The Oath of Love (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

♪Time once stopped everything♪
♪There's someone special♪
♪I flip the eternity dictionary♪
♪And uncover the suspense
that makes my heart beat fast♪
♪At this special moment
we run into each other♪
♪As unconsciously as we breathe♪
♪Holding hands over a long time♪
♪Means more than any word♪
♪Among a sea of people♪
♪I hold the umbrella for you♪
♪You hold the umbrella for me♪
♪I'll be special for you♪
♪You shelter me from the rain♪
♪Don't be afraid♪
♪Your love gets me through the haze♪
♪You'll have me♪
♪I'll search and wait♪
♪For the love of our lives♪
♪The future spent with you♪
♪We shall no longer linger♪
♪Is the best arrangement of love♪
♪The best arrangement♪
=The Oath of Love=
♪Is love♪
=Episode 2=
I've apologized to you.
Why did you
ask us to come again?
I asked you to come
because there is something
I want to tell you
about your father's condition.
You don't need to worry about that.
How about this?
I hope you can contact
my dad's attending doctor.
Is there any problem
you can't talk to me about?
Talk to you?
He hangs out in the bar all the time.
And he looks unprofessional.
How can I talk to him?
There's nothing to talk
about my illness.
But we should
talk about what happened in the bar.
That is not over yet.
Sorry, Doctor.
Dr. Gu
asked us to come here.
Actually, we want to talk to him.
I'm Dr. Gao Xi's colleague,
the attending surgeon
of patient Lin Jianguo,
Gu Wei.
(Gu Wei Gastroenterology Center)
(Attending Physician
Associate Professor Director Assistant)
So, you're my dad's attending doctor.
We didn't know it.
Nice to meet you, Dr. Gu.
I've seen the medical records
of Lin Jianguo.
I suggest you
take a second test.
We've had
a gastroscopy earlier.
Yeah, Dr. Gu.
What's going on now?
Don't be nervous.
There is nothing wrong
with the last test.
Those are indeed inflammatory cells,
and the result shows
it's a stomach ulcer.
But the ulcer has a unique shape.
In my experience,
I suggest you take another test.
- Should we also
- All right.
What are you worried about?
Don't I know my own body?
I just have a stomach ulcer!
What's the matter?
Dr. Gao, you arrived just in time.
you've been treating my husband.
Would you please tell us
why we should take a second test?
The reason Dr. Gu asked you
to take a second test
is out of caution
lest the condition should get worse.
That's not necessary.
Just prescribe some medicine.
I won't be hospitalized.
Dr. Gao.
Do you need to check the result again?
We can't just take
- whatever Dr. Gu said.
- All right.
Should we listen to the doctor
or listen to you?
Hold your tongue.
We're communicating.
Go outside. Hurry.
Let's go.
Sorry, Dr. Gao.
We'll take your advice
and stay in the hospital for treatment.
Thank you, Dr. Gao.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
We'll go through
the admission procedure first.
Gu Wei.
You asked a patient who just took a test
to take a test again.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
I should have told you first.
I just don't want
to leave anything open.
I know you're always committed
to your patients.
But it's my duty
as the doctor in charge
to make the diagnosis.
But you intervened
despite the diagnosis.
You're risking your future.
I'm just concerned about his condition.
The shape
of his stomach ulcer is special.
I've seen this kind of situation twice.
There was a colleague
who asked the patient to have
one more test out of good intentions.
The patient was fine,
but he went to a reporter and media,
claiming that
the hospital cheated patients for money
and the doctor worked on commission.
The doctor who was just
being conscientious
got punished in the end.
Gu Wei!
Obviously that family
has a problem with you.
What if they complain about you
after they leave?
What will you do then?
Calm down, Gao Xi.
I know what you mean. Don't worry.
I only gave them a suggestion.
They can decide what to do.
A patient with a gastric ulcer
should be admitted for treatment.
Gu Wei.
Since you still have a passion
for treating patients,
do you want
to reconsider the transfer?
I've made up my mind.
If you want to transfer
because of what happened to our teacher…
It's really not your fault.
Don't take it
- Gao Xi.
- Sorry.
I know you don't want to hear this.
But I hope you can
I have a meeting.
Why is my life so hard?
You sweet-talked me
before we got married.
You said you won't let me suffer a bit,
and you will listen to me.
What about now?
No wonder my dad said
you look like the King of Hell.
And he did everything
to stop me from marrying you.
I've been working hard
for our family over these years.
I do everything.
What have I done wrong?
I have no say in the family at all.
No one takes what I say seriously.
All right. All right.
You just want me to stay in the hospital
and get treatment, right?
I'll stay.
I'll get treatment.
Why would I lie to you?
I'll get changed right now.
And you!
Are you going to offend doctors
with your nonsense
and embarrass me again?
I I won't.
I won't talk nonsense anymore.
I swear.
I will respect doctors from now on.
I'll respect doctors a lot.
Get back to the ward
and get changed.
Leave me alone for a while.
Okay. Okay.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Here, Director.
Dr. Yan, you go ahead first.
I'll make a brief introduction.
This patient
is male, 28 years old.
He has a tumor
in the head of the pancreas.
My advice
is pancreaticoduodenectomy.
I've performed
such operations many times.
It won't be a problem.
What do you think?
The patient is young,
and the CT scan shows
that the tumor of the patient's
pancreatic head is benign.
The tumor markers are normal.
If we do
a pancreaticoduodenectomy now,
it's going
to impact his future life
a lot.
Therefore, I personally recommend
regular follow-ups
and close observation.
Don't perform surgery on him now.
If the tumor is found to have grown
in the follow-up examination,
we should consider
the local resection
of the pancreatic head tumor,
and try to avoid
a pancreaticoduodenectomy.
I agree with Dr. Gu.
Let's keep observing.
Is there anything else
you want to discuss?
Fine. Make the rounds.
You do consider for patients.
Let's go.
Dr. Du.
Learn well from your brother.
No wonder he is
the Vice President's ideal son-in-law.
Dr. Yan.
I'm talking to you.
Do you hear me?
such a serious medical accident,
he is still doing well in the hospital.
What do you mean?
Ignore him.
Make the rounds.
This is for you.
You don't like it?
I don't like flower.
I only like silver.
You are different indeed.
It's worth losing 300 grams of weight
for missing you the whole night.
300 grams?
Isn't that a little insincere?
A doctor once told me
that the weight of the heart
is only about 300 grams.
From the moment I saw you,
I gave you my heart.
This one's kind of new.
What else is new?
I can tell you
anything you want to hear.
But how about we
introduce ourselves properly first?
My name is Gu Xiao.
What's yours?
What's the rush?
The relationship between people
is like this glass of wine,
the longer the mellower.
If you drink it in a hurry,
you will miss the texture.
I have plenty of time
to get to know you.
I have a lifetime.
Why don't you answer your phone?
You're the most important person now.
Well, see you later.
I have no time.
Got an appointment. Bye.
Hello, Angela.
I was busy.
Don't be mad at me.
I got you a present.
I'll see you later.
Dr. Gu, how is it?
Ms. Li.
Dr. Gu is here.
Qiuqiu, you are doing well.
I asked you to buy something.
- Don't worry.
- Why did it take you so long?
Give him more
digestible food.
I see.
Qiuqiu, have a good rest.
I'm leaving.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
Qiuqiu, see what I bought for you.
- Snacks!
- Here.
Qiuqiu can't have snacks.
Qiuqiu has
a mechanical intestinal obstruction.
He needs to follow a special diet.
Sorry, Dr. Gu.
We didn't know it.
By the way,
have you decided
about doing a gastroscopy?
Gastroscopy I think we should
We're still thinking about it,
still thinking about it.
What's going on?
What did I tell you?
Can you eat snacks?
Good boy.
You're such a well-behaved
good kid.
It would be a lot easier for us
if all the patients
were as well-behaved as you.
You think I don't understand it?
Qiuqiu, have a good rest.
I'm leaving.
By the way, Qiuqiu.
Don't eat snacks.
Do you hear me?
Good boy.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
I'm really sorry.
- The good intentions went awry.
- It's okay.
It's okay.
Come on, Ms. Li.
Mr. Lin, listen to me.
We can't trust Dr. Gu.
He's just a pretty boy.
I just heard
that he got promoted through nepotism,
and he had a medical accident.
Can we trust someone like him?
Is it true?
It's true.
Mr. Gao.
I would like to know
when my transfer application
will be approved.
I know
you want to transfer
because of what happened to Liang.
I just think it's a pity.
You know better than anyone
how rare
a good surgeon is.
I'm holding back on your application.
I hope you can reconsider it.
If you still insist,
I'll give it to
the Administration Department.
Thank you, Vice President Gao.
Do you still remember
your initial thoughts
when you decided to be a doctor?
To save people.
That's what Liang expected of you.
Since you know it,
why not stick to it?
(Union Surgical Residency Manual
Chief editor: Xu Xiequn)
(Doctors live their lives for others,
not for comfort, fame, or fortune.)
(Keep saving lives and don't forget
the original purpose. Liang Zhou)
You asked Xi's patient
who just got examined
to come back and take a second test.
As a doctor,
you're doing thankless work.
But it just shows
your commitment to your patients.
(Union Surgical Residency Manual)
Come back!
Come back!
How are you feeling these days?
I'm okay.
Do you have hematemesis
or black stool?
Yes or no?
That's good.
Be sure to keep me informed
if there are any of these situations.
Any other questions?
No, no.
No questions.
I'll leave.
Keep yourself rested.
Thank you, Dr. Gao.
Thank you.
Tell the doctor
if anything is not right.
I know.
Dr. Gao!
What's the matter?
I want to ask you something.
If my father
has hematemesis
or black stool
that you just mentioned,
it means
If he has such symptoms,
we'll need further treatment.
I see. Thank you.
Hello? Speak louder.
I can't hear you.
I need to go back to the company.
Go ahead.
You know,
as one of those working in finance,
I often work at night.
I'll make it up to you later.
I'm leaving.
See you later.
You don't even like
bossy and successful men?
What's your type?
Let me see if I'm your type.
Hello, Zhixiao.
I'm extremely worried right now.
Should I ask Mr. Lin
to take a test again?
You don't know it.
When the doctor visited him today,
Mr. Lin lied.
He can't fool Ms. Li and me.
When the doctor asked him questions,
he looked shifty-eyed
and he stuttered.
It was very abnormal.
I think he lied to us.
Nothing has happened yet.
Don't scare yourself.
You also think he's fine, right?
Nothing will happen to Mr. Lin.
I think that doctor is
totally unreliable.
I can't do everything he said.
I need you to do me a favor.
No problem. I'll find you
a better doctor.
Don't worry!
I'm hanging up.
You need a doctor?
I know someone.
Dr. Gu, please take a look
at this medical record.
They are fine.
Just keep close observation.
you need to submit an application
to stay in the ward
after visiting hours.
will anyone be coming?
The nurse will come.
Why are you still here?
Dr. Du.
It's Mr. Lin's first time
to be hospitalized.
I'm really worried about him.
How about this?
I won't bother other patients.
I'll just stand here.
I won't go in.
If anything
happens to Mr. Lin at night,
I can go inside and take care of him.
Dr. Du.
Is it okay?
Du Wenjun.
You moved my cup
60 degrees to the right
by two centimeters, right?
Do you want me
to put you in the sterile room
for disinfection again?
Still not talking?
I'm going to have a good chat with you
about the ten rules of the break room.
Where are you going?
Good evening, Dr. Gu.
I didn't see anything.
I didn't see anything.
It's you!
Yes, it's me.
So, it's you who touched my cup.
I swear
I didn't touch that cup.
Even if I did, it might be done
I didn't want to come.
It's Dr. Du
What he did
badly violated the hospital's rules.
He might be punished.
Get out.
The son-in-law-to-be
of the Vice President
takes the hospital as private property.
What are you talking about?
I didn't say anything.
Don't be angry, Dr. Gu.
I'm leaving right now.
I turned it back for you.
You got it out of place again.
Don't blame Dr. Du.
He did it out of kindness.
He cares about me, the patient's family,
not so cold as you are.
You even have no sympathy
for a patient's family.
How should I believe
you are dutiful to your patients?
If I am not,
why did I ask your father
for another test?
Who knows
what you said is true or not?
I just checked online.
As for my father's symptoms,
it may not be cancer.
You can check online afterward.
Don't come to see doctors.
We are not professional.
Do you know
a casual word from a doctor
may mean a lot to us?
I'm worried about my dad.
I'd surely check online
Fine. Stop it.
Go out.
I don't wanna stay here at all.
Ms. Li.
Rest assured.
Ms. Li, I'll talk with you outside.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
He's already asleep.
Don't worry.
I'm good.
I'm not tired.
It's not tiring at all.
Rest assured.
Good night.
Bye-bye, Ms. Li.
Go in.
(Advanced Coursebook
of Clinical Oncology)
(Ice pack)
(Ice can relieve eye redness
from staying up late.)
(Cancer Science Series is more instructive
for patients' families.)
(Cancer Science Series
on Gastrointestinal Tumors)
Be sure to tell me
when this patient is on an IV.
Get it.
Dr. Du.
Miss Lin.
Thank you.
Don't mention it.
Take it back.
don't forget to apply again.
I won't.
And thanks for your book,
ice pack and tips.
Book? Ice pack?
They're not mine.
It's so dull.
The tasteless food every day.
I have no appetite at all.
Then what?
Should I hold a banquet for you?
If you hold a banquet for me,
I'll call you Master Lin.
Stop joking around. Hurry up.
I called you all morning.
Why didn't you answer?
I was occupied. I didn't hear it.
What's the matter?
Gu Xiao.
I'll transfer to another department.
You know it.
You can ask others to do it.
Don't worry.
This patient seems to be
in your hospital.
He is Lin Jianguo.
What? Don't spit it out. Eat it.
No vegetable at all?
No. No. No.
Add some oil, OK?
You are so demanding.
Hi, Sansan, how is it?
Zhixiao, I've made an appointment
with the new doctor.
I'll send you the time and place.
Don't be late.
Great! Great! Thank you.
I'll call you later.
I'm hanging up.
Open your mouth big.
What is that look?
Don't worry, Mr. Lin.
I'm your daughter after all.
I'll be filial to you.
I went to great lengths
to find this expert,
who is even famous nationwide.
He's young,
but an associate professor already.
He spared time to meet you today.
You must perform well
when he comes.
Rest assured.
As long as he can cure Mr. Lin,
I will do anything.
You are shining
from head to toe.
Is this necessary to see an expert?
You know nothing.
What if he's hard to deal with?
I can use the honey trap.
That'd be a tough mission.
Comrade, I count on you.
Tell me.
What was wrong
with that unreliable doctor?
That Gu Wei
is terribly unreliable.
He's bumptious,
giving casual diagnosis to patients.
all his colleagues know
he got the position by nepotism.
Is such a guy trustworthy?
Is he handsome?
Is his figure good?
A pretty boy?
That doesn't matter.
The point is,
as long as this expert is reliable
and willing to treat Mr. Lin,
I'll transfer him to another hospital
right away.
Yes, he is reliable.
Trust me.
I definitely trust you,
at least more than that pretty boy.
I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.
That pretty boy!
Is he that doctor?
That pretty boy?
Gu Xiao.
- Come out with me.
- What?
What? What? Speak!
Is that the expert you got for me?
Is this the way you reliably help me?
You didn't tell me
Gu Wei was that doctor.
Also, you two spoke ill of him
just now.
I'm wondering how he'll punish me!
I'm being blamed by both sides!
Did we say it wrong?
No. No.
I am wrong.
You didn't know who the doctor was?
Why didn't you ask me? Are you a fool?
Yes, I'm a fool.
It's all my fault!
- OK?
- Break up.
Are we already together?
I don't even know it.
Let's be together then.
Break up.
Did you know
it's me you'd meet today?
Are you tricking me on purpose?
I will never joke
about my patient's things.
But I think you are joking.
Mr. Lin is one of
your patients,
but he is my only father.
Is it wrong for me
to hear more authoritative opinions?
I clearly know
your father's condition,
and how much it matters
to you and your family.
That's why I am here today.
I'm responsible
for every patient's condition.
I hope you can calm down
and think rationally.
What do you mean?
You mean I'm irrational and not calm?
I don't trust you, so you think
I'm irrational?
Please think about it
without prejudice.
Why do you hate me?
Why don't you trust me?
Just because of our encounter
in the bar?
Or some rumors make you think
I'm unreliable?
Do you know the story
of Khwarezm's messenger?
Khwarezm was an ancient state
in Central Asia.
Messengers who brought bad news
to the king
were fed to tigers.
Messengers did nothing wrong.
If bad news already happened,
killing them
wouldn't change anything.
No one wants to believe themselves
or their loved ones are badly ill.
You hate me,
just because I said
the two words, cancer.
So, you tried to convince yourself
with all those reasons
that I'm untrustworthy.
In fact, whether your father
is well or not,
as his family
who he lives with every day,
you know it better than us.
I'm not here
to trick you.
I just don't want his treatment
to be delayed for some hearsays.
That's it.
Come to me after you decide.
Has he left?
Yes, he has.
Sorry, Zhixiao.
I didn't know
Gu Xiao's so unreliable.
He promised me before.
I've taught him a lesson.
It's fine, Sansan.
It's not your fault.
as you said,
he's a jinx.
But he does look good,
a born pretty boy.
What's wrong?
Do you know Qiuqiu's condition?
Yes, the doctor on rounds
said it was
mechanical intestinal obstruction.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
He had conservative treatment,
but it didn't work.
It's said that he needs surgery.
You know their family situation.
He's gonna be discharged.
That's not good.
He can't have the surgery
if he's discharged.
Should we
help them?
He can't be discharged like this.
I've been thinking about it.
What do you think, honey?
We may help them more or less.
I'm gonna secretly
give them the money.
The one who wants the treatment
can't afford it.
while the one who can afford it
doesn't want the treatment.
Call me when you miss me.
Got it?
Good boy.
- Yes. Bye-bye.
- Qiuqiu.
Let's go home.
Let me walk you out.
Dr. Du.
Sorry, Qiuqiu.
You may have to
stay longer here with me.
Qiuqiu, be good.
Go to have fun alone.
This is the money for Qiuqiu's surgery.
No. No. No.
Dr. Du, it
It's not from me.
Dr. Gu raised funds
for your son in the hospital.
He also gave a lot himself.
- Take it.
- No.
Your son's condition is urgent.
Thank you.
Dr. Du.
Is it really from Dr. Gu?
He usually looks cold,
a little unkind.
That's not who he is.
Actually, he is warmhearted,
and very kind.
That's who he is.
In that case,
I don't even dare to ask you.
Miss Lin Zhixiao.
Let me put it this way.
If it were not for Dr. Gu,
I couldn't come this far,
not only for us,
but also for many patients.
Where is Dr. Gu?
I wanna say thanks in person.
He's supposed to be on rounds.
What's wrong?
Heartbeats, 130.
Blood pressure down to 80.
The patient may have
a postoperative abdominal hemorrhage.
Inject more fluid.
Quick rehydration.
Contact the Transfusion Department now.
Prepare five units of red blood cells.
Prepare the operation now.
- Go.
- OK.
Is the Operating Room ready?
- Yes.
- This way.
This way. This way.
Take the patient to the Operating Room.
Operating trolley. This way.
Coming. Coming.
This way. This way.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Dr. Gu, who will do this operation?
You may do it.
He's in critical condition.
There's no time. Hurry.
- Dr. Gu. Hurry.
- Yes, Dr. Gu.
Yes, what should we do?
Could you do it?
Why are you here?
I heard you just did
an emergency operation.
Thank you.
That means
you don't have to be transferred,
doesn't it?
You can do surgeries.
I know my condition best.
Gu Wei.
We both know
you can do it.
Why don't you?
I'm gonna get changed.
I have to make rounds.
Blood in stool.
Grandpa Lin, would you play chess?
Miss Zhixiao.
Grandpa Lin
Where is Ms. Li?
She's back to cook.
Mr. Lin.
Why don't you have
another gastroscopy check?
I've had it once.
Why another check?
Again and again,
are you making it hard on me?
I am not.
Let's do it again
and we can be reassured. Right?
It's for your good.
Don't be headstrong.
Reassured? About whom?
I'm very well.
How am I headstrong?
For my good?
I ask you to study
for a master's degree,
and go to a normal school.
That's good for you.
Will you go?
What are you talking about?
That's not the same thing.
Don't be ridiculous.
Am I ridiculous?
How dare you talk to elders like this?
Mr. Lin.
Alright. Alright.
I don't wanna talk with you.
Go out now.
Lin Zhixiao, you
I'm fine.
Mr. Lin
He doesn't wanna do gastroscopy anymore,
but I'll convince him.
=The Oath of Love=
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
I admit you're a good doctor soon.
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
It's It's just that I thought
you were a bad guy.
You keep playing cold,
Yes, hands in pockets,
in a cool way.
On your first day in the hospital,
I left the break room for you.
Hey, I earned it myself, OK?
What about the ice pack and note
the next morning?
Yes, the note!
Wasn't it from Dr. Du?
Was it from you?
Who else could it be?
Wow, what the hell was that?
The irony of fate!
Dr. Gu, I'm wrong.
I'm so sorry.
I should study detective science
in college.
Sorry, I'm bowing to you.
If an apology is useful
- Let's talk.
- …why call the police?
=The Oath of Love=
(Little theater)
♪Look at that pair of eyes♪
♪Suddenly feel at ease♪
♪Gentle as pure white coat♪
♪Covering all the sadness♪
♪Wounds are healed in an instant♪
♪Warm the heart bit by bit♪
♪You asked me how to describe you♪
♪Empty words are not worthy of it♪
♪I haven't finished
telling you my heart♪
♪I'll prove it for the rest of my life♪
♪Only give you the best view♪
♪Only give you my greatest love♪
♪Seriously My girl♪
♪I want others to♪
♪Want them to♪
♪Envy you♪
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