The Trust: A Game of Greed (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Why Is Everyone Being So Frickin' Emotional?

[serene music playing]
[music ends]
[upbeat music playing]
We couldn't have made it out
without bloodshed last night.
Because we were all complicit in that
whether or not we made a decision or not.
And so we are all complicit
in whatever this situation is.
Who are y'all okay with
being it to the end?
Three of us, for a fact.
-Mama Jay.
-[Winnie] Lindsey.
-[Julie] Yeah.
You know, I'm not gonna lie.
If you don't piss me off…
If someone doesn't piss y'all off
and Mama Jay off…
-I'm cool.
-Yeah. I'm cool.
Juelz being the first person voted out
made people realize,
all right, this is a game, for real.
I feel like they needed
a slap in the face. Like, "Hey, wake up."
We can't just be sitting here,
kicking and laughing,
holding hands and pinky toes,
and thinking nothing's gonna happen,
and nothing's gonna get shaken up.
Honestly, even right now, 25K is not bad.
-It's not bad!
-That's right.
-Twenty-five plus everything--
-After taxes.
After taxes.
Plus, everything we have to benefit just…
We are the stars of the show.
So I'm okay with it. [laughs]
[Winnie] I'm gonna get breakfast.
[music fades]
[medieval music playing]
How'd you sleep?
I slept.
I slept hard, man. I slept really hard.
Waking up this morning,
my ability to trust people
is still shaken.
It's still shaken, but I believe
that I need to push that aside,
truly bury those fears.
If I'm gonna be preaching unity,
if I'm gonna be preaching trust,
doggone it, I need to be…
I need to be an example of it.
That's scary.
[music ends]
All this stuff bad for you.
Bad for you, bad for you.
I'll drink it black.
[chill out music playing]
Dude, look at this crazy hair, man. Ugh.
Uh, tell me about it.
Look at me. I look like a damn peacock.
[Simone] I'm not putting that shit
in my body.
[music fades]
-I love that you're here every morning.
-[Lindsey] Yeah?
-How'd you sleep?
-[Lindsey] Great. How about yourself?
I conked hard. I was just like…
[Lindsey] Yeah, that was a real situation.
Yeah, oh God.
The way you gotta succeed
in this adventure right now
is build a relationship.
Even if that means for some people
that you think are focused on money,
you gotta create the fallacy
you're into 'em.
-Isn't that pretty out there?
-Oh my God, yeah.
[Jake] I wanna know everything,
so that I can understand people,
or else, you're gonna get
screwed over in the end.
[waves crashing]
What is… What is stuff,
like, you're dealing with at home
that's, like, your stressors?
Like, stuff that's challenging for you.
The pandemic was pretty rough
on my family and myself.
[Jake] Yeah.
Long story short,
that caused a lot of problems
in my marriage because I changed a lot.
I'm not the same person
that my husband married.
Not even close.
So our relationship can get very toxic.
And we started as an affair,
which is just, like,
-not a great situation.
-[Jake] Yeah, right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-[tense music playing]
-In fact, uh, just…
It was less than 9 months ago,
we were separated.
Is that where you currently are,
still kind of?
[Jake] I'm sorry if it's hard.
I just, I really am curious
'cause I could tell, you know?
I lived the life of living in an apartment
without my kids half-time,
and, like, I made a conscious decision
to stay in this marriage
with my children and the family unit.
So yeah, we struggle.
[music continues]
You have to look at yourself,
like, some kinda self-care
to make sure you're okay.
'Cause if you're not okay,
how're you gonna be okay for your kids?
Everyone kinda has a reason
why they're here,
and what makes them them.
There's a lot to unfold here.
[music ends]
[upbeat music playing]
[Brian] Yesterday,
I cursed in front of you
and acted out in sheer anger.
I apologize.
Babes. No, no, no, no, don't.
Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me.
Don't you ever, ever, ever apologize
for being authentically yourself.
[music ends]
[Julie] The thing I was worried about
is exactly what happened.
Like, I was worried
it was just gonna be one person.
Like, if we're all truly not voting,
just one person does it,
they're the only ones who matter.
Like, technically, they had the power.
They fucking had the power last night.
I realized that this game
can get really messy.
I need to make sure Jake's trust in me
and want in me and belief in me is solid,
and that he's not going anywhere,
and he's not going to fuck up this fantasy
of me being his dream girl
that he could maybe one day get
if he proves what a good guy he is to me.
When I was in middle school,
I was super ugly.
Like, crooked teeth,
glasses, all that shit.
And I'm like, "I like Lord of the Rings."
Now people are like, "Oh my God,
you're hot. You like Lord of the Rings?"
-I'm like, "Thank you."
-[Julie] Nerd alert.
-They're like, "She's a hot nerd."
[Julie chuckles]
[joyful music playing]
[Winnie] Where do I live right now?
[Bryce] It's a buffet.
Oh, I love brunch.
Brunch is my favorite time of day.
[Winnie] Oh my gosh.
They put out a whole spread for us.
This is literally not real life.
I don't really understand brunch.
Honestly, I don't go eat brunch.
I don't actually know…
Brunch is in between lunch and breakfast.
I just wake up and eat,
and then I go for lunch.
And it's just basically breakfast.
So just call it what it is.
It's breakfast.
Hey, guys. Listen, listen.
-I know yesterday was a shit day.
-[Jay] Okay.
It threw us all off, literally.
But all I'm gonna say is, hey, we're here.
Let's enjoy this moment.
Let's enjoy us as well too,
and just have a good time.
Shout out to us.
-[upbeat music playing]
[Lindsey] Cheers!
Good speech. Good speech.
Let's eat.
[Winnie] Where do we begin?
Look what we have!
[Jake] It's omelet time, boys.
[Jay] Oh, this is good.
[Simone] Whale, whale, whale.
Thar she blows!
-[Winnie] Where?
-[Tolú] Oh, whales.
-[Jay] Really?
-Yes, whales!
[Jay] Are there whales?
-[indistinct chatter]
-Tolú saw it.
-It's so cute!
-I saw!
-Hi, Tolú, have fun!
I can look for turtles
and whales all day long.
I am wondering where tropical birds are.
I have not heard
one tropical bird yakking at me,
and so I've decided
that the tropical birds
have been eaten by the vultures.
Thank God you don't have a beach here.
You would never see me.
Was it weird last night,
sleeping in the room?
It was weird.
It was weird being there by myself. Yeah.
My whole thing was…
I felt like I was hit
with a ton of bricks.
And I thought,
well, I can't really process everything
that's happening till I work through
the shit that's going on,
that obviously I've pushed down,
pushed down, pushed down, you know?
-Like, in regards to what? Is your--
-My divorce.
You're kind of aligning
that feeling with what--
-It's the same feeling.
-With what losing…
It's the same feeling, I gotta tell you.
It's like when my husband told me
he was leaving me for another woman,
and he basically just told me
to deal with it,
I just felt like
I was on this solid ground,
and a hole just opened up
and swallowed me,
and that whole feeling just hit me again.
It was like…
I'm sitting next to my buddy here,
and he's not here now.
And then, I'm left…
Well, with a feeling of great loss.
After my husband left me,
he came back to me and left me again.
He came back to me.
It's just, I've just been hurt so badly
by, you know, trusting somebody.
And I definitely am
so afraid of getting hurt.
You don't… You're just not
your authentic self.
And that sucks.
Like, I just wanna be my authentic self.
[Jake] I'm sorry you had to feel that way.
Like, that's… That's not a--
Absolutely not your fault.
Thank you for apologizing, but…
You know, it's…
[indistinct chatter]
It's my stuff.
So I'm gonna deal with it myself.
Jake is a good listener.
Like, overpoweringly wonderful to feel
that kinda unconditional love and support.
I mean, that's all we ever want as humans.
Most… Normal people
that aren't serial killers. [laughs]
I wanna ask you a question,
and it's going to come across mean.
Do you feel like you deserve
to be here more than I deserve to be here?
[tense music playing]
-How do you feel about that though?
-No, I want you to answer first.
You're here for your own motive,
and I'm here for my own motive.
I don't know… I'm in a commissions field.
I don't know
when the next check's coming in.
I had to work so hard to make $23,000,
and I put 12 hours a day,
seven days a week into my job.
I think that there's a huge stigma
about money.
My friends don't know
how much money I make.
My family barely knows
how much money I make,
besides literally my mom.
I am a humble person at heart,
and I'm just as deserving as my fair share
as everyone else in this house.
I don't think
everyone is equally deserving.
-We don't have the same--
-But I think if people have kids…
You deserve to be here more than I do.
More than me,
with, like, my little, like, sob story.
-Like, I do think that.
-[emotional music playing]
I'm literally
a trailer park girl from Montana.
I was in foster care.
My parents were both alcoholics.
My father was absent.
My mother was abusive.
Try being a fucking little kid
and going all your fucking life
without someone holding you,
or, like, without someone telling you,
like, "You're okay," or, "You're good."
Like, "You're a good person."
And so, like, when you're that little,
and you have your parents abandon you,
people who are supposed to be
biologically wired to protect you…
-That unconditional love.
-…and you have them abandon you.
You start to be like,
"Why would they do that?"
And a little kid
isn't rational enough to be like,
"They are going through addiction.
They have this."
A little kid says,
"There must be something wrong with me."
My sister and I,
we would very literally eat
food out of the garbage.
I would have to learn how to make friends
so that I could shower at their house,
so that I could eat a meal.
I think a part of me will always be like,
"Do I deserve to even have good…"
'Cause no one breathed life into me.
Like, not only did I grow up with nothing,
I was abused by the people
who were supposed to,
like, to protect me and love me and, like…
Sorry for dumping that on you.
No, I'm… I… I hear you.
I… I really do hear you.
[indistinct chatter]
I hope one day,
you feel the love that you want.
-'Cause you deserve it.
-I do too.
You deserve it.
[music ends]
[pop music playing]
Everybody, look behind you.
-[Brooke] What's going on?
-[Brian] What's going on? Hey.
-How are you?
-[Brian] Good, how are you?
-Did you have fun this morning?
-This is incredible.
You wanna have some more fun?
-[Jake] Yes.
Time for another test?
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
Oh yeah. Let's go.
[Winnie] In what world is a test fun?
[Brian] This next test, it's worrisome.
I mean,
look at what the last one just did.
It brings up issues with trust
that is then brought back to the table.
So, yeah, I'm very, very nervous
of what this is gonna do.
Okay. As you continue to figure out
whether or not to share
the money in the Trust,
it's important to find out,
well, where everyone stands,
especially in relation to one another.
So I'm gonna throw out a few things,
and with each one,
I want you to rank yourselves,
lining up in order from most to least.
Most is the closest to the ocean,
and least down here,
where Gaspare's standing.
-You ready for the first one?
-Yes, ma'am.
Okay, I want you to line up in order
from smartest to not as smart.
-I'm staying right here.
-Yo, I'm in the front.
-You stay there.
-[Bryce] So I'll stay right here.
The twofold thing
I'm looking at in this exercise is,
it's gonna kinda show me
who are just strong personalities
and little more passive personalities.
That helps me understand
how people will communicate,
uh, their mannerisms,
and how they're going to carry themselves
in the house through this journey.
Oh, everybody wants to be the smartest.
I like the idea of ranking people.
I wish we still had, like, Myspace Top 8.
I still rank my friends.
I have a note section in my phone
of where my friends land,
and I go through it to see
who I wanna invite to parties.
It's smart in what way?
-[Julie] It's me.
-That is a good question.
Smart in what way?
-You are second, but I'm first.
-I have a master's degree. Wow.
-So do I. In law.
-I have a master's…
-Well, but I'm socially smarter.
-[Jake] You kidding me?
-I have 8 years of college.
-Yeah, but I can't fly helicopters.
-Degree in Psychology.
All right. I'm gonna give
your master's degree in psychology.
-'Cause I feel bad for you. Mmm.
-And I'm socially smart.
-I just scoot down. I'm not--
-I think I should be before you.
I graduated as a distinguished
business student.
Get outta here.
I have a higher emotional intelligence
and the same intellect as you.
So I should be first.
I don't know.
And I'm cuter.
You're that.
I know for a fact that I'm smart.
It's the only reason
why I'm not living in a trailer park.
Jake already has everything.
You're a white, blue-eyed,
good-looking male in this society.
For him to so confidently put
himself above me
when we didn't start even close
to the same starting line…
So I know you have no emotional awareness.
Do you really think
you're smarter than me?
Yeah. [chuckles]
Why? I think you're kinda dumb.
[chuckles] Okay.
I feel that you have
a lot more business experience than I do.
Okay. That's fine, we can do that.
I'm good with this.
-Now, you. You have more sales experience.
-I don't want to be in that mess.
-[Lindsey] I'm satisfied. I'm satisfied.
-Kind of, yes.
I know I'm smart.
I know that I have
a very extensive education.
But I'm definitely not gonna
fight with someone,
make them feel like they're less than me.
Just because I don't want people to know
that I am the millionaire.
And if they know that I do run
a very successful real estate team,
they might put two and two together.
Okay, we good with this?
-Whatever. Yeah. It is what it is.
-[Gaspare] Whatever, right?
All right, guys.
Hop back into your original positions.
See, it's a hard question,
'cause I don't know how to raise cattle.
No, I'm actually fully confident
that I am that smart.
Where were you--
-Second. Should be before Jake.
-I think so.
-I am… I am smarter than him.
-I agree. I agree.
Okay, I want you guys
to get in order based on leadership.
[Simone] Leadership?
The best leader in the house,
go stand at the end there.
The, the least strong leader,
all the way down here by me.
[Brian] Whoo.
-[Jake] Hey.
-Hey, daddy.
I think Brian should be, like, three up.
Brian, you need to come,
like, up here, bro.
[Brian] I do not consider myself a leader.
Not only that, I don't wanna be
anywhere near being considered
as a, quote, unquote,
leader with this team.
I want a unified movement forward.
I just wanna sit back,
and I wanna gather information
and try and make
the best decisions that I can.
Do you think he's in front of you?
Things are getting interesting over here.
-I'll go ahead and do that.
-[Jake] Yeah, do that.
That's good.
[Winnie] I didn't wanna be at the top.
Obviously, we're both leaders.
Obviously, we're both very competitive.
Looks like I'm a little bit more smart
strategically than him.
So yeah, he can have that,
and I'll stand here next to you, my love.
Julie's not letting that go
that you're actually smarter than her.
Dude, I have a legal degree
and I flew helicopters.
I'm gonna stir shit up.
I actually think
Winnie should be before Jake.
Nah, dude.
Look at his face!
I think Jake being very calm.
Winnie, you're good with Jake?
You accept Jake at the number one spot?
I'mma let him have it.
Jake put himself first in line.
I'm like, who does that?
Seriously, every time.
I'm having issues with that.
I'm not one of your soldiers.
Jake, you're the number one leader
in the house.
You know it.
Dude, go ahead, tell everybody
you are our gracious leader.
Because guess what happens?
The leader gets taken down.
You're the head of the snake.
So you wanna be the head of snake
'cause you wanna be the leader?
Like, go ahead and do it.
Let's see what happens, man.
It's not gonna be pretty.
-You're comfortable being a leader.
-It's comfortable for me. I love it. Yeah.
-[Brooke] Yeah.
-It's great.
Jake has made it his mission
to be in this house and be the leader.
If you need that validation,
just to be told that you're a good leader,
good for you.
You are a great leader. Congratulations.
But a lion doesn't need
to tell people he's a lion.
He just be's… I fucked that up.
[Brooke] All right,
you're the strongest leader in the house.
So let's, uh, switch things up now
a little bit.
[suspenseful music playing]
All right! Let's get on with it.
-Go, Jake.
-It's happening.
This is right up his alley.
[Brooke] You're the leader in the house.
[music fades]
Now, you've only known these people,
like, a couple of days.
-You have a pretty good read on them?
I think I definitely do have
a good read on them, yeah.
[Brooke] Jake, I'm gonna name a category.
You're gonna put everyone in the order
-of who you think is most to least.
-[tense music accelerates]
[music fades]
-This is on you now.
[tense music swelling]
Go ahead, Jake.
Let's see how you roll this.
Let's see how you feel about people.
I knew he was making a mistake.
Like, you do not wanna
put yourself out there like that.
But, dude, what are you doing?
-Make good choices.
-Don't take it personally.
-[Brooke] "Don't take it personally."
-I will.
[Brian] We have some
very sensitive people here
that are gonna get very, very upset.
Good luck to this man.
That sounds very dangerous,
especially with this crowd.
I want you to put them in the order
from most loyal to least loyal.
Oh my gosh.
All right, Brian,
go all the way to the front.
All the way up.
Brian's most loyal because he's a Marine.
If that dude's in a foxhole with me,
like, his loyalty
is going to be unwavering.
Winnie, stay there. Tolú, you're good.
Bryce, go two down, next to Tolú.
[Tolú] Mmm.
[Jake] Scoot down, you two.
Man, this is hard. This is really hard.
It is hard.
But being a leader, as you know…
-[Jake] Yeah.
-…is difficult.
-And a leader has to choose.
I came down a long way.
[Jake] Grandma Jay,
go between Bryce and Julie.
God, dude, this sucks.
I don't like doing this
because I feel like everyone is so loyal.
-And I… It's really hard.
-What do… You mean, like, loyal to who?
[music crescendos, fades]
If looks could kill,
it would be a thousand ways
to die in this piece. [chuckles]
Anything on the back end, the back five,
I don't even think you…
There shouldn't be a back five.
Then why aren't they first?
This is just predicated off
of the relationships
that I've had in the past couple of days.
The relationships you've had?
[Jake] Just off of discussions.
I'm way closer to you than Bryce is.
You think Bryce is more loyal than me?
It's not like I think
he's more loyal than you.
I have no choice
but to put you in a number.
That's the number you chose.
I'm stuck somewhere in your middle.
Why would you not think
that that would piss me off?
Gaspare, go between Brian and Winnie.
[tense music playing]
And then, of course, it's like, well,
your boys have to be right ahead.
Okay, well, like, then who am I to you?
Julie, go between Tolú and Winnie.
Simone, I don't wanna
keep you in the bottom.
You two switch, Simone.
[Lindsey] Jake and I had
a meaningful conversation about my family.
So I'm not happy that Jake put me
towards the end of the line.
How could you have
a meaningful conversation
and watch me cry about my family,
and still put me
at the bottom of the line for that?
Does that mean this morning,
when you cuddled up to me,
you were just trying to get
some information, Mr. Army Man?
I'm pissed.
Now, you put yourself in this line.
[music ends]
[Jake] I feel like I'm right up here, man.
I mean, at least in the front.
Actually, you stay here.
I'll stay here. Right.
We should all aspire to have
the confidence of a straight white man.
I'm not putting myself first here
because I feel like me and Brian
have so many similarities.
[Jay] Jake, I think he's devious,
narcissistic, and mean
to sit there and treat
a young lady the way he treated Julie.
I have no respect for him at all.
So if we were in a different scenario,
we would not even be talking.
Jake, come on back.
[Jake] I've made decisions
in my past career,
and you can't put feelings in the mix
because there's lives on the line.
So, in order to make sure everyone's safe
and the mission's complete,
you just don't have that time
to always take
the emotionality into consideration.
And in this situation,
it's different for me
because everyone's fricking emotional.
Okay, I have one more important
decision for you to make, Jake.
You will decide which two people
you want to send to the Vault.
[suspenseful music playing]
And you can choose yourself.
You can be one of the two people.
-Who are you picking?
I want the opportunity to go to the Vault
just because
I just wanna see what it's about,
and I wanna see what that offer is.
Number one, I don't wanna
be tempted 'cause, let's face it,
the devil's gonna play with ya
any chance that he possibly can.
So I'm a little uneasy.
I don't know if I wanna go to the Vault.
[Gaspare] Honestly, I'm okay
with never visiting the Vault.
I saw Juelz went in,
thought he'd made a decision
that was best to benefit the whole team,
and he was crucified for it.
I'm gonna pick Bryce and Gaspare.
[music fades]
[Brooke] You didn't pick yourself. Why?
I just don't think
it's my time yet to go in the Vault.
It's just not my time.
[suspenseful music playing]
Tell me why Bryce and Gaspare.
I feel like Gaspare
is gonna put emotions aside
when he's making his decisions.
And I feel like, being that Bryce was
kind of canceled out last time,
I'm just telling you that I trust you guys
to make the right decisions,
and I know you guys
will do the right thing.
For you to sit up there
on your high horse
and talk about how you feel so bad
that Bryce got his power taken away
and not even fucking acknowledge
that I too had my power taken away,
just really shows me who the fuck you are.
[music ends]
Oh my God. No, I don't…
Listen, the Vault is a double-edged sword.
It's just so many unknown variables
that there's no way to predict
what's gonna happen in this Vault.
The pressure's on.
We don't want anybody to leave.
We wanna stick together.
Yep, let's all just send
the most vanilla people
who have no opinion,
who are playing Switzerland, to the Vault.
It wasn't a bold move,
didn't mean anything to me.
Not a surprise. Go get 'em, tiger.
Gaspare and Bryce,
you ready to head in the Vault?
-Nope. I mean, I'll go, but…
-[Brooke] You're going.
Jake says you're going, so let's go.
[pop music playing]
Good luck, guys!
-You guys need these cards.
-Have fun.
-Silver stripe.
-Good luck! Make good choices.
[Brooke] One for you. One for you.
Be back before dark.
[music ends]
[gloomy music playing]
Oh my God.
[Bryce] This is insane.
[Gaspare] All the gold is nice.
[Bryce] Oh my God.
Uh-uh. I don't wanna open it.
All right.
"Offer one."
"You can each take 5,000 dollars
out of the Trust for yourself,
but you both have to cast a vote
for the same person
at the next Trust Ceremony."
Okay. "Offer two."
"You can choose to protect
one person from elimination
at the next Trust Ceremony,
but 10,000 dollars
will be subtracted from the Trust."
Everybody in this house,
except the millionaire,
can use five grand right now.
There's nobody
who doesn't want 5,000 dollars.
We're still early enough in the game
where I'm like, I don't know
if we're gonna make it to the end.
So any money is good money.
This way, we're all losing
the same amount of money.
This way, we're gaining it,
so now it looks like people will come out
to get us in this way.
I do wanna walk away with something.
Something's better than nothing.
But here, in this house,
my relationships are more important to me.
The five grand would be nice,
but I really am here for the experience
and not here for the cash.
I don't think we can choose offer one.
We have to choose offer two.
[Gaspare] Yeah, this is selfish,
this is team, obviously.
I think you're right.
I think if we went back,
and we said, "We took the money,"
in any scenario,
we're looking like the bad guys.
Because they're gonna say,
"Why didn't you protect… anybody?"
"Just pick a name and protect them?"
I think we should go offer two.
We're gonna choose one person
to protect from elimination.
$10,000 is coming out of the Trust,
but either way, $10,000 was coming out.
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
[Jake] Here's how the group,
at face value, is gonna see it.
People will get emotional
because, at the end of the day,
what has my position been
about in this whole event?
What has my position been?
I want everyone to stay here together.
How you gonna do that? What's your plan?
Right now, the plan was
to get those two guys in the Vault.
I know they're gonna make a good decision.
-So, that's why I did it.
Well, I get that, yeah.
And if I get crucified for it,
then I can't do anything about it.
There's no winning this.
He is not gonna win at this game
when he'd thought it was gonna be so easy.
And I do feel for him.
Here's the thing, is we're looking to you,
or at least I am,
to be that person
to keep everyone on track.
-That's why you're the leader.
-I hope everyone sees the same way you do.
Well, they don't 'cause they're not me.
We know this too.
I see it this way.
Everybody else sees it a different way
'cause they're different people.
They aren't me.
I'm just telling you what I see,
and I'm telling you, I'm good.
-Means a lot.
-But please, Jake, keep us on track.
[ominous music playing]
Okay, who do we wanna protect
from going home?
Now, Tolú at the table yesterday,
said she felt
like her power was taken away.
So, if you pick Tolú, it just makes us
look better in the sense that, like,
hey, you had a shitty night.
Here's a better night for you.
But I think Jake's the target now.
[Bryce] Mm-hmm.
Do we go this route and say,
we are going to put Jake to protect him
because he kind of put his trust in us,
so we are going
to thus put our trust in him.
-Here's the fear--
-I, I don't… I don't know.
We protect Jake,
and then they come after us.
Let's just stay in here
and not go out there.
[Jay] I'm gonna try
to spell the word correctly.
[solemn music playing]
-All I'm seeing is misogyny to a hilt.
-[Winnie] Hell, yeah.
He placed all his buddies
at the very front,
and then just whatever with the women.
[Winnie] Yeah.
It was such a boys' club.
The only man he did not place
in the very front was Bryce,
but at the end of the day,
what does he do?
-[Winnie] He picks Bryce.
-Puts him into the Vault.
And then, singles him out as,
"Oh, he had his power taken away."
-Right? I know!
-[Winnie] Are you so…
"Were you not at the Round Table?"
And he keeps telling her
she's from Africa.
You know, "My strong African queen!"
"I got my African sisters over here."
"My chocolate sisters."
Why must everything around me
be surrounded by the fact
that I'm Black and I'm African?
-It's dismissive.
-You don't even… Thank you.
-[Jay] Oh my God.
-I've never said I'm from Africa.
-Never once. I'm from Nigeria.
-She's from Nigeria.
Every single time he refers to me,
it's as, "Oh, the African girl.
You look so African today."
"Oh, wow, you look
like an African warrior goddess princess."
And it really is making me
not enjoy this experience,
and I'm here to enjoy myself.
So if that means that I need
to take him out this experience,
then so be it.
[Jay] I'm over Jake.
[gloomy music playing]
-You put Winnie before me.
-But you--
You put Tolú before me.
You put Bryce before me.
You did that in front of everyone.
That makes me look dumb.
You feel stupid, be it based off
of a decision I had to make in 10 seconds.
-That's ridiculous, Julie.
-Yeah. Shouldn't it be your gut decision?
It was the best decision I could make
in that moment within ten seconds.
Why do you trust Winnie more than me?
-Some of the things that she said very--
-Like what?
She's just communicated to me that she…
She just aligns on the same
thought process in terms of
how I feel in terms of she--
'Cause you're similar?
You don't trust me
of all the time we've spent together?
You're beautiful, and you've a big heart,
and I'm attracted to you.
The conversations I have with Winnie
are tactical and strategic,
and I know she's a leader just like me.
-She was a number two.
-Okay, build trust with her.
Come on, everyone forgets
that we're winners already.
Everyone forgets that.
If we had to make a hard decision,
I would never get rid of you.
I'm always gonna back you up.
I care about you. You know that.
I don't want you to feel hurt.
I am hurt. You hurt… You hurt me,
but it's, like…
I think we'll get through it.
You know what?
I'm not going to be so emotional
to let my feelings of being hurt by Jake
take me also away
from the strategy of the game,
which is me making it to the very end.
You know, I appreciate you.
I value you. I like talking to you.
You got a big heart.
So me having a good relationship
with Jake is to my benefit.
When I look at you, I, like,
stare at your lips 'cause they're so big.
Shut up.
No, I'm not gonna stop doing it.
No, it's, uh…
We're only talking strategy now.
No, we're not. It's impossible.
I think Jake and I have real chemistry.
I think Jake and I are both good-looking,
and we like looking at each other.
I'll at least admit it.
As unloyal, untrustworthy as I am,
I would never send you home.
[music ends]
[Brian] How safe do you feel right now?
-[Lindsey] Not.
-[tense music]
-I feel taken advantage of.
And that's what I was afraid of.
He came and acted
like my best friend this morning!
I told him some shit
about my life this morning!
-[Lindsey] I get emotional, okay?
I feel attacked.
It is really frustrating
knowing that so many people
in, like, the flip of a moment
are gonna get so distraught
over something so meaningless,
when we already have money in our pocket.
I want you to know,
I'm so cool with you, you have no idea.
And I hope that we can build
some trust here.
[Brian] I do too.
How about this? I won't vote for you
if you don't vote for me.
[Brian] I'm not here as a predator.
I want as many people
to walk away from this as possible.
[music fades]
Yeah, hey.
[Brian chuckles]
[tense music swelling]
I know, I'm sorry, first of all.
Yeah, I'm sure you're really sorry.
You make decisions.
I don't want to hear your bullshit.
What are you talking about, dude?
Everyone in here gets everything,
like, so emotional so fast.
-They can't put your--
-Stop calling me an emotional woman.
No, people can't even…
They can't even put their selves
in my shoes for five seconds.
Yeah. When I… When I lead… When I lead,
I take responsibility for my actions.
-It's not, "This is so hard!"
-Okay, how did I--
So tell me
how I didn't take responsibility?
Just tell me that.
Dude, you came down
and listened to my sob story this morning,
and then you put me
at the end of the line?
[Jake] What are you talking about?
Don't ask me about my family!
God bless being a leader.
Ah, dude, I don't even know about that.
Everyone's sitting there,
acting like it's so easy
to line everyone up.
How else am I gonna rank people
when I have, like,
ten seconds to rank people?
I didn't feel--
And now she's going around
like a freaking lunatic right now.
And the reason I lined her up there
is based off of all the conversations
I had with everyone else.
I mean, I feel like
you, you breathe in the wrong direction,
-and you're done, you know what I mean?
-[Brian] I know.
I just happened to get put
in a position on round two
in probably one of the worst games.
I can't imagine what's next.
[music ends]
[slow tempo music playing]
Hi, guys.
[Gaspare] Hey, guys.
Hi, guys.
Hello. Okay.
Oh, okay. Never mind.
I think they forgot about us.
Like, people seemed kinda pissed.
-I don't know what happened.
-No one wants to, like…
-Even acknowledge that we're back.
-Acknowledge that we're here.
It's weird.
All right, let's call a meeting.
[Gaspare] Hey, guys!
[Bryce] If we could meet on the couches.
[music ends]
-Hi, everybody.
[Winnie] Tell us about the Vault, y'all.
-Okay, so the stakes have doubled.
So instead of $2,500 for each person
if you chose offer number one,
it's now $5,000.
Now it's $10,000 on the other side
for the team situation.
However, the $10,000 in both scenarios
will be taken from the Trust.
We're not gaining any money
in these two scenarios.
Ten thousand comes out of the amount
that we already have right now?
Yes. It was coming out either way.
It's coming out either way it goes?
Swear on everything, on my children.
It's my daughter's birthday, okay?
-So, we lost money, basically.
-We lost money.
So, offer one was
that Bryce and I take $5,000 each,
but him and I would both have to vote
for somebody to get out.
-We both had to vote for the same person.
-Oh yeah, the same person.
Two… two votes for one person.
We felt like that was not a fair option,
so we did turn down the money.
Option two…
[Bryce] Would be $10,000 to be removed
from the Trust amount.
However, we had to select
one person to give immunity to.
[Gaspare] They get absolute protection
for the next round,
that even if everybody voted for them,
they can't get out.
[Jake] Please, pick me, dude.
Like, I've never been in a position before
where I've felt so hated
by a group of people.
[tense music playing]
We did look at the names,
and then we said,
"How can we pick one person?"
You try to find ways
to make everybody happy and you're not.
Oh yeah.
[Gaspare] Every single option
was considered.
-We were there for a long time.
-[Bryce] The whole afternoon.
[Gaspare] It sucks.
We didn't wanna hurt anybody.
We hope that
this doesn't really hurt anybody,
We picked Julie.
[music fades]
Thanks, guys.
You don't have to thank us,
'cause in all honesty, it's just the list.
[Bryce] And the first two names
on that list was myself, Tolú.
The next on that list was Julie.
I feel good because I know
I'm safe from this vote.
I'm not going home.
What do you guys think of their choice?
I… I think I would have come
to the same conclusion.
But there's all this tension
happening in the room.
[Gaspare] Obviously, we were not here.
If you guys wanna clear stuff up,
you guys do, I don't know.
[Winnie] Clear what up?
I really wanna know
what exactly happened when we were gone.
There are some people here
that are very, very, very hurt.
I have got to make it through this meeting
without saying anything,
otherwise, I'm gonna be
put at risk of being voted out,
because I know myself well enough
that once I am lit
there is fire.
People were upset
at the decisions that you made.
You really dismissed
about the smart thing.
You were all like, "I build helicopters,"
and whatev… That's not…
-There's many reasons why that upsets me.
-That's not what I said.
You ju… You started listing off
your qualifications
of why you're smarter than me,
and that hurt my feelings.
[Jake] I know it's really hard.
I don't wanna dismiss anyone's emotions,
but when I'm put up there,
and I'm looked at
as a leader of this group,
I wish, like, for five seconds,
you would put yourselves in my shoes,
seeing, like,
what I'm actually having to do.
One of the most demeaning things
that I can do is put people in a number.
I don't wanna do that.
So, number one,
I did not look at, at you like a leader.
And number two,
there is nothing I hate worse
than being dismissed,
because what happened today
was very misogynistic.
You kept putting yourself
at the front of the line.
"I'm the smartest.
I'm the leader. I'm this."
I am married to a captain
who flew in the Vietnam War.
He listens to women.
And I don't know where you come off.
Where is this ego from?
-There's no ego. I, when the, when--
-That is…
When the…
When the question came up, I just--
Why did you put yourself
in the front of the line?
I walked up there and… Did anyone…
If anyone would have questioned me…
If anyone would have questioned it,
like, I'd have stepped down.
I'd have gone down to one,
if you guys wanted me to be there.
If you told me
you don't want to see me there,
then look me in the face,
and tell me I don't belong there,
and I won't stand there.
Are you kidding me?
I actually think
Winnie should be before Jake.
-Nah, dude.
-Look at his face! [chuckles]
I spoke up, so I'm like, "Okay."
This whole line of women knew
how pissed I was by what you did,
how you put people, how you treated them.
I can hardly look at you.
Wait, I… Please.
Don't speak for me, please.
Just, I'm just gonna say that.
Speak for yourself, thanks.
'Cause I wasn't upset,
and I wouldn't want anyone to think I was.
And Jake knows that
'cause I told him I wasn't.
[Jay] What the hell?
Everything is boiling in my head,
and now, Simone had his back,
and she has the nerve to say that
in front of all of us ladies?
This just pisses me off.
I'm genuinely sorry for anyone
that I miscalculated
when I did the activity today.
The feelings that I'm feeling
right now from you guys,
it's like the worst fucking feeling.
Like, I let you guys down.
And it sucks. Like, it really hurts.
Look at what you did, Jake. "Mr. Leader."
Like, did you think
that we were just gonna sit back
and be like, "Yes, daddy Jake.
Oh my God, you're so great." Like, no!
I'm just… I'm really sorry.
[tense music continues]
I think a lot of people will think
that I'm a follower with Jake,
but if they say Jake is a problem,
we are in this together,
and if that means a vote for Jake…
[music fades]
[tense music intensifies, fades]
["Run for Your Life" by Nick Kingsley,
Daniel Farrant & Remy playing]
You know I've got my eye on you ♪
If you don't wanna play nice ♪
You gonna pay with your life ♪
You should know from the start ♪
Don’t throw knives in my heart ♪
If you bring trouble my friend ♪
I’m gonna take my revenge ♪
If you don’t show me respect ♪
Oh boy you’re gonna regret ♪
If you don’t wanna play nice ♪
You better run for your life ♪
You better run for your life ♪
Run for your life ♪
If you don’t show me respect ♪
Oh boy you’re gonna regret ♪
If you don’t wanna play nice ♪
You better run for your life ♪
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