The Perfect Couple (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
You okay?
It just kind of hit me
all at once, you know?
-What hit you?
-That you're getting married.
You're the only family I have
and I don't want to lose you.
It's all my fault.
You kept this from me!
I know. I know how it looks.
Do you know how it feels?
I can't fucking believe you!
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
Lock me up 'cause I've been bad ♪
And I know I'll do it again ♪
Blue lights, red lights ♪
-We're gonna get real wild tonight ♪
-Come on ♪
Anything that feels this good ♪
Well, it must be illegal ♪
Must be illegal ♪
Call us criminals, criminals, baby ♪
Call us criminals, criminals, oh ♪
Yeah, copy that.
ME called.
They found water in her lungs,
deep gash on her left foot,
bruising on both wrists.
You ever try to lift one of these?
It's heavier than it looks.
Where do you put your stuff?
There's a dry bag. It's usually
Yeah. There it is.
It's for keys, sunglasses,
that kind of stuff.
Tech found it tangled up
in seaweed down the beach.
Washed up with the tide.
You think she flipped?
This washed up about ten yards down.
- Is that a man's jacket?
- Yes, it is.
Maybe they flipped.
Maybe they did.
Elizabeth, how are you?
I'm worried about you.
I know, it's such a shock,
and we're all
sort of devastated here, truly.
-So distressing for you.
-Very upset.
-On your big day.
-I know.
Anyway, I do have to rush because
I have a lot to take care of right now.
- All right, who do we have next?
- Miss Winfrey's office.
-How's it going?
-Abby, right?
Quite a party last night.
You're still cleaning up?
Oh, caterers missed a few things.
They hire teenagers on summer break.
What do you expect?
Uh, do you mind?
So, you first met Merritt
at their engagement party?
No, I'd met her a few times before then.
She was such a cool girl.
Really down to earth.
Like you?
We had a place on Lake Travis,
but I didn't grow up like this.
I bet you didn't either.
I hear she liked to party.
Yeah, she was fun.
But I'm pregnant,
so I miss out on all the good stuff.
Yeah, I used to fall asleep at my desk
every afternoon
when I was pregnant with my daughter, so
Yeah, I I don't really sit at a desk.
-What time did you go to bed?
Around 10:00? Maybe 10:30, maybe?
I sleep like the dead here.
I think it's the ocean.
I woke up a couple of times
when Thomas came to bed.
Mmm. So, people stayed late?
-Oh, yeah, open bar.
-Was Merritt one of them?
Yeah, I think so.
Do you know anyone else
who was in this late-night crew?
Not for sure.
Why? You don't think that someone
Oh, no, I'm just checking all the boxes.
Uh Shooter Dival.
Did he and Merritt have a connection?
Not that I know of.
And I don't mean this in a judgy way,
it was my impression that Merritt
had connections with lots of guys.
Thank you very much, and, uh
Oh, thank you.
Please pass on our apologies
for the late-minute cancelation
of the wedding.
And I've sent a hamper of teas
with a proper note, so
Listen, I do have to run.
I have a lot to do, obviously.
Stephen wanted to know
if you could get lunch the next time?
Yes. Hold on
-He'd love to pick your brain
-Hold on.
- What is it?
- Ma'am, I've got 150 oysters on ice.
Oysters? Come on.
Cops are at the gate.
They won't let me through.
At the gate? All right. Um
Give me a sec.
Tatiana, give me a sec, I have to
There are oysters at the gate!
Look, uh, we had a wrinkle,
so you're just gonna
have to take them all back.
-Take them back?
I've got 12 dozen Pocomo back there.
What should I do with them?
Toss them in the fucking ocean.
We'll pay for them.
Just a sec.
Guys! The cruiser in the driveway,
it's totally unnecessary.
Do we really have to have that there?
Nothing on site
is supposed to be disturbed.
You're disturbing plenty.
This is a circus.
I'm sorry, miss.
Look, I would've thought our family's
contribution to the Nantucket Fund
would afford us a little more discretion.
That's not quite how it works.
That's how it's gonna be? Huh? Okay.
All right, I'll bear that in mind
when I'm writing the next fucking check
at Christmas!
You've met Thomas?
-He's extra.
Mr. Thomas got a puppy when he was little.
We gave it turkey burgers,
we gave it a bath.
But he didn't like to give it a walk.
Then, I got the puppy.
My cousin went to private school in D.C.
with Tom's college girlfriend,
and supposedly her nickname in high school
was Broken Doggy.
Because that's how she lost her virginity.
Doggy style.
Thank you, Elaine.
Anything even vaguely wedding-related,
please just make it go away.
Mr. Tag, what to do with the cake?
Oh, shit, the cake. Right.
Uh, the Um
I I don't know. I suppose we could
-Eat it.
-Donate it.
Donate it to who?
The last thing poor people need
is more sugar.
Do you think you could find some room
for it in the walk-in cooler, Go Go?
-Of course, Mr. Tag.
-Thank you.
What the hell is in here?
KitchenAid mixer. Pro 7 series.
You okay there, buddy?
Yeah. I'm fine.
-I'm sorry.
Real bummer.
Is this new?
I can't fucking believe you!
He's gonna be my father-in-law!
Are you out of your fucking mind?
It's awful.
I can't believe it. It's so awful.
-Hey. We're sorry.
Anything she needs,
just let me know, okay?
Oh! Oh
You must be devastated.
-Thank you, Greer.
-It's all right.
-Anything that we can
-I'm gonna go take a shower.
-And, uh, find my parents.
-Of course.
-Abby, some tea, darling?
-Yeah. Of course, of course.
Mama took one of her pills.
We should probably let her sleep, okay?
Let her rest.
-Try to eat something.
We had a big fight last night.
Oh, no.
I'll never get to tell her that I'm sorry.
I wasn't there for her.
Morning, Chief. I didn't know if you'd had
your fix yet, so I took the liberty of
-Thank you.
Oh, I I went to Downyflake, so I'm good.
Oh, no. If you could just not contaminate
the possible crime scene. Thanks.
I'm sorry. I don't think
we've been introduced. I'm Tag Winbury.
This is my home.
I'm Detective Nikki Henry.
This is my job.
I'm sorry. Is this
Is this absolutely necessary?
You've already taped off my driveway.
There are cops
tromping through my wife's flower beds.
I know you don't get to take
the, uh, toy chest out very often,
but I think we can all agree it all feels
a little bit dramatic
for an accidental drowning.
Should I Should I call Carl in here
to take this down?
Are you prepared
to make an official statement?
Mr. Winbury
We just have to cover every possibility.
I understand completely.
It just seems like the most obvious
possibility is that there was a party.
It was hot, she went for a swim,
and she didn't realize
how strong the blackberry mojitos were.
Or how strong
the currents are around here.
A lot of off-islanders don't know that.
-That's actually right.
-Yeah. Right.
Blackberry mojitos.
Greer's go-to move.
There's There's another possibility
other than accidental drowning.
I think she hit it off
with one of your guests.
maybe one of your son's finance bros.
Two of them sneak away to the beach,
he makes his move,
but she has a change of heart,
and, uh, he strangles her,
but drags her by to the water
to make it look like she drowned,
you know, in the In the strong current.
Was she strangled?
-No, no one was saying that.
-No, I just
I thought
as long as we were writing fiction
Oh, but that's That's your wife's area.
How's your, uh How's your daughter?
-School going well?
Very well. She's She's happy.
Zoe, right?
Chloe? Mmm.
Mojitos? Really?
You catch more flies with honey.
-Didn't smell like honey.
Hello, Miss Sacks.
For God's sake, Tag, what have
I told you about talking to the police?
We agreed on suicide.
Let's all stay on the same page here.
- Think she was on drugs.
- Stay calm.
- You can't say that.
- Where's Shooter?
I don't know. I'm texting him.
-It's fine. I'll fill him in. All right?
-Make sure you fill him in on all of it.
Should I not be here?
Everything okay?
-Your mom?
-She's okay.
So we've been talking to my team,
and they feel we have to issue a statement
just to mitigate any of the press.
So they're suggesting
I mean, it's awful, terribly sad, um
and tragic when someone feels overwhelmed
to the point that they feel
there's no way out.
She would never do that.
There were things
she was looking forward to.
Well, we never know what's going on
in someone's mind, really,
no matter how close you are.
I'll I'll call Marty about the statement.
Should we really be issuing statements
that aren't true?
given the state of what I do,
we do have to get ahead of things.
We're just filling in the blanks, Amelia,
taking control of the narrative.
Yeah. It's an important part of this
All they're suggesting is that
we don't make any
unnecessary statements to the press.
Or the police. Okay?
For her sake.
Listen, I know you'd prefer I wasn't here.
I'd rather spend the weekend with my kids,
which is saying a lot
because we have passes to Water Wizz,
which, as it turns out,
is a very accurate name.
But I have a job to do,
and the sooner you decide
to help me do that job,
the better it's gonna be for both of us.
Yeah, well, I'm gonna have the techs
comb the beach again
in case anything washes in.
You're too easy on the locals.
Or do you just have a thing
for the insanely rich ones?
Oh, I have a thing for access.
Trust me on this.
Access to a new car every three years?
'Cause the ones in Fall River
still have cassette decks.
-Okay, yeah. We're pretty well-funded.
And that's part of why
I wanted to come out here, but
Listen, if you make
these people the enemy,
they will bring in their New York lawyers
so fast your head will spin.
You got to let them think
you work for them,
because the minute they feel
they're losing control,
they burn it all down.
I've seen them do it.
Oh, my God, okay.
I'm here in Nantucket!
It's so cute.
There's, like, cobblestone roads,
and little ice cream shops.
Might not want to wear heels here,
just to avoid breaking an ankle.
It's so pretty and quaint.
The weather could not be more gorgeous.
It's gonna be an amazing weekend.
I think I live here now.
- Hi.
- I don't think I'm ever leaving.
So, um my mom talked to her lawyers
and obviously
she has your best interests at heart
Well, I want you to keep that in mind
when I give you this.
She wants me to sign
a non-disclosure agreement?
It's just a boilerplate NDA,
nothing out of the ordinary.
Except that it's an NDA.
Look, she's a public figure.
She has people sign them all the time.
This isn't "all the time," Benji.
No, I know, it's not.
But, I mean,
you have the influencer thing.
And, I mean, it happened here.
My mom's just being careful.
Do Do you really want
amateur Internet sleuths
doing fucking podcasts about this?
I'm not gonna go on some podcast
and talk about Merritt.
I'm not saying you would do that.
No one is.
But my mom's been burned in the past,
and this is just
something she does now. Okay?
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I'm sorry about all this.
I can't believe she's gone. It's awful.
I'm sorry.
Amelia's really not good, you know?
It just, uh
doesn't feel real, that's all.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'll be in in a sec.
-See ya.
Hey, I really need to talk to you.
Just, uh, call me back, please.
Okay, so we got a group of night owls.
This group went to bed,
this little group stayed up.
- Okay, so Tag was there.
- Right.
What about Greer?
She said she went to bed at 1:30.
Okay. And Isabel Nall-et.
-That was very good.
-Four years of high-school French.
Oh! My daughter's taking Mandarin.
I had my choice
of wood shop or automotive.
Well, you probably use those
more than French.
Mmm. I don't know. How do you say,
"Freeze, motherfucker" in French?
Yeah, got it.
Two sets of prints on her phone.
One of them belongs to Mr. Dival.
Thank you.
Looks like we need to have a chat
with Mr. Dival.
-All right.
-All right.
Mr. Dival?
Mr. Dival.
Carl, you got anything?
-Chief? He ain't here. He's gone AWOL.
-All right, Carl. Copy.
Let me
Excuse me. To the left!
To the left! To the left!
Excuse me.
Sorry. Excuse me.
Top side, top side!
Excuse me, excuse me.
Sorry. Excuse me.
Backstairs. Backstairs.
Excuse me.
Hey, hey!
State Police.
Nowhere to go. Nowhere to go.
-You're not going to Hyannis today.
Come back with us, okay?
State Police.
Shooter Dival?
I'd do him.
I dated Prince Andrew
Oh, before.
I don't trust.
He makes his own bed like a poor person.
Oh, that's good!
It's amazing.
Did you bring Isabel her little candy?
Oh, yeah.
Good boy.
It's your little wife.
I think she knows.
Maybe I should just tell her.
Why would you do that?
Because I love you
and I want us to be together.
It's just an affair. Mmm?
Why does no one take me seriously?
You don't take me seriously. My parents.
My clients.
If you want your clients to respect you,
you have to stop
talking to them about crypto.
It was a crypto exchange.
And that was my money,
it wasn't even my client's.
This is exactly
what I'm talking about. It's
What is it? Mmm?
No, it's fine.
- Tell me.
- Nothing.
-Tell me.
It's my fucking dad.
He won't give me a loan.
Oh, your dad.
Your dad was never a very generous man.
Except in bed.
-Can you not say that?
-Even then it was all about him.
That is so fucking weird.
Anything I can do?
Uh, no. Just tying up some loose ends.
I suppose it'll all just be
a distant memory in a couple of weeks.
Honey, he's just along for the ride.
It's a marriage of convenience.
He dimmed those cabin lights
a long time ago.
God damn it.
Uh, what's this?
I thought we'd get a jump
on the holiday traffic.
Can you help me?
Uh we can't leave.
The police said no one leaves.
I already talked to them.
Danielle at Sally Hershberger
had a last-minute cancellation
and I need some me time.
-Babe, your hair looks fine.
-Danielle has a five-month wait list, Tom.
I need a treatment.
Well, can't you get some of that oil
that you put in the glass?
You know?
That's what my girlfriend in college
used to do, and, uh
Yeah, she always looked great.
Your girlfriend in college was a skank.
But, yeah, sure.
If you want me to get some toxic chemicals
and slather them directly on my scalp
and poison our unborn daughter,
then, yeah, that'll work.
Clean that up?
There's half a Mexican pharmacy in there.
Wait, back up.
Uh, it's gonna be a girl?
It better be.
Bar car.
I thought we were out of Tanqueray.
I went to The Islander.
Pippa Childs is, uh,
painting her front door again.
I honestly think
the HDC is gonna arrest her this time.
Anyone who wears flip-flops
outside of the confines of their own house
should be arrested.
It's gonna be a beautiful sunset.
Feel like going for a paddle?
I have to work.
Can you clean this up?
I've been cleaning up after you all day.
Amelia, can I talk to you?
Have a seat.
No, I'm okay.
I think you're great.
I think you're great for Benji,
I think you're great for the family.
I think you're just
I don't want things
to be awkward between us.
Merritt was a very special person.
Yeah, I know that.
Detective Henry.
Amelia Sacks is waiting
in the interrogation room.
Says she didn't want anyone
to see her here.
Okay. Um, tell the chief,
he's in the parking lot.
Miss Sacks?
Everything okay?
There's something I think you should know.
Merritt was sleeping with Tag Winbury.
Your fiancé's dad?
Is that her?
It was clear
that there was some sort of struggle.
Do you know Mr. Winbury
to have a temper?
Violent outbursts, that sort of thing?
No, not like that.
So she was
-Someone hurt her?
We can't ignore that possibility.
How long
were she and Tag seeing each other?
Will there be hotel bills, receipts?
-Are there others who may have known?
-I don't know.
Is there anything else
you want to tell us?
I can't fucking believe you!
He's gonna be my father-in-law!
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I know. It can't just end.
Because you love him?
You're pregnant?
Merritt, what were you thinking?
It kind of just happened.
Those things
don't just fucking happen, Merritt.
They don't fucking happen!
Listen to me for two seconds!
I didn't plan this!
Which part?
Fucking my fiancé's father
or getting pregnant?
I can't believe you just said that.
Maid of honor in the house!
What the fuck?
What the fuck, Tag?!
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