, Victor.
- Good night.
[doorman] Good evening, Mr. Genovés.
Using violence to pressure
a democratic government,
in a country, I remind you, that is
still coming out from a serious crisis
is a luxury we can't permit.
[reporter] A dialogue between
the government
and representatives from the Spanish Riots
looks impossible for the time being.
And although the date
of the European Summit is still far away,
and the inability
to halt the protests is troublesome,
the Summit will be in Madrid
in a month and a half.
And it will be a recognition of Spain's
new position in the European Union,
consolidating it as a political
and economic power.
The Committee on Climate Change
has released a new report this week
which states that the chance
of large forest fires
across Mediterranean countries
has skyrocketed.
[elevator dings]
Luis gave me the news.
Now that you'll no longer be CEO,
I'm sure the paper will shut down,
I'll be out of a job…
you won't be my boss anymore.
I wanted to tell you that…
you took a chance the other day.
And then I also…
My nerves. [chuckles]
I don't know what I said.
I was only worrying about
being far enough from you
so that you couldn't kiss me.
I don't care anymore…
About what?
Not being your boss.
It's not important.
[Mónica moans]
I just…
I just I just want my days,
all of my days…
all my days to be with you.
[Mónica] I want them.
I want them too. Give them to me.
[man reading] Dear Mr. Genovés,
We are aware that, at this moment,
you are in danger of being voted out
as the president of the Malvar Group.
That is why we are happy
to give you some information
about certain financial issues
involving Mr. Enrique Wilson.
The threat of taking
this information public
will no doubt make him change his vote
at the next board meeting.
We hope this helps you understand
that our intention is
to guarantee your well-being.
We aim to protect you from any harm.
Remember, what benefits you, benefits us.
We look forward to
hearing from you.
Cordially yours,
The Minions of Midas.
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