The Trump Show (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

We're going to build a wall. We're getting it,
we've already started. I don't know if you've seen.
CHEERING You know, it's funny
So we started the wall
I love you, too.
Isis is on the down slide
because of Donald Trump.
The economy, the stock market is
sky-high because of Donald Trump.
Hi, everybody.
We have a lot of things to work on,
a lot of things to accomplish.
The stock market is up
very, very big today.
The tax cuts are really kicking in,
far beyond what anyone thought.
We're going to Camp David
with a lot of the great Republican
senators, and we're making America
great again. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Welcome back to the studio.
If somebody were to make
a movie on your life,
who would you see playing yourself?
Maybe, er Maybe myself.
Reality television
has taken over America.
Donald Trump is
the reality television king.
I love you, too.
I don't want to tell you this,
because I want to save the suspense
for next week.
It was in January, and I was,
you know, er, working.
I was actually trying to take a nap
because I didn't feel well,
and my phone
just would not stop ringing,
and finally I got annoyed
and picked it up.
And I received over 400 text
messages in, like, two hours,
and I was like,
"What in the actual fuck?"
The story had broke.
President Trump's long-time
personal attorney is denying
Mr Trump had a sexual encounter
with an adult film star.
It was pretty scary, because
suddenly I was the most famous
person in the world
and I was alone, completely alone.
Everyone was looking for me,
so I was just hiding out.
And, you know,
my husband's blowing up my phone.
Imagine finding out your wife
had sex with THAT thing
by turning on the TV.
But you know what? Trump picked
the wrong person to fuck with.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
get ready for a rematch.
We'll show you how they're preparing
for Sunday's Town Hall debate.
Sunday night's debate in Saint Louis
is do or die for Donald Trump.
It is a must-win if he wants
to keep his campaign alive.
I was literally at Reagan Airport,
on a plane to Saint Louis.
As I sit down in the plane,
I look down at my phone,
it's our Chief of Staff at the RNC.
She sends me a note and says,
"You're going to want
to look at this."
There's a description
of a story that's about to come out
with a partial transcript,
and I'm like, "Oh, this isn't good."
And then, as I sit down
in the plane, she says,
"There's a video accompanying it."
And I was like,
"Oh, we're dead, we're dead."
It goes to this question
of predatory behaviour.
Make no mistake about it,
at this point,
Donald Trump's campaign, I think,
is literally coming to an end.
There are lots of Trump aides
inside Trump Tower, er, presumably
still with him, trying to figure out
how to respond to this crisis.
I'd been obviously talking
to Reince Priebus,
Chairman of the RNC,
up in their room.
Trump had looked at him and said,
"OK, what are you hearing, Reince?"
And Reince looked at him and said,
"OK, here's the deal."
"You can either lose epically
or drop out,"
"but those are
the only two options."
I think any politician would
have done one of two things.
They would have just decided
it wasn't
they were going to step aside
and give up.
Or they would have just found
some way to grovel
and ask for forgiveness.
They made a very big thing
out of it, very immoral,
terrible things,
terrible things about women -
terrible, terrible, terrible.
It played like he had murdered
four people. They went crazy.
Every normal man says
something like this somewhere,
and most of their wives know it.
And Reince Priebus
said that the President
should drop out, and I basically
told Reince to, you know, get lost.
The President,
you've got to understand
when things get tough,
he gets calmer.
Trump! Trump! Trump!
Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!
How about Trump?
How about Trump?
He's an animal!
He's a fake. He's not an American.
Any other politician would have
just sort of crawled under the bed
and and not emerged.
What does he do?
He goes outside
and basks in the cheers
of the people who were
standing on the street.
Donald Trump's superpower, er,
is his brazenness.
And I remember the shock of
realising that Donald Trump
was not going to be
cowed or embarrassed
by the evidence of
his own obscenity,
but in fact was going to
revel in it, embrace it.
Will you drop out, Mr Trump?
It was clear that we were
going to have to evaluate
Donald Trump by very different
standards, er, than
than politics
had ever been played by.
That night was obviously
traumatic for the campaign.
It was very high tension.
But, um, we had an
ace up our sleeve.
We were about to hit 'em
right in the mouth.
I've never said
I'm a perfect person,
nor pretended to be
someone that I'm not.
Let's be honest,
we're living in the real world.
This is nothing more
than a distraction.
I get there for the debate,
and Bannon pulls me over to the side
and says, "Come here, Rudy."
And I said, "What is it, Steve?"
He said, "You got to help me
on this."
"You got to agree
that this is a good idea."
I said, "What's the idea?"
He said, "I got the three women."
I said, "What three women?"
"I got the woman that Clinton raped"
"and I got the two women
that he harassed."
So I said, "OK, Steve!"
I said "Look, I've brought
all the Clinton women"
"that he assaulted
and attacked in a room."
"The press is right there, and
we're just going to open the door."
We're going to close the trap
on live national TV.
And Trump Trump
never opens his eyes.
He's just laying there,
and he goes, "I love it."
I'm Kathleen Willey, and I am
here to support Donald Trump.
Wow, we're just, er, taking this in.
The President reaches
for the old playbook.
Fight back, hit back harder.
Never, ever back down.
Never go soft.
He goes to war.
There's only one way that
Donald Trump can win this election -
that's to go nuclear.
He has to fight fire
with a bigger fire.
Those women who accused Bill Clinton
are right over my shoulder here.
They say Hillary Clinton can handle
whatever Donald Trump
throws her way,
but there were aides who found out
in here that these women would be
in this hall tonight and, George,
they look nothing short
of shell shocked.
You called what you said
"locker room banter".
You described kissing women
without consent, grabbing their
genitals. That is sexual assault.
You bragged that you have
sexually assaulted women.
Do you understand that?
No, I didn't say that at all.
I don't think you understood
what was said.
This was locker room talk.
Er, I'm not proud of it.
I apologise to my family,
I apologise to the American people.
I will tell you that
when Hillary talks about words
that I said 11 years ago
I think it's disgraceful
and I think
she should be ashamed of herself,
if you want to know the truth.
Donald Trump Donald Trump
won the debate.
Hands down.
If you watch that debate,
he really got into her head.
I think it really shook her up.
As they say,
politics is not bean ball.
HE CHUCKLES It's a tough game.
And Trump was tougher
than they were.
The First Lady is taking her
own motorcade to the President's
State of the Union address, a break
with long-standing tradition.
Reports that Stormy Daniels
received a pay-off reportedly
blindsided the First Lady.
Stormy, the porn star
Yeah, every porn person
can't be a star.
I never heard of her before.
I know Donald Trump, and look
at his three wives, right?
Beautiful women, classy women,
women of great substance.
Stormy Daniels?!
I didn't need this attention,
I didn't want this attention.
I was not a prostitute,
I was not making it up.
He called me a liar,
and people were attacking me
and attacking my child, saying that
my child should be taken from me.
I have news trucks
camped outside my yard.
My husband's freaking out.
And I was like, "You know what?
Enough is enough."
I stood in the bathroom and said,
"Fuck this,
I won't be bullied any more."
I was at a charity golf tournament
in July of 2006,
in Tahoe.
And the company that I worked for,
the adult film company
Wicked Pictures,
er, sponsored a hole.
Yes, I understand the irony of that.
came through the gift room.
The owner of the company
introduced the girls,
and I was the last one.
He goes, "This is my contract star,
and director, Stormy Daniels."
And he goes, "Oh, you're a director,
too. You must be the smart one."
When he walked away,
his bodyguard came back and asked
if I wanted to have dinner with him
to discuss being
on a television show.
So, I figured
I'd go up and meet him.
He asked if we could sit and talk
for a minute before we went down.
At the time, I was struggling
very hard to be taken seriously
in the adult business as a director,
and I went on a tirade about it,
and he was
That's how he thought
we could incorporate that
into the television show.
He's like, "This could be
your chance to prove to people"
"that you are intelligent."
We talked for a very long time,
and I asked if I could use
his restroom.
And when I came out,
he was on the bed.
Like, he was down to his boxers
and his socks,
doing his impression
of Burt Reynolds on the bed.
And I was like, "What in the?"
I was so confused for a second,
and then it just kind of hit me
all at once.
I went to walk past him
and that's when he stood up
and said like,
"Oh, I guess you don't
really want it," like,
"You have to be willing
to do whatever it takes."
It wasn't a Me Too thing
because he, you know,
he didn't force himself,
and I never said no.
But I made the decision to
go for what I wanted.
Please welcome Stormy Daniels!
When I finally decided to speak out,
I literally went on jimmy Kimmel
and I did the interview which
I still some fucked up part of me
still feels bad about.
Like, I don't want
to body-shame anybody,
you know, and the only reason
I described it
is because he said I was lying.
All right.
So, erm, which of these
orange mushrooms
"would most represent
the Commander in Chief
of the United States military?
Can you hold it up so it's coming
at me at the correct angle?
I can't believe this is
coming out of my mouth,
but I think the first person
to have outplayed Donald Trump is
is a porn star.
Michael Cohen was very essential
to The Trump Organisation.
He had his hands
in every single deal.
He was, kind of, I'd say, the grease
that allowed that wheel to turn.
The reason they gave him
the nickname of Trump's Fixer
is because he had an uncanny gift
of figuring out
very, very difficult -
sometimes legal or not legal -
scenarios for Donald Trump.
One time, in the Oval Office,
Donald's there,
Michael's there, and myself.
We're sitting in front of
the President, and we chat.
They kind of, you know,
start talking in some kind of code,
and it just kind of makes me realise
it's time for me to go and leave.
As things would reveal,
apparently there was a lot
that they had to conceal.
So, I just heard
that they broke into the office
of one of my personal attorneys.
A good man. And, erm,
it's a disgraceful situation,
it's a an attack on our country,
in a true sense.
This is a pure
and simple witch-hunt.
Breaking news tonight,
and it's a bombshell.
The FBI raids the office of
President Trump's personal lawyer,
Michael Cohen.
You Don't Own Me by Lesley Gore
You don't own me
I'm not just one of your ♪
And don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what to say
And please when I go out with you
Don't put me on display
Cos you don't own me
Don't try to change me in any way
You don't own me. ♪
Excuse me. Excuse me, excuse me.
Don't tie me
down cos I'd never stay ♪
I had no idea
it was going to be so crazy.
Stormy, we love you!
Don't tell you what to do
So just let me be myself ♪
Hi, everyone.
That's all I ask of you. ♪
So, for years, Mr Cohen has acted
like he is above the law.
He has considered himself,
and openly referred to himself,
as Mr Trump's Fixer.
He has played
by a different set of rules,
or, shall we say, no rules at all.
He has never thought that
the little man,
or especially women -
and even more, women like me -
That ends now.
My attorney and I are committed
to making sure that everyone
finds out the truth
and the facts of what happened,
and I give my word that we will not
rest until that happens.
Thank you very much.
Don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what to say ♪
Best day ever.
I just walked out and
"Nailed it! Mic drop, bitch."
I don't tell you what to say
Oh, I don't tell you
what to do ♪
Stormy Daniels was a wonderfully
tricky opponent for Donald Trump
because the tools he had used
to silence women in the past
had absolutely no effect on her.
Er, she was willing to lawyer up.
Other women in the past
didn't want to speak up
cos they were worried about their
own reputational damage.
Stormy Daniels didn't care,
so what else did Donald Trump have
left in his bag of tricks
to make her shut up?
Mr President, why did you change
your story on Stormy Daniels?
We're not changing any stories.
All I'm telling you is that
this country is, right now,
running so smooth, and to be
bringing up that kind of crap,
and to be bringing up witch-hunts
All the time. That's all
you want to talk about
You're going to see
Excuse me, excuse me. You did not
know anything about the payment.
You have to Excuse me.
You take a look at what I said.
You go back and take a look.
You'll see what I said.
You said no when I asked you.
Excuse me, excuse me,
you go take a look
at what we said.
Unlike President Obama,
we live by a different motto.
It's called "promises made,
promises kept".
Six months ago, we unleashed
an economic miracle by signing
the biggest tax cuts, the biggest
tax cuts in American history.
I guess you could say it's, like,
must be the biggest deal ever made.
If you think trade with China,
how big does that get?
The investigation into Russia's
meddling in the 2016 election
now in the hands of a former
director of the FBI, Robert Mueller,
appointed special counsel
overseeing the probe.
He has the power to investigate,
to question
and to prosecute crimes
if any are discovered.
I was flying on Air Force One
with Trump
when the word came
that Mueller had been appointed,
and I think there was sort of
a level of astonishment.
Every word is going to be
every email is going
to be reread.
These guys, you know, were now going
to go hunting, and, you know,
and every possible misdeed
that could have been done
by anybody
would potentially surface.
You know,
looking under the furniture,
pulling the cushions apart,
and you never know
what they're going to find,
and that's the problem.
That can open up a can of worms
that, you know, could go anywhere.
The walls seemed to be closing in
on Donald Trump,
and he got increasingly agitated.
You had the arrest of Michael Cohen,
and, "God only knows,"
we all thought, "what Michael Cohen
could have on Donald Trump."
And you had the fact that Mueller
spent hours and hours interviewing
the people closest to the President.
Who knew what they all had?
So, there was a sense
that Mueller was
really going to come up
with something big.
The President understood
that he was at real risk,
if not for something he had done,
then for something that
the people he had surrounded
himself with had done.
Because, for as many times
as the President tweeted out
"no collusion",
there were people close to him
who were very much interested
in colluding.
OK, all right
I was his good friend for 29 years,
and he trusted me.
So, the President called me up
and he asked me
if I would have dinner
with him at Mar-a-Iago.
We spent about three hours together,
and he asked me to do it
and I said yes.
The whole Russian collusion thing
was totally crazy,
that he was an agent of Russia
five years ago,
that he urinated on a bed and
It was ridiculous!
I mean, they were way out
of their minds,
but, I mean, they had the
big people.
They are very important,
and they know
just how important they are.
And here comes this guy
that doesn't know anything.
It's so patently ridiculous,
but it comes out of hatred,
it comes out of
and out of jealousy.
"How did this guy get the
Any narrative that contributes to
a perception that Donald Trump
is an illegitimate president
is something he cannot stomach.
And so, as questions intensified
how much help Trump got
from the Russians,
he lashes out.
"What Russian interference?"
"What Russian meddling?"
"I did this on my own."
"I came from outside the system,
and it carried me into office,"
which is true.
But it's also true that Russia
meddled in the election.
I was beginning
to develop a concern,
which was that
I thought he was losing
the public relations war badly.
If you took a poll,
70% trusted Mueller
and only 30% trusted Trump.
They put the guy in who's got
the great reputation.
The press falls for it.
"The great Bob Mueller,
the great Bob Mueller,"
"the great Bob Mueller."
What a phoney act that is!
And then it occurred to me
that we're going to have to
fight this on television.
We have got to bring Mueller down.
Watch it, guys. Let them through,
please. Let them through.
I said, "I'm going to really
change the way we're doing this."
"We're no longer
going to be silent."
You have to put your head down
and fight, fight, fight.
What's your message today,
Mr Mueller?
A group of 13 highly partisan
Democrats that make up
the Muller team are trying
very, very hard to frame him.
The entire thing has been
a witch-hunt. Russia is fine.
President Trump allegedly abusing
the power of office to try to
shut down a probe
into his own White House.
So, they create this phoney crime,
and then they say he obstructed.
An angry president delights
in calling Mueller
"a conflicted prosecutor
gone rogue".
This was a coup attempt,
in my opinion.
But does the President
tell the truth or not?
The President is telling
the truth, yes.
They're down to desperation time.
They don't have
a single bit of evidence.
So, this is much ado about nothing.
I think the two of us did a very,
very good job of changing
the dynamic and flipping it
on Mueller.
As we said, there's no collusion,
there's no collusion whatsoever.
Donald Trump's models
as he looked around the world
were other people he saw
who were able to roll the way
they wanted to roll.
And I think Putin in particular
held a special attraction for him.
He saw Putin as someone who
runs roughshod over the law,
over opponents, over the press,
and I think Trump loves that.
That is his gold standard for
how macho men should lead the world.
I didn't see any purpose
in this meeting,
but Trump was obsessed with what
he called the "Russia witch-hunt".
He thought it was a challenge to the
legitimacy of his election in 2016.
So Trump just took delight in
putting a thumb in his critics' eye,
and he wasn't going to be
intimidated by the criticism,
he was going to meet with
Vladimir Putin and and enjoy it.
My objective was
to avoid a disaster.
Their meeting framed by Friday's
Justice Department indictment
of 12 Russian agents
for election meddling.
There was an enormous amount
of build-up,
even before the meeting
between Trump and Putin.
What was it about? Why did Trump
want to meet with Putin personally?
Hours went by. We sat there.
And then Donald Trump comes out,
and it was a worse-case scenario.
Trump looked beaten and defeated.
He seemed to be almost
physically submissive
to Vladimir Putin in a way
that was almost painful to watch.
The Russian State
has never interfered
and is not going to interfere
into internal American affairs,
including the election process.
Thank you very much.
The final question from the
United States will go to
Jonathan Lemire from the AP.
So, let me just say that all
I can do is ask the question.
My people came to me, Dan Coats
came to me, and some others,
they said they think it's Russia.
I have, uh, President Putin,
uh, he just said it's not Russia.
I will say this, I don't see
any reason why it would be.
But I will tell you that
President Putin was extremely strong
and powerful in his denial today.
john Kelly and I were sitting
next to each other.
We're frozen in our chairs.
We couldn't we couldn't believe
what, er, what he had said.
Thank you very much, everybody.
Thank you.
Here's a guy who's a former
KGB Agent, and he
he's telling Trump
his intelligence services are
completely wrong, and Trump takes it
as just one more man's opinion.
We were running the
Department of Homeland Security.
It was our job to know
where the President's mind was at,
when it came to foreign adversaries.
But we didn't know.
And that made us concerned that,
when it came to Team USA
and Team Russia, the fact that
we felt like our own president
might be playing for the other team
made it pretty damn hard
to do what we needed to do
to secure the country.
At the fall of 2018,
Trump sees himself being besieged
on all fronts.
He got more and more worried in
the lead-up to the mid-term election
that he was going to lose.
His instinct was to announce
that America was under attack
in fact, was being,
quote-unquote, "invaded"
by a group of poor women
and children
walking hundreds
and hundreds of miles away,
even, from the the Mexican Border
with the United States.
They've been travelling
by foot for days.
Among them,
mothers carrying young children,
men being pushed in wheelchairs,
headed to the United States
in search of a better life,
fleeing poverty and violence
in their home country.
I've been speaking
with General Mattis.
We're going to be guarding
our border with the military.
This was an incredible,
incredible moment,
to see the President sending in
thousands of troops to the border
to protect us from an invasion
that was not occurring,
that could not ever occur.
He was willing to do so,
even with no connection to reality.
If you listen to the local officials
in some of these countries,
they're waving, er, you know,
red flares out there
for all of us to see,
that, Tom, there could be even
more Isis terrorists coming.
He would call the Secretary
of Homeland Security
at all hours of the day and night
to complain about these caravans.
It was driving him insane.
The President of the United States
suggested to us
on more than one occasion
that we should maybe shoot people
running towards the border
to stop them.
And then he corrected himself,
because he recognised that that
made people feel uncomfortable,
and so the President said,
"Well, not shoot to kill."
"Can't we, you know, couldn't
we just shoot people in the leg,"
"you know, to stop them?"
"Can't we shoot people in the leg?"
These are these are, like,
women and children fleeing
violence and persecution.
I think his house style
is an acquired taste, right?
This kind of in-your-face,
very combative,
just not going to go along
with the way things are.
You know, one of the things that's
very powerful about Trump is that
he says, "This is what I said
I was going to do,"
to take concrete actions - the wall,
on jobs, on China,
on illegal immigration.
And it's his gut connecting
with the American people.
This Land is Your Land
by Marc Scibilia
Do you know what I am?
I'm a nationalist, OK?
This land is your land
This land is my land ♪
Why do wealthy politicians
build walls, fences and gates
around their homes?
They don't build walls because
they hate the people on the outside,
but because they love
the people on the inside.
From California ♪
To the New York island
From the redwood forest
To the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made
for you and me ♪
We actually viewed
the President's rhetoric
as a national security issue.
In the case of the increase
of domestic terrorism,
we did feel like the President
was fuelling the fire a little bit,
and maybe even more so
than a little bit.
Because after Charlottesville,
the President made very clear
that he thought there was
"good people on both sides".
There was very much a worry
after that, that it would convince
white supremacist extremists
that they had support,
and not just support from anyone,
they had support
from the President of the United
States to do what they were doing.
And all around me ♪
A voice was sounding ♪
Police say the gunman
told a Swat officer
that he wanted alljews to die
and that they were committing
genocide against his people.
This land was made for you and me
This land was made
for you and me. ♪
Oh, my God!
We sent a message
that we want a better nation.
Losing the '18 midterms,
he was not happy.
Once you lose the House,
the Democrats can control the money
and have the ability
to choke down the money,
to choke down
everything Trump wanted to do.
He can't get his wall built,
everything like that.
You could see the impending doom,
The 2018 midterm defeat sends him
into a tailspin,
and the effect of that
on the President's psyche
can't be over-stated because
he already felt under siege.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Please, thank you.
But that morning
after the midterm election,
there was an inferno
building inside of the President.
Go ahead.
Watching through the slits
in their fingers,
the President's staff
sees him go on a rant.
Well, that's true.
They weren't actors.
You know what?
Honestly, I think you should let me
run the country, you run CNN.
And if you did it well,
your ratings would be much better.
That's enough.
That's enough, that's enough,
that's enough.
That's enough.
Excuse me, that's enough.
Peter, let's go.
I'm not concerned about anything
with the Russian investigation
because it's a hoax.
That's enough, put down the mic.
I'll tell you what,
CNN should be ashamed of itself,
having you working for them.
You are a rude, terrible person.
You shouldn't be working for CNN.
Go ahead.
Peter, go ahead. In Jim's defence,
I've travelled with him
and watched him.
He's a diligent reporter
Well, I'm not a big fan of yours
either, so I understand.
So let me Let me ask you
a question if I can.
You repeatedly said You aren't
You aren't the best.
Mr President, you repeatedly,
over the course of
OK, just sit down, please.
Well, when you
When you report fake news,
no, when you report fake news,
which CNN does a lot, you are
the enemy of the people. Go ahead.
In the Still of the Night
by The Five Satins
Could we ask you briefly
about Russia?
Michael Cohen has pleaded guilty
to facilitating
an unlawful campaign contribution
by giving money to Stormy Daniels
for her silence.
The Southern District of New York
has convicted Michael Cohen
for making these payments.
Michael Cohen received
his three-year prison sentence,
which he says
was the worst day of his life.
The stars were bright above
I'll hope and I'll pray
To keep your precious love
Well, before the
light Hold me again
With all of your might
In the still of the night
In the still of the night ♪
Even for a besieged White House,
this is a size able shock,
for it brings
Mueller's investigation
tantalisingly close to
the President himself.
In the still of the night. ♪
Trump and I - and others -
used to say
it would Basically, we'd say,
"It would be a shame if Cohen
flipped" - because he'd be lying.
Every once in a while,
one cracks like Cohen did.
Raise your right hand.
Do you swear and affirm that the
testimony that you are about to give
is the whole truth and nothing
but the truth, so help you God?
Let the records show that the
witness answered in the affirmative.
How many times did Mr Trump ask you
to threaten an individual or entity
on his behalf?
50 times? 100 times?
200 times?
500 times?
We'll get right to the big news
this morning.
The President and his allies
are celebrating
Robert Mueller's report on Russia's
interference in the 2016 election.
When I saw that, when I saw that
on the front page of the report,
the minute I saw that, I wrote it
down and I said, "We just won."
It turned out to be no crime.
It was such a phoney attack.
I'm just a poor country lawyer.
I need a lot of help.
The special counsel's report
states that his
"investigation did not establish
that members of the Trump campaign"
"conspired or coordinated
with the Russian government."
As the President said
from the beginning,
there was, in fact, no collusion.
The collusion delusion is over!
He found no collusion and he didn't
find anything having to do
with obstruction because they made
a ruling, based on his findings,
and they said no obstruction.
He didn't examine collusion.
He laid out the evidence
of obstruction
Oh, are you trying to say now
that there was collusion,
even though he said,
"There is no collusion"?
He didn't say
He said no collusion.
He said he didn't look
at collusion
George, the report said,
no collusion.
Did you read the report? Yes, I did,
and you should read it too.
I read every Come on, let's go.
My own personal feeling
is that he spooked Robert Mueller.
They kind of made the decision
it was more important
for them to not imperil
the American government
than it was to bring down
Donald Trump.
So, in that, Donald Trump succeeded.
If you accept conflict, if you don't
run away from it, if you don't
If you don't try to avoid it, that
becomes a very effective method for
getting away with it, because most
other people will run from conflict.
It was an illegal investigation.
It was started illegally.
Everything about it was crooked,
every single thing about it.
There were dirty cops.
These were bad people.
And this was an attempted coup.
This was an attempted take down
of a president,
and we beat them, we beat them.
So, the Mueller Report,
when they talk about obstruction
we fight back.
You have to put your head down
and fight, fight, fight.
God has appointed
Donald Trump to be
the leader of the United States
of America in this time.
He's the chosen one.
It's going to disappear.
One day, it's like a miracle,
it will disappear.
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