The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

The Witch of Destruction

"Peace," you say?
Do you think we would
believe you after all this?
Just how many humans
have you killed thus far,
Demon King Anos Voldigoad?
I ask the same of you, Hero Kanon.
Just how many demons
have you killed thus far?
You humans seem to believe that the world
will be at peace when I am slain,
but will it really?
You should understand by now.
Either demons or humans, one side
must be annihilated for this war to end,
but even if the demons
were to be annihilated,
the humans will find a new enemy to fight.
The spirits, the gods
Until eventually,
you humans fight one another.
It is true that humans
have their weaknesses,
but I want to believe in humanity.
I want to believe in human kindness.
Don't you think there is
demon kindness as well?
If you're a hero,
then why not trust me this once?
What do you intend to do?
Divide the races
and snuff out the fires of war.
Place walls between the Demon Realm,
the Human Realm,
the Spirit Realm, and the God Realm.
Walls that will not open for 1,000 years.
If I transmute my life into mana
and combine my powers with yours,
we can cast an awesome spell.
You're willing to die for peace?
I will not vanish entirely.
I will be able to reincarnate.
Perhaps 2,000 years in the future.
Kanon, I've grown tired of this.
Do you wish to continue
this pointless tragedy?
All right. I'll trust you.
Thank you.
I never thought the day would come
when the Demon King would thank me.
I never thought the day would come
when I would thank the Hero either.
Let us begin.
Hero Kanon, I thank you again.
If you are reincarnated
2,000 years from now
When that happens,
we can be friends.
Look, dear. It's our little baby boy.
Okay, your name will be
Anos Voldigoad.
-He talked?
-He talked?
Is that enough to generate rumors?
Only demons from the Ancestor's bloodline
may attend Demon King Academy.
So far, no demon judged to be without
Demon King nature has ever attended.
You're the first misfit.
I don't remember answering any of
the nature assessment questions wrong.
Misha, do you know
the name of the Ancestor?
But you aren't supposed
to say it out loud.
Then just think it.
The Demon King of Atrocity,
Avos Dilhevia.
Avos? Who's that supposed to be?
The Demon King's name.
No demon doesn't know it.
I see. So the wrong name was
passed down over these 2,000 years.
What kind of person was
the Demon King of Atrocity?
He was both ruthless and benevolent,
thinking only of the demons' benefits
and fighting without concern
for his own life.
And they say this perfect
model demon existed?
Those who think and feel like the Ancestor
are said to have Demon King nature.
In this school, the person considered
most similar to the Demon King
I will be the homeroom teacher
for Class 2, Emilia Rudewell.
First, we will split into teams.
Those who wish to be leaders,
please volunteer.
However, you will need to be
able to cast this spell.
This is Gaize, a spell that raises
the battle abilities of a group or army.
When Gaize is active, each team member
will be assigned to one of seven classes.
The caster will take the class of King.
Because they must constantly
feed mana to the team,
the King will be weaker
fighting one on one.
In the inter-team examination
one week from today,
you will experience combat using Gaize.
Volunteers, please raise your hands.
I believe your name is Anos?
Unfortunately, those with white uniforms,
in other words,
Mudbloods, are not qualified.
Then what if I prove that I'm
at least as good as a Highblood?
I propose a Zect.
If you fail, you will apologize for your
insolence and withdraw from the Academy.
Did a Highblood draw this?
What? Yes.
It's flawed.
You're joking. That's impossible.
This has been used
for 2,000 years. Flawed?
I realized this
just before I reincarnated
You only changed it slightly,
and yet it's 1,5 times more effective?
It's twice as effective.
I allow you to volunteer.
Who the heck is he?
He's a misfit, right?
We will begin forming teams.
Candidate leaders, introduce yourselves.
Of the Necron bloodline,
direct descendant of Ivis Necron
of the Seven Ancients,
I am the Witch of Destruction,
Sasha Necron.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
My sister.
Do you have a different father or mother?
We have the same parents.
Then both of you should be Highbloods.
Why do you have a white uniform?
Our family decided it.
Anos, it is your turn.
The Demon King of Atrocity,
Anos Voldigoad.
Just so you know, the name you believe
to be the Demon King's is utterly false.
Please move to the leader
of whichever team you wish to join.
If you want to join
your sister's team, go ahead.
I'll be on your team
because we're friends.
That's true.
Anos Voldigoad, was it?
It seems you only have one team member.
What's more,
she's a defective little doll.
Did you know? She isn't a demon.
She isn't a human either.
She has no life, no soul, no will.
She's a failure of a doll,
moving only by magic.
Is that a problem?
A problem?
If you think a magic doll
has no life or soul,
then your understanding
of magic is far too shallow.
Focus those eyes
and gaze intently into the abyss.
Misha, you seem to have found
an interesting companion.
Anos is my friend.
Isn't that nice?
He's a little cheeky,
don't you think?
Magic Eyes of Destruction!
He's in serious trouble!
It didn't work?
Did you think I wouldn't be able
to do something that you could?
What's going on?
You have a decent level of mana,
Sasha Necron.
Why don't you join my team?
You can be together with Misha.
I have never once thought
of that doll as my sister!
You slept through
the whole class. Are you okay?
Yeah. It was all so completely boring.
Have you changed your mind?
How about a wager?
The inter-team exam.
The loser does whatever the winner wants.
If you win,
I'll join your team just like you wanted.
And if you win?
You will be mine.
You will obey all of my commands.
I won't accept the slightest complaint.
I'm fine with that.
I'll win after all.
I like to take care of my belongings.
I'll take very good care of you.
That girl
Her Eyes of Destruction
flash in and out at random.
They activate
whenever her emotions run high.
So she can't control them?
Are you prepared for our battle?
Who do you think you're talking to?
I hope you remember our wager.
Yeah. Want to set a Zect?
Yes, except she does it.
Not a problem.
The next exam will be between
Sasha's team and Anos's team.
The match is over when the King is unable
to continue or unable to maintain Gaize.
What's the plan?
There are only two of us, right?
What do you think, Misha?
My class is Guardian.
My Iris gives us an advantage in a siege
and that's what they expect.
Then what do we do?
We outwit them.
Lady Sasha, the enemy
has constructed three castles.
Two of them are likely to be traps.
Misha can't construct a perfect
Demon King's Castle in such a short time.
They plan to buy time
to make one of them more sturdy.
We'll beat them before that.
Scouting teams,
attack the castles in groups of
Lady Sasha!
What's wrong?
It's an emergency!
Their King!
Anos Voldigoad!
He's appeared in front of our Castle!
How did he get here?
I don't know! It was all so very sudden!
He couldn't have used Gatom.
Very well.
We'll show him that coming alone
was a reckless and foolish plan!
Was it really?
What's going on?
He can hear our telepathic communications?
Your encryption formula is far too weak.
You're practically inviting me
to intercept it.
Not a problem.
He may be intercepting our communications,
but he's a King acting alone.
He can't possibly penetrate
a castle built by all of our Guardians!
It's pointless. We've applied
multiple layers of anti-magic.
This castle looks pretty light.
Only guarding against magic?
You don't understand
the first thing about battle.
That's impossible!
He's lifting the castle!
No way
How can he be that strong?
What? It's just
the difference in our powers.
Brace yourselves for impact.
Otherwise, you'll die.
Maybe I was too easy on them?
We're going to cast Geoglaze.
But our success rate
in casting Geoglaze is too low!
If we fail
This is no time for cowardice!
Acknowledge the enemy's strength!
Only the highest level
of fire magic, Geoglaze,
could possibly defeat Anos Voldigoad!
You didn't come to Demon King
Academy to humiliate yourselves!
Use every last drop of life in you
to cast the greatest magic you can!
We will strike down that crossbreed
with the pride of the Highbloods!
-Yes, Lady Sasha!
-Yes, Lady Sasha!
I'd prefer not to keep her as an enemy.
Learning Geoglaze involves
some very diligent study.
They must have practiced the whole week
until it was usable in actual combat.
Utilizing their individual qualities,
pooling mana together,
and multiplying their strength tenfold.
It's what Gaize was always meant for.
All of you, lend me your strength!
Lady Sasha!
Let's show him!
Here it comes!
Beautifully done.
I will reward you.
They neutralized each other?
Lady Sasha, his is still going!
All hands, defense!
You used Geoglaze alone?
What? I didn't use Geoglaze.
It was Grega.
That can't be
The lowest level of fire magic?
I told you.
It's the difference in our powers.
I hope you remember the wager.
You show a lot of promise.
Join and serve me.
I refuse.
Then kill me!
You're a stubborn one.
Just take my hand already.
I will never forget this humiliation.
I'm going to get stronger,
and one day, I'll kill you!
Just so you know, Sasha,
if killing me was enough for me to die,
I would have died 2,000 years ago.
Plus, your sister wants to be
on the same team as you.
Sasha, you're hurt.
I'm fine. This is nothing.
Fine. I can't beat you as I am
and I can't defy our Zect,
But remember this, this is only
a contract. I haven't sold my soul to you.
Sure. Good to have you on board.
So you recruited me for a friend's sake?
How kind of you.
That isn't the only reason.
Then what else?
You have beautiful eyes.
They hold powerful magic within them.
I mean it. I've never seen
such beautiful magic eyes.
Are you listening?
I can't hear you, stupid.
You're amazing, Anos!
You're only one month old
and you won against your grown-up friends!
We have to celebrate tonight!
Right and I brought another guest tonight.
Welcome, Misha.
How do you do? I am Sasha Necron.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Anos brought a second wife!
What the heck? Anos, you
Two at a time?
Even your dad has never done that before!
Who are these people?
This is my family.
Do you like Anos?
I do.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Shall we?
What's that?
Mom wanted to send
some gratin home with you.
That must be several days' worth!
It looks delicious.
This is far enough.
Did you patch things up?
I'll tell you tomorrow.
What are you two whispering about?
I was just telling her that
it would have been faster to use Gatom.
Whatever. I felt like walking.
I see.
Thank you for taking the time. Good day.
Yeah. See you tomorrow.
I made up with Misha thanks to you.
I didn't do anything.
That's not true.
The only person suicidal enough
to ask me to serve them is you.
Do you mind if I ask a weird question?
If you knew your fate
was predetermined, what would you do?
If It was nothing to fret over,
I wouldn't do anything.
If I didn't care for it, I'd change it.
Do you think you can change fate?
Yeah. It's simple.
Just destroy it.
Hey. Come here a second.
I refuse.
What are you refusing for?
I don't like receiving commands.
Oh, you're so difficult.
Could you come here for a second?
What are you doing
It's a kiss between friends,
a way of saying thanks,
but I've never done it with anyone else.
You've given me
something quite precious then.
Thank you.
You're one weird crossbreed.
Well, see you tomorrow.
Say, Anos
I'm glad I could meet you before the end.
Next episode, "Sasha's True Motive."
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