The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e02 Episode Script

Nightmares of Steel

[theme music]
bang bang bang
[music continues]
[wind howling]
(male# 1) 'Attack!'
(male #2) 'Burn them to the ground.'
The desert is mine.
The night raiders, they come.
zap zap zap
[horses neighing]
- 'Hyah!' - 'Hyah!'
zap zap zap
It is done. Back to the sands.
Leave this desert, old man, or pay the consequences.
[men hooting]
Why can't Sheik Abu Saddi protect us? Why?
(Dr. Quest) 'And that's why my friend
Sheik Saddi needs our help.'
'These raiders have become a serious threat'
'to his authority.'
According to Abu, once they destroy a village
they vanish, but how?
(Dr. Quest) 'That's what we hope
to find out.'
It's just not possible.
(Jonny) 'Where could anyone hide out
in all this desert.'
Look there, Jonny. An entire city of tents.
(Dr. Quest) 'That's Sheik Saddi's
capital, Hadji.'
'And the whole thing is completely portable.'
[chuckles] Now, that's what I call
camping out in style.
[instrumental music]
How are we supposed to eat this without knives and forks?
In this country, it is proper table manners
to eat with your hands.
See? No fuss, no muss.
Ow! Too hot.
- Sorry about that, Bandit. - That's pretty hot stuff.
(Sheik Abu) 'Last night, more than
50 families lost their homes.'
All because of Baksheesh.
He is the leader of the night raiders.
He, who was once my closest friend
is now my most dreaded enemy.
But didn't you banish him from your country?
Baksheesh does not recognize law and order.
He has vowed to be the instrument of my destruction.
And he's using these night raiders
to panic your people, hoping to overthrow you?
Yes, Benton. That is why I called you.
I have no one else to turn to.
But what makes these night raiders so menacing?
It is better I show you, my friends.
[Sheik Abu laughing]
(Sheik Abu) 'Yet another secret
of the desert.'
I see you've modified the robot arm
we designed together in the states.
I have done much more than that, Benton.
This makes the robot arm look like a tool from the stone age.
(Dr. Quest) 'That's absolutely amazing.'
The fusion of art and science into one miraculous invention.
I can't make heads or tails out of it, doctor.
My friends..
Shar isar.
The Arabian is the noblest of horses
and with Shar isar, my deserts flower.
(Sheik Abu) 'I have created the most perfect
Arabian of all.'
'A metal creature of perfection.'
(Sheik Abu) 'But I fear Baksheesh
has stolen my plans'
'to create a horse, so he can terrorize my people.'
She's beautiful.
You have but glimpsed only part of her beauty.
Away, Shar isar!
[instrumental music]
- Wow! look at him go. - They race like the wind.
That creature is a work of genius.
His perfection, the power, the grace.
(Race) 'Yes. It could be a frightening
weapon in the wrong hands.'
That is what I have programmed my Shar isar to do.
(Sheik Abu) 'I shudder to think
what Baksheesh's creations'
'are capable of.'
zap zap zap
[indistinct chatter]
[screaming continues]
Soon I shall be master of all the tribes.
Soon, all will turn against Sheik Abu Saddi.
Baksheesh, the entrance is just ahead.
Abu is a fool for not realizing the power
his robo-horse possesses.
But we are not fools! Are we?
We are stronger than the machines
and swifter than the winds.
We will crush and destroy whatever we please.
And soon, very soon, the people will rise up
and overthrow their miserable leader Saddi.
And then, I shall lead, and the riches and powers
of the desert will be mine, and yours.
(Baksheesh) 'Come tomorrow's nightfall'
'we shall set the desert aflame.'
[all cheering]
(Dr. Quest) 'Abu, you track Jonny's moves
on the sensor.'
'Now run to the left, Jonny.'
That is fine, my friend.
But how can your machine track Baksheesh's horses?
They leave no prints in the sand.
But they do give off heat.
(Dr. Quest) 'The sand rovers thermo sensor
can pick up any heat trail.'
'Just as it follows Jonny's body temperature.'
(Sheik Abu) 'Fascinating.'
He-he. Just think, Jonny.
Now, your father will always know where to find you.
Can someone else play the guinea pig for a while?
You're taking the hover slide out, Race?
That depends on Dr. Quest.
(Race) 'I thought it wouldn't hurt to
do a little scouting around.'
Sounds like a good idea, Race.
Can we go too?
[Bandit barking]
- I don't know. - We'll be careful.
Ah! There's nothing out there but a lot of sand.
Alright, just stay close to Race.
- Let's go! - Let's go!
(Jonny) Yahoo!
Hang on, Jonny, or you'll hang down head first.
Where have those boys gone to now?
(Race) 'Oh, here we go again.'
That's alright, Bandit.
I don't need mouth to mouth resuscitation.
Stop the fun and games, and keep your eyes open.
- Right, Race, we'll do. - Right. Nothing in sight.
So far, a big fat zero.
Let's head back, boys.
I don't believe it. Look on the horizon.
(Jonny) 'It's a lake.
We can take a swim.'
Boy, are they gonna be surprised.
Last one left's a rotten egg.
(Jonny) 'Hey, what gives?
It's gone.'
W-Where did it go?
You boys lose something? Ha-ha. Like a mirage, maybe.
Oh, well, uh, we knew that all the time.
Okay, fellas, let's make tracks.
Now, Bandit's seeing things.
'Look, Jonny.'
Let's check.
I know we saw them.
It couldn't have been a mirage too.
(Hadji) 'Maybe Bandit frightened
them away.'
They just vanished into thin air.
Race is gonna have a good laugh about this.
- Wha.. - What did you say?
Huh? What?
(Jonny) 'Hadji.'
(Hadji) 'Are those the best knots
you can tie?'
Huh? What?
Remember, the sand is quicker than the eye.
Come on, we got to reach to the hover sled.
Well, Hadji. This time, Race was wrong.
These aren't mirages.
What about the dog?
Don't worry, the desert vultures will do our job for us.
Now, where are those kids?
(Race) 'Ah, here they come.
I better hurry them along.'
Hmm, that's strange.
Bandit. Uh-oh. Hang on, boy.
[Bandit whimpering]
Hold on, Bandit. Just a little closer.
slurp slurp
That's okay, boy. You'd have done the same for me.
Now, Bandit, where's Jonny and Hadji?
So, two boys, lost in the desert.
What are looking for? Buried treasure?
Or just building sand castles?
I just bet you'd like to find out, wouldn't you..
Quiet, Hadji.
They'll say anything to trick us into talking.
At this point, I usually say
"we have ways to make you talk."
Oh, yeah? You don't frighten us, Baksheesh. We..
If you know my name, you must be spies
for Sheik Abu Saddi.
Too bad. Throw them in a cell.
For a first rate hotel, they sure have terrible room service.
Yeah, no tip from me.
Laugh now, but soon, you will talk.
My desert tarantulas can be very persuasive.
'And they'll be coming out soon.'
Yeah? We aren't afraid of a bunch of spiders.
By morning, you'll tell me everything I want to know.
D-d-do you think they really use tarantulas?
I don't plan to stick around long enough to find out.
Jonny, I think this stone will come loose.
Hah! Tarantula.
I wish I was back in Bombay. I hate spiders.
Ah, what's one crummy spider gonna do?
O-one spider, you say?
'How about a whole floor full?'
M-Move over, Hadji.
(Race) 'Just point the way,
and we're off.'
Have you got 'em, boy? Slow, now.
Hmm, that oasis isn't on this map.
Doesn't have enough cover to hide a rabbit
let alone a couple of kids.
Bandit. I've heard of hard water, but this is ridiculous.
Everything's artificial.
Aluminum. This whole thing's phony.
Hang on, Bandit.
So, this is where Baksheesh has been hiding.
(Race) Shh, quiet.
- Hey, no fair pushing. - I was here first, you know.
Uh-oh, got any magic tricks to get us out of this, Hadji?
B-b-believe me, you'd be the second one to know.
How about levitating us out of here.
I could only lift one of us at a time.
(Jonny) 'Well-well, can't you
make them vanish?'
Sure, I'll make them disappear.
Let's hear it for the amazing Hadji
and his vanishing tarantula trick.
Thank you. Thank you.
(both) Whoa!
So, what do we do now?
Shh, someone's coming. Quick!
- 'I got him, Hadji.' - 'Me too.'
Now, just who has whom?
(both) 'Race!'
Come on, you two. Let's get out of here fast.
After we destroy the village of El Dormir tonight
'the people will rise up and overthrow our enemy.'
We've got to warn dad and Sheik Abu.
We will strike exactly at sunset.
Now is our chance.
Ultimate power soon will be mine.
Power, power to rule the desert.
We got to saddle up and get out of Dodge City.
Shh, we have to get by those ugly brutes first.
After tonight, Baksheesh will rule the land.
Yes, and we along with him, Emar.
- Who moves there? - I'm here to replace you.
- You are early. - Baksheesh's orders.
- Aye! - Watch it, Race.
Thanks for the assist, Jonny.
Time to ride, boys.
- All set, partner? - Okay, kemosabe.
Stop! Stop them!
(Jonny) 'It's a dead end, Race.'
(Race) 'Open sesame.'
(Jonny) Wow!
How'd you do that, Race?
Just a little garage door opener
I borrowed from one of the bad guys.
(Race) We've got to warn Dr. Quest
and Sheik Saddi before..
Stop! You will never escape me.
zap zap zap
(Hadji) 'He's very upset.'
(Jonny) 'He's got laser beams, Race.'
I didn't think these models came with that feature.
Race and the boys have been gone far too long.
Perhaps, they were lucky and found something.
Or unlucky, and something found them.
Radar's picking up a reading, and it's heading this way, fast!
But where? How near?
According to the heat sensor, they're over those dunes.
(Abu Sheikh) 'I pray we are in time.'
(Race) We are running out
of room. Fast!
Ah! I have them trapped now.
Uh-oh, this is the end of the line, boys.
I have won.
No, Baksheesh. This is between you and me.
- Let us fight to the finish. - It'll be your finish, Saddi.
I have come prepared for your treachery, Baksheesh.
Shar isar and I will defeat you alone.
(Baksheesh) 'You will pay for this, Abu,
with your life.'
[horse neighing]
[Baksheesh screaming]
- Well done, my friend. - 'Saddi!'
This will take all of your abilities, my beauty.
You won't escape me.
(Baksheesh) 'No! It cannot be..'
(Sheik Abu) 'As a token of my appreciation
for helping me'
and for your bravery, I wish to give you boys a present.
Wow! Does it really work?
[Sheik Abu laughing]
(Sheik Abu) 'You need only
touch it's forehead.'
[horse neighing]
[Bandit whimpering]
I don't think Bandit likes it very much.
[Bandit whimpering]
(Jonny) 'But it sure likes Bandit.'
[all laughing]
[Bandit whimpering]
[theme music]
[music continues]
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