The Night Caller (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Tony Conroy?
So, this is what you're doing now?
Driving a cab? Yeah.
27 years loyal service,
so they could just throw me
on the scrapheap.
You lost your job
because your face didn't fit?
There must have been
more to it than that, Tony.
I taught science.
How about I pick your brains
sometime over a coffee?
Ste, my ex, he won't leave me alone.
Protect the vulnerable
and those who have no-one
to look out for them.
Well, folks, the sun
is rising over the Mersey,
so it's time for me to sign off
for another night.
ON RADIO: 'But before we go, we're
getting reports of a hit-and-run
'near West Derby Road.'
'So, as always, my friends,
please stay vigilant and stay safe
'because there are
some crazy people out there.
'This has been me,
Lawrence Brightway, on Night Talk.'
'It's Tony, leave a message.'
'Tony, it's Jimmy. What time
are you dropping the cab over at?'
'Tony, are you dropping the cab
over this morning or what?'
'Tony, answer your bloody phone!'
'Come on, Tony, I need the cab,
mate! Come on, I need the cab.'
ROSA: 'Hi, Tony,
I just picked up your messages.
'Sorry you were worried about me,
but I had to turn my phone off.
'Ste wouldn't stop calling me.'
Jimmy, er, it's me.
JIMMY: 'Tony, where are you?
Is everything OK?'
Yeah, listen, erm,
yeah, I'm OK, yeah.
Listen, erm
we got a problem with the cab.
'Cab? Ah, shite, Tony.
Did you have a crash or something?'
No, no, it's nothing major.
I think it's probably the cam belt,
or something.
'Right, well, get it over
to me and I'll get it to my guy.
'He'll sort it.'
Yeah, I
'I need the cab on the road, Tony.'
Yeah, I'll sort it.
I'll sort it, OK.
'Every day it's off the road
costs me a bloody fortune.'
OK, all right,
yeah, two days tops, mate. Yeah.
'Two days max, Tony, all right?'
Yeah, leave it with me.
'All right, bye.'
OK, bye. Bye, bye.
WOMAN: 'Police have now named the
victim of this morning's hit-and-run
'as 48-year-old Steven Murray.
'Murray remains in a critical
condition in hospital,
'and police are continuing
to appeal for witnesses.
'As they look to examine
'CCTV footage from the area
around the incident,
'our reporter
Shauna Williamson spoke
'to DS Marshall,
who is investigating the case.'
DS MARSHALL: 'We would like to
appeal to anyone who might have seen
'anything suspicious this morning
to come forward.
'We know it was the early hours
of the morning, but the incident
'took place on West Derby Road,
which is a busy thoroughfare,
'and we are very confident
somebody will have seen something.
'This was
a particularly nasty incident,
'in which the victim
was left lying in the street
'with life-threatening injuries.
'It's imperative
we find the person responsible
'for this callous
and cowardly attack
'and bring them before the court,
'before they commit
any further offence.'
'So, the victim of the hit-and-run
'was Steven Murray,
'he's got a list of convictions
the length of my arm.
'He's been done
for selling class A drugs,
'he's been done for fraud,
deception, burglary,
'and assault -
no less than three times.
'That's right, folks, you
heard me correctly - three times!
'So I think we can safely say
that our friend Mr Murray
'has been something of a menace
to society.'
But even so, are there ever any
circumstances when it's acceptable
to take the law into your own hands
and to meet out justice?
I mean, you know,
we're all capable of losing it.
'Myself as much as the next person,
'but but surely
it can never be justified?
'Eddie, my friend,
you are on Night Talk.
'What's on your mind, mate?
EDDIE: 'Rat, lad! And d'you know
what, that Ste Murray is a rat.
'And I bet
the rest of his family are rats.
'And d'you know what,
the only way to deal with rats is
'to exterminate them before they
bring any more rats into the world.'
Right! Well, you know,
thanks for that nugget, Eddie.
Er, Sue?
SUE: 'Lawrence,
I'm afraid I don't think
'we're gonna see eye to eye
on this one.
'Yeah, and why's that, Sue?
'Because people are fed up with
the Ste Murrays of the world.
'Oh, Sue, isn't he
the actual victim in all of this?
'Oh, don't make me laugh!
'Well, he is in hospital
on life support.
'And that's not really
a laughing matter, is it, Sue?
'But what if Ste Murray hurt
someone close to you, Lawrence?
'Your daughter or your wife?
How would you feel?
'I hear what you're saying, Sue.'
'I'm not sure you do, Lawrence.'
Oh? Come on, Sue, I mean,
two wrongs, they don't make a right.
'No, we'll just have
to agree to disagree.
'Ok, Sue, well, thanks for that.
'You look after yourself,
and give my love to Kenny.'
'Ah, thanks, love.'
'Sam from Speke,
you're on the line.'
SAM: 'All right, Lawro,
so, are you saying
'it wouldn't be acceptable
to take out a terrorist, then?'
Yeah, that's different, mate.
Isn't it?
If there's a clear
and present danger, then certainly.
'Well, you're tryna tell me
this Murray fella
'wasn't a danger to life.
'That he's never been off his head
when driving?
'That he's not been tooled up
when breaking into people's houses?
'That he hasn't gone on a night out
carrying a knife?
'You tell me
how that's any different, go on.
'Go on.'
And you're saying
that makes him fair game, yeah?
'Too bloody right it does, yeah.'
I suppose, you know,
when you put it like that, mate,
it's hard to argue, isn't it?
'Whether it'd stand up in a court
of law, I'm not so certain, mate.'
'Well, that's up to the court,
As for the court of Night Talk,
you the jury have delivered
your verdict loud and very clear
in the matter of the hit-and-run
case of Mr Stephen Murray.
Case is dismissed.
All right, Rob?
Oh, hello.
Rosa in work?
Yeah, yeah, she's upstairs.
Although she probably shouldn't be.
Er, why?
Because some nutter ran over her ex
and then just drove off.
Fuck right off.
Mate, what the fucking hell
is wrong with you?
Ey, I warned you, didn't I,
to stay out of it.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Yeah, OK, fuck off, fuck off.
You what?
OK, where's your cab?
It wasn't running too smoothly,
I thought it might cut out.
I think it needs a new cam belt.
Yeah, of course it does, yeah.
Do you know anyone who can sort it?
I need it done fast.
Mm-hm, I bet you do.
Do you know anyone?
Why would I want dragging
into your shit, hm?
It goes no further. Promise.
Please, mate.
There's a place
just off the dock road.
It's called Paddy's Autos,
it's on Regents Street, OK?
Now, it's
it's run by a bunch of rough arses,
but, er,
they'll do a decent enough job.
No, no.
This. I don't want nothing else
to do with this.
D'you hear me?
One of the other drivers
told me about Ste.
I mean, what happened?
Someone knocked him over
and left him lying in the road.
Jesus H.
He's in hospital. In a coma.
I'm sorry.
I know what sort of man he is,
but no-one deserves this.
Are you gonna be OK?
And thanks.
For what?
Being nice to me.
For looking out for me last night.
You got my number.
Ring me.
LAWRENCE, ECHOING: 'In the matter of
the hit-and-run case
'of Mr Stephen Murray,
case is dismissed.'
'Listen, I'm sending a fella round.'
I think he knows about
the other thing.
MAN: 'You think
it's him that mowed down Ste?'
Yeah. 'Right. Well, we'll take
a look when he gets here.'
So, er, me and you, er,
we're sorted out, yeah?
'Yeah, if it's definitely him.'
'Then you're in the clear,
all right?'
OK, then. All right, that's it, bye.
'All right.'
All right?
Hey, I got your number from a mate.
I need some body work done.
I, er
I hit a bollard.
Yeah, all right, lad.
If it's a bollard,
there'd be scratching
and damage to the paint work.
Looks like someone's
been tryin' to clean it.
All right, yeah, it was a dog.
Er, you know, it was a mess.
Blood and stuff.
Must've been a big dog.
It was an Alsatian.
When do you need it by?
Soon as.
Day after tomorrow?
Yeah, great.
It'll be 800.
You what?
You got a mobile?
So I can text you when it's ready.
All right, yeah, erm
In the cab.
'Hi, you've reached Rosa's phone.
'Please leave a message
after the beep.'
Hi, Rosa, it's me, Tony.
Erm, I'm just calling to see
if you're doing OK.
I just thought,
you know, well, erm
Erm anyway, give us a call
if you want to talk or anything.
Take care.
Cheers, mate.
Hi, er, two, please.
Wait, oh, sorry.
Thank you.
LAWRENCE, ECHOING: 'You lost your
job because your face didn't fit?
'I think there must've been
'something more to it than that,
'Your instinct may be to tune out,
'close the curtains, hide away,
'but you know what,
that just makes things worse.
'Give us the name.'
GIRL: Come on!
WOMAN ON RADIO: 'I've been joined by
a very special guest -
'none other than Night Talk host
Lawrence Brightway,
'who's here to talk to us
all about his fabulous new book.
'Lawrence, welcome to the show.'
LAWRENCE: 'Thank you, thank you,
thank you so much for having me.
'The book's about my life,
'my career, and, er, it's chocker
full of great anecdotes.'
Though I I would say that
myself, wouldn't I?
But seriously
'You know, folks
'the book is about us lot
'and the good times we've had
together over the years.
'And the bad times.
'Because let's face it,
it's not all been plain sailing.'
'Definitely not.'
It's an homage to you,
the listeners.
My listeners.
'My second family
and my best friends.
'Anyway, so, apparently,
there's only a few tickets left,
'so, please, you know, come along
'for a glass of plonk
and a few nibbles, a few laughs.
'And possibly a few tears.
'Mersey Art Centre, two o'clock,
Thursday afternoon.'
I'll be signing copies
of the new book: Listen.
'And the book launch, as you say,
is tomorrow.
'It's the, er,
Mersey Art Centre at two o'clock.
'Er, you must be really excited?'
'I am, every time I get to meet
my listeners.
'After all,
they are my best friends,
'they're my second family'
Tony Conroy?
I'm DS Marshall,
this is DC Gardner.
Sorry to disturb you,
but I'm investigating a hit-and-run
on West Derby Road
and wonder if you could spare us
a moment of your time.
I'm just about to go back again.
Mr Conroy,
your taxi was caught on CCTV
in the vicinity of West Derby Road
around the time of the incident.
Could we come in?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. OK.
We have CCTV footage of your cab,
which you confirm you were driving,
on West Derby Road
at 1:19 yesterday morning.
You were heading towards
the junction,
where the victim was run over,
sometime between 1:15 and 1.30am.
But the camera only covers
that stretch of road.
That's all the footage we have.
At the moment. So?
Did you see anything?
Someone walking along the pavement
or crossing the road?
Or someone driving erratically
or at speed?
Erm no.
Did you have a fare?
Might they have seen something?
Well, no, I was on me way home,
I was knocking off for the night.
At 1:30?
Do you always finish at that time?
No. No, I usually work till,
er, you know, five or six,
but I had a migraine.
I suffer from them.
I can't imagine driving at night's
good for a bad head.
Yeah, well, it's a choice
between that and insomnia.
Is there anything you can think of
that might help us?
The victim is
in a serious condition.
We need to find who did this.
Yeah, well, I'm sure
there's no shortage of suspects.
Sorry, do you know the victim?
Only what I've heard.
And what's that?
Off the radio, you know,
that he upset quite a few people.
Where's the cab now?
It's out on the road.
Jimmy, the, er, the fella I rent it
from, he's, er, he does days.
But I should have it back tomorrow,
if you need to have a look.
OK, thanks for your help.
And if you do think of anything
We'll be in touch, Mr Conroy.
So, why Liverpool?
Growing up in the middle
of nowhere in North Wales,
Liverpool always had
this kind of allure to it.
The music, football, nightlife.
All seemed so glamorous.
So after my mum passed,
I came up here
and worked in a bar and nightclub.
Working nights suited me.
And after a while, your body
gets used to being awake at night
and it knows no different,
so I got the job in the night cafe.
Are these plates finished with?
Mm, thank you. Thank you.
If someone asked me to guess, I
would have said you were a teacher.
You've all the right qualities.
You're wise, patient,
kind, and considerate.
And the big thing - you listen.
Everyone hears,
but not everyone listens.
It's a gift. A special quality.
So, do you miss it?
It was me calling in life,
it's all I ever wanted to do.
And you say you taught science?
I was head of science.
Head of pastoral care as well.
And again, wow!
That must've been an eye-opener,
the pastoral care.
The pressure on kids these days,
social media
and all that kind of stuff.
I bet you lots of them
were really struggling.
Sorry, I need to
'Because you know what happens
'when you keep it all in.
'You simmer and fester
'until it comes to the point
where you just explode.'
You OK?
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine, I'm sorry.
I was just checking
the local news about Ste,
seeing if the police had
arrested anyone.
And have they?
Not that I can see.
You said he was in your cab
the night he was run over?
maybe you should tell the police?
It might help them
find the person who did this.
Well, he was only in there
for about ten minutes.
Was he gonna meet someone?
I don't know.
Er, just got in the cab
Er, top end
of Wavertree High Street.
Where'd you drop him?
Excuse me, can we have the bill,
please? Thank you.
Yeah. Yeah, of course.
I'll just go and get it for you.
Sorry, sorry.
I'm sorry, all these questions.
Nah, it's all right.
I'm just thinking about
the person who did this to him.
What do you mean?
Well, they need to be found.
Before they do the same thing
to someone else.
There you go, sir.
We can go Dutch.
No, no, this is on me.
Are you sure?
Oh, yes.
Thank you. Aw!
Pat says thanks for the heads-up.
You and him are all good.
And these are on the house.
So, erm, so,
what's gonna happen now?
Bout what?
Come on, man. About the other thing.
Lad, it's got you out the shit,
so what do you care?
ROSA: 'Thank you, that was lovely.
TONY: Shall I get you a cab?'
I wouldn't mind some fresh air.
Shall we walk?
Where to?
You said you live quite close by.
Yeah, well, it's still
a good 15-minute walk that way.
It's OK, I'm wearing flats.
You what?
So, coffee at your place, then?
Yeah, sure.
Er, this way.
I thought you said it was that way.
Yeah, but it's just as quick
if we go on the main road.
Come on.
Did you tidy for ME?
What, it's always this tidy?
Erm, well, I suppose so, yeah.
You should see
the state of my place. Ha!
Aw, this is nice!
So many memories.
Suppose you must've had
your favourites.
There you go.
So, erm,
do you fancy watching a film?
Er, yeah, why not?
Don't blame me if I nod off, though.
LAWRENCE ON RADIO: 'Yeah, but don't
we all have a responsibility, Mark,
'to the wider community?'
MARK: 'Yeah, but it depends what
you mean by community, Lawrence.'
Oh, you know, at work, at school,
you know, the football match,
the pub, the street where you live,
the park where your kids play.
The people
that you rub shoulders with
when you're outside
the newspaper shop.
'It's the people
you don't even particularly like.
'You know, the nosey neighbour,
the teenager who plays loud music,
'but my point is
we are all part of something,
'like it or not,
and it's called community.'
And it's a strong community
where people
take themselves seriously
and look out for one another.
Ah, I just wanted to say
sorry, mate. 'For what?'
Me phone cut out on me while
we were talking the other night.
'Oh, I honestly really
wouldn't worry about it, mate.
'I'm actually used
to people hanging up on me.'
No, I'd never do that, mate.
I know, I know you wouldn't, Tony,
I know you wouldn't.
'So, what are you doing,
you out on the road, are you?' No.
No, er, night off.
'Ooh, nice.'
'Just kicking back, chilling?'
Yeah, yeah.
So, what's on your mind,
my old mucker?
Well, nothing, really,
erm I just You know.
'Yeah, yeah, I know, mate.'
Believe me, I know.
Yeah, the wee small hours can play
tricks on a man's mind.
But, you know, whenever I'm feeling
a little bit er, well yuck
..I think about sitting outside
a lovely old boozer by the river
'..with a decent pint
and the sun on my back,
'me and my old mucker
putting the world to rights.
'And you know what, Tony, if you've
got nothing better to do tomorrow,
'it'll be lovely to see you
at the book launch.' Yeah.
'It'd be great to finally put
a face to the name, and a voice.'
Taxi's ready. 1,200. Cash.
AUTOMATED: You have reached the
voicemail of MAN: Paddy's Autos.
AUTOMATED: You have reached the
voicemail of MAN: Paddy's Autos.
AUTOMATED: You have reached the
voicemail of MAN: Paddy's Autos.
All right?
I got your message. Cab's ready.
I thought we agreed on 800?
It's 1,200 now. Why?
Took a bit longer, I suppose.
You suppose? Yeah.
How much longer?
How much longer did it take?
If you're not happy
with the price
you can always call the bizzies.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Aren't you gonna count it?
Hey! Namaste, namaste, namaste.
WOMAN: OK, everyone,
let's get started.
Stop it.
So, listen, so after a great deal
of thought and much deliberation,
I simply decided to call it
cos it ain't rocket science,
essentially that's all I do, really.
I listen.
I listen to you, the audience.
The real stars of the show.
I mean, it is you
that comes up with the banter,
that comes up
with the the laughter,
the tears, the rants, the raves.
And God forbid if ever
I should get too big for my boots,
you're the ones
that'll put me in my place
and remind me that
I'm here to a job.
And that job is to what? Is to?
CROWD: Listen!
Listen, that's right.
But tonight, I'm gonna do something
a little different,
if that's OK with you guys?
I'm gonna ask you
to listen to me for a moment.
Because I have something
I'd like to share with you
that I've not shared with anyone but
the closest members of my family.
So, er big breath, here we go
"Monday the 10th of September.
"It's raining again."
"It's the sort of day
"that you can't see one side
of the Mersey from the other.
"And it's bloody miserable.
"And that's exactly how I feel -
"Imagine the worst hangover
that you've ever had
"and times it by ten."
"Chemo is a swine.
"It leaves you, erm
it leaves you washed up,
"it leaves you washed out, but
it also leaves you with hope.
"And sometimes, that all
"and sometimes, that's all
I feel I have at the moment.
"Julie, my nurse
well, she's the power of good,
"she's a force of nature.
She also has the gift of the gab
"and is always keen to tell me
"how brave I've been
and what a hero I am.
"But as I, I learn about the three
children that she brings up,
"the husband that she cares for,
"the two buses she takes
every single day to go to work,
"I tell her
I know who the real hero is.
"Once the chemo session is over
"Julie, she tells me to rest up
for a couple of days and I tell her,
" 'I'm gonna be
on air at midnight.' "
"She ticks me off, but I tell her
"I know the quickest road
to recovery
"will be me spending time with
the people who mean the most to me.
"My audience."
"I tell her
"..that the show must go on."
WOMAN: Well done, Lawrence!
Are we ready for some questions?
Oh! Yes? Hello, Sue.
You have a question for Lawrence?
Lawrence, can I ask
just about your
Oh, forget it. Can I just give
you a bloody big hug instead?!
Help! Help! HR! HR!
Thank you, darling, thank you.
God bless you.
Oh, bless her. Oh, bless.
Do you have any more questions?
Oh. Thanks.
WOMAN 2: Why do you think
you have such a unique bond
with your listeners on Night Talk?
The, erm, amazing thing is,
erm, that I I couldn't believe
actually how many people actually
felt that they'd been left behind.
That they'd actually been
marginalised in some capacity,
that they had no voice.
And that is ever more apparent
with people that work nights,
who struggle to function
during the day
due to trauma
or they've got something else
going on in their lives.
And that is when I realised that
I had an important part to play
in their lives.
That I could be that person they
could talk to that would listen.
I could be that friend in need.
So, in answer to your question,
yes, there is a bond,
a genuine bond
between me and my audience.
It's indelible, it's unbreakable.
Because I have a feeling,
and correct me if I'm wrong,
that we trust each other
we get each other.
But the thing is when I'm talking
to you lot on the radio
..I genuinely forget
that I'm live on air.
Now it feels like two old mates
down the local boozer,
in front of a roaring fire
putting the world to rights
over a couple of pints.
So, the first round's on me.
Aw, love you, Lawrence.
Cheers, Betty. Bless your heart.
Thank you. Thank you,
keep listening, by the way.
Hello, mate. How are you, sir?
All right. Great speech.
Thanks for your time. Thanks
for coming and buying my book.
Spoiler alert, it's fantastic.
Thank you.
Mary? Mary! Absolute pleasure, Mary,
it's a pleasure to see you.
Thank you. Thanks for coming,
and thanks for listening.
Hey! It's only me!
Oh, my, it's Sue, it's trouble!
Hey, I don't suppose
there's any chance of a photo?
Darling, for you.
Here, let me take it for you.
Thanks, love! Come round
to the other side of my office.
No photos (!)
You're a bloody marvel!
Well, that's very, very sweet of you
to say so, thank you.
Keep up the good work!
Well, I'm trying to, my darling,
I'm trying to.
It's my Kenny.
We've got some bad news. He's
been diagnosed with Parkinson's.
We're gonna have to leave it there,
folks, we have to call it a day.
I know.
No. No, no.
I know.
No, I need, I need, I need to,
I need
Sorry, if you wouldn't mind.
Thank you so much, I'm sorry.
This one's for Ste, you prick!
You see your money, yeah?
You fuckin' auld maggot.
Hey! Hey!
I've called the police!
Now fuck off!
Hang on in there, mate.
I'll call an ambulance.
Just hold on, OK?
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