The Traitors (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Buried Alive

- Previously on "The Traitors,"
20 of America's most devious
game players
- I am from "Survivor."
- The winner of
"Big Brother: All Stars."
arrived at this
remote Scottish castle
This is a castle.
Entering the ultimate
murder mystery
- The game is afoot.
- Go! Go, go, go, go!
- The beast is lit!
To try and win up to
a quarter of $1,000,000.
Hidden amongst the group
are three traitors
- One of you will be murdered.
- Who must secretly murder
the others
without getting caught.
If they make it
to the end undetected
- Don't you think I'm a traitor?
- they will steal all the money.
I could be the final player
in this game,
and that is the goal.
Their murderous spree
is about to begin.
I'm going to stab and destroy
so many people.
But who will be
their first victim?
I don't want to let
the dust settle,
so that they can't see
what's right in front of them,
and that's us.
- Let the games begin.
Someone is getting
murdered tonight.
- Kate. Brandi.
One of those three are,
like, huge.
Like, those would be big
Like, a big shot.
- We've decided.
So are we sure this is
the right choice?
- It's the right decision.
We split that
three-headed monster up.
Alright. Then chaos
is going to ensue.
This is good. This is going to
cause so much paranoia.
- Just save me ♪
Last night, the traitors
committed their first murder.
Which faithful didn't make it
through the night?
This morning,
the surviving players
will make their way
to breakfast,
but one player won't arrive
and currently, only
the traitors know who that is.
- Is anyone in there?
- No.
- No?
- Just us.
- Wow.
- Whoo!
I was like, who's going to be
- Oh, it's great.
- We're here!
We have made it.
Oh, my God, it's gorgeous.
Guys, we made it.
A giant weight has been
lifted off my shoulders.
But the anticipation
and waiting to see
if my friends are coming in
You know,
I take things really hard.
I can't believe we're
the first ones in.
- I know.
- Congratulations.
What do you guys want to say?
- Who do you think it is?
I can't even decide who it'd be.
I actually thought one of the
three of us might be targeted.
That's what I thought.
I definitely thought.
No, because they want people
that can win money for the pot.
And if you're stronger, they're
going to keep you around.
My anxiety's on, like,
double time right now.
There's a whole list of people
that I would rather
not have at breakfast,
but that's just because
they annoy me.
It's not because I think
they're traitors or whatever.
- It's so good to see you!
- Oh, my God! Wow!
I think I got away with it
walking into the room.
Not a lot of eyes were on me,
so it was perfect.
- Okay.
- Are you okay?
- I'm okay. I made it. I'm here.
- How'd you sleep?
- Okay. I did okay.
- Right. Not a lot though, right?
- I did okay.
But Brandi
is very, very observant,
and it's something I definitely
need to keep an eye on,
because if that comes
in my direction,
it could be a problem.
- I was really worried.
- Really?
I was worried, too.
I was scared.
Why do y'all think,
like, we didn't get murdered?
- It's my smile.
- You think it's your smile?
I'm just trying to be
as calm as possible,
because everybody in this game
with the paranoia is looking
for any subtle movements
and any change in behavior
as a reason
to pin you as a traitor.
Was there someone who,
whether they meant to or not,
put a target on their back?
- Mm.
- Oh, my God.
- Wow!
I can't give away
for one second like,
"Oh, I know it was you."
"Oh, yeah, I know you were going
to be here, too."
It's taxing,
but it's also exhilarating.
There she is.
- I made it! I made it! Whoo!
- I'm still in the castle.
Oh, I'm so happy.
- Six more people?
- Oh!
- Oh, my God!
- I'm excited to see Christian.
Him and I have
a very good relationship,
and I do think he's genuine.
I'm a proud Puerto Rican,
I cherish friendships more than
I cherish my own personal gain.
Hi, hi, hi, hi. I want to sit
next to the beanie boys.
What's up? What's up?
Dude! What's up?
I want them to feel good,
thinking, like,
"Oh, Christian wanted me here.
That's awesome. Hell yeah."
- I'm glad it's none of you boys.
- Yeah.
- This is crazy.
Who are we missing?
We're missing
Kate, Arie and Reza.
I have so much anxiety
right now.
- Alright? Just breathe.
- Okay.
I just want to see
Kate and Reza.
Like, that's my little crew.
My heart is beating
out my chest.
- So good to see you!
- Oh, my gosh! Dang!
How's it going, everyone?
- It's good, Arie.
- Oh, my God.
I think he can be a good
traitor, to be honest.
- Because he's too nice?
- Right. Except for us now.
- Is there just one more?
- One more.
- Who's missing?
- Reza and Kate.
- Yeah.
My mind's blown.
I would never have guessed
it coming down to those two.
I mean, I'm sad
either way this goes.
- Yeah.
Reza and Kate they're, like,
dynamic individuals.
Reza is loud,
he's opinionated, he's funny.
People look up to him and
respect him for those qualities.
I think Kate is fun.
She's not afraid to call
people out and speak her mind,
and we need that.
- I am, like, shook right now.
Two big personalities
I would never expect that.
- Wow.
- Hi.
- Guess who's gone?
- Oh, my God.
Taking out Reza this early on
is bull.
He was the last person
I would have thought.
Reza is such a ringleader
in that group.
We split that
three-headed monster up.
Chaos is going to ensue.
He's somebody that's going
to make people second guess
how they act in the missions.
- So we good?
- Let's get it done.
- Alright.
- What is going on? Do I open it?
I definitely think I was
murdered because I'm a threat.
It was a brilliant move.
I think, Michael
I just got the vibe
that he could potentially
be a traitor.
But I definitely think
I would want to murder me
if I were the traitors.
- My gosh, though.
- Savage.
- That is so savage.
You remove that team player
from the get go,
that sends a weird message
to everybody else.
- Maybe she's onto something
because Reza was annoying
during the challenge yesterday.
Some people are not doing
good knots, you guys.
Listen, we speak positive,
brother, hush.
- And then Reza went.
He was gone, murdered.
Good morning, my happy little
castle campers.
It's me again, your bed
and breakfast host from hell.
Congratulations for surviving
the night.
Last night, the traitors struck
and claimed their first victim.
Alas, poor Reza,
I knew him well.
Actually, I didn't
know him from Adam.
You may all have a chance
for revenge later
because we will be heading
to the roundtable,
where you will vote
to banish the player
you most suspect
of being a traitor.
That's right.
Your first banishing.
You finish up your tea
and toast,
and I'll see you outside
to explain today's mission.
- I was next to him when
And let's be honest,
it doesn't take much
for word to spread.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Some people already think
Geraldine could be a traitor.
I'm gonna use that
to my advantage.
- Yeah. I don't know.
- Yeah.
- Besides her.
- I mean, duh.
- No, exactly.
Christian's laying it on
a little too thick,
and you're on my radar.
- Boy.
- Poor Reza.
I'm bummed.
- I'm so glad you're here.
- Aww.
- Somehow, we made it.
- No, I don't know.
- Ditto.
- I don't know.
- Oh, my gosh.
A lot of the names
are floating around,
but Christian
will go out of his way
to do things that would
eventually put heat on us.
I don't know what he might say.
I just I feel like
it could Geraldine.
- This is nuts.
- Right.
It's going to be
a different game now.
It's like, the energy
is going to change for sure.
Reza's murder sent a message,
basically, like,
it doesn't matter who you are
or how much personality
you have,
you could be gone tomorrow.
So we have to just really be
on our on point today.
We should hang out
with people we don't know,
do you know what I mean?
And just trying to, like,
suss it out a little.
I don't know,
Geraldine that well.
- That's a name that I hear.
After the traitors were picked,
Geraldine physically
- Everybody said that.
- Everyone said that.
- I don't know.
- Right.
As faithfuls,
we have to try to get one.
We got to nail one on the
first roundtable.
This morning, Christian
is kind of like a bulldog,
and that was kind
of a red flag for me.
But I don't have enough
to go off of just from that.
I haven't seen the grounds,
so I'm going to go outside.
- Yeah.
- I want to see a peacock.
Oh, my gosh. We saw a peacock,
mate trying to
We did, too. Oh, she did not
pay him any mind.
- She was not feeling it.
- She was playing hard to get.
- Yeah.
- I know that trick.
She's like, "Not today, Peter."
I just hope that we're smart
enough to kick off a traitor
because we have to get back at
the traitor at least, you know.
We have to pick one of them off.
- We have to.
My game plan is to make people
feel comfortable.
Growing up, it was really hard
for me to connect with people
because English
is my second language,
so I feel like I learned
a lot about people skills,
and hopefully somebody will
kind of just have me
on their good side
and then I'll, like, you know,
throw somebody under the bus.
Do you have anybody
in your heart
that you think
that could be a traitor?
- Uh
Personally? No, not yet.
I haven't gathered
enough information.
Did you and Reza
have words yesterday?
- No. No, no, no.
Geraldine said that you and
Reza got in a fight
at the mission.
- No.
Yeah, she said that Reza was,
I guess,
you know, being himself and loud
and that you were like,
"This is annoying."
- No, I did not.
- I thought it was odd.
- Because of my work in the ER,
I definitely can smell BS
from a mile away.
Because it's a profession
of healing,
but nobody is really
100% honest.
I think it is going to be
an asset to the faithful team
to be able
to sniff out the traitors.
At least I hope so.
So maybe Geraldine is trying
to poison us against you.
But it's not working. I'm
I'm like, I love Michael,
so come at me.
- I think Geraldine is a traitor,
and if I can save myself
by throwing her under the bus,
get ready, because I'm-a
throw her under it,
put it in reverse,
and run back over top of her.
Because, I mean, I'll do it
if it means saving myself.
- Oh, there he is. Hello, hello.
- Hello, players.
Today, we are going to play
a game of hide and seek.
Let's remember,
we all have the same goal
To add as much money as we can
to that collective prize pot.
First of all,
I need six volunteers.
You'll be playing
a very important role
in today's mission, which you'll
find out more about soon enough.
We have Stephenie, Arie,
and Kyle,
Shelbe, Amanda, and Bam.
Now, get into these sweet rides
and I'll see you
on the other side.
- Good luck, guys.
- Yes.
Don't worry about them
Or maybe you should.
Your fellow players aren't just
off for a wee rest, you know.
Your mission
simply is to find your comrades.
Now, you need to split
into three groups.
Each team will need to find
two of your fellow players.
Here are your maps.
Yellow for you.
Red for you.
Blue for you.
For every teammate
you successfully find,
you will add $5,000
to the collective prize pockets.
But you only have
40 minutes to do this in,
and believe me, your teammates
will want to be found.
Do not open your maps
until I give the signal.
Time for me to go to meet
your teammates
and let them in on what
they'll be doing.
Catch you later.
Oh, look at this.
There's something here.
- What is this?
- What the hell?
- Look, look.
- Whoa.
- Oh, my gosh.
Come on, guys.
- No!
- Oh, my gosh.
Shit just got real.
- Alan, you're killing me.
I don't know
what I just volunteered for.
- Yeah.
Thank you for joining me
in Scotland's Death Valley.
You are about
to be buried alive.
Thank you for joining me
in Scotland's Death Valley.
You are about
to be buried alive.
If you can endure
your time underground
until your fellow players
find you,
you will add $5,000 each
to the collective cash pot.
- Well, it was a nice day.
- It is now time
to choose your graves.
- I don't like that.
- I'll go with this.
I was was going to go
on that one.
- I'll do this one.
- It smells like murder out here.
- Grave diggers, get ready.
This is a different level,
you know?
- It's a lot.
I'm afraid of small spaces,
like being underground,
so I'm terrified.
- This is my biggest fear ever.
I immediately start to panic.
Please enter your graves
and prepare to be buried alive.
- Here we frickin' go.
- Good luck, guys.
- Oh, what did I get myself into?
- This is bullshit.
- Close the coffin.
- Okay.
Oh, my God.
I'm having a little bit of,
like, anxiety right now.
- What am I doing?
- I'm in a goddamn box.
- Oh!
- Oh, !
Oh, my God.
- They're burying us.
It's pitch dark. It's quiet.
Eerily quiet.
I can't hear a thing
other than my heart
and my breath.
- Whoa!
- Holy
- Go, go, go.
- Go this way.
To solve this game
of hide and seek
- Let's look at this real quick.
- Okay.
Each team must head
to their different
starting points, where they
will locate a walkie talkie.
Alright. There's a shovel
and a walkie.
We need a shovel and a walkie.
Which will let them communicate
with the buried players.
- Let's fricking go.
All right, guys,
I'm just testing this out.
Anybody out there?
Anybody out there at all?
- Go, go, go, go, go.
- Oh, shit.
- Oh, my God.
Their buried teammates
must pass on the clue
that is written inside
their casket.
This is the only way those
aboveground will be able
to locate them.
I'm freaking the hell out.
- Frick.
- Where the hell are you?!
- Do you hear something?
- Go, go, go, go, go.
- Okay.
We're feeling very confident.
- Oh, I got it!
- Got it. Got it. got it.
- Yes. Okay.
Look, see.
- Yeah, I'm coming. I'm coming.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God. Crazy.
Hey. Hey. This is Shelbe.
I need some help.
This is Red Team, Red Team.
Where are you hiding?
Hey, this is Amanda.
I'm buried alive right now.
- Me.
- What?
- Oh, my God.
- Oh..
Getting in a coffin
and being buried alive
is definitely not at the top
of my bucket list,
But it beats running around a
castle with Quentin and Michael.
Those lucky people,
they are just taking a nap.
A 45-minute nap.
- Now what?
- Any clue? Something?
There is a plaque that says
"I might be old,
but you'd be wrong
to bark up at me."
Old tree. Barking up
an old tree. The Ancient Tree.
- The Ancient Tree.
- Well, let's get moving.
- Let's go. Let's go.
- Let's do it.
- Freaking buried alive here.
- Whoa.
- Yeah, keep going, keep going.
- It's right here. Right here.
- Straight up. Straight up.
- Look. What does it say?
- Can you turn this on?
- It's on.
- Talk.
- Checking in.
Anything? Checking in.
- This is Bam.
- Yeah, I hear you.
- Team here, team here.
- Alright, guys.
So here's the deal.
We're all buried alive.
I have to guide you to us.
- I'm actually shocked.
- Holy shit.
- This is crazy.
Like, Kyle and Bam, they're in
a grave, buried alive.
God damn it. The only clue
my coffin says
is "Slow and steady wins the
race, but not in this case.
It's "The Turtle and the Hare."
Everybody go that way.
Hare Woods.
- Good job.
- We have to hurry up.
- We're on our way.
- Hurry up, your boy is buried.
I don't know why I volunteered
for this.
The walkie talkie and the
shovel should be here somewhere.
- Guys, guys, guys.
- Everybody take a shovel.
Team, do you read me?
This is Stephenie.
Whoever can hear me,
this is Arie.
- This is Andie here.
- Copy that.
I've been buried alive.
- Oh, my God.
The only clue
I have in here is the phrase,
"I'm in a watery grave.
I feel like a troll."
In a watery grave.
Okay, under a bridge.
If we can run, we got to run.
- Yeah.
Time is marching on.
25 minutes left.
God, holy cow,
get me out of here!
- Guys!
- God, it's dark as hell in here.
Where the hell are my teammates?
- Okay.
- At the bottom?
Do we dig here?
- Is that it?
- Is she in here? No.
Ask her, is there anything else?
Hey, Amanda. We're at a place
with the old tree.
Do you want us to start digging?
Do you have any other
Underneath of the plaque
is, like, a crest.
It's blue. It has two castles.
You could have told us that
5 minutes ago.
My God.
- Got it.
- There's too many roots there.
- Oh, oh, oh, oh!
- Oh, let's go.
- Flowers? Is this them?
- Yeah, it'll be that.
I find these flowers,
and I'm like,
"Okay, guys,
these flowers are on the map."
And so we take off
running down this hill.
- Come on, guys. Just run.
I am a good team player,
and I want to make sure
that my team
see me doing my best.
Hopefully that helps ahead
of the banishment tonight.
- Come on, guys! Come on!
Geraldine's running way up
ahead and not sharing the map.
- Maybe you keep going this way.
- It's like,
"Can you please
communicate with me?"
- Down to what?
- Oh. Wow.
- I was kind of just like, what?
But no, actually, I was like,
"What? What?"
- Whoa!
It's bad timing, but it's
especially bad timing
because she's in our group.
Phew! These shoes
are the worst.
Okay, guys, you got this.
Come find me.
- Which way are we going?
- Just follow the path.
Just keep following it.
- Phew.
- Look at the map, Andie.
- Yeah, I am.
Andie's the one
in charge of directions.
Had me confident.
I think we have to go
all the way back
the opposite direction
that we came down.
- I can't believe we are lost.
We have probably walked, like,
a mile in the wrong direction.
I think we should have kept
going straight down the road
instead of turning right away.
- Yeah.
- I hate as, a leader, failing.
Like, me,
am I going to be murdered
because we just happened
to go the wrong way?
We have to literally go back
to where we started.
- All the way?
- Yeah.
- Come on, guys.
- What the hell's going on?
Hurry up.
- 15 minutes to go.
- Come on.
- Is it worth $5,000?
Time is running out.
Y'all good?
- Okay, we're on our way.
This is like when
I'm getting ready to go out.
My friends are like,
"We're here. Where are you?"
I'm like, "Oh, I'm on my way.
I'm in the Uber."
And really, really I'm still
drying my hair.
- I don't like to be rushed.
We got the picture
of the red shield.
- Digging!
- Yeah, baby!
- Dig!
- Can you hear anything?
- Yo, I can't hear you.
- We're digging in the coffin.
Stand by.
- Yo!
- Guys, hurry up.
Are you guys at a graveyard?
'Cause I don't hear anything.
You might be digging
for another clue.
We got a clue. Tell me.
We got a clue.
We got another clue.
Like flowers.
- What in the world?
- We found a flower
when we were looking
on the map right now.
- Flower right there.
I would sprint
if I were you guys.
- Let's go.
- Come on, we got this!
- Ow.
- You okay?
- No, I'm really not.
- There's a graveyard.
It's this one, guys.
- Oh, wow.
- So proud of you. Let's do it.
- So what does that mean?
Right here. we have to go
to the rose.
- Let's go. We got this.
- I hear the cavalry approach.
- We're close!
- Go, go!
- Time is running out.
- What's going on up there?!
Stand by, we'll be there, Kyle.
We're going to be there.
Hurry, players.
There are literally people
in the grave here
waiting for you.
Can anybody hear me?
Anybody? Anybody?
- Come on!
- Stephenie!
I hear you guys.
Hurry up! Hustle!
- Run, come on!
- Go, go, go!
- They're here, they're here.
Yellow and blue team
now have to dig up
their two players.
Right here, right here.
Hang on.
Right here. Right here.
- 5 minutes left.
- Flowers, flowers, flowers.
- There it is. That's it.
- We're digging right now.
We're digging right now.
Look for a red rose.
Is that it?
- It's this one!
- Guys, start digging!
Start digging!
- Get me out of here!
- Come on, come on, guys!
I'm a hairstylist
from Staten Island.
No, I'm not active.
This is the biggest workout
of my entire life
that I've ever lived,
ever done, ever anything.
This is the craziest thing
I've ever done.
- Alright, let's keep digging.
- Dig! Hurry up!
- Come on, guys. Come on.
- Oh, my lord.
We're one of the last ones,
and there was only one person
who had the map,
leading the way Geraldine.
Oh. In general,
if you're digging up a grave,
things aren't going well
in your life, yeah?
Digging is not my strong suit,
and I'm proud of that.
- Keep going! Don't stop! Go!
Only a few minutes remaining.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
Come on, guys.
Let me out.
Hey, I need you guys
to help pull this thing off.
Christian, he was like.
It was like the Incredible Hulk
did crack.
- He hit me with his shovel.
For sake!
- I'm good, just don't like him.
- Pull her out!
- Quickly. Quickly.
- Pull him out!
- Bam has been rescued.
$5,000 to the prize fund.
- Boom!
- Move, move! Move!
Come on, come on,
come on, come on!
- Come on!
- 2, 3
- Yeah! Let's go! Let's go!
- Good job, guys.
- I think we really killed it.
These are going to be great
people to work with.
I definitely trust them,
even Cody.
Our team worked together
so well.
Hurry, players.
Time is running out.
There's still $20,000
to play for.
- We have to keep going.
- What's that? Oh.
Michael, you know, whispered,
like, "So Geraldine, right?"
That's just not how I would
conduct myself
when there are not a lot
of people up from their graves.
Y'all got this!
Y'all got this!
-3, 2, 1.
Come on!
- Get up. Get up. Get up!
Oh, my God!
Another $5,000
to the prize fund.
Bravo, everybody.
- Watch out, watch out.
- Let me out.
- One minute remaining.
- Get out!
- I know!
Yellow and Red teams,
you have rescued your players,
banking $20,000.
- Hurry up!
- Blue team, you need to hurry up
if you want to rescue
your teammates.
- Come on, guys. Let's go!
- $30,000 at stake.
- Come on, guys!
- Oh, we got it, we got it!
- Hurry up!
- Yellow and Red teams,
you have rescued your players,
banking $20,000.
- Come on, guys! Let's go.
Blue team,
you have rescued none.
- Come on, guys.
- You gotta pull the rope!
-10 seconds!
9, 8, 7, 6
- Oh, man!
- 5, 4
- Break the chain!
- 3, 2, 1.
- Game over. Game over.
So sorry. So close.
- It was a matter of seconds.
It was such a bummer
that we didn't make it.
- Yo, use your knees.
Dirt everywhere, popped open,
but it was too late.
I think we'll all agree
there is nothing more bonding
than a good treasure hunt,
is there?
- Yeah.
- Yellow and Red teams,
you have successfully dug up
your fellow players.
You banked a collective $20,000
for the pot.
Blue team, you won nothing.
- We tried.
- Can't win them all.
I hope today's mission
has given you a chance
to learn about your teammates
and who you can trust.
Let's go back, shall we?
For our first round table,
where you will all vote
to banish somebody
you think is a traitor.
- Oh, my God.
- That was hard!
Do you think Christian was
going absolutely insane
during this mission
because he was like,
"Oh, my God, they're on to us?"
Not to, like, act paranoid,
that is Christian.
He's just drives me nuts because
that's how he is.
I don't know if it has to do
with being a traitor or not.
It's not how you start,
it's how you finish.
- Yeah.
- I thought you were a G today.
You were on point.
You were on point.
And you helped out a lot.
- Because
- With other people and us.
- I appreciate that.
My team won $10,000,
which is great.
We worked together.
I've built some camaraderie,
especially with Brandi,
which was essential for,
you know, what I'm trying
to do as a traitor.
I think Michael's a shoo in
for a traitor,
and I'll tell you why.
The second I popped out of
out the grave, out of nowhere,
he just was like, "We're going
for Geraldine, right?"
I'm like, "What?"
I know for a fact
it's Christian,
but I think there's one reality
star that's also a traitor.
My guess is Cirie,
but I don't want it to be.
I'm going to save Cirie
for later.
Right now, I'm floating Michael.
My plan today
is to get Michael out.
- Home, sweet home.
- Home, sweet home, baby.
- Oh, my gosh.
- I have dirt in my ear.
- I need some deodorant.
- I need to use the ladies' room.
- Oh, my God.
I eat when I'm nervous.
- I'm not so sure,
but I think there's others.
- I know, but
- I think there's others.
After everything
that's happened,
you'd be forgiven for saying,
"Alan, we can't stand
this tension anymore.
Can't we just
leave it there today?"
No, we cannot.
For soon, the players will be
sitting around my round table
to discuss, debate,
and deconstruct just who is
the traitor amongst them.
Remember, everyone has one vote.
So the real question is,
will the traitors
remain undetected
and lead the group
to banish a faithful by mistake?
As Robert the Bruce
famously once said,
"If at first you don't succeed,
try, try to find out
who's been trash-talking you
in the billiards room."
- Okay. It's Michael, for sure.
- Okay.
- Just tell me a name.
- Michael.
- Yeah. Okay.
Majority rule. I mean, like,
that's what I'm saying.
- This is He did this to me.
And I peed a little.
- I know he is.
- I didn't think he was.
I had my little suspicions
because he's always spearheading
every conversation.
If you are leading
the conversation
in every single topic,
it's to almost push people
away from you,
to not think that it's you.
To me, that's a little sus.
I'm anxious for this
first banishment,
especially because Brandi
had mentioned
both Cirie and Christian
as traitors.
My heart is coming
out of my chest.
You're going to really see
who was talking behind your back
or who's strategizing
against you.
- I'm really nervous over this.
I do not want to be first
to go home.
- I am so tense right now.
I want to get rid
of a traitor so bad.
These traitors are
murdering people
and we have to get rid of them.
I mean, Geraldine
could be a traitor,
but the one I feel
most confident about is Michael.
Best of luck, brother.
Best of luck.
My gameplan tonight going in is
to make decisions with the group
and then
I can keep suspicion off of me.
- Love you, guys.
- Welcome to the roundtable.
Tonight, you will vote to banish
one of your fellow contestants.
Every player has one vote, and
the player with the most votes
will leave the game immediately.
Consider your vote
very carefully
because in this game,
fair is foul and foul is fair.
And the person sitting next
to you may smile and smile
and be a villain.
What have you learned about
your fellow contestants
since the last time
we sat at the round table?
There are traitors amongst you.
You think you know who they are?
I mean, honestly,
I have no problem starting it.
It's unfortunate, but there's
been two people
whose names have come up a lot
in this early phase of the game.
We don't need a lot of things
to make a decision.
G and Michael, there's a lot of,
like, sketchy things
in the story of the both of you.
after the blindfolds came off,
it seemed to us that your leg
was, like, tapping quite a bit.
You seem to just
be more fidgety,
and at that point,
anyone's body language
could set something off
like that.
And so that's what
brought attention to you.
We got to get to the bottom
of the he said/she said stuff.
Let's just put it all out there.
Now, I agree with that.
But I was told
Geraldine was saying to people,
hey, me and Reza got into
a verbal altercation.
We did not.
If I'm being confronted
or I'm being put on the spot,
I kind of shut down
for a second.
And that can come off as then,
"She's too confident.
She acts like
she could be a traitor."
- So Reza gets murdered.
- Murdered.
- And you're a suspect.
- And I'm easily painted
as a suspect.
- Got it.
- I never said he's a traitor.
- And that was it.
- That was the comment.
But you were all day saying,
"Are you guys Geraldine, right?"
- Absolutely.
You're going to confront her
about something she said
when you're saying her name
all day,
making sure
that everyone knows Geraldine,
Geraldine, Geraldine.
Like, we get it.
While we were doing
the challenge today,
clock's ticking,
while we're running, you go,
"Hey, if you don't
banish Geraldine tonight,
I'm going to banish you."
And I was like, "What?"
- I was trying to be funny.
- Wasn't the best time.
I'm awkward. Okay?
I have anxiety. Okay.
It came out.
I will say, like,
my head's been spinning
ever since
I popped up from the grave.
You came over,
you pulled me aside,
and you said, "You're voting
for Geraldine, right?"
- And I'm like, "What?"
- Okay, well, I didn't
I didn't pull you aside.
- You did!
- Listen.
- That's pretty selfish,
at the very least.
- Yeah, it probably is.
I own that. And I admit
that my social game sucks.
I don't know
how to talk to people.
You're doing a good job
of talking right now.
- Poor timing.
- You're real good at talking.
I'm like a loose cannon.
Not that I can't be trusted,
but that I don't know
how to read the room
and know when the appropriate
time to approach someone is.
As far as Geraldine, you were
throwing me under the bus,
saying that I had
a verbal altercation with Reza
that did not happen.
I flip the freak out
and I was going around like,
"Oh, my God, she wants me gone.
I need to make sure
that I at least have
some numbers on my side
so that I can breathe when I get
in that room tonight."
And so, yes, honey,
I'm looking for every excuse
to get you gone.
- The time for talk is over.
It is now time to vote.
I think everyone is just
going off of suspicions
that Michael and Geraldine
have brought towards each other.
But I'm so confused
about the whole situation.
I think that Christian's
a traitor,
but unfortunately,
I'm not in charge.
So right now, I need to go
with the popular vote.
- Slits down.
I'm now going to ask you all
to reveal
who you think is the traitor.
We're going to begin with Kyle.
Damn. Alright.
Well, this is painful.
I said Geraldine.
- Rachel.
- I voted for Geraldine.
I felt that from the evidence
that had been given to us
that you are a traitor,
and our job as faithfuls
is to find traitors.
- Quentin.
- I picked Geraldine as well.
- Brandi.
- I voted for Michael.
I hadn't heard Geraldine say
anything about you to anyone,
so I really, really do believe
that you're a traitor.
That's three votes
for Geraldine, one for Michael.
- Cirie?
I have to go by the information
that's been given to me.
- Amanda.
- I voted for Geraldine.
- Azra.
- I voted for Michael.
Kate's story kind of swayed me.
That's five votes for Geraldine
and two for Michael.
- Michael, I love you.
But you gave me an ultimatum,
and I just don't respond well.
It was like a threat.
- Andie.
I was really confused
in this whole thing.
I'm so sorry, Michael.
I actually wrote down
Geraldine's name first.
We now have five votes
for Geraldine
and four for Michael.
- Michael.
- Christian.
- Geraldine, I am sorry.
- Geraldine has six votes,
Michael has five votes.
But we have eight votes to go.
- Geraldine.
I voted Michael because
I can't trust you anymore,
I'm sorry.
- Michael.
- Well, I sure as heck
ain't voting for myself.
Thank you for lying.
- Cody.
- Michael, something in my gut
is telling me that you're
definitely not a traitor,
and so G, I'm sorry.
- Shelbe.
- I voted for you, Michael.
That's eight votes for
Geraldine and seven for Michael.
- Um
I'm voting for you, Michael.
- Right now, we have a tie.
- Just three votes to go.
- Um
- G-D.
- Geraldine has the most votes.
Bam, if you also vote
for Geraldine,
she will be banished.
Body language says a lot, right?
Especially in high tension
situations like this.
So unfortunately, I chose you.
- Stephenie?
- I had to go with my gut
in the end.
I'm sorry.
- So, I can confirm
Geraldine, you have been
Please come forward
to the Circle of Truth.
Geraldine, before you leave
the game forever,
please reveal
if you are a faithful
or a traitor.
I am very confident.
I know how to hold myself
when I'm nervous
or there's confrontation
because my dad raised me to be
that person.
Sorry, guys.
I'm a faithful.
- Thank you. Leave now.
I thought for sure Geraldine
was a traitor.
Like, I would have bet my life
on it.
She was a traitor.
So, the traitors have survived
and are still lurking among you.
You know, we have a proverb
in Scotland
"Hours are Time's shafts, and
one comes winged with death."
That phrase is very appropriate
because within hours,
one of you will be dead,
murdered at the hands
of the traitors.
Sleep well.
I'm really sorry for
the inappropriate timing
that I've done everything
and how I've done everything.
I'm not a traitor. I'm just
scared to talk to people.
And I appreciate you all
for giving me another chance.
- We're glad you're here.
- I'm glad to be here.
- Who wants a glass of wine?
Just because she was a faithful
doesn't mean
that Michael is a traitor.
- Dude, that was heartbreaking.
We can't apologize every time,
you know?
It's going to happen.
- I'm not going to apologize.
- Where's my wine?
- I don't feel bad about it.
- Idiots.
Michael won,
and an innocent went home.
Geraldine was an insanely
awesome teammate
when it came down to it.
- Oh, my God! Stop it.
- Are you giving her eulogy now?
- What? No. She was
- Should we call her back?
Should we invite her back?
Too late?
Life isn't fair.
Traitors isn't fair.
We're gonna have to do this
again tomorrow and the next day.
- I need some wine.
- Yeah.
Do you think Alan's getting
the wine?
- Yeah, for sure.
- Alan.
- Especially for me
- See you guys, maybe never.
- Bye.
Bye, guys.
- All right. Good night, guys.
See y'all tomorrow.
Somebody is getting
murdered again tonight,
and I'm so nervous right now.
I would like to have more time
to enjoy breakfast tomorrow.
If the traitors can't think
of somebody to get rid of
strategically, it's like,
"Well, they lost the challenge.
They didn't put money in
the pot. They're dead weight."
I just seem like an easy out,
Well, brother, I survived
the banishment.
Now I got to worry
about a murder.
I ain't gonna sleep
a wink tonight, brother.
Although I'm very happy that
I got through the roundtable
and nobody mentioned
my name earlier.
Brandi had mentioned Cirie
and Christian.
This could be critical
for us traitors.
I don't need people
in this house
that can ultimately end my game.
- Here we are, gentlemen.
- What's up?
What a day.
- I was very nervous.
- I was so nervous.
What has gone
in our favor today?
Brandi wanted Michael more than
she wanted oxygen today.
I really, really do believe
that you're a traitor.
There's people now
a little upset
with how Brandi reacted
That she was so viciously like,
"I still think it's Michael.
I still think it's Michael."
- Yeah. Yeah.
- And obviously,
we know it's not.
I love Michael, and I'm using
him as a shield
he is now an easy target.
So here's the thing.
Brandi's mentioned you.
- Oh. Whoa.
This issue is going
to be a problem for you.
Here's the bigger problem,
which I have to say this, too.
In the car with Brandi and
Kyle, she mentioned your name.
- Brandi.
- Brandi.
So there's one reality star
that's also a traitor.
My guess is it's Cirie,
but I don't want it to be.
To me, it's a little alarming
that she's hit two of us.
- Right. Who you are.
- That is not good.
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