The Veil (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Crossing the Bridge

I need a day in London.
Then I'll get a flight to Istanbul.
I would like my name to be Imogen.
Why is there a military
uniform inside the camp?
GUY: That soldier's there for
the protection of a French woman.
She says her name's Adilah El Idrissi.
One of the Yazidis
recognised her from Raqqah.
they say she is, she's
a murdering bitch.
Women, children and babies.
Do you deserve to be hated?
- Welcome to France.
- Yeah, I hate France.
Why are the DGSC allowing
the Genie of Raqqah
to roam free and unrestricted
across the territory of a NATO ally,
with only your girlfriend for company?
How does a mother leave
her daughter behind?
Do you have children?
Explain to me why the beautiful daughter
of intellectuals and communists,
would join that ugly, brutal circus.
I would like to live long
enough to find out why.
IMOGEN: You should know that I have
absolutely zero idea what comes next.
We're only interested in one woman
who was at this camp until yesterday.
A woman who called
herself Adilah El Idrissi.
GUY: What exactly is
it you're looking for?
JOHNSON: Is this the tent
she was held in isolation?
- GUY: It certainly is.
- JOHNSON: How long was she
- inside this tent?
- GUY: One night.
There was a fight.
Some of the women
recognised her from Raqqah.
Said she was an ISIS
commander. She was stabbed.
Okay, target received blood
cuts in this environment.
Seal it off and put
everything into bags.
NOOR: Yasmina!
NOOR: Yasmina!
And now my darling Vi,
it's time for today
to say goodbye to the land of Illyria.
Silly girl.
ADILAH: I can't believe
you're still mad at me.
Yes, I am.
ADILAH: Because of something so stupid.
I need my injection.
Oh, you've seen me do it so many times,
it's really very simple.
Okay, I will do it myself.
No, I'll do it.
- No, no, as you said,
it's really very simple.
IMOGEN: Please don't do it
just to prove a fucking point.
Give it to me.
- Give it to me.
- No.
Give it to me.
You're a fucking child!
Let go. Let go, let go.
You just like hurting me, don't you?
As a matter of fact, I do. Yes.
Show me your wound.
No. You're not a doctor.
You know, when we get back
on the road, you can drive.
There's no traffic,
even you can't kill us.
IMOGEN: I couldn't pee,
the fucking shepherd is still up there.
Fuck, this is horrible!
So, you regret deciding to help me?
How can anyone disapprove
of belly dancing?
How can you care so much about
my opinion of belly dancing?
I don't care so much.
And I don't regret deciding to help you.
Out of gratitude, or
admiration, or something,
at least you could just
agree with me about the stupid
little things that I have
a strong opinion about.
Okay. For my sanity, you
are right about everything
- until we reach Istanbul.
- Until we reach Paris.
No, until we reach the French border,
you are absolutely
right about everything
until we cross the French border.
IMOGEN: The belly dance was
originally a sacred ritual
performed by women for women
and celebrated childbirth.
And prepared the woman
for the birth process.
I didn't say I disapproved.
I said it's another
Western corruption
of Eastern traditions.
- I actually took classes.
- Please, you shut up about it.
Adilah, when were you radicalised?
Did you say that word?
How much do you really
know about religion at all?
Because when I was in Syria,
I found out a lot of
radicalised Europeans
- That word again.
- They didn't have much
knowledge of religion.
And you're not religious because
your family were communists.
Only my grandfather.
Some women went to Syria to
find a husband. Was it a man?
No, it was not a man. (SIGHS)
Everyone always thinks
that, but they're wrong.
It's the older women
that recruit the girls.
And they know what to say.
The woman who took me in
told me that I could have
a more pure life with God,
away from the corruption of the West.
For the first time I felt
like my life had meaning,
and a purpose.
You look all right
driving a car. Normal.
Thank you.
But you're not. Because
you're a murderer.
When you are joking, can you
raise your hand or something?
All I did was shake my
belly and my arse around
to help me give birth.
But the murderer disapproves of that.
Please don't call me a murderer.
I'm right about everything
until the French border.
You are like the bullies at school.
Hiding behind jokes.
You know, I can't go to the theatre
because when the actors come on stage,
I have this terrible desire
to stand up and shout "Fuck!"
In situations like this,
for no reason at all
I say the worst
possible thing I can say.
You said you don't have children.
I don't. Can we please
overtake this fucking truck?
I need a cigarette.
ADILAH: Do you think I'm funny now?
ADILAH: You told me to fucking do it!
Are you going to fight me?
I think I've opened a stitch.
I don't mean to laugh at you.
You scared the shit out of me.
That is the number of a
friend of mine in Paris.
He's a doctor. We met at a
camp together, in Lebanon.
He calls just to make sure I'm okay.
I think he might be in love with me.
At least I hope he is.
If you ever need a
pen or a piece of paper
or just want to use the phone, just ask.
- This guy's in love with you.
- Damn!
Means I shall have to kill him.
I think they're looking
for someone in particular.
I'm sick of this car. Shall we walk?
(YELLS) Shit!
- IMOGEN: This way!
- Why?
Because I said so!
There. There. Hide.
- Where is she?
- Piss off! (GRUNTS)
- Where is she?
- ADILAH: Here.
I told you to wait downstairs.
You never fucking listen to me.
Is that your way of saying
thank you or something?
Thank you.
MAX: What is that?
MALIK: Before entering the fray
we are invited to sit quietly
and contemplate a great work of art.
The Louvre lends us paintings.
"Entering the fray," huh?
You guys at DGSE have a union
and a 35-hour work week, am I right?
- Does it help?
- We have an appointment.
Nope. Not getting anything.
Just a woman with a really weird head.
I saw footage of the fight
you two had at the airport.
It is going viral within
the intelligence community.
I hear a Russian operative
just happened to be there.
He made his own copy and is saving it
for their Christmas party.
You both need to realise
we are on the same side.
Our American friend put
the life of a British agent
who was undercover at
assignment to the DGSE in danger,
by sending in the fucking cavalry
on the streets of Istanbul.
And as a result, our
handler has destroyed
our only means of locating
and communicating with her.
Or maybe someone would
have contacted you guys,
but we are told by command
not to try to reach French intelligence
between midday and three
because they'll be at lunch.
Shall we swap stereotypes
or shall we swap information?
We know everything you know.
And we more than you know.
Target currently at large in Istanbul,
has been identified by six witnesses
in the camp as the Djinn Al Raqqah.
A woman of extreme interest
to us, who we believe
is a 15-year female
veteran ISIS commander
by the name of Sabaine Al Kubaisi.
The only one who's capable
of this kind of plot.
- We know
- However,
the target claims to be
Adilah El Idrissi from Paris.
We have no record of anyone
called Adilah El Idrissi
travelling to Syria from Paris.
The name doesn't show
up on any of our lists
of persons of interest.
Well, we have a different
list. It's a longer list.
Sometimes we skip lunch.
- Adilah El Idrissi is real?
- Yes.
And she may have gotten
mixed up with ISIS
but she has limited
intermittent activity.
She's not at the level
of Sabaine Al Kubaisi.
Now our intelligence also informs us
that she left behind a
daughter, here in Paris.
About a mile from
this building, in fact.
The girl is ten years old,
attends school in Aulnay-sous-Bois.
So guess what? At 8:15 this
morning, a 10-year-old girl
was intercepted on her way to school.
Strands of her hair were taken,
now here's where you guys come in.
All I need you to do is analyse them.
If the DNA in the strands
of hair matches the DNA
in the samples we took from
the refugee camp this morning,
then his girlfriend was in the car
with the little girl's mother
and her name is Adilah El Idrissi.
If the samples do not match,
then the target's
adopted Adilah's identity.
And your girlfriend is almost certainly
with the most wanted woman in the world.
You see?
No need for psychological
bullshit, all right?
No need for double agents,
identity games, paintings
of weird freaking heads,
just straightforward, old-fashioned,
"fuck you" American science.
Now if you guys can get it done quickly,
and not at your usual
pace of three weeks,
that would be helpful.
Seven to 10 days is not that far away,
we're in kind of hurry.
Sorry, sorry. This sitting is full.
You will have to wait
for the 7 o'clock sitting.
We're here to see Mr Demir.
MAN: Mr Demir isn't here.
This lady needs to get to Paris.
I've $2,000.
Mr Demir no longer takes out the trash.
- Perhaps you should leave.
Where the fuck did you get $10,000?
Who the fuck is Mr Demir?
IMOGEN: He uses this place
to issue fake documents.
I want you to travel as a dancer.
And what kind of dancer am I?
A belly dancer, of course.
How long have you known her?
She's my friend. I've
known her for ages.
I want her to travel as
a dancer. And a singer.
- She speaks English?
- No. At the border,
I will say she's a part of
the delegation of folk artists.
They closed the Galata Bridge today.
They're looking for someone.
I don't want her fingerprints in here.
I'm not doing this shit anymore.
Got too serious.
Fucking Daesh made it too serious.
Where the fuck did she
get money like this?
IMOGEN: Her father is a
wealthy man in Damascus.
He gave her money to get to Paris.
He's paying me to help her.
- Is she your lover?
- We are not lovers.
She's my friend.
I thought you said
she speaks no English.
Because the truth is she
speaks English very well.
But during the trip to Paris,
she will keep her fucking mouth shut.
No, she will not.
$2,000 now, $8,000 when you
give us the passport and papers.
For $10,000, you can also
give me a clean mobile.
Yeah, I will take one too.
I've invented a name, date
of birth, place of birth.
She's from the Eastern region.
For this money you better
make the passport good.
I'm guessing you're in a hurry
to get out of Istanbul, right?
I'll let you know when it's ready.
The center's library.
- Please wait here.
- IMOGEN: Mmm-hmm.
"O, it came o'er my ear
like the sweet sound.
That breathes upon
a bank of violets "
and now my darling Vi,
it's time for today to say
goodbye to the land of Illyria.
MARCUS: Silly girl.
They have my favourite book.
Kitab al-Bulhan.
"The Book of Surprises"
from the fourteenth century.
I used to love looking at these pictures
- when I was a little girl.
- It's beautiful.
ADILAH: My grandfather
would read it to me.
It's about Djinn and
devils and shapeshifters.
There's seven Djinn Kings. Right?
One for each day of the week.
They all have their own colour.
They can change into
anything, any animal
any person.
ADILAH: This Djinn is
"The Red King of Tuesday."
He was the one that scared
me the most. (CHUCKLES)
My grandfather said the
Djinn were gone forever,
but I still see him in my dreams.
I gave you references. But not my own.
My presence will be reference enough.
Do you know what the fuck you're
doing travelling with this woman?
So, you're a dancer, eh?
Prove it.
She will absolutely not dance for you.
If you're caught, she'll be asked.
- You have no right to ask
- The papers say you're a singer
and a dancer. Sing one of your songs.
DEMIR: Go on.
I have to be quick, Malik,
but what the fuck?
Who the fuck closed Galata Bridge
because you promised me I
would be allowed to do my job.
MALIK: There is no longer any
need for you to do your job.
What are you talking about?
Using DNA evidence, the Americans,
the fucking Americans,
not the DGSE, nor the DGSI,
have proven beyond doubt
that the woman you are with
really is Adilah El Idrissi.
She's a French-Algerian from
Paris and has a daughter here.
She's not Sabaine. She's
not the Djinn al Raqqah,
she's a confused woman running home
and she's of no interest
to us or to the Americans.
So, you can catch a flight to Paris
either with or without her.
Malik, you know that does not prove
that Adilah is not the Djinn al Raqqah.
The woman I am with is the ISIS
commander we are looking for.
The woman I am with
is the Djinn al Raqqah.
And I will prove it.
So now that we know that your
passport and papers are good,
we just stay on the bus to Sofia
and catch a flight to Paris.
So I can call my daughter and tell her?
Call whoever you want.
From now on it's just
me and you. (SNIFFS)
Be quick, bus leaves in two minutes.
You said you were going out ♪
But I heard you through the walls ♪
I said "don't go far" ♪
You had me searching for a reason ♪
But I was in the dark ♪
You and me after you and me before ♪
Time splits in two ♪
On both sides of the door ♪
You and me after you and me before ♪
Time splits in two ♪
On both sides of the door ♪
What a waste for you to
be pulled under the water ♪
What a shame ♪
What a waste for you to
be pulled under the water ♪
What a shame you can't hear me ♪
I speak louder! ♪
Thought you could keep me in reserve ♪
While you made up your mind ♪
Could I hold myself back? ♪
Well you found me unfaillible
but I know the taste of lies ♪
You and me after you and me before ♪
It's time ♪
Don't keep coming back for more ♪
You and me after you and me before ♪
It's time ♪
Don't keep coming back for more ♪
I speak louder, louder ♪
I speak louder ♪
I speak louder, louder ♪
I speak louder ♪
I speak louder, louder ♪
I speak louder ♪
You hear me speak? ♪
You hear me speak? ♪
You hear me speak? ♪
You hear me speak? ♪

I knew the truth about
you as soon as I saw you.

What is the truth about me?

That woman is a monster.
She is not your friend.
You've got 48 hours to get that
woman to tell us what she knows.
I don't work for you.
Everybody works for us.
Sooner or later.
I can't walk away now.
I'm getting closer.
I'm a little disappointed in you.
It appears that you've let your
emotions get the better of you.
There is a major attack planned.
They are using you as a pawn.
Who said you get to decide
what is good and what is evil?
Where there is chaos,
there is also opportunity.
Opportunity for what?
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