The On1y One (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Closer: It's Only 4 Lips Touching

You have to unleash the emotions
in your heart.
Open up
Let go
Let your mood, thoughts and emotions
splash like paint.
Lyrical writing
is the expression
of the emotions in one's heart,
the stirring up
of another person's emotions.
How could you write it as emotionless
as a formatted essay?
I'll give you this.
Guidelines for Lyrical Writing.
With this,
your Mandarin will be invincible.
Sheng Wang.
Are you having any problems these days?
Fortunately, there are no problems.
Let me tell you.
There's somewhere I want to take you.
That place
-Let's just go.
-Tell me where it is.
I'll take you straight there.
I can tell you there's a lot to see there.
All right, but what is there to see?
Hello? Are you asleep?
Even if I was asleep,
I'd be woken up by you.
So you found the solution?
Wow, you're amazing!
Let me tell you,
the seniors here are still calculating.
I haven't solved it.
You haven't solved it?
So what were you doing then?
Watching some family dramas.
Family dramas?
What's going on?
It's nothing actually.
It's just that there is a guy
who suddenly moved in next door.
To be polite,
I have to call him big brother.
Big brother? You really called him that?
No, I didn't.
I'm not polite at all anyway.
Yes, yes.
Let the dogs out then.
Right, don't you have a dog?
Lend me your dog.
No, no.
My darling's teeth are precious.
They can't bite just anything.
Forget it.
As long as he doesn't bother me,
doesn't disturb my studying,
I'm fine with it.
I'll deal with the question first.
Hold on, hold on.
Didn't you just say
you're going to call the guy next door
big brother?
That means he's older than you.
So you can let him solve this question.
If he can solve it,
then you get the solution.
Otherwise, use that
to cut him down to size.
Make him feel demoralized.
This is not a bad idea at all.
Sounds terrific to me.
This solved the problem.
I've solved the problem for you.
Don't bother me anymore.
Okay, I'll go to bed now. Bye.
Wait, no. Crabie.
Damn Crabie.
Where's the answer?
You really want me to be unable
to solve it and not be able to sleep?
I don't believe that
I can't figure it out.
Will he be able to solve it?
It's not like I can't do it.
I just haven't learned the material
that they're teaching yet.
I am big-hearted.
We are living together now.
We can't keep despising each other,
can we?
Your cute Xiaowang
will use this question
as the first step to break the ice.
What am I doing?
What am I even doing?
Forget it. I don't care.
Tomorrow, loads of others
will definitely not have the answer.
It won't be just me.
This is not working.
What are you doing at my door?
Waiting for the prey.
What am I doing?
What am I even doing?
What prey?
What do you want?
I'm asking you the same thing.
You've been walking around
outside my door.
Your footsteps were so noisy.
None of your business.
What do you want?
It's just
Give me back my pen.
You took my pen today. Give it back.
Is there anything else?
Why did I ask him for the pen?
He didn't see my exam papers, right?
Probably not.
Sit down and have your breakfast.
Auntie Sun is not here today,
so I made some plain congee.
You can eat congee, right?
Your dad had an early flight this morning.
He's going to Thailand to negotiate
a gift authorization.
He asked me to tell you.
Xiaotian officially moved in yesterday.
You two can chat more when you have time
and can get to know each other.
Where are you going?
Aren't you waiting for Xiaowang?
I have something to do at school.
It doesn't matter.
I am not a people person anyway.
Due to the nature of my dad's work,
I move a lot.
Everyone treats me like an outsider.
It's all right.
Ji Huanyu has transferred the money to me.
I'll transfer it to you.
Oh, okay.
Ji Huanyu?
I'll get going.
Ji Huanyu is Xiaotian's father.
I'll go get more food.
I've suddenly remembered.
I haven't finished
my physics and chemistry exams yet.
I'd better go.
Wait, you haven't eaten
your breakfast yet.
A and B. How about you?
Question 12, A and C, correct?
A and C.
A and C?
There's also a C here.
-There's also a C here.
-Due to physics formula.
This is incorrect.
A and B are right.
Me too.
Right? It's B right?
I'll change it then.
-How about question eight?
-Question eight.
What do you want?
Don't feel moved.
The important point is the last line.
Please mind your own business next time.
What do you mean?
You mean when I called
your name yesterday?
If I didn't bother to stop you yesterday,
where else could you have gone
to spend the night?
Now you say I was nosy.
I don't want your solution.
Tian is here.
Let's look at the last question.
We came up with three different answers,
none of which we're sure of.
Let me have a look.
A fourth answer.
Are we going to change it?
-Of course.
-Of course, we are changing.
Tian's answer must be correct.
And also number
number seven?
-Number nine.
-I wrote E too.
-How about you?
-I chose C.
Question nine.
-What's the answer for the last question?
-B, C, D.
Did you get it right?
-Yes, I did.
-I don't think so.
Question 12 is E?
-Question nine
-You're wrong.
Why do you keep changing it?
-Shut up.
-Why do you keep changing it?
Why are you looking then?
-As if you know it.
C. It's correct.
-Okay, I'm done correcting.
-Just one more question left.
Sheng Wang!
Oh, right.
Next class is Fortune's.
You haven't been in her class yet, right?
-Yes, the Mandarin teacher.
She's a little chubby and talks like this,
like a fortune cat,
so we call her Fortune.
What's her actual name then?
I forgot.
So what do I call her then?
Just call her Fortune.
-Everyone calls her that. It's okay.
And if you have any problems
in the future,
find me. I'll cover you.
Have all the students
gotten their exam papers back?
I know that the questions in this exam
were a little more difficult.
It's easy to go off-topic in the essays.
For the second reading test,
the average score was low
throughout the grade.
And for the poem section
forget it.
For the poem section,
I don't have much hope in you anyway.
But you can't be this bad.
Not even ten students
in the whole class got it right.
Speaking of which,
I have to praise
the new student in your class.
The new student is
Look at Sheng Wang.
He just came here.
He has not even learned
the exam materials yet.
But he has strong fundamentals.
For his poem and reading sections,
not a single point was deducted.
His essay was also very well-written.
Everyone, give him a round of applause.
I still have to give you some advice.
Your handwriting needs some practice.
It doesn't need to be pretty,
but at least the characters
need to stand straight,
not be lying down.
It doesn't look good.
keep it up.
Spidery scrawl, huh?
All the best.
Hey, hey.
Why are you laughing?
At least he could write it,
unlike somebody.
I want lyrical writing,
but you wrote it
as emotionless as a formula.
Can you be a little more emotional?
I won't say who it is.
Jiang Tian.
Let's look at the first question
on the reading test.
Don't say I didn't tell you.
Fortune always picks the person
who answered wrongly.
Picks the person who answered wrongly?
What do you mean?
Jiang Tian.
Stand up.
What is the answer for this question?
Are you sure it's A?
Do you want to read carefully first
before answering me?
Come on, class.
What is the answer to this question?
The answer is C.
We need to be able to understand
the meaning behind those words.
Be more emotional, all right?
All right.
Let's look at the last question
of the reading test
on page two.
"Wang Youjun Pretending to Sleep".
Wang Youjun is Wang Xizhi.
So why is he called Youjun?
Youjun is not his name or nickname.
Again, a friendly reminder.
Fortune ends her classes on time.
What do you mean?
Only then can we go to the cafeteria
on time.
Let me tell you,
as soon as the bell rings,
rush out right away.
Life is tough.
-Those in Year One
-Gao Tianyang.
Yes, ma'am.
What are you talking about?
Since it's nothing,
let's share it with the class.
I said
those in Year One
Louder. Repeat it three times.
We will end the class when you say it.
Quick! Say it!
I said
The brats in Year One
run faster than dogs.
The brats in Year One
run faster than dogs!
They run really fast!
Okay, sit down.
Copy the three classical texts
I taught today three times.
Hand it to me before school ends.
-Thank you, Teacher!
Quick, quick.
Why didn't you two run together?
Us? Two?
Look how serious Jiang Tian is.
He's still making corrections
to his Mandarin exam.
Come on, if you have any questions,
I can answer you.
-No, I don't have any questions.
-It's okay.
I can help.
Ma'am, I'll go eat first.
I'll go now too!
You were making corrections for English
during Mandarin class.
See me in my office after school!
It's all Sheng Wang's fault.
He blocked my way.
I don't have a seat now.
Why are you blaming others
when you were the one who ran slowly?
Why don't you have a seat today either?
Oh, right. You have short legs,
really short legs.
So what?
Can't I speak the truth?
-Watch out.
Gao Tianyang, you are not gentle
toward your classmates at all.
Why? You laughed at my short legs.
You scolded Sheng Wang
for not knowing the lunch strategy.
You care for the new classmate so much.
You have a hidden agenda.
Who has a hidden agenda?
It's normal to care for new classmates.
Then why don't you care about Qi Jiahao?
-He also transferred.
-Qi Jiahao?
You mean he transferred from another class
when we started Year Two
because he had good grades?
-You can't count that.
Why not? It's still transferring.
Okay, let's count that in.
But it's still not the same, okay?
For the second to last question
in yesterday's practice paper,
only three students in the class
got it right.
Qi Jiahao,
Sheng Wang, Jiang Tian.
Please stand up.
I should have copied
Tian's answer like you.
I'm curious.
The equations written by the three of you
are exactly the same.
Do you all really know how to do it,
or is it copied?
You will show the calculation here
and explain to the class one by one.
Qi Jiahao, you first.
To the front.
Can't do it? You forgot?
Can you really forget an equation
that you yourself wrote?
Sheng Wang.
Jiang Tian.
Don't you think Sheng Wang is amazing?
He copied it too,
but he could understand it
after copying it.
Unlike Qi Jiahao.
They are not on the same level apparently.
Reality is brutal.
-Yes, reality is brutal.
-Eat more. See if you can grow.
Why? I can still eat.
You've eaten so much.
Why are you snatching
my girlfriend's stuff?
-Who is your girlfriend?
-What are you talking about?
You're disgusting.
You have your own food.
Eat your own food.
Your tofu looks delicious.
Hold on.
He's the one who wrote English papers
during Mandarin class, not me.
Why am I following him?
Please, that transfer student
is just as good as Jiang Tian.
He's your cup of tea.
-I'm in love!
Hold on.
Isn't the cafeteria over there?
Where are you going?
If you go there now,
you can only eat the plates.
You can go.
So where are you going?
I'm talking to you. Do you hear me?
Jiang Tian! Jiang Tian!
Don't get in the way over there.
Uncle Mute and I are already here.
I asked you to close down the shop,
but you won't close it.
You just had a heart surgery.
At least let me help you
if you won't close the shop.
This tiny temple of mine
can't hold such a big Buddha like you.
You have been abroad for so long.
Not even a girlfriend.
You don't want Miss Yang.
You don't want Western girls.
What do you want? A mango dessert?
How are you going to get married?
Marriage is just a piece of paper.
It's just a choice.
You see, you are also alone now.
I still have Uncle Mute.
What about you?
What are you going to do when you get old?
Who will accompany you?
Who is going to take care of you?
Don't fight.
I found a shop nearby.
I am opening a café.
The opening ceremony is in two days.
You can come when you are free.
I'm a bad old man.
I'm just going to embarrass you there.
It's too high class.
I can't afford to eat there.
I didn't expect to see
a place like this in school.
There's a kiosk like this here?
But it's a bit far from the classrooms.
Does anyone usually come here?
What are you saying?
Of course, people come.
Students who live in the dormitory come.
I see.
You brought your classmate
to eat something?
Yeah. He's eating.
I'm not.
-First time here?
What do you want to eat?
What do you have here?
Ageh fish ball soup.
Okay, I'll have that.
New classmate?
He's tall.
Yes, yes.
Kids nowadays
eat very well.
All of them are like giants.
You see,
this newcomer is also very handsome.
Kid, do you have a girlfriend?
Or are you like Jiang Tian?
Always has a cold face,
scares away all the girls.
Do you know the boss very well,
or do you just come here often?
You can eat here.
So where are you going?
He doesn't eat here.
He eats outside the school.
Outside the school?
Around the Little White House.
You know the Little White House, right?
It used to be
the school's staff dormitory.
Many former employees still live there.
Some kids whose houses are far away
also rent rooms there.
Oh, I know.
I used to live in Tamsui.
I'm starving.
What's wrong?
Can't eat alone?
Or does the food taste bad?
No, it's just
I can't eat it.
Can't eat?
You have a spoon and chopsticks,
so why can't you eat it?
I don't eat coriander.
Just take away the coriander.
No, I can't stand the sauce either.
Can't you eat it without the sauce?
Try it.
Do you have any hot sauce?
Why are you so picky, kid?
If you want hot sauce,
go to the Sichuan restaurant.
Why are you eating this?
This is our specialty here.
Sweet and sour. Try it.
I just think it's weird.
What a delicate young kid.
You even need me to pick out
the coriander for you.
So how was it?
My Ageh fish ball soup doesn't lose
to the shops out there, right?
Let me tell you, this kiosk of mine
is a really old shop.
It's been here for decades.
-And I don't have to fight for a seat.
As long as you enjoyed your meal.
Pay the bill.
Oh, right.
I seem to have forgotten to bring money.
You want to eat for free?
No, no.
What if you tell me how much it is?
I'll pay you tomorrow.
No way.
Otherwise, I'll go back to the classroom
and get it now.
Running away?
No way.
So what should I do?
What should you do?
You need me to figure that out?
Uncle Zhao, what's the matter?
Bring some money here.
Ransom your classmate
who wanted to eat for free.
I'm not letting him go if you don't come.
Boss, you'd better just kill me.
I can't.
This little business of mine
can't afford to kill you.
I keep getting unlucky lately
whenever I meet someone surnamed Jiang.
Do I have a grudge against
people surnamed Jiang?
What are you mumbling? Huh?
Do something useful
if you have the time to mumble.
Memorize his phone number
in case you want to eat for free again
and still need me to make a call for you
to ask him to ransom you.
What's wrong?
Real brothers
need to clear their debts too.
You still need to pay me
for the phone call.
That's true.
I got it.
He's here to pay your ransom.
Terrific, aren't you?
I came out in a hurry.
I didn't know I didn't bring any money.
And I didn't know I needed to escort you
and pay for your meal.
Uncle Zhao, how much was it?
Do you want anything else?
-Who else? A ghost?
These. Thank you.
Who is this? A period?
What is this? Speechless?
Or do you know that
others have nothing to say to you?
I'm really going to have your neck
if there is a next time.
I'm really sorry.
I won't make you angry anymore.
And I'll keep my distance from
What's wrong?
I don't believe it.
The photo. What should you do
when you enter Tamying?
-Why are you guys standing here?
-Hey, wait!
Close the door!
Sorry, drink some water to cool off.
I'm keeping my distance from you.
Help me to give this to him.
We need to change into sportswear for
this afternoon's physical education class.
The girls have trouble changing clothes,
so we fixed a time during noon
for them to change in the classroom.
What other rules do you have
in this school?
There are no other rules.
I'll tell you about the rules
after something happens.
-Keep running!
-Keep up.
Keep your form!
Stop playing!
Make sure you warm up.
Otherwise, you'll be injured later.
For sports day,
we need a representative from each class.
Everyone will have the chance to compete.
Are you alone?
-Let me partner up with you.
-Reach out your arm!
Come on, faster.
That's fast.
Keep running.
Sorry for disturbing you, Mr. Wang.
The head of student affairs said that
there will be a meeting soon
to discuss the sports event.
-Can you please come for a moment?
I have something to deal with
for a moment.
Free and easy now.
Yay, free and easy!
Free and easy!
Don't go too far away!
Don't go too far away
I'm exhausted.
Luckily, I am not in the mixed relay.
Free and easy.
What do you want to play?
Aren't we supposed to still practice
for the mixed relay?
-Let's not do it.
-Please, no.
What do the others think?
Or volleyball?
No, let's just end the class.
-Not a bad idea.
-We can't do that.
What if the teacher returns?
-We'll still have to give an explanation.
-That's true.
So what should we play?
Truth or Dare.
Truth or Dare?
Who said that?
-Sounds good.
-Sounds good. It's been a while.
And we have a new classmate.
Sheng Wang!
Come and play.
Hurry, hurry.
Come over and let's play together.
Play what?
Truth or Dare.
Do you want to play?
Or do you have some hidden secrets?
I I don't.
So that's a yes.
The game begins.
Little Chilli, lend me your hair band.
Whoever this side of the baton turns to,
he or she will need
to pick either truth or dare.
Like this.
-What's the color of your underwear.
I thought we have to spin it first?
Red, he's wearing red underwear!
Stop bullying him!
Okay, just kidding.
We'll let you spin the first round, okay?
The game starts now.
-Truth or dare?
-Truth or dare?
Let's see
You're new here.
Let me help you ask something good.
Does Big Mouth Xu kiss your mom at home?
Have you seen it?
Why would Big Mouth Xu kiss his mom?
Big Mouth Xu is his dad.
So he is called Small Mouth Xu.
Please answer.
How could I have seen it?
Have you ever seen your parents kiss?
Just because you haven't seen it
doesn't mean they don't do it.
It means that they do kiss!
Big Mouth Xu is so open-minded.
Do you want to kiss
in front of us like your dad?
-Kiss who?
I've already answered one question.
It's my turn now.
-Dare, dare.
-Let me kiss her.
-It's not me. Why do you pick me?
Stop thinking of weird stuff all the time.
Okay, as you wish. Dare.
-Don't do it.
-Tell the teacher "I love you".
If you can't do it, you have to
There's no need. It's just three words.
Watch me.
-We still need to confirm something.
Mr. Wang.
I love you!
-Was that okay?
-Okay, okay.
My turn.
It's not even spinning.
Truth or Dare!
Little Chilli.
What's the longest time
you've been constipated for?
Gao Tianyang!
-Speak it.
Gao Tianyang.
She can skip it, okay?
Because she's my girlfriend, she can skip.
Nonsense. Who's your girlfriend?
Just spin.
-Song Sirui.
-Step on his head.
-Step on him.
-This is too easy.
-This is easy.
-What now?
-What are you doing?
-Took the chance to hit him.
Get off!
Okay, since you were punished,
you can spin it now.
Truth or Dare!
Dare. Very well.
Whoever next comes this way,
you have to kiss them for ten seconds.
Kissing again?
If not,
bark, crawl and pee like a dog.
Do you dare?
Damn, this is big.
-Do you dare to kiss someone?
-Do you dare?
No problem, I can do it.
He's a real man.
Okay then.
-Who will it be?
It's Tian.
This doesn't count.
We didn't say that
it should be a guy or a girl.
That's right.
-Kiss him!
-Are you afraid? You don't dare right?
-Kiss him!
-Bark like a dog if you don't dare.
You'll have to crawl like a dog
if you don't kiss him.
-I'm not afraid.
-Bark like a dog if you don't kiss him.
-I can do it.
-No way.
-Ten seconds?
-Ten seconds.
Ten, nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four, three,
two, one.
Was that enough?
You're really daring.
Cool, cool.
Tian is going to kill someone.
Really daring.
Jiang Tian.
No, Jiang Tian, let me explain.
Jiang Tian.
Actually, that time, I just wanted to
Stop following me.
Wait, no.
Actually, I'm trying to say it was just a
just a game.
I admit,
that kiss today
was a bit too much.
But the situation
left me no choice.
No way.
I still need to explain it to him.
Jiang Tian.
Jiang Tian.
I'll come in if you don't answer.
Jiang Tian.
What happened today
I'm sorry.
But it was nothing.
It was just lips touching.
Don't be so petty.
Don't get angry so easily.
I'm petty.
I get angry easily.
He's like a tree,
doesn't show his emotions.
So this is also nothing, right?
Half of it is in the soil.
Half of it in the wind.
Half of it in the shade.
Half of it under the sun.
Very quiet.
Very proud.
Never relying on others.
Never looking.
Run faster!
Are you alone?
Let's partner up.
I am not a people person anyway.
Due to the nature of my dad's work,
I move a lot.
Everyone treats me like an outsider.
It's all right.
-Come here.
-Luckily, I am not in the mixed relay.
-Free and easy. What do you want to play?
-What to play?
Aren't we supposed to still practice
for the mixed relay?
You really want to practice?
What do the others think?
Or volleyball?
No, let's just end the class.
Sounds good.
Not a bad idea.
We can't do that.
What if the teacher returns?
We'll still have to give an explanation.
So what should we play?
Truth or Dare.
Truth or Dare?
Who said that?
-Sounds good.
-Sounds good. It's been a while.
And we have a new classmate.
We can get a huge secret. I guarantee.
Sheng Wang!
Come and play.
Hurry, hurry.
Come over and let's play together.
Play what?
Truth or Dare.
What's the longest time
you've been constipated for?
-Say it!
-Gao Tianyang!
She can skip it, okay?
Because she's my girlfriend, she can skip.
Who is your girlfriend?
Lyrical writing pays attention
to artistic conception
and avoids putting things bluntly.
For example, putting your arm
on a person's shoulder
can metaphorically mean
that you already treat them as your own.
These. Thank you.
Truth or Dare!
Pick something tough.
Subtitle translation by: J. Ong
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