The Phantom (2009) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

(Abel): Your birth name is Kit Walker.
You were born in Gstaad, Switzerland and named after your father, who was a very important man.
Your mother was murdered.
You were with her in the car when it was forced off the road.
That child was subsequently adopted by Frank and Pam Moore.
(Kit): My parents are dead! Two men were waiting for me when I got home.
They tried to kill me.
Walker, you're dead! What do you want? (Abel): The world needs you to assume the mantle of your forefathers and take up their struggle against evil.
- Jalil Ben-David, take him out.
With Flicker, we will literally be able to program anyone we want to do whatever we want.
(Abel): You must let go of your old life.
I can't! The detective who broke this case is my friend's father.
If he doesn't call it off, the Singh Brotherhood will kill him.
(Static, electricity humming) Have you seen Kit? I was just gonna call you.
I've been trying to contact him, but he doesn't answer.
What's wrong? Somebody broke into the lab.
We've turned everything inside out and it's gone.
- What's gone? - The new TAC suit.
Any outbound flights between 7:00 pm last night and 6 this morning? He what? What's happened? You find the flight plan? If you do, contact me immediately.
Guran left last night at 3 PM in the Gulf stream.
You mean he just left? She told Hank she was running up to Heathrow for maintenance.
Kit was with her.
Davidson? What the hell? Listen, call off your investigation.
- Where have you been? - It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter where I've been.
You can see I'm alive.
So just shut it down, OK? Do you have any idea what you put my daughter through? Yes! You tell her I'm sorry.
You can tell her yourself after I book you.
- For what? - I'll think of something.
Get in here.
Hey, Clark! Look who I got here.
Get in here.
Clark? No! (Whistle blowing, siren wailing) Come on, move it, lady! Move it! Come on in! Come on over here.
Come on, move it, lady! (Whistle blowing) Lady, can you move away? Just move on the curb.
I called you as soon as I found out.
Do we have IDs yet? Yeah.
Oh, Clark (Man): We've got a pulse! Renny, stat! Daddy? Renny, I need you! Daddy! Daddy, please stay with me.
Please stay with us.
Can you hear me, Daddy? Dad, please! Oh! Daddy, listen to me.
Listen to my voice.
Please, stay with me.
Daddy, please, stay with me.
Dad! If they see you with her, you're gonna be putting her life at risk.
(Car horn honking) (Bella): I just received confirmation that the subject is dead.
But it appears that the target may survive.
Bella, you have no idea the position that puts me in with the board.
Perhaps you should have thought about that before you ordered the operation.
I told you that Flicker reprogramming cannot completely override strong personal bonds between subject and target.
Just! Please tell me this isn't going to be an issue with the Ben-David operation.
There is a number of factors that could be problematic.
Multiple subjects, each individually programmed with relatively complicated tasks, plus subjects working in tandem.
Teams, I understand.
What's wrong with teams? I love teams.
We have yet to test Flicker's efficiency under such a complicated scenario.
If one thing goes wrong, the entire operation can fail.
Oh! All or nothing.
Love the sound of that, Bella.
I'll deal with Det.
Davidson in New York.
You just be sure you're ready with Ben-David.
No mistake, Bella.
All or nothing.
Janet Get Contract Services on the phone.
Let's see if there's anyone in New York we can count on.
(Device scanning, beeping) (Beeping) I knew something was off.
I just froze up.
Come on, Kit.
He was the guy's partner.
No, I know.
And I saw him, right there.
And he was acting weird as hell.
And I'm wearing this TAC suit.
And all I had to do was step in between them.
I don't know, maybe Vandermaark's right.
Maybe I'm not up for this.
You're at a terrible disadvantage.
Almost every Phantom has been trained since childhood.
Years of training.
Great! That makes me feel much better.
Almost every Phantom.
Except Christopher Walker, the first one.
He was my age when he started.
That's right.
You were right in warning Det.
If you hadn't, he'd be dead.
I mean, as it is, he's He's still very much in danger.
What about Renny? She could be, too.
What if I screw up again? You learn from it.
Remember, you took an oath.
Do you see this? The fire would never surrender this to someone who wasn't deserving.
(Car horns honking) That's not very nice.
Oh! What Ah! Oh, crap! (Screaming, thud, glass shattering) (Horns honking) (Women screaming) (Cell ringing) Hello? - (Kit, low-pitched): The dead man down in the street was here to kill your father.
Who is this? Chris? No, it's a friend.
You must listen to me very closely.
And you threw him off a building? It was an accident.
An accident? He was going to kill your father.
How do you know? You are obviously not thinking clearly right now.
I'm not thinking clearly? You're the one who just threw someone off a building! (Sighing) Chris Moore sent me.
How do I know you're not lying? I have no idea what this means, but he told me to say that only dolphins lie.
He's alive? - Yes, and-- - And you talked to him? How are his parents, Frank and Pam? Are they OK? Hello? His parents are dead.
No They were murdered by the same people who are after your father.
Chris is under my protection.
I'm trying to do the same for your father, but we have to get him to a safe place.
He has a bullet in his spine.
We can't move him.
He's still on the respirator.
Yes, and a medevac is on route.
There's a Gulfstream jet standing by at JFK.
It has all the necessary medical equipment to safely move him.
This is insane.
Yes, but ask yourself this: Which is crazier, everything I just told you, or Clark Ellis targeting your father for a murder-suicide? OK, let's go! Move, move, move! All right.
Where are they taking us? Far away.
You'll be safe and your father will get first-rate care.
Is Chris gonna be there? No.
Don't worry, he's fine.
He'll be in contact.
Who are you? They call me the Phantom.
For you and your father.
Guran, we gotta go.
We gotta go now.
Wearing them ensures you'll be under my protection.
I may ask you for a favour in return someday.
Come on.
Thank you.
Very impressive.
You even got that whole ring thing down.
Hmm! It's all in the journals.
I thought it might be kind of cheesy.
But, you know, once you do it live, it's kind of cool.
She's pretty.
And scared.
Chris should give her a call as soon as he can.
Oh, should he? Thanks, Dr.
By the way, that was real nice.
Throwing the guy off the roof, very subtle.
I didn't throw him off the roof.
The Phantom's not supposed to just kill people.
He was pretty clumsy.
It might as well have been a suicide.
- Mm-hmm.
Did you talk to Requisitions? $100,000's been wired into an operations account under your name to cover expenses.
Oh, good! More than enough! Any problems? Besides Baboor freaking over the suit and Vande bitching about how you're not returning his calls? Well, technically, it's my suit and Vande is my employee.
You be sure to tell him that when you come back.
You are coming back? As soon as I figure out how the Singhs managed to co-op Davidson's partner.
Renny's dad and him worked together for years and he just decides to shoot him? There was something really wrong with that guy.
What do you think it is? Some kind of hypnosis, mind control.
- That seems pretty far-fetched.
Well, I wear a Kevlar vest and a helmet.
So what's far-fetched? Can you hang onto this for me? What is it? Something I owe someone.
If I need you to deliver it, I'll call you.
I think I'd be much more useful here.
I'm worried about the security breaches Vandermaark mentioned.
We can't afford another one, not on this.
I need somebody at home base I can trust.
Keep in touch.
You wanted a return on your investment.
Here it is.
The return of the Phantom.
The only efficient adversary this institution has faced in 483 years of operation.
So tell me, Raatib, why have you sunk over $400 million into this Flicker thing-- a technology which is, by the way, so unreliable it's been abandoned by virtually all intelligence agencies on the planet-- while refusing to spend a relative pittance to address the very real threat posed by the Phantom? I don't know, Steph.
I don't know.
But I bet you're going to tell us.
Hmm, punks like you, all cuff links and capped teeth.
All college educated, but dumb as mud.
Is there emotion on the table? You want emotion? I move that we terminate Raatib Singh as CEO for reasons of gross incompetence, forthwith.
(Breathing heavily) Golly gee, these things are sharp, aren't they? All right then.
So do I hear a second? Hmm? Anyone? Hidaka? Joel, you always second these things.
No? Hmm! Doug No.
And I know I have your vote, Sarah.
Very well then.
Motion failed to carry due to no second.
Please note that in the minutes.
All right then, moving on! Let's get an update on this Ellis affair.
Pete Oh, um Sorry, R.
Lithia's confirmed that any physiological changes in Det.
Ellis' brain structure due to Flicker Tech are too subtle to be detected by the New York medical examiner.
Corporate Communications Division has been tasked with ensuring that Davidson is thoroughly discredited.
Our waste-management unit in New York has been deployed to Ellis' apartment to eradicate any traces of our activity, if any.
Thanks, Pete.
Nice work.
So, in the meantime, corporate security at TIVKOM has been beefed up and put on priority alert.
And I will personally be calling my little friend in BPAA-THAP to ascertain how much, if anything, they actually know about Flicker.
Finally Regarding The Phantom.
Yes, he's a real pain in the butt.
But a ghost who walks Thanks, but no, I won't be drinking that particular brand of Kool-Aid.
Once we've resolved this Ben-David issue, he will be dealt with.
I swear.
(Abel): Where is he? New York.
He's investigating Ellis' assault on Davidson.
He believes that the Brotherhood is deploying some sort of mind control.
Mind control? Kit feels that he has some promising leads.
You should have informed me and told me you were going.
He didn't want anyone to know.
That's not a good reason.
Well, he is the Phantom.
Yes, but he's not ready.
Until I deem him capable of carrying out missions on his own, I must be told of all his whereabouts.
I lost him once, I will not lose him again.
Is that clear, Guran? Of course.
But until it's proven otherwise, I take my orders first from Kit Walker.
What about the girl? She's in shock.
She's still figuring out where she is.
Does she know? The Phantoms always choose very perceptive and intuitive women.
She's no exception.
So? She's obviously suspicious of something.
She can't explain Chris Moore's connection with us.
Would you like to meet her? Ms.
Davidson, I wish to welcome you and let you know that we will provide any medical assistance your father may need.
Is there something you need? - Oh, no.
I'm--I'm fine.
I would just I would like to know who You people are.
You'll find out eventually.
When the time is appropriate.
But why are you doing all this? Why? Because this is what we do.
Is Chris coming here? Why don't you come with me? I think you need some rest.
(Phone ringing) Hello? (Kit): Renny Chris? Chris, where are you? Queens.
What? What are you doing there? I'm waiting for someone.
Did you guys get in OK? Yeah, yeah.
My dad told me what happened, how you tried to warn him.
He's awake? Yeah, well, he was.
He's sleeping now.
Is he OK? - Um, hold--hold on.
Um, they said there's a chance that he might not walk again.
Oh no It's OK.
I mean, he's dealing with it pretty well.
Better than I am.
I think he's gonna be one of those crazy wheelchair guys who snowboards and plays murderball.
Renny Renny, if anybody's gonna get him back on his feet, it's gonna be you.
Uh Yeah.
And this place, it's--it's amazing.
Chris, they have diagnostic technology here, it's beyond state-of-the-art.
It's It's just the thing is, I don't What? I don't know how we're gonna pay for it.
I mean, Dr.
Baboor just flew in a neurologist from Sweden, and I doubt he's on my dad's HMO.
Don't worry about that, OK? It's taken care of.
You just worry about getting your father well.
Seriously, Chris, how did you get hooked up with these people? It's, uh It's complicated.
It's a family thing.
Yeah, well, you owe me some serious chat time.
Yeah, I know.
I know, I will.
Renny, I gotta go.
Um Will you thank the Phantom for me again? Yeah, I will.
I promise.
Now that's service.
You satellite guys work longer hours than the cable guys.
Hmm Now Are you ready to talk? (Bella): OK, everyone, no mistakes.
Subjects are in position with unobstructed views of the screen.
- Switching signal to Flicker pattern 9-alpha niner.
Initiate the sequence and mark! Initiating.
Target defined.
Subscriber number K9213420008 Cooper, Anna V.
Subscriber number K9213420011 Johanssen, Sven.
Subscriber number K9213420012, Law, Trevor H.
Subscriber number K9213420009 Dale Ruben.
Subscriber number K9213420010 Holliston, Nina Alexandra.
(Static, electricity humming) And terminate broadcast.
(Baboor): Internal processors amplify the signal into a complex series of timed electro-magnetic pulses that lock the subject into a profound beta state.
Why doesn't it affect us? The image we're looking at has been processed and filtered to render it harmless.
But the actual image, that is quite lethal.
I mean, the microwave harmonics it utilizes actually reconfigures the brain's physical architecture.
The result is irreversible physiological alterations to the limbic system that could ultimately be fatal.
It sounds like a weapon.
Could it be used to brainwash someone? Oh, yes, quite definitely.
Hardwiring the limbic system would be an outstanding way to assert control.
How do they know the target's watching when they broadcast? Hold on Wait for it Just say cheese.
The old camera-in- the-cable-box trick.
Pretty clever, if I say so myself.
Kit, were you able to get anything out of those 2 goons you took down? Nothing useful.
What about you guys? Guran, anything on TIVKOM? Incorporated 3 years ago, privately held.
Primary service: Satellite broadcasting.
They've carved out a niche, serving just over 40,000 subscribers from Boston to D.
and parts of Virginia and Maryland.
CEO: Dr.
Bella Lithia.
Not much on her beyond standard IRS filings, etc.
No criminal record.
DMV? Nothing.
- Smells like an alias.
- Location? Corporate office: Manhattan, Delacorte Tower.
They also have a broadcasting facility in Newark, New Jersey.
They seem to have the most secure computer network in the universe.
My IT boys couldn't crack it.
So I guess we're agreeing on plan B? If plan B is you getting your ass back here and finishing your training, absolutely.
Actually, no.
That's not even a plan.
OK then.
So what is plan B? Plan B is I break into TIVKOM headquarters.
- Fine, I'll send out a team of experienced agents-- - This has to stay between the 5 of us.
We cannot afford another Bach.
Kit, you are not ready for field operations.
Maybe, but the Singhs have gone to too much trouble to get this deal online for this to just be something to get a couple of cops killed.
This is something way bigger and the answers are here.
You can't do this alone! I don't plan to.
I'm working with some local talent.
I gotta go.
If I need anything, I will call you guys.
Local talent? (Car horns honking) Hey, Jordy! Dude! Yo! Yo, I like the slick new look! (Laughing) I can't believe it, man.
(Chuckling) I wish you had called, man.
I was freaking out.
I So what happened to your parents? I don't really wanna talk about that.
Oh, come on, dude.
Remember, this is me you're talking to.
I know, I know.
I know it's you I'm talking to.
That's why I can't tell you.
That's why you can't tell anybody you've even seen me here.
All right? So what do you need? Do you ever deliver to an outfit called TIVKOM in the Delacorte Tower? 42nd floor, twice.
Security? Tight.
The elevators open into one of those private lobbies and no one gets past that without a card.
So what? You just came to see me to ask about TIVKOM business hours? No, man.
Come on.
I came to see you.
I came to see you And to make sure that my past life was real.
What's the deal? What's going on? You're not gonna tell me, are you? It's cool, man.
Hey! How are those ribs? (Chuckling): Good as new.
You know, we started working out again.
It feels like I've got a metal plate around me.
I'm invincible now.
I know the feeling.
It's good seeing you.
Take care, man.
You take care.
Well, I'm off.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Secretary, would you mind signing these before you go? Thanks, Anna.
(Door closing) (Sobbing) (Breathing heavily) (Man on radio): Phantom command, this is Eagle 1.
The package has been delivered.
He's on his own.
Good luck.
(Guran): Kit, we can only deactivate the security grid on the 17th and 18th floors for a few minutes, so be quick.
Security systems off line in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 There should be a staircase to the 18th floor behind you.
(Baboor): Kit, there's a work station on the main server.
Use it to access the database.
(Kit): Got it! I hope this works, Baboor.
Nice! (Dog barking) (Phone ringing) (Groaning) Yes? (William): I'm sorry.
There is seems to be activity on the main server.
Are you sure? It could be nothing, but I figured you'd wanna know before I told the others.
You did the right thing calling me first.
I'll take it from here.
(Woman): TIVKOM.
Hello? Give me Corporate Security.
(Baboor): I know this woman.
How? I testified against her as a professional witness in a Rwanda war crimes tribunal.
Her real name is Flaminia Karl, a very eminent behavioural scientist, until she was hired by high-ranking Rwandan officials.
In what capacity? She conducted a most notorious effort to use brainwashing techniques to create child warriors for the Tutsi genocide.
Was she successful? Far from it.
Dozens of her subjects were rendered brain-dead by her technology.
Oh my God! Look at her salary.
It is obscene! Baboor, can we locate a subscriber list? We can crosscheck them against police records and see if there's any unexplained violence or suicide.
OK, I'm uploading the master list of TIVKOM subscribers.
Names, addresses, serial numbers Jason, you there? Yeah.
The electronics in that receiver box, sounds like exotic stuff.
Expensive? Oh yeah! Very.
Like, uh, military grade.
So they're not gonna have one in every subscriber's house.
Well, I'd say that's a reasonable assumption.
I mean, they went to a lot of trouble to swap out the one at Ellis' place.
They must track them.
Maybe their serial numbers have an identification code and we can predict who's in danger of exposure.
Right, right! We're on it.
Kit, you should get out of there Fast.
OK I am out of here.
Need a lift? Great.
Stay tuned tonight for our exclusive coverage as peace activist and international laureate Jalil Ben-David addresses the General Assembly.
Don't be silly, Lorna.
I can't do that.
No, not even for Brad.
I don't care what Oprah's willing to do.
I'm not Oprah.
Just tell him to relax.
I am not in the ambush business and I promise not to hit him with anything ugly.
Listen, I have to go.
I have another call.
Call me back with a yes.
Nina Holliston.
It's Dale.
It's absolutely critical that you expedite Mr.
Everby's press credentials.
Of course, Ms.
When do you need them? Immediately.
Well, it's just it usually takes security at least 5 working days to run a background check, but Oh, come now.
We don't need to bother with that, do we? I'd hate to have to take this upstairs.
Of course, Ms.
Right away.
I'll handle it myself.
Ready? (Camera clicking) Good.
So what? Now we sit on our hands? Of course not.
We'll contact the local authorities, hand over what we've got and they take appropriate action.
This is exactly what you criticized Baboor for doing.
We don't have the resources or manpower to deal with these people.
Resources or manpower? The Phantom's dealt with bigger things than this with 4 nuns, a can of kerosene and an organ grinder's monkey.
Corsica, 1911, the raid on the Villa Sarducci.
Very good.
Nice to know you're doing your homework.
Don't screw with me.
You said it yourself, ever since my father died, BPAA-THAP's become a joke.
All we do now is piggyback outside agencies.
We were the ones who kept the Brotherhood in check.
We were the ones who did it for almost 400 years.
And you know for a fact that the minute we turn this over, they'll be tipped off, if they haven't been already.
No, it's too dangerous.
You're not ready.
My oath is to protect the innocent.
Not when I'm ready.
Not when it's safe.
I will not break that oath.
I have to stop this.
The only question is, are you gonna help me? (Phone ringing) We finished the analysis on the TIVKOM subscriber list.
Out of the total, 43 have committed suicide or violent crimes within the last 6 months.
Out of over 40,000? Is that unusual? Oh yeah, very unusual.
Especially considering that only one had a documented history of mental illness and that none at all had previous criminal records.
That is weird.
And that's not where the weirdness ends.
We sorted the crimes in chronological order and it showed a steady rise in severity.
Yeah, at first, almost exclusively suicides.
Three months later, we begin to see the first of the homicides.
And a month after that, mass murder.
That woman in Bridgeport, Connecticut, uh, Bethany Ann Gardner.
The woman who poisoned the PTA.
She was a subscriber? As was the young man responsible for the Georgetown shooting, the crane operator who dropped a load of girders on the city bus.
And the list goes on.
And in every case, the subject either committed suicide or attempted to do so immediately after the incident.
And the few that failed, well, have no memory of what they've done and exhibit significantly impaired cognitive functions.
Exactly what we'd expect to see from exposure to this kind of technology.
It's sitting next to the TVs in over 40,000 American homes right now? No, I believe Kit is right.
These enhanced boxes are not in every subscriber's home.
You've confirmed that? No, not as yet.
We haven't yet collated the serial numbers.
But, uh, in any case, the boxes themselves only amplify the signal.
Because the programming varies.
Well, yeah, depending on the desired behaviour.
But it requires a remote transmission.
From their facility in Newark? In all probability, yes.
Then we take it out tonight.
Upload us everything you have on that location, stat.
Satellite shots, layout, security issues, whatever you can put together in the next few hours.
Will do.
(Clearing throat) Welcome aboard.
Heard anything? Uh, no.
He's still in surgery.
Nurse says so far so good, but he'll still be a few more hours.
Chris wanted me to give this to you.
What is it? He said it's something he owes you.
(Kit): Dear, Renny.
I know I promised to explain everything, and if you're reading this, it means I might not get a chance to do it in person.
I've enclosed a key along with this letter.
I just want you to know how sorry I am, that I had to leave you the way I did.
We had so little time, and I know this is crazy but I love you, Renny.
I think I've loved you since the minute I saw you.
I know you may not feel the same way I do and I can hardly blame you if you don't.
I can never make this right but I can at least help you understand that leaving you was the only way I could protect you.
On the desk, there's a journal.
Its contents will answer all your questions.
Whether you can find it in your heart to forgive me, know this: I love you.
Forever, Chris.
(Buzzing) Yes? (Man): They're going to hit TIVKOM.
Yes? Jaquot, Jaquot.
You're gonna love this.
Guess who's planning a breach of the New Jersey facility.
Oh, let me guess.
Walker? (Chuckling) You spoiled my surprise.
I want to hear his last breath when he begs me for his life.
Yes, of course y can.
That's why I'm calling.
I appreciate it, sir.
It's my pleasure, Mon Ami.
I assume you would like him to suffer? Yes, of course.
(Static, electricity humming) What the hell is that? Bella, Bella, Bella.
Jaquot, are you still there? Yes, I'm here.
Yes, listen to me.
After you've taken care of our friend, I want you to terminate the entire Flicker team.
Yes, Lithia too.
Especially Lithia.
Destroy everything.
I love it when you say that, Mon Ami.
Have fun.
I will.
Thought Guran said this place was heavily guarded.
You sound disappointed.
That's Jaquot's car.
Looks like someone else has a problem with TIVKOM.
(Alarm ringing) (Grunting) Come on, old man.
We've got work to do.
(Groaning) (Gunshots) Drop it.
Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Aaah! (Grunting) Ha! The ghost who walks.
This is for my brother.
(Gun clicks) Whoops! In English.
(Grunting) Whoa, ho! Tough guy, huh? I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Why? Aaah! Ah! That's for my parents.
(Groaning) You OK? Let's get going.
(Groaning) Come on! Thanks for all your help, Vande.
Too bad.
I liked this coat.
I should've come by myself.
Yes, you should've.
But we're alive.
(Static, indistinct voices on speakers) Help me.
Help me.
Help me.
Help me, help me.
I'll call an ambulance.
Raatib Singh He used me! (Whimpering) That bastard! Tell me what his plans are.
Forever, war.
Beta 3 Flicker, Beta 3! Where does TIVKOM fit in? What is his objective? Tonight.
The city.
A jail.
A photographer.
Magic bullet.
Bullet Come on.
(Beeping) What's that? Magnetic pulse generator.
It'll wipe every computer in this place.
Come with me.
We still have business to do on the roof.
I'll get the explosives.
TIVKOM won't be transmitting any time soon.
(Beeping) (Cell phone ringing) Yes.
(Man): They took out our guys at TIVKOM.
They what? Dr.
Lithia talked to them.
You remember what we talked about? - The backup plan? - Yes, the backup plan.
Do it now.
It's complicated.
I'm gonna need some time.
I said you do it or you die.
I don't care how.
Just do it.
They're ready.
At this point, it's a guessing game.
We hope to get more information as it becomes available.
And be sure to stay tuned for our live coverage, as Jalil Ben-David arrives at for what could be a historic keynote address.
Historic, indeed.
Let's face it, boys.
Everyone loves a nice, juicy conspiracy, right? And now, thanks to Flicker Tech, we can design and manufacture vast conspiracies.
What the world will witness in less than an hour, will be just the beginning of what promises to be the most prosperous era in the history of the Singh brotherhood.
Within days, a memo will surface, signed by the United States Secretary of Defence William Manchester, urging the president not to deploy Project Juggernaut against Jalil Ben-David.
Additional documents will then be leaked to the press, indicating that "Juggernaut" is a code name for an NSA program designed to increase tension in the Middle East through the means of political assassination.
(Inhaling) Everything after that, gentlemen, will be turnkey.
Impeachment? Why not? Terrorism? Sure.
Revolution? Let's do it! War! Who knows? Who cares? The bottom line, gentlemen, is whatever sucks for them, is great for us.
(Applause) Oh please, no! Oh no, stop.
Stop, stop.
Shall we watch the fireworks? And in New York today, a shocking possible motive has surfaced behind the recent attempted murder and suicide of 2 decorated NYPD detectives.
With more details, Chip Rickard is on the scene.
Residents in this quiet Hoboken neighbourhood awoke to intense police activity here at the home of missing Det.
Sean Davidson.
According to inside sources, police are searching for evidence in what may be the worse case of police corruption in decades.
Davidson and his deceased partner Det.
Clark Ellis have been implicated in the systematic theft of hundreds of kilos of street drugs.
(TV shuts off) (Sighing) (Scoffing) Well, there goes my disability pension.
You know what? Forget it, Dad.
Once Chris figures this all out, we're gonna be fine.
That would be nice.
I'd like to go out on a high note.
Go out? What are you talking about? (Sighing) Baby, let's be realistic, huh? I can't be working cases out of a wheelchair.
So you're just gonna quit? Don't make a sound.
(Gun cocking) (Honking) (Sighing) Tonight.
We got 21 minutes.
Photographer, magic bullet.
In the city, in the city.
Tonight, tonight.
Jail, jail, jail.
Jail, jail.
Magic bullet, magic bullet.
Magic bullet.
Uh, JFK.
Magic bullet.
Dallas! Dallas! Assassination.
- Uh, JFK, DA-- At 11:38 tonight they assassinate With the magic bullet.
That's the one that they recovered that proved that-- There's gonna be a second shooter.
Photographer? Photographer.
Photographer must be the first shooter.
Somebody in the press corps who can get close.
Just have to figure out who's the target.
Figure out what's going on at 11:38 in the city.
(Beeping) Jail, jail.
Why did she say "jail"? I don't know.
It's gotta be something big though.
All this trouble.
- Ja-IL.
No, Ja-IL! Jalil! Jalil! Excuse me, sir.
Yes, officer.
Would you mind picking up your bag and following me? - Jalil Ben-David.
Here it is.
Jalil Ben-David, sheduled to give a major speech tonight.
That's gotta be it.
No, no, he's not scheduled to speak until midnight.
Security's gonna be drum tight inside the building, so that's out.
Brace yourself.
(Tires squealing) And there's the timing.
What's that? 20, 22 minutes before the speech.
Ben-David will just be showing up.
Which means it's probably gonna happen when he enters.
We have less than 12 minutes.
(Cell phone ringing) Who is it? I don't know.
It's blocked.
Is that Kit? Who is this? This is Raatib Jaoud Singh, but you, you can call me R.
Congratulations, by the way.
I've been monitoring your progress.
You've done an impressive job so far, little one.
Not bad for a late bloomer.
It's been my pleasure, R.
By the way, your broadcasting facility in New Jersey, it's toast.
Ah, yes.
I heard about that.
- And we know about the plan to assassinate Ben-David.
It's not gonna happen.
Oh yeah? I think it is.
See, right now Jason Kim is holding a gun on your little buddy, Det.
Davidson and his beautiful daughter.
Oh yes.
And if things don't go down precisely as I have planned, they're both going to die.
But hey, that's your call, Kit.
Oh! And, uh have an excellent day.
Damn it! - What did he say? - Jason Kim's the mole! And he's got Renny and her Dad.
And if we try to save Ben-David, he's gonna kill her.
(Honking, tires squealing) Thank you for your collaboration.
Guran, pull together alpha team.
We've got a hostage situation.
(Guran): What's going on? Jason Kim.
He's our mole.
That's crazy.
He's armed and threatening to kill Renny.
Last confirmed location: Room 14 of the med centre.
- Got it! - We don't have much time.
Hopes are high as peace advocate and Nobel Laureate Jalil Ben-David prepares to deliver a keynote speech that insiders say will include a 12-point blueprint for peace for the troubled regions of Israel and Palestine.
And here they are arriving now.
(Siren wailing) Four minutes.
(Horn honking) Odds are slim Guran will manage to secure them in time.
(Applause) (Reporter): This truly is a historic moment.
After so many failed attempts, hopes are high that Jalil Ben-David can achieve a sustainable peace agreement in the Middle East.
This all thanks to his unique background and his incredible gift in bringing together these sworn enemies.
This great humanitarian is the face of hope.
Kit, I'd understand.
We all would.
Ben-David's an important man, yes.
But he's not worth this.
(Woman screaming) (Woman): Oh my God! (Siren wailing) Freeze! News just in, the shooter is down.
The shooter is down.
- Has Ben-David been hit? - Shut up! - How could this have happened? You're going to miss the best part.
(Man shouting, woman screaming) For those of you just joining us, it is very chaotic Oh, you're bad, little blue boy.
- Is that-- - Doesn't matter.
It's too late.
The first shot was heard Kill them.
Kill them both now.
(Guran): No, I don't think so.
Who is this? Where's Kim? (Grunting) Damn it! (Man): Sources at the scene have confirmed that Jalil Ben-David was wounded in the attack just moments ago.
Let him go! That man saved my life.
No! You're gonna be OK.
You hang on.
We've got it from here.
Can you stand, sir? (Man): Coming through! Coming through! (Man 2 on scanner, indistinct) Guran, how's Renny? She's fine.
Kim's in custody.
How's Ben-David? Looks like he's gonna be fine.
I'll go with him to the hospital.
OK, good.
I'll tell Vandermaark to meet you there.
You were right about the enhanced receivers having unique serial numbers.
We collated them with the list, and they all checked out except for the last 5.
You! (Kit): Don't worry.
I'm here to help.
So what do you know about the 5 subscribers? We believe that they were involved in the attack.
Who are they? The first one's dead.
Suicide a few hours ago.
Nina Holliston.
The news lady.
Yep, we believe she was tasked with providing press credentials to the shooter A freelance photographer named Dale Everby.
Our freelance photographer's the primary assassin? Let me guess, one of the subscribers is the one who tried to kill Ben-David in his limo.
The security guard? Sven Johanssen, security supervisor? Chances are he helped Everby get his weapon inside the perimeter.
(Sirens) The other two? Anna Cooper and Trevor Law.
We haven't figured them out yet.
Cooper's an administrative assistant to the United State's Secretary of Defense.
- What was the last name? - Trevor Law.
We're not sure what his role is yet.
I know that name.
We've got it from here.
He's the paramedic! Keep driving! (Man): Sources at the scene have confirmed that Jalil Ben-David was wounded in the attack just moments ago.
What What are you doing? As of now, we don't know whether he was actually shot.
He was alert, at his feet-- - (Woman): I'm sorry to cut in.
What exactly are we looking at? - Well, Diana, that's the ambulance-- - No, Chuck, on top of it.
What is that? It's a masked man in some kind of purple suit! Oh, for God's sake! (Grunting) An unknown assailant has highjacked the ambulance.
And it appears shots have been fired from the rear of the vehicle.
(Screaming) Are you OK? I'm fine, thank you.
Police are standing by.
It seems this might be evolving into a potential hostage situation.
Whoa! We gotta get this guy to a hospital fast.
You're gonna be OK.
(Woman): And it appears that Jalil Ben-David is safe and sound.
Oh no! (Blade piercing flesh) Oh! Meeting adjourned.
You have, without a doubt, exceeded every expectation I've had for you.
(Sighing) Havana? No, thanks.
We dealt the Brotherhood a serious blow.
The first in over a decade, and the first of many to come.
Sad about Kim, though.
Never would've suspected him to be our mole.
He seemed like a straight shooter.
So did you.
What do you mean? You should've burned it.
Burned? Burned what? My dad's last journal.
You should've destroyed it.
- I'm s-- I'm sorry.
I You've lost me.
(Chuckling nervously) In his last few months, he saw things in you, Vandermaark, things that shook his trust in you.
Such as? A penchant for cruelty.
An inflexible judgemental arrogance.
A weakness for the finer things in life.
How much did the Singhs pay you to betray us? It had nothing to do with money.
I did what I did in order to protect what your father and I had built.
The only way to save BPAA-THAP was to bring back the 22nd Phantom to Bengalla.
That has been my one and only goal since the death of your father.
My loyalty has never wavered Will never waver.
Even if that meant leaking information about our operations? Oh, I would've done much more than that to uphold your father's legacy.
But now, all this is behind us.
Now that I've trained you, moulded you in the image of your forefathers, the future of BPAA-THAP is secure.
By the way, how did you find it? The journal? I didn't.
It was an educated guess on my part.
(Chuckling) You are a Walker.
I guess the ends do justify the means.
Sometimes they do.
And most of the time, we don't choose the cards we're dealt.
So the only thing standing in your way, or the only thing keeping me from fulfilling my legacy Were my foster parents in New York.
I told you I did not kill your family.
No, you gave the Singhs enough information to do it for you! How else could I make you understand what was at stake, to connect you with your forefathers, but to suffer firsthand the sheer ruthlessness of our enemy? They would've been killed anyway.
I didn't want their death to be in vain.
They were innocent people who had nothing to do with our fight.
They were the kind of people the Phantom defends! I did it for you, Kit.
Don't forget That I made you.
If you think I'm not worthy.
Go ahead.
Pull the trigger.
Break the oath.
You're the last in the line, boy.
DO IT! No.
We're done.
(Chuckling) Your father would be proud.
Oh yeah.
You don't deserve to wear this.
Kit! Kit! I can't let you walk away like this! I can't let you destroy everything we built! (Birds chirping) What exactly do you guys do here? We analyze, we deduce, we project and then we act.
Sounds like, uh, what I used to do.
What about all the skulls, hmm? You guys in some kind of sect? - We respect our past.
- Hmm Must be something to keep up an operation like this, huh? Medical facilities down here.
Labs and all.
(Chuckling) All the expenses must be in the millions, no? We manage.
Who manages? It's your turn, detective.
There's gotta be a head to this organization, hmm? I would just like to meet him before I go and say thank you for everything he's done for me.
Well, I will happily pass on your warmest regards.
Can I, uh, meet him in person? Come on, Dr.
Baboor, huh? I know I'm only Renny's father, but I figure I'm entitled to know something, huh? There is someone we worship.
Someone who is our great inspiration.
Someone who shows us the meaning of ethics with the grace of the wind.
He's neither here nor there.
One never really knows where he is.
He appears when you least expect it and vanishes just as fast.
An ethereal creature.
One never really meets him.
He's something of a legend.
Thank you, doctor.
You just gave me the definition of a phantom.
(Chuckling) Well I, uh, guess that would be Checkmate.
Iversen said he'll be on his cane in a few weeks if he keeps up his exercises.
That's a big "if".
Well, I'm sure he'll listen to you.
You'll be happy to know that the charges made against your father and his partner have been dropped.
And the NYPD is ready to reinstate him as soon as he feels well enough.
Thank you.
I don't even know what to say.
If you or your father need any additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thank you.
Your plane is here.
When you're ready.
(Kit): Renny.
I didn't think you'd come.
I had to.
You read the journal? Yeah.
You've changed.
You were wrong.
I do love you.
(Chuckling) Since before we even met, I think.
Why don't you stay here? I have to go with him.
He needs me now.
You keep that.
Will you do something for me, Chris? It's Kit.
Will you, uh, thank the Phantom for me? I'll do that.
You do know that one of the Phantom's most sacred duties is to produce an heir to continue his legacy.
Brothers and sisters.
We find ourselves at a historic crossroads.
Even as we face an enemy, who has relentlessly hounded and plued us since our inception, we are without a single surviving heir to the Singh bloodline.
Raatib Jouad was sadly the last.
But, even as we have suffered misfortune, so has Fate smiled upon us.
For she has delivered us a new leader of unquestioned loyalty, prodigious strength and utter ruthlessness.
A leader who reveres our history, respects our traditions and, most importantly, has intimate knowledge of enemy strengths and weaknesses.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my distinct pleasure to formally welcome our new chairman of the board, Abel Vandermaark.
Ladies Gentlemen.
Singh is dead! Long live the Singh Brotherhood! (All): Long live the Singh Brotherhood! And death to the Phantom!
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