The Valhalla Murders (2019) s01e02 Episode Script

The Return

The Police Commissioner himself
is picking people up at the airport?
It was too expensive
to send a taxi for you.
- It's good to see you, old friend.
- Likewise.
I should've known you had a hand in this.
Elsa sends her regards.
- Sure.
- Insists on having you over for dinner.
I don't intend to stay long.
- We'll see about that.
- Yes.
So, have you heard from them at all?
This might not be any of my concern,
but I heard he's in a nursing home.
The outlook is rather grim.
Hello, this is Daniel Bjarnarson from MH.
Kari Egilsson is your son, right?
Yes. Is something wrong?
He got into a fight
with three other students.
What? Is he all right?
We're not entirely sure.
What do you mean?
He ran away before we could talk to him.
I understand.
This is of course a serious matter,
and we need to talk to him
as soon as possible.
We need to know
everything about these men.
Where were they the last 24 hours?
The last month?
They must be connected somehow.
Erlingur, phone bills, texts, computer
files, social media. What did they Google?
I'm waiting for their passwords.
I'll get them later.
Nothing indicates that
the man has stopped killing.
[Disa] What do you want
me and Toti to do?
You two are on looney watch.
We've already received hundreds of emails
and the phone is swamped, so good luck.
This is Detective Arnar Bothvarsson
from Oslo.
This is Katrin, who I told you about.
She's in charge.
- Hi, I'm Kata.
- Arnar.
Disa and Toti from General.
Then we've got Hugrun
and her people in Forensics.
Oh, and this is Erlingur,
our computer wizard.
- Is this everyone, or?
- This is the whole team.
Helga Bogadottir, chief
superintendent of the department.
- Did you have time to look over the case?
- Yes.
What we know for sure
is that both victims
were stabbed multiple
times with a sharp instrument.
Eye wounds were inflicted
post-postmortem in both cases.
We haven't found any connection
between the victims.
But evidence suggests
it's a serial killer.
[Magnus] Yes, we should be very
careful with making such assertions.
I don't want any mention of a
serial killer or a mass murderer.
[Helga] Of course, Magnus. I just meant
that there could be more victims.
Okay, are we good then?
- What? Yes, I think so.
- Good.
Is this the killer?
We think so. Male, about 185 centimeters.
The shoe print was found at Omar's
house, but we can't determine the size.
Omar's office was also burgled last night.
The only thing taken was his notebook.
It could be connected.
- The killer must have known them.
- Why?
There are no defense wounds.
There are, um
There are no defense wounds
on Not on Thor or Omar.
And there is no sign of a
break-in at Omar's house.
He was killed in his living room, so
Omar himself must have let the killer in.
He must have known him.
What about the eyes?
I don't know.
It's some kind of message.
It's personal.
So, how do you know Magnus?
It's a long story.
The Police Commissioner is not known
for making personal airport pickups.
- Have you lived abroad for long?
- Yes.
Do you have family there and?
- Do you have a big family here?
- Hey.
Let's just focus on the case.
[Sigrun] Omar's notebook?
I don't know
Well, yes, phone numbers. He..
He wrote down all telephone numbers,
just in case he lost his phone.
Mom, do you want to have this
memorial service tomorrow, or not?
- Yes.
- Yes, thank you. That's fine.
I know this is difficult, Sigrun.
Can you think of anyone who would
have reason to break into his office?
No, I don't understand.
Why Omar? It
He didn't have any enemies
He was a good man.
A wonderful father.
I don't know.
I want you to look at a photograph for
me to see if you can recognize a man.
Can you do that for me?
- Is this the man who
- No.
But have you seen this man before?
- No.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
- It could help the investigation a lot
- I don't know.
- Have you seen this man?
Um, no. I haven't
seen him before. No.
Are you all right?
- I'll go get your painkillers.
- Thank you, sweetheart.
Have you lost anyone close to you?
There's something you're not telling us.
What is it?
I want you to tell me what it is.
Wouldn't you rather just have
a little a little drink?
What is it?
My brother.
What about your brother?
Raggi must have done it.
- Murdered your father?
- No, broken into the office.
Do you know where he is?
No, he's probably somewhere
out there, coked out of his mind.
Oh, come on. Where is he?
I don't know. He's probably at home.
Just wait a second. This won't take long.
Hi, I can't talk
now. I'm at work.
[Egill] I just got a call
from Kari's school. He got into a fight.
- Yeah, I know. They called me too.
- Oh? And?
- Did you talk to him?
- I couldn't reach him. I'm at work.
Okay, well, Thordis, who works here
at the lab, she told me that
- Why are you bringing her into this?
- I'm not bringing her into anything.
Her son goes to Kari's school,
and he thinks this is all
because of some video.
- Video?
- Yes, that's all I know.
He's not picking up.
I've been trying to reach him.
I'll talk to him when I get home tonight.
And I'll be in touch. I have to go.
- Let me know how it goes.
- Bye.
Sorry about that.
[heavy metal playing]
Ragnar? This is the police.
Okay, Ragnar could have
killed his father for money.
But what about Thor?
- We don't know.
- What do you think, Arnar?
We're still just trying to find
a connection between the victims.
Let's announce that he's
wanted for questioning.
Good evening.
The Reykjavik Police wishes
to know the whereabouts
of Ragnar Omarsson, who is wanted in
connection with an ongoing investigation.
According to our sources, Ragnar
is wanted in connection with
the two murders
committed in the capital.
- Yes?
- Can I talk to you?
- What happened today?
- Nothing.
Kari, your school called me.
You must have known that would happen.
Who were they?
Come on, sweetheart.
Don't act like this.
Was it those boys you've
been hanging with lately?
Tell me what happened.
It doesn't matter.
Kari, this isn't like you at all.
It was just about that party.
The party before the dance?
The party you said you didn't go to?
What's this video you were arguing over?
What's in it?
- Don't lie to me.
- I'm not lying.
- Can I see your phone?
- Why?
Give me your phone.
- There's nothing there.
- Give it to me now!
I told you so.
No, you lied to me.
What's going on?
What's wrong?
Mom, mind your own business.
[sound of movement]
[stair creaks]
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Do you think you need to go to the ER?
- Are you positive it was Ragnar?
- Yes, he was driving a black Audi.
What, you got punched?
- Yeah.
- Omar's notebook.
- Is the code for the safe in the notebook?
- Yup.
- Later.
- Thank you.
He wasn't holding anything.
Seems he didn't find
whatever he was looking for.
He's getting desperate.
Watch out.
What time is the memorial service tonight?
It's at six o'clock.
The memorial service for Omar Karlsson
has come to an end.
He was brutally murdered in his home.
No one here.
Wait, I think I see him.
Excuse me, but could I have
God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
That wasn't him.
- What did you do with it? I know about
- Raggi! Let me go!
Gudny and Sigrun! This is the police!
- Do you have him?
- No, I lost him.
- I think he's here at the playground.
- On my way.
[dog barking]
[Arnar] Be still! Let me see your hands!
Be still!
Good evening.
A heated argument erupted this evening at
Omar Karlsson's memorial service.
The argument took place
between Omar's children
and the police had to intervene.
Our cameraman was at the scene
and caught the incident on tape.
Ragnar tested positive
for drugs and alcohol.
We can't question him until tomorrow.
Did you hear what Ragnar
and Gudny were discussing?
The first batch they sent us was awful.
You couldn't hear a word they said.
So I took the.wav file, uncompressed,
24-bit, 48 hertz, and put it into RX.
Then I boosted the 1,500 hertz, cleared
the low frequency and turned up the gain.
What are you talking about?
Could you do it or not?
- Hi, Gudny.
- Hi.
Thanks for coming so quickly
during this tough time.
- No problem.
- This way, please.
What's going on?
Was it something in particular?
No, no, we just have to
clear up a few details.
- Do want coffee or water?
- No, thanks.
It was a really lovely service.
It's a real shame about
the incident that took place.
Do you know why your brother attacked you?
No, I have no idea.
What did he say to you?
Nothing, he just
screamed some nonsense.
- Where's the money? I know it was you!
- Raggi! None of your business.
- I know you had the code. Where is it?
- Let me go!
[Kata] Hey! He's attacking
Gudny and Sigrun
[Arnar] Don't you think it's
best if you just tell us the truth?
[Kata] When she realized
the notebook had been stolen,
she knew what Ragnar would do next,
so she emptied the safe
before he could reach it.
[Hugrun] What an interesting family.
And what about the envelope?
Addressed to Omar,
dated three weeks ago.
Could it be a Bible verse?
Whoever conceals their sins
does not prosper, but the one
who confesses and renounces them
finds mercy.
Do we have a photo of Omar as a young man?
Still no connection
between Ragnar and Thor?
What's with this photograph?
- Could Ragnar perhaps be in the photo?
- Yes, possibly.
Is Thor in the photo?
This is Thor when he was young.
That's him.
Okay, this is what connects them.
- But what photo is this?
- Ragnar should be able to answer that.
Yes, but not until tomorrow morning,
when he has sobered up.
I'm going home.
- Can I have a word with you?
- Sure.
- I have to ask you to do me a small favor.
- Sure.
Can you find everything that's been sent
to this number, and give it to me?
This isn't your ex, is it?
No, this number is registered to me.
Okay, if the number is under
your name, it's no problem.
- You'll do it for me?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
Look who's here.
It's your son.
Your son, Arnar, is here.
Bodvar really enjoys having visitors.
Who's the loser now?
[Kari] I don't know what I should've
No, I deleted it.
Is she going to press charges?
The whole thing has spun out of control,
you know
Yeah, I know, but
I can't talk to you right now. Okay, bye.
Kari, I'm leaving!
[Kari] How are you feeling?
Your lawyer is on his way.
But we can chat a little
before he gets here, right?
Your sister told us that
you broke into your father's office
the day after he died.
I'll figure it all out sooner or later,
so why not just tell me the truth now?
You probably won't believe me,
but I may be the only one here
who really understands how you feel.
I know what it's like to be raised
by a father who hates you.
And everything you stand for.
To have siblings who
turn their back on you.
I know this feeling all too well.
To be neglected.
Neglected, cast out and hated.
The neglect hurts
more than the hatred.
I know how you feel. I understand you.
I know you.
I was in the same place as you.
Drugged out of my mind
and crazy.
This is a fine reminder of
who I am today and
from where I've come.
You know it's never
too late to turn over a new leaf.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.
No, of course not.
It started small,
and then it spun out of control.
The last thing I said to my dad
was that he was a loser.
And then I stole the money.
What happened next?
Do you remember?
Where did you get the knife?
How did it end up in your hands?
What knife?
- You don't think I killed my dad?
- Where were you the night he was murdered?
I was at home!
- Can anyone confirm it?
- Those who did this.
- Where were you Friday night?
- I was flying home from Spain.
What's going on here?
- Do you know where this is?
- Valhalla, isn't it?
A boys' home, just outside Borgarnes.
Dad used to work there. There's Dad.
- Is that your dad?
- Yes.
Do you recognize anyone else?
This is Thor. He used to work there too.
- This guy.
- And Brynhildur, here.
No, wait.
Her name was Brynja. We picked her up
in Borgarnes once. She lived there.
- This is Brynja from Borgarnes?
- She lived there.
Do you remember her full name?
[man's voice] Ragnar? Not another word.
I believe him.
Yes, but we'll need to verify everything.
He could be lying.
If he was not abroad, we need to prepare
a request for preventive custody.
No response. I can't reach her.
Are you positive it's her?
There's only one Brynja at her
age listed in Borgarnes.
Okay, we've got to track her down.
I mean, she could be the next victim.
[phone rings]
Borgarnes Police,
this is Hakon Jensen speaking.
Brynja Thorsteinsdottir?
Old Brynja? Yes, sure.
Really? Yeah,
sure. I'll check it out.
No problem!
No problem. Yes, all right.
Yes, goodbye.
Brynja, dear?
It's Hakon Jensen.
The Reykjavik Police are looking for you.
Look, Brynja trusted me with this key.
- And you have to respect that.
- Yes. Relax. Yes, of course I will.
So are you going
to give me the key, or what?
[Hakon] Tumi,
your team will walk the shoreline.
Eydis Yes, there you are.
Your team has the mountains.
And Rafn, you guys search the town.
And good luck, everybody. Great!
You hurry back to the station.
I will meet you there soon.
- Okay, see you there.
- Okay.
- Hi. Kata. We spoke on the phone.
- Right. Hakon.
Where is the Valhalla boys' home?
The Valhalla boys' home?
It's up here. Deserted.
You're not sending a team there?
No, I don't have enough manpower
to go searching all the way up there.
Not in the initial search.
How far is it?
It's about one and a half hour drive.
Okay, thanks.
Subtitle translation by Sindri Eldon
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