The Nurse (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Dream Team

[bell tolling]
[engine turns over]
[woman coughs]
[attendees murmuring]
[murmuring continues]
Thank you.
Come on, Stauning. Let's go.
You all right there, Kenny? How are you?
We will all miss him, you know, yeah?
And his cough.
Yeah, for you always knew when
Arne was around, didn't ya? [chuckles]
I really thought Arne
was stronger than that.
We'd been friends for so many years.
[man] He could have just come to us
if he was depressed.
[man 2] Yeah, didn't think
he'd take the easy way out.
[woman] Kenny.
Why didn't he say anything?
How could he just abandon us like this?
[Kenny groans]
I have something to say.
Arne was a good man.
He was a great dad.
And he was the best brother.
Now I know that many
of you are slandering his memory
with talk of suicide.
But I tell you this.
It's a lie.
It's a bloody lie!
If he'd wanted to do that,
he would've just
thrown his self under a train.
All this talk of overdose
has gone too far.
Arne hated drugs.
Come on, Stauning.
[theme music playing]
[woman vocalizing]
[indistinct whispering]
[Christina] It's great
I could get a lift with you.
Yeah, of course it's fine.
[Christina] I had such a rough night.
Nanna had stomachache,
and she couldn't cope with it.
- Oh, my.
- Ugh, and as a mum, it's awful.
Yeah, it's the worst.
I took her to A&E.
- I'd have done the same.
- Yeah.
- [pop music playing]
- What did they say?
It was that new girl. What's she called?
The new resident nurse.
With big teeth.
- [laughs] That's Lærke.
- She's totally useless.
[Pernille] So they didn't find anything?
[Christina] No, I'll back next week
and get someone else to take a look.
Pernille, I can see
with my own eyes something's wrong.
I'm not just gonna keep quiet.
If anyone has a problem with that,
well, fuck 'em.
[chuckles] You don't dare fuck
with the Dream Team.
[Christina] You don't.
Unless you're Peter the paramedic.
[fanfare plays over radio]
Then you can.
- [laughs]
- ["I Will Survive" playing]
- Oh, brilliant.
- [volume increases]
Kept thinking I could never live
Without you by my side ♪
But then I spent so many nights ♪
Thinking how you did me wrong ♪
And I grew strong ♪
And I learned how to get along ♪
Let's hope she can get some sleep.
Maybe she'll be better when I get home.
Hi, Ida.
- Keep away from her.
- How come?
[Christina] Old colleague from M130.
She's a real blabbermouth.
[Pernille] Plenty of those round here.
[Christina] Such a small-minded place.
It's worth remembering.
Everyone here is either someone's cousin,
or they were Girl Guides together.
It's the most inbred society
south of the Faroe Islands.
- Good afternoon.
- Hi.
- Are the four of us together?
- It looks like it.
Pernille, say hi to Pia.
She's in emergency too, and oh, so cool.
- [Pia] I hear you're the new Dream Team.
- Yeah.
Yeah, well, I just need to keep up.
[Christina] Well, a shift
without any action isn't a real shift.
- You like it?
- [Pernille] Yeah.
There's always something new happening,
But, uh, it's hard losing patients.
Haven't had that before.
Yes, it's awful. You never get used to it.
Look on the bright side though.
When someone dies, a bed frees up.
- [Pernille chuckles]
- [Ditte] Seriously?
[Christina] Relax, Ditte.
It was just a joke.
- See you there.
- [Pernille] See you.
- [Christina] All right, see you then.
- [Ditte sighs]
Have a good one then.
- [Christina exhales]
- So what's with Ditte?
Oh, people in relationships
are fucking annoying.
[Pernille] Is that all?
And she's got it into her head that
I hit on her friend's boyfriend one night.
[Pernille] Mm, and did you?
[exhales] No idea.
[chuckles] I guess.
[both laugh]
- Coffee on the roof later?
- Sure. It's a date.
[machine beeping]
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You good?
- I am, thanks.
You're here late.
Thought you're off today.
Yeah, I was in a session
that dragged on too long.
Um, I thought I could get you pills
if you're still seasick.
Let's not talk about that.
I have a great track record.
You're sick every time you see me.
- I know. It's so embarrassing.
- Think nothing of it.
But I'd like to see you again.
- Yeah?
- Maybe.
I've a great idea for a date.
No, I get to decide this time.
- No water then?
- No, no water, but text me, and we'll see.
[clicks tongue] Come on.
[Pernille sighs]
- [grunts]
- It can be really tricky.
And there's a knack to it.
- Won't be long now, Jan.
- [Jan] Mm.
- Shall I?
- [Pernille] No, I've got it.
[Pernille grunts]
- [Jan groans]
- [Pernille exhales]
[Christina] Okay?
[sighs] Yeah, it's fine.
Good. [exhales]
- Okay.
- Okay
- It's all good, Jan.
- [Jan] Yeah.
- Thanks.
- [Pernille sighs]
So now that's all done,
I'll come back and check on you later.
[Jan sniffles]
[water stops]
- Hi.
- Hi.
[Christina] So I'm with Jan in 31,
changing tubes.
And it's stuck, like,
really stuck, you know.
And then bam, it falls off.
It bloody falls off.
- No.
- What?
It falls off,
and the blood squirts all over my face.
- [Pia] No. Oh!
- And down my neck and in my mouth.
- [Ditte] Eww, gross!
- [Pia] When was this?
Well, now. A few minutes ago.
[Pia] Oh, that's disgusting.
- Hey, Pernille.
- Hi.
Under control?
Uh, yeah, yeah.
Wanna cup?
Is there some?
- Yeah.
- [Christina sniffles, groans]
[sighs, groans]
[Pernille exhales]
- [Christina] Coffee, Pia?
- [Pia] Yeah, why not?
- Yeah, I'll have one as well.
- [Christina] Yep.
- [Ditte] Can you help me out here?
- [Pernille] Yeah.
[Ditte] Perfect, you just grab hold.
On three, two, one.
You've got really close, huh?
With Christina.
[exhales] Yeah, we work well together.
Just be careful.
What do you mean?
I just mean that Christina's the type
of person that you should be careful of.
But we're not friends in that way.
- And three, two, one, yep. [exhales]
- Yes.
I'm learning a lot from her.
- [Ditte] Hmm?
- Mm.
She likes a lot of attention.
And you can't always trust her.
- [Pernille] Hi, sweetie.
- [Alberte] Hi.
[Pernille] Have a nice day?
Yeah, I learned that humans
fart ten times a day on average.
- Okay.
- What does "average" mean?
Ready for a little treat?
- Buckle up.
- What are we doing?
Something you've been nagging me about.
[gasps] Oh, Ma!
[horse chuffs]
Maybe I don't want to have a go after all.
The thing is
if something seems dangerous
and you're scared,
but then you do it anyway,
abracadabra, it stops being scary.
I don't think I understand.
I rode when I was a kid,
and when I started,
I was much more scared than you are now.
What do you mean?
[Pernille] I was super scared.
I wasn't half as brave as you are.
[horse chuffs]
Shall we try?
- [Alberte] Okay.
- Okay.
On you get then. [grunts]
And off you go.
Look, Ma, I'm riding.
[Alberte] Have we got more "breadcombs"?
Yes, but they're called "breadcrumbs."
- Oh, yeah.
- [Pernille] Whoop.
Are you all right? [laughs]
- [Alberte] Dad!
- Hey, sweetie.
- [Alberte] Know what I did today?
- No.
[Alberte] I rode
on a horse called Lurifax.
On Lurifax.
[Alberte] There was another
girl there called Hannah.
- [Morten] Hmm. Hmm.
- She was a bit better than me.
But she'd already done it before.
Oh, that sounds fantastic.
Was it Mum's idea to learn how to ride?
Yeah. I'll get my riding helmet.
- Oh, Alberte, hands.
- [chuckles]
Oh, it's nice to see her so happy.
Yeah. Yeah, it was a really good decision
to move here, you know.
Feels like she's got a family now.
- I do hope you like breadcrumbs.
- Mmm!
[woman on radio] You are listening
to "Afternoon on the South Sea Islands"
[Pernille] Hi, I'm outside.
[Christina] Uh, I just need five minutes.
Can you come up?
Okay. Yeah.
[Pernille] Have you really read
all these books?
- [Christina] I have.
- Hmm.
[Christina] Some of them more than once.
And you also took a course in cardiology.
In fact, I actually
have a diploma in healthcare.
Okay. So why
didn't you become a doctor then?
Don't really know.
I really love my job,
the detective work, um
And all those patients of mine.
And you are so good at it.
[Christina] I feel like
we get the best of both worlds.
We get close contact
with the patients and their relatives,
and at the same time,
we don't take our work home.
Hmm. Well, that's a lie.
You brought some patient records home.
[chuckles] Linda said it was okay.
Well, it's the only way to improve, right?
Learn from our mistakes.
Don't you ever wanna rest?
I wanna be the best I can be, you know.
[Pernille sighs]
Who knows?
Maybe it's all to do with my sister.
I didn't know you had a sister.
I don't any more. She, uh,
died two years ago. Leukaemia.
[inhales] Oh, so sorry to hear that.
Yeah, it's fucking awful.
How old was she?
She was 23.
- Hmm.
- [Pernille] Oh, shit.
She was really good at handball.
Well, she was good at everything,
but at handball, she was great.
A lot of girls have a weak throw.
They have a good technique,
but their throw is still
Yeah, but not Cecilia.
Her throw was fucking incredible. I mean
One time I tried to block her shot.
Ended up with the bloody ball in my face.
Fuck, it was a clean hit.
Broke my nose, it was so hard.
She was so sick. It was hard to watch.
But we had some great times, her and me.
I took care of her at the end.
We talked a lot, laughed a lot.
They couldn't save her?
- See you there.
- Be right there.
Is it true that she's hooking up
with one of the paramedics?
Uh, I try and keep out of it.
- But yeah.
- I knew it.
[laughs] Yeah, she's getting a lot.
She's pretty wild.
Always got something going on.
I heard that she once banged one
of the chief surgeons
in a medicine room one night.
- You're kidding.
- Hmm.
- [both laugh]
- Heard it was that Niels Lundén.
[laughs] And it sort of makes
you feel really boring.
[sniffles] Well, see you in there.
- [Katja] Hi, Pernille.
- [Pernille] Hi.
[Katja] Have you seen the rota?
You're on high-risk with Christina.
Yeah, that's fine.
Of course it's fine.
We are the Dream Team.
[Katja] Okay, shall we go through it?
- [clears throat]
- [Pernille] Let's do it.
Yeah, it's been pretty quiet really.
- [clears throat]
- Uh, we have Bo in 37.
And Bjarne in 34.
Bjarne has dementia and is delirious.
He's talking gibberish,
but there's a PNR if he needs something
to help him go to sleep.
- Uh-huh? Um
- Yes, got that.
[Marlene] Anyone seen
the two ampoules that were here?
[Katja] Um, no.
I just put two ampoules
of diazepam right here.
[Katja] They must have been
thrown out by accident.
Uh, I think it's important
that you keep an eye on Bjarne.
- Bit odd.
- [Katja] He's been feeling uncomfortable.
And needs regular monitoring.
[machines beeping]
One, two, three, four, five
[exhales] Come on.
Oh, no, not I, I will survive ♪
Move! [grunts]
[panting, grunting]
[panting, grunting continue]
Get the bag! [grunts]
- [panting]
- [rhythmic beeping]
[nurse] Take a break, Pernille.
[Christina] Ah!
We have a normal heart rate.
- I did chest compressions.
- I'll take it now.
- [exhales] Okay.
- You stand over there.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
[Christina grunts] Oh!
Okay, he needs to go
to CCU for observation.
[Christina panting]
- [doctor] You take him up.
- [nurse 2] Yes.
[Christina] Oh, fuck!
- [panting]
- [Christina gasps]
- Let's take him through now.
- Yeah. Mind out.
- [Christina panting]
- [doctor] Well done, Christina.
Really well done.
Fuck, that was hard work.
[doctor] You did such a good job.
You're a star.
- You got the best teacher.
- [exhales]
[Niels] That was fantastic sushi.
I don't mean to criticise,
but the date I had in mind
involved a hot air balloon
and a karaoke bar.
- And, well
- [clattering]
- Doughnuts.
- [Pernille] Hmm.
[Niels exhales]
Thank you though.
So then, how well do you know Christina?
Christina who?
Christina Aistrup Hansen.
She's the nurse I work with
on emergency three.
Oh, I know her.
We've done shifts together. She's good.
Yeah, they all say so.
One night, a guy was admitted
with pretty harmless poisoning.
We kept him in for observation.
But Christina was really anxious
and hovered over him.
Turned out she was right.
Had a cardiac arrest. ICU.
[scoffs] If it wasn't for her,
he'd be dead.
[clicks tongue] Impressive.
For some reason she prefers night shift.
She's cool when shit happens.
Were you together?
Yeah, quite a lot.
- We had
- Do you have sex with her?
Did you ever have sex with Christina
in a medicine room on ward three?
You do know that there are windows
- in the doors to the room.
- What if there are?
Well, I think if I were
to have sex with Christina,
or anyone else,
then the medicine room in emergency
would be the last place on earth I'd go.
It's just that
I don't even know if what you're saying
would be all that nice.
- Would it?
- Forget about the medicine room, will you?
And is it humanly possible?
Unless you're very bendy.
No, I didn't have sex with Christina
in the medicine room or anywhere else.
Are you sure?
Ah, I'm pretty certain, yeah.
Thanks. [clears throat]
You're welcome.
[Pernille inhales]
I think she is an amazing nurse too.
there's just something
about her that's a bit [grunts]
I don't wanna say the word.
Well, is it not that nice?
On our last shift together,
she jumped on top of a patient
and gave him chest compressions
while sitting astride him.
It looked like
she was having sex with him,
and she must have broken most of his ribs.
She's passionate,
but when it's really necessary, you know.
Yeah, but this was overkill.
Listen, I've worked with Christina
for a number of years, and yeah,
stress is a big turn on for her.
- But then [inhales]
- [sighs]
it is for most of us
who work in emergency.
I often find that when I run
to a cardiac arrest, I'm like this
- [imitates slow-motion grunting]
- [laughs]
You're crazy.
- Insane.
- Oh, no, I'm not.
You're insane.
You are
insanely skilled.
And you are
insanely hot.
You are
insanely nice.
Patients in 34
and 35 have been stabilised.
Please keep an eye on Henrik in room 37.
- He's being treated for cancer.
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, I'll take 35 and 36.
- [doctor] What are you doing to them?
[Linda] I don't know what went wrong.
This is the third one this month who's
had too much diazepam and morphine,
with no update to their record.
I'll find out if there's been a mistake.
[doctor] This is unacceptable.
You have to get it together.
- [Linda] Yes.
- [doctor] Good. Good.
Hi, I tried to call,
but I had a car accident. Oh!
And that's why I'm so late.
- What?
- Really?
Yeah, I was so tired
after my night shift yesterday.
- I fell asleep on the motorway.
- [Pia] Seriously.
[Christina] I woke up,
and I was about to hit
the car that was right in front of me.
- [Pia gasps]
- [Christina] So I swerved just in time.
- But then drove straight into a road sign.
- [Ditte] Oh, sweetheart.
- [Diana] And Nanna, was she in the car?
- [Christina] Yeah, she was.
I'm fine. We're unhurt.
It was really horrendous though,
and it scared the life out of me.
- [Ditte] Hmm.
- The Golf's totally wrecked.
Christina, don't you think
you should go home?
[Christina] No, no, no,
it's not necessary.
- [Pia] Linda won't mind, you know.
- [Christina] No.
I need to pull myself together.
Oh, what a morning.
- [Pia] Take it easy, Christina.
- [Ditte] Yeah, yeah.
- [Christina sniffles] Thank you.
- [Diana] A nightmare.
- And poor Nanna.
- [Pia] She should really go home.
[Ditte] Yeah, she should.
- [exhales] Uh, Christina.
- [sobs] Just gimme a minute.
Let me know if I can do anything.
- [sobs]
- Hey, come here.
[Christina sniffles]
- [Pernille groans]
- [sighs]
- Ah. Yeah, yeah.
- [exhales]
- Hey.
- I'm fine. I'm okay.
I just need to sit here a while.
- [exhales, sniffles]
- Yeah. I hope it's a quiet shift.
[Christina sniffles]
- [doorbell rings]
- [dog barking]
- Hi, Pernille. Hi.
- Hi.
I'm sorry to show up like this but, uh,
do you have time to talk?
- Yeah, of course. Uh
- Yeah?
- Do you wanna walk the dog with me?
- Yeah, all right.
[Pernille] There are a few things
that have been bothering me,
and I don't know who else to talk to.
[Katja] That's okay. What's it about?
[Pernille] Christina.
[Katja] What about her?
I just find a few things unusual.
What kind of things?
Yeah, well,
some of the things that she says
just really don't make any sense at all.
- Yeah.
- Such as?
Well, she says things that aren't true.
She lies.
Like saying she was in a car accident,
but her car doesn't have a scratch on it.
[Katja] Christina's unbelievable.
She just loves drama.
But doesn't it feel like
sometimes she invents things?
[chuckles] Yeah, well, she knows how
to exaggerate. That's for sure.
I take what she says with a pinch of salt.
Like a fishing story where the fish
gets bigger every time you retell it.
[Pernille chuckles]
Some people have told me
some pretty unflattering stories
about her too.
[Katja] She's controversial.
That's for sure.
Some people think she's amazing,
and others think
she's totally over the top.
And what do you think?
- Me?
- Yeah.
Well, I just go to work.
I try and avoid the gossip
and get on with it.
Ah, I guess you're right.
Uh, there is something else though.
I think that there are
medicines going missing.
I mean, I can't know for sure,
and I have no idea if it has anything
to do with Christina at all.
Well, I've also noticed that.
But the hospital is just one big mess,
so I haven't given it much thought.
- [clears throat]
- But we can
We can both agree to keep an extra eye out
for anything odd going on.
Don't you think?
Yeah, I'd really appreciate that a lot.
Hmm. So let's do that.
[instructor] Alberte,
bring your hands up a bit.
- Well done, keep them there.
- [cell phone whooshes]
[man chattering]
[inhales, clears throat]
[knock on door]
- Hi, Pernille.
- [Pernille] Hi.
Come on in.
So you wanted to see me about something?
Yeah, um
Yeah, well, I see that you've
given me a night shift this weekend.
But I was hoping to have it changed.
What for?
It's just that [sighs]
It's Christina.
So then what's the issue?
Things have gone on
that have made me anxious.
Such as?
[inhales] Listen, Pernille.
If there's one thing
I can't abide whatsoever,
it's sluice room talk.
In this department, we are loyal.
We look out for each other here.
People don't come in here
and spread rumours about their colleagues.
It's not like that.
[Linda] Especially not when
they're respected colleagues.
Christina might become my deputy.
So you really ought
to take care of what you say.
But I will make a note
of what we've talked about today,
and I'll try to find another partner
for Christina for the next few weeks.
If you have a problem, then you solve it.
I really can't have nurses that are only
prepared to work with certain colleagues.
No, of course not.
[Pernille sighs]
Hi, Katja.
- Hi, Pernille. Thought you were on nights.
- No, it was changed.
- Oh, that's nice.
- Yeah.
What's up?
[exhales] How are things going?
Well, you and I are on low-risk, and, um,
we have two new come in.
Hello, ladies.
Can either of you come help me out?
Yeah, I got time.
- [Niels] That's great.
- Yeah.
- [Niels] Won't be long.
- Okay.
John has urinary tract retention
and has been in severe pain.
We've inserted a catheter,
so now he should be able
to pee again pain-free.
- All right then, John?
- [John] Yep.
[Niels] But we'd like
to keep you in overnight,
just to make sure everything's working.
- John doesn't wanna be in here for ages.
- Oh!
Don't like nurses, John?
Well, they're easy on the eye.
[wife] Our first great-grandchild
was born last week.
And we haven't even met her yet
'cause of John falling ill.
Just one more night.
So would you like me
to get some juice for you?
- Uh, yeah, ta.
- [Pernille] Hmm.
[door closes]
Okay, but
This isn't actually
that small at all, is it?
- [chuckles]
- Maybe you can do rather a lot in here.
- Not that I've ever have. No.
- I really hope not.
- [Niels] No.
- Mm.
[Katja] Which way did she go?
- Desirée.
- [Desirée] Yeah.
[Katja] Can you take this
to the medicine room?
- [Desirée] Yeah.
- [Katja] Thanks. And quickly, please.
- Save this for later?
- Yeah.
[Niels exhales]
- Yeah, um, all good?
- Yeah.
- Hi, Ella.
- [Ella] Hello. I was wondering.
- Yeah.
- I just talked to the kids.
And they asked us round for dinner,
to meet our new joy.
Oh, so you get to see her soon then.
Yeah, but I'd rather not leave John.
I promise we'll take
really good care of him.
[Ella] Oh, thank you.
- And come and get him in the morning.
- [Ella] I'll be here at seven.
I'll bring the little one with me.
- [Pernille] Great idea.
- Oh, thank you.
- [Pernille] Don't mention it.
- [chuckles]
[Pernille] I have to take
your blood pressure, John. Is that okay?
That's all right.
How long you been seeing that doc?
- What?
- The doc from before.
You're an item, right?
We're not
What makes you think that?
I have trouble taking a wee,
but I ain't blind. [chuckles]
Seems to me like you're seeing things.
I'll have to get you some sedatives.
- Okay, so you can get me a Tuborg, yeah?
- [Pernille chuckles]
How long has your wife put up with you?
- It will be 50 years in a month's time.
- [device beeps]
My gosh.
I don't get it either.
Golden anniversary soon.
Yeah, it will be
if I get out of here alive.
Ah, you sure will.
You got nothing serious.
I think you're only really here to get out
of doing the washing up back at home.
- That doc's a lucky man.
- And so is your wife.
Try and get some rest, okay?
Your beautiful wife
will pick you up tomorrow,
and I gather
she's bringing your great-granddaughter.
Well, good.
Thanks for the chat, Pernille.
Thank you. Sleep tight.
[Christina] Diana,
you're living on the edge.
- [chuckles]
- [Diana] Yeah.
All right?
Diana has brought some brunsviger cake
and says you can only eat it
with whipped cream.
And that's just sick.
- [Diana] No, it's so good.
- [exhales]
What have you got for me?
Hey. Well, uh,
there's actually only a few
staying tonight in low-risk.
Uh, Ingeborg is in for observation. COPD.
Lene, diabetes, uncontrolled.
And John, urine tract retention.
- All right?
- And they're all stable, under obs.
- Should be a quiet night.
- Perfect.
- Well, I'll take good care of them.
- Hmm.
Hi, Pernille. Coming?
[electricity sizzles]
[man on radio]
For the latest weather forecast.
It'll be dry and sunny over
the South Sea Islands for most of the day,
with some clouds
developing later into the afternoon
and early evening.
No rainfall is forecast, however,
and any clouds that there are
will clear overnight.
[Pernille] What happened?
It's been a fucking nightmare.
[Christina] We had three deaths.
Who then?
[Diana] The one with COPD.
But, uh, she must have had
something else wrong with her.
I don't think it's not normal.
And the others?
Well, there was Lasse in room 35.
Mm. [clicks tongue]
Guy in 37 John.
[Christina] Mm-hmm.
[inhales] That can't be right.
Went into cardiac arrest.
Fought like crazy to save him.
I think we did, uh, 12 cycles
and Cordarone. You name it.
A couple of times,
it looked like he was coming back.
He was only in for urine tract retention.
It happened so quickly.
His heart just stopped beating.
- [Pernille] I can't believe this.
- No.
Neither can we.
Tried calling his wife,
but it went straight to voicemail.
Hello again.
Is he up?
- [Pernille] Uh
- [Ella] What's happened?
Could you come with me?
- Just this way.
- Yeah.
I'm really so sorry
that I have to tell you this.
John unfortunately passed away last night.
[sobs] Um
But how?
His heart stopped.
We couldn't save him.
[Pernille] Uh,
do you want some water, Ella?
Can you you tell me again?
What was it?
John's heart had stopped.
He died.
[baby cries]
You said he would be okay. [shudders]
- [Pernille] Yes.
- You all said that
- That's what we all thought.
- How could his heart just stop?
He had a urine problem.
That's all.
I don't know
the whole situation right now,
but when I've had a chance
to talk to the doctor who was there
- [hesitates]
- John didn't have a weak heart.
We've been together nearly every day
for 50 years.
And I wasn't there last night.
- [beeps]
- [men and women chattering indistinctly]
[Pernille] One,
three, four.
[Pernille] Seven,
eight, nine,
eleven, 12,
thirteen, 14, 15
Sixteen, 17, 18, 19, 20.
[Pernille] Katja.
[Pernille] Christina.
I think she's doing
something to the patients.
But what are you what are you saying?
I think she's killing them.
I can't
[theme music playing]
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