The Pact (2021) s01e02 Episode Script


A body was found.
-Oh, my God.
It's my son.
We brought him here.
We left him!
Where did you lot
disappear to last night?
You know nothing
He's dead because of us!
-[Anna] I know!
-Then take a breath!
[Jack] Oh, well.
I just wanted to introduce you
to your new supervisor.
Covid Mandy?
Have you told anyone
what happened in the car park?
-[Tish] No.
-[Cat] Don't.
It's not too late
to go to the police.
We shoved him in a car boot
then left him
in the middle of nowhere.
[Anna] Max will believe us.
-Looking for a new DS.
-You want me?
Mandy Thomas.
Come with us, please.
Forensics found
a credit card in the woods.
If we hold our nerve
and stick together
this will pass.
[theme music playing]
[theme music ends]
[birds chirping]
-[door closes]
-[Max] You're gonna be late.
Come on, I'll give you a lift.
You okay?
Is this about Tamsin?
She'll cool off.
Just give her some space.
And if that doesn't work,
after your birthday
we'll pack our bags
and do a runner.
You and me, somewhere hot.
Leave the kids
to fend for themselves
till they're thirty.
Sound good?
Sounds amazing.
Get a shift on.
[car door shuts]
Babe? Anna?
[car doors shuts]
We're interviewing everyone
to get some background on Jack.
I can't sit in on yours, though.
I've got 200 quid to my name.
I can't afford to pay
some blackmailer!
-[Louie] Me, neither.
-We need
to tell Max what happened.
We can't, we agreed.
So, we change our minds.
A man died, Nancy!
Yeah, because of us!
It's manslaughter.
I'm not going back to prison
for Jack Evans.
I can't hide it from Max.
He can tell something's wrong!
You have to try.
Do you think Mandy
sent that message?
It could be anyone
from the party.
I'll check the staff list,
see if I can match
the phone numbers.
Do you know
what Mandy said to the police?
Max wouldn't tell me.
If she saw us with Jack,
we'd already be arrested.
Not if she wants
money out of us.
[Tish] Morning.
-Hey, Tish.
Gareth says, the police
are interviewing everyone.
[sniffles] I need caffeine.
[Anna chuckles]
What if it's Tish?
-She wouldn't.
-She saw us with Jack.
Yeah, and if it's not Tish,
what's stopping her
from telling the police?
-I'll talk to her.
-No, wait.
-And say what?
-I don’t know, just like,
-sound her out.
-No, no, it's too risky.
[Gareth] Louie?
Police want a chat.
I thought you could go first,
get it out of the way?
Oh, you too, Tish.
Police interview's upstairs.
It's just a formality,
they won't bite.
-Miss Hopkins?
Could you come with us, please?
Louie, you're over there.
Hello, um.
-Louise, is it?
Oh, can you take
a seat for us, Louie.
I'm Detective Superintendent
Holland, I think you know
DS Price?
I understand
you're related to Jack Evans.
Yeah, he's my nephew.
-Was my nephew.
-I'm sorry for your loss.
The circumstances
of Mr. Evans' death
is unexplained at this time,
so we're questioning everyone
to try and establish
what happened.
So, can we start
with the brewery party.
What time did you get here?
[clears throat]
I went home to get changed
and I came back around 7:30.
[Griffiths] During the course
of the evening,
did you speak to Mr. Evans?
Yes, he came over to our table.
-What did you talk about?
just small talk, really.
Was Jack affected
by alcohol at that time?
Yeah, he was drunk.
Yeah. but not
not falling-down drunk.
-Were you drinking alcohol?
My father was an alcoholic,
I suppose he put me off.
[chuckles] Ironic that
I ended up working at a brewery.
Do you think Jack was under
the influence of drugs at all?
Um, I wouldn't know.
Lemsip is about
as risqué as I get.
He'd done some coke.
Maybe other stuff as well,
I don’t know.
Did you witness
any drug-taking firsthand?
I know the signs.
Did Mr. Evans have a history
of recreational drug use?
[Holland] Prescription?
I'm not sure.
[Max] What time
did you leave the party?
It was around midnight.
And where was Mr. Evans
at that time?
I wasn't paying attention.
I think he was inside.
-Maybe at the bar?
-Who was he with?
I don’t know.
Did you see Mr. Evans
talking to anyone when you left?
Just drive, Nance.
We got into the car
and I drove everyone home.
"Everyone" being
Anna, Louie and Catrin?
That's right.
Do you remember
the last time
you saw your nephew?
[Max] Louie?
he was standing at the bar.
What do you think happened?
That's what
we're trying to establish.
Was it a heart attack?
I mean,
-you must have some idea?
-Not yet.
But I can assure you
we will get the bottom of it.
[music playing]
[door opens]
[water gushing]
It wasn't me in those woods.
Someone stole my purse.
That's who they
should be looking for.
It's true.
I swear.
I've never known anyone
who's died before.
I can't get my head around it.
Few days ago
he was walking around
like everything was normal.
But now he's gone, like
And I know he was
a tosser but
-that's just brutal.
-Are you all right?
Why don't people like me?
Because you pick fights.
And you're judgmental.
And when you're
serving in the canteen
you're borderline hostile.
My gran says,
life's a competition.
You'll have
a better chance of winning
if you fry the chips properly.
Turns out that Mandy went home
with Martin from packing.
And him with that rash
Do you think there'll be
compensation for the shock?
The brewery has got
a duty of care to its workers.
This is Wales, Gwen,
not Los Angeles.
No offence Gwen,
but can you sashay away please?
Has anyone spoken to Tish?
Gareth said she went home
after the interview.
She wouldn't have said anything.
Then why go home?
It's like she is avoiding us.
Maybe she did send that message.
-No way, it's not like her.
-You've changed your tune.
I checked the staff list and
there's no match
for the phone number.
So, they're using a burner,
that's what I would do.
-It's got to be someone here.
-What are you doing?
-Messaging back.
-Anna, no.
We need to buy time
to figure out who's doing this.
Anna! This is a really bad idea.
[phone chimes]
-Is that your boss?
-Yeah. She's all right.
Wouldn't want to be
in her bad books though.
-Good day?
-Not really.
-Oh, it's all right.
You're excited
about your work, it's nice.
Was your interview okay?
But one of the girls went home
afterwards, Tish Hopkins.
Was she all right?
We're worried about her.
What kind of worried?
Just that she's all right.
Well, she wasn't very helpful.
Said she was too drunk
to remember much.
Did anyone see Jack
leave the party?
you know,
I can't talk about this.
It's me.
[Max] There's promotion boards
at work coming up,
I need to do everything
by the book.
Who am I gonna tell?
I don't want
to jeopardize anything.
There's a briefing tonight
so, I won't be back
for a few hours.
I'll drop you home.
Just these, please.
-[scanner beeping]
-[bag rustling]
-[telephone ringing]
[breathes deeply]
[birds chirping]
[Holland] It's highly likely
that someone was in the woods
with Jack Evans that night.
Either he met them there
or they went together.
So, let's focus on
who that might be.
And while we're waiting
for the postmortem report,
let's get a timeline
of the party.
The brewery CCTV is useless
so, check out social media.
Every Facebook photo,
every Instagram post,
every selfie
from anyone that was there.
Let's get a nice big collage
on that board, please.
Get some closure
for this family. Thank you.
Oh, Griff, keep on
at the forensics for the phone.
-I need the phone.
How's your wife?
she's okay, I guess.
It's been a bit of a shock.
Well. she's a valuable conduit
to the brewery so use her.
See, if you can find out who
Jack might have gone off with.
[light thud]
Kids all right?
[Anna] Yeah fine.
Come sit down.
What's everyone saying
at work about Jack?
I thought we weren't
talking about this.
I don't know. He was wasted.
Everyone, thinks
it was an overdose or
bad gear.
He wasn't alone that night.
Mandy Thomas
says her purse was stolen
and whoever took it
probably ended up
in the woods with Jack.
-Any idea who that might be?
Was he close to anyone
in particular?
No. He kept to himself.
We barely saw him.
[Ryan] Dad
you got a card today.
Missed delivery.
Tamsin's grounded,
why didn't she answer the door?
-It's at number 12.
-Go round and get it.
-Why me?
-Is it Mum's birthday present?
-[Max] Oh, yes!
And I'm eating my tea, so
And no peeking,
or looking
at the return address.
I hope you're not
wrapping it yourself.
What's wrong with my wrapping?
[Ryan] Mum?
[door shuts]
[Max] Arwel.
[Arwel] I, uh
I didn't know where else to go.
They're not telling me anything.
I'm his dad
I have a right to know.
[breathes deeply]
I'm asking you
as a friend
and a father.
I need to understand
what happened to my boy.
We're following leads
to establish why he was there.
That's all I can tell you.
Did they find his phone?
No, but we're still looking.
Jack's phone's missing?
Have we got any tissues?
Thank you.
Maybe he dropped it
in the woods?
Have you got someone
staying with you?
[Arwel] Oh, God no.
Last thing I need
is someone else
sobbing all over the place.
I'm sorry
for barging in like this.
I just needed to feel like
I was doing something.
The lab results
will be back in a few days.
They'll tell us what happened.
But they won't tell us
The death of Jack Evans
has sent shock waves
through the local community.
The last known sighting
of him alive was here
at a party to mark
the brewery's centenary.
Police, now,
want to hear from anyone
who may have seen him
leave as they try to--
-I was watching that.
-I've had it all day.
Well I haven't.
The place is very much
the heart and soul
of the local community
and everyone here has been
shocked by his sudden
I keep imagining how it'd feel
to lose Ryan or Tam
Do you think he suffered?
Sounds like
he was pretty out of it.
No one should have
to die alone like that.
We'll figure out
what happened
don't worry.
-I love you.
-I love you, too.
[phone dings, buzzes]
Who's that?
It's just a junk message.
[telephone ringing]
-Shit, sorry.
-Who's ringing?
-It's Louie.
I better take it.
[Louie] Anna
-Did you see the reply?
-[phone beeping]
-Hang on.
-Cat's calling.
-They replied.
I know, I saw.
Louie's on the line.
-We should ring Nancy.
-Hang on.
Nancy's calling.
-Did you see the message?
Yeah, we all did.
I think we're going to have
to give them what they want.
-Are you serious?
-And then what?
What if they ask for more?
Blackmailers don't just give up.
I don't have five grand!
-I don't have one grand!
-So, what do we do?
There's nothing we can do
for now, so let's sleep on it
then make a decision
with clear heads.
Sleep? I can't sleep!
And there's something else
Jack's phone's missing.
-Is it in the car?
-Are you sure?
It must be in the woods.
Oh, God.
This is getting out of control.
-Babe? Everything okay?
-I've got to hang up.
We'll talk tomorrow.
What's going on?
-Louie's not coping.
-You wanna go round there?
No. She's calmed down now.
Come back to bed.
[metal clanging]
[Cat] I told you,
I can't afford to pay.
[Louie] I don't see
what else we can do.
What do you think?
[Nancy] I think Louie's right,
we don't have a choice.
Thing is,
all our savings are tied up
in Richard's investments,
I have only got
few hundred in my account.
Do you think I should
ask Arwel for a loan?
Oh, God no.
Well, don't look at me.
We've got savings
It was for a holiday.
-How much do you have?
-I don't know, four grand.
Four and a half.
I could max out
my credit card for the rest.
Oh, God.
I feel terrible about this.
I promise you, I'll pay you back
as soon as I can.
Me too. I'll find
a way to pay my share.
-[telephone ringing]
-[mouse clicks]
Post-mortem results
won't be in until tomorrow,
an issue with the lab.
How cold was it that night?
It couldn't be
hypothermia, could it?
No, he's fully clothed.
Hypothermia victims
tend to strip off.
Their nerves are damaged.
They think they're overheating,
they're actually
freezing to death.
"Paradoxical undressing."
It's a thing.
Science. It's weird.
Oh, and we will need to search
the Evans' house for his phone.
Look into getting consent
from next of kin.
Yes, boss.
My kids used to play
in those woods.
Cross country's
too dangerous at night.
So, if he walked there,
he probably took this road.
There's no camera,
no fixed CCTV.
But there is a pub.
Someone might have
seen him go past.
Seen who he was with.
And he might have even
dropped his phone on the way.
Great, check it out.
Oh, and bring me back
some pork scratchings.
Pork scratchings.
-[man] Sorry, love.
-It's fine, just leave it.
-You're meant to be at home.
-Can you leave us alone, please?
-Who are you?
-Harri. From school.
Well, Harri from school,
Tamsin's grounded
so, can you go away, please?
-Go on.
You are so embarrassing!
Why the hell would you do that?
You're meant to be at home,
not out picking up boys!
You know nothing about my life.
-Just get in the car, Tamsin.
-I hate you.
Get in the car!
Hey! I'm not an Uber.
-[engine whirs]
[pub owner] The camera is
prehistoric but it does the job.
Well, I'm assuming it does.
I've never checked the footage.
-You fancy buying a pub?
-My parents used to own one.
They sold it back in the '90s.
They got out
when the going was good.
[phone ringing, buzzing]
DS Price.
Max, it's kicking off
at Evans’ towers.
-[Holland] Yep.
I need to deploy
your charm and diplomacy.
-All right?
I'm on it.
Sorry, mate, I'll have
to take your hard drives.
Is this about the Evans boy?
Yeah, do you know him?
No, but I went to school
with Arwel.
He always acted
like the bees knees but
-I saw through him.
-How do you mean?
Caught him crying
in the toilets once.
Properly sobbing because
he didn't want to go home.
He's as messed up
as the rest of us.
Come on, let's get those drives.
[birds chirping]
[engine whirring]
I don't have time
for this shit, Tamsin.
-Let me out!
-You stay inside,
by yourself, until I get home.
Is that clear?
-Is that clear?
-[keys jingle]
-[doors unlock]
You never would've
got that promotion,
'cause you're a loser.
[cellphone dings, buzzing]
[engine whirring]
[lock clicks]
Lunch breaks are an hour.
Sorry. Trouble at home.
You know how it is.
[chuckles nervously]
[distant clattering]
Did you get the cash?
I can't stop shaking.
Another message came through.
They want the money left under
Maddox Street bridge, tonight.
I need this to be over.
[Arwel] No, no.
You're not listening.
You're wasting time!
You should be out there
figuring out what happened!
[female detective] That's what
we're trying to do, Mr. Evans.
No! You're pissing about,
winding me up
Get these idiots
off my property!
[door shuts]
Give me five minutes.
-You all right?
-What good will it do,
ransacking his room?
We'll be respectful, I promise.
You might
Those two were ready to clomp in
like something
out of Jurassic Park.
Well, if we can find his phone,
it might tell us
-who he was with, that night.
-His phone's not here!
And why should I help the police
if they won't even
let me bury him!
Well, as soon as
the postmortem’s been done,
and the coroner
gives the all-clear
Blah, blah, blah.
There might be something
in Jack's room that explains
what he was doing
in those woods.
It's an invasion of his privacy!
What if I supervised the search?
I want to help Jack,
I want to understand
what happened to him.
Who he might have met.
That room is all
I have left of him.
Can you tell me
anything about his friends?
He didn't have any friends.
Well, he must've had someone.
His mother left him
when he was five years old.
He was never the same.
He withdrew.
We both did.
And where is she now?
Jack's mum?
We never saw her again.
She passed away.
Five years ago. Cancer.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't.
It was just the two of us.
We never let the outside in.
That was our rule.
It was us against the world.
So, why leave him?
Why move to France?
Did you fall out?
I just want to be left alone.
We will have to search his room.
Mate, I don't want to
have to get a warrant.
Then don't.
you didn't hear me, officer.
I want you gone.
[engine whirring]
[door unlocks]
[door squeaking]
[engine starts up]
[Nancy] Thanks. Right.
We'll wait and see
who comes to pick it up.
We can't risk anyone seeing us.
Well, we'll move somewhere,
out of sight.
[phone ringing, buzzing]
[continues ringing, beeps]
-Let's just get it over with.
Are you sure
you don't want me to come?
-I'll be quick.
-"The center bin."
[Nancy] Yeah, I remember.
It's my birthday tomorrow.
I should be home
with my family, but
Not stuck
in a smackhead carpark.
-You think I want to be here?
My nephew's lying in a morgue.
We're no better than him now.
No, we're worse.
I should've tried
harder with him.
You always tried.
Why do you think
he turned out like he did?
It's just
Tamsin's gone off the rails.
I mean, she's always
been difficult but
last year ruined us.
I don't know what to do.
Oh, don't ask me
for parenting advice.
Didn't you ever want kids?
I'd never bring children
into our family.
-We're toxic.
[phone ringing, buzzing]
What you doing
around Maddox Street?
[Anna] Getting some air.
What, and some crystal meth?
Don't worry, I'm fine.
Ryan's looking for you.
Yeah, I'm headed
I'm headed home now.
[Max] Everything okay?
[Anna] Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Pork scratchings.
I'm still working but
I'll be home as soon as I can.
[Max] Love you.
It's done.
Max knows I'm here.
We have to go.
Well, good.
I don't want to hang about.
Well, don't you want to know
who's behind this?
It's too dangerous.
How long would we wait?
An hour? Five hours?
-Well, as long as it takes.
-[Nancy] Anna, start the car.
Right, I'll wait on my own then.
[Nancy] Oh, Louie,
don't be stupid.
Shut the door,
Louie, get back in the car!
Louie, come on!
[engine starts]
Can you get
these hard drives to tech
-so they can log the contents?
-Yeah, no problem.
[engine whirring distantly]
Why didn't you stay?
How are we supposed to know
who's doing this?
[Nancy] I already told you
Max was asking questions!
Where are you?
Just getting some bits
for Anna's birthday.
[Nancy] I'll see you at lunch.
Yeah, see you tomorrow.
[gate creaks]
-[Tish] Hey.
Are you stalking me?
It's a valid hobby.
Where've you been?
None of your business.
[cellphone ringing, buzzing]
[Cat] What's going on?
Are you okay?
-We had an argument.
-You and your boyfriend?
-No, me and Harry Styles.
-All right, Princess.
Ugh. Don't call me that.
Anyway, he's not my boyfriend,
he's an ex.
Or at least he will be,
he's just taking
some convincing.
-Can't say I blame him.
-Was that an actual compliment?
Was it?
Don't tell anyone,
it'll damage my brand.
Do you drink cider?
[Tish] Can I ask you
something kind of personal?
How did you end up in prison?
You know about that.
Everyone knows. [chuckles]
I got involved
with the wrong people.
But I turned things around.
Arwel gave me a chance
and the brewery's
been good for me.
Anna, Louie, Nance,
they don't care
where I come from or what I did.
They're proper mates, yeah.
Where are your family?
My parents split
when I was four.
Last time I saw my mum,
she was dropping me
at social services.
God, I'm sorry.
It's what it is.
I'm on my own
and that's how I like it.
Do you never hear from them?
Not even on your birthday,
or Christmas?
Didn't celebrate
many birthdays growing up.
I am owed a lot
of birthday cakes. [chuckles]
I didn't tell the police
we were out there
in the carpark.
He bit you?
He tricked me
to keep me out there.
It could've been worse
if you guys hadn't showed up.
I hated him.
I'm glad he's gone.
Tish, where were you tonight?
-With my ex.
-What does it matter?
-I just want to know.
At his place. Over the river.
I should go.
Do you want your stalker
to walk you home?
No. Thanks for the drink.
[toilet flushes]
Sorry, I'm so late.
It's okay.
Happy Birthday.
[birds chirping]
I can't hear anything.
-Just knock.
-Yeah, what if they're shagging?
-That's disgusting.
-What if they are though?
Nothing's gonna happen
with you two standing there.
Come on, come in.
-[Ryan] Happy Birthday, Mum.
-Thank you!
That's from both of us.
See. This is how
you wrap a present.
It's a gift voucher
for that new day spa place.
And there's a menu.
Aw, that's lovely, thank you!
They don't do
full face-lifts unfortunately.
Oh, that's a shame, isn't it?
And this is from me.
Have you been taking lessons?
-[Max] Yeah.
It's gorgeous!
"To infinity and beyond."
-That's from Toy Story.
-We know.
-It was our first date.
-[Tamsin chuckles]
It was either that
or Trainspotting.
I love it. Thank you.
[Max] And don't forget,
your mum's
not lifting a finger today.
Yeah, yeah.
-[phone buzzing]
It's the station.
Sorry, I've gotta take this.
You look older.
It's for Anna.
Some record she wanted.
Isn't vinyl
very expensive these days?
You should come
-to lunch.
-I've got things to do.
-If it's about your eye--
-Just tell her
[scotch tape rips]
Special delivery. [chuckles]
Are these for Anna?
For you.
One for every missed birthday.
I had to guess your age.
And next time
you wanted to walk me home,
I, I guess
I'd be fine with that.
Thank you.
I'm off then.
"Yep. Bye, Nancy."
[bell rings]
-[Anna] Hey!
-Happy Birthday!
Come in!
How are you
still getting taller? [chuckles]
-He's a freak.
-I like your jacket.
-[Max] Hiya.
-Hello, Cat.
Don't worry,
no interviews today.
[Cat] Thanks.
-Let's get at you. [grunts]
Oh, hello.
You all right, sweetheart?
-[Tamsin] Yeah, we missed you.
-[Nancy] Oh, missed you too.
Where's Richard?
Oh, he sends his apologies,
he's not feeling well.
That's all right.
More food for us.
-Here you go.
-What did you get, Max?
-Oh, he got me this.
Oh, that's beautiful.
What is it?
-[chuckles] Do it, do it Max.
-Don't be horrible!
-He's got a thing that he does.
-No, please.
[all] Do it, do it!
-Piss off!
Oh, I've wanted this for ages.
-Max might have tipped me off.
She's my queen.
Thank you.
I'll pass it over.
This is from Louie.
[whoops softly]
I'll look at that in a minute.
Oh, my God.
This is gorgeous.
-[all chuckling]
-[indistinct chatter]
It's so nice, thank you!
-Don't drink it all at once.
-I'm not promising.
Thank you. Thanks.
-To Anna, happy birthday.
-Yes, happy birthday!
Cheers, guys.
[Nancy] I'll just make a start
at getting rid of these.
[plates clattering]
Why didn't you buy screw-tops?
Reckon we can nip upstairs
for five minutes?
Nope. They won't care.
Especially Cat.
I don't think she likes me.
We're supposed
to be entertaining.
This time next year
we'll be on holiday.
I know it seems
like miles away but
-it'll be worth it, I promise.
-[Tamsin] Dad.
-[phone ringing]
-Yeah, I got it.
[phone continues ringing]
It's the station again, sorry.
Hello, DS Price.
[Holland] Max, it's me.
Sorry, to hijack your lunch
but there's been a development.
If I hadn't wanted that job
I hadn't been so angry
none of this
would've happened.
That's bollocks.
I wish I was more like you.
You never settle.
You always
pushing yourself,
always moving forward.
[door opens]
I am so sorry,
I gotta head to the station.
There's a briefing.
-What, now?
-I'll be back in a few hours,
I promise.
[door shuts]
When's this going to end?
What are you doing up here?
Just, uh, thinking. [chuckles]
Ryan's got Nancy playing the VR.
The world's
officially gone mental.
I didn't mean
what I said yesterday.
I know.
You always told me
I could be whoever I wanted.
You can, too.
You're still grounded.
What's this?
My apology to the school,
and Stacey.
I need you to proof-read it.
I'm doing what you wanted,
taking responsibility.
I'm proud of you.
Anna, you have got
to try this. Come on.
[Anna] I just want you to know
you're the best friends
I could ever have!
[Nancy] Yeah, don't forget it.
[Anna] Seriously though.
Whatever happens,
I don't want you to worry.
I've got your backs.
What do you mean?
-Have you heard from Max?
Too much wine, that's all.
Now, go home, I'm knackered.
I'd better check on Arwel.
Tell him we said, hi.
-Happy Birthday.
-[Anna] Bye.
Thanks for a lovely lunch.
[Anna] Shame to miss Richard.
Is everything
all right with you two?
[scoffs] Yeah.
Everything's fine.
-Bye, love.
-[Anna] Bye.
[music playing]
[indistinct chatter over TV]
["This Woman's Work" playing]
[woman vocalizing]
Pray God you can cope ♪
I'll stand outside ♪
This woman's work
This woman's world ♪
Briefing went for ages.
Now his part is over ♪
I need to tell you something.
Of the father ♪
I know you have
A little life in you left ♪
I know you have
A lotta strength left ♪
I know you have
A little life in you left ♪
But first I want a dance.
How much wine have you had?
-Not enough.
-You know, I can't dance.
Just for a minute.
Just us.
All the things we should've
Done that we never did ♪
All the things I should've
Given but I didn't ♪
Oh darlin', make it go ♪
Jacks' postmortem
results came back.
He was asphyxiated.
-Yeah, I know.
As of now,
this is a murder investigation.
Things are gonna get crazy.
I may not be around much.
But this is a big
opportunity for me.
I want to help catch
whoever did this.
[intense music playing]
[theme music playing]
[theme music ends]
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