The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

(Episode 2)
Cheon Seo Jin, I'm done
running away.
Get out of my office right now.
You will never beat me.
The fake winner, Cheon Seo Jin.
You're just a darned thief.
Mom, I'll go get the guards.
There's no need.
Have you lost your mind?
What are you doing
in front of the kids?
I see you still like joking around
with the trophy like that.
You haven't changed a bit.
Do you think I'm joking right now?
Even after seeing this?
I guess you want your daughter
to take lessons from me.
But I'm fully booked.
And I don't intend on
getting involved with you again.
If you understood,
can you leave now?
Who said I'll let my daughter
take lessons from you?
Who knows what you'll do
to my precious daughter?
Mom, what's wrong with you?
No matter how exceptional
your lessons are,
to me,
you're nothing.
My daughter Ro Na will be accepted
fairly based on her talent.
As long as you don't interfere.
You're just a delusional woman
with an inferiority complex.
Get out now before I call the police
for obstruction of business.
I'll be back
to take back my trophy.
I came
to tell you that.
Let's go, Ro Na.
Mom, who is that lady?
How can she be so rude?
We went to the same high school.
She's just upset I refused
to teach her daughter.
She was like that
since high school.
She's become even more twisted.
It's okay. Things like this happen
all the time.
Will that lady's daughter apply for
Cheong Ah Arts High School too?
That will never happen!
She's not talented enough.
She's just being cocky.
Eun Byeol, you can enter
Cheong Ah Arts High School
in first place, right?
- First place?
- You need to come in first place
to sing a solo
at the entrance ceremony.
Your grandpa will be there,
and I also invited famous singers
from abroad for you.
I'm sure Seok Kyung did well
on her midterms.
You need to do better in the
performance test to beat her.
I will beat her.
I want to beat her like crazy too.
I tried my best
to make you the best.
Do you know how many kids grow up
without receiving any support?
Your grandpa is the director
of Cheong Ah Arts High School.
You were born
with a free pass to enter
the most prestigious university.
Do you know
how big of a privilege that is?
I do.
You must practice.
Sing, and keep singing
until you make it work.
Memorize the whole music sheet
inside your head.
Sing until you fall asleep
and even in your dreams.
If Seok Kyung sings 100 times,
you need to sing 200 times.
That's how you will beat her.
Start practicing.
Mom, do you really mean it?
Can I go
to Cheong Ah Arts High School?
- Are you allowing me to sing?
- Of course.
You can sing all you want.
You said it's your wish.
I know there's not much time,
but I'll fully support you.
I promise not to let you down.
I'll make it
to Cheong Ah Arts High School.
No, I can even come in first place.
I'll prove to you that I didn't make
the wrong choice.
Okay, let's do that.
Ro Na, since the day you were born,
you had an extraordinary voice.
You need to beat everyone
with your talent
so no one can mess with you.
- Are you confident?
- Yes, I am.
But why did you do that
to Ms. Cheon?
You should've been begging her
instead. Why were you so furious?
Cheon Seo Jin and I
have a complicated past.
We can find another teacher for you.
I'll find the best teacher for you,
so don't you worry.
I'll stop you from being punished
at school somehow too.
That won't be easy.
When you kicked the principal
in the face.
We're not rich or powerful
like Jenny's family.
Just trust me.
I will never let you ruin your life.
How dare you come here
so shamelessly?
You're violent and reckless.
Like mother like daughter, they say.
I'm very sorry, sir.
I must've lost my mind earlier.
It's my fault, so I'll accept
any type of punishment.
I'll pay for all
your medical expenses too.
So please forgive my daughter
Ro Na.
Ro Na must graduate
from this school.
Do you think this is something
I can forgive? Look at this.
This is a total infringement
of a teacher's rights.
I will never
I won't let it slide!
You kicked out
two perfectly fine front teeth.
This is almost the same as
attempted murder.
We must hold both mother
and daughter responsible,
and nip this in the bud
while we can.
You ruined your daughter's life.
It's all on you.
Do you get that?
I'm here to apologize
to the principal.
I'm not here to apologize to you.
What? Are you out of your mind?
Do you think I didn't know
your daughter was putting on a show?
Yes. You protect your daughter.
I will protect mine.
Don't you think she caught on?
Sir. Do you think
you can cough up
all the money I gave you?
If you can't, you'd better
pull yourself together. Okay?
Why did I do such a thing?
Darn it.
(Chaotic purity)
(Chaotic purity)
Where are you? I arrived.
You're reaping what you sowed,
so don't blame me, Cho Sang Heon.
I will do anything I can
for my daughter.
(All Star Music Academy)
Yes, to get into Cheong Ah.
What? You have an opening?
Okay. Thank you.
Hwayoung Middle School
9th grader Bae Ro Na.
I'll bring her over tomorrow.
Pardon? There's no opening?
What do you mean?
You just said there is.
What on earth
No way.
I sent Bae Ro Na's details
to all the top class music teachers.
Did you find out about her grades?
Yes. Here you go.
(Personal Details, Attendance)
She has all As?
Cheon Seo Jin.
Only you'd deal such a low blow.
What should I do?
What if I can't find a tutor?
(All In Music Class)
Darn it.
- I'm sorry I'm late.
- It's fine.
Take care.
You're taking food again?
Our boss might complain.
They all expired already.
I'll pay for these.
This is the math syllabus for
first-year students at Cheong Ah.
As you can see,
they're pretty good at
polynomial expressions
and factorization,
so we'll focus on inequations
and quadratic function.
Inequations and quadratic function
can get endlessly hard
if the problem's twisted enough.
Seok Kyung. Can you
put away your phone?
Why is this book so clean?
Aren't you top of your class?
Is being rude your act?
I checked to see
how good you are because
you refused to take a level test.
You want to be worth your pay?
Then just spend
your allocated time here and leave.
Like all the other tutors.
Hey, Eun Byeol. For real?
Let's take a break.
So what did you say?
You said that?
No, you did well. Well done.
I'll call you later.
Aren't you too relaxed
just because your exams are over?
You shouldn't be rude
when a tutor's here.
Turn off your phone and concentrate.
I'll do as I see fit.
Seok Kyung.
Seok Hoon. Is something up
with Seok Kyung?
Try to think and figure out
why Seok Kyung would be like that.
You will never beat me.
The fake winner, Cheon Seo Jin.
You're just a darned thief.
Did you not get my text?
I asked to see you at Shine Hotel.
Both you and I
are people with a lot to lose.
At a place that's always so packed,
I don't think we can meet.
What a relief.
We're on the same page.
I think you dropped this.
This master key gets you into
any room in Hera Palace.
Wouldn't you prefer a place
we're both familiar with?
Ms. Yang!
Ms. Yang. Whose shoes are these?
The tutor's here.
The entrance is a mess.
Throw this away now.
Yes, sir.
She's the twins' new math tutor.
Okay. Please do your best.
I should go now.
Must she teach the kids here?
You know how I hate brushing
with outsiders.
Shoes that could've
stepped on anything,
and who knows what she touched
before coming in my house
Throw out everything
she contaminated.
Throw out the cup she used.
- Clean the bathroom again.
- Yes, sir.
Let's talk later, honey.
Let's go.
Ms. Lee.
You're upset, aren't you?
My husband has OCD.
I apologize instead.
Don't. Why should you apologize?
The twins are tough, aren't they?
It's fine. This is my job.
They're adolescents
and it's tough on me too.
Tell me whenever you need something.
Okay. I'll do that.
(Cheong Ah Arts
Middle School Principal)
To what do I owe the call, sir?
Was I too disinterested
with the kids?
Seok Kyung did what?
Joo Seok Kyung?
I just heard
a very unbelievable story.
You turned in a blank answer sheet
at today's exam.
Is that true?
What is he talking about?
It can't be, Father.
I did not ask you, Seok Hoon.
Answer, Seok Kyung.
Until yesterday, you got
full marks and first place.
But today, a blank answer sheet?
It's not true, is it?
I misheard, didn't I?
It's true.
I don't want to go
to Cheong Ah Arts High School.
That's why I did it.
- What?
- Seok Kyung!
What's wrong with you?
I don't want to be
a classical singer.
I don't want to sing.
It's what you want, not me.
I believe our family should have
a famous classical singer.
That was my goal
for a very long time.
That doesn't mean
I should be a classical singer.
You never once asked me
what I wanted to do!
I hate singing on stage
more than death itself.
I've had enough.
I hate school and singing,
and I hate this house too!
I feel so suffocated
and it's killing me!
Then what do you want to do?
My dear daughter?
Send me and Seok Hoon abroad.
Abroad? You want to study abroad?
We've been too distant, haven't we?
We should spend some time together.
Father. It's my fault.
I should've watched Seok Kyung.
I'll scold her
so this never happens again.
- So please
- This is too much noise.
You know how much I dislike it
when a man whines and grovels.
I will make her change her mind.
So please
I warned you.
I said I hate noise.
Did you forget
you must obey my rules?
You know what happens
when you disobey those rules.
You promised you wouldn't hit her!
Hit me instead if you want!
If that's what you want,
I must do so.
Your twin sister did wrong.
It could be a beautiful thing
for the brother to pay instead.
No, Dad.
Dad. Dad, I'm sorry.
Seok Hoon, say you're sorry!
- Come with me.
- Seok Hoon
Seok Hoon.
Dad, I'm sorry.
Dad. Seok Hoon!
Seok Hoon. Are you okay?
Answer me!
Dad. I'm sorry.
Please stop.
I said stop!
Please leave a message
Why won't anyone pick up?
I don't know.
What's wrong, Seok Hoon.
Are you sick?
Where were you this time?
You always leave at just
the right time, as if you know.
What do you mean?
Is something wrong? Tell me.
Do you even care about us?
Get out of the way.
Did something happen to them?
I wouldn't know.
Honey. Did something
happen to the kids?
They fought, so I scolded them.
They fought?
Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung
never fight.
That's why I scolded them.
It must be puberty.
Do the twins give you
a hard time too?
No, they don't.
Did it hurt a lot?
It's fine. Don't worry.
You know that
you're all I have, right?
You're my only ally.
I will protect you.
So no one can hurt you.
I'm sorry.
The tumor's growing
and it's becoming more dangerous.
Mammary gland tumors grow fast.
I got the money. Operate on her now.
It's 2,000 dollars, right?
Where did you get the money?
Didn't you say you have no parents?
You're in middle school, right?
I think you're mistaken.
The operation alone
costs 2,000 dollars.
If I count hospitalization and
rehab fees, it goes up to six grand.
But I feel bad for you,
so I'll do it at 5,000 for you.
But you must bring me cash.
That much?
Yes, because
it's a very tricky operation.
Your dog might die
if you wait too long.
She can't. You have to save her.
I'll get the money somehow.
Why won't you eat, Sugar?
Okay. I will eat too.
Eat up now.
Here you go.
You're such a good girl.
I went to Hera Palace today.
It's where the richest people live.
The lobby's huge and shiny
and there's a massive fountain.
I had to leave my ID to get in.
Isn't that fascinating?
The kids who live there are my age.
They're under my thumb.
I'm their tutor.
So don't worry about me.
Focus on your operation
and getting better.
Your Italian lesson teacher
is coming. Get ready.
It's past 11 p.m.
Okay, I'll get ready.
Aren't you being too tough on her?
Her performance test
is around the corner.
You're the one who always
pressures her to beat Seok Kyung.
That's because
Joo Dan Tae is just so obnoxious.
I can't stand it when he pretends
to be so well-mannered
when he's a condescending jerk.
He thinks money can get him
How dare he order me around?
I'm a manager
at Cheong Ah Medical Center too.
You booked more VIP patients
at your hospital thanks to him.
That's why I'm holding back.
Since he's still of use to me.
Is this the Bordeaux wine
that he likes?
It tastes horrible.
Why does he always drink this?
Then don't drink it.
Why are you badmouthing him
when you follow everything he does?
The apartment he lives in,
the wine he drinks,
and you're even wearing the sweater
he wore. What's your problem?
That's all because of
your sense of inferiority.
If you say that one more time,
we're getting divorced. Got it?
is Eun Byeol good enough
to beat Seok Kyung?
Eun Byeol has many competitors
besides Seok Kyung.
Who else besides those twins?
Don't give up! Let's make it
to Cheong Ah Arts High School.
You can do it, Bae Ro Na!
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry for stopping you
when I had no right.
I will sort this situation out
no matter what.
I'm sorry for saying
you were worse
than Dad who passed away.
- I missed you so much.
- Really?
Of course.
Did you shoot this video?
Are you crazy?
There are many people watching.
Will you be okay?
How dare you blackmail me?
Do you think you'll be able
to continue working in this field?
I have nothing to lose right now.
I'll cut to the chase.
If you want to be elected
for your third term,
you'd better pay me to keep quiet.
Why you
How dare you act up in front of me?
With one phone call,
I can get rid of you
from the face of this earth.
Do you understand?
Shall I send this video
to the TV stations and press?
You cheated on your wife,
didn't pay my commission,
and even sexually harassed me.
You've lived as a scumbag
all your life,
and you should consider it lucky
to be able to stop this with money.
(Fatigue Recovery Drink)
What Are your asking
for forgiveness
with a box of drinks?
My goodness, Ms. Oh.
Your ignorance is truly frustrating.
Just open it before you talk.
You probably know how much it is
since you received it often.
What on earth are you talking about?
Why would I have
received money like this?
I mean all the money you got
from Jenny's parents
and other various bribes as well.
I'll pretend not to know.
As long as you let Ro Na graduate,
consider me blind
and deaf from all that.
I look forward to your cooperation.
Oh, thank you.
(Scholarship Ceremony for
Future Prodigies of Culture and Art)
(Certificate of Scholarship)
Congratulations, Seok Kyung.
Can you lower your chin a little?
Yes, smile so I can see your teeth.
1, 2.
Okay. Thank you.
Thank you for providing support
for the development of this school.
I asked you to exclude my kids
from the scholarship list.
How could I do that?
They're top students at school,
so they deserve it.
I'm thinking of changing all the
air conditioners
and computers at school.
I also brought up a proposal
regarding the reconstruction
of the gym. Take a look.
Gosh, even the gym?
It will be quite costly.
Don't worry about the money.
I'm more than glad to help
since it's for our kids.
Thank you very much, Chairman Joo.
I sorted out the issue regarding
Seok Kyung's blank answer sheet.
I was able to persuade
the teacher in charge of the exam.
I see.
Schedule a dinner appointment
with that teacher soon.
Yes, sir.
(We lost our land and homes.)
(We are against the redevelopment!)
- Let's go!
- Let's go!
What are you doing?
Why would you do this?
You can't do this! Stop it!
Stop! Don't touch our things!
My gosh. You fools!
How dare you do this?
You won't get away with this!
The first stage is underway.
You can get started, Dr. Ha.
(Cheong Ah Medical Center,
Patient: SBC CEO Mr. Chu)
How do you feel, Mr. Chu?
Your back surgery went perfectly.
It'll last you another 50 years.
By the way,
I'd like to report something
to the media.
- What is it?
- Sine-gil in Myungwon-dong.
Residents refusing to move out
are hampering the redevelopment.
The media took the story.
Attorney Lee, you do the rest.
In the end, it's the law
that is above everyone, right?
The owner of that building
has a loser son.
He's on trial for assault
resulting in death.
It'll take quite a lot
to settle out of court.
The victim's lawyer
trained together with my father.
I told him to demand the highest
they could ever dream of.
If we report him for tax evasion,
he won't last long.
He got a loan worth
half the value of the building,
and the banks
turned him down already.
Bingo. I give him a month at most.
Attorney Lee, you must treat
your father really well.
He's basically feeding you
everything in life.
Don't you know it requires talent
to be able to take
what he's feeding me too?
Darn it.
This time, how much
do we get each as a profit?
At least 15 large.
The extra deposit
of the Yongsan building.
I got in gold bars.
Nothing is as honest as gold.
Let's wrap this up quick
and move onto the next deal.
The next project is quite a big one.
My goodness
What did you do to make
the principal go so meek?
Do you think that washes away
what you did to us?
Don't even dream of it.
I'll follow you to the very end.
Fine. You do that, then.
Let's take Jenny to a hospital.
- What?
- Let's get her tested to see
if her voice is really damaged.
If she coughed up blood,
we must find out what component
caused such a reaction.
Then I'll apologize, compensate you,
or demand an apology from you.
What got into you this time?
Are you saying my Jenny
did something to apologize for?
You must know better than anyone
seeing you're her mother.
I don't want to get involved in
another family's home education.
you're not raising your kid
the right way.
Nothing good comes from
making someone else's child cry.
If this becomes an issue,
who would it hurt more?
Think carefully
and weigh out your options.
Hey. Stop right there!
Hey! I'm not done talking!
We're not done!
Ms. Oh.
Do you remember me?
Yes. You tutor Jenny.
I got fired.
She learns from Cheon Seo Jin now.
I taught her while
she waited for an opening.
I see.
She has a lovely voice.
I see why Jenny's jealous.
Is Ro Na practicing to enter
an Arts School too?
Does she have a tutor?
No. She practices on her own.
- Why?
- No one will teach her.
I think word got out that
the school violence committee
summoned her over Jenny's incident.
But Ro Na didn't do anything bad.
It's true.
I know very well that
she was wrongfully accused.
I'm so sorry about before.
I was in no position
to get involved then.
It's fine.
If you'd gotten involved,
you'd have gotten into trouble.
Someone as good as Ro Na
could get in no problem
with just a little coaching.
Would you let me teach her?
Are you serious?
Ro Na has much more potential
than Jenny.
She has a beautiful voice
and hits the notes well.
I'd like to mold her.
If you want a famous tutor
like Ms. Cheon Seo Jin,
I can't help with that.
No, sir. Thank you so much.
Thank you.
You're so good, Ro Na.
I think this will do
for the Italian song.
What's the German song?
What German song?
Don't they test on
two Italian songs?
Didn't you see
Cheong Ah High's notice?
They changed the exam this year.
Didn't you know they added
a German song starting this year?
Oh, no. I don't speak any German.
Oh, my gosh.
Jenny heard long ago and
has been practicing German songs.
This won't do. Starting today,
we'll focus on German songs.
First, shall we start
by interpreting a few?
Won't it be too late to start now?
You're smart,
so you'll catch up in no time.
But you must practice hard,
and follow my lead well.
I'll work really hard.
Shall we start with
Schubert's "Die Forelle"?
Ms. Jennifer?
Let's try this line first.
That's not how you sing it.
You keep going flat.
Use your maschera
and project the sound forward.
And sing each note separately,
not all clumped together!
Why do you keep making
the same mistake?
I'll try again. I can do well.
I won't mess up this time.
Hera. 35th-floor garden.
(Message from:
Nakwon Musical Instruments)
- Kyu Jin's home.
- Hey.
My gosh.
Min Hyuk's tutor's here.
You can't strip out here.
Put on your pants now.
My goodness.
Didn't you say you'd be late
preparing for a trial?
Dad went home early,
so I checked my files,
then escaped the office.
I can't prepare for the trial
without my dad.
You need to start
doing things on your own.
That way, your father will be able
to trust you with the law firm.
Until when do you plan to stay
as his employee?
It'll be mine anyway.
My sisters aren't interested
in taking over the law firm.
That's nonsense.
Your second sister
keeps asking me to set her up
with your colleague, Attorney Park.
What? Why? She just got a divorce.
Isn't it obvious?
She's trying to take her share
of your father's law firm.
You really know nothing.
Honey, are you
badmouthing my sister?
She's my big sister.
No, I just meant to say
that you're too naive.
I'm upset at you.
- You trust your sisters too much.
- Hurry up and make me feel better.
If you don't, I'll go ahead
and tell my mom.
Did I upset you, honey?
Excuse me.
Oh, Ms. Lee.
I'll be off now.
I'm Min Hyuk's father.
- Come here.
- My gosh.
You're unbelievable.
My goodness.
- It's fine.
- Ms. Lee, this is Seok Kyung.
Let's delay our lesson
by 30 minutes, okay?
She could've texted me earlier.
I had no idea this place existed
in Hera Palace.
I'm surprised.
I participated in
designing the building.
Feel free to come here
whenever you want.
You teach my kids,
so you're more than qualified.
Is this a bribe?
I don't think my kids are bad enough
for me to bribe you.
Okay then.
Who's going to enter Cheong Ah
Arts High School as the top student?
Is it going to be Seok Kyung
or Eun Byeol?
Hasn't it already been decided?
You'll find out
after they take their test.
It's going to be fair.
That's quite unexpected.
What are you doing?
I thought
this might look good on you.
Aren't you sick of the necklace
your stupid husband got for you?
What is this necklace
supposed to mean?
Don't tell me
you want me all to yourself.
No, of course not.
I want this to be simple.
Let's not put a leash on each other
or be clingy.
I want this to end the moment
one of us decides to end it.
What do you think?
It looks like we've just settled
on our own set of rules.
Can we finish early today?
Did you forget that we started late?
If we finish early,
you can go teach another lesson.
You like money.
You got that right. I like money.
I need to make money.
That's why I need to stay
and teach you guys.
If I don't stick to the contract,
I'll have to pay a penalty.
Did I make things clear?
(Cheong Ah Arts High School,
Application for admission)
Hurry up and solve this.
What's your problem?
I don't want to do it.
Is it because you don't know how?
I don't understand
how you're the top student
at Cheong Ah Arts Middle School.
In my opinion,
you're not that smart.
Get out of my room right now.
I think we should
finish early today.
We need to write our applications
for Cheong Ah Arts High School.
We already got permission
from our mom.
Okay, fine.
Instead, it's just for today.
What are you doing?
She deserves to learn a lesson.
That way, she'll learn
not to act up.
Ms. Lee, I appreciate
your hard work.
This is a small gift.
My keyring is gone.
Dad got it for me.
It was a limited edition.
Ms. Lee, did you take it?
It was on my desk a minute ago.
I never took it.
You should look for it again.
Why don't you show me your bag
to prove that you didn't take it?
That's okay, right?
(Conquer Your School Grades,
(Conquer Your School Grades,
What's this?
You are a thief.
You took my keyring and snacks.
Seok Kyung, that's enough.
I'm sorry, Ms. Lee.
What do you mean it's enough?
She stole something from me.
How do you expect me to stay calm?
You saw it for yourself.
How could you say that to me?
Don't let it bother you.
I'll make sure I scold her.
Mom, whose side are you taking?
Are you seriously taking her side
even though you're my mom?
Seok Kyung!
How dare you talk
to your mother that way!
The tutor stole something from me,
but Mom keeps taking her side.
I didn't do it.
I really didn't steal anything.
Why would I steal something?
I can easily tell why.
I think you should leave.
This is between me and my family.
Let me explain, honey.
First, let me listen
to what Seok Kyung has to say.
She seems very angry.
Ms. Anna Lee?
- Yes?
- We received a report. Wait here.
What do you mean?
We were told you stole something
from the penthouse.
Why don't you check again?
I didn't do it.
I didn't steal anything.
I think
we should let the cops
investigate that.
When you see something valuable,
it's normal to feel the urge
to possess it.
I understand.
We found the lost item,
so we'll let it slide
if you apologize.
I don't want to apologize
for something I didn't do.
If you don't apologize,
it could get you in trouble.
Isn't it weird?
My daughter's keyring
couldn't have
gone into your bag on its own.
Maybe Seok Kyung put it in my bag.
What are you talking about?
Why would I do that?
That's out of line.
What do you take my family for?
I want you to apologize.
I want you to apologize
for suspecting my daughter
and for stealing something
from her room.
Call the superintendent
of Gangnam Police Station.
Okay, sir.
If you move an inch from there,
you'll also get charged
for trying to run away.
I didn't steal it! It was a setup!
- I'm not a thief!
- Come right now!
Hey, will you please say something?
I'll apologize.
I'll do it.
Meet me at the swimming pool.
I can't believe this.
Did the math teacher
seriously try to steal something?
Has she lost her mind?
I know, right?
- Hi.
- Look at her.
Let's hear you apologize.
I'm sorry
for suspecting you.
And? You also need to apologize
for stealing my keyring.
I'm sorry.
It won't ever happen again.
Okay, I'll accept your apology
although I'm not
entirely satisfied with it.
Where do you think you're going?
By the way, Ms. Lee.
Do you know that you really stink?
You make me want to puke.
Oh, my gosh!
Did you seriously just do that?
You're nuts.
I can't believe we adopted a thief!
You're going to be deported
from the States.
- Here you go.
- There.
My gosh.
Where are you going?
- Ms. Lee.
- My gosh.
You should've told me
if you were hungry.
I'm so disappointed that you even
tried to steal our snacks.
I guess she likes imported snacks.
Are you serious?
I can't believe she did that.
- This is going to stink.
- Ms. Lee!
Ms. Lee! Ms. Lee!
Use this money
to have your clothes cleaned.
- My gosh.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Bye, Ms. Lee.
I want you to fire the math tutor.
I don't care if she stole or not.
I didn't like her from the start.
Seok Kyung, why did you do that?
- Do what?
- You put that in Ms. Lee's bag.
What are you talking about?
Seok Kyung.
I want to know why you did it.
Is this really the best you can do?
I never took you as someone
who would hurt others.
So what? What do you want me to do?
I want you to apologize to Ms. Lee.
I'll drag you to her if I need to.
Who are you to tell me what to do?
How dare you talk to me that way!
I'm your mom!
You're not even my real mom.
Seok Kyung, what in the world
Did you think I'd never find out
that you're not my real mom?
Seok Hoon and I were given birth
by someone else!
Seok Kyung.
I don't know who told you what,
but I'm your mother.
I may not have given birth to you,
but I raised you
since you were a baby.
And I loved you like my own.
I truly cared about you.
You truly cared?
My elementary school
graduation ceremony.
All my concerts.
And even last year's birthday.
You were never there
when I needed you!
And I bet it was all because of her.
Your daughter who's lying sick
at the hospital.
How did you know that?
Do you have any idea
how much I liked you?
You deceived me.
You abandoned me
for your biological daughter!
No, that's not true.
I never abandoned you.
I love you so much.
I never once thought of you
as someone else's daughter.
I really mean it, Seok Kyung.
Don't ever act like
you're my mom again.
It's disgusting,
and it makes me want to puke.
Seok Hoon.
Let me explain.
From now on,
don't interfere in our lives.
That's why the kids were
always so sensitive.
But I had no idea.
They were bound to know one day.
Don't blame yourself so much.
They'll understand someday.
I'll talk to them.
I feel so sorry to you too.
You tried so hard to take care
of that sick child for 16 years.
But there's been no progress.
Don't ever say that
in front of Hye In.
Although she can't speak,
she's sensitive.
I'm sure she hears
and feels everything.
I feel sorry I haven't supported her
enough to make her recover.
Don't say that.
You've been so kind to her
as if she was your own child.
Hye In is my child
no matter what they say.
If she's your child,
she's mine as well.
Seok Hoon, Seok Kyung, and Hye In.
All three of them are our children.
We can overcome this.
But how do you think they found out?
I'm not sure.
I don't understand either.
You were right.
It disgusts me.
I thought she was my mom
when we don't share a drop of blood.
Throw this photo away.
It's about time we end this play.
You've done well
trying to be a daughter, Joo Hye In.
Has it already been 16 years?
Yes, sir.
You did a great job
enduring it all this time.
My math grades improved so much
thanks to you.
I'll invite you
to a musical next time.
I told you to lower your larynx
and control your breathing!
Will you be able to beat Seok Kyung
at this rate?
Can you make it first place?
Keep going.
Ro Na, you did great.
If you look at this part,
can we go legato here?
My daughter, you sound lovely.
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School
Application Form)
I hope you achieve the dream
I failed to achieve.
(Applicant: Bae Ro Na,
Guardian: Oh Yoon Hee)
(Cheong Ah Arts High School
Admission Performance Test)
(We hope you pass the test!)
(We love you!)
Min Hyuk. I'll take this.
Son, drink this before you go in.
We're here.
You look pretty.
- Mr. Oh!
- Yes.
Take this.
Seok Kyung, take this.
(Hard Work Never Betrays You!)
Mom, what do I do?
Why, Ro Na? What's wrong?
Look at this.
(Classical singing, 2 Italian songs)
(Must be sung
in the original language)
It's okay.
The person you have reached
is unavailable.
Please leave a message
after the tone.
Why? He's not answering?
It's my fault. We've been tricked.
I don't think a German song
was allowed in the first place.
What do I do, Mom?
Ro Na.
Don't cry.
You won't be able to sing properly
if you cry. It's okay.
Did you take care
of her lesson teacher?
Yes, they won't be able
to reach him.
Let's think about it.
Ro Na, it's okay.
Don't cry.
Ms. Cheon!
- You're here.
- Ms. Cheon.
My daughter practiced really hard.
My daughter Jenny
I will judge fairly.
Yes, of course.
We look forward to your support!
Ro Na, please pull yourself
Everything's been ruined!
I can't think of anything.
It's all over.
No, it's not over.
You still have
your favorite song left.
You sang it secretly
hundreds of times
and listened to it so much.
Don't you remember?
But still
I didn't even practice properly.
I don't think I can do it.
I can't do it.
Ro Na, you can do it.
Are you going to give up like this?
Will you give up
going to Cheong Ah Arts High School?
You said you'd achieve the dream
I failed to achieve.
No, don't sing it for me.
Sing for yourself.
Aren't you upset?
Aren't you angry that
you were tricked?
You have to try until the end
at least.
Ro Na, don't forget.
You have the best voice here.
No one
can sing as well as you.
I can't.
(Department of Music,
Piano Test Hall)
You can do it. Okay?
Good luck!
(Department of Music,
Piano Test Hall)
This voice
Is it Bae Ro Na?
Please let my daughter pass.
My Lord.
I think Ha Eun Byeol made a mistake.
Does that matter?
Her grandpa is the director
of this school.
Worry about yourself.
Hey. Good luck, Seok Kyung!
Ro Na. How did it go?
I think it went well.
Great job, sweetie.
I'm proud of you.
Great job. Let's go.
I guess you don't have to worry
about Seok Kyung and Seok Hoon.
I wasn't even this nervous when
I took the test to be an announcer.
I think my heart is
about to shrivel up.
I'm so nervous too.
To be honest,
won't the twins pass
by even just breathing on stage?
Think about all the bricks
Chairman Joo stacked
for this school,
and the grass he laid out.
You're making me uncomfortable.
Why would you be uncomfortable?
I just shared the facts.
Besides the ones who'll get
a free pass
like Eun Byeol and the twins,
the leftovers will fight over
the few tickets that are left.
It's literally a desperate fight
to get accepted.
Why is Min Hyuk a leftover?
Don't think of him as the same level
as Jenny.
She doesn't even go
to Cheong Ah Arts Middle School.
Do you actually think
Min Hyuk has a chance?
Ms. Cheon looks down on you
even more than me.
You don't know anything, do you?
He's not good at singing
or studying.
No wonder she ignores you
all the time.
How could you be so tactless
for an ex-announcer?
What did you say?
Ms. Kang, say that again!
- What are you doing?
- I haven't even started yet.
What did you say?
Did I say something wrong?
How can you treat
Min Hyuk like that?
My goodness, your daughter is
no match for him.
Are you offended?
Then prove how good he is.
- Go and prove it!
- My gosh.
- My goodness.
- We'll see.
(Department of Music,
Piano Test Hall)
(Min Seol Ah, classical singing)
She's today's last applicant.
(Performance Test Score Sheet)
(Check results)
(The results have not been
announced yet.)
Yes, Mom.
They haven't announced it yet.
I don't know. What's taking so long?
Announce the results.
Ms. Min, it's been a long time.
That must be the results.
- You passed too, right?
- Yes.
Who came first place
in the classical singing department?
Mom. Mom!
Mom, they announced the results.
But I'm afraid to look at it.
You didn't have to come out.
You're getting wet.
Let's go inside. I'll check for you.
(List of Successful Applicants)
Congratulations on Seok Hoon
coming in first place.
But someone else has won first place
for classical singing.
Seok Kyung, you didn't come in
first place.
Who is it then?
Is it Eun Byeol,
whose voice cracked?
Her name is Min Seol Ah.
She dropped out of high school
and took the GED.
Min Seol Ah?
(Min Seol Ah, classical singing)
It was you, wasn't it?
I wasn't mistaken.
Seok Kyung, what are you doing
to your teacher?
What teacher?
I saw her with my own eyes
at today's test site.
(Min Seol Ah)
"Min Seol Ah"?
(Bae Ro Na, classical singing,
(You are number 1
on the reserve list.)
"Number 1 on the reserve list"?
(You are number 1
on the reserve list.)
This doesn't make sense.
Why didn't I pass?
Why? I didn't make any mistakes.
Ro Na, it's okay.
Ro Na!
Ro Na, where are you going?
Ro Na, be careful!
Ro Na!
Ro Na!
Ro Na!
Ro Na!
(Min Seol Ah)
Are you really the same age
as Seok Kyung? In middle school?
Can't you see this?
She's the same age as me,
and she doesn't even go to school.
We don't even know
where she came from.
Can you believe we called her
a teacher
and took lessons from this swindler?
You lied as if you studied abroad
when you actually
only live in Bosok Village.
Why did you do that?
Answer me.
I'm sorry for lying.
But I returned all the money
when you fired me,
and I'm not their teacher anymore.
So you didn't do anything wrong?
I taught them as much as
you paid me,
and I was never late.
Seok Kyung was the one
who was rudest to me.
She even humiliated me
and claimed I was a thief.
- Shut your mouth.
- Seok Kyung.
How did you come in first place
in the test then?
I passed fair and square
with my talent.
Is that wrong?
Who knows what a swindler like you
could've done?
Maybe you approached us
on purpose to steal information.
There's no information
I can take from you anyway.
Seok Kyung.
That's for tricking my family
and making us into fools.
What are you doing?
That's my warning telling you
to know your place.
Why? Are you angry?
If you're finished enjoying yourself
like a reckless brat,
it's time to be punished.
Tell me your parent's number.
Please stop it.
I don't have parents.
You don't have parents?
Are you an orphan then?
How pathetic
She has nothing to do with us now.
She already apologized too.
You creeped me out
from the beginning.
An insincere person like you
gives out a particular vibe.
That nasty feeling that
really creeps me out.
You're not exactly
living an honest life either.
What did you just say?
If you're done, I'll be off now.
Hey, where do you think
you're going?
That vulgar brat.
I can't believe you let
someone like her into our house.
I won't end it here.
That's crazy. You're lying, right?
My gosh, I'm so angry right now.
I can't believe I treated her
like a teacher.
She's an amazing actress.
No wonder I found it so hard
to like her from the start.
Are we just going to forgive her?
What should we do?
We should make her pay
for making a fool of us.
Wait. Seol Ah.
I'm sorry, Ms. Shim.
I owe you a sincere apology.
May I ask you why you had to lie?
The Anna I know
I mean, the Seol Ah I know
isn't someone
who would do something like this
out of malice.
You might not believe me,
but I was in urgent need of money.
I promise I didn't spend it
on anything bad.
I believe you.
But you should apologize
to the other families.
You're not being responsible
by just running away like this.
I'll do as you say.
I have something for you.
Will you wait for a moment?
Who are you guys?
Stay still if you don't want
to get yourself in a mess.
How can you be so confident
even after what you've done?
Are you really the same age as us?
You took the GED,
and you live in Bosok Village?
On top of that, she's an orphan.
I'm sorry. I'd like to apologize
from the bottom of my heart.
You're sorry?
You totally had us fooled.
Do you think an apology will cut it?
I'll return the tutor fee.
I'll return every penny.
Just give me some time.
You're unbelievably brazen.
You give me the creeps.
The fact that you tried to teach us
is already against the law.
You even tried to steal
Seok Kyung's keyring.
You're a thief and a con artist.
I can't believe she got accepted
at Cheong Ah Arts High School
as the top student.
She's such a low class.
You darn brat.
Here's what you need to know.
You don't deserve
to go to school with us.
And of course, your admission
as the top student
at Cheong Ah Arts High School
will get canceled.
You committed fraud to make money.
Do you really think the school
will accept someone like you?
You really need
to get to your senses.
You're right. I took the GED,
I'm poor,
and I live in Bosok Village.
I never got a chance
to go to school properly,
and I couldn't even dream
of receiving any singing lessons.
I was always busy
working part-time jobs.
But what about that?
You guys lost
to someone so insignificant.
Be honest with me.
Are you upset that an orphan
taught you?
Or are you upset
that I beat you guys?
You didn't beat us.
You guys have it all.
You live in fancy houses,
and you have rich parents
who provide you with full support.
You have everything
you could ever ask for.
So why are you obsessed
with bullying me?
I pity you guys.
You're pitiful and sad.
You pity us?
Who are you to pity us?
Who do you think you are?
- Did you bring what I asked you to?
- Of course.
- What are you doing?
- You're a college student.
You're a UCLA student
who took a leave of absence.
You're not a minor, so you can enjoy
some champagne, right?
Please don't do this.
Let me go home. Please.
Don't get scared.
We're just going to celebrate.
A party to congratulate
your admission as the top student.
Ro Na.
Ro Na, where are you?
Ro Na.
My goodness.
Here. Take this.
Look at yourself.
I totally get
why your parents abandoned you.
A top student? You're unbelievable.
Who do you think you are?
Let's not forget the cake.
We're here to congratulate you.
If you do as you're told,
we'll let you go.
We're ready.
Please let me go. Please.
Look over here.
I'll take a nice photo.
Nice pose. You look great.
Now, we're able to see the real
Min Seol Ah from Bosok Village.
This really suits you.
Why don't you use this chance
to choose a different path?
Look at her.
How dare you act like
you're our teacher!
- Look at her.
- Congratulations
- Take this.
- Congratulations
- How does this feel?
- You deserved this.
Hey, stop.
Please let me go.
We put Bae Ro Na
on the top of the waiting list.
This voice Is it Bae Ro Na?
How did you deal with Ms. Kwon?
I gave her the money.
I also told her that we'll be
supporting her solo concert.
Good work. You may leave now.
Ms. Cheon! Ms. Cheon!
Ms. Cheon, did you hear the news?
- What's going on?
- Min Seol Ah
The girl who got accepted
as the top student.
She's apparently the tutor.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about
our kids' tutor, Anna Lee.
She's actually Min Seol Ah,
the girl who got into Cheong Ah
Arts High School as the top student.
I really can't believe this.
I was happy that our kids passed,
but this totally ruined my day.
Ms. Cheon, you should've done
more research before hiring her.
This is so embarrassing.
People will laugh at us
if word gets out.
We totally got fooled
by a 16-year-old.
How could I have known?
She forged her proof of enrollment
and ID.
If you're going to blame me,
you can hire your own tutor
from now on.
It's not Ms. Cheon's fault.
How could she have known?
That brat was very meticulous.
Kids these days can be very cunning.
Don't you agree?
Su Ryeon, didn't you study
in the States?
I'm sure you would've noticed
something suspicious.
Did you not find anything peculiar?
Or did you
purposely turn a blind eye?
I didn't know.
But I think she had her reasons.
She promised
to apologize to everyone.
"Apologize"? Did she tell you
that she'll apologize?
Don't tell me
you actually believed that.
Shouldn't we think about
how we're going to deal with this?
Do you really think you can let
a girl like her
enter the school as the top student?
It gives me the creeps
just to think that our kids
will be going to school
with someone so despicable.
I agree.
I'm worried she might influence
our innocent kids.
Ro Na!
Ro Na!
Ro Na!
What are you doing here?
Do you know
how much I looked for you?
Ro Na, let's go home.
You might catch a cold.
So what if I catch a cold?
I won't ever be able to sing again!
I don't need
this darn voice anymore!
Don't say that.
Please don't be like this, Ro Na.
Why aren't we rich?
Why do you have to be on bad terms
with Ms. Cheon?
It's all your fault!
If it weren't for you,
Ms. Cheon would've taught me.
I wouldn't have gotten framed.
And I would've gotten accepted
to Cheong Ah Arts High School!
Ro Na, you're on the top
of the waiting list.
You still have hope.
It's over now.
I don't want to see you right now.
Just leave me alone!
Ro Na, I'm so sorry.
I I was too foolish.
I'm so sorry.
I I'm
I'm sorry for being so incompetent.
I'm so sorry, Ro Na.
I did my best!
I just want to die!
I don't want to live!
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
(The Penthouse)
Talent? That stuff is useless.
Money and power trump it all.
I just need to keep my mouth shut.
Why don't you kill someone
to get your daughter admitted?
We both know you're very persistent.
You and your daughter
are so dramatic.
The garden on the 35th floor.
The owner of the penthouse.
That's a nice necklace.
I don't think I've seen it before.
I can no longer lie
about my feelings.
She's smart, so she'll try to use
what she has up her sleeve.
But she has no idea
that it will backfire on her.
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