The Traitors UK (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

This programme contains
some strong language
22 players arrived at this Scottish
castle to play the game of
a lifetime and to hopefully win up
to £120,000.
But hidden amongst them
are the Traitors who will secretly
murder their fellow players
at night.
It's up to the others, the Faithful,
to work out who the Traitors are
It's exhausting.
..and banish
them from the game.
Will you let me speak?
Because if a Traitor remains
I'm not a Traitor. I swear on
..they take all the money.
Some players fell early.
I'm afraid it's goodbye.
While some were lying
before the game even started.
My boyfriend Tom is also
in this game.
We're keeping that to ourselves.
Three Traitors were chosen.
I just feel like it's my game now.
Get up there, right?
The players started building
a prize pot.
Everyone who's old is on our team.
And suspicions started flying
Nicky didn't raise her glass.
Theo's not genuine. the Traitors prepared
to murder their first victim.
Aisha, Theo or Andrea.
So how are you going to feel
about committing that first murder?
Absolutely fine.
This is The Traitors.
# Birds flying high
# You know how I feel #
We've committed our first
murder, and I think we've made
the right decision.
They're not going to catch
up with us.
No, not at all.
There's just so much power
in our hands.
Yeah, there's so much power.
And it feels so great.
It does feel great.
Last night, the Traitors
committed their first murder,
but which Faithful didn't make
it through the night?
This morning, the surviving players
will make their way to breakfast.
But one Faithful won't arrive
at the castle, and currently only
the Traitors know who that is.
We're the first ones.
Oh, God.
Everyone's still on the board
as well.
Oh, yeah.
That's a good sign.
I'm shaking now.
I can't believe it.
Cheers, guys.
Day two. Cheers to being alive.
I could not have been more relieved.
The fact that we were in first
with no-one else there,
it was just lovely.
We got to sit down and fill our
plates with pastries and just watch
the other people come in.
I was shaking so much.
Let's go.
Thank God.
At that point, all I was thinking
of was, I'm so grateful,
I've lived another day.
I didn't think I was going to get
this, like, nervous.
And then waiting
in that breakfast room,
I'm anxious that my boyfriend
Tom won't be there.
Tom and I decided it'd be best
to hide our relationship.
It's hard cos obviously, I want to,
like, make sure he's OK.
Come in.
Yes! I walked through
the door, like, I was so happy.
I was just like, oh, my God,
I've made it past day one.
You look amazing.
I remember feeling so happy to see
Alex because I fancy her.
I was honestly the happiest guy.
You made it. Just about.
When I saw that silly pink
hair, I was like, oh, thank God.
Walking into breakfast
this morning,
I was just so anxious.
I'm thinking, well, you know,
I was really bossy.
And I was just like, what if people
don't like that?
The 120,000,
it would mean the world to me
to win that money.
It's amazing going down to breakfast
as a Traitor because obviously
I know who I've murdered,
so I'm just, like, pretending
that you're shocked that you'll come
through the door.
Oh, my God.
I'm so pleased.
Good morning.
Even though I knew John
was coming back, for some reason
I was just really happy,
even though I knew
he was coming back.
It's like a mad experience.
I came in with Amanda.
We obviously had to act and be like,
"Oh, we're so excited to be here."
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. You're shaking.
I'm shaking.
You are here.
You are here.
I just had to pretend
that I was crapping it.
I had to go in shaking
and I had to go in proud of myself
for being here,
that I got another night
without the Traitors murdering me.
Right. Left,
There's Theo.
Aisha and Andrea.
I would be devastated
with any of them going.
No, no. I'm already shocked.
Who do you think has gone?
I don't know.
I'm going to be gutted regardless.
Whoever, whoever goes,
then you can
Come in!
Who is it?
Oh, my God.
It's going to be Theo or Aisha.
One of the two are going.
So whoever walks the door next is
the last.
I didn't think it would be down to
these two, but I think I'd say Theo.
He did have a run in with Imran.
Theo kind of went for Imran last
Theo just walk in, Imran took him
I'm going to say that.
I just want my friend to come back.
I feel sorry for them
if they lose Aisha, even
though it's not fair on us,
but it's also not fair on them.
If you play as a Faithful
and you sort of get yourself into,
like, Faithful ways
I can't explain it. You make
Literally feel like one of them.
It'll be weird without Aisha
with us lot here. I actually love
She's so funny.
If he's gone It's war. 100%.
Come in.
I'm so nervous.
Aisha's gone.
Someone's killed her.
Oh, God.
Someone's murdered her.
I'm more threatened by Aisha than
Theo at this point.
Yeah. And Aisha, right,
I can tell she wanted
to be a Traitor, so she'll do
anything to find out who that is.
She could be domineering
in the game. And that will break
up the youth group.
Yes, you need to break them up.
I love the girl, but Yeah.
Dear Aisha, by the order of the
Traitors, you have been murdered.
Fucking snakes.
Absolute snakes, them Traitors.
Oh, God!
Nobody wants to be the first person
to go, do they?
So, it's hard, it's rough.
Oh, my God.
That's it, then.
These Traitors can murder you just
at the drop of a hat
without defending yourself or
anything like that.
So, for me, I was just glad and
grateful that I got another day
and I was in that room with amazing
I was glad.
It was difficult cos the game is
just beginning
and I think we were all on the same
that these big characters that
people would gravitate to,
we had to start eliminating them.
So, unfortunately, Aisha had to be
the first to be murdered.
You like Theo?
I know, I can't believe it. I know,
but one had to go.
It just makes you feel sad, doesn't
it? Yeah, it is sad.
It's like a bittersweet feeling,
isn't it?
Don't get me wrong, Theo walking in,
I was so happy.
But, like, I was kind of a little
bit gutted
cos, like, yeah, she was just
She was fun to be around.
I don't think it was going to be
easy to lose anyone at this point.
She was so lovely.
Good morning.
Morning! Morning, everybody.
Good morning! Hello!
Isn't this delightful?
Did you sleep well? ALL: No.
The first murder has taken place.
So, would you repeat after me
Oh, no! Oh, my God.
..bye-bye, Aisha?
Bye-bye, Aisha.
But don't worry, cos you can get
your own back,
because tonight, there'll be the
first banishment.
And if you're lucky, you get out a
We need to get rid of them very
And I'm hoping that we can banish
one, tonight.
We're going to have another mission.
You can build up the prize fund.
I do hope you like music. Does
anyone like music?
Then, you'll do very well. See you
later. Enjoy your breakfast.
Bye! Bye, darlings.
So, that's it. First real murder.
We're actually in this now, in the
There's Traitors around this table.
And I can't call one of them.
That was so stressful, bro.
So, so, so happy you're here. Same.
Is it raining? A little bit. Yeah,
it's just super windy.
Oh, brilliant. Great job, Tom.
Brilliant. How did you do that?
Wait, wait, wait.
What's wrong with these?
Aisha being murdered Mm-hm. is possible that the Traitors
were doing that
because she fancied you, you thought
she was all right.
Maybe they were trying to sort of
if they could pin it on you a little
What, because I fancy her?
Aaron's fuming. He's like, "I just
thought she was pretty."
We were just trying towe were
just trying to find any connection.
It's a guessing game. It literally
is. It could be anyone.
There's so many names coming out,
my mind is scrambled.
So, my plan in this game is to lie
by telling the truth 90% of the
It's also referred to as the 90-10
Will I tell the group that I've
obtained a PhD at the age of 22,
which for the discipline is the
youngest in the world?
No, I'm smarter than that.
What I'm looking to do is translate
some of those academic principles
to determine whether, you know,
somebody's a Traitor.
But, right now, it'sit's tricky.
So, how did you feel, then, this
Yeah, gutted because she was a
genuine person.
Yeah, I think she was. Yeah.
Does anybody know anyone that didn't
get on with her?
I knew Aisha quite well and, no.
Cos I think everyone got on with
But she was a young lady that was
not afraid to say what she thinks.
That might have been a disadvantage.
I'm going to forget it this game
because not a lot of people are
that I spend a lot of years working
for Humberside Police.
If she hadn't been getting on with
anybody or she felt anything,
she'd have talked to me and I didn't
get that opportunity, yesterday.
But how would you have stopped the
Traitors from killing her?
I couldn't. You wouldn't have been
able to do that.
But I might have had some
information and I didn't get that.
That career really, really taught me
to look for things in people
that potentially other people don't
Like, I'm very good at spotting
when they're not telling the truth.
Spotting things that don't add up.
And I'll be able to sniff them out.
It's early days for potentially
whoever the Traitors are
to go in there and make a strategic
action against her.
It could just be person Unless
she upset them.
Yeah, it could just be personality.
That's the only other thing.
She was like a little social
going from group to group.
Maybe they thought, "We need to get
rid of somebody like her because"
That's what I'm like.
I'm trying to mirror the other guys,
the Faithfuls,
and trying to be a Faithful.
I want to win, like, 100,000,000%.
This is a ridiculous amount of
I've never been abroad in my life,
so I want to take my kids out
and show them what I was never able
to see
but experience that with them for
the first time.
Cos, remember, the Traitors, they
don't care who they murder.
No. We want to banish the Traitors.
This is why I said when I'm building
my case against people,
I'm going in with hard evidence.
So, then, people can't be just
like, "Mm."
And I'm not influencing anybody
around here, I'm doing it myself.
Yeah, it's too early. This is what I
Do you have kids? I do.
I have My son is 26 years old.
Damn. Yeah. Are you close with him?
I had my son very young.
Then, the accident happened.
You know, it's hard, losing your
hand at 22
and you've got a four-year-old kid.
You're like, "Right, what do we do,
now?", you know.
Nearly 23 years ago, I had a car
crash on the motorway
and I lost my right hand.
It's all about perseverance and
that's just something
Do you know what? I sit there,
and when you've got someone staring
up at you,
thinking that they're reliant upon
you're like, as much as what I'm
going through,
I've just lost my hand, you're like,
"Shit, I can't crumble." Yep.
And you just say,
"OK, well, I'm not going to make
life complicated for myself",
so I'm still with Mum and Dad.
Do you think if you won the
competition and that 120,000,
you would leave your parents' home
and you would maybe put that
as a down payment on something for
I couldn't. No, I'd just get the
If I was to win, Traitors, it would
enable me
to realise my dream of having two
working hands again.
You know, this is big. This is big
Here they are. It's mission
time, everyone.
Regardless of the fact that
everybody is going to get murdered
or going to be, you know, banished
from the group,
when we collectively have a mission
to do,
all the other elements go out of the
Let's get the task done. Let's win
the money.
OK, welcome.
This is your second mission.
If you get this perfect,
you will add £10,000 to the prize
Woo! Woohoo!
Remember, there are Traitors, there
are Faithful,
but you work as a team.
OK, please, separate into two
groups -
7 in one, 12 in the other.
Shall we just go down the middle
somewhere? Yeah, down the middle.
You don't know what's going to
so we might as well just split
OK, have you done it?
OK, so, for my group of seven,
you are going to go to the Castle
..where you will be greeted by some
church bells
and five pieces of sheet music.
You are going to have to play five
different songs. Oh!
It's fine. Feel comfortable.
Now, you 12 are going to have to
listen to those songs
and work out what they are. OK.
Once you've identified the songs,
you have to find the matching music
You will open the music box.
Inside, will be a figurine of an
That object is somewhere in the
castle. Bring it to me.
For every correct answer,
you all get £2,000 added to the pot.
Five songs, if you do it correctly -
Are we clear? ALL: Yes.
You can do it. Enormous luck.
You guys go to the chapel. You,
follow me. Come on.
Good luck, guys! Woo!
Good luck. See you soon!
All the way through this, we're
going to be working as a team.
But if a Traitor walks away with the
I think I'm going to spend the rest
of my life
just being a little bit sick in my
Has anyone done bell ringing before?
No. I mean, a little bit.
Then, you should start. You should
go first. OK.
They've got Ivan's really good at
music as well.
And so is, um
Alex. ..Alex and Maddy as well.
We sent the right people.
Yeah. We definitely did.
I think every time we go into a
there is only one way to play it,
to try to win the mission and to win
as much money as possible.
Everybody is working together -
Traitors, Faithful, whatever.
Right, ready?
Yes. Yes, come on.
And, four
..four, four, six, five.
It's Auld Lang Syne.
National Anthem, Great Britain. Yes,
go, go, go!
National Anthem, Great Britain.
We had to distinguish what song
it was,
run to these music boxes
and basically figure out which boxes
matched up
with the music that was played from
the church.
Players, less than three minutes
remaining for this round. Nope.
Do you know the song?
That's not the national anthem.
No, no, it's not. I know what that
is. I know what that is.
Come on. Go. OK, ready?
One, four
..four, four.
Is that what I played?
I had to go back and listen to it,
And then, I was like
Auld Lang Syne. Everybody knows
Is that Auld Lang Syne? Auld Lang
Syne, Auld Lang Syne!
Come on!
You have 1 minute, 50 seconds.
Find it!
Sorry to shout.
Auld Lang Syne, Auld Lang Syne!
There was then a little ornament in
the box,
and then, you had to find the larger
version of that
hidden around the castle.
An owl. What is it? An owl.
An owl, an owl!
Oh, my God. I've never sprinted so
fast in my life
down a corridor in a castle.
One minute, 15 seconds. ALL: An owl!
Go, go, go, go, go!
We've got the owl!
Let's go!
An owl!
That is the correct answer.
Very well done. £2,000 added to the
Yes! Woo!
Yes! Woo!
I was getting stressed. Well done.
Well done, Ivan.
We did really well on our side, I
We got the first one right and fast
and it made for a pretty nice
OK, next song
Six, two
It's supposed to be Swan
but it doesn't sound like Swan Lake.
I have not got any music sense
so I was hopeless at the challenge.
# One, two, three
# One, two, three. #
Listen again, listen again.
Do you want to take right? I'll go
It's a ballerina!
It was like, "Ballerina!"
So, we're looking for a ballerina
Could not find a ballerina.
Shoes, shoes.
I'm not helping them.
Dance shoes, dance shoes!
Get dance shoes. Dance shoes, got
Dance shoes!
Yes! ALL: Yes!
You have another 2,000.
And then, it's back outside again.
And you listen and you listen.
Seven, eight
..eight, five
..four, four, five.
I know the song.
It's Ode to Joy.
It was absolute mayhem.
And it wasn't even about the money
in the end.
I think we all just liked a good run
That's it, that's it, that's it!
It's a hat with a feather on it.
It's a hat with a feather!
Wait, is that a feather?
Yes, yes, go!
You have smashed that.
Six grand, mate.
As soon as we knew what it was, we
smashed it, I think.
And we were going for gold at this
Eight, six, eight, seven
..five, six, four, four, four.
Shall we just do it? Should we
just run through
cos we can't remember that? All
right, OK.
Eight six, eight, seven.
Three, three, three.
Two, two, two.
One, six, two, six, one.
Six. One.
This is a hard one.
Sugar Plum Fairy
by Tchaikovsky
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little!
Oh, my God. Yes! Are you sure?
Yes, yes, yes. I know where it is!
I know where Twinkle, Twinkle is!
I don't think it is.
It's here, it's here, it's here.
Knight piece, knight piece.
Guys, we've got it!
That is incorrect.
It's not right, it's not right!
Oh, I'm struggling with this one,
Do it again. Keep going. Slower.
Even slower, even slower. Slower,
right? Ready?
Eight, six No, too fast.
Can you just do it after you've
done it? Yeah.
Fay did hers. I don't think she was
necessarily confident,
like beating out the rhythm like the
other people were.
Eight, seven
Right, you've got to say it out.
Five, six
Fay's so worked up about it all.
I think she's quite an intense
but we just couldn't get the rhythm
Three Blind Mice?
I think it might be Three Blind
Has anyone heard Three Blind Mice?
Three Blind Mice! Three Blind Mice!
Three Blind Mice! Go!
Guys, half your time has gone.
I think I know. And it's definitely
Three Blind Mice?
No, it's not. I know it is.
It's a peacock. We're looking for a
peacock, I think.
I just become a person running
around like a madman.
I was just running around screaming
"peacock" at one time.
Peacock! Peacock, yes!
That is incorrect. Peacock! No!
And it wasn't even a peacock.
That's a rooster, bro.
OK. Ten, nine
..eight, seven, six
Much better.
That is incorrect.
I'm sorry, guys.
It's OK. That was a hard one.
Guys, I'm so sorry you didn't get
that right.
It wasn't Twinkle, Twinkle.
It was the Sugar Plum Fairy and
you're looking for a hat.
A hat! Oh
Oh, I found Oh, God.
This is the last round.
Enormous luck.
I want you to get this right.
Go and get ready so you don't
miss a note.
All right, last one, guys.
We got this. Yeah.
Three, three, five
..five, eight.
Matt, say it. I don't know it.
I'm just going.
Five, two, three, four, two.
Yeah. So, it's lullaby, isn't it?
# Da da da, da da da
# Da da da, da da da da #
There's a rocking horse in the bar!
In the bar! In the bar! In the bar!
I have never screamed "rocking
horse" so loudly in my life.
It's there!
Go, go, go!
It's the correct answer.
Oh, my God.
Have they done it already?
Find out, find out.
Four out of five times,
we were on the money.
Four correct items.
That is £8,000.
These missions, I think,
are really nice moments
where it's kind of like that
brief period of camaraderie
before we have to kind of make
decisions at the round table
and before the Traitors
do their work.
That was really fantastic.
You inspired me, Ivan.
I will leave you
so you can celebrate,
and then I will see you
at the round table
when the first person
is going to be banished.
It's there that you will
individually get to vote
who you currently think
is a Traitor,
and the person with the most votes
will be banished from the game
for good.
Good luck. I'll see you later.
Ideally, at the round table,
I don't want anyone to mention
my name unless it's in defence.
Everybody's going to be looking out
for the Traitors, and this is me.
Like, they're going to
be looking out for me.
I'm like, terrified to write
someone's name down
because I'm, like,
I could be putting up a Faithful
and throwing a Faithful
under the bus, potentially.
Or, like, if I vote for one,
like, if you You put a target on
yourself, almost. Yeah. Yeah.
But I'm looking forward to actually
putting my point across now.
Like, when the Traitors get to
murder whoever they want,
but we can actually sit
around that table
and state the facts.
The first round table,
it's mixed emotions, but I know
that I'm going to lead with my head
and not my heart.
So there was a specific person
that got outed by Theo yesterday.
Go on, then.
I wanted to plant seeds.
I wanted people to think, "Oh,
my God, they act like a Traitor,
"so they must be a Traitor."
I just can't chance
having my name come up.
I feel like there's a lot of people
that are going to put that name
on paper tonight,
and I'll be one of them. Mm.
For Imran? Yeah. Imran? Yeah.
Because the signs are there
and I've got to go from the only
evidence we have.
I'll be honest with you,
I'm kind of sharing heads with you,
like, I'm going to probably go with
Banish each other,
like, as long as it don't get turned
and it says Will, that is it.
Like, another red flag for me,
in a sense, is, like, Nicky.
I just feel like she's quite
like closed off and stuff,
and I felt like that was probably
like one of the few people
that I haven't really
connected with.
This morning when she came in,
and I watched her very carefully.
And she was crying when she came in.
Yeah. Yeah, she was.
Yeah, but that doesn't But
No, no, no, that could be a sign
of someone being a Traitor.
Like, Amanda, I think,
is probably one of the purest people
I've ever met!
Yeah. And if she was given
the role of Traitor,
I think she would literally
come in the next morning,
and I think your emotions would
I could - I don't think I No
..could go in the breakfast room.
I thought, "Yes, yeah.
I wouldn't be able to do it."
I, I I think it is, I think
the Traitors are Nicky and Faye.
It might not be,
but that's my gut instinct. Yeah.
There's names being mentioned
and thrown around.
None of us know what's going
to happen,
how it's going to go.
Everybody's very on edge.
It's intense, innit?
So intense.
A bit too intense.
There's three people
and there's one person that no-one
else has named yet,
and I'm not going to say it,
but the other two people
I thought from the beginning
are Fay and Imran.
That's the two people
I thought straight away.
I just And that's what everyone
else is saying. I just don't know.
I still think it's Imran.
Fay I'm a bit 50/50 with
and I still think it's John,
as well.
I've definitely considered
both of them,
especially because Imran's
been really quiet.
It's so early, and I do feel like
I'm throwing stones in the dark.
So, right now I don't feel
voting a person out.
And who do you think, then?
Imran and Fay are my two.
Here he is!
Man, it's getting intense in there.
Everyone's talking about everything.
It's crazy. Oh, I swear down
Any minute now, our players
are about to meet at the round table
for the first banishing.
They will debate,
they will discuss.
The question is,
can the Traitors go undetected,
and will they lead their players
rather brilliantly
to banish a Faithful by mistake?
I know this is bad of me,
but I absolutely can't wait.
You don't know. I mean,
you've got no idea who to vote for.
Nobody wants to go first.
Please, not me first. Please!
You need to be looking at who we
think the Traitors are going to be.
We need to get one of them
out tonight.
I feel really nervous going
on to this round table.
Everybody's desperate to find
the Traitor, and it's so intense.
I still genuinely don't have a clue
and I don't want to be the guy to,
send someone home.
This is The Traitors,
and we have to get rid of 'em.
Good evening, players.
What a day you've had.
Today you made £8,000
and your total in the prize fund
is £23,000.
Now, I might have mentioned this -
the title of the show also
might give it away.
There are Traitors in your midst,
and now is your chance
to kick them out.
You will each get one vote for the
person you would like to banish.
The person who receives the most
votes will be banished immediately.
So, who are the Traitors?
Have you worked it out?
Do you have an idea?
It's up to you to dissect maybe accuse
and to possibly defend.
What have you learnt about each
other since you've arrived here?
It feels like a discussion
needs to happen.
..who would like to begin?
Does anybody feel really confident?
No. No, absolutely not.
I'm fairly confident.
I think that the person that it is
does not want it to be them,
and I think they've struggled.
Which makes this a lot harder,
because they've been given
the poisoned chalice.
For me, there's a couple of people,
and one's my head,
and one's my heart.
I feel the same.
I've got two people in mind.
Their characters have changed
since I first met them
and observed them.
I have to say I agree with you,
there, Amanda,
in terms of, there are two that
changed post this room last time.
It's been very difficult to detect
any of the other Traitors,
but the only person that I've seen
a huge change in you, Nicky.
You think I'm the Traitor?
So how have I changed
from the very beginning?
I'd like to know. It's not just me
saying it - other people are
I mean, I'm sure there's other
people that want a say.
I think there's going with
gut feeling
and then there's
going with evidence,
and I think this is what
we're all struggling with.
However, when it comes to
gut feeling,
I think this is something
that takes time.
We haven't had the time.
Therefore, all we can do
is go off evidence -
and, Nicky, I love you to death,
and I really respect you,
like, I adore you.
Just the one thing is that when
we all raised our glass
to the Faithful Yeah. ..the other
day, you didn't raise your glass,
and that's the only thing.
Do you know why?
Because it's to the right.
OK. It's to the right of me.
It's not natural for me to do that.
I obviously know she's not guilty,
but I have to accuse her,
and that's the aim of the game.
Can I just say something?
Yesterday, in that mission,
you thrived.
You wanted to fight.
I haven't seen you
want to fight here. Yeah.
Thing is, I do find that when
you're sat at the table
and everyone's trying to talk,
everyone's talking at the same time,
so I just back off,
and that, I feel, has transpired
into me, "Oh, hang on,"
you've been suspicious of me
because you see that as a change in
my personality.
There's lots of big
personalities here.
So, if I start trying to shout
out and go
But you're also a very big
Yeah you are You don't sit back.
No, I'm just - you've asked me
for my opinion.
You've all given yours.
So, let me say my piece now.
Um You're wrong.
But, you know, you'll find
that out if and when I go.
Where is this change?
What happened? Nobody elaborated
on what the change was.
I just think it was a bit
of a cop out, to be honest.
They all just jumped
on the bandwagon.
Genuinely, I just do not believe
that it's Nicky, like 100%.
That's just me.
So, I'm going to be honest.
I do just think it is Imran,
mainly because of, like,
body language.
A couple of things
that have just been said,
a couple of conversations.
Maybe it was just your nerves,
but equally these things are kind
of lined up for me.
So that's why, like, that's
where kind of I am with it.
Theo was very direct with Imran,
said about something about being
a Traitor and looked at
He didn't even say something,
you just I just looked.
..gave one of your looks.
The way you responded was really
it was really uncomfortable,
and it was likeit was almost
like, "Oh, my God, they know."
I don't really remember that,
but I think, like, us young folk
..don't make firm judgments
without evidence.
What do you mean
young people don't make judgments?
Everyone's got to write their name
down on a card right now.
Are you just doing that randomly?
Because that seems more unfair
than making judgments.
Well, I think we'll see which name
he puts on there.
That doesn't make any sense to me.
Who are you thinking?
Let him respond. Can I respond?
So I always like to give evidence
behind a judgment that I make.
I feel like certain people
have changed.
Personally, I haven't interacted
too much with Nicky.
I was thinking more of Fay.
Fay is very critical.
She's always talking about other
people as well.
That's just something I observed.
That's just interesting,
now that your name's come
into the flow, and Nicky.
And your name came into the flow
for me at one point.
You do, you're giving intense looks.
I think we've all had them.
I've also observed Fay sowing seeds
and commenting and saying things.
Mm. So my view is that you
would only mention
these other people's names
in order to manipulate it.
And that's just how I see it.
That's interesting.
Very interesting.
But I'm telling you now,
I know I'm a Faithful.
OK. It is now time to vote.
Please write down the name of the
person you would like to banish.
You have to remember that you don't
really know these people.
The only way I can identify
someone as being a Traitor
is if they're offish,
or if they're a recluse.
Didn't know what to do.
Didn't know who to vote for.
This is making me very anxious
to put someone's name down
and potentially throw
someone under the bus
who is just a Faithful like me.
OK. Your votes have been locked,
and it's time to find out
who will be the first
to be banished from the castle.
Andrea, you're going to go first.
Who do you believe is a Traitor?
Please reveal who you would
like to go and why.
Well, it's not LIKE to go, I really
think that's the wrongwrong word.
I don't want anyone to go,
and I really don't want Nicky to go,
but my reasoning was looking
for someone
who could take the burden.
Who are you going to banish and why?
I felt, coming in here,
I hadn't seen enough of everyone
to really make a judgment,
but from what I've just seen
at this table,
seeing accusations being made
and how people defended themselves,
I think that gave me
the answer I needed.
I think if you really were
a Faithful,
I think you would have defended
yourself a lot more convincingly,
and I'm really sorry
that I voted for you, Nicky.
I just wanted to be, like,
honest to myself
and who I, like,
genuinely thought it was.
So I've gone with Imran.
That's two votes for Nicky,
one for Imran.
Who are you banishing and why?
I'm going for Nicky, too.
Um You haven't
..behaved like, I suppose, I and a
lot of us have instantly behaved -
and that might be you, um
I'm so sorry. That's all right.
Nicky, who are you banishing
and why?
I'm just sticking with what
I first said,
and that was Fay.
Thank you.
So that's three votes for Nicky,
one for Imran
and one for Fay.
Imran, who do you think
is a Traitor, and why?
So, out of everybody, I think
the person whose energy
has changed the most since
the beginning
..I wrote Nicky.
No, don't be sorry.
Meryl, who have you voted for?
I'm really sorry, Nicky.
I voted for Nicky.
Nicky, if you're Faithful,
I don't know why you've played
it this way.
I really, really don't.
With regrets, Nicky, I've put
your name down.
Nicky, I think you're the Traitor.
It honestly is absolutely nothing
personal at all.
I've also voted for Nicky.
I wrote down Nicky.
I'm sorry.
Nicky. And it's unbelievably hard
to do this.
And for the final vote, John,
Well, it's no shock. It's exactly
the same as everybody else's.
It's not personal.
It's Nicky.
Nicky, please come up here
and join me.
# In your head
In your head
# They are fighting #
Nicky, you have been banished.
Before you leave the castle,
it's time to reveal if you're
a Traitor or a Faithful.
I'd just like to say, you know what,
it's a hard decision to make.
And it's not been very pleasant
sat here.
However're all wrong, I'm a Faithful.
Oh, no.
# What's in your head? #
Nicky, they got it so wrong.
Thank you so much.
You now can leave the castle.
So, players, you banished
an innocent Faithful.
Maybe you'll get a Traitor
next time.
I'd say sleep well, but one of you
will be murdered tonight.
I'll see the rest of you
at breakfast.
How did we all get it so wrong?
I just thought it was Imran.
Everyone else just jumped
on the bandwagon,
and then look at them all. They all
just look like idiots now.
And I love them all to bits,
but they did.
They made a mistake.
I feel so relieved.
There's not really any eyes on me
at the moment.
I could just relax again
and have another day.
# How will it feel when it's time
to move on? #
I was looking at her stood there
and I was like,
"I need you to be a Traitor."
Because I was convinced.
I was convinced.
I was. And I looked at her when
I walked in and I went, "Yeah."
I would've put my house on it
Yeah, me, too.
..that she was going to say
I would've wore on my life
it was her.
..I'm a Traitor.
And we all were, like.
When she stood on that circle
and went, "I'm a Faithful,"
I felt like I'd been hit by a bus.
I was like, "How can so many
people get it so wrong?"
I just think we need to channel
this upset to actually
Like, I'm just angry now.
I'm angry, yeah.
Do you know what I mean?
I'm mad at myself.
The fact that they get to meet
again tonight.
The whole atmosphere of the
round table is so difficult.
You know, as a Faithful
or as a Traitor,
but especially as a Traitor,
it is so difficult
and it is just so, so draining
And I just, you know, welled up.
And then I was trying not to cry
cos I was like,
"I'm going to be incriminating
"People will think I'm looking
I'm just using this to spur me
on now because I'm like,
"They're just watching that"
And laughing.
Yeah. In their little capes,
"Nobody's suspecting us."
I feel awful in the sense that I had
to use genuine tears
and say that about the Traitors
because I was purely lying.
But they were genuine tears
for Nicky
because I did feel so much guilt.
But it's a game.
I have to do, you know, what I have
to do as a Traitor.
Yeah, I know.
It's just this is all really tough.
Everyone's going in on Nicky, right?
And I was like, if anything
Cos I was literally going to, like,
just change the subject.
But everyone just kept going in.
I thought, "I'm not going to add
to this
cos I've got nothing to say
about Nicky.
I couldn't lie to myself.
I couldn't face looking at Nicky and
making up some rubbish excuse
for why I think it's her when
I don't think it's her.
I can't believe that.
How did we get that wrong?
Yes, it's gutting.
At least I was honest and I didn't
stick someone up
that I didn't think was, like, true.
When everyone actually got in that
room, though, finally,
I know a lot of other people were
saying different names,
but as soon as people were in there
pointing fingers,
everyone just jumped on
the bandwagon.
Cos there's no way 95% of people
thought Nicky straight away.
And you know that. And there's other
people as well.
They said to me different names,
but in the last second they've
changed it.
I knew walking in that I wanted
to vote for Imran.
And then I remember just getting
swayed and voting for Nicky.
I need to make sure now that, like,
I think a little bit more
before I write someone's name down.
How did you feel when people,
like, said your name, though?
I felt like crap, and that's
what I tried to say.
I was like, "I like to
have evidence,"
which I guess is very hard to have
in this thing,
before I make a firm judgment.
Yeah, we need to make a call.
But none of us have.
Evidently, the call I made
today sucked.
People who were mentioning,
"Oh, you've said this sentence
or you said that word,
"or you offended me by doing this."
It's all very, very petty things.
And none of those things actually
prove or suggest
that I'm a Traitor. It's herd
If I go tomorrow, if I go tonight,
It's good to hear you vocalise
I'm going to keep to myself.
I'm going to keep doing my stuff.
I'm going to keep smashing
the missions.
We're going to keep putting
in that prize pot.
And let's have a good time.
I don't know if it's just
his personality,
but there's something not right -
and I don't like it.
Oh, no!
All right? Love you. Love you.
When the castle clock strikes,
that can mean only one thing -
everyone must leave the castle
See you in the morning.
Yeah, see you in the morning.
I love you lots. the murdering
hour is upon them.
Thank you for being a good friend.
Alex, if I don't see you tomorrow,
honestly, really wish we got
to know you.
We had this tiny moment where
we were together
for about ten seconds max.
Stay here. Stay here.
I'm worried that that might be the
last moment we see each other.
And I didn't want that to be the end
of our time in the game.
With everyone now departed,
the Traitors are free to return
to the castle.
They've survived their first
And they're about to stack the odds
even more in their favour
as they're deciding now
which Faithful
will be dead by dawn.
When the gongs go off, I know that
I'm going to have to murder
one of them.
Now it's definitely getting harder
because I've built relationships
with these people and I don't
want to see any of them go.
At the same time, that's the only
way that I can win this.
Being a Traitor,
it is hard, you know?
It's harder than what you think.
I do feel guilty,
but it's for my family.
And to change my life.
What a night!
What a day!
The whole day. We've played it
really well, though.
I'm exhausted.
I know. Emotionally, physically,
I'm not going to lie, seeing Nicky
go was difficult.
I found the round table much more
difficult than this,
because this is easy.
They don't it's us.
It's almost like a firing squad
against you
in that round table. It really is.
That's what it feels like.
The feelings I feel when I get upset
are genuinely there.
Yeah, I cried. I literally cried.
And I had to blatantly turn it
To be honest, it was difficult
to do. I did feel bad.
But I think I sold it quite well.
Yeah, you did. You did.
Everyone did.
What we've got to do -
I really believe that we have
to leave
the targets that everybody are
looking at still in.
Cos they'll get rid of them anyway.
If we get rid of Fay or Imran
Natural selection., then we're basically
cutting our life short.
It needs to be someone that either
Imran or Fay have mentioned
to someone at some point, but not
an obvious one for them to go,
"Ah, they wouldn't get rid of that
person. That's too obvious."
It's hard to be subtle about this.
I Unless they're a serious
threat to us
Who? Who? Fay.
She's dropping everyone's name.
She's planting seeds, isn't she,
to save her own skin?
I think we can keep him
a little longer,
but he is on my radar.
I like Ivan
I love him.
..for the challenges. Everything.
He's so talented.
But I think people will believe
he's a Traitor at some point.
But I think he can be useful.
We need to think of the
long run here. Yeah.
Therefore, we should probably
keep him. Keep him in.
We need to think really logical.
Five steps ahead.
So we need to think for
the round table
to protect ourselves also.
Yes, absolutely.
Right, so who's possible?
Aaron, maybe.
Where there's a clique,
there's numbers.
And, you know, there's power
in numbers.
It'll shock them. It's a shock
factor we're looking for.
OK, so Aaron's possible. Possible.
Aaron, possible.
I think for multiple reasons.
Everybody gravitates towards her.
She's quite a mother figure
in there.
She's quite clued on.
She's leading
Yeah, but after all of the things
with her, I can make them all
I can plant so many seeds
in that little group.
Yeah, but I think it would disrupt
the whole dynamics of it.
My whole strategy was befriend
and betray, right?
But I think we should betray them
when the right time is.
I think she's a dark horse.
I think it's the quiet ones
you need to watch out for.
Because I didn't really get
to know her.
But how articulately she spoke
at the round table,
I was like, "This girl's
She's a possible for me.
I think she's a possible.
To me, if we get rid of one of them,
that's perfect.
Alex, Aaron or Claire?
I'm agreed, yeah.
I think it'll work out best.
For every single one of us,
there's a benefit.
For us to be powerful and
us to stay here,
this decision needs to happen.
Better to give them confusion
..than a strategy to follow.
Fellow Traitors
..we are killing it.
Next time on The Traitors
Oh, my God!
No-one's good at this game because
no-one's found a single Traitor.
This is really starting
to wind me up.
Let me finish.
I think that's showing that Wilf
is a Traitor.
..get them before they get you.
I've fucked up.
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