The Unit s01e02 Episode Script


stop! make it stop! make it stop! make it stop! make it stop.
this mattress isn't big enough for the 3 of us.
i know.
when's the furniture coming? it's coming tomorrow.
mommy, is it a school day? indeed it is.
i want my red dress, mommy.
i know you do, honey.
and tomorrow when the truck arrives-- what? my waffle shirt.
it's coming.
you sent it on the truck? most of the things we shipped.
i gave you one child.
i carrying another, presumably yours.
so don't take that attitude.
mommy, i want my red dress.
i don't believe i was taking any-- well, yes, you were, robert.
my plaid shirt.
is it a school day, mommy? yes, darling.
i told you it is.
it is, i believe, in the wash.
i wish it was saturday.
well, it was saturday, and it will be again.
bob! bob, it's dirty! the shirt is dirty, kim.
t9 i said have a good day.
it's coming tomorrow.
stress of moving getting to you? how was your weekend? good weekend.
not long enough.
?? well, kim says it's coming tomorrow.
got a small but good surprise.
made a couple of calls.
it's coming this morning.
that's real good of you.
glad to do it.
hey, is jonas sleeping in? oh, honey, jonas went out with the team last friday night.
jonas, he left with the team? have a good morning.
betty blue, betty blue.
betty blue, betty blue.
china bird in sight, we have the overwatch.
down you go.
go down to the end of the town and back in time for tea.
how's he doing? you're awfully chatty today, aren't you, boss? just ask him.
betty blue, betty blue.
out in 2 minutes.
satellite appears to be safe.
fellas, we're about to have some company.
by 20th century fox and cbs jonas: you got 'em? in range in a few seconds.
jonas: get the satellite component and get out of there.
go! go! go! hold tight.
they got the component.
i'm not leaving without it.
alpha team? no longer at this address.
you brown? where are they? deployment.
you brown? yeah.
i believe this note is for you.
sergeant? slim, jonas wanted you to suss out combat loading, ten-by, pallet, c-130 for transport by-- this don't involve no danger pay, but it is gonna give you a biof an education.
he wanted me to load this pallet? well, yeah.
it's not as romantic as jumping out of aircrafts and all, but i think you'll find it has its charms.
begin with define "combat loading" for me.
well, no, your little friends ain't here, but i'm here, and i'm gonna teach you a whole new lovely thing.
didn't you join the army to learn? what's combat loading? combat loading is the loading of a pack, pallet, aircraft, ship, or any other conveyance to maximized combat readiness ointhe of debarkation.
that's right.
you wanna put the ammunition so that it is first off before the dartboards.
that's correct.
and that's a good start.
now, your task is to take this manifest and under my intermittent supervision, load this pallet using, at all times, your powers of deduction to create a perfect combat loading: assault mission against an entrenched position.
off you go.
i thought your team was on deployment.
get down! we're taking fire.
they hit anything vital? negati well, then, stop complaining.
slow our friends up a bit, will you? oh, boss, look what we have here.
who? patrick collins.
from the terrorist watch list? why is he chasing us instead of planning his next anthrax attack? chinese military satellite would pay for quite a few misdeeds.
betty blue, betty blue.
stand by.
there's been a change in plans.
you ready for a little bit of theatrics? sun's coming down hard, boss.
we could lose 'em in 10 minutes.
don't wanna lose 'em.
we've got traffic dogs on our tail.
and i wanna handle it personally.
we're gonna drag the wing.
you listenin'? affirmative.
we're gonna make 'em think we're hit.
we'll skew the truck around like they took out a tire.
what? we'll skew the truck around like they took out a tire and stop.
woman: is my husband happy at his work? well, you know the problem is stress, but the stress is mine.
what we have here, this is a photograph of a broken mirror.
and you're saying that some stressed-out person fired those 2 shots into the mirror.
i did.
you fired those shots? yes, i did.
at a rat.
at a rat, yes.
and you missed the rat, but you grouped 2 shots, .
45 pistol, 2-shot group, both in the kill zone, with your husband's pistol.
my husband's pistol, yes.
does that complete our requirements for todayor tell me again.
just 2 people sitting in the room.
is that what we are, jimmy? i'm not compelled to attend this meeting.
failure to comply being grounds for my husband's dismissal from the unit? shots fired in an on-base residential community.
tell me again.
jonas came back from mission.
he un-holstered his pistol, laid it on top of the bureau.
he went in to take a shower.
and i came into the bedroom, and i saw the largest rat anyone's ever seen scurrying-- up the wall? and i picked up the pistol and i cranked off 2 shots.
you fired those shots, not your husband.
that's right.
would you lie to cover for your husband? of course.
are you lying now? of course not.
all right.
sergeant? i have a message from your wife.
thank you, mandy.
sergeant brown.
yes, colonel.
sergeant, this is special agent griffiths.
he's representing the fbi, pursuant to your actions on the assault and recapture of a hijacked airline in wyndahm, idaho.
sir, i, uh i don't i don't deserve any special recognition for that mission.
the entire team-- no, son, we aren't here to decorate you.
the government's deciding whether or not to prosecute you and your pals for violating a direct order by assaulting that hijacked airplane without authorization.
you are entitled to an attorney.
get your mission notes and a fresh set of clothes and meet us in the cave in an hour.
bob: there's nothing wrong? kim: no.
or with the baby? no.
don't you ever do this again.
what? it's kind of a rough day at the shop, huh? i beg your pardon? that's fine.
that's fine.
i don't appreciate it.
and iif you are well, if the baby is well, do notdo not what are you talking about? if you can't deal with some delayed furniture whatwhat do you think i'm doing at work? what do you and i get that message? what message? i'm trying to work.
do you understand that? i understand.
i don't understand why you're screaming at me.
i'm not screaming at you.
i'm informing you.
i never, absent catastrophic circumstances, want to receive this message.
what message? "come home.
" i-- no.
i'm not interested.
if you're not interested, then don't come home until you are interested.
and don't you dare ever speak to me in that way again.
over there.
over there.
hey, grey.
where's the nearest water source? fill the jerricans.
that dog won't hunt.
take a look.
they plugged us for real.
the canteens.
collins will come at us the back way.
grey, you ready with those? a little artistry.
how long till party time? they aren't but a few minutes out.
gentlemen, don't shoot the white guy.
he's our little gift to washington.
don't shoot the white guy.
don't shoot the white guy.
just a few questions, sergeant, regarding your comments on the assault on the plane.
yes, sir.
now, this is a contemporary account.
ii don't understand.
you wrote it at the time of the assault.
i wrote my notes on the flight back.
and you were not aware that your unit conducted an unlicensed, in fact, illegal assault on the said airliner? with respect, sir, the actions of my unit saved the lives of-- you were aware that until the suspension of the posse comitatus act, any independent action taken by your unit was a violation of the law? did you indicate, sir, that i'm entitled to the services of an attorney? do you have something to conceal, sergeant? sir, i do not.
then why would you wish an attorney? are you an attorney, sir? just answer my questions.
here we go.
they shot our guy.
get me out of the line of fire! don't shoot! don't shoot! well, how about that? cease fire.
cease fire.
they got him.
[shouting in african dialect.]
we want to talk.
al throw your weapons out! come out with your hands over your headou t to barga.
i don't see that you got anything to th.
we've disabled your truck, and we're betwee and the anter source.
come out, or we will come in ant9.
you advayoon us, i will shoot the european.
i don't know what you're talking about.
don't shoot.
on't shoot.
hold your fire i said i'll kill him! why sh cart9 yodn't kill him.
you didn't kill him.
ne then why did you lure us here? you want him.
don't know what you're talking about.
all right.
you don't care? you want him dead? ne i'll shoot him.
hold on.
that's bette or i'll trade him to you.
for what? for the piece from the satellite.
my things were supposed to arrive tomorrow.
made a call to a fella who made a call, and that's the army way.
but it's the wrong furniture.
and that's the army way, too, sometimes.
i've been on the phone all day instead of signing up for college classes as i planned.
m sorry, ma'am.
no, it's not your fault.
well, hon, sn my fault.
i'm not you're trying to help.
let neake another call.
please don't.
i must beg ystitegot-- who is t9 it's keisha holmes.
her husband's in the regular army.
it's randy.
he's in the airborne.
i forget where.
oh, no.
t9 we know them.
i know them.
c get a little more artistry about you.
i wanna drive out of here with collins and the component.
can you remove the contents without destroying the data and leave the box intact? give me your watch.
you're a smart cookie, ain't you? you mean for a black man? i mean even for a black man.
but i can't give up the satellite component, and you know that.
then i can't give you our prisoner.
we want him, but we don't want him that bad.
that's not what your newspapers say.
don't let 'em take me.
drive me back to aboukir.
they'll ransom me.
friend, i don't think you can live that long.
you want to talk! we'll talk! if not? if not, we kill him! then we'll come down and have a little chat with you.
then he dies, too.
you choose.
he's gonna cheat you.
what do you want with the satellite anyway? he tell you something? what do you want with it? if you can sell it, i can.
it's not mine to sell or trade.
it belongs to my government now.
how much longer? wait one.
she's just gonna take him for a little walk, keisha.
i want all of you women out of my house.
right now.
keisha, we called the pastor.
i don't want the pastor.
i don't i don't want your company.
i don't want you please.
where was he stationed? in iraq.
was it his first? it was his second deployment.
i know them from bragg.
she shouldn't sit alone.
what are you doing here? well the last time i saw you, keisha, you borrowed my yellow blouse.
you forgot to give it back.
you forgot to give it back.
you remember, hon? where were you going that day? you were going to meet randy.
i'm so sorry.
that's right.
were you aware that prior to suspension of the posse comitatus act, any military action taken by your unit was in violation of the law? with respect, sir, i wish you had been with us.
yeah, you can screw with me in here if it diverts you.
but be assured, you will pay the price.
you have said i'm entitled to an attorney.
say the word, and i'll supply one.
all right then.
were you aware you were in violation of the law? the situation, with respect, sir, was in flux.
what is in flux, soldier, is your freedom.
a crime has been committed.
we were in contact with the enemy, sir.
your friends have committed a crime as well.
i'd like to speak to them now.
sir, i believe the other members of the team are listed in your report.
where are they? sir, they're otherwise engaged.
but you admit to actually participating in the assault on the airliner.
in the assault upon the airliner, no.
i was in the woods neutralizing the terrorist spotters.
but you were present when the decision was made to assault the airplane.
no, sir.
i was in the woods.
per his orders.
and where is the team that did the actual assaulting of the aircraft? they've been deployed.
for how long? i'm afraid that's classified, sir.
why, when's your report due? end of the week.
you know, i'm looking at his picture, but i can't see anything.
keisha, you're in shock.
i know what it is.
you know, kim, you remember when we were at bragg? yes, i do.
and that what was her name? trisha galloway.
and she had those mirrors.
did you know that? what mirrors? but you know who i meant.
and sheyou remember, she had these mirrors set up in the house so that at any point she could see i remember.
the condolence assistance officers if they came up the walk so she wouldn't be caught so she wouldn't be caught unaware.
and i thought, "well, that poor woman has had too much.
" i remember, darling.
but you don't know.
you don't know, kim.
bob came back from iraq.
that's right.
he did.
both times he came back.
yes, he did.
and what is he doing now? the 303rd logistical studies.
and what is that? they just in effect, he's sort of a clerk.
yeah, so you you don't know.
you don't know, kim, what it does to have a man forever in combat.
forever in combat, kim, because-- that's right.
forever in combat.
you forget.
you think you remember, but you don't know becausebecause you're out of it now.
that's right.
i'm out of it.
and i'm out of it now, too.
i know.
we can't know what they're going through.
it's ok.
jonas: all right.
i'm gonna tell you what.
the european, is he still alive? he's alive.
show me.
eyes on the prize.
eyes on the prize.
come on.
all right.
now, show me the satellite piece, and we'll leave one of your jeeps.
i'm not your travel agent.
get your own ride back.
you have 2 jeeps.
you don't need them both.
the trade is the european for the component and a jeep.
we're all ready.
did i say the trade was done? i said it.
the satellite and one of your trucks, or the man dies.
bring it out.
let's go.
that's close enough.
he'll cheat you.
do i look like a fool? test it.
it's active.
we drive off now.
if you're gonna go, go.
how long you figure to make the rendezvous? easy.
40 minutes of driving.
let's get on it.
i know some people who wanna talk to you.
a few things to answer for over the years.
a few friends of yours they'd like to find.
mack: truck's dead.
they put a lucky shot through the engine block.
truck's dead? yes, boss, it is.
we gave them our only working jeep? nice.
all right, we're going to the fallback.
fallback rendezvous is i wanna see the hot box with the satellite component in it.
i figure the truck has a stretcher.
if not, rig one.
full canteens.
fill 'em up, drink up, ruck up.
how's our friend holding? he lost a lot of blood.
i can stabilize him, but peritonitis is almost certain.
how did you fool the geiger counter? save your strength.
they accepted the box from the satellite, but, of course, the box is empty.
you crushed up your watches, threw 'em in the box.
radium from the dials set the geiger counter off.
we've got some hard dry traveling to do.
let's get to it.
ñ| swearing to the truthfulness of your statement.
how's his appetite? his appetite? i thought we were talking about myself.
of course.
that's right.
his appetite's fine, by the way.
is he under a lot of stress? darling, these men are under all the stress from the day they log in to the day they retire.
that's not, as i understand it, abnormal.
psychologically, that's real.
you see your husband takes it easier if you can, when you can.
it's always good to see you, molly.
thank you, doctor.
you think retirement is the only thing that'd relieve the stress? what? the only thing to lessen stress is to retire.
that's not what i said.
you're not gonna put that on the form, are you? jimmy, don't put that on the form.
i'm not gonna put anything on his form.
why would i when we're talking about you? that's right.
he's been talking about retirement? lord, what have i done? we finished here, sir? yes.
we're finished.
this isn't over.
thank you for your time, sir.
that's all.
thank you, sergeant.
you got something on your mind? no, sir.
no, i didn't throw you to the wolves, son.
in technical terms, what i did was let you draw fire.
you boys took down the plane.
everybody knows that.
well done.
but you ticked off the fbi who had to file a report to save face.
let 'em save face.
bulk of the team's out of town because i sent them out.
you never set foot on their blessed aircraft.
let 'em talk to you.
you savvy? sir, might you have told me beforehand it was all a show? hell, no.
son you're a hothead.
and as time goes by, you're probably grow out of it.
but today that's what i was looking for.
i wanted you angry and indignant.
wheels within wheels, young sergeant.
good work.
now, get the hell out of here.
government man's wasted one day of mine's, never coming back, and i've got work to do.
all right, hold.
don't need it, boss.
i didn't say you need it.
i just said do it.
how much longer on the stretcher? we got a half hour to rendezvous, or it's all academic.
why don't you leave me here? 'cause i'm taking you in.
you're taking me in, but you didn't take me.
drink this.
that drug's gonna dry you out.
you didn't take me.
i didn't take you, but i got you.
they shot me, and they gave me up.
how about that? compass is swinging wild.
different readings.
pick the one swings freer.
predominant winds from the north.
rocks pitted on the north face.
will be about about there.
all right, coffee break's over.
i put a rocket under 'em.
about what? i'm lost.
about the furniture for brown.
you called about his furniture.
did you have a hard day today, molly, with jonas being away? evening, mrs.
good evening, colonel.
i'm just picking up some groceries for keisha holmes.
yeah, i heard.
i'm sorry.
was there something else you wanted to ask me? no.
i thought there was something you wanted to ask me.
about? about dr.
i'm meeting with him about stress.
is there something you wanna tell me went on with the doctor? can't think of a thing.
besides, you'll see it in the report.
if jonas needs a break, i'll staff him.
staff him? i'll put him on the intel staff.
my husband isn't going to fly a chair.
if he needs it.
what he needs is what you need-- for him to be with his team.
thank you, molly.
let's get out of here.
send from blue team.
mission accomplished.
additional package on board.
priority 5.
requires medivac, security, interrogators.
uh, code is help me.
what's his code name? his code name is westwind, boss.
do we wanna put it on the air? if they ask who we have, respond, "we have somebody you've been looking for.
" how's he doing? he's alive.
won't be walking for 6 months, but nice watch.
it was my father's.
i never was big on loot.
friendly gesture, but i doubt they'll let me keep it.
well, that's between you and them, friend.
that fight may go on.
but between you and me, it's over.
we're done for the day.
go in and put your pajamas on now, honey.
i'll be in in a minute.
well done with keisha.
molly, i'm sorry i was snippy with you today.
no need to apologize.
well, yes, there is, as you were trying to help a woman in need, and i criticized you for it.
child, you impress me.
mommy! good night.
good night.
go on.
i just came by to get some of my things and i'll-- when is my bed gonna come? serena, it's not important.
yes, it is.
i beg your pardon? why don't you go brush your teeth for daddy.
look, i'm so-- i never called you to say come home.
i called to say call home.
your precious army garbled the transmission.
i'm sorry.
i called to say the furniture has not arrived, so maybe you'd like to take us out to dinner.
that's what i called to say.
mom, can i sleep with you and dad tonight? uh maybe not tonight, honey.
how was your day? molly blane calling about the holmes funeral.
short notice.
no, i'd like to.
it's been a hard day here.
are your kids at your mother's? yeah, for another hour or two.
i wanna see you.
can you meet me there in 10 minutes? sure.
well, you have a good night, too, gina.
keisha holmes, 243 normandy, bellow woods.
widow of staff sergeant randall holmes, mother of daniel.
she will require 8 seats athe memorial.
her mother, stepfather, and a party of 6.
i advise 6 additional seats.
they always do.
i know.
he doesn't rate a live bugler.
i understand.
but i'd be much obliged if you could.
thank you, captain.
i, uhi'm having trouble breathing.
thank you.
will they use torture on me? i don't think so.
but you're not sure.
it's against the law.
oh, i see.
torture is against the law.
this is where you end to, isn't it? is it? some variation.
is it where i end? i expect so.
well, we've both had a long run.
haven't we? will you tell me your name? no.
can't do it, friend.
i'd like to know the name of the man who finally caught me.
i didn't catch you.
your people gave you up.
and, uh, i'd like something to eat.
gonna grab him some food.
that guy.
is he who i think he is? that's who he is.
that's some story for tomorrow.
i'm sure they'll talk to you about that when we land.

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